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Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 14th, 2002, 01:42:01 PM
The Planet Ylesia

The Hutt sat in the smokey throne room, his bulbous brown eyes staring at the four other places he'd set up for this meeting. It would be something the Hutts had never tried before, something even he was uncertain would work.

Gorgja the Hutt had taken over Zavval the Hutt's Ylesia operation after the latter had an unfortunate overdose of spice when his Hutt Spice Cake was made by a 'new chef'.

Too moota juba
Such an unfortunate accident.

However, now was not a time for power plays. Now was a time to consolodate and become stronger. It was time for the Hutts to make their statement in the galaxy.

Gorgja had called four of the most powerful gangsters not affiliated with any other Hutt league to Ylesia. Darja was a crime lordess out of Dar Soocha V mastering the art of gambling. Her casinos ranged from a 'hole in the wall' casino on Tatooine to several lavish casino/resorts on Coruscant and Corellia. It was rumored she was in the process of building one on Ryloth, but not confirmed.

Quorda the Hutt was son of the crime lord, Karo the Hutt, who was just beginning his own attempt at a Criminal Empire. He was young, impressionable, but an expert and maintaining smugglers in his employ. He'd hired a few smugglers for several runs on Kessel, eluding the security forces twice. Quorda was young, daring and ready to learn from anyone. In fact it was a 'favor' owed by Gorgja to Karo which was why Quorda was in on this opportunity.

Vargo the Hutt was probably the most powerful of the crime lords, Gorgja had requested here. A spice king, Vargo had set up his operation on Da Soocha V and had quickly expanded it to several systems outside. It was Quorda's men he'd used for a couple of his smuggling runs. Gorgja had a small 'gift' for Vargo, one he hoped the latter would appreciate.

Geeda the Hutt was the last of the Hutts the great Gorgja had asked to join, for two reasons. One, Geeda was a master at setting up legitimate businesses and sending her thugs to collect the protection creds offered. It was rumored she was 'in good' with the premier at Ryloth. The second was it would quell the small feud between her and himself over the rights to Ylesia. Were she to be included, he mused, she would back off on her claims her criminal empire was stronger than his.

"Master Gorgja," the silver-skinned protocol droid spoke, "The other Hutts are just beginning to arrive. Shall I usher them here?"

Koo Looma Ca Kraka!
Yes, show them in!

"Very well sir. They shall arrive shortly."

It was time for the Hutts to make their presence felt in the galaxy. One that would not be forgotten for a long while.

Geeda the Hutt
Mar 16th, 2002, 01:16:21 AM
"Eckto guba dun sanee, Gorgjia"

Geeda sucked on her spice-bong, the bubbles in the glass globe bottom tumbling in a familiar burble as her large eyes diilated further. Stuffed bodily into a huge coushioned chair that she would have probably outgrown by about six months. That was the time when her already volumous weight ballooned. It was also about the time when she lost Zavval to Gorgja the Hutt. She had gone on a food and spice binge for a period that lasted ten weeks and was it showing.

Her Twi'lek attendant nodded and replied. "Gorgjia maybe needs your help now Geeda - Im sure he will be as happy to see you as you are to see him."

"Lag doom na sindo?"

The attendant waved off the remark - "No, no Geeda. You dont look fat just........healthy."

Again the bubbles burbled. Geeda head sagged forward slightly.

And the opulant room where she was waiting the arrival of the other Crime Lords, and then to be ushered in to see Gorgjia himself, was filled with the sick sweet smell of spice.

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 18th, 2002, 01:05:17 AM
Tomat Geeda...Simmarrrr....

Ah Geeda welcome.

Gorgja nodded as Geeda the Hutt came in. She was still mispronouncing his name, as she had ever since she lost Ylesia.

(Something that will have to be changed.)

Tomat clar Hutts immegal. Condhar Geeda doom?

The rest of the Hutts should be here shortly. I trust you are...well?

He smiled noticing her girth, taking a drink from his cup, spilling some liquid over his body.

Vargo the Hutt
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:45:37 AM
(The door guards cleared the way as Vargo's massive girth undulated into the room. The bloated Hutt's eyes were narrowed and red, a sure sign of a recent indulgence in spice. Vargo shifted his weight, barking to his entourage.)

Joba, joba, ba bando ya bodi wuba!
-Food, food, you fools! Make this place festive!-

(A slimy tongue wet his wide, drooling mouth, as Vargo slithered onto a pre-arranged dais, with pillows around it. Settling in on himself, he greeted his partners in crime)

Gorgja edu Geeda, ando ba kee cha boko wana?
-Gorgja and Geeda, I trust your affairs are well?-

Darja The Hutt
Mar 19th, 2002, 11:24:19 AM
Darja arrived on one of her many lavish ships. Custom to her personal likes. She departed and made her way into the building with the rest of the hutt.

Her lsithering mass bulk of a body made little to no noise as she slitthered in.

Booda Con na Gorjia
Gorjia I am busy!

Greeta Greeda, Vargo.
Greetings Greeda, Vargo.

Geeda the Hutt
Mar 19th, 2002, 11:57:47 PM
Geeda blinked blearily at Vargo and Darja as they, too, arrived and waved her hand disinterestedly in greeting.
Geeda had the socical skills of a mop - largely due to her addictions - but despite that, she was no natural socialite by any stretch. Her lifestyle was a slaver and oppressor. Conversation didnt seeme to weigh much in that equation, even with her own kind.

In between inhales of the pipe, Geeda asked her host if everyone was here now, explaining condescendingly,

"Ingo doon sa lim donn oh, Gorgja
"Time is money, Gorgja"

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 22nd, 2002, 02:35:02 AM
Toomba shabba Quorda
We miss one more. Quorda the Hutt

Quorda timak shakarrr! Laka!
Quorda was to join us. He's late!

Gorgja looked at the three Hutts before him...Time was money

His protocol droid slowly strode foward, its joint mechanically sounding as it stood in the middle of the Hutts.

It spoke, "The Great Gorgja the Hutt has called you here because he wishes to declare a truce between the four families and bring us together under one name. The United Hutt Syndicate.

"Each of you have been called here because of your specialities. Geeda- legitimate business and exhortion. Darja- gambling. Quorda- smuggling, and Vargo- spice. With the Cizeracks controlling a portion of the crime in the galaxy and The Sith Order controlling Nal Hutta and Nar Shadda, the Great Gorgja believes a new cartel needs to rise up and stand tall above these individual groups.

"The Hutts need this as a rallying call. It will mean more credits for us if the resources are together instead of separate. Were our families together instead of separate, then the galaxy would fear the Hutts more than before, and would be willing to obey our wishes. Gorgja has contacts within both the Empire and the New Republic. Plus he has a few Sith Order contacts as well.

The Great Gorgja believes it will triple the profits for all of us, and increase the take elsewhere. He implores you to listen and agree with him."

Gorgja let it sink in.

Tooma sallah!
Well what do you think?

Vargo the Hutt
Mar 22nd, 2002, 05:24:35 AM
Choba wa?
-So thats it, huh?-

(Vargo's great girth leaned back as his eyes narrowed. His slimy tongue slathered his mouth with gooey saliva as he thought it over. Suddenly, the obese monster laughed a thundering guffaw, his fat rolls jiggling his entire frame)

Ho ho ho ho ho...ah ha ha ha ha!

(His laughter ceased, and he balled a tiny fist)

Vango wa me cha ubo madi. Ma wenga wubo ya boota. Com che cheesa ba bunga oobata.
-What do I have to gain from this? I live like a king on Da Soocha, and my coffers are as thick as I am. It sounds like you are jealous of my riches.-

(To emphasize his disdain of the idea, the enormous Hutt flatulated noisily,)

Darja The Hutt
Mar 22nd, 2002, 10:54:42 AM
Darja listened to the driod speaking. She didn't like the idea but she didn't hate it either. For all Darja knew the other Hutts were after her money in Gambling..

Gorgja, Ma on tammbe Hutts. Gret un padg Gambling jimo tada?
gorgja, you know I dont like other Hutts. How do I know they are not after my Gambling?

Darja had worked hard to get everything she has now. Even her Family of Hutts left her. She made her first casino on Tatioone. She refused to close it, reason it still makes a good pull of money at times. She had killed many of annoying pest trying to get her Money.

Geeda the Hutt
Mar 24th, 2002, 01:53:49 AM
"Doo bon gess onomay too sabbwa, Gorgja"
Good luck getting the children to play nice, Gorgja.

Geeda chuckled deeply, her eyes drifting first from Vargo and then to Darja as her sarcasm drifted thick across the room.

Their reaction was typical. Trying to unite the Hutt families was akin to trying to nail jello to a wall. And Geeda found it amusing that Gorgja was dead serious about the proposal.

Geeda thought it a brilliant idea - exactly what was needed to spearhead the Hutt influence in the galaxy once again, to bring back the glory days of Jabba. (Though she gave great care not to show Gorgja just how enthusiastic of this idea she was just yet). The trouble with the Hutts in general was they were all too individually selfish and had a Tsar-complex - she herself one of the worst.

Narrowing her eyes shrewdly, she decided to go ahead and ask what quite probably was foremost in the other Hutts minds..

"Twab oos dom gaduba cha, Gorgja?"
"And who would be leader of all this, Gorgja?"

Gorgja the Hutt
Apr 5th, 2002, 02:23:15 PM
Gorgja addressed each of them personally this time.

Kah Vargo, Gorgja sar mitok clar. Slmi takka coo salla. Meegat lac tokar sombah. Tal Gorgja slamh lika sama soomba. Hah Cla ditma maka.
No Vargo, I am far from being jealous of you. After all, Yslesia is under my control. And I live like a king here as well. I believe though if we call a truce and join in arms together our power can be stronger.

He sent his bulbous eyes towards Darja

Kah lika tooma Darja. Kaht Gorgja. Darja tal simba toka meeba soh takling timar (tooka Gorgja) Darja neej dima Darja kontlks tar sooma tlka.
No one would be after your gambling. Not me atleast. You have proven on countless number of times (frustrating for me atleast) your knowledge of gambling and your contacts are better than any of ours here.

Kilm toom kaka rema kom tolamr, meegat Gorgja tlak. Koom Gorgja alk lam tok mee to Gorgja moe Gorgja tom. Hutts tak somba maak Cizerak mooka ShadowFaene ar Sith Bree Hera. Kmoe sakac blam bar sooda mik Gorgja tomaks kartar saca.
As for who the leader would be, it is my idea. Plus, I do have the most contacts out there, thus I believe I should lead this group. The Hutts need strong leadership with the Cizerak having recently made a deal with ShadowFaene Fortress and the Sith Lady Hera. No one has made deals with us, and I believe it is time for us to make our play into the world of crime again.

Mlo taka char leyka makr jennmi sooma tay lorka sabba!
We each have our own benefits and detrimits but together we can become a force to be reckoned with.

Gorgja paused and waited for their responses.

Vargo the Hutt
Apr 6th, 2002, 06:41:02 PM
Cobo mi ba che bolo.
-I do not trust you.-

(Vargo's eyes narrowed to slits, as he seemed to brood)

Ba chabi wa dengo cu wam.
-But I will go along with this. It had better be worth it.-

(The obese slug swaggered its tail slightly as he thought it over. In the meantime, Gorgja's entourage began to provide proper amenities for such a grand meeting. Food, entertainment, and spice.)

Geeda the Hutt
Apr 12th, 2002, 06:38:11 PM
At the mention of deals, Geeda guffawed. Everyone knew deals were meant to be broken, and would be when one of the parties got the upper hand. That is why not many would align with the Hutts...they got the upper hand usually very quickly. The blonde sith toothpick probably already had more than she could handle with those felinoids. Better her than them, Geeda thought smugly.

"Igg oonda den sooba, Gorgja. Es loonnda cod abbahd"
"You have my support Gorgja. Lets celebrate!"

Reaching out with one grasping hand, Geeda lifted a "toomie" (a baked lizard-type creature) off the plate and dropped it into her yawing candy-pink lipsticked mouth.

Gorgja the Hutt
Apr 12th, 2002, 07:09:34 PM
Ho ho ho ho ho. Ha ha ha ha ha

That's two Gorgja thought as he watched Geeda eat the lizard.

Yo sakka deux. Darja, sama Darja klee?
That is two who agree. Darja, what do you think?

He took a drink of his spicy wine and shifted his eyes towards her.

Vargo the Hutt
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:32:43 PM
(Vargo's ire boiled under a thick layer of fat and oily skin as he fumed, watching the shrewd Gorgja laugh. He was up to something...he had to be, and Vargo would find out, and come out on top. But nevertheless, his curiosity was roused by the more-affluent Hutt's "plan". His red eyes swiveled to Darja, as he laboriously shifted his ponderous weight in her direction.

A serving droid rolled a large cart of various foods to the bloated Hutt. Turning his thoughts from such matters of frustration, Vargo allowed himself to be indulged, hungrily slathering away saliva from his mouth with his tongue. He reached forward in a shifting of blubber, hefting up a manhole-sized turtle as it slowly attempted to walk away. The turtle tucked its head and extremeties into its shell as Vargo dipped it into a small cauldron of drawn butter, bringing the creature up to his gaping mouth. He stuffed the shell halfway in his mouth, and with his slimy lips sealed around the shell, sucked the turtle's soft and defenseless body from the safety of his shell. Tossing the spent shell to the side, Vargo chewed the creature slowly, and swallowed, reaching for the pot of Klatooine paddy frogs without missing a beat.)

Geeda the Hutt
Apr 22nd, 2002, 10:00:10 PM
Before Darja could reply, Geeda had thought of another question and, politenessess not being her strong point, blurted in ahead of finishing what was in her mouth and ahead of protocol..if there is such a concept among the Hutts.

"Doong niba dos lib nosaan Gorgja? Toog dub needa soom ood oddansoom"

"Where will our Headquarters be, Gorgja? We will need a base of operations."

*swallowing loudly, she ran a thick rough tongue around her mouth*

Gorgja the Hutt
Apr 26th, 2002, 12:23:42 AM
Gorgja's mouth smiled as he placed a large paddy frog in his mouth, swallowing it whole.

Kar sooma Gorgja lma la Yslesia. Lma sakka ti moo. Lma sooba tima klakka dokoo simba plenats moo blan gimak.

My base on Yslesia. It is large enough for us all. It can serve as the home base, while the other planets in our controls will be the head of our operations.

Takka do?
YOu agree?

The large Hutt took another swig of wine, while he still waited for Darja to reply.

Darja The Hutt
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:45:06 PM
Crossing her blubbery arms across her chest. Darja looked at everyone. A slight smile danced upon her lips.

" Mi ne juju es, mon tagno. Gorgja. "
Alright I will be part of this. Gorgja.

She turned and looked at Vargo... She watched him eat the turtle and then start in on the frogs. She was happy that she never eat the food here at meeting of other hutts. For all she knew they were laced with something. But the look in Vargos eyes made the thick hearted hutt smile.

" Mi hors tani Vargo? Erop meeta miup Casino?? Itrs hoohota abinet..."
[i] Excuse me Vargo? Can I interest you in returning to my casino?? You will find better food there..."

Geeda the Hutt
Apr 27th, 2002, 01:07:12 AM
"What ploy is this Darja!"

Geeda slammed her meaty fist angrily into the serving droid and sent him sprawling - his food-laden tray flipping up high in the air and showering turtles, frogs and other tastey morsels all over the room.

Was Darja trying to make a more cosy alliance with Vargo? Had she made such moves on Gorgja? Geeda was suspicious and angry and insecure all at the same time.

She turned her spice-glazed eyes onto Gorgja.

"I wont be played a fool, Gorjga!"

Gorgja the Hutt
Apr 27th, 2002, 10:03:19 PM
Inwardly Gorgja sighed. This was the problem with an endeavor such as the United Hutt Syndicate, the suspicion of the Hutts against another. All five Hutts were far from friends, in fact, Gorgja hated atleast two of them. But...it was a problem worth having.

Desbuna, Geeda? Sakka sure nooba. Clia som kar Darja y Vargo!

A fool Geeda? THis is the first time I have heard Darja ask Vargo.

Gorgja motioned for the Protocol droid again to speak. It was time to play his ace.

The fact is, I could have killed you all this very minute, when you first walked in, than invite you all to discuss our merger. Cizerack laugh at us, when we are mentioned...Rodians stick with us simply because the Cizerack hate them. How much longer until someone decides to declare war on us? On our own Empires? Together we can avoid being destroyed. We are all rich within our own Empires, yes. But as a complete group, it means more credits, more power and more opportunity.

Geeda, your legitimate businesses have been failing because of lack of security...I can provide that. Darja you need spice to keep the patrons of your casinos drugged enough to continue gambling- and thus they go visit Geeda's restaraunts next door...Vargo can provide the spice, but he needs smugglers to get it to him, and that's where young Quorda comes into play. We all need each other, let us rid of our egos for once, and go at it like a true business.

The protocol droid relaxed then motioned to the door as a single man stepped out. His armor reflected in the dim light, a dull sheen to it. Wookie pelts draped over the right shoulder and in his armored hands was a very familiar blaster. A Mandalorian helmet rested on his head, and a backpack on his back.

Too maka, Gorgja sore Hutts loota sorba. Gorgja timak tak sarkosa, Hutt cla sakure Boba Fett?>

The fact is, I could have killed you a long time ago. I am certain you all know Boba Fett?

He laughed as he waited for their reaction.

Quorda The Hutt
Jun 19th, 2002, 07:18:34 PM
Being younger and smaller, Quorda need not use a repulsor couch to move. He slithered easily into the room, late as he was.
The young Hutt slugged in and did the equivalent to a bow in Hutt society, a restricted nod. Because he was late, it was better not to attract too much attention to himself.