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Inabrin Tain
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:45:47 PM
The soft green glow of the med-deck lighting coupled with the bacta tank bathed the two figures.

One was standing and the other was lying vertically in the warm womblike bacta.
From the outside looking in it appeared that the suspended figure was in his late 50s, in actual fact he was more in the region of 90 to 95. Using a coctail of drugs coupled with dangerous medical procedures the "Great" Issaal Tain, Captain and Entrepeneur had held back his aging until his fear had become his undoing.

From a console a medical droid clunked over to the standing figure.

"Master Tain, Im sorry sir, the Captain is not responding to the bacta, the damage to him is far to extensive," It paused, its interaction database searching for an appropriate line. "There is nothing we could do...Im sorry."

The figure grunted and paced a circuit around the tank, scrutinising the figure suspended within.

"Father," It was a emotionless statement. "You will be missed."

With that he planted an affectionate kiss on the tanks smooth glass and left the room.

The med-deck was a few levels above the main docking ring, and as the lift decended Inabrin Tain, the newest Captain of the Illarion saw his ship.

Yes, he had seen the ship before, but then he had been at his father's side, going to his father's ship, but now the ship, his home was finaly his to command.

Sleek and looking for all the world like a oversized fighter the Republic Sinar Systems Marauder-Class Corvette had never looked more beutifull.

It took several minutes to reach the vessel, but as soon as one boot fell to the deck plates Inabrin's sorrow fled, he hurried to the bridge.

He addressed the comms officer, an old friend,

"Ship wide channels open please."

He was answered with a sad knowing nod.

"All hands, this is the captain."

Inabrin Tain
Mar 16th, 2002, 02:49:26 PM
No sooner had the words left his mouth the vessel seemed to shudder, as if the hull itself mourned the loss of its first captain. As the ship gave silent voice to its grief, the bridge crew seemed to collapse, faces fell and a dark shadow seemed to settle on the face of every man present, from the newest crewman to the most seasoned officer, any who had served under the captain felt his loss keenly.

"Today my father, the captain was taken from us,"
Inabrin paused, and drew a deep breath.
"his passing will leave the universe a worse place, but we should not despair, I, as stipulated in my father's last will shall assume command, although he is gone, his vessel shall continue to ply the depths of space. Make the nessisary preparations to depart at zero six hundred hours tomorrow."

Turning to comms.

"Close internal channels."

With a deep sigh Inabrin Tain, newest captain of the Illarion, left the bridge.

Inabrin Tain
Mar 19th, 2002, 04:54:20 PM
Tain paced the upper command deck, pausing occasionally to gaze out of the forward window. Looking at the stars (and desperatly trying to ignore the bulk of the station that seemed to cling and keep him tied).

It would be only a matter of minutes before the final cargo and supplies were loaded but to Inabrin each second that kept him from the void dragged to hours.

Footsteps approached from behind. Tain had spent enough time amongst the ships crew to tell, without looking, that it was his fathers.......his second, Jaman Tanada.

"Commander." This turse greeting masked the raging impatience Tain felt.
"How long now?"

"Ahh...not long now sir," he paused and glanced at Tain and decided to get very precise very quickly. "Should'nt be more than an hour."

"Is that all?" Tain had returned to his stargazing.

"No....not quite sir, you see....its the pilots, of the forty-eight skipray pilots we had before youre fathers death we have only twenty-four now...you see, they only had a contract with youre father..at least thats how they see it."

Tain sighed.

"Well.....alert the station management of the missing crew, and deploy all eighty of the troopers onto the station, find those pilots and bring them back here, ohh yes, and give them a forty percent raise in wages."

Without further comment Tain swept from the bridge, only to pause at the threshold of his ready room to call

"Commander....we will be leaving at zero six hundred hours regardless of our crew complement, it is zero five thirty hours now.....get a move on please."

Inabrin Tain
Mar 20th, 2002, 08:38:23 AM
"All hands this is the captain, prepair for departure," Tain turned to Jaman "Have the pilots been located?"

"Yessir, it only took the mention of more money to bringem back to the fold." Jaman's bright smile withered before Tain's unalterable blankness.

"Very well, get to you're station commander, we are departing now."

Allowing a small smile to escape his veneer of detatchment he adressed the helm.

"Clear all moorings, bring engines to one quater speed and take us out."

Aura Munroe
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:14:17 PM
Sirens flared, a deep beeping rung through out and glaring red lights flashed in the eyes of the young woman.


She, Aura Munroe the ex-NR Starfighter and Ace of five consecutive years, slammed a balled fist down into the control panel of her X-Wing. Once again modern technology had let her down - history repeated itself. Lightening did strike in the same place twice, as this was the second time their had been a power failure in her craft in less than two months.


Helpless, Aura rapped at the keys infront of her to try and tap into the auxilery power system. Apparently after leaving her last crash site the team of mechanics had not tweaked the generator back up to servicable status, ergo leaving her with no thrusters, no tracking devices and no hope.

In a last ditch attempt to save herself, she opened an open comm. link frequency and began shouting into the mic. What came out into the void of space wasn't exactly what she had said, but it held the basics.

"This is NR Lieu ... power dow ... help ... ... X222.3485.231 ... "

Inabrin Tain
Mar 23rd, 2002, 06:15:13 AM
Stars blurred to starlines and the hyperspace generator thrummed gently. The whole ship seemed to stride over the nonexistant ground. The destination was the independant training station "Dependance".

Tain spoke from his command chair,

"Helmsman Anderton, ETA please"

The Anderton turned in his place and smiling at being recognised reported.

"Should be less than forty five minutes sir."

Tain nodded and turned his attention to the book lying in his lap.

At the comms station, Issul Vanda the self proclamed king of communications, (a title his peers were happy to allow him, as noone else wanted it) nodded off. Berore the Illarions departure Issul had spent a great deal of time in the stations bar and the subsequent hangover and cocktail of painkilling drugs were slowly taking a toll.

The panel that also served as a pillow chirped to life.

"Uhh.....Sir? You should take a look at this."

Tain's blue eyes pierced Vanda's,

"Ohh, what could that be, was it a particularly vivid dream perhaps, or did a little bit of turbulance disturb you so much that you just had to bring it to my attention?"

Issul looked panicked for a moment and then thought better of his timidity.

"Sorry sir, but were recieving a distress signal on an old NR frequency."

Tain cursed.

"Helm plot new co-ordinates and engage."

The ship lurched as it came about at speed, as the engines thrummed at a higher level Tain felt the increased pressure forcing him into his seat.

Through the forward bridge viewport a speck increased in size, and resolved into an X-wing, its running lights were barely perceptible.

"Lock tractor beams onto that craft and bring it in. Commander, deploy a squad of security personel to the landing bay and have a medical team standing by."

Jaman nodded and left the bridge.

Aura Munroe
Mar 24th, 2002, 08:24:55 AM

"Yes yes! I know! I heard you the first time!"

Aura spun in her seat, scanning over the array of dash control panels for something that might be able to help. It was then that she noticed the radar system. A large green dot was flashing in the very center of the rings that symbolised the space around her. There was another ship outside.

She span back around slowly in her seat to look out of the main viewport. In the distance, she could see it. Two specks. One a ship and the other a station of some sort by the looks of it. As she watched them, she noticed that she was slowly becoming closer and closer to them.

They were pulling her in.


Inabrin Tain
Mar 31st, 2002, 11:12:19 AM
"What the?"

The central sensor panel bleeped into life, starteling the attending officer.

Tain flicked his eyes over the jumpy crewman.

"Is there a problem?" he inquired.

"Well..the fighter just lit up sir, there must be a concious lifeform inside"

Tain raised an eyebrow and calmly opened his personal comms to the engine room.

"This is the captain, increase power to primary tractor beam, and prepair the secondary and tertiary beams incase of trouble."

Flicking a switch he routed himself to Jaman's personal comms reciever.

"Commander, we have a confirmed lifesign it the fighter, increase the security complement, and commander...if it comes to a fight, I want it alive."


Jaman flicked his reciever off and husseled his troopers along, they were close to the shuttle bay and the men picked up the pace.

Efficiant and smooth the troopers took up defencive positions and trained their blasters on the fighter slowly drifting inside of the protective environmental shielding, even from a distance of fifty meters it was clear that the little snub fighter had seen alot of action, and was no better for it, as the tractors cut out and the fighter came to rest the safeteys came off and every man got a little more edgy.

Jaman waved two of his deputies forward under the cover of his main force, they reached the canopy and popped it open.

Aura Munroe
Mar 31st, 2002, 11:22:04 AM
Aura cursed as she saw the visage of the huge starship closing in around her. With a quick glance to the left, she could see the assembled details of troopers - she cursed beneath her breath at this. Slowly and very subtly, she pushed a small blue button on the dash before her. It was programmed, ingeniously, to send out a distress signal to the personal craft and quarters of Sieken Kasstra.

"Aura... calm down. You've got the skills."

The cockpit of the ship popped up and Aura sprung upwards, blaster in one hand, remote detonator in the other.

"Alright, all of you kriffs calm the frell down and drop your weapons otherwise I blow this place sky high!"

Inabrin Tain
Mar 31st, 2002, 11:47:09 AM
The blast doors hissed open and Tain (as if he wasnt walking into the unknown) strolled onto the bay deck, he decended the gangway and came to a stop in a swirl of black and red silk. He turned and smiled wryly at Jaman before bringing his gaze to rest on the pilot.

She was attractive in a gritty sort of way, she clasped her blaster with white knuckles and he could see by her stance that she was ready for defence and not for an easy victory, she had nothing to fall back on and he knew it.

Again he smiled, a warm and genuine one, he took several slow paces towards the fighter with his arms extended in a welcoming friendly manner.

"Welcome to the Illarion, I am captain Tain, and you are??"

She remained silent.

"I understand, you have had a long and tiresome journey, please come with me, ill show you to youre quaters."

Again she made no move or noise.

"Ohh, you dont feel inclined to move, ohh well."

Tain turned and walked nonchalantly back towards his troops.

"Commander, OPEN FIRE!!!!"

Aura Munroe
Apr 1st, 2002, 03:06:15 AM
The troopers set out a barrage of fire causing Aura to duck down back into the cockpit of her ship. She looked about, panicked - how the hell was she going to get out of this one?


The fire continued.


Slowly but surely, the whirring of the blaster bolts faded, and the pilot stood up in her ship, smirking. She held her hands over her head, and looked awfully annoyed.

Inabrin Tain
Apr 1st, 2002, 06:58:05 AM
As the womans head came from cover, Tain felt a small surge of victory, he had been right.

"Commander, escort our guest to her quaters and place her under guard, she is allowed free movement but must be accompanied at all times,"

Turning to the pilot.

"I hope you enjoy you're stay with us, I shall meet with you this evening and we will have a chat over a meal, but until then, good day."

Jaman ordered troopers forward and husseled the "Guest" to the grandly named ambassadorial suite.

Guest my ass, theres somthing not quite right here.

After seeing to the visitors comfort he retired to his quaters and spent some time trying to excorsise his suspicious deamons about the girl.

On the bridge Tain was not dwelling on his success, he had ordered the engineering team to check the fighter and attempt repairs, he also remembered that he had a cargo to deliver, courtesy of his father. Loose ends were never his fathers style, mabey the old pirate had thought he would live for ever.

Tains musing was broken through by the helm officer.

"Sir, the hyperspace calculations are complete, we can get under way any time now sir."

Tain nodded an affirmative and feeling curiosly restricted by his impromptu change into dress uniform returned to his quaters to prepair for his little tete a tete with their unexpected guest.

Inabrin Tain
Apr 7th, 2002, 10:11:52 AM
The walk to his guests suite seemed to take a lot out of Tain, for some reason he was reluctant to spend any time in the pilots company, he did, however arrive at the ambassadorial suite and sound the door chime, with no answer forthcoming he quickly overrode the security lock and stepped inside.

Sitting in the far corner of the room on the most comfortable of the chairs was a figure, her face was obscured by shadow as the rooms lights had been turned off.

"Ohh come on, is this not just a little dramatic?" said the unimpressed Tain, "I expected somthing a little more original, sitting in a darkened room is for religous fanatics and those of the acting profession with little to no talent."

Tain tried the lights and found them working, as the illumination glowed gently he got his first close look at his guest, she had used her time to wash and dress (in a spare flightsuit)and under all the grime was an attractive face, and a toned athletic physique. The perfect killer. Tain grinned inwardly at the thought, now who was being the bad actor.

"Im sorry, i should introduce myself again, my name is Inabrin Tain and I am the captain of this vessel, who are you?"

Aura Munroe
Apr 7th, 2002, 10:55:02 AM
She couldn't believe just how damn unlucky she was. First a failure in her ship and now she was being held hostage on this vessels. With a groan, she turned to see the smartly uniformed man from earlier stride in.

"Ohh come on, is this not just a little dramatic? I expected somthing a little more original, sitting in a darkened room is for religous fanatics and those of the acting profession with little to no talent."

She snorted and stood up as he flicked the lights on.

"Im sorry, i should introduce myself again, my name is Inabrin Tain and I am the captain of this vessel, who are you?"

Folding her arms tightly over her chest, she canted her head to the side and smirked. She too appeared unimpressed.

"Aura Munroe, but you can call me Lieutenant," she said with a stoney glare.

"Can I ask why you're holding me here exactly? If you're looking to get yourself another pilot then you've pulled in the wrong girl."

Inabrin Tain
Apr 7th, 2002, 01:00:28 PM
Tain raised an irritated eyebrow and found his fists cleching invoulentarily...he calmed himself and adressed the Lieutenant.

"Well, Lieutenant, if you have found the swift answer to a distress signal at all inconvenient I would be happy to put you back on youre ship and set you adrift once more....would that make you happy?

Aura Munroe
Apr 10th, 2002, 08:00:24 AM
"No, actually it wouldn't. I'd prefer if at least you gave me some inclination as to where my ship was, perhaps then I could do some minor repairs and get off of your cause, hmm?"

Her demeanor was quite obviously arrogant, and she was trying her best to seem overly cocky and self-controlled infront of the man, though she doubted that the overall imperssion was being pulled off well.

Inabrin Tain
Apr 14th, 2002, 06:48:26 AM
Tains pleasure at the Lieutenants discomfort was barely contained, he always found that strong emotions in others worked for him most of the time. But feeling happy just because somebody was working themselves up was a little childish and he tried to compose himself.

"Lieutenant Munroe, I detoured my ship from an established trade route and expended resources in the recovery of you and youre ship, I then welcomed you onto my ship, at that point you felt the need to threaten my people with a bomb that wasnt there, after you were subdued, I still offered you hospitality without asking for repayment or treating you in a way that was nothing if not courteous!"

Tain took a long calming breath. The woman was getting the better of him, and he needed to distance himself from her.

He continued in a more relaxed deliberate tone of voice.

"I find youre attitude offensive and am seriously considering relocating you to accomodations more fitting, however, malice is not one of my qualities. Efficiency is though, and this meeting has been a waste of my time, a meal will be sent for, and I will let you know when my people are finished with youre ship."

With controlled military measure Tain turned on his heel and made to leave.

Aura Munroe
Apr 14th, 2002, 07:36:51 AM
With a disgruntled sigh, Aura thudded down onto the bed once more and groaned.


It was too late. He was already out of the room and heading elsewhere. She burried her face in the pillow and exhaled heavily. She'd called for Sieken ages ago, and still he wasn't here. Maybe he would never come for her? Perhaps he'd given up on her. No - he wouldn't do that. He must have just been sidetracked with something.

"Come on Kasstra..."

She mumbled into the pillow.


Why wasn't she using her time here to its full potential? There would be tonnes to loot on this ship. Infact, if she was lucked she could get the ship itself. All she needed was a plan, and luckily for her one was forming in her mind right now.

Inabrin Tain
Apr 15th, 2002, 12:15:24 PM
The comms channel chimed illiciting a groan from Jaman. He rolled over and glared at the chronometer on the side table.

"What the hell time do you call this then," he mumbled as he flicked the comms reciever.

"Commander, Its Tain, I need you to go down to the fighter bays and check on the tecks doing work on that fighter, report back to me immediately."

The comms cut out leaving a disgruntled Jaman alone with his thoughts.

So, the boss has doubts about this girl to...better get to it.

After a large cup of coffee Jaman began to wander down to the bays, he saw that the overnight team was still at it and made a beeline for the officer in charge.

He addressed the young man directing work.

"The Captain wants a report, whats the deal with this little snub?"

"Ahh, well...Sir..umm,"

The N.C.O. was a little nervous and worse for wear because of the hours he worked.

"We got power back to the onboard comp sir...and after a little searching around we found nothing much, just a comms log, we got it on hard copy if you need it."

The officer handed a data capture chip over to Jaman with a big grin.

The commander was in no mood for fools, especially at this hour.

"And what the hell do you think youre smiling at, get back to work!"

He turned and swept from the bay.

Inabrin Tain
Apr 15th, 2002, 12:40:03 PM
The soft blue of the Captains display screen bathed the room, it cast shadows into every corner and illuminated the myriad weapons hund on the walls.
Tain's little passion for weapons of every origin had succeded in covering nearly all of the wallspace in each of his studies on the ship (three in all), there was somthing theraputic, Tain found in the investigation of everything leathal...As his father said in one of his rare moments of meaningfull rambling.

"Once you know a things potential, it should hold no fear"

If this was true, Tain had very little fear of many of the popular armaments in use today, or even used in centuries past.

He turned back to the display...He was reviewing the X-wing's recovered comm logs. It wasnt a gripping read by any stretch but it could lead to information on that woman taking up room in his best acomadations.

His tired eyes drifted over a column that had been read more than twice already....and there it was....good god how had he missed it.
He flew to his feet and raced to the bridge.

"COMMS....attempt a trace on the highlighted transmision in subfile 'MunroeComms' find the location of the recipient..NOW!"

Wheeling to face a tactical officer that was as shocked at seeing their captain in his present state of agitation as the rest of the bridge crew Tain issued hurried orders.

"Tactical, perform concentrated scans on our location and a radius as far as our equipment can manage, keep all stations on secondary alert status and....damn!"

Tain raced to the internal comms channel keying the troop commander that would be on duty at this time.

"Commander, new orders regarding our guest, place two more men on her room at all times and restrict her movement...keep her out of all systems...and I mean all , Tain out."

Realising that he was acting out of character, Tain stood his crew at ease and returned to his study to await the comms trace.

Inabrin Tain
Apr 17th, 2002, 01:15:42 PM
Beads of sweat appeared on Issul Vanda's brow. He had been analysing the last communication made by their guest, although it was standard frequency and no bigger than a very short audio there was somthing very resistant embedded in the message that refused to give itself up.

The watch commander wandered over to Vanda's station gave the display screen a cursory glance before continuing his rounds.

C'mon ya little devil. How hard can it be to unlock a simple burst transmission.

Issul noticed a discrepancy in the data distribution over the messages surface, on closer inspection it turned out that the message itself had an auto update facility, taking information from the fighters nav unit and including it with the data burst.


Issul slowly ran a few simulations and then put the message onto the ships mainframe in a secure partition, he then recreated the environment that the message was used to (adding the unique Nav. data (faked of course)) before setting the message to transmit, using a crafty little loop in the mainframe programming to replay the message directly back to the fighters pilot..unknown to the message it had just bypassed all the paranoid encription and dilivered its contents directly to Issul.

With a trademark grin, Vanda reclined in his seat and ran the message.