View Full Version : Official Ep II Poster?

Mar 12th, 2002, 10:47:50 AM
Found this on theforce.net - this is supposedly the official poster for Ep. II.

I think it looks pretty cool, although it is missing Count Dooku and Palpatine, two figures I figured would factor in the poster. I also think it looks like the colors are off a little bit (Anakin sure looks red). But if this is the official one, it could be a working copy and may not be the final edit.

Natalie's looking good!!!


Mar 12th, 2002, 11:19:07 AM
oh my god coolness

Mar 12th, 2002, 11:25:50 AM
Very nice!

Mar 12th, 2002, 01:35:28 PM
Confirmed by the official site:

Mar 12th, 2002, 02:03:37 PM
Excellent! Seeing it amongst the other posters really brought it alive for me!!! Will May 16th (or 12th - still haven't decided if I'm going to the early showing) never arrive!?!?!?!

Mar 12th, 2002, 02:18:32 PM

Mar 12th, 2002, 02:28:53 PM
Wowzers!!!!!! :eek

Mar 12th, 2002, 02:56:52 PM
It's nice, but I don't like it nearly as much as you guys. I was actually partial to the Vader shadow poster myself. And I wasn't blown away by any of the SE posters either.

Mar 12th, 2002, 03:02:50 PM
the vader shadow was definitly the most ingenious and i too am partial to the orginals over the SE posters

but what i don't like is how small it is on the web i want a 1024x800 version

Mar 12th, 2002, 03:04:13 PM
I liked the SE posters. :(

Mar 12th, 2002, 03:14:49 PM
i didn't say i didn't like em i just said i was partial to the orginals

actually my favorite poster is the radio dramizatation poster for empire strikes back with yoda

Mar 12th, 2002, 03:17:09 PM
I have all the radio dramas on casette tapes. Lots of 'em. :)

Mar 12th, 2002, 03:26:51 PM
My Revenge of the Jedi is my favorite. I like the original ANH poster second best, but the one I have framed is the old serial version with Obi-Wan added on to the side. the dominant color scheme is brown/tan. I just liked the look of it. I still have to frame an ESB, the black SE re-release, the Vader shadow, and the first AOTC poster. I'm going to frame one from each when it's all said and done.

Mar 12th, 2002, 03:48:40 PM
Sorry, this one's my favourite, although the SE ESB and ROTJ are second and third

Mar 12th, 2002, 05:10:53 PM
Still my favorite is the ESB one with Cloud City in the background. Then the original ANH. But I do like the SE's alot. The things that bother me most is the covers for the widescreen box set. Using characters is different outfits from other movies. Like Leia in Cloud City gown on the cover of ANH. That really bugs me. Why not put Jabba in a french maid outfit on the cover of ESB while he dusts Madine's private quarters???

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 12th, 2002, 06:35:42 PM
I think it looks very cool, I think it is a lot better than the TPM final poster, which had way too much on it, I think this one does concentrate on fewer characters and also seems closer to the OT posters especially the one for the ESB. I know Dooku isn't on it but I think they want to leave him farther in the background still for know, and focus on Jango Fett, he is become this film's Darth Maul but he is a lot cooler IMO. Actually I think that is what McCallum was saying when you liked Darth Maul then you will love what we have in store for you in EP 2.

Mar 13th, 2002, 05:01:09 AM
I am going to have to play the negative role here, even though I am very enthusiastic about Episode II...

From what I see of this poster, it's a poor effort by Struzan. It looks dull, unfinished, a tiny bit shoddy, and just not at all as high quality as the other four posters. I think the ROTJ and TPM posters were the best, but I dunno, I keep staring at them and I'm not sure which ones are best. I like the ESB one because the TIEs are flying right at you, which is really neat, and I like the ROTJ one because it DOES have a huge amount going on, same with the TPM one, and that's what makes them both so strong.

The AOTC one had better not look like that when I get the full version of the poster. I mean, the colors, ugg, it looks like it's in 16 color mode or something, even next to the other computer versions of the SE posters and the TPM poster. I just don't much care for it.

It's not bad by any means and it will fit alright, but I just hope it looks nicer in person. So I am kind of reserving my judgment for that, although the TPM poster more instantly blew me away, this one does not. It seems to lack detail. Anakin, Jango, and Natalie all look too one-dimensional, but Struzan was able to bring 3D looks to the other posters.

I like the SE posters a lot, Struzan's style is great, so I don't agree with Jedieb there, but I do love some of the original posters. I don't much like the first ANH poster, if I am remembering right, but I love the first ESB poster, that's beautiful.

The Revenge poster is too, hehe, I dunno... simple and weird for me. It's just not appropriate. First the title, then the fact it is all red and black, yet the film is very much about the triumph of good over evil and red and black are both rather harsh colors. They are, in fact, my two favorite colors and pretty much the only (main) colors to be used on my movie review site, although I felt a softer approach as with the ROTJ:SE poster worked better.

AOTC looks like such a beautiful (if chaotic) film, I wish the poster did it justice more. I mean I am not going to just blindly declare it the greatest poster I've ever seen, haha, it's just decent to me. It's not his best effort. Maybe I'll change my mind after seeing it in person, a full version.

Still, oh well, the movie is going to rock and a frickin' poster, sheesh, I mean who cares. It'll still look nice next to my other posters, framed in these nice $100 gold-ish frames, hehe, I love that look.

My favorite poster just in general publicity is one I actually don't have, because I am too lazy or something to order it, haha, but I will soon. It's that SE poster where it says, "THREE REASONS WHY THEATERS WERE BUILT." Then it has the Star Wars: Special Editions, hehe. Amen to that. The rest of the movies are so distant, *yawn*. :)

Mar 13th, 2002, 10:22:11 AM
Just made a SLIGHT improvement


Mar 13th, 2002, 01:16:58 PM
my favorite poster that i own is a huge promotional poster from wal-mart for the star wars SE video release

and its my favorite because ya can't buy it making it unique

i also have a cool huge darth maul card board poster from a video game release that is cool as hell

Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2002, 01:21:30 PM
Anybody ever notice in the ROTJ SE poster, that it shows a scene from ESB :)

At any rate, the AOTC poster looks just dandy to me :)

Mar 13th, 2002, 01:51:50 PM
I think I actually like it better than TPM's poster.

Mar 13th, 2002, 08:08:22 PM
One of my favorite poster/promo items is my Trilogy video release Vader standup. I got it from my local Sun Coast video store and it's right next to the door of my SW room. The best part is I got it for free! Some of those promotional items are awesome. They've got great art work and make for really nice displays.

Mar 13th, 2002, 08:56:34 PM
I've got that stand up too. It's really nice!

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 13th, 2002, 11:36:38 PM
I think the poster is an improvement over TPM's maybe because of the Maul looking over them, it really makes the poster look too cluttered IMO. This poster is better in that way. I understand about the whole lack of Sith and no Count Dooku thing but I think they are trying to keep the mysterious of Dooku out of it, they want people to wonder who he is and what is agenda is, which is mostly a mystery from the trailers. I also don't think they need Sidious on there. They do have Jango on there who is one of the main baddies, I think he will become the icon that Maul was but at least this time I think Jango will deserve more because it seems he is the movie more and actually has some lines:p

Mar 14th, 2002, 09:42:32 AM
i got those sliders they out above the toys at wal-mart (3 of them ones from TPM the other 2 our from star wars)

and i also got that huge r2-d2 from b dalton

Mar 15th, 2002, 06:46:20 AM
The Maul thing was awesome on the TPM poster. I really love that poster, but the AOTC one really doesn't impress me much. Doesn't do much for me. It's too bad that it just does not match the quality of the posters for the other four films. Oh well, it's not that bad.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 15th, 2002, 07:26:36 AM
Jonathon, that's the first time I can remember you being critical of something to do with the movies.

That really mwans you must have really found something wrong with that poster. To be honest, I'm not really impressed either. It's okay, but I believe some of the graphical people here could have done better

Mar 15th, 2002, 08:44:19 AM
There's irony for you. Being one of the graphical people here, I don't think I could do better. I like more the more I see it.:lol

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 15th, 2002, 01:20:15 PM
I don't like the Maul thing because it made it appear that he was going to play a huge role in the film and perhaps the Prequels that to me was a mistake, he had a minor role really the only thing major he did was kill Qui-Gon. That is why I like this one better sure Jango is on there in front but he is a huge character because he is the source of all the clones (which I think will end up being the future stormtroopers) so in that sense is importance is huge regardless of how much screen time he has.

Starquest aka AndyR
Mar 15th, 2002, 01:36:57 PM
I like the AOTC poster except for one thing... Is anakin sporting a sunburn or what? Maybe they are trying to make him out to be "the almost vader" by making him look "intense" but to me he just looks like he has a sunburn or maybe bad gas. It also looks like his face was intentionally painted to be red, because his neck is colored normally.... as for there being no sith on the poster, maybe anakin is meant to be the sith? of course that transformatio hasn't happened yet...

And not only is there a scene from ESB on the ROTJ poster, there is a pic of the emporer from ROTJ on the ESB poster.... Hmmm...

Mar 15th, 2002, 02:19:47 PM
I didn't think Maul deserved as big a spot as he got on the TPM poster. He looms over everyone much like Vader in the OT posters. And Maul is no Vader.

Mar 15th, 2002, 02:24:26 PM
i totally agree with ya

thats what the movie missed was a strong evil villian like vader

i always thought maul was the silent bad type like boba fett

Mar 15th, 2002, 02:39:40 PM
Except with less lines than Fett, if you can imagine that!

Mar 15th, 2002, 02:46:03 PM
Well, he actually said more, they were just cut :)

Doc Milo
Mar 15th, 2002, 03:23:46 PM
thats what the movie missed was a strong evil villian like vader

I don't think that is a flaw in TPM, though. We have to remember to look at these films as one large story. Part of telling a story is progression. If we had a strong villian like Vader at the beginning of the story (TPM) then that subtracts from how strong Vader is as a villian later on . . . everything is on an even keel -- there is no progression from the weak villians/apprentices that Palpatine has had, to the strong. Maul being what he was is part of the story arc's progression.

Now, I agree that he shouldn't have had such a prominent role on the TPM poster. I think Sidious' face back there would have been more appropriate. After all, it is Sidious/Palpatine that is the major villian of all six episodes -- he overshadows everything in the saga, from engineering his rise to power, the fall of the Jedi, the fall of the Republic and the corrpution of Anakin Skywalker. Sidous' face should be where Maul's is on the TPM poster.

I like the AotC poster. But one thing I have noticed along with all of you is the absence of Sidious -- both on the poster and in each of the trailers.... This makes me think that perhaps we will be shown very early on in the movie that Palpatine and Sidious are the same person....

Mar 15th, 2002, 06:41:59 PM
I agree. Sidious really should have been the one to be in the background of TPM poster. Really, he should have been on all of them! I think the only one he is on is ESB special edition.

Mar 15th, 2002, 06:50:15 PM
I think they want to apepal to mass market. Sidious was a small role. Maybe he didnt want to expose him yet?

Also, old man in cloak isnt as good a BG as Darth Maul. And considering the idea might be it isnt BLATENTLY obvious to all that McDiarmond played two characters, so showing him my reveal it.

Mar 15th, 2002, 09:47:35 PM
the whole reason hes there is because he looks awesome thats why the fans took a huge liking to him

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 15th, 2002, 11:26:11 PM
Its not just that he was on the poster but he was everywhere, on t-shirts, magazines, action figures, I have no idea whose idea this was (the media in part I guess and maybe some stragetist at Lucasfilm) still it was a bad idea and should never have done. I like the approach this time better hyping Jango slightly (still he is going to have more screen time, more lines and be more important to the saga) and not hyping Lee's character of Dooku who actually might surprise a lot of people. I think that is brillance and will help the movie IMO.

Mar 15th, 2002, 11:58:42 PM
Well, Maul was a high-flying, killer bad guy. Just a short lived one. He had alot of market appeal with the tattoos, the eyes, horns and especially the double sided saber. While he was over blown in merchandise versus the size of his role, you've got to hook today's youth somehow! :)

Mar 16th, 2002, 08:45:39 AM
"And not only is there a scene from ESB on the ROTJ poster, there is a pic of the emporer from ROTJ on the ESB poster.... Hmmm..."

Face it, Drew Struzan wouldn't know a Wookie from an Ewok!! ;)


Well I am glad you guys all like the poster, I do not think it is bad, I just do not think it is good either. I will be buying it, though, it goes with the other four I have on my wall and I have my space picked out for it. I have about 6 times as many posters as I have wall space unfortunately, and that's definitely not a joke, hehe.

I liked the comment about how Maul is a weaker villain and the saga builds towards Vader. I think that is appropriate. You really don't want to have the first movie be the deepest in plot, the most complicated, and the most impressive, otherwise there is nowhere to go from there. I don't really like that. I thought TPM was perfect for an introductory episode, but I realized from the start that the film was there to show us Anakin as a young boy, make us see what a good kid he was (thus the deleted Greedo scene; good call George), and also show us just those smallest seeds of destruction that have been planted. How perfectly that was done too!! I loved it, and all the while it was incredibly entertaining.

When I heard there is supposedly going to be Podracing in AOTC also, oh man, that's when I started to think, "Ok, this is definitely going to be my new favorite Star Wars film." Not to say I am that easy to seduce, hehe, but I love Coruscant, it's my favorite planet, and it totally looks like we get AWESOME coverage of the planet in AOTC and the battle scenes, well dang, that could be the greatest battle so far on land. The lightsaber duels could perhaps be the most intense yet, making TPM's look like a training video among amateurs, hehe. The general story just looks stunning, really getting to the meat of this plot, I mean dang, can May come soon enough?!?!

The trailers so far really blew me away. I guess all new Star Wars footage really does, it's just amazing, really stunning to see the stuff that Lucas and his brilliant team come up with. He has the best of the best working for him and that talent just really shows through in the designs, the cinematography, the costumes, it's incredible.

All of this Star Wars talk is making me want to go put in my TPM DVD right now. I must admit I have not used it that much. I've been very busy and the last year has been quite unpleasant, so I've missed out on seeing the SW films in general much lately.

I must admit that what I really, really, really want to see before the prequel trilogy is over is a HUGE, EPIC space battle that makes the one in ROTJ look like a tiny skirmish over a cargo shipment, hehe :)

I know what ILM is capable of doing now and I just really want to see a big space battle that will, even in ten years, be the greatest space battle ever put together. Currently, I have not seen anything in the last 19 years that is better than ROTJ's space battle and I watch a lot of sci-fi. ID4? LOL, not a space battle, there wasn't one... Hmm, what else? I mean, Wing Commander? Hell no! There is simply no other movie where the possibility even existed for such a great battle and I've not seen anything since. Models or not, I thought the ROTJ battle looked perfectly realistic and awesome, so now I cannot even imagine what they can do with CGI and models combined. The TPM space battle was just tiny, not an emphasis of the film and only slightly important to the overall Star Wars story (because of Anakin).

I still think Hoth is the greatest ground battle, my favorite at least. TPM's is very good but I prefer tech. vs. tech, which ROTJ and TPM are both pretty much lacking. Not that it is a bad thing, it's the way the plot works and that's great, but as far as the pure battle goes, I think the Battle of Hoth is the #1 ground battle still.

Mar 16th, 2002, 09:03:01 AM
We definitely got more Maul on merchandising than the film warranted. Everything that ended up on the cutting room floor and all of his EU shenanegins have no bearing on the film. I would have liked to see him more because he was a cool character. The marketing made it seem as if he'd have a bigger role in the film. Jango looks like he's going to have a bigger role than Maul, but a more subdued marketing presence. I'm sure he'll have more action figures, poseters, cups, etc. than other AOTC characters, but you don't see him as being the focul point of posters or action figure cardbacks the way Maul was. Hey, how come Jar Jar isn't plastered over everything? ;)

Mar 16th, 2002, 11:22:04 AM
I don't know, could it be that everyone hates him!!!! :lol

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 16th, 2002, 12:56:04 PM
LOL actually some of the kids do like them, I have a nephew that does so, I am sure there will be some Jar Jar stuff out there (action figures, maybe another stuffed animal and a couple of T-shirts) but I doubt there will be that much. Actually Jango has more screen time than Jar Jar from what I read which is interesting but still I have heard rumors that Jar Jar plays a major role in the plot even though he has less screen time. I know he is a senator so he might do something huge in the senate.

Mar 16th, 2002, 01:33:51 PM
yea my 10 year old sister loves jar jar

sick i know

Doc Milo
Mar 16th, 2002, 02:07:44 PM
I kind of like the bumbling gungan.

Is there an organization I can go to, like AA?

"Hi. My name is Doc Milo. And I like Jar Jar."

Mar 16th, 2002, 02:46:15 PM
what i suggest doc is a frontal lobotomy

they have a do it yourself at home kit now

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 16th, 2002, 09:05:16 PM
I understand why kids like him especially 3-12 because he is silly and goofy which is why I mostly don't have a problem with him, he is there for the kids (maybe you could look at it in another that Lucas is trying to lure all the kids to the movie by using him) Actually I see Jar Jar like a Roger Rabbit (who was a silly clutzy character as well you didn't hear complaints about racism with him did you) I am actually curious to see how Jar Jar evolves in the saga especially is role in the Senate, I am guessing Palpatine will manipualate (like he has every one else) to do something he will later regret.
By the Way JMK I love your new Sig that one is so cool.

Mar 16th, 2002, 11:33:29 PM
Thanks JMC! It took a long time to do that one believe it or not!
Jar Jar and Roger Rabbitt are pretty similar characters, I never really thought of that.

Doc Milo
Mar 17th, 2002, 02:50:00 AM
To me, Jar Jar is more than "there for the kids." If that were the sole purpose to him being there, then I'd just assume leave him out.

But I see his purpose more to set up a tone motiff. He represents uncorrupted innocence. You see, Anakin does not represent that. Anakin is a slave, he is living a slave's life. He represents innocence, yes, but a different kind -- an innocence born to hardship -- and as thus, he is a sort of corrupted innocence -- there is anger in him. Jar Jar represents an uncorrupted innocence, as as such, represents the galaxy as it was, before the Sith starting their manipulations. Anakin represents the galaxy we see in TPM -- innocent, for the most part, but touched by a darkness that can threaten to over-come it.

Jar Jar is essential to this tone motiff -- as we see Jar Jar get touched by darkness, so we see the galaxy fall to it. The humor is a big part of this motiff. Slapstick, the antics of Jar Jar -- growing more cynical (we can already see this from the trailers -- Anakin: We decided to come and rescue you. Obi-Wan: Good job) as the saga progresses. In the midst of the dark times -- ANH, ESB, the humor is very jaded and cynical, the characters have more of an edge to them. And then RotJ restores a bit of the innocence, as the galaxy grows back into light -- the humor becomes more slapstick with the ewoks.

That's why I like Jar Jar -- I see his role as something so much greater than just an annoying gungan. He is essential to a humor motiff -- essential to the development of a saga-long metaphor.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:04:40 AM
Probably why we are seeing less of him, I also see a tragic end for him, either death or something else maybe a lot of regret for being manipualated by Palpatine.

Mar 17th, 2002, 10:53:38 AM
I'm not sure anymore if we'll see Jar Jar die. Seeing as though he's in the senate now, I'm left wondering if we will see him in action again. Yes, I know Padme is a senator and we'll see her in action, but GL has stated that there will be less of Jar Jar in AotC. Considering how much action AotC seems to have, I think Jar Jar will have a very limited role. Because of this, I think Jar Jar may fade completely into the background and we will assume that his fate is the same as the rest of the galactic senators - dissolved, permanently, in the words of Tarkin. Here's an interesting question; with all this talk of re-shoots for the OT for better tying the 2 trilogies together, how would you feel about a senate-dissolving scene in ANH with Jar Jar in it? Basically, how would you feel about everyone's favorite Gungan being in the OT? Would people who dig Jar Jar accept him invading the sanctity of the OT? I'm not so sure. I find Jar Jar annoying on the surface, but I really appreciate what his role means to the movie, and saga as a whole.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 17th, 2002, 02:10:33 PM
Thats why I said he might go back to Naboo in shame, and he could be seen as a tragic character even though he doesn't die (especially if he is manipulated by Palpatine) I guess its possible he could have more scenes in 3 and die some noble sacrificing death but since he is a senator I wonder, as far as new scenes I guess it would depend on how they are done and how they look.

Sanis Prent
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:17:37 AM
But thats something like 24 years away! In other words, we're talking LOTS of senatorial terms. Which would mean that Jar Jar would have to get RE-ELECTED!

Now I know its happened before, and we re-elected Clinton, and Strom Thurmond's been in Congress since before the invention of indoor plumbing...but no matter how detatched, ornery, and weirdly southern Senator Thurmond is, or how many Macanudo's Clinton uses in Internship fantasies....none of it could compare to the political scandal of a Jar Jar senatorial term.

I mean, check holonetnews...the floppy-eared freak has already caused a ruckus.

Mar 18th, 2002, 10:08:12 AM
Just to go back to Maul - the whole thing with the Sith was that they were silent up until that point. They could not afford to let anyone know of their presence until they were ready to make their move. As such, Maul was probably trained to restrain himself, and to keep quiet. The nature of the times for the Sith then could not allow for Maul to be such an outward villian as it would destroy the plans of the Sith. Just some thoughts as to the difference between Maul and Vader.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 18th, 2002, 01:42:14 PM
Well I think he will get reelected for two reasons, one I suspect he is very popular with the gungans who probably voted him in the first place, second Palpatine is runing everything and supsect he wants them their because he is easy to manipulate.

Mar 19th, 2002, 10:03:07 AM

For those of you interested - the poster is available now for ordering.