View Full Version : Cat's Cradle: Compromising Situations

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 12th, 2002, 04:52:14 AM
<center>Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we try to decieve....</center>

Sasseeri Reeouura fidgited impatiently as the holo cube flickered in front of her. Wherrre jis that fat Hutt? She wrinkled her nose, remembering the conversation she had held last week with Kajeela, the Director of the K.A.R. If Cizerack Inteligence got ahold of this conversation, she could kiss her career good bye. The legal one, that is.

Gorgja the Hutt owed her a favor from the trade conference in Arkanis. She'd cashed in on his momentary misfortune, and cornered him into a deal. Two percent of her profit. And all he had to do was betray the Hutts and hand over the spice cache. It was a risky plan, as the only thing Hutts liked more than double crossing someone was triple crossing the other person.

It would be a tricky job. Sass felt up to it, however, and was looking forward to the final planning session with Gorgja the Hutt. After all the pieces were in place, the game would begin.

Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:12:42 AM
(A new day brought with it the smell of fresh sheets, growing sunlight, and a headache. My eyes cracked open, afraid to see what awaited me, despite the pretty sunrise. I only remembered Sasseeri...and the eternity we'd gone through. Funny it all seemed a blur then. Now, I could remember every clawing, every domineering kiss, still wet with saliva on my memory. I peeled the sheets off my chest, looking down at the aftermath. Fresh pink skin lay in thin lines like tatters of shrinkwrap over my body. My right side swelled slightly, a deep purple bruise from a broken rib.

My tongue tasted a ferric tang as I moved it...the blood of my lips still evident. I hadn't thought about applying bacta there. I didn't like that taste. I was sore and helpless, like a street junkie on his second day of coming clean. With a moan, I sat up, and winced, my tongue running over the sensitve spot where my dental crown used to be.)

Ah frell...

(It didn't really matter. Even the massassi temples were falling apart. I suppose I could clear my schedule of doing Sasseeri's dirty laundry and getting the krasst kicked out of me long enough for a new crown to get put in. In the beautiful afterglow of morning sunrises and throbs of pain, I reflected on my present situation. I'm not exactly sentimental, but you can only kick a guy in the ass so many times before he pauses to think about how not go get kicked in the ass. And even then, he could only do so much thinking before he wondered if that was even worth the trouble. Even when I had the answer...it didn't matter. I'd brought up the notion that I could buy myself out of her pocket, and Sasseeri simply laughed in my face. It never occurred to me that she'd simply not agree to our terms. She was likely the kind of bitch to cheat at cards too...

...damn, that made her no worse than me at times. Maybe it doubly irked me that she just did everything I did...better. And I mean everything.

I stood up, suddenly realizing that I was famished. Of course, a beating like that will usually do it for you. I padded into the kitchen, shirtless and with messy hair)

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:53:49 AM
Saa was pouring herself an extra strong cup of caf when Sanis wandered into the kitchen. She looked him over with a practiced eye. Ssstjill jussst asss good lookjing asss everrr. Except for the large purpling bruise on his ribcage, of course. The other marks of Sasseeri's affections were not as evident after a night of bacta salve.

She sipped her caf and stepped out of his way as he walked past her, scrubbing his hand over his eyes. "Sssleep well? We have sssome talkjing to do todajy." The question was almost rhetorical. He obviously had not been doing much sleeping...either that or he'd slept on a meat grinder. "jI am...concerrrned about Sssassssss, asss jyou prrrobabljy arrre asss well."

The female licked her lips, trying not to stare at his body, and reminding herself that Cirr had already taken care of her this morning. A strange feeling swelled inside her breast, and a slight frown crossed her face. Was this sympathy for Sanis? She shook her head a little, her hair getting in her eyes.

Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2002, 04:01:47 AM
Yeah, I think its safe to say we're on the same wavelength on that.

(I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, passing close by Saa as I opened the door to the fridge. The cold air felt great against the hotspots of healing skin. I stood there a moment, hunched over, and pondering breakfast.)

Okay...I don't think she's got a clue about whats really going on, but thats only gonna hold out for a little while. Now I know, she's not gonna live up to her half of any bargain with us.

(I reached in, grabbing two slices of cheese, and 3 slices of roast beef. Looking for something to drink, I snagged the milk carton. Closing the fridge door, I arranged a little sandwich, and opened up the milk carton, taking a sip out of it.)


(I passed the carton to Saa)

Hey, try this. Is that past date?

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 13th, 2002, 04:52:18 AM
Her nose wrinkled up at the odor emanating from the carton. "jI can't beljieve jyou drrrank that." She plucked it from his hand and tossed it in the compactor.

"And, jyou mentjioned a barrrgajin wjith usss... Ssshe doesssn't have anjy rrreassson to thjink that therrre jisss an 'usss' doesss ssshe?" Saa swallowed a gulp of caf. "Becaussse jif ssshe doesss - Ssshe djid mentjion havjing me taken carrre of to jyou yesssterrrday." She shrugged, "jI wasss ljissstenjing."

"The barrrgajin jisss wjith jyou. jI am onljy a famjiljy annojyance." Saa scowled into her cup.

Marcus v4
Mar 13th, 2002, 04:59:29 AM
(A pink MARCUS unit zipped across the countertop, hoisting a decanter of coffee)

Saarreeaa, I have prepared more decaffienated coffee. I would advise letting it cool. Did you realize that 94.3 percent of all minor burns reported are caused by improper consumption of hot beverages? Do be careful.

(MARCUS set the decanter down next to Saa's portion of the counter, and wheeled to Sanis)

Sanis, can I get you a beverage as well? I would suggest an herbal tea, with antioxidants and beta-carotene. It will reduce your chances of skin cancer significantly.

Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:01:17 AM
(The little bundle of useless knowledge always came in at the worst times)

You can get me a nice hot cup of SWITCH OFF.

Marcus v4
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:05:50 AM
(The pocket droid's optical sensors dialated somewhat, as it scooted away from its verbally-abusive owner)

Well really, Sanis...that is a very inappropriate attitude. I am only looking out for your best interests, and with the amount of other carcinogens in your daily life, it can never hurt to reduce them. After all, healthy, wealthy, and wise, they say.

(The droid paused, processors running)

I suppose I will prepare some Bantai tea. My databanks recall you not particuarly disliking that one. It will be in the kettle, should you change your mind.

(MARCUS wheeled away, pausing by Saarreeaa)

Just remember, vitamins are important too.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:11:26 AM
Saa almost squashed the pink ...thing... as it wheeled by her on the counter. "Vjitamjinsss?" She chuckled at the antics of the droid in response to Sanis' brusque treatment of it. "And jI drrrjink mjy cafe just the wajy jI ljike jit."

Saarrreeaa reached out a finger and poked the droid module, nearly tipping it over. "jI djidn't know that thjisss drrrojid wasss capable of ssspeech, Sssanjisss." She flicked it over onto its side. "Couldn't jyou change the vox to sssomethjing a ljittle lessssss grrratjing on the earrrsss?"

Marcus v4
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:18:20 AM
(Marcus was nearly bowled over by Saa's prodding finger)

Pardon me, Miss Meorrrei, but what are you doing? I must attend to the tea.

(She then flipped him over on his side, tinkering)

Please, please. Don't touch me there...

(A beep issued forth)

oh.my.what.have.you.done? you.are.altering.my.vocal.specifications. please.don't.do.that.miss.meorrrei,that.is.most.ve xing.

(The droid wiggled around in vain)

Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:20:25 AM
(I took a bite out of my sandwich, laughing at the scene)

Forget it Saa, I already tried that. It just makes him whine.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:26:41 AM
Saa frowned as the tiny droid squeaked at her to cease and desist. She stood it back up, realized she'd placed it upside down, corrected his placement, and returned to her caf.

"Apparrrentljy jit doesss not apprrrecjiate how annojyjing jitsss vojice jisss." Saa looked at Sanis, ignoring the droid module. "Howeverrr, we do stjill need to talk. jI have quessstjionsss... jI mean, we need to -" She stopped, visibly flustered.

Marcus v4
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:31:27 AM
(After being partially reprogrammed and restored to default, poked, prodded, turned every which way but up and then back to normal again, MARCUS scooted away, putting distance between himself and the recklessly-curious Cizerack woman. His manipulator arms extended as he lauded Sanis for his rescue)

Thank you Sanis! I never doubted you for a second! Wonderful!

(With that, the droid sped away to make tea, before Saa could change her mind)

Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:37:53 AM
Alright...lets talk this out.

(I finished off my sandwich, wiping my hands on my boxers as I leaned against the countertop. I crossed my hands over my chest)

I'm not going to cut loose on you. I know you think my word isn't worth the air its spoken on, but I figure we're a package deal on this. Don't read anything into that, but we're both in, or we're both out. It makes it easier to survive if we stick together.

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 13th, 2002, 01:12:56 PM
"Sir..." a silver protocol droid mechanically spoke as it wobbled up to the large, greenish-brown slug on the daisis.


"Sasseeri Reeouurra is on the comm for you sir," The droid watched as Gorgja took a frog from its container next to him, wolfing it down in one gulp of his fat, bulbous mouth. A drink of some putrid green liquid and the Hutt was ready.

Sasseeri! Took loomah, khar somba!
She is...put her on.

For a Hutt, Gorgja remained healthy. He'd quit smoking the spice he smuggled 60 standard years ago. These days, he dealt with "acquisitions and removals". With The Sith Empire suddenly disappearing and their fleets going rogue, Gorgja saw the opportunity for him to grab a few planets, and increase his power.

He signalled for the droid to put her on.

Sasseeri! In mah taw! Gorgja semba!
Sasseeri, what can the great Gorgja the Hutt do for you?

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 15th, 2002, 01:32:17 AM
Sasseeri sat back in her chair as the holo of an enormous Hutt formed on her desk, at 1/8 size. She smiled in greeting, although there was no mirth behind her expression. "Gorrrgja, jI do not ljike jit when you keep me wajitjing. We have much to djisscuss."

The Cizerack half breed stared at the holo of Gorgja. You cerrrtajinly arrre rrrevoltjing to look at. Not like Sanis. He was so pleasant to look at that one almost forgot how dangerous he could be.

She'd taken care of his bite, and would continue to take care of it everytime he got the courage to assert himself. This little plan with Gorgja was the perfect opportunity to use Sanis. And he would feel used. Oh yes he would.

"jI have come to a decjisjion. Two perrrcent jis too good forrr you. jI'll gjive you one pojint fjive. And jI won't rrreveal to the Durrros the pjicturrres of you and that mjissjing Senatorrr's daugherrr." She smiled wickedly. "jIts a shame, rrreally, therrre arrre some qujite captjivatjing shots."

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 15th, 2002, 02:11:32 AM
Saa shrugged. He was right. Two were stronger than one in this case. Of course, two people who hated each other were usually not stronger together. Adversity had brought them closer than he imagined. But not as close as the Burning wished.

She had stopped trying to get him into bed months ago. Sasseeri had gotten suspicious, and Cirr had been quite offended that Sanis kept turning her down. It had been a smart business decision that had brought them together initially. And now... Saa narrowed her eyes in thought.

"jYesss, we wjill ssstjick togetherrr. Ssstand orrr fall, we go togetherrr." She raised an eyebrow, "Don't forrrget that, and jI wjill not forrrget jit." They had enough dirt on each other to put themselves into early graves. She sighed a little bit.

Sanis Prent
Mar 15th, 2002, 02:25:51 AM
(I watched her as she spoke. Her words were serious, but her demeanor...her body language...said more. There was something implied...something asked. But it was all unsaid. I could've written it off as one of the million unconcious flirtations she'd thrown at me, but it seemed a little more...genuine?

Like she needed my help, and my solace.

Hey, she'd stuck through it long enough to get my respect. Most people I knew would've weaseled out of it, or put a knife in my back. I couldn't stop looking for that knife, but I could acknowledge her, and appreciate her.

I nodded, cupping a hand on her shoulder.)

We're gonna breeze outta this mess on top of it all. Just wait. We might not be able to buy out of Saa's employ, but money buys all kinds of things.

(That phrase was deliberately open-ended)

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 15th, 2002, 02:37:18 AM
She met his eyes, and then moved her shoulder out from underneath his hand. "Monejy...jyesss. And Kessssssel jisss full of opperrrtunjitjiesss." She shifted from the more personal discussion to business smoothly. "jI hope jyou do rrrealjize that thossse Sssjith Empjirrre soldjierrrsss who werrre left on planet took jyourrr pajy jincrrreassse and bugged out sssjyssstem."

Saa grinned, "jItsss prrrobabljy forrr the bessst. One can neverrr afforrrd to keep the old help arrround when sprrrucjing up a place."

Sanis Prent
Mar 15th, 2002, 02:44:28 AM
(I smiled. She thought like a credit-pinching realist, and that was a good thing. It kept my feet on the ground. Standing up from the counter, I paced around the kitchen)

Yeah, well that was just a bone to throw them. I figured they'd bail anyways. At any point, its just a small incentive. With what I have in mind, we won't have to worry about keeping a tenth of the number of security that the Sith Empire had. Not to mention, we can get on a few people's A-lists.

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 15th, 2002, 03:10:33 PM
Gorgja's bulbous brown eyes blinked twice. Duros?

Cume Duros? HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Duros, klim kaka, Gorgja! Cizerack, Hum para 1 point 5 marh? Qua-da Kat Mama to likka tu cak Gorgja. HO HO HO HO HO HA HA HA HA HA

The Duros? *Laughter* The Duros are not a concern to Gorgja. The Cizerack demands only 1.5 Percent? What if the Pride Mother were to discover you were dealing with a Hutt? *Laughter*

He thought (Insolent Cizerack half-breed. The only reason I'm going along with you is so the non-aligned Hutts will realized they need to be aligned. Preferably with me. And if you think I'm going to take only 2% then you're wrong.)

Karta toomba. Conna lita. Gorgja sum tlak. Filla 1 point 7 marh lahk meeta clat. Lan Kat Mama to likka tu cak Gorgja

You are devious and treacharous. I like that. I will do it for 1.7 percent or the deal is off and the Pride Mother finds out about our deal.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 16th, 2002, 02:32:52 AM
Sasseeri threw back her head and laughed. It was a throaty, thick laugh, bringing to mind the sound of a whisperkit choking on a large piece of food. She regarded Gorgja, and nodded, "One pojint seven jit jis, then."

She shifted position in her chair, leaning forward a bit and resting her elbows on the desk. "jI rrrequjirrre the jinforrrmatjion about the spjice cache jimmedjiately. To plan ourrr operrratjion, jI need up to date layouts and of courrrse, the locatjion of the cache on Nal Hutta."

Pausing, she looked at Gorgja's holo. "That jis, of courrrse, jif jit jis on Nal Hutta, and not on Narrr Shadda." He had not divulged the information yet, which irked her. Although, if he had, it would have made dealing with him disappointing. One heard so much about the Hutts, it was nice to know that some beings actually lived up to their reputations.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:42:57 AM
Saarrreeaa leaned into the fridge and retreived a newer carton of milk. She tossed it at Sanis, unopened. "jYou arrre talkjing about the drrrojidsss?"

Sleet, but he looked good with his shirt off. She leaned back against the counter again.

Sanis Prent
Mar 17th, 2002, 02:19:45 AM
(I stopped in the middle of a chug, putting the carton aside.)

Yeah, exactly. All we need to do is get the manpower headache taken care of. If the New Republic will pay for their own prisoners way out, that would be great. I just hope it all works out like that. Keeping them happy will keep us in business, and maybe they'll chill on the anti-smuggling patrols.

(I shrugged)

Still too early to get it all figured out, but we're closer than we were before.

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 18th, 2002, 12:59:49 AM
Gorgja ran his tongue over his lips then grabbed a frog from it's container near his resting spot. He shoved it in his mouth, chewed it loudly, then burped after swallowing.

HO HO HO HO HO! Geera. Kalla som meegat. Clucluer som meetoo. Bakar clieat moggot sliam meeto

If you think I'm going to tell you now...you are mistaken. I will supply it to whoever you use as a method to steal the spice.

Klammat, Gorgja, gikar somma. Timar azurdiet!

And I will be sending my own help as well. In case, yours frells up.

Gorgja smiled again, then put another frog in his mouth as he bit down on it.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 18th, 2002, 02:26:42 AM
She nodded, "jI see jyou have a keen busjiness sense, Gorrrgja. Verrry well, jI wjill wajit. But not too long." Her eyes narrowed, "Do not toy wjith me, forrr Black Sun jis not somethjing that a fledgljing Syndjicate wants to become jits enemy."

Sass tucked a strand of hair behind an ear. "jYou wjill get jin contact wjith thjis man, as he wjill be rrrunnjing the operrratjion on the grrround level, so to speak." She pressed a data card into a slot on the holocomm, and Gorgja chuckled as Sanis Prent's holo appeared beside hers in front of him. A line of contact information scrolled past Sanis' mug.

"Everrrythjing wjill be prrreparrred forrr thjis deal by the end of the month. jI would advjise you to also be rrready, Gorrrgja. Sasseerrrrji out." She touched another button and the holo of the Hutt winked out.

Pulling out the datacard, she laid it on the desk as the holocomm dialed up another soon to be business partner. Sass drummed her fingers on the wood. It was so difficult to be two faced all the time. Wajit a mjinute, no jit jisn't. She almost giggled manaically as the comm connected her to -

"Varrrgo, arrre you stjill hjittjing the spjice? jI told you to end that habjit, you'll smoke yourrr prrrofjit marrrgjin away." Sasseeri smiled at the Hutt, although they both disliked and distrusted the other.

Vargo the Hutt
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:39:17 AM
Volo ya jambi tu neeja Sasseeri,
-Don't be too worried, Sasseeri.-

(The enormous Hutt shifted its weight on his dais, causing undulating waves of fat to course down his slug body. His hooka gurgled as he toked down a large cache of glitter, causing him to seemingly settle in upon is own blubbery heap of a body.)

Uba yo tembi yoska ba kari ta neendo. Ho ho ho!
-After all, I can always just increase the price...at the source!-

(The Hutt laughed raucously, causing his entire entourage of lackeys behind him to laugh as well. He tugged at a chain, and a blue-skinned Twi'Leki girl was jerked against his slimy stomach. A fat, bloated hand coarsed down her lekku, leaving a film behind as he listened to the half-Cizerack crime boss.)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:49:28 AM
Sasseeri's smile faded at the sight of the Twi'leki slave girl, but she continued her conversation. "jI thought that you mjight have been wonderrrjing what happened to that hjigh borrrn Durrros slave gjirl you enjoyed so much."

She picked up a second datacard, and slipped it into the console. "jI happened upon these the otherrr day. jI beljieve you know the 'grrreat' Gorrrjga the Hutt?"

Vargo the Hutt
Mar 18th, 2002, 03:57:47 AM
Cholo ba!

(The Hutt cursed thunderously, one hand slapping back, clocking a passing-by protocol droid across the head and sending him sailing, the other clamping down onto the Twi'Lek girl's sensitive lekku. She winced, struggling against Vargo's gutt as he held on, his temper fuming as his eyes widened.)

Gorgja, ja wambo ya gari. Noja pu ja mado weeta!
-That female-monger Gorgja. I find one that pleases me, and he takes her!

(The Hutt fumed, until a serving droid brough what looked like a giant margarita to him. Swiping away saliva with his tongue, the giant slug tilted the drink back into his huge maw, glugging it down as he simmered.)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 20th, 2002, 02:06:12 AM
Sasseeri waited for the Hutt's outburst to quiet, and then purred softly, "Of courrrse, therrre mjight be a way to show Gorrrgja that you wjill not let hjim push you arrround. jI have access to cerrrtajin jintelljigence whjich leads me to beljieve..."

She paused. Vargo was listening intently, and she shrugged slightly. "jI beljieve he jintends to use hjis posjitjion wjithjin the UHS to furrrtherrr hjis own pocketbook. Wjith prrroperrr motjivatjion, jI could fjind out morrre patjicularrrs, of courrrse." She smiled seductively at the loathsome pile of blubber.

Gorgja saw the business "hard as nails" side of her, but she always showed Vargo a soft underbelly. It was all a game, a ruse to trick him into believing that he could use her to further his own intentions, while all the time doing exactly as she wanted in the first place. Sasseeri awaited his reply.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 20th, 2002, 02:19:15 AM
She pondered his words, and nodded. "jIf the New Rrrepubljic wjill paiy trrransssporrrt feesss forrr thejirrr frrreed poljitjical prrrjisssonerrrsss and thejirrr fellowsss frrrom the mjinesss, jit would sssave consssjiderrrable expensssesss on ourrr parrrt." Saa dumped most of her caf into the sink, leaving the cup on its side near the drain.

"Have jyou allrrreadjy gotten worrrd out to sssmu - rrreljiable trrransssporrrtatjion forrr the spjice?" She found it hard to say the word smuggler, and the idea of doing business with the ones who were by nature bad for business was difficult for her.

Being a partner with Sanis was opening her eyes to many things that the Pride never would condone. Yet, there was profit here as well. It was a moral dilemma she would have to deal with. For now, however, she chose not to think too hard about it.

"jIf antji ssspjice patrrrolsss go down jin numberrr, jit won't be too harrrd to attract capable buyerrrsss jinto ourrr marrrket." Her nose twitched a little, and she rubbed it with her slim fingers.

Gorgja the Hutt
Mar 22nd, 2002, 02:49:33 AM
Gorgja shifted in he seat as he turned towards the man standing next to him.

Tomark, bounty hunter, Aurelias Kazaar. Tmliak tu.
Find the Bounty Hunter, Aurelias Kazaar. He'll help you

The man standing before him only nodded, his trade marked silence. With a wave of his hand Gorgja, dismissed him.

The man walked out into the streets of Ylesia, heading towards the spaceport. Gorgja watched as people scattered at the sight of the armored man.

Gorgja's Twi'lek advisor nervously walked up to him.

Kimi to saka, Gorgja? Toam slit tle y Kazaar?

Tama satuuh como ta kliuso. Tommo soka timli. Tu a alingak.
He is as dangers as Kazaar and even more so. They will make a great team.

The Twi'lek walked away in silence, preparing to send the information to Sanis Prent. It included Kazaar's name, but not who his 'partner' would be.

He keyed the datasender, and then pressed 'Send'.

Vargo the Hutt
Mar 22nd, 2002, 05:33:00 AM
Banco e yuba cha, onjee ubu Sasseeri.
-Your feline grace serves you well, Sasseeri-

(The Hutt's eyes narrowed, and if his race could, he seemed to smile. His large tail slithered toward his great belly, embracing his frightened slave girl in a possessive squeeze. His great head shifted downwards toward her, chins appearing out of chins as he did so. Vargo's disgusting tongue raked heavily over the girl's face and head, as she trembled, disgusted and mortally fearful at once. His great red eyes looked up to meet the Cizerack once again.)

Ko beecha wa wunga mo kee.
-What do you wish in return?-

(Vargo bade a lackey approach his dais, with a cage full of fidgeting creatures resembling ferrets)

Sanis Prent
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:29:59 PM
I've thought about that.

(I unconcously went for the tea Marcus had made)

The Kessel smuggling network doesn't ship out just because TSE heads out. If anything, they'll knock my door down to get my attention. They've likely been getting slim pickings around Ryloth and Da Soocha, and other places, so they'll see this as a prime opportunity. We've got the perfect opportunity to jam them on their takes, and get them while they're cheap.

(I tasted the stuff. It was horrible, but left me feeling refreshed)

Then again, we could always go in a completely different route.

(I smiled)

Think legitimate pharmaceutical research.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 24th, 2002, 01:57:15 AM
Saarrreeaa tapped a claw on the countertop. "Rrresssearrrch?" She sighed, "jYou lossst me on that one. Rrrjyll jisss the onljy drrrug jI know of wjith medjicinal usssesss. Gljitterrrssstjim enhancesss the mjind, momentarrrjiljy, at leassst. jYou can rrread people'sss thoughtsss when jyou take jit, orrr at leassst deterrrmjine jif thejy arrre ljyjing or not."

She smirked, "jIn fact, loverrrsss sssometjimesss take jit, to enhance the ...experrrjience." Saa winked.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 24th, 2002, 02:41:36 AM
She tsked, smiling coyly. "Such an open ended questjion, Varrrgo. But jI'd be lyjing jif jI sajid jI djidn't have somethjing jin mjind." Sass toyed with the edge of a datapad, "jI need the names of everry bejing jin Gorrrgja's entourrrage. jI have a ljist, but jit jis not up to date, orrr as detajiled as jI would wjish."

Sass looked at the holo, noticing the fear of the slave girl, and waited for Vargo's response. Then, as if she'd just thought of it, "And, jI would rrrequjirrre any fjiles you have on Kessel, prrre, post and durrrjing TSE's occupatjion of jit."

Sanis Prent
Mar 24th, 2002, 09:16:14 AM
Oh it definitely does...

(I smiled in a lurid manner, which was removed again once I sipped the tea again)

But thats what I mean. It obviously has positive qualities. I really doubt that its been studied. People are quick to form opinions on it, and write it off as a vice. I've seen nastier fixes get fed to a spin doctor who found out how to make a longer lasting light bulb or something. Its at least a great cover..

Vargo the Hutt
Mar 24th, 2002, 09:24:25 AM
Yuba ba jambe wo wango buta Gorgja hoto mangi
-My information on Gorgja is quite incomplete. He covers his tracks well-

(The Hutt paused to snatch a yelping creature from the cage, tossing it into his cavernous mouth as it flailed about. His jaws chomped down several times, crushing life out of it before he swallowed it more or less whole, down his gullet.)

Oto bandi ma heeto ja hubu ka dando Kessel ba
-But I could write a book on Kessel. They are my only serious competition. Since TSE came, I have lived like a king.-

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Mar 29th, 2002, 01:33:32 AM
Saa looked slightly distant, and then snapped back to attention. "Oh. Okajy. Then we passsss ourrrssselvesss off asss a pharmecutjical companjy?" Without waiting for Sanis to nod, she looked away, and glanced at the chrono on the wall.

"jI have to get jinto the offjice. Sssasssssseerrrji jisss pulljing usss togetherrr forrr anotherrr meetjing todajy. jYou'rrre exempt todajy," she stopped him from moving forward, "ssso go drrrjink or rrressst, orrr whateverrr elssse jit jisss jyou need to do."

The usual insults seemed a little halfhearted as Saa darted out the door to the 'lift.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 29th, 2002, 01:44:27 AM
Sasseeri glanced down at the clock. "jI hate to cut thjis shorrrt, but jI have a staff meetjing jin ten mjinutes. Send me what jyou have on Kessel and Gorrrgja's employees, jI wjill searrrch forr morrre about Gorrrgja's plans. jI trrrust you wjill fjind jit most...tjitjilatjing, when jI send you what jI have so farrr." She winked at the blubbery Hutt, and then hesitated for his farewell translation before ending the transmission.

The holo of the Hutt disappated into nothingness, and Sasseeri rubbed her hands together, smiling to herself.

The group leaders would be appearing in a few minutes. Only Gia and Keto'igwl would be attending from the Ryloth strike team. And Sanis was deemed unfit to attend by her niece. Considering how much they disliked each other, Prent would have to be near death.

Sass clicked the intercom. "Ss..Sally." Dammit was that her name?

"Yes?" Oh good, got it right.

"Have my perrrsonal physjicjian vjisjit Mrrr. Prrrent today."

"Very well, Ms. Reeouurra."

Sasseeri sat back, fiddled with papers, and waited.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 2nd, 2002, 03:56:34 PM
The man walked the streets of Kuat, searching for his target. But for once, it wasn't for a bounty. THe man had to find Aurelias Kazaar, a compatriot of some sort. He'd run into him a few years prior while on a job, but had never 'worked' with him.

The man was of little words, but knew where to find him. Silently, he slipped up to the apartment where Gorgja said he would be. He rapped on the wooden door, an odd sound coming from the armored hand as it hit the wood.

"Yeh, yeh inna minit," came a voice from inside. Kazaar actually was expecting a visitor this time, as Jaranda had informed him of Gorgja's job offer.

Stealing spice from the Hutts...what th'hell is Gorgja thinkin'.

Keeping his blaster drawn, Kazaar opened the door a crack. The armored helmet he saw made him do a double take.

"You? You're my partner?"

The short reply he got was, "Yes."

Kazaar let a sigh come from his mouth, "Very well...let's go. We gotta meet the Cat's Contact and get goin'."

The man entered the apartment, and Kazaar closed the door.

Glad Estelle ain't here. She'd freak this.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 4th, 2002, 01:30:56 AM
Saarrreeaa stepped out from the turbolift on Sass' floor, and brushed past some office assistants standing by the water cooler. They caught the look on her face, and scattered, going back to work.

Entering her aunt's office, she saw two other being were there already. One she recognized, but wasn't sure where from... and the other was the girl that Sanis had literally taked from the jaws of death. Gia Thorn. She narrowed her eyes at the girl, who looked a heck of a lot better than she had that night in their living area. What is she doing here? Sanis must have seduced her with that apartment he'd arranged for her, and ... but that didn't explain what she was doing sitting next to a hulking Twi'lek male.

And across from her aunt. Sasseeri waved Saa into a chair, beside Gia, and the Cizerack female sat warily, clutching her datapads.

Gia Van Derveld
Apr 4th, 2002, 01:58:31 AM
I entered the room, feeling a slight sense of trepidation. The Twi'lek, Keto'igwl, had been inseperable from my side for the past week. Whether by choice, or by orders, I didn't know. Things were a blur to me, my memory was incredibly fuzzy previous to my operation.

Ms. Reeouurrra had shown me the contract I had signed, and I still remembered most things. But there was a huge gap between meeting Jahn, and arriving on Coruscant. Had he taken me here? It didn't seem right, and I often found myself wondering what had happened to him.

New memories formed instantly, and with the same precision as before. And now I had a job to do, and then I was free. Or would I be?

There wasn't any time to think about my freedom, or lack of, because as soon as we sat down, the door opened again, revealing another Cizerack, this one a full breed. If Sasseeri was bad, this one was probably worse. Of course, she wouldn't have the chip on her shoulder because everyone on her planet felt that she was inferior.

Sasseeri had something to prove, this one probably thought she had the world in her pocket already. Cizerack are well known for their race related arrogance.

Ketoi Gwl
Apr 9th, 2002, 12:35:26 AM
Keto'igwl sat next to his much smaller partner, facing Sasseeri from across her desk. He had been running Gia through many different tests, and he believed that she would do perfectly. She was slightly muddled about some things, but her intellect and memory were above average.

No, that was under-exaggerating. Her memory was perfect. Perfect. Which was exactly what it would have to be for the plan to work.

His braintails twitched as Saarrreeaa entered the room. She didn't seem to be able to place him from the restaurant, which was good. The Twi'lek turned his attention to his new employer, who looked very pleased with herself. As she should be. After all, if she managed to pull off her plans she would become easily the richest being in the galaxy.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 1st, 2002, 02:55:03 AM
Sasseeri looked over her employees, and smiled. Mere puppets, but useful enough in their own right. "Saarrrrrrrrreeaa, meet Keto'jigwl and Gjia Thorrrn. They arrre not gojing to be jojinjing you and Sanjis on yourrr ljittle jaunt to Da Soocha V."

Sass had mentioned Nar Shadda to Gorgja, but in face she knew very well where the spice cache was. She only needed Gorgja to take the blame for the hit, not to show her where to make it.

Saa looked a little confused, but nodded to the two others. "Then whjy arrre thejy herrre at all?" She looked back at her aunt, questioningly.

She chuckled a little, a hoarse sound, like strangled geese in a den of hungry lions. "They arrre gojing to be vjisjitjing Ryloth, Ketoji's homeplanet. But jI won't borrre you wjith the detajils."

Sasseeri leaned forward, and began the meeting which would bring, ultimately, the power of the universe into her pocket. Spice trade was a lucrative as it was illegal in much of the civilized world. And she was nothing if not a shrewd business woman.

Soon the galaxy would fear her, if not by name, then by reputation. Black Sun would be whispered on every tongue. And if not, at least she'd have enough money to buy her way back into the Pride. But only as a last resort.

<center>( Con't in <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13186>Cats Cradle:A Thief in the Night</a> )</center>