View Full Version : Destiny: When Darkness meets the Light

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Mar 11th, 2002, 10:10:30 PM
Come one, come all! Bring your saber and step right on up! This is the first of what will hopefully be regularly scheduled roleplays to promote interaction between the forces of good and evil. The intent of this battle is just to be spontaneous and isn't meant to deal with any group's Headquarters or any planet takeover. Just for some roleplay fun.

Everyone who participates would need to be aware of the following:
1. no maiming, no god moding, no killing
2. only one on one battles, no ganging up
3. abide by the rules of common sense and fair play - each participant will give damage and receive damage, no one is untouchable
4. no judging, this is just for roleplay fun, not the pressure of writing or rank promotions
5. no OOC comments in the thread - any concerns about an attack or other move need to be addressed in private message or e-mail
6. masters need to keep watch over their apprentices and monitor their battles so as to make sure the roleplay is fun for all

Now since there won't be any planning involved other than who shows up, please be patient. Hopefully everyone will have an opponent to face soon enough. And with no further adieu, here we go!

:: It was a time of darkness and a time of light. The constant struggle between good and evil was almost as age old as the galaxy itself. Down through the generations talk of great battles between Sith and Jedi were the things legends were made of. There had not been an organized altercation between the two opposing beliefs in a long while, and the time for the inevitable was about to be revealed.

The Greater Jedi Order had established itself as the major light side faction in the universe with a well reputed tradition as the protectors of peace. Darksiders travelled near and far to face one of its well trained members. The longest standing Dark Side group, The Sith Empire, had its ranks studying the Dark Arts meticulously as well as training rigorously in combat skills and tactical maneuvers with the goal of seeking out the Jedi and demonstrating the true power of the Dark Side.

Growing restless and seeking to cause a bit of mayhem and chaos in the galaxy, members of the Sith Empire travel to the Mos Eisley Spaceport on Tatooine. Various Jedi can be found in shops and restaurants, and the Sith disperse to seek out a light side opponent, travelling among the shadows as they closed in on the light siders ::

Lord Gue
Mar 11th, 2002, 10:26:36 PM
[I]About 2050 years ago, among a brother of darkness, the seed of evil among non-sith was sewn for many generations to come, and though they had all but fallen to the jedi of old, they had made it quite clear that in any given confrontation, a sith could always match a jedi at any given moment. In that lesson the Army of Light and the Brotherhood of Darkness shall always be remembered, for it was these ancient clashes that begate all conflicts to come and would enevitably predict the end of all such conflicts in the future....

Mar 11th, 2002, 10:28:56 PM
Satine Capashen was eating when he sensed the darkness around the spaceport.

What the...? he thinks to himself, dropping a couple creds on the table, and getting up, his black sleeveless trenchcoat riplling out behind him.

Now, now, now. How many of you Sithies are around? And which ones are you? Satine sends out with the Force, unclipping his sabre hilt from his belt, and looking around for any of the Dark siders.

Keanda Arylar
Mar 12th, 2002, 02:55:23 AM
:: The young Jedi Padawan Keanda Arylar quickly moved along the walkway of the Spaceport on her way to pick up some training supplies as requested by her Master Figrin D'an. He had a powerful presence in the Force and she could sense him near her, keeping a watchful eye on his only student. He had insisted that she start carrying her lightsaber with her at all times and the hilt dangled awkwardly from her belt just beneath her robes.

Keanda's training had just begun and she was already looking forward to her next session in force training with her Master. Figrin was pleased with her initial attempts at healing, and was going to provide her with additional exercises on that when she returned. The Jedi Padawan smiled as she continued to walk, her pale brown robes swirling around her silently as she approached her destination.

Coming upon the small and exclusive shops, the Padawan's footsteps slowed as she entered the first store to purchase some leather goods. Gazing up at the walls of the building, Keanda saw many hand crafted weapons and various attire suitable for battle. She smiled as she dreamed of one day defending the galaxy from evil as she took a place alongside her Master and the other defenders of peace ::

Mar 12th, 2002, 03:55:49 AM
:: in the wastelands outside of the Mos Eisley.....on the high cliffs that surrond the city on two sides. A dark figure looks down over the sand plain before him. A Small line of dust moves across the waste. He is clad in black robes from head to toe.....even his face is covered by a black strip of fabirc and his eyes covered in dark goggles that cover the sides of his face so no sand can enter.

He rasies a pair of electrobinoculars to his face. He looks thru them and sees a speeder.......a very oridany looking one that is used by most of the locals. Could be something.......could be nothing. He didn't sense anything or anyone he should fear. The figure tuns and walks back towards a large ship that has set down on the high cliff. He looks over at the belly of the ship as an Elevator comes slowly down. On the elelavator, Two Swoop bikes. Large powerful Machines that where ounce for ounce faster then any regualr speeder,,,,,and twice as Dangerous to ride.

The cloak figure removes his googles and pushed back his hood and pulls down the fabric wrapped around his mouth. It was the Face of Rama Sha, his long hair pulled back into a pony tail, slicked back and a lot neater then it had been in long while. His beard was now also neatly trimed. He moves across to the entry ramp to his ship and looks up the ramp as he places the electrobinoculars back on his belt next to his saber hilt.

"You know I don't think my skin was made for this planet."

:: He yells it up into the ship and waits for the smart alec response that he knew was coming. ::

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 12th, 2002, 11:45:47 AM
The space port in Mos Eisley was quite the exciting place! The huge variety of species that were found in the cantina that Dasquian had just visited was amazing, as was the array of drinks provided there in. However, it wasn't quite his scene, and the Jedi Padawan had returned to the heat of the day outside to browse the market stalls.

Most of the shopkeepers were selling old rubbish; bits of broken ships, tasteless needlework and pickled entrails, no doubt each enticing to a particular audience. Dasquian found none overly attractive, though some of the primitive weapons that were on display were curiousity inspiring. Time after time the peddlers would approach him, offering their goods, and each time with a polite reply he turned them away.

Though he had only come here to look around and see how things had developed since his last visit, he had much more important things to deal with. There was a huge mass of dark energy growing all around the planet and it throbbed in mass like a beacon, summoning Jedi from all the lands to quash it.

Dasquian was one of them, and today that would be what he would do. Defend peace and justice.

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 12th, 2002, 12:03:17 PM
Unknown to the Jedi that so freely roamed the streets, something wicked lurked in the shadows. It moved steathily, presence hidden from all but those it wished to see it. Like the creatures of old, it warped and controlled the minds of the weak and strong alike, tailoring their thoughts to it's wishes. As an animal would, it stalked it's prey and narrowed down possible escape routes for the weakling before eventually trying to pounce.

The predator today had found a morsel to toy with, in the form of a Jedi Padawan.

Vega paced behind her in the leather goods shop. All around were brilliantly smithed daggers and blades as well as armour - breastplates, greaves and the like. The Sith smiled a little; it appeared the Jedi was in need of protection of some sort.

"Fine craftsmanship, eh?"

He walked into view infront of the girl, casting a glance downwards at her. The corner over his lip curled up, showing the thinest glint of his fang-like canine.

Lord DarkStar
Mar 12th, 2002, 12:34:34 PM
DarkStar hated this place and this place hated him. Last time he was here, well, that was history he just hoped the security forces here had forgotten his face. Then again he hoped they hadn't he could cause some havok. He could sense there were Jedi on the planet a little random destruction would hopefully draw them out.

Grinning to himself DarkStar pulled his hood lower, almost disappearing into the shadows he walked through, he headed for one of the more densy occupied area's of the space port, a little random destruction with an old friend should bring the Jedi out.

Arriving at an antiques shop DarkStar pushed the door open and stepped inside. An old man stood behind the counter looked up,

"Yes? Can I help you?"

He snapped. DarkStar smiled to himself, he had missed his old friend's voice.

"Shadow's conceil,"

He said simply, a code phrase that all members of the Death Guard recognised. The old man looked at him strangely for a few moments then bowed and motioned for him to follow.

"This way my lord,"

He led DarkStar into the back and keyed a code into a door lock, the door hissed open to reveal a explosives workshop. DarkStar grinned and picked up three thermal devices. He turned to the old man.

"These will do nicely, i'll be sure to tell you how it goes,"

He said, turn and left without another word. Moving to the bussiest part of the port DarkStar set the three charges then moved to the centre of the triangle of bombs and set them off.

Explosions ripped through the port, causing minimal damage and death, but creating panic amungst the populus.

In the middle of it all stood the Sith Lord, crimson lightsabre ignited in his hand as he stood motionless, waiting for the Jedi to come.

Nayala Palain
Mar 12th, 2002, 04:11:19 PM
She was dressed in her normal fighting gear all but her Cloak. This planet was hot enough with out it. Athena was sitting at a café not to far from where she had seen the Jedi, Satine Capashen.

She smiled as he called out to see who all was around him. Yet some how he had missed her. Her black leather gear stuck to her body as the sun was lifting overhead. She had already felt the force signatures of Vega, DarkStar and, Sith Master Rama. As well that of some Jedi.

" We are many and this time there are many of us.."

She stood from her seat and gripped her saber. Then with but a whisper of the force she called his name out..

Satine Capashen , behind you.

Mar 12th, 2002, 05:09:06 PM
:: A Sinister grin overtakes The Sith Lord's lips as he thinks of all the carnage he will cause. Phantom feels the blast from DarkStar's thermal granade, he smiles ::

Well they know we're here now...

:: He walks down the long corridor towards the main doors leading outside, He ignites his sabers and waits. The explosion
was surly going to send people running for their lives, which Phantom would gladly take.

Moments later dozens of civilians come running out, the first to be cut down was an older man, he had a limp on his left leg, he must have been a retired solder. With one slice the man lay on the ground cut in half. The second was a younger man and his girlfriend. Phantom's eyes lit up as he decapitated both ::

Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 12th, 2002, 05:40:55 PM
"Brother Phantom! I was sure you did not find this bloody sport to your nature. You know my idea's about Sith/Jedi relations. Force users are Force users. Alas, I can not let you kill though. These people have done nothing wrong! They are innocent! I will stop this maddness if need be!"

::Phantom turned around to see Jedi Knight Verse Dawnstrider. The Garou had both of his two grey Light Sabers lite. He was easy to spot. On top of a building he stood, his Druid cloths were easy to see. His long Ash-blond hair whipped in the wind in it's pony tail. He goatee was trimmed and freshly cut.::

"Come up here friend! I am sure you will find me to be better prey!"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2002, 08:31:45 PM
Xazor stepped up behind her Master, Verse Dawnstrider. She had heard about this large battle and decided to give herself fully to the purpose of the Light. She smiled slightly and bowed.

Master, I have come to help.

She said confidently. She then unclipped her saber from her weapons belt. Slipping her finger over the ignition switch, a blue beam shot forth with a hissing noise.

Who shall be my challenger?

She asked rhetorically as she eyed the mass of Sith that scattered the place.

Mar 12th, 2002, 09:14:05 PM
Satine spins, igniting both of his sabres, the pure black blades coming out with a hiss, seemingly sucking in light to the blades.

"Come on Athena. Let's get this party started right..."

the clothes underneath the JEdi Knight's sleeveless black trenchcoat ripples, and forms into quicksilver, quickly morphing into hardened leather combat armor.

"the tune has begun, the partners picked. Let's dance!"

Ket Van Derveld
Mar 12th, 2002, 09:47:27 PM
Ket chuckled as he looked upon his brother mingling with the young Jedi. He grinned lightly,it was good to be back. Yes indeed,He had much to do,much more slaughtering left in him yet. But not toda. Today,he would simply make his return felt.

"Yes,my brother,Fine craftsmenship indeed..."

His face was always a picture of camraderie. His black robes hung loosely upon his form,hood drapped down over his back as he slicked his hair up.

"Looking for something imparticular,or perhaps a light snack?"

Keanda Arylar
Mar 12th, 2002, 10:37:09 PM
:: Evil. It was suddenly all around her. Unnatural coldness could be felt by the young Padawan as she turned to face the strikingly handsome blonde haired man. As he smiled she returned the courteous smile, although noticing what she thought was a fang shining in the pale light of the shop. As she was about to reply, another disturbance in the force touched upon her as she looked over to another blonde haired man approaching.

With the tremendous amount of dark energy radiating from the two, Keanda had no doubt she was face to face with two Sith...and of great power as well. She took a deep breath and concentrated on the warmth of the light side of the force as it surrounded her and enveloped her in all that was good and just in the galaxy. Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at them both with a smile, while also taking in her surroundings ::

"This is a great little shop. It has a bit of everything if you ask me, although if you are looking for a snack I believe I saw the food court just down the way a bit. Do you all shop here often?"

Jyanis Scorpion
Mar 12th, 2002, 11:25:28 PM
The recently promoted Jedi Knight stood seemingly uninterested in front of a small, ragged booth. It was weatherbeaten and covered with dust, but he had to admit one thing. He was getting very hungry looking at the assortment of meats hanging from the twisted racks. In the midst, there were some dried dewback meats that caught his eye. He lifted his blue arm and pointed to them. The vendor -- a short, plump dark green humanoid with a long brown braid of hair dangling from his chin (or chins, depending on how you looked at him) -- rotated in place and picked up a handful of the strips. Jyanis asked for three and paid, walking away with one in his mouth, smacking it loudly as he chewed.

He had came here with a few others, each with their reasons. Jyanis just came because he liked the jerky, and he wanted a tan. Many jested him when he mentioned that particular reason, as they could not imagine what other color his skin would turn, but to him it was pale.

Meanwhile, he wanted to take in the sights, sounds, and most definitely the smells. Well the scent wasn't something it necessarily wanted to take in, but it was there and made the trip all the more genuine. He continued to chew on the tough jerky, when he stopped. It was getting cold outside.

Mar 13th, 2002, 03:49:35 AM
Strange, all these people running about today. You would think that there was a tournament in town today, but no there is only a few things that would cause this much traffic, chance is the cause today

Strider then began to sip his wiskey, at least at this bar he could drink. And, for once, the wiskey accutally tasted good. But alas the fates were against him. Well there is something going on out there, but I really can't join in right now. But at the same time I would like to know what is going on

So Strider picks up his wiskey bottle and shotglass and walks to the door of the bar...

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 13th, 2002, 11:52:33 AM
Vega looked from his brother back down to the Jedi and rose one eyebrow slightly. She reminded him very much of another Jedi whom he had encountered recently - then again, they all looked the same to him, meat for the grinder, all bantha fodder in the end.

"... I can't say I do shop here often, no. However I found myself somewhat... drawn to this particular shop today,"

He took one step forward, pacing infront of the girl, always keeping a watch on her out of the corner of his eye.

"You often find quite beautiful things in the most unlikely places..."

Vega twisted on his heel so that he was facing Keanda once more.

"Wouldn't you agree, my dear?" he said with a slight laugh.

Nayala Palain
Mar 13th, 2002, 12:39:37 PM
A dark and twisted smile crept along the lips of her face. Her eyes glisened in the sun light. She watched as the black blade inginted from her foe's saber hilts.

She had already gripped her saber now she ignited it. The blue-Violet blade snapped and hummed to life. Then she smiled and gripped her lightwhip. The same snap-hiss of a saber the snake like whip sank to the floor. The pure silver beam of energy hummed and crackled, as it skipped on the particals that rest on the floor.

He spoke to her.. "Come on Athena. Let's get this party started right..."

" How sweet you even remember my name. And sa for the partners picked and the song started...Sure. "

The Sith knight ran at the Jedi and flipped his head. Landing on her feet she kicked at the Jedi's back. Her boot connected with his leather armor that defended off most of the kick. Although the kick would send most people into a stumble forwards.

"Slow dance my dear or a faster pace? "

Mar 13th, 2002, 03:34:30 PM
"OH, fast. Very fast..."

Satine says, a grin spreading across his youthful features, both his real and artificial eye glittering. The Jedi Knight recovers quicker than Athena could have possibly suspected, and swings his left sabre up in a slash, which is quickly blocked. Using his second sabre, Satine distracts Athena, and then lands a hard side kick to her gut, knocking her down, and back a foot or two.

"Well, Sithling? Am I a good enough partner for ya?"

Aura Allei
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:12:45 PM
A potent disturbance in the Force could not be stilled, as the screams of the three engulfed her conscious like cutting shears. The Dark signature of Phantom was evident, as carnage surrounded his essence of diabolism.

Aura unclipped both titanium saber hilts, as two lances of cobalt blue and magenta spit forth in phosphorescent unison. She paced through the crowded streets nearing her objective. Observing the slain, she sighed as the crime purged her soul, and accentuated her drive to arrest another catastrophy. Aura merely stood there eyeing the demon.

"No more shall you destroy...Sith of Darkness."

Aura then recognized Verse, as she stood back and made sure no other Sith attacked the innocent.

Nayala Palain
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:38:21 PM
Athena smiled as she noticed he has landed a nice and well put kick. From here she noticed he had forgotten something. She snapped her lightwhip out and watched it snap against his ankle.

He must have felt the burning sensation on his leg, cause he moved it rather fast from where her whip was. She recalled her whip back as she jumped to her feet. With a smile she looked at Satine.

" ooh yes dear just perfect..."

Athena snapped the whip once more in the air as it crackled and hissed from partlicles that were floating in the air.

Lord DarkStar
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:41:28 PM
DarkStar felt Phantom's Force pressence, where there was Phantom there was destruction and where there was destruction there were Jedi to try and stop it. He grinned and headed for the signature, killing no one as he went for he did not like mindless violence it was not his way.

DarkStar spotted Aura Allei as he closed in on his fellow Sith Lord. Slowing down he called out to here.

"Here Jedi, I am your doom, come face me."

DarkStar raised Widowmakeer and prepared to deal with the Jedi.

Lord Gue
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:45:26 PM
[I]Standing on a rooftop overlooking the streets, he took his boot of the edge of the building and turned to say something to someone behind him. He turned back making another comment about it, he then pulled the man in front of him, launching him off the building.
Leaping in much the fashion of a cat he landed on all fours atop the mans body, crushing his rips in on his inner organs, killing him on impact.
He looked about with a great look of hunger in his eyes

Aura Allei
Mar 13th, 2002, 06:00:55 PM
Aura shifted to regard DarkStar, a Sith Lord, recalling an account of his long infernal history of abolition.

"Another demon to plague the innocent, I see. If you use one weapon, then so shall I, unless another of your brethren plans to attack me."

Aura deactivated her magenta saber, as it was instantaneously consumed by the hilt, and reclipped to her belt. The remaining cobalt saber was wielded before the young Padawan, reflecting the azure eyes of a Jedi warrior.

Mar 13th, 2002, 07:03:56 PM
Satine grins. This was going to be a good fight...

"Nice toy there...How long did it take you to mastre?"

Charging, and using the Force to ignore the pain, the JEdi Knight forms a small fireball behind Athena, and sends it spiraling towards her, the Sith spinning and blocking the flaming projectile with he light whip. Coming back around, Athena sees Satine come down with both of his sabres in a double slash...

Nayala Palain
Mar 13th, 2002, 07:33:31 PM
After getting rid of the fireball Athena turned around to see Satine and his two sabers on there way down upon her. She lifted her saber to hold off the brunt of the attack knowin one of the two would at least touch her skin. Once one of them did she cringed with slight pain. But as his saber hit her she landed a well placed kick to his mid section. This atleast would get the Jedi off her for the moment.

As for her light whip it was almost useless in an up close battle. She snapped her lightwhip and caught it around one of Satine's hilts. She pulled tight on the whip and freed his saber from his hand. Athena dropped her lightwhip as the two weapons hit the floor and dis-ignited.

Now the two were only armed with a saber each, or at least that the other could see.

" It took me long enough to Master it. "

Mar 13th, 2002, 08:20:33 PM
"Fair enough..."

Satine slowly circles Athena, taking on the attitude of a predator stalking prey, his eyes turning to hard bits of silver.

"Let's get this going on!"

Satine quickly comes in with a slash, and then backs off quickly, dodging a return strike, and follows up with a snap kick to Athena's weapon hand, knocking it out of line. Taking advantage of it, Satine jumps in, and slices...

Nayala Palain
Mar 13th, 2002, 09:22:19 PM
With out her weapon she had little to no chance of defending herself. Satines saber came down and she fell backwards to avoid the blade.

Once on her back the Sith Knight, casted an Illusion as her feet caught the Jedi's saber and pushed it back at him.

Her Illusion was the switch of bodies with Xazor. A Padawan learner under Verse Dawnstrider. Athena was the real body of the Illusion so that she could fight looking like the Padawan.

Kicking the Jedi off of her and over her she got to her feet. Looking and sounding like Xazor she turned and looked upon Satine.

" Brother Satine, why have you attacked me? "

The puzzled look on the Jedi's face was one even Athena would laugh at. Then out of nowhere two daggers dug deep into the Jedi Satine's shoulders. Athena recalled her saber and Ignited it.

" Brother you have fallen to the Darkside, attacking another Jedi. "

She stood ready in a defensive postision... Ready.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 13th, 2002, 10:18:45 PM
Xazor looked at Athena and saw what she was doing. She stood next to her Master and spoke to him through the Force.

Find Verse and that is where I really am, right next to him. Athena does nice illusions, huh?

Her telepathic voice was hinted with laughter as he looked right at her and smiled. She looked around then and grinned.

Why does no one wish to face me?

She said, opening her arms as a sort of greeting.

Lord Gue
Mar 13th, 2002, 10:47:34 PM
[I]Sensing a familiar power, not one he knew, but one he used he turned from his position to see a woman, her arms open, and inviting trouble. He grined a hearty grin and made his way over there with a pace slow enough to race a slug or a hutt

Ket Van Derveld
Mar 13th, 2002, 11:50:01 PM
Ahh,but Gue's sluggish pace was all for naught. For seemingly out of thin air,Ket stepped forward. He had felt this young Jedi from the small shop he was with Vega at and decided to find a light snack for himself. He looked to Xazor with a light grin. Standing there,his hood down,eyes afixed to hers,he pulled out that lime green saber he had had for years,igniting it. It hissed wildly as he held it there for what seemed to be hours,but merely moments. Then,in a flash of light,he hurtled toward Xazor with menancing speed as he cried out in rage.

"Defend yourself,Jedi,for now you have Ket Van DerVeld to deal with!"

Lord Gue
Mar 13th, 2002, 11:55:26 PM
[I]Raising his hand, open palmed, Kat stoped in midair, his form being hurled to the side of the building in which he had just exited. As the form of gue begins its deliberately slow walk once more. His grin becoming more twisted with each step

Mar 14th, 2002, 03:05:28 AM
:: As The Sith Lord turns his Crimson Eyes go ablaze. With out hesitating he fires a volly of force blasts towards the foolish Jedi. As Verse's deals with them he reaches into his cloak removing another lightsaber, with a flick of the switch it comes to life, the grayish blade illuminates Phantom as he watches his pray ::

Eve Siren
Mar 14th, 2002, 11:55:55 AM
Eve had appeared behind the Sith Lord Phantom, Verse Dawstrider and the woman who seemed like his apprentice. She had heard about the woman before ... And didn't really seem to like her. Xazor.

Appearing up to her from behind, she grinned under her motorcycle Skull Helmet as she grabbed a big lock of the girl's hair, pulling it back swiftly, hearing a slight gasp from the girl.

She remained silent as the girl struggled to get out of her reach. Getting quickly bored, she let go of her hair, but there was still a big lock in her gloved hand. She held it up towards the girl, tilting her head to the side lightly, as in challenging her to a fight.


Mar 14th, 2002, 12:14:05 PM
Satine gasps, and uses the Force to rip out the daggers and cautorize the wound before turning his attention onto "Xazor".

"I didn't mean it sis...I thought you were Athena...I am not fallen."

Satine disengages his sabre, his instincts, along with every trained part of him, thinking that this was, in fact, his sister.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 14th, 2002, 05:59:23 PM
Xazor looks around her and sees now that three wish to challenge her. She laughs slightly and looks to her Master.

I became popular really fast.....

She said with a grin. Suddenly a woman approached her and ripped her hair out. Xazor winced slightly and used the Force to block the pain from her mind.

You really shouldn't have done that....

She said to the woman. Quickly Xazor summed her lightsaber to her hand and ignited it. A bright blue beam shot forth from the hilt with a hissing noise. She stood in defense and looked at the three Sith.

I can only fight one of you.....and right now, I don't care who it is.....

She said looking from face to face. She had a strong disliking for the woman....actually, for all of them, but calmed her anger through the Force. She would not break the promise she had made....this would be a great test.

Lord Gue
Mar 14th, 2002, 06:20:17 PM
[I]Michael look to the heavens and let loose a blood curdeling scream as he shoot past all in his way. He quickly dived at the ground, sumersaulting into her legs, knocking her back then raised his hand and cought hers before she could bring her lightsaber down to bare on him

Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:45:38 PM
"Xazor, handle Eve. Careful though, she is powerful. Her rage is her weakness though."

::Verse jumped off the building and used the Force to slow his fall. It was not far from the ground so he landed with ease. He watched as the Sith's saber was ignited. Verse held his two blades out. Verse ginned as he got in a defensive stance waiting for Phantom.::

"Lord of Darkness! You time has come. Face me once more! Face the Grim Reaper!"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:51:05 PM
Xazor nodded as Verse spoke.

Yes, Master.....I shall be mindful of all you have taught me. Rage is not the way.....

She said to him and then focused her attention on Eve.

Looks like it's me and you......

Xazor stepped forward and held her saber in defense in front of her.

Lord DarkStar
Mar 15th, 2002, 09:33:13 AM
DarkStar laughed, even in the currnet situation it was a plesant sound.

"Use two sabre, or four sabres, I care not, I will still beat you,"

Reaching out with the Force DarkStar quickly scanned his own defences making sure they were fully intact. His Force hardened armour, worn for nearly 600 years had no obvious cracks or damage, it would still serve to turn a lightsabre for at least one blow.

DarkStar finally looked at the Jedi across from him and bowed though never took his eyes from his opponent. This done he advanced slowly, blade held in a defencive possition as he began to circle to the left of the Jedi and her cobalt sabre.

Nayala Palain
Mar 15th, 2002, 10:59:14 AM
Athena smiled as she watched the guard of the Jedi fall. Her Illusion had done wonders for this fight.

" Satine, you have fallen...I came to see what had happened over here and then you just attacked me. Your rage and anger have gotten the better of you. "

Athena/Xazor started to walk towards the Jedi. All of this bull she was sputtering out was going to make her sick.

Mar 15th, 2002, 03:03:04 PM
"I didn't mean it. Really..."

Satine shuits off his sabre, and looks.

Aura Allei
Mar 15th, 2002, 04:54:55 PM
Aura mirrored his gesture, capitulating into a bow, and turned to follow him, so the Sith Lord faced her the whole time he navigated about her.

"Your overconfidence shall seal your demise in time, Sith Lord. I merely relinquished one saber to even the odds. I fight with honor."

Mar 16th, 2002, 03:11:34 AM
Outside of the Mos Eisley.....

"................................" There was no reply from the ship. It had been several minutes already. His first instinct would've been to venture forward and find out what was going on, but she had been somewhat... moody on the way there. Still wondering how Rama "lost" one of their daughters...

Nuriko Sha finally emerged from the ship, covered in a dark red cloak, slightly opened so that her black clothing underneath was just in view. She walked halfway down the ramp and looked at him. "Why have we come here?"

Mar 16th, 2002, 03:14:59 AM
"Summoned......Jedi are gathering here. And I long to feel their blood between my fingers."

:: Rama pointed out over the landscape at the town ::

"There.........but nothing to fear. There are not two there yet that can match our power. This will be more fun then Challenge."

Mar 16th, 2002, 03:22:20 AM
"Jedi.... are boring."

Mar 16th, 2002, 03:28:49 AM
"And what would you rather do my dear?"

Mar 16th, 2002, 03:37:28 AM
She narrowed her eyes in thought. The "darkness" she had once possessed was waning. If she was even considered to be half a Sith before, who knew what she was now. In fact, it seemed below her now to chase after pathetic mice like a hungry, mangy cat.

She smiled. "I'm sorry if I seemed to whine. Just... attacking useless, stagnant Jedi has seemed to lose some appeal for me." Nuriko looked towards him. "But since we're here already, no reason why I should deprive your amusement." ^__~

Mar 16th, 2002, 03:42:22 AM
It's not mere amusement my dear.......

:: Rama looked back out over the plain that lay before Him ::

....If we don't do this to them, they'll try to do the same to us latter, the amusement is just an added bonus.

Mar 16th, 2002, 03:46:51 AM
"Would they? Doesn't seem to be their style. Unless they've changed within the last few months..... But as you wish." She gave a slight nod. "Let's go."

Keanda Arylar
Mar 16th, 2002, 04:03:36 AM
:: Keanda watched one of the men leave suddenly, and then turned back to look upon the handsome blonde haired man with puzzlement. Here she thought he was a Sith, but he was being very kind to her...so perhaps her initial instincts were incorrect. With a smile, Keanda walked over to a side table while keeping him in sight, and lifted up a shield ::

"I do know what you mean. The hours spent on crafting such a fine piece of work, like this for example, truly makes them even more beautiful. Is there a particular leather good you are looking to purchase today? I have shopped here quite often. Maybe I could be of some assistance."

:: The Padawan smiled genuinely at the man ::

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:40:58 AM
Dasquian looked away from the stalls as he felt two particularly strong force signatures in the area. He looked over to see a couple walking nearby - a red haired woman and rather worn looking man; most definetly Sith.

Calmly, he placed down the small pouch he had been browsing and walked away from the stall towards the two. The Padawan, to most, would have seemed suicidal - but it was his duty to deal with Sith.

He approached Rama and Nuriko and offered a bow,


Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:52:51 AM
Vega watched as the Jedi hefted a shield into the air, feigning an agreeable smile.

"I'm in search of something more ... rare. Not your everyday trinket."

He paced forward slowly and stood before her, inspecting the shield that she held.

"Infact ... I believe there is only one of these in the whole of the universe."

As the girl stared up at him naively, Vega's hand moved outwards, only slightly. In that instant the shield was pushed backwards forcefully straight into the back wall of the shop with Keanda held beneath it, crushing the girl against the brick work.

"Namely, one Jedi Padawan to toy with."

Nayala Palain
Mar 16th, 2002, 12:30:31 PM
Athena/Xazor smiled a warm and kind smile. She walked over to Satine and brushed her hand across his face.

" Im sure you didn't mean it Brother. I trust you, I always have. "

She slipped her arm around and under his neck, trailing her fingers around the base of his neck as she walked behind him. Then in a fast movment her left arm was around his neck and she whispered in his ear, as Xazor...

" Brother I shall return you to the place you belong.."

As Athena in a chilling Ice cold sinister tone...

" The Darkness. "

She pushed her sabers hilt against the side of his body and held his neck.

Her Illusion of Xazor fell and all Satine could hear and feel the was the darkness of the Sith Knight.

Mar 16th, 2002, 03:51:06 PM
Satine growls, his anger rising.

"Damn you Athena. Damn you."

The Jedi Knight taps into the Force, trying to conjure one of his fireballs.

Lord DarkStar
Mar 16th, 2002, 04:49:53 PM
DarkStar incline his head slightly,

"Then you have my respect Jedi,"

As soon as the final word left his lips DarkStar attacked, moving with speed that made him seem a blurr the Sith Lord lept at his opponent, flipping his sabre so it pointed downwards and bringing it up in an arc from left to right.

Nayala Palain
Mar 16th, 2002, 06:07:46 PM
Athena pulled the Jedi's neck tighter within her left arm. She then grinded the sabers hilt into his side.

" So you really think that is wise, Satine? "

Eve Siren
Mar 16th, 2002, 06:49:34 PM
Eve didn't repond to whatever Verse or his apprentice said. She crossed her arms, her head still tilted to the side, the blue lightsaber's light reflecting on the screen of her Helmet.


After a while that seemed like an eternity, she or the Jedi would not move. She shrugged her shoulders. The woman seemed confused by her slight shrug, but Eve had already charged. She slipped underneath the Jedi and charged upwards, after, the metal part of her gloves hitting the woman up the chin with a powerful blow.

Flipping above her afterwards, the Sith Knight landed behind the woman, crossing her arms once again, stepping back, slight bit of flesh hanging from her fist.

"Umm ..."

Mar 16th, 2002, 07:58:09 PM
:: Rama leads the way to Swoops, He slings his leg over the one the right. ::

"Much has changed in the universe...........Soon you may have blood on your hands that does not belong to Jedi, but for now they'll do."

:: He pulls his googles back up and over his eyes ::

::Just then Rama turned and heard a voice, he looked over the form behind him. ::

You must be jokeing?

:: Rama turned back and started up his swoop, and then back across to his wife ::

"You wanna snack before starting? You do you want to get right to the bigger fish?"

Mar 16th, 2002, 09:06:25 PM
Satine taps into the Force, not answering. Suddenly, a blinding fllash of light causes Athena to steps back, shielding her eyes. The Jedi Knight takes advantage of this immediately and shoots out of the loosened grip, Force calling his fallen sabre, and igniting it. As Athena's eyes clear, she is greeted by the image of a very angry teenaged Jedi warrior, flames surrounding his head like an unholy halo.

"You'll die for that, Sithling..."

Mar 16th, 2002, 09:56:23 PM
She looked to Rama. "Up to you..."

Figrin D'an
Mar 17th, 2002, 12:07:22 AM

The piece of fruit hit the ground as the Jedi spun his head around and scanned the area with the Force. Something was wrong... he could feel it.

"Hey, you have to pay for that! You drop it, you buy it."

The cart owner was a bit unnerved, but the feelings passed as she saw that she would be compensated. Figrin quickly paid for the damaged fruit and move briskly up the street.

His danger sense had flashed. It was always a discomforting feeling, but one that was valuable beyond words. It had saved many lives in his time... not to mention his own more than once.

The Jedi approached a small shop, just off the main thoroughfare. It was teeming with dark energies, which meant only one possibility...

A Sith...

The Jedi Master cleared his mind and entered the building. He looked about, observing a man pinning someone against the wall, speaking in threatening tones. The dark warrior, he had not seen before. But, the young woman being attack, he recognized immediately...


Figrin stood facing the Sith and his prey, who were just becoming aware of a new presence in the room.

"Why don't you test your skills against the master rather than the apprentice?"

The Jedi Master placed his hands on his hips, pulling his cloak back slightly so that his sabre hilt was in clear view.

"Or are you afraid of real challenge?"

Figrin stood firm, a stoney piercing gaze locked firmly on the dark warrior on the far side of the room.

Keanda Arylar
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:08:16 AM
:: Keanda suddenly flew backwards through the air with the shield as she was slammed against the far wall and pinned there by the large leather and metal reinforced object. Feeling the pressure against her sternum and her back ache, she then sensed a familiar presence enter the shop. It was unmistakable, powerful, and could only belong to one man...her master. Stretching her neck to look around the shield, Keanda saw him standing there and spoke quietly ::

"Master Figrin."

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:17:44 AM
The girls body fell as Vega's attention was drawn away from her to a more potent Force. A Jedi Master apparently - excellent. He'd encountered only two in his time as a Sith; Sage Hazzard and the old crone, Anbira. This one, Figrin, he'd not heard of ever.

"I am not afraid of anything, my friend."

Vega grinned a little as he assessed his opponent, folding his arms over his chest.

"I would gladly take up a more interesting challenge ... after all, I can see you Padawan here has been ill trained and would take mere seconds to dispense."

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:26:54 AM
Dasquian quirked an eyebrow at the mans words. Up close now, he could recognise exactly who the Sith were - two Sha's! Most formidable.

"Rama and Nuriko, I presume."

The Jedi bowed lightly,

"I am Dasquian Belargic, of the Greater Jedi Order."

The Padawan folded his hands over his chest, hiding them within the folds of his robes.

"I approach you today only to warn you ... if you are here on perfectly innocent terms then you will not be disturbed, however should you attempt to do what Sith do best ... you will find many of my comrades on you like hounds."

Mar 17th, 2002, 05:51:48 AM
:: He Heard the Jedi, but didn't turn to look at him, he looks at his wife and then back at the city and bites his lip. ::

" He is just asking for it......."

:: He looks back at her, then turns over his shoulder. ::

" I havn't decided what Im gonna do, but when I have I'll do it. You might wanna follow if you want to try to stop me."

:: With that he reved up the Swoop and a wave of heat came off the back Engine and kicked up sand on the Jedi. The bike jerked forward a little, but Rama kept it in place with his boots anchored into the sand. ::

"Shall we my dear?"

:: He nodded towards the city ::

"Ladies first."

Aura Allei
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:23:33 PM
With great haste while stepping back, Aura transported the hilt to her right hand, while she parried the blow as she swept it down in a semi counterclockwise arc, greeting his blade as she pushed it out far to her right before he had a chance to cleave her diagonally in halves. Their eyes met in the heat of battle.

"I see you leave me no choice."

Stepping in, Aura then transported her blade back to his open left flank, directing the cobalt blue core horizontally into his lower side, as if she were intending to carve him in half.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:51:31 PM
Xazor holds her ground with the Force. Blocking the pain from her mind, she growls slightly as she fights back anger. Wiping blood from her face, she begins to pace in front of Eve. Suddenly, she spins around and kicks her in the face. Jumping over the woman's head, Xazor drives the hilt of her saber into the base of her neck, sending a wave of pain throughout her body. It left a deep gash and blood came trickling out. Xazor wiped the hunk of flesh from the bottom of her saber as she looked into the dark eyes of Eve.

What are you waiting for, Sith scum.......

She said in a lowered voice as she kept her eyes on Eve.

Jenobi, the manslayer
Mar 17th, 2002, 08:36:02 PM
jenobi landed his ship(QIH), in the badlands, and departed on his speeder bike towards where the battle was. on his way he searched for familiar signatures, he immediately locked on to his Master's. he put the bike in overdrive, and arrived near he was and parked his bike a block away. he saw him throw what he sensed to be a jedi against a wall, and turned to talk to another. jenobi assumed his Master Vega, would take on the more experienced one so it left the younger open. as he neared them he unhooked his lightsaber(excaliber), and made sure his dagger was with him he heard the older jedi say the younger ones name, Keanda.

jenboi knew his master could feel his presence so he looked at him and nodded, with a evilsh smirk on his face. he turned to face the what he assumed to be padawan. he took off his dark cloak, and tossed it on a table. he then ignited excaliber and pointed it at the padawan, and said
"no need for an introduction...are you ready to dance?"

Lord DarkStar
Mar 18th, 2002, 11:04:28 AM
DarkStar, master of calculated gambles made one now. Bending his knees slightly he trusted that his armour would absorb the blow and continued on the offensive. He felt the sabre connect with his armour as he layed his hand on Aura's upper arm. His armour would absorb a blow, but not continued exposure, with this in mind DarkStar tightened his grip on the Jedi's arm and pulled her towards him ripping the sabre away from his now vunerable left side and smashed his forehead into her unprotected nose. Pivoting on his left foot DarkStar brought his sabre behind him, holding Aura's blade in a pin behind him whilst maintaining the tight grip on her upper arm.

Eve Siren
Mar 18th, 2002, 11:55:50 AM
OOC-Gee, you can't always block the pain, you know. Or else, you'd be invincible.

IC- Eve grinned, though blood appeared on the surface of her body, she grabbed Xazor's saber's hilt, holding on it tightly and slashing her across the chest with it. Her clothes slashed open also, pushing the woman across the ground. Not letting go of the blue lightsaber, she admired it for a second before walking towards the Jedi on the ground.

With the Force, she threw an invisible incredibly heavy rock on the woman, pinning her to the ground as it crushes her. She put the tip of the lightsaber to the girl's neck as she struggled.

"Scum ...?" She muttered.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 18th, 2002, 01:06:00 PM
ooc: Sorry, I have a habit of doing it all the time. I also made it so I took more damage.


Xazor growled as the pain grew in her chest. She felt her breath becomming shorter. She didn't dare move or her own saber would slice into her. She looked around her and stretched out her senses with the Force. She managed to concentrate then, and put herself in Eve's mind. Xazor created the illusion of Verse Dawnstrider, her Master. She made Eve think that he was coming up behind her to attack her. Once Eve was distracted enough, Xazor lifted the invisible "rock" off her chest with the Force. She kicked her saber out of Eve's hand but it caught her neck, leaving a deep gash on one side. She regained her saber with the Force and grinned through the pain. She could hardly breath now, and acknowledged that the attack was well planned.

Nice attack, but don't even think about taking my saber, that is a really bad idea.....

She said in a low voice as she kept her eyes on Eve. She made the illusion disappear from the Sith's mind as she took a stance of defense and waited for her next attack. It hurt very badly when she tried to breath. It was breaking her concentration, but she called on the Force to help her focus despite the tremendous pain.

Mar 18th, 2002, 10:10:54 PM
"Like hounds? So you admit you're dogs then." :lol

Nuriko smirked at the Jedi. She boarded her swoop and started it up. "Later, kiddo..." Adding snidely, "...if we kill anyone, we'll be sure to let you know." Nuriko rode off, leaving a puff of sand behind her.

Mar 19th, 2002, 02:50:58 AM
"Try not to fall to far behind........We may cause much havoc before you can arrive if you lag."

:: Wtih this Rama zipped off along the same path as his wife. ::

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 19th, 2002, 04:20:56 AM
*He wasn't entirely sure what had drawn him to mos eisley that particular day, perhaps he had just been intrigued by the bargain prices one would most often find for well-crafted weaponry, as well as the materials used to make them. Perhaps he had subconciously by driven to go there by all the dark energy that was manifesting in the sun-scorched city. In any case, he had been there for a few hours, and had been near aout to leave, when something of interest happened.*

*Two men had been following him for some ten minutes now. He suppossed that wandering around the city in his trenchcoat left him looking the part of someone whose mind was too fried by the sun, to have any need of their possessions. Whatever had attracted their attention, it had kept it. He led them down a back alley, making sure to leave his awareness of their existance out of their attention. Soon enough, the two were on him. One with a blaster to his head, the other with a knife to his side.*

Hand over your creds, and anything else you've got on you!

"... By the dieties, they aren't even Good at this.."

You heard what he said! Do it!

*The man on his left, the one with the knife, shouted right in his ear.. How rude and pathetic..*

... Fools..


*Before the gunman could even finish a full syllable, MnT shoved his head against the barrel of the gun hard, smashing the man's hand right into his own face, and ducked just in time for the gun to go off, unloading it's charge right into his friend's face.*

Oh Frell!!

*The man's shock was entirely at the fact that blood was pouring rather rapidly not only from having his face smashed by MnT but also from the recoil of his gun then firing. The Sith took a step back and chuckled lightly as the would-be thief's attention finally drifted from his own injury, to his friend's missing face. Well.. Not qute missing.. the majority of it was still on the wall..*

... You sir, are worthless... You're trying to steal, simply for the the pleasure of overpowering someone..

*MnT could see the man's face cringe as he listened, unaware that MnT could read anything he wanted from the man's Aura..*

... Your life is pointless, and by your actions, forfeit. But how to teach you that so the lesson will be imprinted upon your soul for your next life..

*It was at that exact moment that his awareness opened itself up, letting the signatures of several Jedi appear to his mind.. How perfect.. These two had gotten him in the mood for a good fight, and he knew he would not find it with this sad excuse for a person..*

... I know.. Your life will serve the purpose of providing me with a worthy opponent in battle..

*As he spoke, MnT's hand dropped to a stained leather sheathe that hung inside his trenchcoat. Slowly, he extacted a knife. The handle was formed of an old chunk of oak, burnt all over, and far from perfect, the shape twisted and odd. The blade was no better. 11 3/4 of rusted, jagged, steel came out of the sheathe, the metal itself burnt to a blackened, diseased looking tone. Just looking at the blade made the man feel like he was becoming infected with at least a few different viruses and bacterias.*

... Consider yourself lucky, I'd yet to add authentic blood stains to my plague knife.. You've the honor of providing them.. Now do me a favor, and scream loud..

*With that, MnT plunged the knife deep into the man's stomach, the following guttoral scream echoing throughout the streets of Mos Eisley*

Nayala Palain
Mar 19th, 2002, 11:32:07 AM
Athena smiled as she shook her head to remove the bightness from her eyes. She ignites her saber and smiles.

"Shall we dance again Jedi BRAT!? "

She ran at the boy and flipped over him , and his ungodly halo. Once she landed she kicked out and at the back of the boys knees.

" Come on Come on. "

Mar 19th, 2002, 02:08:55 PM
As Satine falls forward, he reachs out with the Force, propelling him in a flip, landing on his feet, and spinning his sabre. The Jedi charges, forming a fireball, and sending it spiralling to Athena, who dodges it. As she does, Satine adjusts his sabre's length to that of a dagger, coming in close, and slashing Athena in her gut, then kicking her backwards. As he does, Satine smiles, his eyes flaming, the flames silver instead of the normal red or orange.

Nayala Palain
Mar 19th, 2002, 06:16:58 PM
The Sith Knight dodged the fireball with a side step the the right of her body. The heat of the fireball made Athena's hair stand up on end. Such power was amazing but not need for her skills. Her finely tuned body showed her muscles with each movement.

Athena noticed the daggers length and smiled...

" Up close and personal are we? "

Just as his dagger cut across Athena's stomach. The burn of the sabers blade caused Athena to wince for a second. She noticed the crimson red blood starting to trickle from the wound. She jammed her sabers hilt into the back of his neck. Satine then kicked Athena and takeing a needed step backwards she fell to a low crouching postion and kicked his feet from under him. Her ankles hit the front of his legs as he took one more step. Satine fell face first.

Athena jumped back to her feet and kicked the Jedi in the back of the head with her boots. Smashing the boys face into the ground.

Eve Siren
Mar 19th, 2002, 06:26:20 PM

Eve still remained silent, ever since the fight started. Taking the lightsaber angered the Jedi. That remark made Eve smirk underneath her Helmet. Ignoring what she said, the Sith Knight charged again towards the Jedi, a silver dagger "Maiden of Silence" sliding down her sleeve.

She plunged her small dagger into the Jedi's thigh, turning it around in the deep cut swiftly then pulled it out, sending another punch at her face while she struggled in pain. Making her stumble back, Eve then dug her elbow into the Jedi's stomach and put her hand in the back of the woman's head gently, before violently smashing it against her knee pad.

Pushing her back into a corner of the roof, she grinned as she regained the precious blue lightsaber with the Force, aiming it at the woman afterwards.

Aura Allei
Mar 19th, 2002, 06:58:51 PM
DarkStar succeeded in cracking her nose, as blood trickled down her features like a spoiled painting. Momentarily dazed, she let out a deep breath falling into the purity of the Lightside, as it aided her strength. Aura brought up her right knee, and with force aided strength, pushed her enemy back enough to unbind her blade and free the grip on her arm with a twist, making a consecutive attempt at his armored left side to perforate the armor.

"Free yourself from being a played pawn of the immoral Darkside. It will only procure your deterioration."

Aura exhibited no signs of emotion, as the altercation ascended to perilous heights.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 19th, 2002, 07:58:41 PM
Xazor gritted her teeth in pain as the woman attacked furiously. She placed her hand on the wound on her thigh and healed it quickly with the Force. Now a scar remained. She grinned through the pain as she watched Eve. She stepped toward the Sith and then suddenly jumped at her. She landed right in front of her. Spinning around on her heal, Xazor did a powerful crescent kick and knocked her saber from the woman's hand. She recovered it with the Force. Then the pain in her thigh returned and she limped back a few steps with her saber in hand. She sent a wave of healing through her body with the Force, but it only removed half of the pain. She stood in defense now with a pounding head ache as she watched the Sith.

Mar 19th, 2002, 08:14:50 PM
Satine growls at the pain, and then shunts it away, getting back to his feet in time to block a slash from Athena, and he returns the favor by making the Sith block a kick. The two break apart, and Alpha laughs, enjoying the fight. At athena's odd glance to ihm, he charges, lengthening his blade and adjusting the shape of it, the blade taking the shape of a greatsword. Spinning it, Satine swings the blade, pushing hard as it collides with Athena's blade.

"God I love the fight..." Satine mutters to himself, sweeping his opponent's legs out from under her, and then flipping back, taking out the blaster form his hip holster, and firing around Athena, catching her in the thigh. He lands lightly--almost cat-like--and smiles, putting up the blaster and gripping his sabre in both hands, the huge blade looking out of place in a fourteen year old's hands.

Keanda Arylar
Mar 20th, 2002, 03:31:53 AM
:: Keanda rose quickly from the ground and moved her hand to her waist where she retrieved her lightsaber hilt from just underneath her brown Jedi robes. The Padawan studied the newly arrived Sith and concentrated on her personal compass in life, the Jedi Code, as she quickly recited the words silently in her mind ::

[ <font color=#6699FF>There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no death; there is the Force.</font> ]

"Hello Dark Sider. There is no need for a conflict here. I am a Jedi, a protector of peace in the galaxy. Violence is not the solution. I'm sure you see the truth in my words."

Nayala Palain
Mar 20th, 2002, 01:52:51 PM
Athena had finally had enough of playing games. She didn't want to use another Illusion on Satine. It was all to easy, and she loved a challange.

Athena felt her head hit the floor each had seen their time down there this fight. She felt the burn of the blaster bolt slam into her thigh. She disignited her saber and dropped it on her belts hook. In her right hand slipped her hidden blaster. She took to a shot at Satine who didn't see the small wrist blaster till it was all to late. The small crimson bolt landed right in his calf. Making it hard for the Jedi to walk.

Staggering to her feet Athena recalled her lightwhip to her left hand and ignited it. The blade snaking to the floor. Each time the wind blew or the something on the ground moved it crackled. She snapped it twice along the ground leaving two long black marks.

Athena dropped her blaster and regripped her light saber in her right hand..

" A shot for a shot right Satine? "

Lord DarkStar
Mar 20th, 2002, 05:16:02 PM
DarkStar spun away from the strikes against his weakened leftside armour. DarkStar brought his sabre round into a defencive possition as he answered the Jedi.

"You know nothing Jedi, I have walked in Death's Halls. Light is a lie, you fool yourself with your attempts at purity, the only purity is the Darkness, you can snuff out the light, but you can only hide the Darkness,"

With calm precision DarkStar attacked again. First lifting a stone with the Force and throwing it at a shop window. Clashing sabres with his opponent he used his supirior strength to push her backwards towards the shattered remains of the shop window where jagged edges of glass still protruded from the window frame.

Reaching out with the Force, DarkStar began to rench the larger shards of glass from their mountings and get them to circle the Jedi. When there were enough the Sith would send them slicing into the Jedi with no hope of avoiding them.

Eve Siren
Mar 20th, 2002, 06:53:28 PM
"You ..."

The first word Eve had pronounced ever since they started the fight. Though the woman had pushed her back a few feets, the Jedi was still in the corner. Grinning slightly, she closed her eyes and lowered her head. Xazor's body was suddendly lifted by the Force then dropped down the building.

Eve was a Sith, but she was not all that evil. She felt other presences a few levels down, so she threw down the Jedi woman on a man. Eve then looked down to see who she had hit. The first person she had spotted was Athena, pissed."Where did that Jedi girl land ...?"

"... Athena ... Satine ?!"

Xazor had landed on Satine, but Eve was too shocked to worry about that now. Satine ... They have met before. Eve shook her head. It wasn't things she wanted to remember. She looked around for her motorcycle and spotted it. With the Force, she made it fly up at an reasonable height and jumped down, landing on it. Letting go of the Force, she landed down on the ground on her motorcycle, right behind Athena.

Nayala Palain
Mar 20th, 2002, 07:00:23 PM
Athena heard the all to fimilar sounds of Cloud behind her. She smiled and turned to see Eve. One of Athena's best friends.

"Eve you remember Satine.. Im sure. "

Athena then looked to see who had fallen on her Jedi. Xazor the ungodly annoying Jedi brat of Verse Dawnstrider.

" Interesting.. You too. "

Jenobi, the manslayer
Mar 20th, 2002, 07:01:37 PM
"jedi are funny" jenobi thought. "fine, if choose not to fight then maybe the suffering of innocents will make you reconsider" with that jenobi walked back to where his speeder was parked. he started it up and pulled it in front of Keanda, and said "you're welcome to follow along or you can wait until you hear the people crying out in pain through the Force" he smirked "but either way, you will hear them." and with that he speed off, and turned the corner five blocks up and sensing through the Force, to see if she was following him or not

Xazor Elessar
Mar 20th, 2002, 07:03:43 PM
Xazor rolled onto the ground after she landed on her brother. She slowly got up and rubbed her right wrist....it was sprained. She gritted her teeth as she tried to forget about the intense pain shooting through her arm. There was a massive cut on her head from when she had hit the edge of the roof on the way down. Blood ran out from the cut and flowed down her body. She finally got to her feet and closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths. She would not use the Force to aid her right now.....though she could heal every wound on her body and still return her energy levels to near normal....she would not. She looked at Alpha and placed a hand on his shoulder as she waivered from lack of blood. Suddenly her eyes rolled back in her head and she totally lost consciousness and passed out.....

Mar 20th, 2002, 07:39:00 PM
"Xazor!" Satine yells, catching her, and ignoring the pain in his calf. He sets his sister down gently in a corner, and stands in front of her, igniting his second black sabre, and getting into a fighting stance, his anger flaring up inside him, powerful enough for the Sith to take a step back.

"I'll kill you both. Rip the skin off your bones. Grind your bones to dust. I'll--" Satine stops himself as he realizes what he was doing. He looked at Xazor, and calmed, remembering his promise to his sister. He would not fall again. Shoving away his anger, the JEdi Knight replaces it with a calm resolve, and dismond hard determination.

"Hello Eve," Satine says, his voice having an icy edge to it. He brings his sabres into a fighting stance, and then motyions one or both to fight with him. "I will protect my sister. To get her, Eve, you'll have to go through me."

Forming a flame shield, Satine has it hover in front of him, the flames silver instead of the normal red-orange.

Mar 20th, 2002, 08:13:01 PM
:: Phantom laughed as he heard the Jedi call himself the Grim Reaper. With blinding speed Phantom is upon him, the two exchange strikes as the other blocks.

Phantom's eyes glow red for a moment, at the same time an unspeakable pain strikes Verse's mind. He screams in pain as he grabs his head, Phantom spins around and kicks him in the mid-sections. Verse's stumbles backwards off balance, still in great pain Verse's begins pushing out the pain through the force ::

Xazor Elessar
Mar 20th, 2002, 08:33:24 PM
Xazor now rested in the corner, unconscious. Her physical self had no comprehension what was going on, but her mind did. She could not bring herself back to consciousness, though she tried. She felt out the aura's of those around her and found her brother. There was a bit of darkness in his soul and she spoke through the Force.

Alpha, though I cannot fight.....do not fall. I will be okay....I hope.....just don't give in because they hurt me. My body will heal...but your soul won't.....

Her words echoed in his mind but then grew faint as she began to loose her mental strength as well. Her body became cold and her skin a tint of blue. Blood continued to flow from her wounds as she laid there...

Mar 20th, 2002, 08:39:19 PM
Satien mentally curses, and taps into his Force powers, summoning a flame that cauterizes her wound, and warms her up. He then sends a message to Verse through the Force.

Buddy. When you get a chance, pick up you apprentice. She's wounded. I don't know how bad, but she's lost a lot of blood.

Nayala Palain
Mar 20th, 2002, 09:21:07 PM
Athena noticed Satines moment of unprotection. With his mind not totally on his own flame infront of him. Athena called upon the darkness and force pulled the Jedi onto his own silver flame the was to protect him. But alas it has harmed him.

" Satine Dear, we were dancing. "

She looked at Xazor and smiled.

" No cutting in dear, wait your turn. "

Athena was still holding her igntied saber and lightwhip.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 20th, 2002, 09:51:06 PM
Xazor was consumed by the Force wave that Alpha had sent through her body. She started to slowly regain mental consciousness as her body laid helpless in the corner. She suddenly became aware of what was going on once again.

Alpha, I need to fight......

She sent through the Force, draining her energy. She got an idea and focused the Force in her mind. After a while, she began to regain physical consciousness. Her strength was totally gone, but she would get that back soon enough. Watching the battles around her, she began to fuel up once again as she had done in so many fights. She could feel herself becomming stronger, but not strong enough to battle yet.

Alpha, I will be fine...you don't need to "rescue" me this time.....

She said in his mind. She slowly raised her hand up and felt the wound on her head. It was scarred over from the healing of her brother's heat Force. The blood had dried on her face and had stained her hair. She looked at the various cuts on her body and healed a few. Finally she felt strong enough. She would probably not win this fight...but she would keep her honor. She would finish what she began. Slowly she stood up, one movement at a time until she was on her feet. She held her saber in front of her and growled at the Sith.

Eve.....let's go......

She said in a low voice as she limped forward.

Mar 21st, 2002, 02:10:32 AM
A drunk Strider has a conversation with a peice of wood.
You see, it's really like this. The Jedi are protectors of this galaxy. It's really a boring job, and *hic* there are others as well. The dark ones calling themselves The Sith are trying to rule this galaxy, but the y mostly like to kill a little, then a little more...

Well I've thought it over and I've decided to change things around a little. After all, it does get boring after awhile.

Strider then looks at what he is talking to, a sign post that points toward the spaceport.
BUT WHAT DO YOU KNOW, YOUR JUST A SIGNPOST THING POINTING TO THE SHIPS AND PLACES. Well, here have a necktie. Neckties have always been given by excutioners anyway. Of course this one is a blast! And so are the others that I have planted around here. I guess you can say this *hic* and extra objective. The Jedi will want to stop these bombs before they can explode and kill many an innocent *hic* bystander. And the Sith?... Well who wants a building dropped on them. Oh there are various ways to disarm them. but they take about thirty minutes. But these explosives have prox...*hic*...proxmity sensors, so just by moving them, they go boom...

Strider then places the explosive on the wooden sign and tries to take another swig of his wiskey. But the bottle is empty, cursing Strider begins to head back toward the bar, still talking to his friend the signpost.

And remember, I will detonate all the bombs when my associate arrives, so keep smiling!

Mar 21st, 2002, 06:54:50 AM
:: Rama's Swoop pulled up to the edge of the settlement. Inside he could feel many battles going on, but he made no attempt to hide himself from them, he just looked over his shoulder and looked back at the other approaching swoop. ::

Mar 21st, 2002, 07:57:31 AM
Satine yelps in pain as he is pulled into his own flames, the shield going out fast, but nto fast enough. The Jedi took a face full of flames, and was burned the worst on his left cheek. He could ignore the pain, but this annyoed him greatly. His mind focusing only on Athena, Satine growls, jumping at her.

"Come on Sithling. You wanted to ddance? Let's dance!"

Satine uses the Force to speed up his motions, slashing and slicing faster than most seasoned fighters coulde ver hope to dream about. Athena blocks most , but she does get a full hit on her ribs, the black blade searing through he skin, and leaving a nice, long, cut. Satine nosds in satisfaction, and then side kicks her, throwing her backwards.

Eve Siren
Mar 21st, 2002, 04:30:46 PM

Eve looked at Xazor. Her name. She had finally heard her name coming from Satine's mouth. His sister. Her brother. Digital Kreation ... Sara Lynx ... Anthony Lynx ... She shook her head as the Jedi girl limped towards her. Zach ... Phantom ... Angua ... It was all confusing. All those names. All those faces.

"Ugh. You are in no condition to fight, Xazor. It would not be fair."

Fairness ? Coming from you ? Not very Sith-like, dear. Eve shook the negative feelings off as she ran her hand on the Skull image of her helmet.

"Go back and rest. Come back when you'll be healed." She muttered, but loud enough for the girl to hear.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 21st, 2002, 07:04:17 PM
Xazor looked at the Sith, confused for a moment. Kindness from someone who's supposed to hate her just because she's a Jedi? Xazor smiled and nodded as she shut off her lightsaber and clipped it to her belt.

We shall battle again, Eve......thank you.

Xazor painfully limped away and sat down in the corner. She felt a horrible pain from her right leg and moved her robes out of the way to view the damage. What she saw made her feel sick and dizzy. Her pants were shredded to reveal a long, deep cut down her thigh. Blood came rushing forth and muscle tissue hung out. She looked away from it and covered it with her robes once again. She was ghost white from the sight and blood loss. Looking up at Alpha for a moment, she leaned back and passed out once again, fully loosing consciousness.........

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 21st, 2002, 09:17:10 PM
*Before the man even hit the ground, the wound was beginning to fester and rot, greenish brown tendrils sketching out into the man's body, from the numerous infections that were spreading through his vanes. The blood that was now spilling out of the wound had a greenish tinge to it, and was leaving strange patterns of color in the puddle that was quickly forming at the thief's feet. Suddenly, he dropped to his knees, his expression painful yet blank, as the ceaseless scream that had been pouring from his throat turned into a gurgle..*

... Interesting effects.. Too bad your voice couldn't have held out longer.. I've yet to feel the approach of any Jedi..

*That being said, MnT turned and stared out towards the main street.. He hoped that one of the lightsiders would arrive before the local police or militia.. They were much easier to deal with..*

Nayala Palain
Mar 21st, 2002, 09:42:50 PM
For each move she had block made her stronger. But for each move she couldn't block as well made her stronger. Nothing a Jedi ever wanted to see.

Athena force pushed Satine away from her. Then ran and leaped right in front of him, and in her own right attacked with great force speed and aglity. Satine block most of them as he had a quick eye hand movements. But the one he couldn't caught him across his left shoulder and part of his neck. It was nothing to bad. Much like her own wound a deep gash was left, he used a black blade and she had used a violet one.

Satine turned from her as to not cause more damage the area. Then is when he saw Xazor, passed out her leg bleeding into her robes.

"Satine shes to weak to stay here, can you fight me knowing your sister is going to die just steps behind you? "

For all Athena cared let the Padawan die, ment one less the Sith would have to kill later in life. Die with honor or so she thought. Bah the Jedi would die in a filty street as another fought. She had been given a chance that even made Athena sick. Her sister (Eve) had allowed her to live, it was un called for but understandable.

Mar 22nd, 2002, 08:16:33 AM
Satine growls, and looks around for Verse. He looks back at Xazor, and gets rewarded with a kick to the head, throwing him backwards. Using the Force, Satine throws Athena into a wall with a sickening crunch, and then turns to Xazor, sending healing waves of Force to his sister. While he was at it, the Jedi Knight hits a button and summons a emergency medical team to his location, with two firebats and two marines escort. Turning back to Athena, Satine jumps at her, slashing visciously, not giving any quarter whatsoever.

Aura Allei
Mar 22nd, 2002, 08:56:11 AM
DarkStar succeeded in his evil endeavor, as two large shards dove into her flesh with unavoidable acceleration. Aura stifled a scream of pain, as she fell to her right knee. Placing her saber to the ground, she painfully pulled them out of her right side, just above the hip, and her upper right thigh. Blood ensued as the glass was pulled from her body. Crimson liquid bathed her right side, the spectacle causing DarkStar to laugh at his sinister escapade.

Aura was only a Padawan, but even a Knight would need ample time to heal a wound, as instantaneous healing was impossible. She sighed grabbing her right saber, and carefully placed the core over the wounds. Hissing flesh seared as a result, yet it halted the bleeding. Aura could not contain her self as she let out a scream. She then got up with a sigh.

"Darkness is only pure of evil essence, while the Light is unprofaned of justice, kindness, and morality. It is you who is blinded by its manipulative nature of damnation. So be it. Your path has been chosen a long time ago. I shall remain on this path of Light, your words nor your blade shall never sway my choice."

DarkStar grinned maliciously as he raced towards her prone form, and sliced at her consecutively, each stroke parried away from her. He knew the glass wounds weakened her, and was preparing to make it even more so, to claim his prey.

Nayala Palain
Mar 22nd, 2002, 10:45:58 AM
Athena hit the wall and her back made a sick crunch sound. But it was nothing that was going to stop her. Her body sank to the floor as she tried to figure out what had shifted in her back. So not to harm herself worst.

It didn't matter. Satine had jumped and slashed at her. She lifted her right and left hands, with weapons but force pushed him and a rather high speed into the wall behind him, the worst part was the Xazor was behind him, both the Jedi slamed into the wall.

Xazor took more of the hit then Satine did. But the fact that he had now caused more damage to his sister, was what Athena was counting on.

Getting to her feet and back into a defencive stance. Athena waited and watched, as Satine climbed off of his fallen sister.

" That was not Nice, Satine.... I know siblings fight, but in a wall...Tisk Tisk Tisk..Some Jedi you are. "

Eve Siren
Mar 22nd, 2002, 11:57:54 AM
"You know Athena's right, Sa-- ... Jedi. Your sister is disturbing you now. You don't have full concentration on this combat, so why continue it ?"

Eve looked at Athena first, then at Satine. She didn't know if Athena wanted to continue the fight, but it wasn't a good idea. Ah well. That's what she thought after all. She just sat back on her motorcycle, waiting for Athena to either finish him or go back to TSE to celebrate with her.

Lord DarkStar
Mar 22nd, 2002, 04:07:47 PM
DarkStar's face softened and he sighed, though his attacks did not relent.

"I pitty you young one, you have seen to little of the universe to know the pain and suffering that it holds, light is a lie, a faint hope for the weak to cling to, in the end there is only darkness!"

DarkStar roared the last sentance and struck down hard with his lightsabre. The force of the blow nearly renched Aura's arm from its socket. Driving his boot into Aura's elbow he pinned her sabre arm to the floor.

Slowly he brought Widowmaker round till the point of the beam was just far enough away from the Jedi's throat to not burn her.

"Yield your sabre unto me, and you may leave with your life, resist further and I will regretably be forced to end your life."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 22nd, 2002, 06:45:07 PM
Xazor was slammed into the wall by the body of her brother. She was unconscious and unaware of the happening.....but a deep cut was left in her head and her left arm appeared broken. She was not going to die, that was for sure....the Force was strong within her and would let her body live. To not bring on pain, though, it had shut down her mind and gone into an unconscious state for her own good.....

Aura Allei
Mar 23rd, 2002, 09:05:54 AM
The young Padawan weighed the choices. She did not feel any deception from this man if she were to relinquish her saber to him. Aura kept her spare saber hilt handy, as she unclipped it from her belt with her free hand, incase he changed his mind and ran her through. The blade by her throat tried her courage, as she took a deep swallow.

No Sith could be trusted, yet she felt honor in this one, so conceded to his demands. Nodding, she accepted his ultimatum, her pinned hand releasing the hilt.

"The light is free of fabrication, a factuality of truth....unmitigated....Now do with me what you must, Sith Lord."

Lord DarkStar
Mar 23rd, 2002, 10:08:50 AM
DarkStar held out his free hand and the sabre flew into it. He looked down saddly at the Jedi.

"You made the right choice in this. In the end we will all have to pay the price for our deeds. I will not kill and unarmed woman. Even one who still has a weapon in her hand, though it is not ignited."

DarkStar switched off Widowaker and stepped off her and back a couple of paces.

"You are free to go Jedi, but remember me and remember what I have said, both may serve to deliever you one day"

Aura Allei
Mar 23rd, 2002, 10:51:24 AM
Aura rose to her feet, clipping the hilt as she nodded to DarkStar.

"And what of my other saber? Is it your trophy for your victory?"

Lord DarkStar
Mar 23rd, 2002, 12:41:12 PM
DarkStar looked down at the sabre in his hand. She was a mere padawn, what sort of a trophy was this. He looked up at her and smiled. She blinked, and in the moment DarkStar had moved, before she could even reach for her sabre again. She felt a piece of metal near her skin for a fraction of a second, then it was gone.

She spun round to face the Sith Lord once more. In his hand he held a single lock of her hair.

"This is my trophy, your sabre you may keep,"

He let go of her sabre and it floated over to her waiting hand.

"You are young and untrained, your sabre is no great prize. Send your master against me, or come back when you are at least a knight, then I will keep the sabre, then it is a worthy prize,"

DarkStar fell silent, looking at the lock of hair. His attention no long on the Jedi Padawan.

Aura Allei
Mar 23rd, 2002, 03:40:15 PM
Aura allowed her emotions to run wild, as she called out to DarkStar with a hint of anger in her voice. Her eyes then narrowed on the blonde tresses he grasped in his hand as a reminder of their encounter, which could have ensued with her premature demise.

"I was a Knight before one of the Sith Masters of your Empire pilfered my memory. I am now left with gaps of knowledge and reduced to a Padawan. It wont take long before I am worthy of a duel with you and reclaim my rank and abilities."

Aura unleashed a deep breath as she caught herself, then nodded to the Sith and ventured off to meditate out the darkness that engulfed her from his stinging comment.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 24th, 2002, 05:01:33 AM
After the departure of the two Sha Sith Masters, Dasquian strode back out towards the main area of the market. There were many people here, yet he could not see any Sith - free one's that is. There were many duels taking place all around him, his comrades engaging in combat with nameless dark lords. Sabers clashed and sparks flew, it was literal chaos.

Dasquian jogged forward, pulled out his saber and armed himself, glancing from side to side quickly.

"Sith! Show yourself!"

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 24th, 2002, 05:14:46 AM
*No sooner had Dasquian finished his sentance, than did a voice enter his mind, interrupting the Jedi's thoughts with it's calm, quiet tone.*

"... If you are too weak to sense those of the dark side around you, then you are not worth the time of most you seem to be challenging.. Myself included.."

*Wether or not the cocky Jedi decided to pay attention, MnT did not care, he sent a pulse of thought into the man's mind, to cause him to turn in the direction the Sith was in. If the Jedi wanted a fight, MnT was more than capable of giving him one. Of course, he'd have to tone down his techniques so that the Jedi would survive long enough to be of some amusement.. Besides, if a stonger opponent came along, it would be more efficient not to be stepping over this one's body..*

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 24th, 2002, 06:18:36 AM
He began walking forward towards were the force signature had begun to ebb from. It was a strong one, whoever it was coming from must have been at least a Sith Knight or Lord. Dasquian glanced about the area.

"I sense you, I only wonder why you do not come out and show yourself."

The former old republic Knight expanded his perception of things, looking around the area with the Force without straying his gaze from where he thought the Sith to be.

Lord DarkStar
Mar 24th, 2002, 09:24:58 AM
DarkStar's face was expressionless, anger in a Jedi, calm in a Sith, strange times thought the Force Vampyre to himself.

"When you reclaim that which was stolen from you, find me. I will gladdly face you in battle. Perhaps you will kill me, perhaps you won't."

He laughed his plesant laugh

"Either way, it will haunt you for the rest of your days. Now go little Jedi, come back when you can beat me, I await that time eagerly,"

Aura Allei
Mar 24th, 2002, 10:15:15 AM
Aura spoke softly to the Sith Lord.

"Should our paths meet again, DarkStar, the Force shall decide the aftermath."

Aura then resumed her meditation, falling deeply into the chasm of the Lightside, collecting herself for the healing of her wounds while resting on a nearby boulder. She recalled a training session with her Master Jubei, whereas a Jedi must be aware of the outside environment when absorbed in meditation, always prepared to thwart any attempts from a Darksider, should he or she seem fit to attack.

The young Padawan did not know what came over her when she spoke with acrimony to the Sith. What Jedah Lynch solicited from her must have bred deep emotions that were finally vented out on DarkStar.

Aura conjectured if she should seek out her clan, the Noble Warriors of Light. She dwelled on combing her past, thinking it may ignite her memories of Knighthood.

For now, she was engrossed in a healing trance, aware of the Darksiders in the area, yet she cared only to secure her foundation and rise to a Knight, so she could be better prepared to defend herself and an innocent in future engagements.

Mar 24th, 2002, 03:07:06 PM
Satine takes a deep breath, savagely pushing down his anger, and looks at his sister. He then looks, and smiles, seeing a small speck in the sky coming down fast. It was a Dropship, one of Draogn Fleet's specialty vessels, basically a faster, heavier armored shuttle. The Dropship lands a few feet away, two marines armed with their gauss rifles, and two firebats armed with their plasma flamethrowers the first out, followed by a Medix. Satine jumps at Athena again, this time using the Force to make it harder for the Sith to Force throw him. He attacks with a little less vigor then the last time. Right now the Medic needed to get Xazor up to the bacta tanks on the Tolaria...

Eve Siren
Mar 24th, 2002, 05:33:55 PM
"You just don't understand ..." Eve muttered the words.

She made her engine roar loudly and dashed towards Satine who was aiming at Athena.

"Do you ?!" She yelled out at him.

She pulled back the handles of the bike, rolling on the back wheel and flying up in the air, and into Satine. She managed to break a few ribs and mainly, it was to push Satine away from Athena and her and block his attack. Her bike was scratched, and it pissed her off.

"Satine, you can't win anymore. Bring your sister back, or I warn you ... You will regret it." She said coldly.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 24th, 2002, 10:29:36 PM
Xazor shifted unconsciously. She did not know where she was or why.....but hopefully it was for the better. She opened her eyes, and then shut them for the light hurt. She couldn't see much of anything anyway....

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 25th, 2002, 02:41:28 AM
".. I do not enter the fray without opponent, for to do so would only hinder the battles of my friends.. However, I do not exactly hide myself either.."

*As the words wove their way into Dasquian's mind, the dark-haired teen turned, seemingly appearing right out of nowhere. It was simply due to the blackness of his clothing blending with the shadow, but it caught the Jedi somewhat off guard anyways*

... So how about it Jedi, do you wish a partner for this melee..?

Lord DarkStar
Mar 25th, 2002, 12:09:28 PM
DarkStar walked slowly round Aura as she sat in her trance. It would be a simple thing for him to kill her, a single stroke and her life would be ended but DarkStar would no kill in cold blood, it was not his way.

The Sith Lord watched her for a moment longer. He had accomplished what he had come here to do, defeat a Jedi, admittly it had only been a oadawn, but it mattered not. He could sense his Dark Bretheren were still in combat with other Jedi. He did not belong in those fights though.

With a final glance at the woman he would one day face again DarkStar turned and left his shuttle carrying off planet and back towards home.

Aura Allei
Mar 25th, 2002, 02:18:37 PM
Aura was well aware of DarkStar's presence, as he navigated about her in a stalking manner, yet she remained focused in her trance. Though her goal was to ascend to Knighthood, she knew the new rank would not be without its perils.

There was no doubt in her mind they would meet again in battle, and she speculated he only spared her life till the time came when she would become more powerful in the Force, hence, a worthy challenge. If she lost to the Sith Lord as a Knight, her life would then be in his hands, undoubtedly to be claimed by his blade.

The Sith had honor, but to kill a formidable enemy equal in skills and power, a vengeful Darksider would not even blink in taking out a wounded opponent, as a cold blooded kill would not convert the eventuality.

War was the annihilation of ones rivals. To destroy an enemy in the torridity of combat, was a fact of life on the battlefield. If he or she was left defenseless, incapacitated by a mortal wound, then some may theorize the lethal strike as mercy in itself.

The Sith had their ambitions to annex power, and eliminate all oppositions, while the Jedi forged ahead to protect and serve the innocent, and maintain justice and order. It was only natural these diverse paths would cross from time to time into a heated skirmish. Time dictates all fates, as the Force is harnessed as Light or Dark to aid in the endeavors of the chosen.

Mar 25th, 2002, 05:23:20 PM
Well I see that this one battle is over Strider said as he saw Alpha's dropship land in the mist of the city. Strider then walks over to the location where Eve is fighting Alpha.

It seems to me that you have some intrust in this girl, perhaps you would like to turn her to the darkside. But right now she is week, wounded, hurt like a Falcon fallen from the sky. This is not the best time for that, maybe later if you can face her alone and she can face you alone you could turn her. Just consider this some advice.

Eve Siren
Mar 25th, 2002, 06:05:50 PM
Eve pushed the stranger away from her, stnading in front of Athena. She seemed even more angry now.

"I don't want to turn her to the Darkside and I don't need your stinkin' advice ! What do you think I'm doing ?! I'm sending her and her freakin' brother back so she can get better. Is that so hard to understand ?!"

She yelled angrily at the man, not letting him the chance to respond. Her rage was almost at 100%, clenching her fist as she stared at the stranger.

Mar 25th, 2002, 07:36:25 PM
Satine raises an eyebrow as he clutches his ribs. This was interesting.

"I'm her brother. It's my job to protect her. And why would you want to try and save either of us? Because you helped me in the Mall Skirmish, I will not attack you too, but I want an answer."

Nayala Palain
Mar 25th, 2002, 10:52:55 PM
" Beacuse Satine there is no prize in fighting people who are weak. Its no challanged for us. Get your sister, go. When you are better, find me Jedi. "

She was still standing in her defensive stance. She knew her Dark sister wouldn't allow anything to harm her muich like Athena would let anything happen to Eve. These two Jedi were the same.

Mar 26th, 2002, 01:41:33 AM
:: Rama walked up thru the dirt streets of Mos Eisleys. He had left his swwp back at the edge of town, and his wife to other adventures. But now he moved steadly ahead. He knew who he was heading for...........the one know as Satine.....and his student Eve Siren. ::

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:54:43 AM
:: Sith Master Dara Shadowtide sat aboard her ship, a Corellian corvette named the Resilience, deep in thought about a great many things in the galaxy. As she looked out the viewport of the main bridge, her contemplations were interrupted as she sensed a disturbance in the Dark Side... it was originating from a nearby planet in her flight path. She detected an almost imperceptible amount of light side in the force, yet it was there... and that was too much for the seasoned Dark Sider to pass up.

Looking down at the control panel Dara brought up the orbit readings of the nearest inhabited world and the name Tatooine flashed on the screen. With an evil smile slowly spreading across her lips, she prepared the ship to transmit the necessary landing codes. As the ship descended and landed in the nearby spaceport, the ramp lowered and a darkly clad Sith Master stepped onto the desert terrain. Her green eyes took in the Mos Eisley Spaceport before her as her long brown tresses gently blew in the hot wind. With her hand on her saber hilt, Dara set out on foot to investigate the source of the light which must be extinguished ::

<table width=380 height=200 background="http://darkholocron.clanpages.com/Sigs/darasigb.jpg" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><center>
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</font><font face="ms sans serif" size=1 color=#ffffff>
Dara Shadowtide

Rank: Sith Master

Affiliation: The Sith Empire, Council Member

Apprentice to: Lady Dia, Darth Havok

Sister to: Athena Lady Darknss, Lyra Darkstar,
Dalethria Mal Pannis

Master to: Raine Sarin, Darth Varlon, Vega Van Derveld,
Dyne Darkforce, Athena Lady Darknss, Bi0 Hazzard,
Daegal Murdoch, Lady Callista, Lord Sabre, Alisa Sha,
Lyra Darkstar, Kekoa Alkarin, Rothmar Dujek,
Dark Jedi Kitano, Lana Westbrooke, Michin Troval,
Abydos Nighthawk

Wields: A pale blue lightsaber, a turquoise lightsaber,
Staff of the Tides

"Do not talk about what you have done
or what you are going to do...
do it, and let it speak for itself."

Bio (AIM:GoIM?ScreenName=SithMasterDara>AIM</a>) <a href=http://pub88.ezboard.com/bthetidesofdarkness>Tides of Darkness (http://pub59.ezboard.com/bthesempire>The)


Dasquian Belargic
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:20:03 AM
"If you intentions here are to do ill deeds, then yes I shall enter into combat with you Sith."

Dasquian gave a sharp nod and set himself into a light stance.

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 26th, 2002, 05:05:16 AM
... My intentions here are to enjoy a good battle.. If you believe yourself one to provide such a time, then have at me, for my honor forbids me from taking the first move..

*That said, MnT bowed down, as was his custom for honoring both his opponent, and the upcoming fight.. As he rose, he twisted himself around into a standard defensive position. A simple enough stance, but one that Dasquian could find no opening in..*

Mar 26th, 2002, 08:05:19 AM
Satine bows to both of the Sith--a sign of respect--and then disengages his weapons, clipping them to his belt.

"I will finish this fight at a later date. Eve, take care of Athena there. I want her in peak condition when we fight next. I will take care of Xazor."

Turning his back--that in itself strange, as this Jedi almost never exposed his backside to enemies, though he didn't think he could yet put Eve in the enemies catagory. She had helped him before-- Satine walks away, heading towards his Pyro-GX fighter.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 26th, 2002, 10:02:01 AM
Xazor opened her eyes once again, the light stinging them shut. She could barely move and she hurt all over. She felt cold, and alone. She felt no one near her and the feeling sank her heart. She could not see, and her chest felt like a heavy rock was laying on top of it. She was so confused and she tried to loose herself in the Force to not focus on anything around her. Although questions ran through her mind as she tried to recall where she was...it was no use.

Mar 26th, 2002, 04:58:19 PM
Well, well, well, such fun is over it appears. Oh well I wondre what else is going on around here

Strider sits down on the ground and sees Sith Master Rama Sha.

Well, well look what the cat dragged in. I'd ask what you were doing here, but I already know what you are here for, one way or another.

Nayala Palain
Mar 26th, 2002, 09:38:24 PM
The Sith Knight watched Satine leave. She then turned to Eve.

" My Master is near, I wonder what fun she has found to play with. "

Mar 27th, 2002, 07:42:53 AM
Satine dashes throguh the corriders of Tolaria running into the med bay, ignoring his own injuries, and sliding to a stop by his sister.

"Hey, sis, you doing ok?"

Aura Allei
Mar 27th, 2002, 09:59:53 AM
Ending her meditation, Aura got up off the boulder and embarked on a trek, eventually leading into a wave of darkness lead by formidable forces of opposition.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 10:16:09 AM
Suddenly Xazor felt the presence of one she knew and loved. She opened her eyes despite the stinging feeling, and saw her brother Alpha. She attempted to smile, but it wasn't much. Nodding her head slightly, she spoke to him through the Force.

I think I am alright.....I can't see my injuries. All I remember was that I was hurt pretty badly.......and that I lost. I lost the damn battle.

She was frustrated with herself and wished she could go back down there and battle, but her body was way to weak for that. She would need to heal for a while.

Nayala Palain
Mar 27th, 2002, 01:02:00 PM
Athena smiled and then took off running to find her Master. Had indeed Dara found something to play with it would be fun to watch.

Running down the streets, and past her fellow Sith fighting Jedi. Athena skidded to a stop when she saw her Master. Walking slowly down the middle of a Street.

Mar 27th, 2002, 07:09:58 PM
"You lost a lot of blood. But don't worry about the battle. We can challenge them in a two on two match later. After you're healed!"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 07:54:28 PM
Xazor shook her head. She had failed and it hurt her heart more than all of her wounds hurt her body.

I feel so weak....I am not supposed to lose all the time!

She said through the Force. Her frustration could even be heard telepathically.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 28th, 2002, 04:42:47 AM
He was standing at a door, looking for all the world like a weatherbeaten tramp. The only indication of anything different was the glimpse of armour through the tattered cloak and the sword at his hip.

Interesting. Seems like someone had declared an open brawl for Force users. Well, his business wasn't urgent here, he would watch. It wasn't like anyone of them apart from someone he thouht was the Padawan Xazor knew whom he was.

He did on the other hand know a few other others. He had made sure he kept watch in his days as another name, hidden away like a skifter in a sabaac deck. Nothing to really interest him or to draw him in as yet. He would just wait and watch for now.

Severen Morkonis
Mar 28th, 2002, 04:49:00 AM
"You lost a lot of blood. But don't worry about the battle. We can challenge them in a two on two match later. After you're healed!"

'Alpha...' i muttered to myself as crept quietly down the corridors clad out in my black "stealth" uniform, i quickly pressed myself up against the wall next to the door and took a quick peek around the corner. Alpha and a woman...both jedi it seemed were conversing.

He looked injured..well i guess i was rather late for the fight, but the sith new me as a vulture, when a victim starts to bleed, Sieken picks the rest of the victim apart. From the deep pocket of my black combat pants slide my green LS known as "Losorus", i did not activate it incase the buzz let loose my location.

I listened to my arch enemy for a while speak to the defenceless woman about a certain number of useless crap jedi talk about...it was no good...i was growing inpatient...time for the vulture to fly.

With a quick spin and a joint effort the LS sprang to life as i walked into the room Alpha was in,my silver hair flapping in the air ducts wind, as a came to a stop infront of the door.

"You should really watch the blood trail you leave behind, very easy to track my friend...hmm..i have a intrusting idea..why don't i extract the rest of that blood for you with the aid of my Saber and help you rest in peace?"

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Mar 28th, 2002, 06:44:17 AM
:: The Sith Master sensed the presence of her apprentice and blood sister Sith Knight Athena Lady Darknss and hailed her from a short distance down the road as she continued to walk directly down the middle of the cobblestone path. Dara smiled and wondered if Athena had found anything of interest during this visit to Tatooine. There was something that suddenly interrupted those thoughts however. A man leaning in a doorframe had suddenly spit out the contents of his mouth on the ground near her. Looking down, Dara saw the seed shells scattered all about and some of them sticking on her custom made black boots. Looking rather annoyed at the tall man in the brown cloak, she called upon the Dark Side energy blazing through her and held out her hand, force pulling him to her. As she grabbed the neckline of his cloak firmly and looked into his eyes, she spoke through clenched teeth quietly ::

"You owe me a new pair of boots..."

:: Headbutting him unexpectedly, the two stumbled apart and with the lightning quick reflexes of a seasoned Dark Side warrior, she grabbed her twin saber hilts and ignited her lightsabers ::

Mar 28th, 2002, 09:14:04 AM
Satine patted Xazor's shoulder comfortingly. "It's ok. You're new at this. I still loose and I've been around a lot longer then you."

He is about to say more, but hears the sabre, and Sieken's voice. The silver haired Jedi Knight turns to face the silver haired Sith, and takes a weapon off his belt, hitting a button. the cylinder extends to a six foot bo staff. Spinning it, Satine gets into a fighting stance, using the force to funnel away the pain of his injuries, and to enhance his reflexes.

"Come on Sithling. It won't be my blood that splatters the walls." Satine notices the slumped forms of two of his firebats, and curses. Motioning for the two remaining soldiers with him to take Xazor to a better secured room, Satine motions for Sieken to come on.

"Let's get this started..."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 28th, 2002, 09:40:41 AM
No! I won't go, you can't make me go!

Xazor did not want to leave her brother as the soldiers lifted her and took her away. She reached out an injured arm for him as she rounded the corner.

I will be with you....

She spoke to him through the Force and her mind gently touched his. She sent a comforting wave to him....he would be alright, she could feel it.

Mar 28th, 2002, 10:30:38 AM
Satine can't help but smile at the comforting feeling he got from Xazor. He sends her a message through the Force. Sis, I don't know what sieken here would do to you. You're too weak to fight, and I'm the only one capable of protecting you here. You needed to get out of the way so I wouldn't have to worry more then I have to for your safety.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 28th, 2002, 10:45:27 AM
Don't worry about me, I'll heal...I just don't want you to get hurt.

She said through the Force as the soldiers set her down in a secure room next door. She leaned against the wall and they offered to stay there.

Stand in front of the door, that will do.

She requested and they did so. She brushed her hair from her eyes and focused on keeping a constant Force connection with Alpha.

As my father always says, "Don't worry about me, I am a Garou! I heal quickly....."

She relayed through the Force again. She could not help but laugh as she thought this to herself. She suddenly felt aware of the presence of another.........very familiar to her. She closed her eyes and reached out her senses with the Force and found that it was Marcus Q'Dunn. She smiled to herself as she focused again on Alpha in the room next to hers....

Mar 28th, 2002, 03:37:28 PM
Satine turns his attention back to Sieken, and thinks, finally sending a message through the Force.

Any Jedi close to my position. This is Warrior Jedi Knight Satine Capashen. I am stuck here against Sieken, and am wounded from a previous battle. I request help. I need to get Xazor to a hospital. Fast.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:53:41 PM
Xazor heard Alpha's message and started to worry. Her heart beat quicker and quicker and then suddenly she just passed out. It was an unconscious state to protect her mind from the pain she was now experiencing from her wounds...

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 29th, 2002, 06:49:46 AM
Dasquian looked on Miryan as he set himself into his customary fighting stance. The Jedi himself was about to move into his own, when he was seeded the first move. Giving a nod, he paced forward slowly, stepping foot over foot as he gripped his saber hilt tightly in both hands.

"For the Force,"

And he advanced. With a spring from one foot to another, he leapt at the Sith with a sharp double swing of his saber before flipping straight over him.

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 29th, 2002, 05:48:16 PM
.. A saber duel, hmm?

*The words came out with surprising calm, and the casual nature of them slightly surprised Dasquian, as he descended towards the Sith. Almost slowly, MnT's right hand turned up towards the Jedi, and just bare moments before the sabers would have made contact, a force push repelled his momentum, knocking Dasquian back up into the air, and away from the black-clad teen.*

... Well then, lets hope my skills have not degraded from not practicing them in a while..

*Internally cursing himself for forgetting about keeping up his saber training, MnT's arms crossed over his chest, each grasping a hilt from ether side of his waist. As he brought the two back to their respective sides, the two cylinders erupted with a bright simultaneous flash. The area was only slightly effected by the dual purple and grey blades, due to the bright suns outweighing their own light.*

*With the purple saber Life in his right hand, and the grey saber Death in his left, MnT smiled, waiting for the Jedi to stand back up.. Hopefully, this would be a fun battle..*

Severen Morkonis
Mar 29th, 2002, 11:00:43 PM
Alpha...what a fool he rearly was, as Satine was preoccupied with sending messages every 2 secondes i took this opertunity to strike hard and fast.

Spinning my body with a full force strike as if i was swinging a baseball bat i stiked with full force and rage witch managed to cut right into the jedis chest and made a deep gash from one nippel to the other. and with a final blow to start the fight.

I force moved a sergical knife from a nearby desk which flipped itself right into the cheek of Alpha and made a large hole in his flesh exposeing his teeth.

[i]' Jedi trainers are no good..they didn't even teach you to payattention....pathetic[/i'

Keanda Arylar
Mar 30th, 2002, 04:03:30 AM
:: Keanda blinked almost in disbelief as the younger Dark Sider left her in the shop unharmed. Running over to the doorway, she looked out and did not see him anywhere. The Padawan was confident that other keepers of the peace would be alerted to his evil presence and would protect those from his harmful path. Glancing around, Keanda clipped her lightsaber hilt back on her belt as she studied the area. Her master was occupied with the remaining Sith, so she decided to walk outside the shop to see who she might find in the area. While outside, she heard the message of a fellow Jedi in need of assistance.

Running with force speed to the location of the message, the Padawan saw bodies and creatures scattered around on the ground outside a small ship. Grabbing her saber hilt she entered the shuttle and ran quickly down the corridor on the way to the source of the distress call. Keanda rounded the corner to see a man being attacked brutally. Force leaping across the room and landing with a twist, she ignited her blue lightsaber and deflected the knife before it could hit its intended target. The loud slamming sound of the knife hitting the far wall resounded in the small enclosed area as she looked into the eyes of the attacker. Standing toe to toe with the man filled with darkness, the Padawan stood her ground protectively in front of the man and woman whom she recognized as Xazor from the GJO ::

"You will not harm them. Now go your own way, Dark Sider, and let these people be on their way."

Mar 30th, 2002, 07:40:41 AM
"Thanks for your help..." Satine tells the newcomer, his voice cracking. The Jedi Knight had tried to shunt away the pain, but it proved too much for him. His body wasn't built for taking this much pain...

"Sieken...We do pay attention. but sometimes, the Sith are just below our vision. not worth our time..."

Satine stands beside Keanda, trying to form a flame, but finding his powers almost completely drained. Instead, he gets into the best fighting stance he can possible do, and ignites his second sabre, watching the Sith.

Xanatos Etanial
Mar 30th, 2002, 02:02:36 PM
::Standing against the darkness Xanatos found himself simply watching, massive group conflicts were definately not his style, yet something had drawn him here today. Let's call it a memory, a slight smile formed across his lips as he watched Alpha in his desperate plight for survival, there were plenty of others to watch, plenty of others to see. But his focus was cocentrated on Alpha, the one whom now called himself Satine.

It had been many years before, when Etanial was still a young man when he had first encountered this one. The two fought long and hard, and at the end the outcome was clear, Etanial stood tall in his first victory against a lightsider. It had been this battle that had given him the rank that he had been stuck with so long, that of warrior. Many sith would be ashamed of having stayed at one rank for so long, but then again, Xanatos was not your average Sith.

He chuckled lightly as he watched, and slowly drew his weapon of choice, the blade that he had carried since he left his home world of Mythos. A blade forged by the fires of the Centurian blacksmith's, the Centurians were the finest forgers to ever come from Mythos's grand history. And this sword had been their shining accomplishment. Long since, Etanial had encountered a Sith who still practiced and knew the long thought dead arts of Sith socery. It had been this meeting that had allowed his weapon to reach it's full potential.

The socery of this one Sith had left it's mark on Etanial's blade, now infused with the Dark powers of the force itself. It now stood as a tribute to the grand weapons once used by the original Sith, it now found it's place, as a Sith blade. Unbreakable and true, this sword had proved itself against both blade and lightsaber alike. And now Etanial would find great joy in burying it's rich silver edge into the chest of his dear, old friend, Alpha.

Etanial's window of opportunity to do so would quickly vanish if he didn't act fast. He made his way towards the ship's front where Seiken and some Jedi seemed to be in a stand off. He chuckled slightly and waved his hands towards the two::

"Alpha belongs to me. You will move so I may take his pathetic life."

::X clenched his fist tightly, a sneer covering his face::

"Even if I must drag his worthless carcass out from that ship to do so!"

::Sieken turned his attention to Etanial with a sneer::

"That Jedi is mine to destroy! You have no business here!"

::Etanial's expression turned cold.::

"Let me make things clear for you my dear lad, we may share the same rank, but I most certainly have seniority on you. I do not care if you WANT Satine. You can't have him. Him and I have..."

::Etanial gritted his teeth tight::

"history. And I will be the one to destroy him."

::Etanial glared at Seiken with a biting look::

"Kill this Jedi, kill that Jedi, I don't really care who you kill. But Satine belongs to me, period. Now step back, junior."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 30th, 2002, 02:18:26 PM
As Xazor laid unconscious, she was suddenly aware of everything going on outside of her body. Her mind was fully active, thanks to the Force. Suddenly, she felt a great disturbance.....her brother was in trouble. In her mind, the was a great struggle now, against her body. With that, she saw a great white flash......and was fully conscious. She sat right up, her body still weak from the earlier battle. She heard a great commotion going on in the room next to her, and slowly rose to her feet. She opened the doors quietly and pushed through the two guards who were standing there. The one on her left tried to stop her, but it was no use. With her strength rebuilding somehow, quickly...she ran until she had the current situation in view. Quickly activating her lightsaber, the weak warrior stepped up behind Xanatos and slammed the hilt into the base of his neck. She growled deeply and looked at him. Her blue eyes flashed a dark silver as a regained strength ran through her body. That was the good thing about her race.....they regained strength at an unblievable rate.....and it was even faster for a Force user.

Two against one....doesn't seem fair to me..

She said through her deep growl, exposing her canines. It was a thing she had not even told Alpha.....she was really half Garou. That was why she had a strange love of wolves and such a dislike for Cizeraks.....

Xanatos Etanial
Mar 30th, 2002, 02:24:36 PM
::Etanial let out a low growl, as he fell to one knee clutching the back of his neck, he turned sharply to eyeball the pathetic Jedi who had dared too... And then a slight smile came over his face as he saw who had attacked him::


::He chuckled as he stood to his feet, still rubbing the blow on his neck::

"How nice to see you again. How comes the family search? Oh, and I by no means want a 2 on 1 fight, it's not my style. It's simply the fact that I want Alpha to myself. He's mine to destroy."

::He glanced over to the injured Satine, still writhing in pain barely standing and grinned::

"However I doubt he'll be going anywhere, anytime soon. Care to fill the gap inbetween so I don't get bored?"

::Etanial slowly brought his still blood covered blade up pointing it out towards Xazor's face, an amused look on his face::

Xazor Elessar
Mar 30th, 2002, 02:32:32 PM
Xazor growled slightly and moved the blade away from her face with the blade of her lightsaber.

My family is dead.....instead, I have my Master, Verse Dawnstrider. He adopted me as his daughter. And Alpha is my brother....you will not touch him......

She said firmly as she glared into his eyes, slowly moving in front of her brother....

Xanatos Etanial
Mar 30th, 2002, 02:36:30 PM
::Xanatos let a soft laugh escape from his mouth::

"Well then, I guess I'll simply have to leave Verse with no children. A shame, I rather liked you, as far as Jedi go. Farewell Xazor."

::Etanial lowered his blade and brought his hand up, palm stretched outwards towards Xazor, he focused his years of hatred and immense rage into his palm, and smiled as a low hum emmited his flesh, and a dull light formed on his fingertips.::

"Let me ask you, have you ever heard of a Force shockwave?"

Aura Allei
Mar 30th, 2002, 04:10:03 PM
Aura raced towards the confrontation between her fellow Jedi and the Sith. She unclipped a hilt at her belt and hastily ignited the magenta core, its energy lance taking form, as it escaped its metallic confines following with an audible hiss.

"Xazor, Keanda, Satine...what happened?!"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 30th, 2002, 04:55:27 PM
Xazor grinned, her canines showing still. She sure had heard of this "shockwave" and after much practice, had built up a defense against it. She set up the defense....a Force shield around her body.

Bring it....

She growled in a low voice.....

Mar 30th, 2002, 06:29:54 PM
Satine had heard the entire conversation, and manages a little laugh.

"Tell me...X...Why...is it...that...I seem to be...so popular?"

Satine sees Xazor's reactions, and his mouth gapes open, seeing something he had only ever seen in his friend Verse.

"Xazor? Are you...a Garou?"

Figrin D'an
Mar 30th, 2002, 07:08:16 PM
The Jedi master cleared his mind, ignoring the taunt of the dark warrior that stood before him. The Sith had taken the bait, exactly as he intended. Keanda was well-trained and had a great Force potential, contrary to the Sith's comments... but she lacked combat experience, and had a tinge of blissful innocence in her yet. Figrin did not want her to face a dark-side warrior of this calibur... at least, not yet. He knew that Keanda would be able to find the other Jedi in the vincinity, and aid them. With her protection secured temporarily, the Jedi turned to more immediate concerns.

Figrin remained still, maintaining a piercing gaze on the Sith that now faced him. Conflict seemed inevitable... he could see the blood lust in his opponents eyes. Nevertheless, the Jedi felt that an attempt at resolution should be made, if for no other reason than to save innocent civilian lives.

"You made a poor choice of whom to bully... but, fortunately for you, I am not without restraint. If you leave now, I will ignore this incident... there is no need for senseless bloodshed."

The Jedi master did not expect any form of agreement by the Sith... he discretely prepared himself for a quick defensive posture.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 30th, 2002, 08:56:25 PM
Xazor quickly glanced at Alpha, realizing that he had discovered her secret. Her face flushed red and her eyes fell to the ground, though she kept the Force shield around her body. She nodded slightly and looked intently into his eyes.

Remember that mission I went on....when I found Kaukauna.......? Well....I knew before that, but I wanted proof.....and I got it. Alpha, really, I would have told you sooner...you can't tell my father!

Thoughts raced through her mind, and her heart raced in her chest as a lump formed in her throat.

Mar 30th, 2002, 09:37:44 PM
"Don't worry...I won't. the shcok'd...kill him probably." Satine says, having trouble keeping concious. He need sleep. Maybe it would be alright if he just dropped into a deep, long, dark sleep now...Nobody would mind...

Severen Morkonis
Mar 30th, 2002, 09:55:08 PM
Will rethink post....sorry

Xazor Elessar
Mar 30th, 2002, 10:11:41 PM
Xazor walked right up to Sieken (sp?) and slapped him in the face. He looked shocked for a moment, and she then kneed him in the stomach.

No, you will not touch my brother. Leave him alone!

Adrenaline was rushing through her body and this Garou was not going to stand down from her ground.

ooc: Okay......now I am confused...oh well, I'll go with it! :)

Xanatos Etanial
Mar 30th, 2002, 10:46:07 PM
::Etanial's anger grew as Sieken seemed to ignore every word he had said::

"I SAID STEP OFF. Satine belongs to no one but me! His blood shall stain my blade, and my blade ALONE! Now. Back off. Kill the other Jedi, keep them out of my way if you must, do whatever you have to, to get your rocks off, but leave Alpha to me. And Xazor? I thought we were doing something here... me thinketh you have a short attention span. Best you keep it focused on the real threats."

::Xazor had fool heartedly allowed the adrenaline to go to her brain, and had turned to face a different opponent, lowering the defensive shield she had brought up to combat X's forth coming Shockwave. X slammed his hand forward, a force amplified sonic attack, the original Force Shockwave, created years before while X had trained with his Mast Ayanami Rai, the result. It screamed, tearing through the sound barrier as it found it's mark slamming hard into Xazor, it forced her to double over in pain::

"Big mistake, lil' one."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 30th, 2002, 10:50:57 PM
Xazor growled and brought herself to stand up once again.........her internal wounds healed immediatly. It was something that she was lucky to have.....her Garou blood flowed through her veins and she grinned...her canines showing all the while.

You have made the mistake, Xanatos....and you shall leave my brother alone. I am warning you.....do not lay a hand.......blade, or whatever else on my brother. It's me and you....

She growled deeply, taking her stand in front of Alpha once again. Somehow, unknown to Alpha...her body had regenerated it life energy...

Mar 31st, 2002, 09:27:08 AM
Satine had ben watching, regenerating just enough energy for one little attack.

Xazor. Get X when he's distracted. He sends through the Force, and he smiles grimly as he senses his sister's confusing.

Pulling all the energy he had gotten back, the Jedi Knight forms a ball of Force Concussion. It was time to be a real Jedi and try to defeat the Dark...

Satine throws the ball as X is busy charging Xazor, the force blast catching him in the chest. Satine slumps to the ground again, all excess energy he had depleted.

Now Xazor! Strike!

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:56:03 AM
"Oh, how very kind of you to let me walk away! I'll just be going home then, I have a cake to bake and whatnot!"

Vega laughed loudly to himself and shook his head at Figrin, raising one hand to shake a judgemental finger at him.

"Oh, no, no, no. There's no backing down out of this one, Jedi."

The Sith Lord palmed his saber idly, twirling the ignited blade in one hand as he watched the Jedi Master, still laughing somewhat.

"Let's get started. I have many more Jedi to slaughter after I'm done with you."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 31st, 2002, 05:39:26 PM
Xazor looks confused for a moment, but then without thinking......she strikes. Her canines showing again as the Garou within her flares. She growles deeply and jumps at the Sith on the floor. She slashes her saber across his chest.....and then again across that wound.....creating an "X". The wounds are deep and bleed out....she hopes in her heart she had not caused to much damage. Looking back at Alpha....he almost looks shocked.......

Mar 31st, 2002, 08:16:49 PM
The look actually wasn't shock, but exhaustion. As Xazor ism looking, her brother just collapses, his body having been pushed too far and taken too much of a beating to continue for a while. The Young Jedi Knight's head hits the floor with an audible thump, and he becomes still, breathing shallowly.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 31st, 2002, 08:26:39 PM

Xazor yells and rushes to his side, lifting his head off the ground. Tears stream from her eyes and she sends healing waves into his body. She rests her forehead on his and cries....her tears flowing onto his face.....

Hirokumi Chödak
Mar 31st, 2002, 08:41:25 PM
The Ton Po Master and Jedi Padawan had been on a brief sabatical from his small apartment and temple when he felt an intense burst of pain through the force. He soon came upon the huge battle that had been taking place between the Sith and the Jedi. He immediately noticed a particular being, obviously a Jedi by the Force Signature, lying on the ground with a woman crying over him. Hirokumi made his way to the body and knelt next to it. He placed his hand on the fallen Jedi's forehead and closed his eyes. Concentrating on the feeling of serenity and calm that washed over him as his old friend and Master had taught him, he sent waves of healing Force through the Jedi's body.

He turned to the woman crying next to him and smiled. "I am Chödak, I will help you."

Xanatos Etanial
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:05:50 PM
::Xanatos screamed clutching tightly at the wounds created by the infidel Jedi. Her audacity! To attack in such a manner, the Jedi claimed honor, but here was an attack on him did in two waves, from two different people, of all the nerve. Xazor would pay! Alpha would pay! The Jedi would PAY!

Etanial screamed out in his mind, allowing this rage to fuel his energy, his wound had all but stopped bleeding now, the heat from the saber having cauterized it, though it still bled in a few areas, slowly he stood to his feet, blood spattered against his lips. As he narrowed his eyes and stared at Alpha and Xazor, and what was this? A newcomer? Yet another individual to interfere and try to keep him from his goal? This was unnacceptable.

He welled back, bending over backwards and screaming in rage and anger, releasing along with it a wave of darkside energy, it rippled across the area, it's effects slamming into the three Jedi in front of him, Alpha, Xazor and this new interloper.::

"ENOUGH! You've sealed all of your fates now!"

::With that X charged the three, using the force to increase his speed he brought a fast punch into the gut of Chödak, doubling him over, and in the same movement brought his hand out from Chödak's gullet and to his face, now lowered in pain. He released a blast of force energy and tossed the Padawan away to the ground, and gave him a demeaning sneer::

"Stay out of this if you know what's good for you Jedi."

::He turned his attention back to Xazor and Alpha, lunging himself once more onto the attack, Xazor scrambled desperatly to her feet, but found herself simply improving X's target. He brought his knee into her chest hard, as she was still struggling to rise to ehr feet from Alpha's side, in a single flowing movement X spun against the heel of his foot and brought his other booted foot crashing into the skull of Xazor, sending her flying several meters before crashing back down. X stared coldly down at the only Jedi left in front of him, Satine.::

Hirokumi Chödak
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:37:56 PM
Getting back to his feet immediately, the Ton Po Master and Jedi Padawan turned to face the one that had attacked him. He began to feel the serenity that had been jostled by the angry Sith's attack flowing through him once more.

"I sense good in you still, Sith. Come to peace with your inner self. Return to your senses and allow the purity of the Light Side to flow through you and empower you to protect the weak and innocent."

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:40:19 PM
"You owe me a new pair of boots..."

What the....? And even more What the was when the woman headbutted him. And added to that, she she drew twin sabres.

I get attacked by a Dark Sider for standing in a doorway?

Whatever the reason, there was a woman coming at him with two lightsabres, giving him a need to defend himself. Or to get clear. Getting clear meant she would more than likely attack another innocent. Thence, this was a stand and fight. Now twin sabres looked menacing, but there were ways and means to use them to your own advantage. For one, they were too long for truly effective twin hand fighting. Second was the fact all you really needed to do was to stay back and bide your time.

His mind fully focused, he drew out his own sabre, ignoring the sword for the moment. The colour shifting blade came to life, strobing almost immediatly. He gripped the unusual sabre on the highest of it's twin grips, sacrificing power for speed. The Jedi held his ground for the moment, staring down the Dark Sider.

"I'm surprised those boots didnt try to reject your foul feet in the first place. "

Daegal Murdoch
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:41:09 PM
"Well well welll...", a voice boomed from behind Xanatos. "This isn't exactly fair, is it Jedi? You who claim to protect the weak and innocent ganging up on my poor friend, Xanatos?"

Daegal flashed an evil grin as he walked up behind Xanatos, standing next to him. Placing his hand on X's shoulder, Daegal chuckled.

"Can't let you have all the fun, now can I?"

Xanatos Etanial
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:45:45 PM
::X snickered under his breath, trying desperatly to keep from falling over in laughter::

"You need a great deal more training in the force if you honestly believe that. I have no good left in me. It died years ago, along with my compassion, conscience and decensy. All that's left is what you see before, call it hollow, call it shallow, but I like me. And I like hating ignorant little upstart Jedi like you. I'd kill you for the comment, but to be honest, you're not even worth the thought."

::Xanatos glanced over, giving a smile at the arrival of Murdoch.::

"Always a pleasure Daegal."

Keanda Arylar
Apr 1st, 2002, 12:15:55 AM
"Aura, please help Satine and Xazor. They are injured and more Sith keep showing up."

:: Keanda moved over to engage the one whom she had heard called Sieken. He looked to be filled with hatred and very dangerous. The young Padawan raised her saber in a defensive posture to thwart off the Dark Sider so he could not advance on the already injured fellow Jedi ::

Apr 1st, 2002, 02:53:16 AM
Ok, this is fun. Strider says as he walks into the middle of the fight between X and the various Jedi. Strider then looks at X I haven't heard a yell like that since the Imperials took the penent*hic*. Well this seems unfair a small number versus a larger number, so lets even things up a bit. I'll take you and your young friend there on. What do you say...?

Apr 1st, 2002, 07:56:03 AM
Thanks to Chodak and his sister, Satine had slowly regained conciousness, and he got up, his eyes blazing.

"X, why the frell am I so popular lately?Especially by a nobody like you..." Satine asks, igniting one sabre. He smiles and sends a message of thanks to xaozr and Chodak through the Force, his other hand going to a pulse pistol at his hip. As Xanatos charges Satine, the Jedi leaps out of the way, and brings his pistol to bear, firing a quick succession of bolts. He breathes heavily as he gets up, still wounded and tired from his last skirmishes.

this was going to be a long day...

Xazor Elessar
Apr 1st, 2002, 10:42:31 AM
Xazor slowly rose to her feet, her internal injuries healing with lightening speed. She glared at Xanatos, Sieken, and Strider; her canines being exposed once again.

Leave us alone.......

She growled deeply. She quickly sent a mesage of thanks to the healer and returned the gratitute to her brother, through the Force. Her Garou instincts stirred inside of her and she seemed to grow stronger with each passing minute. She ignited her saber and stood in defense in front of her brother. Quickly looking to Marcus, she knew he could read her thoughts before she said anything.

I feel backed into a corner.....help me....please.......

He already could feel her emotions through the life bond they shared. She sighed, keeping her focus on the Sith that stood before her....

Apr 1st, 2002, 11:04:13 AM
"Xazor?" Satine asks, his voice ragged with exhaustion. "Is it just me or are we some of the most attacked JEdi the Order has?"

The Jedi Knight puts his pulse pistol back into his holster, and brings his sabre into a fighting stance.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 1st, 2002, 11:09:59 AM
Xazor couldn't help but smile. Her canines showing quite visibly now. Her eyes flashed silver-grey and she spoke.

I think we are! No.....I know we are!

She kept focused as she laughed.

Xanatos Etanial
Apr 1st, 2002, 08:57:22 PM
::Xanatos snarled as he dropped down, avoiding the volley of shots::

"This is why I hate group fights. I don't care about the rest of you, the only reason I'm even here is for Alpha. And since he's feeling much better, I demand a private confrontation with him. The rest of you can all go frell each other for what I care, but Alpha stays here."

::X slowly got back to his feet and brought a cold glare eye to eye with Satine::

"We need to talk Satine. Along with 'other' things."

Apr 1st, 2002, 09:08:36 PM
Alpha's eyes blazed--not figureatively, but literally. His flame powers gave him that ability, and he used it now.

"Everyone else. Leave. Now!" Satine barks. "As the ranking Jedi here, I'm telling you all to go. X and I have some things to 'discuss.'"

Satine waits for the Jedi to move away, and then walks over to X, his sabre still lit and ready for action.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 1st, 2002, 09:29:31 PM
Xazor glared at Alpha......her eyes turning a deep grey color....now she looked more like Verse than ever. It was so uncanny.....and almost frightening in a sense. She growled deeply, her canines showing in full this time.


She said in a low voice to her brother. She would not leave his side ever......especially in a threat like this.

I won't leave you....

She said quietly, her eyes softening for a moment and then returning to the battle driven Garou look.

Apr 1st, 2002, 09:41:39 PM
"Just do it!" satine snarls, and uses the Force to propel Xazor out the door.

Look, sis, he's more dangerous then all of the rest put together, but he only want to go after me. that's a plus. I need to finish this anyways. We're old 'friends'.

Satine looks pleadingly at Xazor as she finally backs down and leaves...

Apr 2nd, 2002, 12:01:16 AM
Strider then looked at Xazor.
You do not have a choice in this, you are injured in both spirit and body. And while you have the ability to somehow heal your body, the spirit is a harder thing to heal. Do not worry, I will make sure Alpha comes out of this alive.

Strider then turns back to X and Co.
Well we don't have all day, are you all going to do something or am I going to have to start it!

Nayala Palain
Apr 2nd, 2002, 10:20:05 AM
Athena watched as her Master attacked with grace and deadly power. The man was standing there he had done nothing wrong until he spit on Master Shadowtides boots. He would have to lick them clean or buy her new ones. She felt something near her. So she turned stopped watching her Master.

The Sith Knight had left to watch her Master. She left Xazor, and Satine to heal after the beating they took from herself and her comrad Eve. She returned only to notice Xanatos, sekkien(SP) and Daegal.

" How annoying is this. "

She walked over and stood between her fellow Sith and the two Jedi she had already let live.

" Xanitos, Sekkien(SP) I am rather displeased... I left these two to get treatment. And I return to see someone else has tresspassed, into others area. You attack a Jedi Padawan who was thrown from a building top by Sith Knight Eve Siren. And a Jedi Knight who had a warm up dance with me. Why is it you only have attacked the weak, the ones who have already taken a beating today. To let live to fight when skills have sharpened. "

Her deadly cold gaze looked at her fellow Sith.

Xanatos Etanial
Apr 2nd, 2002, 11:21:21 AM
::Xanatos took a step forward casting a glare straight back at Athena::

"I could care less about Xazor, it is only Alpha that I want. Our battle is personal, and has been ongoing for even longer than you have been with the Empire. And although it is against my nature to submit to anyone..."

::He clenched his teeth tightly anger shining against his face::

"You do outrank me, for the time being, and I shall respect your request."

::Etanial took a step to the side, to get a better look at Satine. He drew his sword and pointed it straight at the Jedi's heart::

"This stay of your execution is only temporary Alpha. When next we meet there will not be someone standing between you and I, and you WILL feel my full wrath come upon you. This I promise, little Dragon Rider. This I promise."

::Etanial's icy stare pierced through even the thick dark sunglasses which covered the man's eyes and penetrated Satine's inner soul::

Apr 2nd, 2002, 12:38:11 PM
Strider sneers and grabs X's sunglasses off of his face and throws them to the ground.
Your all idiots...Can't you all find another opponent to face? Or are you all afraid of what the other Jedi might do to you. BAKA!

Xanatos Etanial
Apr 2nd, 2002, 12:48:25 PM
::Xanatos immediatly brings his arm over his eyes, shielding them::


::Xanatos used the Force to recall his sunglasses to him, and slips them on before moving his arm.::

"You want to fight me? Well then. I'm yours little fool."

::Strider had simply stood there, hadn't moved back, hadn't made any other movements. A foolish mistake. Etanial brought his knee sharply into Strider's gut, causing this pathetic wannabe to double over in pain. Etanial grabbed him from under his arm and tossed him over his shoulder, smiling as he hit the floor with a loud crack. Etanial walked over and ran the blade over his sword slowly across Strider's cheek, slicing through the exposed flesh easily.::

"You have no idea whom you've just challenged."

Apr 2nd, 2002, 02:04:22 PM
Satine sneers, and limps out of the room, looking back at X.

"Oh, I'll be waiting for you sithling. The Dragon Knight doesn't run from a challenge!"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 2nd, 2002, 04:48:17 PM
Xazor sat in the med room next to the one that the fight was ending in. She sat there crying silently to herself as the guards blocked the door from anyone who wished to enter. Her heart as well as her body ached. She couldn't believe what her brother had done to her....and now she was upset with him...

Daegal Murdoch
Apr 2nd, 2002, 05:17:17 PM
Daegal moved away from his fellow Sith, disgusted with the public arguing that had been going on. It was time for him to release his anger and he only wished that someone was willing to bear the brunt of it.

"Why must we stand and argue? Are we petty Jedi or are we Sith? Arguing solves nothing, only action."

With that, Daegal ignited his two sabers, one blue and one gold.

"And action is what I am seeking."'

Apr 2nd, 2002, 08:36:15 PM
Satine's armor had reverted to his trechcoat and black cargo pants and shirt, as he makes his way through the ship. He opened himself to the Force, and finds Xazor, crying. He frowns, and asks,

"It's me isn't it?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 2nd, 2002, 08:44:21 PM
Xazor heard her brother speaking in her mind. She does not respond, but continues to cry lightly. Her body is tired......as is her mind. She gently lays down on the bunk and cries into the pillow. Her heart aches....maybe more than her body does..

Apr 2nd, 2002, 08:48:22 PM
Satine opens the door of the room Xazor is in, and stumbles in, his own wounds giving him trouble. He sits down on the floor by Xazor's bunk, and sighs.

"Let me guess, this is about what I did to get you out of the battle?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 2nd, 2002, 08:55:29 PM
Xazor sits up and leans against the wall, her ribs hurting badly. She guesses she has a few broken ones along with other injuries. She wipes the streaming tears from her damp cheeks and sighes heavily.

Yeah.....actually, it is....okay?

She says roughly, wiping more tears away with the back of the sleeve on her robe.

Apr 2nd, 2002, 09:14:45 PM
"Well, I got out of it alive, if that's what you mean. Thanks to Athena. remind me to send her a fruit basket." Satine says, at a weak attempt at humor. He was just too tired to be a real comedian today.

He then turns serious, his young features looking like someone twice his age.

"But listen to me on this. Xanatos is dangerous! He could have taken us both on without problems. Even if I died, I had to get you out of it."

Seeing Xazor's protests, Satine growls slightly, his temper on edge.

"You want to see what he did to me the first time we met? Here!" Satine takes out a holo projector, and programs it, activating it. On it is a fight scene, a young Alpha and Xanatos. Xazor watches as X procedes to beat alpha close to the point of death, at which point Satine shuts off the thing.

"You see? We have history, him and I. He would pretty much leave you alone. He is one of the few Sith I fear. not just respect, but fear. He could wipe me out without a second thought!"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 2nd, 2002, 09:25:47 PM
Xazor shook her head and turned away from him.

I don't care! I am not afraid of him no matter what he can do or would do to me. Fear is that path of the darkside. I fear nothing!

She said, her voice raised as loud as her body would allow her to. She sighed, wiping tears from her eyes. She was serious in her words....but she did not think that he would understand. He had not seen the hell she had....

Apr 2nd, 2002, 10:50:44 PM
Funny, I thought it was the King of Mythos I was challenging. Oh and one more thing, you don't know who your challenging...

Suddenly a dark aura fills the room as Strider rises to his feet. Before Xanatos can react, he is thrown at high speed up into the ceiling. He crashes through the ceiling and, to the dismay of the occupants continues to fly into the next ceiling. After that he falls back down to the floor he was just on before he took off on his short trip. Xanatos lands on his stomach hearing a crack of a few bones.

After that Strider grabs his jeweled seceptor from his belt and took up a crude defense position and spoke again.
You see, you only cracked a rib, try harder.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 3rd, 2002, 03:43:58 AM
Dasquian watched as the Sith unveiled twin sabers; no doubt both of these weapons had seen a lot of action in their time and would be eager to taste the flesh of another Jedi. His brow furrowed deeply and he set himself back into a defensive stance, awaiting the Sith's onslaught, all the while meditating on the Force.

Nayala Palain
Apr 3rd, 2002, 04:27:33 AM
" Daegal, do you have a hearing problem? "

The Sith Knight asked. She had already told the trio of other Sith to back off. But he still wanted the fight.

" Fight anyone BUT Satine and the child Padawan. If you dont listen to me. I shall have your hide at the Empire. "

She moved from the center of the area and watched.

Apr 3rd, 2002, 07:25:11 AM
"It would be foolish to fear nothing." Satine says quietly, and then senses the thoughts she had.

"Not understand? The hells you've been through? I lost my family when I was five. I was in the Sith until I was eleven. I slaughtered hundreds. You don't call that Hell? If you don't,please, enlighten me as to what it is!" Satine tells his sister.

Daegal Murdoch
Apr 3rd, 2002, 04:21:27 PM
" Fight anyone BUT Satine and the child Padawan. If you dont listen to me. I shall have your hide at the Empire. "

The words rang in his head and he turned to face Athena.

"Do not threaten me. Ever. I was was challenging the other Jedi here. Unless you know my intentions, do not speculate."

Pausing, he continued. His face was completely emotionless, showing no signs of fear.

"I respect you because of the time that you have put into the Empire, but I do not fear you, Athena. Do not mistake the two", he snarled.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 3rd, 2002, 04:34:14 PM
Xazor turned away from her brother. She wiped the remaining tears from her eyes.

Just forget it.....

She says quietly and leans against the wall.

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 3rd, 2002, 07:58:26 PM
... Well then.. a defensive Jedi.. this is indeed a different battle than those I'm used to.. This should be interesting..

*He thought to himself, whilst deciding on a course of action.. The only problem with attacking an opponent who was standing in defense, was that it was too easy for them to read your moves, and counter them..*

.. Might as well not keep him waiting..

*Suddenly launching forwards, from standing still into a full dash, the Sith covered the distance between himself and the Jedi in a heartbeat, "Life" in his left hand angled up for defense, while "Death" in the other was raised above his head. As soon as he reached striking distance, MnT brought the grey saber crashing down at an angle towards the intersection of Dasquian's neck, and left shoulder. However, even as the Jedi was bringing his own blade up to defend, his opponent's left foot was rushing up, a durasteel rimmed boot coming for his stomach.*

.. Let's see how he reacts..

Apr 4th, 2002, 08:31:32 AM
Satine sees how Xazor reacts, and he suddenly, painfully realizes that he went too far.

"Xazor...I'm sorry...I..."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 4th, 2002, 02:05:29 PM
Xazor shook her head and a few tears escaped.

No, don't be sorry. I'm just starting to realize that no one really cares what I have faced. Their problems have always been bigger and always will be.....somehow. I understand your parents died when you were five, but Alpha, I have never even known my parents. I have not even seen as much as a picture of them! I have only been told stories and facts.....that's all. Sure, I was enjoying life as it came to me. Did I ever fill you in on the fact that I was actually called "Empress"? Didn't think so...but I was. People got killed for talking to me....and I even killed "unauthorized" beings. Alpha......I killed well over five hundred people while I was a Sith! Like I said....just forget it.....

She turned around finally to face him and saw the look of sorrow in his eyes. She hated to see him look that way.....it killed her inside. Her eyes dropped to the floor and she moved closer to him. Suddenly, she just threw her arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder. Her past, present, and future seemed to collide in a moment and it hurt her badly. No one seemed to understand anymore.....

Apr 5th, 2002, 08:17:30 AM
Satine just holds Xazor, trying to send comforting waves of emotion through the Force.

"I'm sorry sis. I didn't know. I just didn't know..."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 5th, 2002, 03:07:54 PM
Xazor takes comfort and strength in his embrace.

It's alright......

She says softly as tears stream down her face...

Apr 5th, 2002, 07:16:47 PM
Satine smiles, glad for his sister's forgiveness.

"Thank you..."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 5th, 2002, 08:43:48 PM
Xazor pulled away from the embrace and looked into her brother's silver eyes. It was funny what a striking resemblence they held to each other...yet he was not Garou so it was almost impossible for them to be biologically linked. Her thoughts were interrupted when he smiled and spoke.

It's nothing....really. I have just been a little more emotional lately than I would like to be....

She could not figure out why, either. With time, she hoped, it would pass. Smiling once again as the remaining tears on her face dried, she brushed her blonde hair from her face. The cuts and bruises on her body still ached from the fight with Eve, but they were healing nicely. She looked down for a moment and then returned her gaze to his eyes once again.

Well......we should probably go home.....

She suggested, looking out the port window in the room. Out there she saw many planets and their systems. She felt kind of small but at the same time, she felt that her home was all that much more important.....and she couldn't wait to be back there in peace.....

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:21:07 AM
Pushing downwards to bind his saber against Miryans, Dasquian held the weapon at bay only to find a kick sweeping in towards him. With a sharp heavy handed knock of his saber, he jumped sideways to dodge the oncoming attack, once again finding a saber bearing down onto him. He swung his orange blade upwards to meet the call, angling to high to try and off the Sith's balance.

Apr 6th, 2002, 05:00:59 PM
:: Rama Stood looking at the Fights that were all about him, and then he let out one Force Pule......His Force Signature amplifed many times, so all would know he was here and that he would accept any that would Challenge him. But that may not be enough for a Jedi to come to him he needed an........::

"Innocent" A grin crept over his lips.

:: He looked about, in a stand nearby he caught the scent of someone,,,,,they were scared and hideing. He Outstreched his arm, and the woman who had been manning the Stand stood up from her hideing place against her will. Tears streamed down her face. ::

"Come to me"

:: He feet began to move.....she tired to fight them, but it was no use. She came within arms length of him. She tried to choke back the tears and show no fear, but Suddenly Rama's Hand went to her throat and lifted her off the ground. Now the tears and Crys flowed freely. ::

"Your scrafice will be noted....."

:: With that the woman Burst into flames from inside her own body. They exploded from her stomach, and Rama dropped her before the flames licked his hands. Her screams will now doubled and then silenced as the flames reached her head. ::

"That should do the trick. "

:: Rama places his hands behind his back anc clamly paced down the street towards the Maylee ahead. ::

Apr 6th, 2002, 07:36:46 PM
Satine smiles.

"I couldn't have said it better myself. Next stop, Arcan IV..."

Ket Van Derveld
Apr 6th, 2002, 07:48:15 PM

Ket was a bit peeved off about Gue,but he let it slide. pleanty of other Jedi to maim out there. So he decided best to try and locate his master's force signiture and accompany him.

Fast Forward

Ket had been searching out Rama's force signiture for some time,and now he had found it. He emerged from an alleyway in time to see Rama lift a woman off her feet and cause her to explode into flames from the inside out. Quite and awe inspiring sight. As Rama started walking,he called to him through the force.

"Master,may I accopany you to the fights that lay ahead?"

Apr 6th, 2002, 08:09:44 PM
"You may"

:: Rama said ::

"But we may still have to rasise the Jedi's intrest. It takes much for a Jedi to come out of his hole now day. "

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 7th, 2002, 01:18:35 AM
*Unfortunately, the Sith was quicker than Dasquian expected, and with a full spin to the right that would look almost dramatic to those who could not read it's purpose, MnT was under the Jedi's saber, Death once more circling in for the kill. If the Jedi did not react to as fast as comprehend the situation he was in, his upper and lower torso would be forever seperated..*

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 7th, 2002, 05:57:28 AM
Dasquian jerked his whole body backwards, skidding on the balls of his feet as he swung his saber downwards to bat away Death's scything swing. Glancing up at Miryan only momentarily, Dasquian sidestepped and hooked his saber around for a feigned swing at the Siths torso before stepping hard into an overhead hack.

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:52:09 PM
*Grinning as the sliver blade rushed in towards his torso, the Sith held Life ready in defense, but did not put his strength behind it. Indeed, he could sense little ferocity in the attack, and so read it to simply be a diversion. If he was correct, he would have ample time to counter.*

*His intuition proved correct, as the Jedi then stepped forwards, drawing his saber into an over-head slash. Perfect.. Wasting not even the most minute moment, he lunged forward, doubling over at the waste as he shot with incredible speed towards his opponent's midsection. The attack paid off in double. Once when the powerful headbutt crashed into the Jedi's gut, forcing him off the ground, and once more when he landed without breath, immediately crashing to the ground and curling up into the fetal position..*

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 10th, 2002, 04:33:16 AM
Dasquian groaned soft as he double over on the ground, his eyes drawing upwards towards the Sith Lords grinning face. He pushed his free hand down against the floor and pushed himself up to his feet, gripping his orange saber tightly in his left hand. Settling his foot once more, he watched Miryan carefully. The Sith was quite obviously faster than he, so mayhap Dasquian could outweight him in brute strength.

Beginning a slow walk forward, Dasquian paced with intent towards Miryan, his saber at his side. As he drew closer, he rose the blade in a one handed grip so that it cut across his body in a diagonal shield.

With a surge of Force energy, he threw a push at Miryan to knock him backwards. As he did so, Dasquian ran, jumped then landed two foot onto Miryans body in a flurry, pushing the Sith toppling backwards. The Sith hit the ground and within an instant Dasquian was driving downwards with an impaling strike at his chest.

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 11th, 2002, 01:25:27 AM
*He couldn't believe he'd allowed himself to be caught off balance like that. It wasn't like him at all.. However, that was now the past, and the present was rushing towards him with the end of a lightsaber. With a quick shove forward of his right hand, the Sith released a powerful force push that not only reversed the Jedi's momentum, but also launched him into the air. It was far from an offensive technique, as the Jedi could easily land himself with little worry, but it was about the only technique that proved highly effective when in that kind of situation. Besides, it gave him a chance to somersault himself backwards onto his feet*

*Even as he rolled, MnT was judging where the Jedi would land, to better his advantage for the next melee.. After all, knowing where your opponent will be before they do was never a bad thing. Launching himself forwards the moment his feet touched the dirt, he sprung into a quick dash, looking up just as Dasquian's own feet touched down.*

*It was through his readiness, that his actions caught the Jedi offguard. Starting to spin just as he reached striking distance, he spun both sabers into a military-style underhanded grip, as he began a furious attack that only one had ever tasted before..*

*Lashing out with his right hand towards the Jedi's face, a step back and a quick maneuver with his saber were all that saved the Jedi. However, MnT's left momentum did not stop. Bringing his left hand out, the tip of Death just barely missed the top of Dasquian's head as he ducked under it, turning back up to avoid the knee that rushed for his face. However, this left his face open for the full force of a left backhand that crashed into his cheek with a rather loud smack. Again, the movement did not stop, as the Sith's right hand followed the path of his left, this time rushing down to a chop towards his neck. Barely blocked, but in doing so, the Jedi did not have time enough to defend against Life's tip raging through the flesh of his chest, not deeply, but from one side all the way to the other. Gasping in pain, the Jedi raised a hand instinctively to his chest, unable to prepare for the right side-kick that crashed hard into his left knee, as MnT continued to spin, his momentum building rapidly all of a sudden. As the Jedi dropped to his knees, a twisting snap-kick caught him under the jaw, and propelled him back up into the air, where Dasquian was able to recollect his footing, just in time for the force-aided whirlwind kick that ended the dance less than 3 full seconds after it had started, and sent the Jedi spinning through the air, before crashing to the ground face first in the dirt.*

*Catching the little momentum that was left with his left leg against the ground, MnT could not help but smile. He had had to strike much faster and harder than he'd had with Satine, but the results had proven the same.. And again, if he'd felt like prolonging the dance, he knew he could have likely killed the man numerous times without letting his body fall to the ground.. Remembering back to when he had first developed the technique, he chuckled at how slow and akward it had been.. Especially in contrast with the skill and speed with which he executed it now.. But there would be time for reminiscince later, MnT told himself, for the Jedi was stirring again...*

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Apr 16th, 2002, 01:36:42 AM
:: Dara studied the man standing in the doorway and grinned at his comments. Just then a surge of Dark Side energy materialized as she called upon the darkness within, and the door slammed shut behind him, pushing him unexpectedly out into the street and toward the Sith Master. Her pale blue blade extended, she sliced toward his kneecap with a diagonal movement of the saber ::

Keanda Arylar
Apr 17th, 2002, 12:27:06 AM
:: Seeing that the other Jedi had things under control and that a few darksiders had slinked off into the shadows, Keanda walked over to Aura and spoke quietly ::

"Since things are fine here, what do you say we go outside and look around the area to make sure no more innocent people are being attacked. There's just too many darksiders around all of a sudden. I haven't seen such a thing ever."

Figrin D'an
Apr 17th, 2002, 12:50:20 AM
*** Figrin ignored the taunting nature of the comment and focused on the matter at hand.

The Sith stood ready, eager for the Jedi to make a move. Once again, the Jedi Master would have to disappoint his foe.

"I do not seek violence and I do not provoke battle. If you wish combat, so be it... but it will be of your doing, not I."

The Jedi Master focused the Force around him and waited... ***

Aura Allei
Apr 17th, 2002, 10:00:39 AM
Aura nodded to Keanda, noting the assembled Jedi and Sith.

"I shall accompany you, Keanda. You are right. This sector seems to be secured."

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 17th, 2002, 10:38:55 AM
Vega passed his ignited saber from hand to hand and kept his sights locked upon Figrin.

"Then I guess today is not your lucky day."

In a quick raise of his left hand, the Lupine Sith Lord sent out a tsunamic wave of darkside energy towards D'an, catching him and lifting him into the air.

"Time to dance."

Apr 17th, 2002, 11:31:32 AM
I guess I misjudged you X, I thought you were stronger then that. Oh well, I guess someone else will have to take your place.

Strider left the starport and began to walk toward Vega's fight with D'an.

Keanda Arylar
Apr 21st, 2002, 07:23:29 PM
:: Keanda and Aura headed outside and moved along the streets, not seeing any darksiders out in the open but sensing a great deal of evil in the area. The Padawan began to wonder how her Master, Figrin D'an, was holding up against the darksider he faced, but then smiled knowing that the Jedi Master was very skilled in battle. She turned to Aura as they walked ::

"Should we head back toward the main shops? It seems pretty barren here."

Figrin D'an
Apr 21st, 2002, 09:29:42 PM
:: The wave of Dark Side energy jolted the Jedi Master as he was lifted above the floor. Figrin held his composure, as he had calmly focused his mind before the Sith's attack. The seething wave of power from the dark warrior held Figrin several meters in the air. Pushing the pain from his thoughts, Figrin concentrated his power to single point within his body, then slowly began to release it outward. A white hue outlined the Jedi's body, growing in brightness. The shadows of nearby objects shifted away from the Jedi's position as the light neared a blinding intensity.

The Jedi relaxed his mind and body completely, allowing the concentrated Force energy to be completely emitted. In a brilliant flash, the light seemed to explode outward, expelling the Dark Side energy from the vicinity. The Sith's control levetation control was broken, and Figrin dropped to the ground, crouching upon landing.

In a continuous, fluid motion, Figrin used the crouch to propel himself forward. As he launched his body towards his opponent, the Jedi summoned his sabre into his hands, igniting the blue-bladed weapon immediately.

The Jedi targeted the lower torso first, but the Sith recovered and blocked the powerful strike. Figrin spun around to his left, slashing towards his foe's right shoulder. A guick adjustment by Vega created another successful block. Figrin stayed on the offensive, pushing the Sith back with a series of quick strikes, alternating high and low. The lightsabres hummed and whined as the warriors battled for position, locked in a fast-paced sabre duel. ::

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 22nd, 2002, 10:26:36 AM
A flurry of blue and yellow, accentuated by white bursts of energy, illuminated the whole shop. Sparks crackled off of the beams with deep resounding fizzes, causing much attention to be drawn to the small establishment; citizens began to gather outside the door way, or passersby would pause in their walk to watch the ensuing battle with an awe inspired gaze.

Each fierce swipe from the combatants was parried and batted aside with an equally ferocious parry. Strike by strike, the two edged back and forth. After a minute, Vega swung his saber down against Figrin’s and found himself in a bind. The Sith bore his saber down upon his opponents in a tight bind, gritting his teeth as he stared down into the mans eyes. With a dark grin, he slid one foot outwards and hooked it inside the Jedi’s inner leg, bringing his left hand off of his saber to force push him backwards – toppling him over Vega’s leg.

As the Jedi fell, the Lupine Sith Lord leapt forward and spun his saber into an impaling vertical position, coming down on the lightsider with force enhanced speed.

Aura Allei
Apr 28th, 2002, 04:08:35 PM
Nodding in agreement to Keanda, they both ambled over to the array of shops.

"I don't sense any darksiders here, but I have not been myself lately, I could be wrong. I keep getting those visions of that attack by Jedah Lynch, which almost sealed my demise. The illusions come and go, but around the presence of Sith, they appear to be stronger."

Keanda Arylar
May 14th, 2002, 12:50:39 AM
:: Keanda looked over to Aura as she spoke and her eyes grew wide ::

"You were attacked by Jedah Lynch and have lived to talk about it? What happened?"

Aura StarRider
May 17th, 2002, 02:45:05 PM
Aura lofted a brow, as she solemnly glanced over to Keanda.

"My demise, he could have procured with ease. My survival is evident, because he wished it. I have my suspicions our paths shall cross again soon. This time, I may not survive."

She motioned over to a corner, her flawless ivory skin suddenly taking on a ghostly pale-white. The memories of her plight with Jedah Lynch, still haunted her like a relentless apperition. Perhaps, it was the Sith Master's objective all along, to torture his prey with visions of their impending doom.

Miryan no Trunks
May 17th, 2002, 03:37:39 PM
*Indeed the Jedi Had stirred for a moment, but only that.. It seemed now as if this Dasquian Belargic was simply not getting up again for now.. Sad really, MnT hadn't thought he'd struck him all that hard...*

"... Oh well... what can one expect from the Jedi..? Let's just hope there's another one willing to take up the fight.. One with more stamina.."

*Grinning, MnT strolled out into the middle of the street and called out, the force aiding in ensurig that his voice was heard for some distance..*

... Come Out Jedi! I Want a Good battle to remember this day by!

Jenobi, the manslayer
May 25th, 2002, 01:36:01 PM
little did Keanda know that jenobi was stalking her. with his presence cloaked and body of out site she couldn't see him. now he..and tuskien raiders under his control decided to strike. he signaled them and they began firing, the jedi sensed this and deflected their bolts. the one of them threw up a smoke screen and kept firing, but the bolts kept getting deflected. so jenobi signaled again and the firing stopped. when the screen clear what the jedi saw was a sith warrior saber ignited...and pointing a finger at Keanda