View Full Version : Anyone seen the movie called "Startup.com"?

Mar 9th, 2002, 08:31:05 PM
I just saw "Startup.com," a movie I had heard about and really wanted to see. It's an Artisan release, and here is what I am talking about as far as a great independent film! This movie is excellent.

It is all a documentary type of feature, all of the footage is totally real and unrehearsed, but that's why it obviously cannot be said to have bad acting because it's all not acting. It's just excellent real life drama. The camera work is a bit shaky of course, it would be literally impossible to get everything perfect when you are following people and filming what they do, instead of spending hours setting up a shot and whatnot.

Startup.com is the real life story of a company called GovWorks.com that raised $20 million in funding when the dot-com boom began and attempted to allow people to pay their parking tickets online and deal with other issues that would make the government function better for the people, using the Internet. Three friends co-founded the company, which grew to 8, then to 30, then 100, and eventually grew to 233 people before it dropped to 50 and ceased to exist.

It's a microcosm of the entire dot-com boom and the subsequent fall from grace, but it's not just about business. If anything, it's more about the relationship between two of the founders. Their relationship is tested because of the trying times with the Website and business, but at the end of the entire ordeal, all they really have is each other and that is more important than any business. They went on to found a new company in 2001 that helped struggling dot-coms.

I thought the editing of this movie was fantastic. It was really brilliantly put together and quite enjoyable. Not the type of movie most people normally see, obviously, and it really isn't much fit for the big screen, or not made for huge audiences, but it appealed to me especially because I started my business just before the dot-coms tanked and I've had to struggle through almost constantly decreasing advertising rates in a tough marketplace. This movie is a great look at the entire phenomenon.

The CEO of GovWorks actually was on the cover of numerous magazine covers, which the film shows, he met with Bill Clinton, he was on CNN, definitely quite a major player in the entire dot-com revolution.

There is no other film on this subject right now that I know of, but even that being said, Startup.com should stand the test of time as perhaps the best movie on a significant craze on Wall Street and a major boom in our history, the rise of the Internet as a viable business, but the realization that normal business rules of supply and demand, revenue and profits, all still apply.

Not everyone will like this movie. I am almost positive most of my friends would probably be bored to tears by it, but I found the movie compelling and dramatic, just because the actual story is compelling and the editing could not have been any better.

The obvious problem for most people will be: no special effects, amateur camera work, no real "action," and if you are not into films like Wall Street, Barbarians at the Gate, Boiler Room, etc., then you will not like it.

Still, this is a great independent movie in my opinion. This reminds me why I bother seeing the lesser known films, because every once in a while you do find a gem like Startup.com or Memento.

Champion of the Force
Mar 10th, 2002, 12:14:01 AM
I haven't seen it myself, however I have heard a bit about it.

One thing I was particularly interested in was the timing of when they filmed it - they started just before the Internet boom bubble broke (and recorded it's aftershocks on the business), which makes it even more noteworthy.

I might grab it if it ever comes on DVD/video down here. :)

Mar 10th, 2002, 01:16:11 AM
The Director's won the DGA award for Documentaries this evening. :)

Mar 10th, 2002, 03:58:02 AM
I noticed that we had it on the New Release wall of Blockbuster for quite some time. Was wondering what it's about. Might check it out sometime...

Mu Satach
Mar 11th, 2002, 01:58:44 PM
I've heard about that movie...

Mar 14th, 2002, 12:07:00 PM
I actually e-mailed one of the founders of GovWorks.com (found his e-mail from NetSol's WHOIS database) and he responded, although he said only two sentences. He said he was glad I liked the film but that he didn't have time to be part of a story on the movie that I had proposed (hey, can't blame me for trying right?!), then he told me where his new site was and that it was occupying a lot of his time. *shrug* Still that is kind of cool he responded!

Perhaps in six months with substantial traffic to the movie site and more links throughout the net, I can convince him that his time would be well spent giving me a story because I would place prominent links back to his new operation throughout my story and the time he spent giving me a short interview would pay off with visits to his site. :D

Figrin D'an
Mar 24th, 2002, 02:30:41 PM
Another really good documentary related to this area is "Revolution OS." It basically documents the birth and development of GNU/Linux, and covers it up though as recent as 2001. It's quite interesting, if your a tech-geek or just curious about that kind of thing. It includes interview footage with Linus Torvalds, Robert Stallman and a few other key figures in the open-source/free software movement.

And, although I haven't seen it, I have heard that "e-Dreams" is worthwhile as well.

Mar 24th, 2002, 04:39:47 PM
I am not sure that would interest me. Startup.com was really great because it was about the same type of business I am in essentially and captured something I think many, many people can appreciate, which is the whole dot-com era. I'm not that interested by Linux, lol, what a silly name too.

If it's very well done it could be cool.