View Full Version : Ogre, Shawn - admin options query

Champion of the Force
Mar 8th, 2002, 09:47:57 PM
When you assign a mod to a forum, do you have to manually edit all their mod options for that forum to grant them the powers, or are they granted all their powers automatically when we make them a board mod?

I ask because I've just noticed that I forgot to grant Jedi Master Carr banning abilities over his respective forums in the 'Forums & Mods' list (fixed up now though), but I was wondering whether he could have banned people anyway since he's got mod powers over the whole board (like everyone else) :x

Mar 8th, 2002, 11:01:46 PM
I suspect since I have granted the moderators "supermoderator" ability, that he would have been able to ban with no trouble.

Champion of the Force
Mar 8th, 2002, 11:12:40 PM
So pretty much once a person has been assigned board-wide powers you don't need to go and manually edit their powers for each specific forum they're aligned with. Sounds good. :)

Mar 8th, 2002, 11:16:06 PM
Yep, if a user is placed into the moderator group, they automatically get supermod (boardwide) abilities.