View Full Version : Death Wish

Gav Mortis
Mar 8th, 2002, 07:12:00 PM
The nights were cold this time of year, and Dantooine was not a particularly pleasant place to visit, even if it were for minor ship repairs, unfrotunately the freighter Gav and his company had stowed aboard had engine problems and wouldn't be repaired until in a number of days. That was unnacceptable, a number of hours was too long a time for a Force-user to stay on an Imperial controlled planet, and despite the name "Gav Mortis" wasn't exactly galactically notorious, he'd rather keep his whereabouts hush-hush these days, as would the rest of the party.

Steathily they had negotiated their way around stormtroopers and other Imperial personnel, you could hardly enter a room these days without having to have your identification checked. For five Sith masters, that was hardly a difficult inconvenience to circumvent. A curfew began at midnight in the large cities, as was Imperial law on this planet, the infamous Diktat Viscera ruled with an iron fist yet that didn't concern Gav or his brothers as long as he didn't get in their way.

They are strange times, Imperials chastize and stifle any personal freedom, the New Republic, once thought dead, now less than dormant has made a seemingly unnoticed return to the fray, Jedi hid away in their holes, they were biding their time, as for the other self-proclaimed Sith, they were either to busy bickering amongst themselves about planets or leadership or something else equally petty. But those nameless, faceless few who resided in shadow and like the hunting tigress, laid low, patiently awaiting the right time to strike; they are those who will decide the fate and future of the many. Gav believed he had chosen the right side.

They watched from the dark vantage point of the cities many allies, as they had done so many times before in that night. That was when Garrett aspied a trio of beggars further on down the road, a father and two sons slumped against the wall of a bank. At the moment they were asleep, with nowhere else to go, how they had managed to get themselves into that state is anyone's guess.

Seth pointed out two approaching Stormtroopers and the five retreated further into the alley, hiding behind a stack of old crates behind a closed bar. In silence they listened as the troopers woke up the three men and questioned them in the usual, mundane Imperial procedure.

"You do realise you need identification and a permit to confirm your status to be loitering around the streets like this after midnight-" came one voice.

"-and if you don't have such clearance, you'll be charged of unauthorised conduct against the Empire" interrupted the other.

"Yeah yeah, alright...we got our papers. Show 'em boys." replied an old, husky voice.

"'Ere ya go! confirmed another.

After a moments silence, a trooper having finished checking over the documents said, "Ok, your clean, let's go."

"Have a pleasant night, gentlemen!" laughed one of the troopers as they carried on up the street, and could be heard passing the alley which was briefly illuminated with a flashlight then once they'd moved on, all went dark once more.

Nodding to them, Gav whispered, "The hospital twelve blocks away, thirty minutes, you know the score. Let's go!"

And with that the group dispersed, disappearing into the night.

Garrett Blade
Mar 8th, 2002, 07:37:31 PM
Garrett waited several moments to allow his brothers in darkness time to get away. He simply leant against the dirty alley wall in total boredom. A hokker on the opposite corner caught his attention and he was tempted, but a slap across the face convinced him otherwise. After giving his hand a nasty look, since his jaw now stung slightly, Garrett held his stomach with one hand and began feeling his way out of the alley with the other. He let out a groan as he moved.


He stumbled over an almost full-to-bursting trash can, causing a large amount of crap to be vomited out onto the sidewalk. He dropped down on one knee, regained his footing and proceeded across the road to where the men were. An alley entrance could be seen to their right, partially concealed by a large metal waste crate. It was black, just right to absorb any sunlight to heat up the crate and enhance the sweet-smelling aroma of death and decay that resided inside. Garrett continued his painful stumble towards the alley. As he did, the men looked up and spoke in a concerned manner..

"Hey pal, you don't look so hot. You gonna be alright?"

Garrett stopped and put his head between his knees, then carried on, veering away from them slightly to enter the alley...


Garrett fell to the floor and quickly scrambled across the filthy surface into the alley and out of site. The men quickly took to their feet and stepped in the alley to investigate. As they turned the corner, nobody could be seen. They seemed moderately apooked by the man's disappearance, but decided to turn around and return to the street. The two younger men were introduced to a boot in their jaws, whilst the older one met with a head on his nose. They three of them fell backwards to the floor, smacking their heads hard. As their blurry eyes opened, they were greeted by three unfamiliar faces, which seemed to be suspended above them upside down from their horizontal position on the floor. The men began to spin quickly, and before all went black, Garrett reached down and confiscated their ID cards, unsheathing his dagger as he did so...

Lorcan Clucas
Mar 11th, 2002, 05:13:31 PM
*Waking up in a cold, hospital bed in the early hours of the following morning, Lorcan looked around, straining to see in the dimly lit room with narrow, beady eyes. In the bed next to him was his brother, he looked in a bad way. Lorcan winced - perhaps he was no better off - his body ached. His head was spinning slightly and he had poor memory of what had transpired to get him into such a state, all he could remember was following a seemingly injured or poorly man into an alley with his brother and father, then waking up here.*

~I wonder how pop's doing...~

*Their father was not in the room with them, that could be either a good or bad sign, so Lorcan decided not to dwell on those thoughts. His arms and chest were covered in lacerations, some deeper than others but all had been well-treated and he was on the mend, it was just a matter of time. Suddenly, his brother began to stir in the bed next to him, Lorcan leaned over as far he could and whispered*

Hey, are you alright?

Pa Clucas
Mar 12th, 2002, 03:34:06 PM
The lights were bright. They were so bright. Why can't somebody come in here and turn them off? Three of them for crying out loud. They were like three white suns colliding with each other in a great big white nothingness. And the pain in his side. What was that? Such a sharp, uncomfortable pain. Like something was digging into his side. Something metal? Whatever it was, it hurt real bad.

"Why can't somebody come in here and turn them off!?"

He shouted out loud, but there was nobody around. The window was open and the wind blew the curtain violently inside the room. It was cold. The rain was pouring down outside, somebody should shut the window before it became too drafty. Pa tried to move, but he couldn't.

"Somebody shut the window, it's cold in here!"

A doctor walked in just as he screamed out to the air around him. He was wearing a light-green gown, with his mouth covered and a pair of spectacles on his face.

"Where's Lorcan, where are my boys? Where are...where...where's Lorcan? How is he? I'm tired doctor."

His vision was blurry and his speech fell lazy as his tiredness got the better of him.

Dr Emery
Mar 12th, 2002, 04:20:18 PM
"Now now, Mr. Clucas. Let your brother rest, he's in a worse state than you, give him a few hours and I assure you he'll be alright!"

(Lorcan turned to find a cheerful looking doctor, who smiled at him and then made his way over to his brother, checked up on him for a moment then made his way over to the windows and threw open the curtains. Light flooded the room with a new day's light.)

"As for you, you have minor burns on your back and the notable lacerations on your chest and arms, all of which have been treated and you are mending well."

(Suddenly Dr. Emery's face became much more serious, grave even and he took a seat next to Lorcan's bed, leaning close so that his brother, Aorl, couldn't hear them.)

"I'm afraid to say your father hasn't been quite as fortunate as yourselfs. He is very ill, whatever those thugs did, he has received a dreadful beating, he is suffering from internal bleeding at such a delicate level, we are finding it extremely difficult to treat his injuries. If you go to visit, be warned, he has occasional spells of dementia and has a dreadful fever, tust me, we are doing everything within our ability to help him. But I'd advise you not to tell your brother this, it will only hinder his healing."

(The two conversed a short while longer, Lorcan obviously concerned about his father and worried, but unable to stay any longer, Dr. Emery takes his leave and makes his way back to his father's ward.)

Lorcan Clucas
Mar 13th, 2002, 11:07:37 AM
*Lorcan was startled by the doctors sudden presence and even mores o at what he had to say. He wasn't the proudest of sons and to say he and his father have had difficulty seeing eye-to-eye in the past was understatement of the year, but he was still concerned, very much so, about his father's well being.

Promptly, he jumped up out of bed the moment the doctor had left the room, donned the usual white robing patients are provided with in hospitals then proceeded to follow the doctor down the corridoor, hoping it will lead him to his father.*

Dr Emery
Mar 13th, 2002, 11:21:16 AM
"Good morning Mr. Clucas. You're cold you say?"

(The doctor touched a part of the elderly man's arm, a part that hadn't been charred black and then felt his forehead, he still had a very high temperature, his face was glistening with sweat and still deep in his fever, his speech was somewhat erractic.)

"Lorcan is very well. A few cuts and bruises is all, he'll be up and about in no time, I'm sure! Scian is also on the mend, his injuries are a lottle more severe than his brothers, but they should be able to visit you in no time."

(He smiled and with a datapad began making some notes, he left the room for a couple of minutes to confirm an extensive treatment scheme to last a week to treat his wounds, as for the internal bleeding; that's another matter. When he returned, Mr. Clucas looked a little flustered and jumped when the doctor came through the door.)

"Those burns are rather serious, they should require a week of exyensive surgery. You should try to rest if you feel tired sir. If you need anything, there's always a service droid, medical droid or nurse readily available at the press of a button. I'll call back later."

(Again, the doctor smiled then left the room)

Lorcan Clucas
Mar 18th, 2002, 10:55:50 AM
Hey Pop!

*Lorcan slipped into his fathers private room the moment the doctor had left, his father looked at him suprised, Lorcan slowed down as he neared, examining with horror the extent of his father's injuries. He looked like a different man, his face, disfigured, his skin charred and burned shades of red and black, and he was riddled with deep wounds.*

You...ok, dad?

*He looked him up and down and then added gravely*

What the hell did they do to you?

*Suddenly the doctor was heard outside once again, Lorcan didn't know he was going to come back so soon and the first thing that came into his head was to hide. So he quickly dived under his fathers bed and waited, listening to the doctor and stayed out of view.

He finally heard Dr. Emery say "I'll call back later," and once the door had closed behind him, Lorcan popped back up from under the bed. He sat down, next to his father on his bed. He looked at him and his thoughts were haunted by the doctor's words earlier: "He is very ill, whatever those thugs did, he has received a dreadful beating, he is suffering from internal bleeding at such a delicate level, we are finding it extremely difficult to treat his injuries." *

So what now eh?

Pa Clucas
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:31:07 PM
"Who, me? I'm fine. I'll be outta here faster than you can say 'Emperor Palpatine's dead!' Don't listen to what the doctor says. He's gotta say that for the files, so it looks like he's actually doin' somethin' worthwhile. And when I get outta here, we're off home to put up that new fence in the front garden y'hear! Y'know, with the bricks 'n soil around the inside, and the compost, and the seeds and the...little garden gnomes...and the sunflowers - don't forget the sunflowers, kid! And after that we'll plant some trees in the back and when they're grown, we'll put a hammock between 'em eh! Hehehe! But that'll have to wait for a while my boy. I'm pretty messed up, I may be in here for a while! It hurts real bad...."

"...What time is it, did you wash your shirt?"

The old man looked at his son with a bamboozled look of confusion.

Lorcan Clucas
Mar 19th, 2002, 10:58:38 AM
Alright, alright.

*His father was in such a terrible state, and that internal bleeding, the doctors should be doing something about that now. He once thought things could never get worse, and now he was watching his father deteriorate right before his eyes. It seems like their dream that one day they would return home was beyond reach, besides they'd never do it without their father there for them. It was difficult for Lorcan to accept but he needed his father as much as his father needed him. They were both equally dependant, but his brother Aorl, he was more independant than both Lorcan and Pa put together, and it pained Lorcan inside, that he was a failure.

But he and Aorl could go places if they put their minds to it, but not without Pa. They had to stick together, their companionship was all they had.*

Wait, that's it! Thought Lorcan.

Pop, this could be it! The chance we've been waiting for to get of this God-foresaken rock, we can get home with this.

*He leaned closer, whispering into his father's ear, knowing full well he could understand him*

With some clever acting you could be granted a final request, a death wish; so that the three of us can go back home. Back to Arcan. I've heard some great changes have taken place there now. We could start over, the Clucas's, back on top! Whad'ya say?

Pa Clucas
Mar 24th, 2002, 01:42:34 PM
"Say! What a swell idea! Boy, you're a genious, you hear me? A born 'n bred genious! You're gonna be great yet, Lorcan!"

The old man was starting to get hyperactive as his mind was starting to race with so many ideas that he couldn't concentrate on one aspect. His eyes darted about the room as a smile formed on his lips.

"Acting, yeah! That's the ticket son! I can be a very good actor you know. Why, when I first met your mother back in school, I was the best actor there was. They'd come from all over the district to see me in plays. But lets not get side tracked now, son. Okay, you go get the doctor, act like somethin's wrong! Leave everything else to your old man!"

Pa rubbed his hand in some of the wet blood on his side and smeared it around his chin and lips, then acted like he was having a seizure or something. Lorcan ran out into the corridor, screaming for the doctor...

Dr Emery
Mar 25th, 2002, 09:29:24 AM
(Not long had Dr. Emery left the bedside of Mr. Clucas when suddenly his son, still dressed in his patients robes came running out of his room shouting hysterically. Innitially the doctor wondered how in the world he'd been in there, especially since the doctor had only just left that room. He was screaming something about his father, the doctor picked uup the words "convulsions" and "blood," whereupon he ran into Pa's room.

Inside he found the middle-aged man jerking about, almost falling out of his bed, with a pale face, stained with blood and wide eyes, the doctor promptly activated the repulsor-lift device on his bed and attended to him, waiting for the emergency team to arrive.)

"Mr. Clucas, can you hear me?"


(There was no answer. Dr. Emery placed one hand on his chest and the other on his forehead, the man was boiling hot, a very dangerously high body temperature and his chest pounded erratically, convulsing as he twisted and jerked about in agony. Tearing open the front of his patients robing, the doctor took a syringe from the trolley a nurse had just wheeled in, then pushed it into a jar of a pale, milky white liquid. Shortly after he injected the needle's contents into the side of Pa not far under his armpit.)

"Mr. Clucas, this is to relax the muscles in your heart, please try not to panic."

(At that moment the emergency team entered the room, and began moving Pa on his repuslor-bed towards the operating theatre. Dr. Emery saw Lorcan following and he moved in to ask him to return to his ward, surely this experience has been unnerving enough.)

"Lorcan, do not worry about your father. He is in good hands, they're taking himm into the operating theatre now, which is no place for..."

(He was suddenly interrupted by a cry down the corridoor as Pa's body suddenly jerked up into a sitting position and from his mouth spewed a worrying amount of blood, he then collapsed on the bed, silent. Lorcan watched all this and saw his father dissapear into the operating theatre.)

Lorcan Clucas
Mar 30th, 2002, 06:41:24 PM
*Lorcan stood silent watching his father leave in a worrying state, although he was meant to be acting that performance ended somewhat over-dramatically. Pa wasn't moving on his bed as he was taken away, his father's scream chilled Lorcan's blood and he shivered head to toe. With one last concerned look, he shook his head and returned to his ward.*

...so that's the plan and hopefully we'll be on our way home soon.

*He and his brother discussed their current predicament and the plan to get home. Both were concerned for their father, once Lorcan had described Pa's award-winning performance, which was a little too convincing for comfort. Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by the sound of Dr. Emery's voice over a comm-link*

Lorcan, Scian; your father has just been brought back to his room and you can now see him but beforehand, I would like to speak with you both, whenever you're ready.

*Exchanging glances, both quickly changed and made their way down to their father's room, Lorcan guided Scian as he hadn't seen his father since the incident. They saw him in his bed, white and shaken, he looked exhausted and withered. There they waited for the doctor's update - hopefully bringing the "bad" news - had their plan been successful.*

Dr Emery
Mar 31st, 2002, 05:45:47 PM
(Dr. Emery approached them slowly from down the corridoor, once he was at their side, he cleared his throat quietly in order to get their attention. His face was calm yet had a grave look across it; this is the part of his job he hates...)

"Lorcan, Scian; good to see you both looking so well. The nurse tells me you can both be dismissed first thing tomorrow morning, unfortunately the same can't be said for your father..."

(Their facial changes were like small daggers piercing his side, inside he ached, and wished he didn't have to tell them the dreadful news...he swallowed hard)

...The medical team have done everything they possibly can....

...I'm so terribly sorry, your father has only two weeks left to live...

(Both were speachesless and simply stared, glassy-eyed, they lowered their heads)

The damage to his lung tissue is beyond repair as it is at such an intricate level, he has internal bleeding and it cannot be stopped. I am so sorry to you both, we will do everything within our power to make him as comfortable as possible in his last days. But please, when you go inside, be strong for your father. I think he is aware of the severity of the situation...

(They both nodded and the three went in to see Pa)

Pa Clucas
Mar 31st, 2002, 06:25:45 PM
"Hey...there they are! My boys! Come in, sit down beside me here Lorcan. How you doin' son, okay?"

They simply nodded and smiled. And he was smiling too - happy to see they were looking healthy and ready to leave tomorrow morning. But his face quickly turned stern and cold.

"I assume the good doctor has spoken with you? Yes? Hmm...well what can I sau except...I'm sorry son. I really am. Oh, how I wished I could have seen you married and have children - my grandchildren. But it looks like I'm ready for retirement. I guess that pipe wasn't such a bad idea afterall, eh? Hehe."

Pa looked around the ward. It was small and boring. Story of his life. He'd always wanted to make something of his live. Be recognised. Be liked and loved by everyone. But he'd been living in a fantasy world. And it seemed all too real right now. He tried to ignore the pain in his chest and in his head, but he couldn't. It was like a bad song that wouldn't stop repeating in your head.

"but two weeks is....is....well it's......two weeks to a dying man is like two lifetimes. We have to decide what to do with the time given, and that's all that can be expected from any of us. Doctor...I don't want to spend my last few days here. It's cold and unwelcoming. It has no comfort for me. I don't want my boys to remember me as a man who died....who.....who checked out on his knees...begging for it. I wan't to do what I can with the time I've got left. Spend some quality time with Lorcan...with my boys..."

He took Lorcan's hands in his, and smiled at the thought of going home again...

"I'd like to travel back to Arcan IV and die there. You should see it - it's so nice. We've got a....little white fence in the front and...everyone stops to look at the flowers and...the sunflowers, boys, tell 'em about the sunflowers! I planted them myself. Fine job too. And the windows, the white frames and the white nets. The porch's got this little thing...it's like a garden gnome but it's a.....and out back...we'll plant the seeds. Oh I can't tell you how great it'll look once we've finished it. Once you've finished it, Lorcan...."

Even the doctor was smiling just thinking about the idealistic family home the old man was describing. And for a dying man, his words and description had so much life in it.

"I've only got two weeks, doctor. That's not a lot of time at all. I'd like to go home with my boys..."

Lorcan Clucas
Mar 31st, 2002, 06:55:04 PM

*That was all Lorcan could think for the rest of the day and through the night in his bed*

Pop pulled it off; we're going home...we're actually going home...

*Lying back with his hands behind his head, he stared up at the dark ceiling thinking of what had happened earlier that day, what his father had said - he remembered getting all choked up when he was listening to what his father had to say, for a moment, he'd almost convinced him that he was facing his final days. It was sad really, but then he remembered it was all a facade and that they would have many long years to spend together back home.

With a heavy sigh, Lorcan turned over and went to sleep*


*It was chilly the next day and both Lorcan and his brother watched as the shuttle landed and began preparing for their journey back to Arcan, it would take them a week to get there.*

Are you worried?

*Scian looked over and with a smile answered.*

Not really - I'm happy to be goin' home...we're gonna have to make sure we keep pop's health off the record in two weeks time.

*Lorcan chuckled and then turned to find an Imperial trooper standing before him*

If you'd like to get onboard, your father will follow shortly. We'll be leaving in a few minutes.

*The two brothers gathered their things and made their way insdie where a second trooper was waiting and greeted both with a nod and they smiled in return.*

Pa Clucas
Mar 31st, 2002, 07:47:21 PM
The hospital doors swished open to reveal Dr. Emery pushing a repulsorlift chair with Pa in it, smiling to himself. He was so happy to be going home. So happy in fact that he even forgot about the fact that he only had two weeks left to live. What was he thinking! He didn't have two weeks to live. It was all just a big masquerade. He just sat patiently as they neared the shuttle ramp, whistling to himself.

"Before we leave doctor...do you have anything that will ease the pain? Just so that I can concentrate on Lorcan...on my boys rather than wincing and stopping and whatever..."

Dr. Emery reached into his pocket and revealed a small case. Inside was a collection of pills, half white, half yellow.

"Take two, three times a day. That should keep the pain under control, but that's all I'm afraid."

Pa took the pills and placed them in his pocket just as they reached the foot of the ramp. He stood up cautiously. Lorcan and Scian came to help him onto the ship. But he shooed them away...

"No, no, it's alright Lorcan, I can manage. This ramp's nothing your old man can't handle. Go on, get settled down, I'll be up in a minute."

They reluctantly jogged up the ramp, and after saying his goodbye and thankyou to Dr. Emery, Pa joined them. A few minutes later, the shuttle lifted off and made for the upper atmosphere. All three of them were exstatic about going home. But Pa had to be careful not to be too happy, or he might give the game away. He looked out of his window and saw the rapidly shrinking image of Dantooine, followed by a flash of light as they entered hyperspace, en route to Arcan IV...