View Full Version : Gue's assets

Darth Viscera
Mar 8th, 2002, 10:37:18 AM
I challenge his ownership of the M/SSD The Hope. Not only was the thread wherein he captured the GMA SSD back in March '01 dubious and unindicative of the capturing of such a ship (which was being refitted and supplied with new GMA personnel at the time, Gue having recently merged TGE with GMA), but the ship was trapped by Lebron with 200 ships again in December. The escape there was overly dubious, Gue claiming to have used a force storm to escape.

A force storm. The most difficult power to utilize in the entire SW universe, one that it took Emperor Palpatine possibly 50 years as a Sith Master to develop. I find it overly dubious again that Gue would proclaim himself first a Force Master (being bi-directional and thus the equivalent of a Jedi Master AND a Sith Master), and later a Sith Master. If I put the rank "Sith Master" in my sig, does that give my character the instant force abilities implied therein, and the capability to use force storms?

Somehow, I doubt it.

I would also like to see the thread where Nirauan was legitimately captured according to Swfans.net customs and rules, as well as the construction records of DSD Nanata.

Lord Gue
Mar 8th, 2002, 06:07:28 PM
And, given the bout to recipricate...
I might add the thread in which i attempted to take hoth base was nullified. And in that thread i did not steal the ship, i landed with it and attempted to take hoth. My personal ship has always been under my personal care, and until recently has never been under the command of anyone other than a gue.

As for my force powers, i might call myself a force for good, but that doesnt make it true, havent ever noticed that i have not used one light side of the force before? Considering ive never been trained in the light side and my masters were both sith masters. Itala and thrawn (old). As for my force storm, my previously departed and very dear wife jen attempted to teach me how to use a force storm without success, and my use of it in my escape was an omage to her memory. As well as the fact that ive been training in force abilities ever since i took padawans of my own in my shadow order.

As for my conquest of Nirauan, id say you run a search on 'hand of thrawn', 'thrawn', and 'Nirauan' itself, as ive posted about it ever since my ganath takeover.

The DSD Nanata is one of my moffs ships which he moved into the ganath system previously before the imp assult. As he was later taken into custody, his ship was then later moved to catch up with my unit. As for the construction thread, that you'll have to take up with Lie lebron. Though I wouldnt trust him too much, when yall were attacking him he proposed i delete all the ships building posts that you got from the old GMA/TGE merger, that way youd be out a free 60-70 ships at no cost. Im not saying anything, but im not putting it past him to wantonly delete a ship building thread...

Darth Viscera
Mar 8th, 2002, 07:09:00 PM
I withdraw my complain for Nirauan and the Nanata.

The Hope was merged along with the rest of the TGE fleet. I know this because I reorganized the fleets to accompany that ship personally, and you never mentioned to me anything about the exclusion of that ship from the merger.

Regardless of your experience in training padawans, you're a self-proclaimed Sith Master, not a full Sith Master. I don't consider it legit because an actual Sith Master (or in most cases, group of Sith Masters) did not promote you to that rank. Have any actual Sith Masters validated that rank?

Even with the Jen Katrina precedent, force storms should not be taken so lightly, considering they are possibly the most powerful technique a sith can use in the sw universe. They are very much like superlasers in this respect, and if one person does not give them the respect and attention that is required in learning them, we'll soon have a flock of force storm-toting self-proclaimed Sith Masters.

Lord Gue
Mar 8th, 2002, 07:33:52 PM
lightly? It was life or death for gue, that is not to be taken lightly, lol. you want proff, ill give it to you just as soon as i can contact one of my masters.
I do believe i had a MSN convo with you about personal ships being personal

Darth Viscera
Mar 8th, 2002, 08:04:30 PM
I don't remember that convo, and I don't remember SSD's being classified as personal ships, but I'll take your word for it as a measure of good faith.

Proof about what?

Lord Gue
Mar 8th, 2002, 08:07:01 PM
Good, and ill do the same for you if ever the opprotunity arises.

Proof of my master status...