View Full Version : Anybody remember me?

Pierce Tondry
Mar 6th, 2002, 07:17:18 PM
I'd be surprised if you do, considering how infrequently I've been around lately. This brings me to a point.

I would really love to remain a mod, and would really love to continue to RP on SWFans as well. At this time, however, it just isn't feasible- I'm not online enough to do either. I know how forgiving you guys can be with regards to unintentional absences, but I really don't think I can continue to perform Moderator duties without the kind of Internet frequency I used to have. If you wouldn't mind downgrading my status to either normal poster or "assistant to the adminstration" a'la Dav, I'd appreciate it.

Mar 6th, 2002, 07:22:31 PM
Dude, surely there's no need. I mean, It's not as if we need every able bodied amin/mod to man the adminning turrets right now, is it?

Champion of the Force
Mar 7th, 2002, 04:21:09 AM
Up to you Pierce.

As I told Eve back a while ago it really comes down to whether or not you'r comfortable hanging onto the position based on your current circumstances. If you know you're not going to have time for the job and feel guilty about holding it then maybe you should resign, but if not then maybe you should stay on.

Again, it's up to you. :)

Mar 7th, 2002, 04:22:11 AM
I'm with them. :) Up to you.