View Full Version : Uggh!

Mar 6th, 2002, 04:47:35 PM
Did you ever have the feeling that you were not welcome somewhere?

I'm just asking because most people feel like outsiders at one time in their lives.

Darth Viscera
Mar 6th, 2002, 04:54:53 PM

And I say that as the official Swfans.net bastard child.

Mar 6th, 2002, 04:54:57 PM
Yeah, all the time

Mar 6th, 2002, 05:23:37 PM
I wouldn't be able to comprehend the fact that someone on this Earth wouldn't want me around.

Mar 6th, 2002, 05:45:49 PM
Well there is a valid reason for this. I have been doing some thinking about my future here at SWFans, and I really don't like what I see.

I guess the best way to put this is to start out like this.

For about six months to a year I have seen so much BS it has been stupid. Infact thats why I gave up my position of being TSE's Moral Officer because I didn't want to listen to it any more. But after recent events I am once again looking for a purpose to it all. It kind of puzzles me really why it happened, but it happened. And I know some of you know what I am talking about and I just want you all to know something. You all suck.
How the heck could you all still be arguing over it, still! Most of the issue has been going on and off for a year or longer now, and yet no one wants to step up and say it's time to stop.

Darth Viscera
Mar 6th, 2002, 05:47:26 PM
huh, way over my head.

Gav Mortis
Mar 6th, 2002, 06:06:35 PM
I should leave the wisdom to the wise but what the hell...

Firebird, you're obviously unhappy with the way things are at the moment and in my experience there is only one way to resolve that problem(s), to change the way things are for yourself. Do what is best for yourself, don't care about anyone else because no matter how much you might want to help people out, you can't do yourself justice or the person(s) you wish to help justice when you are unhappy with the way things are.

There is only one person to bring about this change, that is you. Turn the page and wash your hands of everything, starting anew with perhaps a new outlook on what you want to gain from your roleplaying experience because at the end of the day (Hollywood glam talk) It's all about you baby!(/Hollywood glam talk) :)

Hell, I've never really spoken to you and I can honestly say I've never not wanted anyone around and you're very welcome to chat with me anytime on AIM or whatnot. Just take it easy, take a break from this if needs be and when you start over, try a new character or whatever else may add that much needed kick into your roleplaying experience.

It's all about having fun, if you ain't having fun, you're doing something wrong. :)

Champion of the Force
Mar 6th, 2002, 06:10:48 PM
huh, way over my head.
Mine too. :huh

Watching this place is like watching birds on a branch. One minute everything seems fine, but then suddenly one just falls off out of the blue. :x

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 6th, 2002, 06:12:53 PM
Yes it's is all about having fun....

From my experience, all you can do Firebird is just ask for the BS to stop. If it doesn't you move on. I'd hate to see you leave over somethign like this, so if you want to chill and hang out, come down to the Bar and Grill and dont let it get to you anymore.

Sith Ahnk
Mar 6th, 2002, 07:46:46 PM
Is perhaps he discussing the various political arguements? Me not being here for a year thats all I can think of that would have lasted so long

Darth Lynch
Mar 6th, 2002, 11:40:33 PM
The boards sure have their up and downs.

Take a break if it gets to you too much FB.

That or laugh at their stupidity.

I know I'am.

Very much so.

Live Wire
Mar 7th, 2002, 03:33:49 AM
I dont even need to know the particulars and I can tell you its not gonna stop. When people want to bicker pointlessly you have to leave them to destroy their own pathetic little world. Do whats best for you and let them be stupid. Dont let them draw you into their little squabbles. Always do what you can to make the group your in better, to make your RPs better, but if either of those becomes a liability move on and find something better.

Personally I try to stay out of the petty stuff and as Gav can attest to I pull my hair out a lot less now then I used to. You have to let the stupid people be stupid cause they seem to be content in their stupidity. Theres too many opportunities for fun at this board too let it get you down.

Darth Lynch
Mar 7th, 2002, 10:35:27 AM
I agree with LW.

Use to worry about every little thing and use to let some things get to me but since stopped caring about some and working on some matters that are really important its all gotten much better and having a blast. For the last month had more fun than I ever had.

TSE overall is soon to enter another golden age with unfied leadership and got lots of stuff going on, for the Sith there isnt a better time. As it is some here will do whatever they want and pretty much bitch about everything and anything if you dont follow them and listen to the way they want things, screw them.

For as long as these boards exist there will be arguements and conflicts and all that so called fun rubbish. Don't take any part in it and focus upon the RP aspect and have a great time while your at it, just because some are causing problesm dont mean you need to suffer for it. I know I've stop giving a damn about the stupidity of some and overall beneifted greatly from it, less stress, smiling a lot more(turns out its not a myth) and hell if could I'd probably sing its a beautiful day on the mic cause you know what it sure is a beautiful life.

Cheer up and put on a happy faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace.


Mar 7th, 2002, 01:08:08 PM
Your right, shouldn't worry about it. But I've seen this before, and it's not good. But I'm not going to talk about it right now, because apparently alot of people know what it is, and really don't want to see the issue brought here.

It's stupid, and childish but it happens. However to see it happen like this just blows my mind. This isn't your average daily BS here, it's a lot bigger. And to those who know about it had better be mad as heck!

Well, it's been suggested by many people that I take a break for a while before I go nuts. And my studies need some much needed attention, so I'm going on a small break to relax from this issue.

Aura Allei
Mar 7th, 2002, 01:43:01 PM
I shall speak from a newbie's point of view, having been here about 5 months or so. Im a talk city veteran of 2 years, as well as some others. I escaped the soap opera of talk city. I endured two rather distressing OOC bouts in TC, bent on the persecution of my reputation as an rper. Luckily I won the war, unscathed.

I have come to the conclusion it matters not what ppl think, as this is true in rl society as well. The true friends you have, stand by you through thick and thin. The ones whom have left to ramble on against you with gossip, lies, and other OOC propaganda, are not worth leaving over. The 'cliques', as in rl shall always stay. While I don't believe in them personally, since all rpers should rp together, and bury their OOC differences.

I rp both sides of the starwars realm in two groups. As I have for two years now. Perhaps you may have noticed my style in another nic, since its such a pain to camouflage it lol.

Being without the benefits of AIM, saddled with an IM from hell, **Points to webtv**, and my infrequent attempts at getting on the iMac which boasts AOL, bleh, it is hard for me to get to know others. Also the fact I can't get on nights usually, when the majority reigns.

Be it as it may, I usually converse through PMs and e-mail, or OOC columns. I would love to speak with anyone with OOC concerns and issues, and am only a PM or e-mail away, if you want to talk.:)

Firebird you are cool, and I always enjoyed your sense of humor and rps. I hope you are relieved not all are blatant OOC Hutts, hell bent on revenge and ravaging ones motives for RPG. RPG should be enjoyable. I say its time to practice turning a deaf ear to the ones whom attempt to destroy it, and attack you personally.


Darth Lynch
Mar 7th, 2002, 02:24:34 PM
If only most TCers had the intelligence of you my dear, you just might make me have some faith in them yet.

Overall nicely put.

Live Wire
Mar 7th, 2002, 02:25:20 PM
Theres a lot of childish things that go on here. You have to accept that its not going to stop! And Im not saying that to be pessimistic. I say that cause I know for a fact that there are people who start problems INTENTIONALLY! they like to see how much trouble they can cause and like to see how many problems and arguements they can start. Thats sad petty and childish and if the people that do that are reading it this is my post telling you EXACTLY what I think of you.

The people that do that should be banned from here.

I leave that subject now.

On the other hand theres going to be differences. Were not all clones of each others and we have differing opinions. But one thing I've found that helps us at TSO and also helps me keep my friendships is that we agree to disagree. Its not worth losing friends over petty things and I've actually sat down and talked to people and said ya know what we're not going to agree on this so lets just move on. If someone doesnt want to move on say your goodbyes and dont deal with them anymore

Lady Vader
Mar 7th, 2002, 02:29:43 PM
Well, when I started reading this thread, I was a bit confused. But, after reading LW's thoughts, it is all clear now. I can attest to all she has said. I've seen it. I've actually heard it from ppl. Seriously, I think they're mentally unstable.

Anyways, thank you, LW, for blowing the fog out of my brain. Though the cobwebs are still there. :p

Live Wire
Mar 7th, 2002, 02:35:11 PM
lol anytime LV:D

Aura Allei
Mar 7th, 2002, 03:40:19 PM
Thanks Jedah, but I forgot it was Viva, not Via. lol..bloddy editing..:x