View Full Version : Bleeding Rage (Challenge to a Jedi Padawan)

Jared Mriad
Mar 4th, 2002, 08:39:25 PM
Jared walked into a small clearing, he had just came from a large patch of woods where he had landed his personal crusier. Jared looked around for a moment, his right hand tingling slightly, something was here. What or whom Jared didnt really know at the moment. He was hoping that a Jedi that could match up to his rank would show soon. His bloodlust had peaked, a feeling that he loved. Now he waited, shifting to look around at the feild.

A peircing crack of thunder rocked across the sky as rain droplets began to fall. This would be interesting.

Aura Allei
Mar 4th, 2002, 08:58:32 PM
Astride her horse, Guardian, Aura controlled her steed through the woods at a slow trot. She was confused from all the changes she was undergoing as a Padawan Learner at the GJO, and needed to unwind and claim her thoughts. From the bushes, she felt a chilling presence, as her horse all of a sudden reared up, spilling Aura to the ground, the impact knocking her unconscious, as the horse galloped away in fright. She moaned trying to get up, as the concussion left her paralyzed.

Jared Mriad
Mar 4th, 2002, 09:46:44 PM
Jared jumped at the noise coming from the other side of the bushes, insticively he reached behid him to the small of his back and drew a dagger from a hidden scabbard. Advancing to the brush, he watched as the horse galloped into the woods leaving the stranger that emitted the Jedi signature. He crouched down and waited, he was not going to attack while the opponent is down and defenceless, It's just not his style.

Aura Allei
Mar 4th, 2002, 10:01:26 PM
Waking up, Aura sat up holding her head in pain. Mere meters from her she could see a man crouched down, but her vision was blurred and she couldn't figure out what he was holding.

"Hello? Can you help me sir?"

She was so dazed, she couldn't sense he was a Sith.

Jared Mriad
Mar 5th, 2002, 04:30:44 PM
"One Moment, My leg's stuck on a root." Jared lied, prentending that he was attually stuck, Jared slid the knife back into the sheath and tugged at his left leg. After a few moments, he stood up again. Quickly he trotted over to Aura and offered his hand to help. Quickly he formulated a plan to deceive the Jedi.

Aura Allei
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:34:02 AM
She took his hand, stumbling into him as he pulled her up, trying to hold herself on unsteady legs. She was only a Padawan, so self healing was difficult for her yet.

"Thankyou sir, did you see what direction my horse went?"

Aura still had a throbbing headache and blurred vision, but she finally felt a hint of darkness from the man, even in her dire state. She stepped back from him, staggering a bit.

"Who are you?"

Jared Mriad
Mar 6th, 2002, 04:10:14 PM
Jared chuckled, "Name's Mriad, Jared Mriad. And I believe you know who, or matter of speaking, what I am by now." Jared nodded once, then continued softly. "I am a Sith, Since your a Jedi, I believe your card has come from the stack." With this spoke, Jared opened his right hand, brought it up to his face and closed it. Out from the back of his hand plates slid out and coverd his knuckles and fingers. Miliseconds later, three rectangualr boxes came halfway out and emitted the tall-tell sound of a lightsaber. Three crimson blades shot out of the three boxes with a hiss.


Aura Allei
Mar 7th, 2002, 12:47:35 PM
The argent spectacle of not one, but three light sabers emerging from one hand, propelled Aura back, as she unclipped her hilt, and slid a thumb down to the hidden niche activating the cobalt core with the familiar audible snap-hiss. The energy lance erupted into existence, mirroring her absorption, as she wielded the blade in front of her, undauntedly.

"This is not necessary to engage in combat, Jared. I have an inkling where Guardian ran off. Now if you would just let me be on my way."

She studied her adversary with emotionless eyes, numbing the painful throbbing in her head. She had aleady summoned the Force, as she touched on to his dark signature. Her vision was clearing as the healing powers were centered on her eyesight and cranium, damaged by the fall. Standing her ground, she awaited his reply.

Jared Mriad
Mar 7th, 2002, 04:25:46 PM
"Nah, I think not. Ya see. I have a personal grudge on all Jedi. Your one of 'em." Jared smiled. "Now, I'd advise you to prepare for a nice little duel." Jared camed to a relaxed standing position, then jumped forward bringing the sabre up for a backhand slash then down.

Aura Allei
Mar 7th, 2002, 04:49:45 PM
Aura reacted by elevating her saber blade diagonally up, intercepting the trio lances over her right side of her shoulder by the back handed blow, and closed the distance between them, kneeing him in the stomach, as she spun off to her left away from the mutiple beams. She sighed as this conflict would only be resolved with weapons.

"Why do you hate what you cannot comprehend about the Jedi? I am an honorable warrior."

Jared Mriad
Mar 10th, 2002, 01:16:23 PM
Jared backed up a few paces and into a definsive position leveling the TRI-Saber.
"Honor has nothing to do with it." He hissed out brining up his left hand and activating another Tri-Saber, the blades a dark navy color.

Aura Allei
Mar 10th, 2002, 02:43:25 PM
In response to his second weapon Aura unclipped her spare hilt. As she ignited the magenta beam, its incandescent core bathed her in a violet hue. Her left hand now secured a saber, grateful she learned to wield two blades in her past life with the Noble Warriors of Light.

The Jedi Padawan regarded her adversary with the resolute azure eyes of a Lightside warrior. She then spoke softly to him with a voice void of consternation.

"Then the Force shall decide the aftermath."

Jared Mriad
Mar 10th, 2002, 03:04:37 PM
((OOC: I'm going to hafta rp in 1st person during this Challenge. It's much easyer for me to discribe in 1st than in 3rd :) Hope you dont mind))

"So it shall." I replied, preparing myself for the fight. I took a step forward then rushed with force enhanced speed. Brining both tri sabers wide then inward torward Aura.

Aura Allei
Mar 10th, 2002, 03:28:26 PM
The Force was strong with Aura, as she matched his Force born velocity and reacted expeditiously. Elevating both sabers almost simultaneously so as not to cut off an arm, her left magenta blade was maneuvered in a semi counterclockwise arc, and her right cobalt saber was raised in a semi clockwise arc, she offsetted both weapons of her adversary, parried out from both sides of her.

She then followed with a 45 degree pivot to her left, still keeping his blades at bay, and executed a side kick to his sternum, her right foot making impact as the momentum boosted him backwards. She then back peddaled to accumulate more distance from the Sith, and awaited his second assault.

OOC: No prob..Im so used to posting as 3rd person. I would screw up if used 1st person.:) But its ok it my opponent uses it. Won't confuse me. :D

Jared Mriad
Mar 10th, 2002, 04:37:21 PM
I went back into a defencive positon after Aura's counter. Obviously the streightforward attack wouldn't work. I quickly planned out another stratagy as the all to familiar voice echoed in my head. Aw. Come on Mriad, You let her hit you like that? it said. Back off Raudriel. Your not in control here. I replied in thought. I could feel the daemon trying to exert it's control over my mind, but resisted it as usuall. It wasnt time to let 'that' out. I awaited for Aura to bring the offencive this time.

Aura Allei
Mar 11th, 2002, 08:37:32 AM
Aura lofted a brow, as she expected he was waiting for her to attack. She had two options in need of a dissection; not to attack, of which he would no doubt take swift action against her anyway, or to initiate the offensive. Perhaps she could incapacitate this zealous Sith just enough, so she could be on her way and track down Guardian.

The Jedi Padawan took door number two, as she rushed Jared halting 5 feet from his front, just shy of two meters, and hoisted her cobalt saber held vertically before her torso for defensive purposes, while extending her left arm back, swinging the magenta saber towards his right flank in a pronounced upwards arc.

Jared Mriad
Mar 12th, 2002, 11:16:56 AM
I had almost jumped forward to attack but halted. the Jedi was probally trying to trick me into brining on another offense, Instead, I pulled back one half step and positioned my arm in a 90* angle with the navy saber pointing forward. The other trisaber angled at the ground.

Aura Allei
Mar 12th, 2002, 12:42:53 PM
Their blades met in a series of luminous sparks, as Aura spun off to a side, declining to take another offensive assault.

"This is pointless, please let me find my horse."

Jared Mriad
Mar 12th, 2002, 04:26:51 PM
"Doesnt look to pointless on my side. Yet, If you play your cards right, you may live to ride once more." I hissed out, I didnt like giving out deals. It sickened me to no end, but some premotion in my head advised me to do so this one time.

Aura Allei
Mar 12th, 2002, 05:13:24 PM
"And what game of cards are you suggesting, Jared."

Jared Mriad
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:53:38 PM
"Game of Chance maybe?" I smirked, raising the right saber infront of my and locking my arm straight. With the left I angled it at 90*

Aura Allei
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:54:06 AM
A thunderous gallop could be heard a half click away, as Aura could feel Guardian. She spoke to the animal ~via~ the Force.

~Come to me Guardian, I knew you wouldn't leave me here.~

Her attempts to rendezvous with her horse were thwarted by Jared, as he moved to a side, preventing her escape.

"I see a battle must commence, but I shall not draw first blood."

Aura stood her ground, awaiting his charge.

Jared Mriad
Mar 14th, 2002, 09:33:25 PM
I smirked, If this Jedi played her cards right then she would be able to live, if not, well... you get the picture. I crouched and held both of the trisabers out at my sides, palm's facing the jedi. I drew in a breath, then charged forward, snaping both sabers forward and enhanced my speed with help via Force.

Aura Allei
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:39:49 PM
Calling on the Force to match his speed, Aura dropped back flat rolling left just enough to avoid him, as she stretched her right leg out to trip Jared as he charged past, causing him to fall, she then rolled left out of the way to get up.

"Dont make me fight you. We both may get hurt. You want this?"

Jared Mriad
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:46:50 PM
(back to 3rd)

Jared caught himself before hitting the dirt and flipped back up, the Tri-Sabers cutting into the dirt and leaving scorched marks. Turning slightly, a hint of rage in his eyes, he spoke.

"Pain is nothing."

Fully turning around to face the Jedi, Jared crouched a bit rasing his weapons up.

Aura Allei
Mar 20th, 2002, 09:54:35 AM
Aura braced herself for the attack about to commence, centering her gaze on Jared, wondering if he wanted to kill her or just toy with her. She tried to feel his intentions with the Force, but was repelled back by his mind block.

"Pain is the body's way of saying it was damaged. We do not use it to build on strength like your kind, we only numb it till healing can be dispensed.

Jared Mriad
Mar 20th, 2002, 04:15:42 PM
"To each their own." Jared spoke, waving the two tri-sabers around in small eclipses. On the left hand of Jared, blood seeped out from underneith the mechanisim's case, running in rivlets down into his palm. Jared didn't notice it at all. After a few moments, Jared dashed forward again, zigzaging with each step. About a meter from Aura, Jared slid into a crouch and force jumped up and over the Jedi, Landing on his left foot and kicking out in a backwards roundhouse aimed at Aura's head.

Aura Allei
Mar 22nd, 2002, 09:34:16 AM
The surprise buffet pitched the Jedi Padawan to the loam. Rolling to face him, her eyes met his, fogged of vision, as his kick aggravated her prior concussion. Aura thought there were two Sith leering down on her, but only sensed one. She tried to get up, but was met with a stabbing headache and dizziness.

"Something is wrong. I cannot get up. Seems you caught me at a disadvantage."

Jared Mriad
Mar 22nd, 2002, 03:44:39 PM
Jared grimaced, Yet another time were the opponent is defenseless and I have a choice either to continue, or to assist and then continue. he thought, disengaging the left Trisabre and reaching behind him to the dagger but not yet drawing the blade out. Jared backed away a half step, giving the Jedi some space.

"Seem's that I have." Jared crouched down and scooped up one of Aura's sabres that she had dropped when his blow connected. "In my beliefs, One should wait till a equal is able to do battle to the death. It seems that you are disabled for the moment, We can wait until you recover, or I can leave."

Aura Allei
Mar 23rd, 2002, 07:48:45 AM
Aura managed to sit, propped up by her hands behind her, as she then struggled to gain her footing, yet accomplished a stance.

"You forget Jared, a Jedi does not seek an altercation, they find ways to avoid it, and/or to end it. So you will let me be on my way?"

A sparkle of hope enveloped her, as she was thinking of bolting to Guardian while she faked incapacitation 'via' the force, well capable of wielding her blades, as her eyesight and balance improved.

"May I have my saber back?"

Jared Mriad
Mar 24th, 2002, 10:35:21 PM
Jared senced something a bit strange about the jedi, like she was faking it to get away. Hefting the sabre up lightly, he spoke
"You want this back? Nah, You dont need it now. How bout you get yourself up, dust off the other sabre, and try to take it back from me." Deception, pure and simple, Once the Jedi made the first offencive, Jared planned to give it to her, not the sabre, but a bit more of something.

Aura Allei
Mar 25th, 2002, 10:33:08 AM
Aura jumped up with vigor, sensing her trick had been discovered, so she declined to exhibit any signs of weakness. Walking over to Jerad, she reached out to retrieve her saber, prepared for any tricks, the Force aiding her reflexes.

"If you had wanted me dead, you could have done so while I was unconscious from the fall off my horse."

Jared Mriad
Mar 25th, 2002, 10:54:09 PM
Jared grinned, "Yeah, I could've. But who said I wanted?"
Before Aura could touch the sabre hilt, Jared lashed out with the reignited tri-sabre that was hidden behind his back, Grazing the oustreached arm of the Jedi. Jared jumped back a few steps from the Jedi reflexively and waved the sabre hilt around again, the tri-sabre blades humming.

"It an't gonna be that easy to take this back."

Aura Allei
Mar 26th, 2002, 11:05:05 AM
Aura drew back her arm, the flesh burned by his blade as it was instantly cauterized. She focused out the pain, and would heal it at another time in meditation.

"Is this a game? Keep the saber as a gift. Will you let me be on my way now?"

She doubted he would accept the saber on her terms, and deny himself the pleasure of running through a Jedi by allowing her to walk away, yet she took the gamble and asked anyway.

Jared Mriad
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:09:53 PM
Should I let her leave? It's no fun with me just nipping and her just a'walkin'. What to do.. Jared thought, disengaging both of his weapons at once and clutching the 'gift' tightly.
"Leave if you wish. Seems the game is over."

Aura Allei
Mar 27th, 2002, 10:09:59 AM
Aura nodded to Jared, then sighed, knowing she had to reconstruct another saber to replace it. Guardian was down the pass as she called out to him. Galloping over, she grabbed his mane pushing off in front as the momentum carried her over his back.

The horse reared up as she glanced down at the the Sith examining her saber. Most warriors would not sit still to have their weapons appropriated without a fight, yet Aura was a Jedi, and violence must be avoided at all costs to stay true to their code.

Jared Mriad
Apr 1st, 2002, 03:08:43 PM
Jared backed away a few paces as the steed came forward. Speaking in low hissing tones; "Next time, It will be to the end."

With this said Jared turned heel keeping his senses aware IF the Jedi discided that she wanted her sabre back and walked into the forest surrounding his vessel. Sending a force message to Aura he borded the ramp into the belly of the ship;
Eventually you will have to drop your code to survive, the force will determin your fate when this has come. Farewell.

Aura Allei
Apr 1st, 2002, 04:17:10 PM
His message chilled her to the bone, as she rode off back to the Jedi Academy, hoping their paths wouldn't join again; not out of fear, but stemming from her vow to avoid any killing unless unavoidable.

Her soul was clean, and she wanted it to remain as so. Not that she could or could not take Jerad out. The Force always played the tune of fate between warriors, whether of Light or Dark faith.