View Full Version : Dark Incubus {open for multiple players}

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 3rd, 2002, 08:00:04 PM
Zena ambled along a carved path through the condensed forest. The incense of pine consumed the brisk mountain air, as it filled her lungs with its sweet nectar. The Apprentice to Sith Master Jedah Lynch sought to increase her power with the Darkside, by embracing a battle, feeding on its baneful essence. Her past with the Mercenaries was a fleeting memory now, as she was accepted into the ranks of the Sith Empire.

Zena sensed she wasn't alone, as her hand slipped to the hilt of her double edged Sith sword, resting in its scabbard by her right hip. She called out confidently.

"Who goes there?! Advance and be recognized! Face me like a warrior!"

She listened for abnormal reverberations in the thicket, as adrenaline filled her veins like a surging river of subjugation.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 4th, 2002, 01:23:15 PM
The trees before her shook, yet it was not from them that the Jedi emerged. The bough of one of the more thick trunked trees above snapped upwards as a beige and doe-brown blur descended into view. It landed with it's back to her, a hood and cloak of thick fabric covering all but it's boots.

"Good day, mi'lady."

The figure turned now, to reveal it's true nature. The man pulled the hood from his head the slipped his hands slowly behind his back, clasping them there.

"Can I be of some assistance?"

He spoke in a very light and airly voice, glancing down only once to the weapon that the woman gripped. Dasquian had, of course, sensed she was a Sith - but to be the agressor of the encounter would not be wise, he had decided.

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 6th, 2002, 06:00:38 PM
Knowing immediately who he was, Zena hissed in response with a curt retort..

"How do you know what kind of day it is? You can assist me by becoming one with the Force, Jedi!"

Zena unsheathed her Sith sword from its scabbard, her topaz blue eyes narrowing on her prey with merciless intent. The double edged sword tip dried with the blood of her conquests..

"Arm yourself, Lightsider, or I shall relieve you of an appendage." she sneered.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 9th, 2002, 04:29:31 AM
"So quick you are to arm yourself," Dasquian said with a tut.

The Jedi shook his head and kept his hands behind his back, blissfully calm as he looked upon the darksider.

"There is no need for this violence," he spoke softly.

Xavier Sadow
Mar 11th, 2002, 06:36:34 AM
Xavier lets out a quiet growl then a chuckle as he leans back against a tree, his arms crossing over his chest very slowly.

"You should be careful, Dasquian."

He smiles and runs his hand back through his hair slowly.

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 11th, 2002, 11:16:57 AM
Zena laughed so boisterously, the reverberation elicited an avalanche miles away, smothering a small village of exposed inhabitants. The Sith Apprentice sensed screams of despair as she chuckled at her diabolic enterprise.

"And how do you plan to falter my attempts at making you one with the Force without arming yourself...Jedi? Deny my sword is impaling you? I doubt the inhabitants of that village are denying my powers of raze."

Zena saw Dasquain close his eyes, as hundreds of innocents screamed in unison in response to the laden blanket of snow. She motioned ahead with her sword.

"Fight me or not, I shall procure your destiny, either way."

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 11th, 2002, 11:51:36 AM
:: As the wall of snow neared the village, pandemonium ensued. Men, women, and children fled wildly from the avalanche in vain. Yet one did not flee. Dressed in black, yet with hair as white as the icy mountain above him, the aged man stood his ground, his hands rising upwards as the frozen torrent neared. Piercing grey eyes stared unblinking in the face of what was obviously a deathwish. His deep, commanding voice threw a crescendo of echo. ::

Your carnage...denied!

:: The air shimmered in an unnatural fashion at the epicenter of the avalanche's charge, heeding the Jedi's powerful command of its element. As impervious as durasteel, the barrier held the rush of snow, quashing the avalanche before a single soul could be exposed to its wrath. As the sound of impacting snow ceased, Anbira Hicchoru relinquished his barrier, closing an open hand. A loud crunching sound issued forth, as the snow wall was imploded into an immovable dam of ice. His hands clasping behind his back, he spotted Dasquian and two pawns of the Darkside, further up the mount. Without a wind or a wing to carry...the powerful Jedi began to rise, carried by his own prowess to the epicenter of conflict ::

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 11th, 2002, 12:00:00 PM
The Jedi Padawans hands moed slowly from behind his back and came together to meet infront of his chest. With a sharp nod and depression of a button on the hilt, his saber leapt to life with a deep snap-hiss. It hummed loudly and pulsated at the core, the orange outer-glow casting slight shadows over Dasquians face.

"Your confidence shall be your downfall. Your sins will be compensated for by my blade."

Within the space of time that the avalanche his determination had risen. Now the Sith had made her move, and done all that was needed to be done for Dasquian to have a reason to take action. It appeared that, in his quest, he was not alone; for rushing towards himself, Zena and Xavier was Anbira - a force many could not reconcile with.

"Your fate has been decided."

He opened his eyes and stared into those of the Sith, pushing off from the snow into action, his body emitting a Force wave immeadiately.

Lord Gue
Mar 11th, 2002, 04:03:54 PM
[I]Standing outside the village, Michael watched the ensuing havoc as people ran this way and that, more or less like turkeys in a rain storm. As a terrified villiger ran by him he quickly grabed the man by the neck, lifting him into the air and suddenly snaping his head to the side, a move that killed him instantly. He then threw the body a good twenty feet back into the mess...

Xavier Sadow
Mar 11th, 2002, 08:17:32 PM
Xavier keeps his arms crossed over his chest as he stays against the tree, watching the Disciple and the Padawan begin the battle. He ignores the oncoming Jedi. He was not going to interfere with the fight or fight with someone much more powerful than he is. The young Sith maybe a little on the insane side but he is not stupid.

Malice Draclau
Mar 11th, 2002, 09:32:12 PM
And yet another being was ever present as the figt ensued. Perched in a tree a little off from where Xavier was, sat the sith knight Malice Draclau.

*Hmmm, this shall be interesting*

Malice continued to just sit and watch. He did not know anyone but the jedi present. Although the sith could feel another jedi coming.....and he as strong too.

(Things might just begin to pick up)

The sith thought as he felt yet another strong presence in the outskirts of town.

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 12th, 2002, 09:59:14 AM
Time elapsed after the inhabitants were rescued by the mysterious man bent on the salvation of their lives. Zena cursed as she apperceived her foul crusade was nullified by a Jedi Master. She made a mental note to deal with this Jedi, not caring of his rank and accomplishments in the Force.

A long discourse transpired between Dasquain and Zena, till finally the altercation erupted into a skirmish. She caught the Jedi Master in her peripheral vision, as he exuded a stronger light signature than Dasqain's.

Ignoring him for now, Zena charged the Jedi Knight with a battle cry of ferocity. A crepuscular ambience doused the Sith Apprentice as she elevated her sword with lethal intent over her prey. In a double-handed grip she lashed out at Dasquain as her blade descended over his neck on an angle, which he avoided by sprinting away, flicking his wrist and saber up, to deflect the sword off track.

Snarling at him, her eyes as cold and blue as the arctic sea, she made a second attempt, steering her blade towards his gut in a mad dash of speed.

Xavier Sadow
Mar 12th, 2002, 02:51:27 PM
Xavier shakes his head slowly and sighs, his eyes dropping to the ground for a moment before he looks back at Zena. He says quietly to himself as he runs his hand back through his hair.

"She is young.. needs to think more in terms of the big picture."

His eyes carefully watch the battle, ready to jump in if his comrade were to come too close to death.

Lord Gue
Mar 12th, 2002, 07:32:49 PM
[I]He noted a conflict between two lesser force powers of to his rear, and fairly close too. He turned and walked slowly in that direction to see just what was going on...

Malice Draclau
Mar 12th, 2002, 08:24:53 PM
Malice Leans against the trunk of the tree, letting his hair drape over his shoulders he shakes his head as well.

*She is not thinking. Folish moves like that will get you killed*

He looked over at Xavier and ends him a force message.

*Greetings my sith brethren. Do you know this young sithling....she could use a few lessons if you ask me*

Malice to would jump in and help should the girl need it. But for now he just sat back and watched.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 13th, 2002, 12:20:05 AM
:: The Jedi's feet touched ground, impacting in the fallen snow. The wind howled around him, but he stood immovable as a dark obelisk. His sharp eyes gleamed like those of a hawk as he made a subtle hand gesture. Zena was caught in mid-stride, as if suddenly grasped by a large invisible hand.

Anbira moved his right hand away from his chest, and Zena was thrown back fifteen meters, tumbling across the ground. ::

Lord Gue
Mar 13th, 2002, 11:24:23 AM
[I]Feeling an insatiable hunger drawing him towards these 'beings of force' he made his way through a wooded thicket. raising his arm and waving it to the side he let out a violent force slam that knocked over every tree in his way as he continued slowly on his path.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 13th, 2002, 11:58:26 AM
Dasquian blinked once then smiled passively as Zena was pushed away. He gave a nod to Anbira.

"It is good to see you, friend. It appears there is a large gathering of darksiders here ... it must be quelled."

He looked around as he took a few steps through the snow, taking in the mountain air.

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 13th, 2002, 12:52:04 PM
Zena suddenly found herself far from her initial proximity, as she tumbled over a mound of snow, sliding off past a capacious tree trunk that sliced deeply into her right leg. The profanations were vividly audible over the mountain slope. Limping back up, eyes wild with acrimony, she shifted to the Jedi Master known as Anbira.


She held a notion he was the Jedi responsible for faltering her earlier attempts with the avalanche. Zena was reared as a Mercenary, and in their ranks she was trained never to fear anyone or anything, no matter how accomplished they seemed.

As a Sith Apprentice in the Sith Empire, she had yet to learn the painful truth of the aptitudes of Lightside Masters. She charged Anbira wth her sword leveled at his chest. Her leg was bleeding profusely, but it didn't slow her down. As she neared him, Zena jumped off her good leg planning to run him through.

Lord Gue
Mar 13th, 2002, 02:13:13 PM
[I]His legs had become numb in the snow as he trudged along. He noticed a woman against a tree trunk, a force capable woman, twisting his head up he noticed an old foe, a quick survey of the area revealed a few others hiding off to the sides. He bothered not with any of them but trudged right into the middle of the snow covered clearing

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:17:46 PM
:: A biting blast of cold wind grew as a green shaft of light coalesced around Anbira's right hand, in the form of a lightsaber. Anbira met Zena's blade, crossing it with his own. He held his ground as she struggled against his guard. ::

Your fight is futile, young Sith.

Lord Gue
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:28:14 PM
He pointed an out stretched hand at Dasquian
he over turned his hand and formed his arm into a right angle
[I]He brought his hand back down to his side and was thrown through the snow in Michaels direction, a wicked smile creasing his lips

Malice Draclau
Mar 13th, 2002, 07:07:38 PM
Malice watched all this unfold, forgetting about Xavier's answer. He jumped down from the tree and eyed Anbira.

*I have heard of you Jedi Master. It's a shame you didn't stay a sith. You were once a great man....now your nothing*

The knight put his hand to his side, revealing a saber. Unclipping it he thumbed it to life. Two white blades of death shot out both sides, almost invisible with the snow around. The sith stood in a deffensive position, ready to jump in if The woman needed help.

*This fight has only just begun Anbira*

Malice relied with a sneer. He quickly began drawing on the darkside, letting the evil aura flow around and in him. Empowering every cell within his body.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 13th, 2002, 08:02:32 PM
What I am or am not in your eyes is irrelevant, foolish Sith.

:: Anbira never even looked in Malice's direction, instead pressing Zena away from him with a forceful swipe of his saber. ::

Lady Vader
Mar 13th, 2002, 08:56:43 PM
*A figured hooded and robed in black stepped from behind the tree in which Malice had perched in. The figured had come up the embankment, using the Force to mask her presence, and had walked in the tree's thick shadow, coming to stand in it. Now the figure had stepped to the side, watching as four Sith went up against two Jedi. The odds were not in the Jedi's favor, yet two of the Sith were only Apprentices. She sneered. And one of the Jedi had the measured strength of enormous power. But, had he come to realize this yet?*

*She watched from her vantage point, not wanting to step in until she felt the odds would further require the powers of an experienced Sith Master.*

Darth Lynch
Mar 14th, 2002, 03:38:56 PM
What trouble had begun this day?

The Sith apprentice known as Zena was a bright and eager student as any, skilled in some matters her former mercenary life still held some sway in her thinking. Eventually such thoughts would be purged and she would be an weapon of destruction bathed in the darkness.

Watching from afar in solitude stood the Sith Master giving Zena a measure of independent action from his counsel as she sought a battle this day. That Jedi, Dasquian at first appeared to be her challenge this day. Other Sith soon appeared and calamity in a village some distance away had been caused it had all but been nullified by yet another Jedi's presence.

Strange be the tides of fate in their motions.

Staff in hand adorned by Sith runes and carvings the dark robed man merely stood there wishing to see how the play was acted out. Lessons taught in battle by an adversary were ever so helpful in the development of a Sith as was the case with any warrior. Watching the moves of one fighter and tactics in itself was one of the single best ways to learn, understanding your foe and yet not to fall prey to their cause was the ultimate victory.

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 14th, 2002, 04:43:42 PM
Propelled back by Anbira, Zena sensed her Master was close by, as she narrowed her eyes on the Jedi Master and the Knight.

"You are both outnumbered. Pray I kill you two quick, before the others wish to vent their rage by ripping you both apart, forsaken by your own shredded flesh for the snow beasts to dine on."

The Sith Apprentice then unsheathed her dagger, and threw it towards Anbira's chest, using the distraction, she lunged at Anbira for an overhead slice, raising her sword as she neared him, the adrenaline of the battle feeding the darkness in her soul, making her stronger and resilient.

Lord Gue
Mar 14th, 2002, 04:53:43 PM
His pupils dilated as he felt another powerfull force being right behind him. He let his grip of the young jedi go and spun on his heel to the new sight. He pounded his foot against the ground and Malice imediatly flew back, slaming hard into the tree from whence he had jumped down from
"Thou shalt not interfere"

Lady Vader
Mar 14th, 2002, 05:04:35 PM
*The Sith Master watched as Malice came back to his starting point at the hands of Gue. The hooded figure should her head but spoke no words as Malice picked himself up from the ground.*

*Instead, she kept her gaze steady on the Apprentice battling the now-turned Jedi, Anbira. A mixture of emotions, reigned by hatred swelled within her breast. She would aide the Apprentice only when she felt it was neccessary.*

*In the meantime, to keep herself occupied, she raised a hand, palm upward, and curled her fingers slightly inward and towards the sky. There on her fingertips, and utilizing the tension her hatred inside her caused, small charges of lightning danced from one finger to the other, causing and eeriely beautiful dance of light.*

Malice Draclau
Mar 15th, 2002, 11:50:45 AM
Standing back up Malice shook his head. Hitting into the tree sent a sting of pain up his back. The Knight merely drew on that pain to fuel his fury. Looking around he saw who it was that had done the deed to him.

*It is not your choosing who enters the fight and who doesn't dark one. I was merely reading myself for the time when she would need my help*

Angered by what Gue had done to him. Malice began reaching within himself, drawing on the darkness inside. The evil aura that was around Malice's body quickly grew stronger and more fierce. Driving both hands deep into the snow he started pouring out the dark energies which he had been storing.

The sharp stabbing pains the cold was inflicting upon the knights hands only made him smile. For the pain would only be helping him by giving him power. Manipulating the ground beneath them, thick tree roots shot out of the ground under Gue. They wrapped themselves around his hands, legs, waist, and neck, thrustig him backwards hitting a tree behid him. The roots held firm in keeping the dark master against the tree.

Malice respected this man and his power, but he'd be damned if he let someone get away with doing such a dasterdly deed against him.

Lord Gue
Mar 15th, 2002, 12:22:35 PM
An inborn fire bagain to burn within his eyes as his anger rose from what this 'knight' had just done
"How dare you?"
He uttered those words with such utter contempt as to put fear into the most hardened of souls. Brining his arms up, he ripped the branches from the ground, he kicked one foot out, followed by the other, completly freeing himself of the wooden prision that had held him.
Raising a fist towards the man, Malice began to feel blow upon blow, as force slams hit him from every concievable angle, growing in strength from one hit to another...
"You shall never touch me again, NEVER"

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 15th, 2002, 02:38:54 PM
:: Anbira opened his free hand, extending it to the dagger. The projectile weapon slowed drastically, coming to a halt in midair, then falling to the ground. With his saber hand, the Jedi met Zena's blade in full, swiping it away, and returning with a powerful slash of his own, which the Sith blocked. The Jedi delivered broad, powerful strokes, forcing Zena to brace herself fully to counter each. Flashes of light and sparks lit up the air around them, as Anbira slowly used his experience and leverage to cause Zena to move back with each parry. A mighty slash, and Anbira pressed his green blade hard against Zena's jamming her weapon close against her as the Jedi leaned forward. ::

You are blind, young one. Continue this conflict, and you shall meet your destiny. You shall fall long before I do. The future is always in motion. Seize the now, and turn your evil ways, or your future will indeed be written against you in damnation.

:: Anbira stood his ground. Behind Zena, a pine tree's thick trunk splintered ::

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:48:25 AM
Dasquian's eyes widen as he was yanked towards the snow towards Gue, then suddenly drop. He grimaced as he hit the ground, then was pounded with the suddeny appearance of multiple dark forces. At least two Sith Masters had entered the area, and most powerful ones at that. Dasquian got to his feet and watched as Anbira continued to engage in combat.

"By the force..."

He took a few paces backwards and began healing his injuries with the Force as he brought his saber up in a defensive guard.

He had a very bad feeling about this.

Malice Draclau
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:23:37 PM
Malice continued to stumble backwards as blow after blow from the force knocked him backwards. His body by now screamed in pain, but the knight stood his ground and began drawing on the pain that was filling his body. His anger boiling over he lashed out with a wave of the force, knocking even Gue backwards hitting into the tree behind him.

Managing to keep his balance, Malice spit out some blood that had gathered within his mouth. Looking at Gue the sith began drawing on the darkside...he was channeling all his anger and hate into the darkside, letting the force grow within him.

*I did not come to fight you, but if you insist then so be it. I am not one to back down from a fight*

In a dark blaze, Malice's body was enveloped in a dark sphere. The sith was going through his transformation. His body grew and his muscles buldged. His skin, turning blue and hard like armor giving him some protection from force attacks. His nails grew long and sharp on both his hands and feet.

Long dagger like teeth appeared as well. A pair of deadly wings and a tail ended the transformation. As the dark sphere was absorbed into the sith, Gue now saw what he would be fighting. He stared into the dark blue souless eyes of a 9 ft tall demon of death.

Glaring down at Gue, Malice let out a mighty roar.

*You shall never tell me what to do human. I may not be as strong in the force as you yet, but never underestimate me*

Turning around he gave a mighty swing with his massive hand literally splitting a tree. Picking it up he hurled it towards Gue, guiding it with the force.

Lord Gue
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:35:10 PM
Raising an eyebrow he brought his hand, palm out, up in front of his body. The tree trunk stopped in mid air, he could feel Malice try and push it against his will, but it would be in vien. He tossed it back in Malices direction, just to have it land at his feet
"It is a nice... trick, but do not test my patience, as I wont stand for any resistance to the will of Gue.Either you stand down, or you...shall....sufferrr"
[I]With that he lowered his hand and turned to the side to continue to watch the fight

Lady Vader
Mar 17th, 2002, 04:13:05 AM
*LV watched as the two prominent Sith battled each other. She shook her head and muttered under her breath at the sight of wasted energies.*


*She could never abide how some Sith just had to have the upper hand. She'd always believed you had to choose your battles wisely. Obviously, this battle was about egos. She hated battles soley based on egos.*

*She shifted her eyes disgustedly away from the two Sith to the other battle, this one being fought by a Jedi and Sith Apprentice. So far, the Apprentice was showing promise, standing her ground. As for the Jedi, she could feel his power was indeed great. Perhaps he had remembered what potential he had.*

*It was at this moment she caught sight of the other Jedi's weapon being activated and brought to a fighting stance. But with a Sith and Sith battling it out, and a Jedi and Sith battling it out, there was no one left to deal with this being. And with the two Sith busy with each other, that left them open to attack by this lone Jedi.*

*Keeping her cloak on, concealing her features, but not her power, she advanced towards the young Jedi. She did not bring out her weapon, or show any signs of aggression. She merely walked, lightly atop the snow, towards the waiting Jedi.*

Lord Gue
Mar 17th, 2002, 08:50:13 AM
Turning for a mere second, he saw who had muttered that word and began to address it
"Ah, dear Vader, had I only known you were here. I should tell you, I have a very accute sense of hearing, and I very much do not appreciate statements like that. I dont like you sith, the fact that I happen to be one just reinforces that belief. So dont be making judgements about me, else I may be forced to take action I would later regret"

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 17th, 2002, 09:07:55 AM
Anbira was affronted by a resolute facet secured by the Darkside. Zena's unbridled youth dictated her convictions, avoiding the Jedi Master's forewarning. As the tree bark fractured, she retained her deportment exhibiting contempt for her enemy. Anbira avoided the timbered needles with prodigious velocity. She deflected the majority of the incursion, rotating while arching her sword, intercepting the mass converging on her torso. Her right shoulder and flank received two ample splinters, which coerced the Apprentice to take a knee, gritting her teeth in pain as blood spewed from the wounds.

In a biting rage, she hurled her sword at the Jedi Master who easily side stepped from it, the blade now joined with the barkless tree, its finely detailed hilt protruding from the stripped bark, leaving a slight hint it was a formidable weapon.

Rising to her feet, feeding on the anger and pain as it amplified her power, she defiantly unclipped a long cylinder hilt, as she spoke to Anbira with a gruff voice.

"My destiny lies with the Sith Empire, while yours shall be besieged by me."

Zena ignited both ends of the double bladed saber, as twin cores of lava red egressed from each concave disk, mirroring her burning rampancy. No one knew she harbored this weapon, not even her Master. She trained with it secretly under the veil of night for many months, waiting for a time like this to wield it in battle.

Advancing on Anbira, she slashed viciously at both sides of him with rapid consecutive strikes, that were parried away from the well experienced Jedi. After one parry, she spun off to her right in a complete 360 degree rotation, following with a low sweep from behind his legs below the knees, which was evaded with an agile back flip. The Sith Apprentice sneered with malevolence, as she prepared another volley, bent on the conquest over her opposition.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 17th, 2002, 09:09:57 AM
Dasquian stood hard as the Sith Master moved towards him. He could feel darkness permeating from her very being, though could not pick out any features from beneath her cowl of darkness to tell which of the Sith it was. He began readying himself incase she were to advance on him, quirking an eyebrow as one of the others present addressed her as 'Vader'.

Lady Vader. This was most interesting.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 17th, 2002, 02:28:45 PM
:: A double bladed saber. A deadly weapon, for one accustomed to its advanced techniques. Zena advanced on Anbira, gaining ground on the Jedi as her rapid assault carried forward. The Jedi moved back, as he blocked and dodged repeatedly, hoping for a break in the pattern. The Jedi blocked a low sweep, and Zena rebounded high, grazing across his left shoulder. ::


:: Spinning around, Anbira batted high with his blade with a strong swipe, forcing Zena to plant and counter. As he followed through, he reached his off-hand forward, a jolting Force Push sending her weight on her heels momentarily. With a small distance between them now, Anbira pointed his plasma blade at Zena, and released his control on it. The superheated and pressurized gas within the blade released in a conical explosion of heat and shockwave, launching Zena off her feet, and sending her tumbling to the ground. Her lightsaber was lost from her grasp, falling several meters away. As she was slow to recover, Anbira stood, his saber hand contracting and releasing as he checked the cauterized laceration at his shoulder. ::

I see.

:: His piercing eyes watched the Sith Apprentice begin to struggle to her knees ::

You are unrepentant.

:: Anbira's left hand rose slowly, his fingers spread wide. ::

So be it, Sith. You have chosen death.

:: Slowly, the Jedi drew his hand into a fist. A spherical volume of air with a radius of three meters in any direction around Zena began to form, the only visible sign being a slight shimmer as the implosion sphere was crafted. Within, atmospheric pressure began to rise steadily. Within seconds, Zena's ears popped painfully, like she was on an airplane. This feeling subsided, only to renew again as Anbira continued to increase the pressure within, drawing the sphere tight around her. ::

Dark B Shadow
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:40:45 PM
:: All of a sudden a Huge Rock came out of the ground and hit Anbira with increadible force. That knocked him of his feet, breaking his consitration, and lettig the field around Zena to Disappear letting her go.

Then anouther Sith Diciple came from the shadows. His name is No one realized he was there for they were consetrating on the two Sith masters. ::

" I don't think so. You're not killing one of my fellow Sith's on this day."

:: In his hand he was carrying his Dual curved Light saber Night and Day. (http://pub64.ezboard.com/fshadowrelmfrm2.showMessage?topicID=2.topic) He was ready for an attack of any magnatiude.::

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:46:48 PM
:: Anbira rose to his feet slowly, wiping away a spot of blood over his right eye. He glanced to Zena, who was still on her knees, clutching at her bleeding ears from the sudden release of the pressure sphere. It was not fatal, but was painful nonetheless. His attention then turned to his attacker...another smug darkside apprentice who likely had no idea of the magnitude of his situation. ::

You have erred, gravely.

Dark B Shadow
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:19:23 PM
"Oh I know I am n match for you but, instead of staying in the Shadows I decided to Help my fellow Sith that was in troble, and whenever a sith I know is in troble I must help out. It's just the way I am. For I think for the Empire."

:: Dark lite the Black side of his LightSaber. ::

"I'm ready if you are."

Lord Gue
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:15:22 PM
He brought his hands to his chest, lowering his head grumbling to himself
"How many times must I say, how many must be hurt, when will they get it!?"
[I]Anger welled within his body as he roared to the heavens and sprinted towards the newest sith, the one that had disrupted Anbira. As he approached this "Shadow" he slid towards his right side, bringing his arm into the air as he kicked B behind the knee caps. As B began to fall Gue placed his elbow directly into B's throat and fell with him. Using his right forearm as a grip, he rolled over B and got back to his feet to losurvey his damage.

Dark B Shadow
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:30:36 PM
:: He coughed up a little blood when he hit the ground. Dark was hurt badly but only physical. His Knee was sore and his throat was killing him but he still ad streangth. As the new person was standing over him, he started building up his anger, without moving. He Lifted two Big Boulders, by useing his anger, that were in the Shadows behind the attacker. He sent the Two Boulders Flying toward him. The person didn't even know what was comeing at him.When they got on ethier side of him he finally noticed, but it was to late and Dark made both of them slam into him with increadible force. After they hit he got back up and got his Light saber and ignited both sids. Then he got into his Defence stance. ::

"Ouch that Hurt."

Lord Gue
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:54:36 PM
A laugh just to the right of B made him turn rather quickly, only to find Gue standing before him
"Yes, and I bet you believe you hit me with those two stones too...It will hurt even worse if you continue along your more current course of action"

Dark B Shadow
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:57:33 PM
:: He was surprised when H heard the voice so he turned around Quickly. When he finished saying what he had to say Dark Asked. ::

"What's your name? I haven't gotten i yet."

Lord Gue
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:32:46 PM
He grined at this, it wasnt often among dark cirlces he had to be asked his name"The Names Michael, but you call me Gue. And yours?"

Dark B Shadow
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:39:13 PM
:: Dark nodded and disignted his lightsaber ::

"My name is Dark. One more Question. Why did you attack me?"

Lord Gue
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:46:51 PM
"I shall let none interfere in what is happening, this is their fight, and no matter how you wish it to fare, this is their fight. If you wish to battle then I will provide as such, so if you simply came to intervine on the weaker's behalf, then I suggest you either stand down now, or prepare yourself for defeat"

Lady Vader
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:47:20 PM
*LV was going to answer Gue with a curt reply through the Force when he decided to attack yet another Sith. Shaking her head, she thought it best to just leave him alone to his own destinies.*

*Instead, she focused her energies, coming to a halt a few yards from the Jedi she had been advancing on. She could feel by his power level that he was only a Knight, but that did not make her think less of him. Never underestimate your aponent, no matter what level they are at. The wind howled as she felt more than saw the air being compressed somewhere behind her, no doubt where Anbira and the Sith Apprentice were fighting. The wind caused the Jedi's long blonde hair to blow about his face, and caused her cloak to billow in it's curent, making her look like a live shadow.*

*For the first time since she'd arrived, she spoke.*

What is your name, Jedi, that I may know who it is to be next on my list of murdered Jedi?

*Though her facial features were still hidden, it was evident from the way she spoke that she was smirking maliciously, reading herself for the kill.*

Dark B Shadow
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:57:59 PM
"I see for now I understand I will not intervene in anyone else's battle. I shall wait untill some else to come in and battle them. Untill then I shall wait and watch."

:: With that he put his Saber away. Then went over to a tree to lean on it. He waited and watched for someone else to show up. For that's all he could do for now.::

Lord Gue
Mar 17th, 2002, 08:10:52 PM
"Fine, you do that"
He turned back once more to watch the fight unfold again

Malice Draclau
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:36:23 PM
Malice growled as Gue turned and continued to watch the fight. The knight loathed fighting with other sith, but he was not known to back down from a fight either. Watching mistress Vader walk by him he bowed his head in respect to the master.

He knew she was nearby but chose not to acknowledge her until such a time called for it. The sith outnumbered the jed greatly in both numbers and maybe even power. Looking on as the sith apprentice and the jedi master was fighting, he could see the sithling had great potential indeed, but she was still going to need help against this master.

Maice stood ready, his deadly claws ready to rip open the jedi....or anyone else who woud be foolish to get in his way. The demon knight was seething with darkness and awaited a chance to unleash it on someone.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 19th, 2002, 02:29:15 PM
Dasquian pushed one foot back in the snow, bending his knee as he leant his weight back onto the bowed leg. The other he placed out infront. His saber was held in a steady guard over his upper body, gripped firmly in two hands, the bright orange beam humming beneath the sound of the other clashing sabers present.

"Dasquian Belargic is my name, Lady Vader..."

He stared at the Sith Mistress intently. Vader - the name was unusal to find, she must have been some relation to the original Vader of Dasquian's time.

Lady Vader
Mar 19th, 2002, 03:41:36 PM
*She eyed the Jedi, nodding her head, letting the name roll smoothly off her tongue.*

Dasquian Belargic... an unusual name.

*She watched him, slightly amused, as he held his stance, ready for a fight. No doubt what made him more nervous was the fact she was not holding any weapon, nor caring to show any stance to fight. She always did enjoy playing with her intended victims' minds.*

It is not a name of this time, but of the past. Therefore, either your parents were fond of the ancient names, or you are quite old.

*She took a step closer, removing her hood and staring straight at him, reading him.*

Your eyes have seen much more than your youthful features suggest. You are indeed as ancient as your name.

*She shrugged off her cloak in a casual manner, revealing her dual-phase lightsaber and electro-whip attached to her belt. Yet, she still did not bring one of them to bear. Instead, she kept moving forward, all the while talking.*

It is a shame it will have to end...

*Suddenly without so much as a bat of an eyelid, LV called up the dark powers within her and the earth under Dasquians feet cracked, opening into a wide casmn, like a mouth hungrily wanting to be fed. Snow spilled into the large crack, also making the Jedi stumble, and fall into it. He had tossed his saber aside to grasp the edge, to prevent himself from falling into the abyss.*

*It was at this point LV reached for her dual-phase saber.*

Mar 19th, 2002, 04:18:37 PM
*Videl soon teleported along with her panther and wolf into the midst of the battle after sensing a conflict between her fellow Sith and the Jedi. She smirked wryly as she watched the events unfold in front of her, it had been quite some time since such a large battle had happened. The wolf known as Kuroi's ears pricked forward as his tail swung back and forth but his partner in crime Shiji a jet black panther just watched and growled. For the moment, Videl was content to watch and wait for a worthy opponent to come into play as she watched the carnage go on in front of her*

Darth Lynch
Mar 19th, 2002, 09:39:49 PM
Watching still in silence the Sith glared at the battle before him. Closer now than he was he still decided it had not been a time to strike until or if it was needed. Zena was left in a precarious position from Anbiras attack, if she could withstand it that would be seen soon. Anbira, how far he had fallen thought the Sith, once of powerful darkness the one had instead lost his mind and became a tool of the Jedi again.


The Sith Master had engineered a clone of Anbira in his younger days to get rid of the failed and flawed older version but that had not come to pass. Such was a pity. Anbira was still doomed to die by another's hand, this the Sith Master was sure of. That fate however was clouded and distorted, the chain of destiny was not fully linked.

Now it appeared that the Lady Vader was beginning to get ready for her clash against the Jedi , Dasquian Belargic, the match would prove to be interesting indeed. Under the circumstances he would take great delight in watching the Lady toy with her little playpal much like a cat with a rat before tearing it apart.
For now he kept his attention planted on the main reason for being here while he kept on guard, careful of his surroundings.

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 19th, 2002, 11:06:34 PM
Swallowing the pain, Zena opened a porthole of dark energy to enshroud the Jedi Master's handywork, making the remnants subside into stilled nothingness. Anger washed over her like a sheet of rain, as every inch of her being roared for retaliation. Her ears were ringing, yet she did not need them for the task at hand. She knelt on one knee and summoned the abyss of energy every darksider quests for, as she gathered her power. Shooting Anbira a stabbing glance, she spoke abruptly.

"You have only awaken the sleeping lioness."

Zena knew she had limitations, but what she had in store for him was not of the Force. Suddenly a winged serpeant could be seen far off in the horizon. As her pet neared the battle zone, he dove towards Anbira, the gush of wind from his massive wings knocking the Jedi over. Anbira noticed Zena was holding an amulet as she chanted in a strange tongue, obviously in control of the serpeant. The beast took another sweep at the Jedi Master, but this time his monstrous claws were bearing down on his target.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 20th, 2002, 12:23:43 PM
Dasquian kicked his heels hard into the ice from which he hung and swung himself in towards the snow, then back out, leaping up onto the edge of the chasm. The Jedi's saber leapt from the ground to his hands as he strafe-stepped away from the hole quickly, igniting the beam in his hands once more.

"Your name too is ancient, Sith."

He watched as she also began to arm herself with a dual-bladed saber. In his mind he cursed that he too did not have two blades to wield, but calmed himself in reassurance that he was well trained and his skills would serve him well against his foe.

"You bear the name of a troubled man... one who could not decide whether to ally himself with the Jedi or Sith, and who died because of this."

Lady Vader
Mar 20th, 2002, 01:09:37 PM
*LV smirked slightly, igniting both ends of her saber, relishing in it's deadly hum.*

Yes, but unlike him, I have no indecisions. I am of the Dark Side, and it is of me.

*She shrugged casually, and smiled.*

As to the name, I adopted it once I left my planet of origin, also dawning this mask. In a sense, both he and I have a great deal of respect in privacy.

*Suddenly she lunged at him, bearing her saber hard onto his, causing him to slide slightly in the snow. He pushed back, aided by the Force, releasing himself from her preasure, counter-attacking with fluid movments of his saber. She deftly deflect each swing and parry, strengthening each blow as the fight wore on. With each blow, she advanced on him, making him step back slowly to avoid the quick and deadly strikes, turning him once again so that his back was towards the casm.*

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 20th, 2002, 02:52:05 PM
:: With widened eyes, Anbira's hand extended, sending the flying serpent sailing away, its wings caught in the velocity of a force push. As the beast returned for a second pass, the Jedi crafted his force blade once more, and the onrushing talons of the creature were removed in two full-stride swipes. The beast lurched upwards with a massive beat of its wings, and the Jedi released the explosive latency within his weapon, the plasma shockwave exploding into the creature's exposed underbelly, mortally wounding it. It flew another few meters, faltered, and crashed to the ground ::

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 23rd, 2002, 04:46:05 PM
After calling the saber into her grasp, Zena paced back and forth as her temper was ascending to its zenith. She contemplated attacking the Jedi Master again, but knew of his honed capabilities with the Force, and didnt relish a replay of the last demonstration.

She wished retribution for her fallen serpent, as she sneered pondering on a calculated attack. Looking up, she held the double bladed saber hilt in her left hand, as her right hand clenched into a fist. Suddenly the cliff behind Anbira gave birth to a myriad of falling rocks and debris. Zena skirted off to the side to see how the Jedi would deal with the onslaught.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 24th, 2002, 05:05:56 AM
Dasquian began to side step one foot over the other slowly as he walked. All around, the snow swirled in torents; whipping storms that lashed at the bare skin of the fighters and sent chills to the bone. By way of the Force, the Jedi kept such troubles out of his mind, and delt with it only by squinting to keep the flakes from clouding his vision.

"You wear a mask, to hide your true feelings.. perhaps you too were once of the lightside?"

Lady Vader did not take kindly to his comment, and swung agressive at him, causing the Padawan to leap backwards. He landed with an uneasy wobble in a patch of suspiciously soft snow. Hastily, he jumped to the side, only to see the patch he had been standing on plummet down in a vertical drop.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 24th, 2002, 08:36:58 AM
:: The avalanche of rock seemingly swallows the Jedi up, burying him in a mountain of rubble ::

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 27th, 2002, 11:40:13 AM
With his signature armored from the Sith Apprentice, Zena advanced on the white dune, now encompassing the cliff's edge, while stabbing consecutively into the mound encasing the Jedi Master. Tirelessly she lunged her blade into the pile of snow, rocks, and other debris, anticipating she may meet his body and claim her prize.

"Come out come out where ever you are, Jedi." she mocked, her lips curled in a defiant smirk.

Lady Vader
Mar 27th, 2002, 04:41:29 PM
*As the snow bank Dasquin had stepped on began to shiver, she stepped back, as did Dasquin, both on the edge of the sheer cliff. She looked down, and then up with a ferrel smile.*

No, Jedi, I was never of the lightside. You see, from where I originated, I knew nothing but of the dark magics. It is what I have become.

*Unbeknowest to the Jedi, and unlike most Sith, she had a knack for patience. She would bide her time until an opportunity arose for her to take. She did not believe in wasting energy without cause. Of course, facing a jedi was more than enough cause.*

*Turning her lightsaber off, she clipped it to her belt and looked up at the now confused Jedi. Or was that nervousness? No matter. She stretched out her hand, and "grabbed him by the throat, slowly lifting him from the ground, moving his body over the cliff's edge, and letting it dangle in mid air. The drop would be more than fatal if she let him go. With the other hand, she snatched the saber from his hand, twisting it, and letting it drop down the mountain, down into the village below. She smiled.*

It just be raining lightsabers on that lil town down there. Pretty soon it'll be raining Jedi.

*Little by little, she began to loosen her grip on the Jedi, knowing full well, that it would take all his concentration to keep himself from faling once she let go. And even after that, he would be incredibly exhausted, giving her the upper hand.*

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 29th, 2002, 07:00:16 AM
Dasquian stared down at the Sith with calm eyes. Inside, his mind was a blur with ideas of how to save himself. Without him, the Jedi here would have more Sith to deal with, and this one here was certainly not one they needed on their backs. If the Jedi failed, then the Sith would continue their avalanche down onto the city and take the lives of hundreds in the process.

No, he could not allow it.

Perhaps the only way he could get out of this was through telekenesis. He'd learnt it with Master Yoda, and he and Master Navaria had begun to focus on it also. Dasquian and Aaron had shown great prowess in the manipulation of objects, and had both at one time been able to lift their own bodies a clean inch off of the ground. Now was the time to use this.

He cleared his mind and closed his eyes; letting himself fall into a tranquil state. First, he concentrated upon the force around him, and the force within his own being. Lady Vader's power was much more than his, but he had to try and contest it with this play.

After a short time, he felt his body move forward a little, yet still slipping downwards.

"You knew nothing of the light, then ... how can you be sure you made the right choice?"

Lady Vader
Mar 29th, 2002, 01:42:19 PM
I made a choice, and that's all that matters to me. I do not look back to the past. I live in the present...

*She tightened her fist, her mental hold on Dasquin tightening around his neck, constricting his breathing. She had felt him begin to gather power around him to attempt to keep himself afloat. She needed to distract him with something else, and so she did. Let him attempt to open his asophogus, for if he used power to do that, he would lose concentraion on his telekinis hold.*

*In essence, he had a choice of dieing from asphixiation or a fatal drop. And just to add to the troubles these Jedi now faced with the Sith, he kicked at a largish hard piece of sow and ice down over the cliff. It rattled and bounced down the side of the mountain, losening snow and rock as it went down, causing a new avalanche upon the small village below where she had thrown dasquins lightsaber earlier.*

...and plan for the future.

Malice Draclau
Mar 29th, 2002, 07:15:40 PM
The demon knight had gotten quite bored with just watching the fights go on. The small wounds he had gotten from Gue had all but simply vanished in his mind. For he could no longer feel any pain what so ever. Turning away from Anbira's fight Malice looked at Lady Vader. What she seemed to be doingwas more interesting, so he decided to get a closer look.

The tall figure walked across the now battle field and made his way standing next to Lady Vader.

*Well now mistress, having fun aren't we*

Malice gave a nod of respect to the master. When the sith looked closer at the jedi he couldn't help but laugh.

*Why if it isn't Dasquian Belargic. We meet yet again, it would seem as though fate would only permit us to see one another in battle. Though i like what i am seeing now*

His wings gave off a few gusts of wind, blowing some of the loose snow off the edge of the clif.

*My,my, what a long way's down. I hope you have a fun fall jedi*

The demon let out a bellowing laugh and grinned at the jedi. It would give him great pleasure of seeing this jedi finally out of his hair.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 31st, 2002, 11:17:05 AM
Dasquian grimaced quite obviously now as he felt his ability to breath easily being taken away from him. He brought his hands up to his throat and gripped it loosely, straining as he tried to remove the unseen bind from his body. The hold that was upon not only his body but now his throat also was beginning to take it's tole. Though he fought trying to disable both at once, he could not, and with each passing second his lungs burned more with the need for oxygen.

It was then that he had to give in.

He tore away the shackles on his throat and felt himself slip downwards, taking in a huge gulp of air as he did so. His eyes widened as the Sith sharply escaped from view. He had to control himself! He plunged downwards at least six foot before the Force empowered him once more, and he was able to throw himself into the cliffside via the Force. His fingertips dug into the ice on the side of the rock as he desperately tried to hold on.

Whilst gripping onto his only hand hold, he looked upward and silently prayed to the Force to keep him safe, cloaking himself so that his presence would not be seen - so that the Sith would think he had indeed fallen to his death.

Lady Vader
Apr 1st, 2002, 06:27:00 PM
*LV watched, with some surprise, as the Jedi used his power to release her grip on him, but it made him lose what hood he had on keeping himself from falling. And she merely let go, watchng as he plunged downward towards the small vilage bellow.*

*She leisurley walked to the edge and looked over. It was a long way down and she gave a soft whistle. But something was amiss. She enhanced her vision to look down upon the village. No sign of a body. Frowning, she used the Force to locate the Jedi, but all she received was silence. And yet, her gut kept telling her it was not over. And she always listened to her gut.*

*Standing back quite a bit, she released several charges of Force Destruction along the edge of the cliff, about 7 meters in each direction from where the Jedi had fallen. The cliff gave way, exploding and dropping tons of snow and rock down the cliff's sheer face. But what she hadn't anticipated was that the mountain woud become unstable and soon the whole thing began to slide, taking all those on the slope with it.*

*Cursing, she stumbled, and began running back towards the way she'd come, Malic stumbling just behind her, attempting to outrun the slide. All those around her did the same, but the slope was rapidly becoming mush as the whole side of the large mountain began to give way.*

Malice Draclau
Apr 2nd, 2002, 10:57:27 AM
The mountainbegan to give way too fast for the demon to out run it on foot. And seeing master Vader right in front of him he got an idea. Grabbing her aroud her waist Malice picked her up, spreading his wings he lifted off the ground and began flying forwards, flying past the other runner's.

*I'd say that was a little much mistress, wouldn't you agree*

Malice chuckled at his own question. Sure the move would most likey get rid of the jedi, but it also could have gotten rid of them. Malice stopped flying as soon as he reached past a few rows of trees. He knew the soil under those would not give way for the roots would hold it together......and he was right too. Putting LV down he looked around, surprisingly all the fighters that had been ontop of the cliff had made it, the only one the sith did not see was the jedi named Dasquian.

*I think you got him. So i guess the attack wasn't a total waste then*

Malice then started to reach out with the force, searching for any exsistance of the jedi.............if any.

Lady Vader
Apr 2nd, 2002, 05:43:06 PM
*She remained still in the large demon's grasp until he set her down. She brushed some snow from her shoulder and arm, looking at the now-gone ridge. But those that had been on it were still alive. All except for the Jedi she'd been battling. He was nowhere to be seen.*

*She looked over to where Anbira stood, panting from outrunning the snow-drift. Belatedly, she answered Malice's retorical question.*

It may have been over-done and perhaps too much energy used for such a minial target. But it got only one. And one is enough.

*She finished brushing herself off, and moved towards Anbira as he took up his fight again with the young Sith.*

But the day is still young, and there is still plenty of mountain left to crumble.

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 2nd, 2002, 06:45:16 PM
:: Zena's blade hit true, yet stopped...as if striking something her lightsaber could not penetrate. The debris pile then shifted, rocks and dust sliding away from a spherical volume of space, surrounding the old Jedi, who was completely unscathed. The sphere continued to expand slowly, pressing Zena back and removing the rubble from Anbira and the epicenter ::

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 3rd, 2002, 03:39:43 AM
Dasquian had clambered upwards as the attacks had rained upon the cliff edge, but had been thrown into the air as the Force Destruction exploded around him. His body was tossed like a rag doll into a mound snow, where it was immeadiately covered over by the avalanching ice. Beneath the cold, he was still and unmoving - unconsious.

Dark Lady Zena
Apr 4th, 2002, 07:38:45 AM
Propelled off her feet, landing several meters away, Zena cursed as she realized the Jedi Master was still alive.

"Well, look what we still have here," she mocked.

Lady Vader
Apr 8th, 2002, 01:15:39 AM
*LV stopped short as Anbira forced himself out of the pile of rubble the Sith apprentice had placed him under. She was impressed with the power this apprentice had. She had a feeling this woman would certainly grow to be a powerful Sith Lordess... if she lived that long.*

*She smirked, looking at Anbira and raising an eyebrow at him, gesturing towards the young Sith woman.*

Well... last i remember, you were a gentleman of sorts. Aren't you going to acknowledge the woman? Or has becoming a Jedi made you forget about the simplicities of life?

Malice Draclau
Apr 10th, 2002, 02:26:37 AM
Malice was still caght up with the fact that Dasquian was still alive. So, letting his demonic instincts take over, Malice hopped over the edge of the cliff and began crawling down the side of it. He would see for himself if this jedi were really dead, or if he some how managed to survive.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 10th, 2002, 04:27:36 AM
There was a shift in the snow. The cold was bringing Dasquian around into awakening. His eyes snapped open, and all around him he could feel the force presences of Sith. Under the ice he grunted, and began to use his palms to shovel the snow out of the way. After some strenuous digging, he found himself popping out the side of an embankment where upon he struck off down the slope towards the village that had been rained down upon.

All the while he maintained a cloaked presence. He needed to get down there; there was people that needed medical attention, and he himself was not in the best of shape. Thankfully though, he'd escaped from any further darkside attention for the day.

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 12th, 2002, 08:20:11 PM
:: Anbira turned at last, to face Lady Vader ::

And what is there to acknowledge, madam?

Darth Lynch
Apr 14th, 2002, 06:47:55 AM
What was to happen next.

There now the traitor was standing before the woman he had once so long fought beside, his mind still corrupted and a pale image of what it once was. Diseased and infected with the condemnable Jedi morals and values. It made his stomach turn and he fought the urge to launch into an attack.

If he had an sniper rifle nearby he would have taken a shot at the fallen one. It had been a long time now since he had used such a weapon. Long ago. A hand reached to his unlit lightsaber. A lightsaber was a more practical weapon for these uncivilized times.

It was not wise to began an attack on the man right now. Not until the Lady Vader was finished with him. It was not...constructive to interrupt a Lady when she was talking especially if it resulted in some sort of progress.

If not.

So be it.

Dark Lady Zena
Apr 14th, 2002, 10:54:47 AM
Gesturing to Lady Vader with a courtly nod, she observed the two in quietus. Zena felt her Master's presence, yet curbed her thirst to attack the Jedi Master.

She would need to augment her Force powers before dealing with this Jedi, confident the Sith Master, Lady Vader, would be able to impede his handiwork.

Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2002, 04:09:09 PM
*Her sneer deepened. One hand was forward, visible, holding her saber. The other was hidden behind her back, a deadly orb growing at her palm.*

Perhaps for you there is nothing to acknowledge.

*She tsked softly, moving slowly closer.*

How low you have gone, Anbira Hicchoru.

*She spit towards him, after saying his name, the drop of saliva landing serveral feet from him.*

And to think we...

*She shook her head.*

No, there is no "we" any longer.

*By now the orb behind her bak had taken on a perfectly spherical shape, with a heart of green that glowed with destruction. It's creation having made her ears pop slightly from the air preasure being sucked into it to give it life.*

But, despite that, I learned from you. Much more than you probably know.

*She smiled, though the smile carried no warmth. Gathering her hate for what the man before her had become, she began to fuel her powers, feeling it grow in her, preparing from what was to come.*

*She sent a quick message to Lynch who she could feel behind her. No doubt he had seen the orb behind her, though she kept it's power masked from the Jedi before her.*

Remove your apprentice from the battle field. I do not want her harmed with what I am about to unleash.

*She looked over to the dark apprentice, giving her a stern look.*

Go to your Master and do not question me.

*The apprentice looked on the verge of a retort, when she suddenly pivoted on her heal, looking in the direction where Master Lynch stood. No doubt the man had sent his apprentice a message, for she took off at a sprint towards the far side of the mountain range.*

*When the apprentice was clear, she returned her gaze at Anbira, her smile going from cruel to warm in an instant. At the same time her smile took on warmth, she brought her hand around to reveal to Anbira what she had produced. The angry green orb flickered and spat on her palm, eager to unleash it's destructive power. She had made it large enough to bring down this side of the mountain, esetnially putting herself in danger. But if that meant doing away with the Jedi before her, so be it.*

*She held up the sphere towards Anbira. Despite the cold, a small drop of sweat slid down the side of her face, the only sign that the power she held in her hand, and the power she was holding inside her was straining her. Even for a Master of any denomination, this was not an easy task.*

Do you remember? Do you remember what this is... and what it can do?

*Her smile went from warm to cold, again in an instant.*

This is what I learned... from you!

*With that, she unleashed the green orb with a Force Push towards Anbira. He knew as well as she did that it could not be stopped. The energy within only had one outlet, and that was to escape into it's destructive force. He essentially had two choices: shield himself and purhaps survive and let the orb destroy the village with it's explosion to the mountain opposite the one they stood upon, or attempt to stop the sphere, and most certainly perish or become increasingly weakened to the point of death.*

*As for herself, either outcome was sufficient, and she dove as far away from the flying sphere as she could, encasing herself in a protective bubble with the energy she had been storing within herself.*

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 15th, 2002, 10:41:09 PM
:: Anbira could not produce a defense in such short notice against such a destructive force. He was a Jedi, but not a fool. Resisting would only destroy him, and the village behind him. Quickly, Anbira accelerated into the air, as the sphere passed beneath him. As it did, Anbira pressed it with the Force, further accelerating it, and guiding it skyward...so that it would sail clear of most of the village. He lowered himself to the ground, his eyes boring into LV's ::

Ignorant wretch! You don't understand the powers you mimic. You'll destroy yourself before you destroy me.

Lady Vader
Apr 16th, 2002, 01:06:43 AM
*LV stood from her crouch and eyed Anbira as he finished speaking. Her face contorted into a frown.*

Why should you care what becomes of me? You know the power that I can unleash, and I have grown in that power since last you saw me. I mimic nothing. I govern it. If destroying you means destroying myself, then I am willing to make that sacrifice, only to rid this galaxy of you.

*She brought her saber to bear, igniting one end.*

You don't care about me! you never did! So don't pretend to now!

*She lifted her hand, Force Grabbing him and pulling him towards her, her saber meant to pierce him through the heart.*

Darth Lynch
Apr 17th, 2002, 06:58:37 PM
Stepping back as he called softly to Zena in her mind he awaited her arrival beside him, watching the spectacle occur before them the Sith could only guess to its final outcome. This appeared to be at last a battle ordained that was to begin since the winds of fate had changed Anbiras life those many months ago.

Guiding Zena away from their current location Lynch decided this was the Lady Vaders battle, if she failed they would not be too far away from the battlefield. If she won the fallen one would be no longer an issue that festered itself on the known galaxy.

"Be ready"

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 18th, 2002, 11:13:07 PM
:: As Anbira approached, a force struck against LV as he was nearly upon her blade. Nothing was seen, but the force was as firm as a stone wall, sending the Sith Mistress flailing back from the impact. Anbira stood, not moving or attacking ::

I once loved you. And you, me. I searched forever for a way to save you from your own destiny. Perhaps that makes me a fool. Worse, a heartbroken one.

Lady Vader
Apr 19th, 2002, 11:33:50 AM
*LV stumbled back, nearly falling backward, but catching herself with a foot planted firmly behind her. She stood her ground, the hum of her saber a soft background noise as Anbira spoke. His words hit home. Yes, she had loved him once. And she knew he had loved her. But towards the end, before he threw himself off the cliff to plunge himself forever from her, she had began to feel as though he had lost interest. He had folded within himself, not sharing much with her. And it had hurt. And that hurt had now turned into rage.*

*She closed her eyes, shaking her head.*

You were never a fool. Only after you took that leap from that cliff did you become a fool, and that is when I lost you forever. But I think I began to lose you before that.

*She opened her eyes, a sadness there that had not surfaced since the day she had known in her heart she would never again have him. Until Lunch had proven her wrong a few months back.*

*A smile spread across her lips, a sad smile.*

It is too late for me, Anbira. It was too late for me the moment I became what I am now.

*Her smile faded and her eyes took on a hard edge, giving him an icey stare, still speaking softly.*

It is apparent you could never accept me for what I was.

*She reached her hand out again, and Force Grabbed him, squeezing his lungs inward, and shooting him up into the stars. To him it would seem he was losing oxygen and floating in space. He would think there was nothing else but to die in such a circumstance. But what he would not know is that it was an illusion. She knew him, and she knew illusions were a weakness of his. And she would use his weaknesses as an advantage.*

*But, he also knew her, and that could be her undoing.*

Dark Lady Zena
Apr 20th, 2002, 07:12:30 AM
"Yes, Master."

She too was observing the escalating confrontation between the two titans of the Force, squaring off in a battle of wits and domination.