View Full Version : Still Lost

Sierra Sha
Mar 3rd, 2002, 07:23:40 PM
Nuriko had disappeared going who knows where in this big galaxy. It was after she had attacked her family for no reason that Sierra could understand but at the time, she really didn't have time to think about it. All that matter was getting her sister, Kali, out of the area so her father could handle the situation.

In the aftermath, Rama had told Sierra little of what happened. It left the displaced Sha confused, angry and lost. Time continued to go on but without Nuriko. Her time was consumed with watching over Kali but even the small peace she found with her sister didn't help the growing depression that Sierra was suffereing from. She was suppose to help her family, not watch them leave her! She was helpless in stopping her mother and Rama's time was being taken as a Council Member and also watching Kali.

Soon it became that he would watch over as Sierra turned callous and bitter. What happened had affected her deeply and she was consumed in finding where her mother could have gone. It was her duty to protect her family.

Ironic that Nuriko had found her own way back to the Empire but Sierra was lightyears away to even know of such things.

It first started with meeting her Uncle, Trace, on Ord Mantell. She wasn't sure how that would go down but it wasn't so bad. Far as she could tell, Trace and Rama have alot of baggage, misunderstanding and different views that tore that relationship apart. It was just another nail in the coffin for the red-headed Sha in how her family was torn apart. Also, Trace had no idea where Nuriko was........

One good thing did happen with that meeting. Sierra admitted to Trace that she was trained by Kat in the future where she was from and showed him her own Chaos Talisman. He promised to bring Sierra to Meras and meet Sorsha so hopefully his niece could find some sort of focus for her unchanneled rage and pain because of Nuriko's dissapearance.

So, Sierra went with Trace to Meras and was brought before Sorsha and alot of Sith. She was hoping to talk to Sorsha alone and that pissed her off belief she was walking into the middle of plans being made. Then a Jedi had to crash the damn party and Sierra had enough. She decided to go on her own to either find Nuriko by chance or at least something to get her out of this funk she was in.

Which led her to some washed up planet in the Outer Rim. Seeing as she didn't have a ship, Sierra was using the Force quite nicely in letting people give her rides. As fun as it would seem to a Sith in killing Captains and taking their ships, Sierra had found out how rather tiresome and unfufilling that became after the fourth time she did it.

Now she was in the Firrerre Sector but at least this planet she was on was not as devastated as the main planet itself. This had commercial prospects and a thriving economy unlike the wasteland mountains that were mined to death. This planet was similair in terrain which made it ideal for the natural vegetation and animals of Firrerre to be imported here.

It was a running joke in her mind that she was calling it Firrerre II when she saw this place on the nav computer that the generous Captain was taking her but on her third day here, she found out that it was basically called that. Leave it to the simple folk to keep it simple.

Carrirrean was the main Capital and it was built in mind of the distant view of the Garrnirren Falls. Surviving Firrerre lived here within a mostly human population. Fierrerre half breeds were not uncommon either.

Sierra had no idea why she was here. Maybe her mother passed through here, maybe not. Maybe it was just a place on her journey to sit in some boring bar and have a drink while watching the mindless citizens have a life while she didn't.

She was having herself a favorite drink amongst the Sha Clan. Straight vodka. The human waitress brought Sierra her third drink in which the young Sha flipped another credit her way to pay for it. The waitress was smart in keeping to herself. It was rather obvious by the Sierra's hooded face, which barely covered up her red tresses, and lack of speech that she wanted nothing to do with anyone.

The smell from her drink this time around really caught her senses. It must have been a double and Sierra looked up to the man behind the bar who smiled back at her.

She slapped out another credit on the table and then took a sip. How she missed Nuriko "lessons" in not drinking or how her father would warn Sierra about being caught by her mother for consuming any alcohol.......

OOC: Obviously this is open and I have a general idea where this is going. If you want to join in please either contact me or post in the thread making sense with what I set up. thanks :)

Trace Sha
Mar 13th, 2002, 05:35:41 PM
:: Trace had accompanied Sierra to Meras to take her to Sorsha, as he had been asked. It seemed that sierra had some ties to Sorsha in the time line she had come to this one from, made obvious by the talisman she had shown him. She seemed distant and lonely, and he tried to do what he could to help her, knowing the feeling all too well himself.

The TK field that now persisted around his entire body at all times had served to further cut him off from socializing with other beings. He wasn’t just figuratively living inside a shell, he was physically living inside one. It was true that he had learned how to control it to some extent, but it required concentration. The field’s natural state was solid around his entire body.

He had also left Meras not long after Sierra had, wondering where she might be going. Along the way in following her he had lost her trail. Her method of travel did not lend itself well to being pursued.

He began to wonder to himself as his shuttle sat stationary in space at her last known location. ::

”Is it possible that I can use this… :: He reached to his coat and touched the talisman pinned there :: ”…to somehow locate her?"

:: The exact nature of the talisman’s that some of the apprentices of Sorsha and Dalethria carried was still a mystery to him, but he did know that he had been contacted by Sorsha via it himself. Maybe it was possible that he could use its enchantments to somehow find his niece.

His hand wrapped fully around the talisman and he concentrated on the image of his family member, trying to locate where she had gone, or maybe make some form of contact with her. Seeing that he really didn’t know what he was doing, the chances he would succeed were slim, but a slight possibility did exist. ::

Sierra Sha
Mar 18th, 2002, 11:22:07 PM
It was if everything around her had gone silent except for the crackling sound of the ice cubes melting. Sierra felt her breath give as she saw it fog up her glass which was mere centimeters from her lips.

The glass came crashing down on the table, somehow surviving the impact, which drew stares from around the bar. Through the Force, Sierra scanned the bar and then extended them outwards, slowly spreading her awareness like a translucent cloud, casting a shadow over the city.

Someone is looking for me........ Mother???

It was a desperate thought; one filled with hope and sadness. This was a miracle wish and unconsciously her hand brushed against her chest; slowly feeling the slight buldge that her Chaos Talisman made...

No, not Mother. She thought bitterly.

She retrieved her drink. Perhaps it was Sorsha? That Sith Witch would have some reason to track her down.

It didn't matter to this Sha. Whoever it was, when they found her, would soon realize that Sierra didn't wish to be bothered...

Trace Sha
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:32:07 AM
:: As he sought his niece’s presence and location through the talisman of Chaos, he came to find….well more accurately, feel, a single yet very strong emotion. That emotion was hope, but it was sudden and did not last. It was as if his presence had been felt, misunderstood, and suddenly dismissed, replaced by cold emptiness.

The feeling lead him no closer to her location. This wasn’t going all too well, but that was to be expected when trying something so obscure and untrained, yet he would not relent. He would continue to try, even if it took days and strained him to the point of delirium. Sierra had become close to him recently. They shared something in common besides their name and blood. They had both been disconnected from their family. Let down when push came to shove.

It was a vicious cycle, of which they had each been victims. Was that really a surprise for those who had chosen the path of the Darkside? ::

Sierra Sha
Apr 21st, 2002, 08:41:04 PM
Two drinks and an hour later, Sierra finally gave up on trying to find out who was looking for her. If only her Masters would stop disappearing, maybe she would have been able to mentally find that bastard.

She removed herself from the booth and approached the bar, waiting for the barkeep that gave her that drink to notice her.

He was cleaning a glass when the waitress pointed out Sierra to him. Sierra could tell he was a little surprised but also curious as to what she wanted. Trying to probe a little further, she was able to pick up a stray thought. His name was Aerlin and he knew that she wasn't thanking him for the drink.

Sierra liked him already.

"A request."

Reaching into a pouch, Sierra produced some credits.

"Anyone asks for me, remember what they look like and what they said. I'll be back later and if I like what I hear, there'll be more."

Aerlin nodded, but surprisingly pushed the coins away.


Sierra looked at the man oddly before hiding her face inside her cloak, leaving the coins behind.

As she was leaving the bar, she wondered why humans were such weird creatures. ...

Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:39:21 PM
TSE Headquarters....

Nuriko grabbed at her heart, feeling a slight strain. It had not been long since she had returned to this place.... returned only for her children and her mate. Kali had seemed slightly maladjusted since the incident and Nuriko couldn't say she blamed her.

More than ever, she wanted to leave this place and the bad memories behind. The traitors, the fakers had left the Empire soiled for her. Part of her had hoped she could be accepting and eventually become a council member again, but frankly there was much she disagreed with.

She had not requested readmission into the Empire, and she didn't want to wear her welcome thin. Rama had mentioned a new place, and she wanted to leave now more than ever.

But one piece was missing: Sierra. Nuriko wasn't clear on what had even happened to her. The girl that both was and wasn't her daughter. Had she already gone back to her own time? She had hoped Sierra would return to the Empire, if only to see her again. Yes, she was a grown girl but it soon became obvious that as soon as Nuriko settled into her new home, she'd have to do something. She needed to at least know what became of Sierra.

Trace Sha
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:43:56 AM
:: It was true that his mental prowess in aspects of the Force had improved a great deal after the “accident” in which his brother fused the spirit of his cursed saber Disorder with his mind. The event brought forth the potential that was hiding in the recesses of Trace’s mind with a fury unsurpassed, but his mind was always so occupied with the task of containing the telekinetic field that had become ever present since that event, that it was difficult to channel enough mental energy to do something which he had never practiced or done before.

Attempting to span galaxies in search of his niece was just that, something that he had not done nor practiced, but his resolve remained firm, even when the tumultuous throbbing of a pounding headache accompanied by the profuse sweat and beleaguered feel of exhaustion began to set in, digging its claws into every fiber of his being.

His efforts did not seem to be in complete vain as he could feel a very faint and distant signature through the force and Talisman of Chaos. He focused all his concentration and effort in magnifying that small strand of essence, so that he might be able to follow it to its source. ::

May 7th, 2002, 09:33:14 AM
She slowly began packing her items... sifting through and weeding out the few things she may not immediately have any use for. Nuriko looked at the bottom of the drawer she had been going through.

"Of course...."

She had forgotten. There was no reason to remember except for now... in a feeling of desperation and curiousity. She pulled out the item. It was a small simple device that fit neatly in the palm of her hand. She traced her fingers over it. Nuriko knew it would all be dependent on whether or not Sierra had kept her gift: the gold light sai, the saber she had made for Sierra.

She pressed the button. It released a pulse that the tracker in the saber would respond to. The base of it would glow a light golden hue steadily... increasing in speed the closer they device and the saber were to each other. The intricate light sai protrusions were not just decorative; they helped home in on the signal.

Nuriko held the device in her hand and placed it on the table next to her. She knew if she had asked, she could get Rama to work with the device so perhaps they could use it to track Sierra down themselves.

But she wanted this to be Sierra's choice. Furthermore, she didn't even know if Sierra had kept the weapon. When Nuriko had given it to Sierra, she was currently constructing one of her own.

"Watch mine be hanging in some closet somewhere," she laughed to herself and continued to pack... occassionally eyeing the device.

Sierra Sha
May 29th, 2002, 01:27:52 PM
Sierra was walking through a rather thick crowd of natives, trying to loose herself in the fast pace way of things at this hour. It was still noon on the planet and many of the visitors to this planet would be excitedly waiting for the grand spectacle at the waterfalls that occurred everyday at 1300 sharp.

Behind the waterfall, there were crystals that made up part of the mountain. The entire area was like a giant prism. It was because of the refraction of both the water and the crystals that when the light hit it just right, a rainbow effect like none other was created. Multiple rainbows would interlocked together like a puzzle and the countless colors that were created were very awe inspiring.

The crowd was getting larger and it was about that time Sierra felt that presence trying to locate her again. It still was not her mother so she could give a damn who it was.

Perhaps if she lost her way through the crowd of people by the waterfall, not only would she get a nice light show, but the dozens of minds here would make it more difficult to find her... especially if she was careful to keep her thoughts to herself and not stand out.

She loosened her cloak and wondered what could be done about the Chaos Talisman. It was obvious that whoever was looking for her knew that she carried one and could hone in on it. Instinct told her that it wasn't Sorsha... She would have found Sierra by now and would have made her presence known. It wouldn't be taking the Sith Witch this long to track Sierra. No ... it was someone else but the Dark Side was being elusive as ever. Sierra didn't want to get rid of the talisman for it meant a great deal to her. Her real Master, Sith Kat, gave her this upon attaining the rank of Warrior in her own time and place.

It was one of the few things that Sierra still had from her own real home....

While Sierra was wondering what to do with it, something strange caught her attention.

The inside of her cloak was slightly glowing, which was quite vivid against a black background.

"How ... odd."

Sierra reached into her cloak and pulled out the source of glowing and was surprised to see the inactive light sai hilt in her hand....

Trace Sha
May 29th, 2002, 01:48:06 PM
:: His efforts were laborious and taxing, but the faint hint he had felt that they were beginning to succeed, drove his desire to keep at it even further than it had been previously.

The vast space between himself and what he sought made this task difficult, but he did sense something new now. He sensed a desire. It was almost as illusive as its intent, because that was its intent. The desire that he could just barely feel itched in the back of his conscious mind. It was a want to not be located, and accompanying it was confusion as to who was doing the seeking.

As quickly as he felt the desire, it slipped away, as if it had vanished, or maybe even been replaced. He now had some small clues that the task he had set for himself was not pointless, but truth be told, he was still no closer to finding his niece’s location.

The talisman of Chaos within his hand was gripped tighter as he drove his concentration on its power and connection into realms it had not yet been. ::