View Full Version : Dt

Darth Viscera
Mar 3rd, 2002, 09:01:11 AM

did you log off of AIM?!?! Time is money, I'd like to get this transfer done. Log back on, I'll resume the transfer.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:58:43 PM
I didnt log off, My connection fell over. Australia, the only place in the world where always on Internet means..... maybe working today

Mar 3rd, 2002, 03:02:49 PM
Couldn't this have been a PM?

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 03:03:30 PM
It's one of those things you just don't think of until someone else does.:rolleyes

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 3rd, 2002, 03:12:57 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Couldn't this have been a PM?

Nope. I believe its always been a message board topic! :)

Darth Viscera
Mar 3rd, 2002, 08:06:42 PM
Gav, i'm just starting on r05. how about you send him r06 and r08, and I'll do r07 and r09. sound okay?

Champion of the Force
Mar 3rd, 2002, 08:12:18 PM
Couldn't this have been a PM?
Probably, but it makes the forum look busier. :p

Darth Viscera
Mar 4th, 2002, 05:50:48 AM
My upstream pipe is extroardinarily jammed because I'm on DC++ trying to download Starfighter, which is why i'm going so slow.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 4th, 2002, 06:32:56 AM

Mar 4th, 2002, 12:43:08 PM
You know those Idot's Guides you can buy? Think they ever did one about PMs? :)

Darth Viscera
Mar 4th, 2002, 04:43:21 PM
The idiot's guide to PMS???

Splendid idea, you Jollie! :lol

Mar 4th, 2002, 05:43:58 PM
Hmm, that's TWO money spinners! :)

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 4th, 2002, 05:46:02 PM
The Idiot's Guide To Being A Tiger In Bed...

I think it's for real, but under another title. :p :lol

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 4th, 2002, 06:05:36 PM
The Idiot's guide to Roleplaying.

I actually saw that one in a bookstore.

Others -

The Idiots guide to witchcraft
Guide to cooking
Guide to cleaning
Guide to cats
Guide to driving
Guide to Feng Shui

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 4th, 2002, 06:06:42 PM
Guide to cleaning? *gets one for her brother*

Hmm... Guide to cats too... *gets a couple for her sister and her mother*