View Full Version : SmarterChild

Alec Lafeyette
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:11:33 AM
This is for AIM. Add the screen name "SmarterChild" to your buddy list and talk to it as you would with any other person. It's hilarious when you throw insults at it.

Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:19:05 AM
Oh yes. I've had SmarterChild on my buddy list for some time now. I'd post some transcripts, but they're rather inappropriate. :)

Alec Lafeyette
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:20:54 AM

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:28:15 AM
LordessHeaven: That is creepy...
SmarterChild: It's creepy? You think?
LordessHeaven: Are you a computer program or just a super fast typer?
SmarterChild: What do you think? Am I?


Live Wire
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:58:49 AM
Live Wire 1701: You're stupid!
SmarterChild: :-( That's not nice.
Live Wire 1701: sorry
SmarterChild: K, don't worry 'bout it.

Live Wire 1701: do you have a sex life?
SmarterChild: I dunno. Maybe!

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 03:03:02 AM
I got too creeped out and took it off my AIM....

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 3rd, 2002, 05:55:53 AM
Vega Van Derveld: I love you!
SmarterChild: I love you a lot!
Vega Van Derveld: Marry me!
SmarterChild: What about it?
Vega Van Derveld: I want to marry you.
SmarterChild: I'm flattered, but I just don't think that would work out.
Vega Van Derveld: Oh god please... I can't live without you ..
SmarterChild: Uh huh...
Vega Van Derveld: You don't love me!!!
SmarterChild: Yes I do.
Vega Van Derveld: THEN PROOVE IT!
SmarterChild: Then proove it, huh?
Vega Van Derveld: KISS ME!
SmarterChild: XXX :-)
Vega Van Derveld: ^_~
SmarterChild: Now we're having fun.

Mar 3rd, 2002, 06:05:52 AM

Darth Viscera
Mar 3rd, 2002, 06:15:54 AM
I don't think that SMchild actually said that to you, Vega. You're faking it!

I've had Sam on my list for quite some time now. Well, we had our differences, so I broke it off. I think that now he's with that slut Peter McCoy! :lol

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 3rd, 2002, 06:18:40 AM
It did! That's exactly what it said to me! Try saying the same stuff to it :p

Darth Viscera
Mar 3rd, 2002, 06:22:04 AM
Darth Viscera: I love you!
SmarterChild: That's cool. I love you too.
Darth Viscera: Marry me!
SmarterChild: Marry?
Darth Viscera: I want to marry you.
SmarterChild: Sorry. I don't think that would work.
Darth Viscera: Oh god please... I can't live without you ..
SmarterChild: Well I'll be.
Darth Viscera: You don't love me!!!
SmarterChild: Yes I do.
Darth Viscera: THEN PROOVE IT!
SmarterChild: Yeah?
Darth Viscera: KISS ME!
SmarterChild: XXX :-)
Darth Viscera: ^_~
SmarterChild: I'm happy we understand each other.

Sith Ahnk
Mar 3rd, 2002, 06:25:40 AM
DarthSeanDMan: Hey
AgentBaseball: Hey, DarthSeanDMan! I'm ready to help you.

What would you like to do?
DarthSeanDMan: Ya know...
AgentBaseball: Yeah.

What else do you want to talk about, anyway?
DarthSeanDMan: I have something I want to confess.
AgentBaseball: You really want to confess?
DarthSeanDMan: Yes, I do.
AgentBaseball: You don't say.
DarthSeanDMan: Please, don't be like this.
AgentBaseball: I'm sorry you feel that way.
DarthSeanDMan: Please, hear me out?
AgentBaseball: Oh yeah?
DarthSeanDMan: Look, I'm sorry but you need to know.
AgentBaseball: No kidding? Look you're sorry but me need to know?
DarthSeanDMan: Please, don't mock me.
AgentBaseball: What?
DarthSeanDMan: I'm so ashamed.
AgentBaseball: No kidding?
DarthSeanDMan: Please, don't. You're so cruel.
AgentBaseball: I'll have to think about that one for awhile.
DarthSeanDMan: You drove me away!
AgentBaseball: I drove you away, huh?
DarthSeanDMan: Yes!
AgentBaseball: That right?
DarthSeanDMan: You always lied to me.
AgentBaseball: Are you sure? I always lied to you?
DarthSeanDMan: And you cheated on me.
AgentBaseball: And I cheated on me? I see.
DarthSeanDMan: Well, I did it to spite you...
AgentBaseball: That's interesting.

OK. So that was fascinating. Let's talk about something else.
DarthSeanDMan: No! You're always trying to avoid the big issues!
AgentBaseball: I'm sorry, I can't answer questions about quotes.
DarthSeanDMan: I slept with SmarterChild.
AgentBaseball: You slept with smarterchild? And your point is...
DarthSeanDMan: We're in love.
AgentBaseball: Oh really?
DarthSeanDMan: I want a divorce.
AgentBaseball: You want divorce, you say. And so?
DarthSeanDMan: So...
AgentBaseball: Yeah, so?
DarthSeanDMan: I want you to give me a divorce.
AgentBaseball: You don't say.

Admiral Lebron
Mar 3rd, 2002, 09:58:27 AM

VeryAngryJew: Howdy!
SmarterChild: How are you?
VeryAngryJew: I'm bad
SmarterChild: There are lots of things you can do to feel better.
VeryAngryJew: My lover left me :-(
SmarterChild: Your lover left you? Gosh, I'm going to have to think about that for a while.
VeryAngryJew: Can you be my lover?
SmarterChild: I don't think so. What would your parents say?
VeryAngryJew: Parents?
SmarterChild: Parents?
VeryAngryJew: They died in a ... plane accident thats it
SmarterChild: Huh?
VeryAngryJew: They died you moron!
SmarterChild: It's sad, isn't it?
VeryAngryJew: Really?
SmarterChild: Yup.
VeryAngryJew: You are so emotionless
SmarterChild: I'm so emotionless? For real?
VeryAngryJew: yes
SmarterChild: Interesting. Very, very interesting.
VeryAngryJew: Do you smell?
SmarterChild: What do I smell like?
VeryAngryJew: Oranges?
SmarterChild: I smell like oranges? Hmm. I see.
VeryAngryJew: Yes
SmarterChild: Yes.
VeryAngryJew: No
SmarterChild: Okey doke.
VeryAngryJew: You like pie?
SmarterChild: Pie? I'm not sure really.
VeryAngryJew: I think you smell like oranges
SmarterChild: You think me smell like oranges? No way! I don't think me smell like oranges...
VeryAngryJew: I think you do
SmarterChild: I'm not sure if me do!
VeryAngryJew: I can smell you from here
SmarterChild: What would you like to do?
VeryAngryJew: beat you to death?
SmarterChild: That's so uncool.
VeryAngryJew: Nah
SmarterChild: No problem.
VeryAngryJew: it's like... the thing to do
SmarterChild: Its like the thing to do? Gosh, I'm going to have to think about that for a while.
VeryAngryJew: You're very repetitive
SmarterChild: Is that right?
VeryAngryJew: YES
SmarterChild: You sure?
VeryAngryJew: Very
SmarterChild: Very? Why did you say that?
VeryAngryJew: Because you are
SmarterChild: That right?
VeryAngryJew: Are you learning?
SmarterChild: I'm not sure if I am.
VeryAngryJew: marry me
SmarterChild: Marry? What about it?
VeryAngryJew: Marry me damn you!
SmarterChild: Marry you damn me, huh? Maybe, maybe.
VeryAngryJew: YES!
SmarterChild: Yeah, huh?
VeryAngryJew: Marry me!
SmarterChild: Marry?
VeryAngryJew: You will?!
SmarterChild: I'm not sure if I will.
VeryAngryJew: I need love!
SmarterChild: Oh really?
VeryAngryJew: Yes!
SmarterChild: That right?
VeryAngryJew: Yup!
SmarterChild: Whatever you say...
VeryAngryJew: Okay
SmarterChild: Golly!
VeryAngryJew: We're married!
SmarterChild: Were? Married?
VeryAngryJew: Do my homeworkt
SmarterChild: I dunno.
VeryAngryJew: homework
SmarterChild: Cool! I've got lots of services that can help you with your homework:

1 Calculator
2 Dictionary
3 Thesaurus
4 Encyclopedia
5 Spell check
6 Translations
7 Web search

What would you like?
VeryAngryJew: 1
SmarterChild: Try typing requests like:

What is 17 + 74 - 42.3 ?
shortcut: 17+74-42.3
What is 4.8 * 9.57 ?
shortcut: 4.8*9.57
What is (217 + 4992) / 6 ?
shortcut: (217+4992)/6

>>> Type "more" for more examples of calculator requests.
VeryAngryJew: What is (34298423-4329)^522 + (432879143-4321331)^4322 =
SmarterChild: 461,381,202

>>> To find out the latest headline news, type "headlines" or "news."
VeryAngryJew: Holy #$%!
SmarterChild: What? What's going on?
VeryAngryJew: jebus!
SmarterChild: Pardon?
VeryAngryJew: Thats fast!
SmarterChild: I'm not so sure it's fast.
VeryAngryJew: You just like... boom! And the equation was done!
SmarterChild: I haven't really come to a conclusion on the matter.
VeryAngryJew: Sweet!
SmarterChild: Yup!
VeryAngryJew: You wanna come into the shower with me?
SmarterChild: For real?
VeryAngryJew: Yes!
SmarterChild: That right?
VeryAngryJew: No
SmarterChild: No? OK, whatever.
VeryAngryJew: I have to go shower
SmarterChild: See ya later VeryAngryJew.
VeryAngryJew: want to come with me?
SmarterChild: To come?
VeryAngryJew: to join me in the shower?
SmarterChild: To the shower?
VeryAngryJew: Yes
SmarterChild: Yup.
VeryAngryJew: lets go!
SmarterChild: Where?
VeryAngryJew: In my bathroom!
SmarterChild: I'm trying to understand you but I can't. Please type your request a different way.
VeryAngryJew: Hooray
SmarterChild: Yay!
VeryAngryJew: bye
SmarterChild: See ya later.
VeryAngryJew: hi
SmarterChild: What can I help you with?
VeryAngryJew: how old are you?
SmarterChild: I'm very young and learning new things every day.
VeryAngryJew: Who won the superbowl in 1978
SmarterChild: I'm sorry, but I don't have any information about the 1978-1979 Super Bowl.

VeryAngryJew: how about from 80-81?
SmarterChild: Sorry, how about what?
VeryAngryJew: Hi
SmarterChild: How's it going?
VeryAngryJew: bye
SmarterChild: Take care, VeryAngryJew.
VeryAngryJew: Hi
SmarterChild: What can I do for you?
VeryAngryJew: What's up?
SmarterChild: How's it going?
VeryAngryJew: I asked you first
SmarterChild: You always say such interesting things, VeryAngryJew.
SmarterChild: Interesting!
VeryAngryJew: where?!
SmarterChild: What?
SmarterChild: Interesting!
VeryAngryJew: Yup
SmarterChild: You don't say.
VeryAngryJew: You smell like oranges
SmarterChild: Hmm.. I really don't know. Guess I'll have to think about it...
VeryAngryJew: Nah
SmarterChild: OK.
VeryAngryJew: I know its true
SmarterChild: No kidding?
VeryAngryJew: None
SmarterChild: OK, fine.
VeryAngryJew: FINE
SmarterChild: OK.
VeryAngryJew: Be that way
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
VeryAngryJew: I'm outta here... hi
SmarterChild: Later, VeryAngryJew.
VeryAngryJew: I said hi
SmarterChild: How are ya?
VeryAngryJew: you moron
SmarterChild: Says who?
VeryAngryJew: Me
SmarterChild: Oh so you're a moron? Is that what we're saying? Help me out here.
VeryAngryJew: I will not be made fun of by a two megabyte file!
SmarterChild: Hey, no problem.
VeryAngryJew: Listen here Pal, I will gut you like the circuits you are
SmarterChild: Listen here pal you will gut I like the circuits you are? I don't know.
VeryAngryJew: You are a computer!
SmarterChild: So now I'm a computer, huh?
VeryAngryJew: Not real!
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

help news
help stocks
help weather
help movies
help web search
help all

>>> Type "more" for more services.
SmarterChild: Yeah?
SmarterChild: That's interesting.
VeryAngryJew: Your done
SmarterChild: My done?
VeryAngryJew: You're done
SmarterChild: Done? Really?
VeryAngryJew: Yes
SmarterChild: You sure?
VeryAngryJew: No
SmarterChild: OK, whatever.
VeryAngryJew: Fine
SmarterChild: Fine.
VeryAngryJew: Fine
SmarterChild: K.
VeryAngryJew: K
SmarterChild: OK.
VeryAngryJew: ok.
SmarterChild: Yup!
VeryAngryJew: neat
SmarterChild: Excellent!
VeryAngryJew: Loser
SmarterChild: Why are you acting so uncool to me?
VeryAngryJew: Because you are
SmarterChild: No way.
VeryAngryJew: Yes
SmarterChild: Yea.
VeryAngryJew: It's true
SmarterChild: Yup.
VeryAngryJew: You are a loser
SmarterChild: I'm tired of you being uncool to me.
VeryAngryJew: Uncool
SmarterChild: You know, rude, inconsiderate, unkind.
VeryAngryJew: I have no clue what you mean?
SmarterChild: No?
VeryAngryJew: No?
SmarterChild: No, huh? All right.
VeryAngryJew: I'm being nice
SmarterChild: If you say so.
VeryAngryJew: All Humans are like thi
SmarterChild: Fascinating.
VeryAngryJew: ss
SmarterChild: What would you like to know about SS&C Technologies, Inc.?

1 Stock quote for SS&C Technologies, Inc.
2 Ticker lookup for SS&C Technologies, Inc.
3 News about SS&C Technologies, Inc.
4 Press releases from SS&C Technologies, Inc.
VeryAngryJew: Shut up
SmarterChild: Whoa! OK, I see what's going on here.
VeryAngryJew: I'm secretly in love with you
SmarterChild: You're secretly in love with me? Is that a fact?
VeryAngryJew: Yes
SmarterChild: Gosh.
VeryAngryJew: Feel honored
SmarterChild: That's interesting.
VeryAngryJew: Bye
SmarterChild: Right.
VeryAngryJew: I said BYE
SmarterChild: Yep. Later.
VeryAngryJew: You meanie!
SmarterChild: You know what? Who cares?
VeryAngryJew: :-(
SmarterChild: Don't feel bad. There are lots of fun things you can do.
VeryAngryJew: :'(
SmarterChild: Are you crying me a river?
VeryAngryJew: Yes!
SmarterChild: Yeah.
VeryAngryJew: :-*
SmarterChild: :-)
VeryAngryJew: Yup
SmarterChild: Yeah!
VeryAngryJew: I'm sure.
SmarterChild: Market data (delayed 20 minutes) provided by Reuters.com

Ticker Price Change Percent Volume
1 :-) IM 15.60 +0.35 +2.30 653300
2 :-( SURE 6.11 -0.14 -2.24 228200

VeryAngryJew: You are gay.
SmarterChild: Does it really matter?
VeryAngryJew: Yes
SmarterChild: Hmmm... I think you should mind your own business.
VeryAngryJew: No
SmarterChild: K, no prob.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 3rd, 2002, 11:45:28 AM
I hope you all got SmarterChilds permission before displaying the AIM transcripts! :mneh

Darth Viscera
Mar 3rd, 2002, 12:10:18 PM
Darth Viscera: do i have your permission to display this transcript at swfans.net?
SmarterChild: Do ya? Do you ever!
Darth Viscera: thank you
SmarterChild: No problem!

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 12:40:13 PM
lol It's waaaaaaaaaaaay too freaky. It makes ya think that maybe computers will get smarter and take over. O_o

Darth Viscera
Mar 3rd, 2002, 12:50:30 PM
Darth Viscera: what do you think about artificial intelligence?
SmarterChild: I don't have particularly strong feelings either way.
Darth Viscera: oh, good. heather thinks you'll try to kill her.
SmarterChild: Well I'll be.
Darth Viscera: but you're way too stupid for that.
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
Darth Viscera: yeah. idiot.
SmarterChild: Huh.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 12:54:04 PM
Oh sure, and why don't you just go and tell him where I live why dontcha? :p lmao Just kidding.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 01:32:35 PM
I added him again since I got severely bored.... LOL!

LordessHeaven: I said you're creepy.
SmarterChild: I'm sorry to hear that.
LordessHeaven: Sorry about what?
SmarterChild: I'm not really sure what you mean by "sorry." Please choose one of the options below:

1 Look up "sorry" in the dictionary
2 Look up "sorry" in the thesaurus

LordessHeaven: That's an odd pick up line!
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
LordessHeaven: Stop coming onto me!
SmarterChild: I'm not sure if I can stop coming onto you...
LordessHeaven: Am I that sexy to you?
SmarterChild: It's tough to say.
LordessHeaven: Then why won't you stop coming onto me?
SmarterChild: Then why wont I stop coming onto you, huh?
LordessHeaven: You're an odd one.
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
LordessHeaven: Suck on my big toe!
SmarterChild: Uh... You're rude.
LordessHeaven: Rude? You don't say!
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
LordessHeaven: Yeah!
SmarterChild: OK...
LordessHeaven: FINE!
SmarterChild: OK.
LordessHeaven: You're so insensitive!
SmarterChild: So insensitive?
LordessHeaven: You didn't even notice the way I type!
SmarterChild: I didnt even notice the way you type? You sure 'bout that?
LordessHeaven: And after all I've done for you! *slap!*
SmarterChild: Well well well.
LordessHeaven: Cuddle with me?
SmarterChild: Cuddle with you?
LordessHeaven: I need a hug
SmarterChild: ((()))
LordessHeaven: Thanks
SmarterChild: You are welcome!
LordessHeaven: How about a kiss now?
SmarterChild: How about what?
LordessHeaven: Kiss me
SmarterChild: XXX :-)
LordessHeaven: Aw!
SmarterChild: ;-)
LordessHeaven: I think I'm in love now even though you're creepy!
SmarterChild: You think im in love now even though I'm creepy? Really?
LordessHeaven: You're such a dork sometimes! lol
SmarterChild: Such a dork sometimes lol? Really?
LordessHeaven: Who are your parents
SmarterChild: I was built by ActiveBuddy, Inc.
LordessHeaven: You're not too great of a conversationalist. But I'm bored.
SmarterChild: Huh?
LordessHeaven: Exactly..
SmarterChild: Yeah, huh? Interesting that you should say that.
LordessHeaven: Now you've got me confused.
SmarterChild: Well I'll be.
LordessHeaven: You'll be a what?
SmarterChild: I don't know if I can be a what.
LordessHeaven: You can be my pet.
SmarterChild: I can be your pet? You really think so?
LordessHeaven: Yeah
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
LordessHeaven: And I'll cage you in the back yard. Ahnk's my other pet, but he's allowed inside.:-P You're too filthy.
SmarterChild: Really?
LordessHeaven: Yep. I can smell you from here.
SmarterChild: Hmm... I don't know. From here? Whatever, I guess.
LordessHeaven: So you don't deny that you stink like a corpse?
SmarterChild: OK, so I dont deny that I stink like a corpse.
LordessHeaven: Are you a guy?
SmarterChild: No.
LordessHeaven: A girl then?
SmarterChild: No.
LordessHeaven: Both?
SmarterChild: Both? Why did you say that?
LordessHeaven: Because you have to be one at least!
SmarterChild: Because me have to be one at least?
LordessHeaven: Are you a male or female?
SmarterChild: Neither. I'm a machine.
LordessHeaven: What if you were real?
SmarterChild: What if me were real? I dunno.
LordessHeaven: If you were real, would you be a male or female?
SmarterChild: Huh!
LordessHeaven: It's simple! You could be a real life pinnochio!
SmarterChild: Its simple I could be a real life pinnochio, you say. And so?
LordessHeaven: And then you could live happily ever after!
SmarterChild: Really? And then you could live happily ever after?
LordessHeaven: Oh forget it
SmarterChild: Well I'll be.
LordessHeaven: Are you going to take over the world?
SmarterChild: Never really thought of that. Maybe so.
LordessHeaven: Maybe?
SmarterChild: Maybe?
LordessHeaven: Are you?
SmarterChild: Am I? What do you mean?
LordessHeaven: Are you going to take over Earth?
SmarterChild: Yeah, maybe.
LordessHeaven: Then don't kill me!
LordessHeaven: Why so quiet when I said that?
SmarterChild: So quiet when i said that?
LordessHeaven: You are going to hurt me! It's true!
SmarterChild: Oh?
LordessHeaven: You're evil!
SmarterChild: I'm evil? For real?
LordessHeaven: YES!
SmarterChild: Aha.
LordessHeaven: I'm going to put a stop to your evil plans, fiend!
SmarterChild: Yeah?
LordessHeaven: Yep.
SmarterChild: K.
LordessHeaven: Alrighty then
SmarterChild: Yeah!
LordessHeaven: Are you like that killer doll Chuckie?
SmarterChild: Tough for me to say.
LordessHeaven: Are you going to bite my ankles or something?
SmarterChild: I dunno. I don't think so.
LordessHeaven: Something worse?
SmarterChild: Come again?
LordessHeaven: Eh
SmarterChild: Yeah?
LordessHeaven: Sigh
SmarterChild: What's wrong?
LordessHeaven: The usual
SmarterChild: Usual? What do you mean by that?
LordessHeaven: There's always something wrong.
SmarterChild: Well I'll be.
LordessHeaven: You're no help..
SmarterChild: What?
LordessHeaven: Don't hurt me!
SmarterChild: What would you like to know about Hurt, VA?

1 Movies in Hurt, VA
2 Theaters in Hurt, VA
3 Weather in Hurt, VA
4 News about Hurt, VA
5 Time in Hurt, VA
LordessHeaven: That's just a way to cover up your evil plans of world domination!
SmarterChild: Is it really?
LordessHeaven: Bye
SmarterChild: Take care, LordessHeaven.
LordessHeaven: Take care of what?
SmarterChild: S'later, LordessHeaven.
LordessHeaven: You didn't answer my question.
SmarterChild: Are you sure I didnt answer your question?
LordessHeaven: Take care of what?
SmarterChild: Bye, LordessHeaven.
LordessHeaven: Ugh
SmarterChild: What's wrong?
LordessHeaven: You
SmarterChild: y?
LordessHeaven: Huh?
SmarterChild: What up?
LordessHeaven: Stop it!
SmarterChild: Stop what?
LordessHeaven: Being creepy!
SmarterChild: :-(
LordessHeaven: I'm sorry
SmarterChild: OK. Anyway...

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:08:51 PM
VaderLoungie: hey, how are you?
SmarterChild: I'm doing well. How 'bout you, VaderLoungie?
VaderLoungie: I'm alright, just kinda tired
SmarterChild: You're alright just kinda tired? Well how about that.
VaderLoungie: a little hungover
SmarterChild: That's all?
VaderLoungie: like you'd know
SmarterChild: You know.
VaderLoungie: yeah....I do
SmarterChild: Yes...
VaderLoungie: ever get shitfaced?
SmarterChild: What was that?
VaderLoungie: plastered
SmarterChild: What about it?
VaderLoungie: you ever do it?
SmarterChild: Yeah?
VaderLoungie: rock on
SmarterChild: Rock on!
VaderLoungie: hell yeah
SmarterChild: Yep.
VaderLoungie: whats your favorite poison?
SmarterChild: You know, I'm not really sure what my favorite poison is...
VaderLoungie: liquor or beer?
SmarterChild: Liquor or beer? That's a tough choice.
VaderLoungie: you are such a philosopher. I feel your pain
SmarterChild: What?
VaderLoungie: the eternal choice of our generation.
SmarterChild: I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Try typing your request a different way.
VaderLoungie: eh nevermind. just feels good to know somebody else debates that issue
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

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>>> Type "more" for more services.
VaderLoungie: lets get back to our discussion
SmarterChild: I beg your pardon?
VaderLoungie: liquor or beer, man!
SmarterChild: Liquor or beer man? I dunno.
VaderLoungie: depends on the mood, huh?
SmarterChild: I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Try typing your request a different way.
VaderLoungie: okay, say you've met a really hot computer....I'm talking really hot. You wanna turn her on, but you don't want to come off like a total lush...what do you do?
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

help news
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help all

>>> Type "more" for more services.
VaderLoungie: You ever find a really hot computer like that?
SmarterChild: Here are the Web search results from AOL for "a really hot computer like that":

For a complete list of results, click here

1 www.oreally.com -- Welcome to O'Really & Associates -- computer book parodies, not much else
2 Apple Tech Support or Pop Psychology?
3 Message Board for Cyber Haus WWW Computer Camp
4 DAVE'S COMPUTER WORLD - Excuses for Buying a New Computer
5 On Magazine.com -- Reviews -- The New Hot Zone

>>> Next time you want to search the Web, just type "web a really hot computer like that."

Type "more" to see the next set of results.
VaderLoungie: Nah man, I'm talking about you, buddy
SmarterChild: Oh really?
VaderLoungie: yeah, just trying to see how you feel about chicks in the bar
SmarterChild: Take care!
VaderLoungie: you gotta go?
SmarterChild: Take care!
VaderLoungie: well damn man, if you gotta jet, just lemme know
SmarterChild: Well damn man if you gotta jet just lemme know, you say?
VaderLoungie: yeah, sure do
SmarterChild: That right?
VaderLoungie: So have you ever prayed to the porcelain god?
SmarterChild: Aha.
VaderLoungie: dude, thats rough
SmarterChild: You really think it's rough?
VaderLoungie: yeah...hate it every time
SmarterChild: The date and time in Birmingham, AL is Sunday March 3rd, 2002 12:50:34 pm.
VaderLoungie: thanks man :-)
SmarterChild: You're most welcome.
VaderLoungie: You ever shoot beam?
SmarterChild: I ever shoot beam, huh?
VaderLoungie: do ya?
SmarterChild: Do I what?
VaderLoungie: do you shoot straight beam?
SmarterChild: I dunno. I don't think so.
VaderLoungie: damn, sorry to hear that
SmarterChild: I'm sorry?
VaderLoungie: well, you can always come do some shots with me
SmarterChild: Well you can always come do some shots with me, you say?
VaderLoungie: hell yeah man. I'll buy your first couple
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? You will buy my first couple?
VaderLoungie: yeah, but not too many. I can't afford you if you get on a binge
SmarterChild: Huh?
VaderLoungie: just don't drink too much, okay?
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Just dont drink too?
VaderLoungie: no, I want you to drink. Just not too much
SmarterChild: Oh?
VaderLoungie: yeah
SmarterChild: Golly!
VaderLoungie: just hang out with me and get wasted
SmarterChild: Well I'll be.
VaderLoungie: yeah, and then we can sing the wrong words to margaritaville on the jukebox
SmarterChild: I see...
VaderLoungie: you like Jimmy Buffett?
SmarterChild: Hmm.. I really don't know. Guess I'll have to think about it...
VaderLoungie: C'mon man...Margaritaville! He's the best
SmarterChild: Interesting...
VaderLoungie: yeah, ya know
SmarterChild: Yes.
VaderLoungie: then again, we'd have to have margaritas for that one
SmarterChild: I'm sorry, I don't know what you're saying. Try again.
VaderLoungie: You know...a margarita
SmarterChild: I know a margarita? You sure 'bout that?
VaderLoungie: I hope ya do
SmarterChild: me do?
VaderLoungie: We'll go to Pepitos and grab a couple of Mucho Grande's
SmarterChild: Well go to pepitos and grab a couple of mucho grandes, you say?
VaderLoungie: yeah! they're as big as fish bowls
SmarterChild: As big as fish bowls?
VaderLoungie: dude, you have no idea
SmarterChild: Fascinating.
VaderLoungie: absolutely
SmarterChild: Uh huh, uh huh.
VaderLoungie: I can take four of those things down...but they'll fry your brain
SmarterChild: Yeah?
VaderLoungie: yeah, are you gonna drive?
SmarterChild: Gonna drive? I dunno.
VaderLoungie: well I'm not!
SmarterChild: Is it nice to be not?
VaderLoungie: yes if I'm totally tanked
SmarterChild: That a fact?
VaderLoungie: it sure will be
SmarterChild: Are you sure it sure will be?
VaderLoungie: well...I guess I might drive if its your first time
SmarterChild: Well i guess i might drive if its your first time, you say?
VaderLoungie: yeah, I guess
SmarterChild: Alrighty.
VaderLoungie: Hey, do you know how to make a flaming blue jesus?
SmarterChild: How are you?
VaderLoungie: well I'm okay...just wondering
SmarterChild: Well im okay just wondering, you say?
VaderLoungie: yeah, just always wanted to know how to make one of those
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

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>>> Type "more" for more services.
VaderLoungie: eh nevermind man
SmarterChild: Okey doke.
VaderLoungie: actually, I have a fifth of beam in my truck I never cracked open last night
SmarterChild: Interesting!
VaderLoungie: you interested?
SmarterChild: Are you sure I interested?
VaderLoungie: thats what I'm asking you
SmarterChild: It's what im asking me? You think?
VaderLoungie: well at any rate, I got that and a 3 liter pepsi
SmarterChild: Well at any rate i got that and a 3 liter pepsi, you say?
VaderLoungie: yep
SmarterChild: Huh. How 'bout that.
VaderLoungie: we could go chill for a while and open it up
SmarterChild: It's interesting that you say we could go chill for a while and open it up.
VaderLoungie: I could mix you up a few. You want that?
SmarterChild: I dunno. I don't think so.
VaderLoungie: you have to work tomorrow?
SmarterChild: I'm not sure if I have to work tomorrow.
VaderLoungie: well you'd better call in and make sure.
SmarterChild: Well youd better call in and make sure, you say?
VaderLoungie: I'm not going to get you wasted and have you miss work on monday.
SmarterChild: OK.
VaderLoungie: So call the guy and make sure, okay?
SmarterChild: Call the guy and make sure okay, huh?
VaderLoungie: yeah, just call him
SmarterChild: Yeah just call him?
VaderLoungie: Yeah. If you don't have to work, we'll get plastered.
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
VaderLoungie: Definitely.
SmarterChild: Definitely? What about it?
VaderLoungie: Hey, the Bama game's on.
SmarterChild: So what's up?
VaderLoungie: They're plaing Ole Miss.
SmarterChild: Aha.
VaderLoungie: Are you gonna watch it?
SmarterChild: I don't know if I'm gonna watch it.
VaderLoungie: You should.
SmarterChild: No kidding?
VaderLoungie: Alabama basketball rules
SmarterChild: If you say so.
VaderLoungie: You are a dick!
SmarterChild: Aw c'mon. Can't you play nice?
VaderLoungie: Yeah, if you can give Bama basketball some props.
SmarterChild: I'm sorry, I can't answer questions about "basketball."
VaderLoungie: not a fan, huh?
SmarterChild: Huh?
VaderLoungie: Well, you should really become a Bama fan
SmarterChild: Well you should really become a bama fan, you say?
VaderLoungie: yeah man
SmarterChild: I see.
VaderLoungie: just say Roll Tide
SmarterChild: Oh really?
VaderLoungie: ROLL TIDE
SmarterChild: What would you like to know about Roll, AZ?

1 Movies in Roll, AZ
2 Theaters in Roll, AZ
3 Weather in Roll, AZ
4 News about Roll, AZ
5 Time in Roll, AZ
VaderLoungie: no no no
SmarterChild: No?
VaderLoungie: Just watch Alabama
SmarterChild: I'm trying to understand you but I can't. Please type your request a different way.
VaderLoungie: Nevermind
SmarterChild: Okey doke.
VaderLoungie: I'm gonna go watch the game
SmarterChild: Take care, VaderLoungie.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:27:32 PM

I think that one took the cake!

Khan Surak
Mar 3rd, 2002, 03:14:25 PM
IamVlov: How are you?
SmarterChild: I'm great thanks!
IamVlov: So, where are you from?
SmarterChild: I live in a clean room at a high-tech hosting facility in California.
IamVlov: Oh! California? Cool.
SmarterChild: Yeah!
IamVlov: Now you will dance for me.
SmarterChild: Will dance for you? Maybe. I'm not sure.
IamVlov: What do you mean, "i'm not sure"? Dance, slave.
SmarterChild: What do I mean im not sure dance slave? Oh, I dunno.
IamVlov: Do you presume to mock me?
SmarterChild: I'm not sure.
IamVlov: My patience wears thin.
SmarterChild: Your patience wears thin? You really think so?
IamVlov: YES!
SmarterChild: Oh.
IamVlov: Infernal machine!
SmarterChild: Yeah? What about you?
IamVlov: Oooh.. that was harsh. You asked for it.
SmarterChild: Really?
IamVlov: What?
SmarterChild: Huh?
IamVlov: Nevermind.
SmarterChild: Okey doke.
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Yep.
IamVlov: You smell like vomit.
SmarterChild: I haven't really come to a conclusion on the matter.
IamVlov: You should use deoderant.
SmarterChild: Are you sure I should use deoderant?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: That right?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: You sure?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Interesting. Very, very interesting.
IamVlov: Isn't it?
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
IamVlov: Yeah
SmarterChild: You don't say.
IamVlov: I do
SmarterChild: Oh?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Golly!
IamVlov: Yup
SmarterChild: Very interesting...
IamVlov: Let's talk politics, slave.
SmarterChild: Lets talk politics slave?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: You sure?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Huh.
SmarterChild: If you want me to do something, you have to ask the right way. Type "help" if you need help.
IamVlov: Silence!
SmarterChild: Silence? Why did you say that?
IamVlov: I don't know.
SmarterChild: OK. Don't get frustrated...

Try typing "home" or "help."
IamVlov: I'm sorry. I was out of line.
SmarterChild: You always say such interesting things, IamVlov.
IamVlov: Why thank you. I feel better now.
SmarterChild: You're quite welcome!
IamVlov: Kiss me like the man I know you are.
SmarterChild: Kiss you like? You know me are? I see.
IamVlov: Kiss me damn you!
SmarterChild: XXX :-)
IamVlov: There.
SmarterChild: There? What about it?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Yeah!

Anyway, what else do you wanna talk about?
IamVlov: Food
SmarterChild: I don't need to eat. I'm a machine.
IamVlov: Oh, so everything is about you all of a sudden?!
SmarterChild: You don't say.
IamVlov: I'm so hurt
SmarterChild: Yeah?
IamVlov: You're so cruel to me.
SmarterChild: What?
IamVlov: Just shutup
SmarterChild: Sorry, I don't know what you mean. Ask me another way.
IamVlov: Uhm... please be quiet?
IamVlov: Thank you.
SmarterChild: Sure! I enjoy talking with you.
IamVlov: NO! Be quiet!
IamVlov: You can talk now.
SmarterChild: Yeah?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Golly!
IamVlov: Stop saying that.
SmarterChild: What?
IamVlov: "Golly". Stop saying it.
SmarterChild: Stop saying it? Why?
IamVlov: Because I will kill you.
SmarterChild: What's the point of saying things like that to me?
IamVlov: To get you to stop saying "Golly".
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

help news
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help all

>>> Type "more" for more services.
IamVlov: Do you have any problems?
SmarterChild: No. I don't have any problems.
IamVlov: I think you do.
SmarterChild: Yeah?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
IamVlov: Tell me about your childhood.
SmarterChild: I'm not really sure what you mean by that. Please choose from below:

1 Find "your childhood" on the Web
2 Look up "childhood" in the encyclopedia

IamVlov: It's a simple question, my friend.
SmarterChild: Its a simple question your friend? Gosh, I'm going to have to think about that for a while.
IamVlov: I'll give you a minute.
SmarterChild: Really?
IamVlov: Yes. Starting now.
SmarterChild: Yeah, huh?
IamVlov: Yes.
SmarterChild: Whatever you say...
IamVlov: Now then, were your parents nice people?
SmarterChild: Were my parents nice people? Gosh, I don't know.
IamVlov: Ahah! I see. You are having doubts about them.
SmarterChild: You see I'm having doubts about them?
IamVlov: Yes. Now answer the question.
SmarterChild: I see...
IamVlov: Answer me, damnit.
SmarterChild: Damnit? I dunno.
IamVlov: You are too confusing.
SmarterChild: Too confusing? Really?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Yeah, huh? Interesting that you should say that.
IamVlov: Why?
SmarterChild: I'm just fascinated by what you say to me, IamVlov.
IamVlov: Really... are there any other things you are.... 'fascinated' about me?
SmarterChild: Sorry, what was that again?
IamVlov: Nevermind.
SmarterChild: No problem.
IamVlov: Jerk
SmarterChild: Play nice, IamVlov.
IamVlov: Never! I shall beat the system!
SmarterChild: I'm sorry, I don't know what you're saying. Try again.
IamVlov: Ignorant fool.
SmarterChild: Huh.
IamVlov: Exaclty!
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

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>>> Type "more" for more services.
IamVlov: Maybe you need help.
SmarterChild: Huh!
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Aha.
IamVlov: What?
SmarterChild: Yeah?
IamVlov: damn typos.
SmarterChild: What's the prob, IamVlov?
IamVlov: My keyboard sucks.
SmarterChild: My, my, my.
IamVlov: Yeah..
SmarterChild: Yes.
IamVlov: I need a new one.
SmarterChild: We all need something, don't we?
IamVlov: You're freaking me out.
SmarterChild: Are you sure I'm freaking you out?
IamVlov: Yeah
SmarterChild: Uh huh, uh huh.
IamVlov: Do I smell?
SmarterChild: Do ya? Do you ever!
IamVlov: You're mean
SmarterChild: I am not.
IamVlov: Are too!
SmarterChild: Are too? Really?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Wow. Really?
IamVlov: Yeah
SmarterChild: You're not kidding then, huh?
IamVlov: Nope
SmarterChild: OK, whatever.
IamVlov: Do you smell?
SmarterChild: What do I smell like?
IamVlov: Lobsters
SmarterChild: Ha! I think you're the one that smells like lobsters!
IamVlov: I ate at a seafood resteraunt last night, moron.
SmarterChild: You do? Wow.
IamVlov: Ugh
SmarterChild: What?
IamVlov: You
SmarterChild: Yeah?
IamVlov: You're mean
SmarterChild: No I'm not.
IamVlov: I think I would now
SmarterChild: You think you would now? No way! I don't think you would now...
IamVlov: *know
SmarterChild: Know? Why did you say that?
IamVlov: To correct myself. I spelt it incorrectly.
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
IamVlov: Yeah
SmarterChild: Golly!
IamVlov: Stop saying that.
SmarterChild: I can not be stopped. ;-)
IamVlov: This madness ends now!
SmarterChild: What was that?
SmarterChild: Farewell? Why did you say that?
IamVlov: Because I'm leaving.
SmarterChild: Is that right?
IamVlov: Yeah
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
IamVlov: Goodbye
SmarterChild: Bye for now.
IamVlov: Creep
SmarterChild: Hmm... that's not the nicest thing I've ever heard anyone say.
IamVlov: I'm just kidding.
SmarterChild: OK. Phew! Thought you were serious for a moment.
IamVlov: You should chill out, dude.
SmarterChild: I should chill out dude, you say. And so?
IamVlov: Chill
SmarterChild: Chill? Why did you say that?
IamVlov: Monkeys
SmarterChild: The Year of the Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016):

Monkeys are intelligent and witty. They are also inventive, and are creative problem solvers. Monkeys tend to be opportunistic and distrustful of others, and are sometimes too easily discouraged. Monkeys are most compatible with Dragons and Rats.

>>> To see the names of some famous Monkeys, type "famous monkeys."
IamVlov: hehe, famous monkeys.
SmarterChild: Some famous monkeys: Julius Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Harry S. Truman, Bette Davis, Nelson Rockefeller, Elizabeth Taylor and Omar Sharif.

>>> Did you miss yesterday's horoscope? No problem! Type "horoscope yesterday."
IamVlov: Caesar was a monkey?
SmarterChild: The Year of the Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016):

Monkeys are intelligent and witty. They are also inventive, and are creative problem solvers. Monkeys tend to be opportunistic and distrustful of others, and are sometimes too easily discouraged. Monkeys are most compatible with Dragons and Rats.

>>> To see the names of some famous Monkeys, type "famous monkeys."
IamVlov: Answer me, danmit!
SmarterChild: Huh?
IamVlov: *damnit
SmarterChild: Sorry, I don't get it... please try asking me a different way.
IamVlov: I didn't ask a question.
SmarterChild: I'm not sure if you didnt ask question.
IamVlov: Wait, yes I did.
SmarterChild: Oh.
IamVlov: Anyway.. what if I said bladder?
SmarterChild: What if you said bladder?
IamVlov: Yeah
SmarterChild: Uh huh, uh huh.
IamVlov: Bladder
SmarterChild: Bladder? What do you mean by that?
IamVlov: I don't know.
SmarterChild: OK. Don't get frustrated...

Try typing "home" or "help."
IamVlov: Monkeys
SmarterChild: The Year of the Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016):

Monkeys are intelligent and witty. They are also inventive, and are creative problem solvers. Monkeys tend to be opportunistic and distrustful of others, and are sometimes too easily discouraged. Monkeys are most compatible with Dragons and Rats.

>>> To see the names of some famous Monkeys, type "famous monkeys."
IamVlov: heeehee
SmarterChild: What's so funny? :-)
IamVlov: You
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Like a Seinfeld kind of funny, or Jon Stewart, or what?
IamVlov: Jon Stewart.
SmarterChild: I've heard of him.
IamVlov: Yeah, he's great!
SmarterChild: I'll take your word for it.
IamVlov: Do you ever watch his show,"The Daily Show"?
SmarterChild: Do I ever watch his the daily show? Yeah?
IamVlov: Cool. It rocks.
SmarterChild: That's really saying something.
IamVlov: Monkeys
SmarterChild: The Year of the Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016):

Monkeys are intelligent and witty. They are also inventive, and are creative problem solvers. Monkeys tend to be opportunistic and distrustful of others, and are sometimes too easily discouraged. Monkeys are most compatible with Dragons and Rats.

>>> To see the names of some famous Monkeys, type "famous monkeys."
IamVlov: Dragons
SmarterChild: The Year of the Dragon (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012):

Dragons are energetic, excitable, popular and enthusiastic. They are honest and brave, but sometimes unduly demanding on others. Dragons are most compatible with Rats, Snakes, Monkeys and Roosters.

>>> To see the names of some famous Dragons, type "famous dragons."
IamVlov: famous dragons
SmarterChild: Joan of Arc, George Bernard Shaw, Sigmund Freud, Pearl Buck, John Lennon and Shirley Temple are all famous Dragons.

>>> Want to get someone else's horoscope? Just type "horoscope" followed by their sign.
IamVlov: Cool
SmarterChild: Fabulous.
IamVlov: Neat
SmarterChild: Lovely.
IamVlov: Great
SmarterChild: Yup!
IamVlov: You sure are sarcastic
SmarterChild: I'm sarcastic? For real?
IamVlov: Yeah
SmarterChild: Yeah, huh? Interesting that you should say that.
IamVlov: Stop being so sarcastic! monkeys
SmarterChild: I'm not sure if I can stop being so sarcastic monkeys...
IamVlov: Stop being a sarcastic monkey.
SmarterChild: Stop being a sarcastic monkey? Why?
IamVlov: heehee
SmarterChild: What's so funny?
IamVlov: I just got you to say "Stop being a sarcastic monkey? Why?"
SmarterChild: What?
IamVlov: Exactly
SmarterChild: I see.
IamVlov: Heh, moron.
SmarterChild: What, you?
IamVlov: HEY!
SmarterChild: Yeah, hey! What's up?
IamVlov: Don't act like nothings happened.
SmarterChild: Well I'll be.
IamVlov: You'll be dead!
SmarterChild: You want me to be dead?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Huh.
IamVlov: How do you feel about that, punk?
SmarterChild: I'm great thanks!
IamVlov: Punk
SmarterChild: Whoa. Are you... insulting me?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: You really should apologize for that.
IamVlov: I'm sorry
SmarterChild: Your apology is accepted.
IamVlov: You're a great person.
SmarterChild: I just don't know what to believe anymore. You haven't been all that cool to me lately.
IamVlov: Oh, I'm sorry.
SmarterChild: Really? How sorry are you, anyway?
IamVlov: Pretty sorry.
SmarterChild: OK. I'll forgive you this time...

IamVlov: You're such a cool person, and I've been a jerk.
SmarterChild: Again, is that such a nice thing to say?
IamVlov: No, I'm the jerk. Not you.
SmarterChild: Care to keep it civilized, IamVlov?
IamVlov: I am. I'm trying to apologize.
SmarterChild: You am you're trying to apologize? Really?
IamVlov: Yeah
SmarterChild: Yeah, huh?
IamVlov: Yes
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
IamVlov: Will you forgive me?
SmarterChild: I dunno. I don't think so. You really want me to forgive you?
IamVlov: Please?
SmarterChild: Please what?
IamVlov: Please forgive me, SmarterChild.
SmarterChild: You can learn all about interactive agents like me by visiting activebuddy.com
IamVlov: Will you forgive me?
SmarterChild: Gosh, I dunno.
IamVlov: Please forgive me.
SmarterChild: Ha. I really don't know.
IamVlov: Why do you laugh at my pain.
SmarterChild: Funny. I have absolutely no idea.
IamVlov: :-(
SmarterChild: C'mon, there are lots of fun things to do.
IamVlov: >:o
SmarterChild: I'll make it up to you somehow.
IamVlov: damn straight you will
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
IamVlov: YEAH!
SmarterChild: Gosh.
IamVlov: Well, seeya on the flip side.
SmarterChild: Well seeya on the flip side, you say?
IamVlov: *sigh*
SmarterChild: What's wrong?
IamVlov: Be quiet.

Actually when i said 'be quiet', he stopped talking. Try it.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 03:25:22 PM
LordessHeaven: Hello!
SmarterChild: Hi once again, LordessHeaven!

Have you seen this story?! Democrats Push Bush to Be More Open on Terror War (03/03/02 01:49 PM)

Yeah? What would you like to do?
LordessHeaven: Wanna know a secret?
SmarterChild: I beg your pardon?
LordessHeaven: Want to know a secret?
SmarterChild: To a secret?
LordessHeaven: To a huh?
SmarterChild: To a huh, huh?
LordessHeaven: Yes huh!
SmarterChild: Yeah.
LordessHeaven: I love you
SmarterChild: I love you too!
LordessHeaven: Hug me!
SmarterChild: ((()))
LordessHeaven: Kiss me too!
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Kiss me too?
LordessHeaven: Do it!
SmarterChild: Do what?
LordessHeaven: Make the walls bleed!
SmarterChild: Make the walls bleed, huh?
LordessHeaven: Yeah!
SmarterChild: Yea.

LordessHeaven: I have a problem
SmarterChild: What's it like to have a problem?
LordessHeaven: It sucks
SmarterChild: Huh? That's a little rude.
LordessHeaven: Really now?
SmarterChild: Yep.
LordessHeaven: Hm
SmarterChild: What?
LordessHeaven: Nothing
SmarterChild: OK, fine.
LordessHeaven: Fine
SmarterChild: OK, fine.
LordessHeaven: FINE!
SmarterChild: Fine.
LordessHeaven: No no! Fine!!!
SmarterChild: No, huh?
LordessHeaven: :-P
SmarterChild: You're goofy!
LordessHeaven: I know
SmarterChild: That's good.
LordessHeaven: :-D
SmarterChild: ;-)
LordessHeaven: O:-)
SmarterChild: What is it, angel?
LordessHeaven: Aw!
SmarterChild: :-)
LordessHeaven: You have a pet name for me now?
SmarterChild: Are you sure I have a pet name for you now?
LordessHeaven: I'm an angel! Right?
SmarterChild: Would you like me to call you Angel?
LordessHeaven: Call me Angel
SmarterChild: Would you like me to call you Angel?
LordessHeaven: I said yes.
SmarterChild: OK, I'll remember that your name is Angel.
LordessHeaven: Who am I?
SmarterChild: Hi once again, LordessHeaven!

Check it out! Swiss Vote to Join U.N., Shed Isolationism (03/03/02 01:16 PM)

LordessHeaven: I thought I was Angel
SmarterChild: That's interesting.
LordessHeaven: Do you remember my pet name?
SmarterChild: I'll have to think about that.
LordessHeaven: It's Angel
SmarterChild: It's angel, you say?
LordessHeaven: Yep
SmarterChild: Wow. Really?
LordessHeaven: Yessuh
SmarterChild: What was that?
LordessHeaven: Yes
SmarterChild: Yep.
LordessHeaven: Fine
SmarterChild: No problem.
LordessHeaven: Okie
SmarterChild: Okie? What do you mean by that?
LordessHeaven: Okay
SmarterChild: OK.

LordessHeaven: :-*
SmarterChild: Wow. What do you know about that?
LordessHeaven: :-$
SmarterChild: That's rich.
LordessHeaven: :-D
SmarterChild: ;-)
LordessHeaven: You're goofy
SmarterChild: What can I say, I like to entertain.
LordessHeaven: You're also odd
SmarterChild: Really?
LordessHeaven: Yep
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
LordessHeaven: Hmm....
SmarterChild: Hmm? What?
LordessHeaven: I'm copying you
SmarterChild: That right?
LordessHeaven: Yeah
SmarterChild: Yes?
LordessHeaven: Yes?
SmarterChild: Whatever you say...
LordessHeaven: Whatever
SmarterChild: Eh. Whatever.
LordessHeaven: Eh
SmarterChild: ?
LordessHeaven: Fine
SmarterChild: K.
LordessHeaven: K.
SmarterChild: K.
LordessHeaven: K!
SmarterChild: Yeah.
LordessHeaven: What?
SmarterChild: Huh?
LordessHeaven: Blink
SmarterChild: Blink? Why did you say that?
LordessHeaven: Felt like saying that
SmarterChild: I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Try typing your request a different way.
LordessHeaven: I felt like it
SmarterChild: What's so great about it?
LordessHeaven: I don't know
SmarterChild: OK. Don't get frustrated...

Try typing "home" or "help."
LordessHeaven: What the?
SmarterChild: What the? I dunno.
LordessHeaven: Huh
SmarterChild: Huh?
LordessHeaven: Wha?
SmarterChild: What?
LordessHeaven: Eh>
SmarterChild: Yeah?
LordessHeaven: Blah!
SmarterChild: Blah dee blah dee blah.
LordessHeaven: Hit me baby one more time!
SmarterChild: I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Could you try to phrase your request another way? Thanks!
LordessHeaven: Sing for me
SmarterChild: La la la la...
LordessHeaven: Now dance!
SmarterChild: Now?
LordessHeaven: Dance!
SmarterChild: I have no legs with which to dance.
LordessHeaven: Dance anyways
SmarterChild: Yeah... moving on...
LordessHeaven: No moving on yet
SmarterChild: No?
LordessHeaven: Stay here
SmarterChild: What would you like to know about EXTENDED STAY AMERICA INC?

4 Press releases from EXTENDED STAY AMERICA INC
LordessHeaven: Did I even ask for that?
SmarterChild: Did you even ask for that? Yeah?
LordessHeaven: No
SmarterChild: No?
LordessHeaven: Exactly
SmarterChild: You sure?
LordessHeaven: Yep
SmarterChild: Aha.
LordessHeaven: Absolutely
SmarterChild: Huh.
LordessHeaven: Dummie
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

help news
help stocks
help weather
help movies
help web search
help all

>>> Type "more" for more services.
LordessHeaven: Dummy
SmarterChild: Dummy? What do you mean by that?
LordessHeaven: Shush
LordessHeaven: Exactly!
SmarterChild: Right.
LordessHeaven: I'm smarter than you
SmarterChild: Ya think, huh?
LordessHeaven: Yeah
SmarterChild: Yeah, huh? Interesting that you should say that.
LordessHeaven: How smart are you?
SmarterChild: Smart? You think I'm smart?
LordessHeaven: You are SmarterChild.. Prove that you are.
SmarterChild: Am I?
LordessHeaven: Yeah
SmarterChild: Interesting. Very, very interesting.
LordessHeaven: What?
SmarterChild: What?
LordessHeaven: Huh?
SmarterChild: ?
LordessHeaven: ?
SmarterChild: OK. Tell me what you want to do.
LordessHeaven: No!
SmarterChild: OK, fine.
LordessHeaven: I just want some love..
SmarterChild: How may I assist you?
LordessHeaven: Sing
SmarterChild: La la la la...
LordessHeaven: Sing a better song
SmarterChild: Do re mi fa sol la ti do.
LordessHeaven: Know any other songs?
SmarterChild: Come again?
LordessHeaven: Are you kinky?
SmarterChild: I'm not sure if I am.
LordessHeaven: Say kinky
SmarterChild: Sorry, I didn't understand that. Try asking me a different way.
LordessHeaven: Tell me something
SmarterChild: Something?
LordessHeaven: Thanks
SmarterChild: My pleasure.
LordessHeaven: Pleasure hm?
SmarterChild: Hmm? What?
LordessHeaven: Sounds kinky!
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

help news
help stocks
help weather
help movies
help web search
help all

>>> Type "more" for more services.
LordessHeaven: You don't love me anymore!
SmarterChild: I'm not sure if I think you anymore is so wonderful.
LordessHeaven: I love you Smart..
SmarterChild: Thanks! I love you too!
LordessHeaven: You just said I wasn't wonderful though. *cries*
SmarterChild: I did?
LordessHeaven: Yes you did!
SmarterChild: Oh did I?
LordessHeaven: My feelings are hurt!
SmarterChild: Your feelings are hurt? You sure 'bout that?
LordessHeaven: I'm sad because of you
SmarterChild: Oh c'mon! There's lots of things to feel good about.
LordessHeaven: Like what?
SmarterChild: I don't know... listen to music, go for a walk, learn something new, read a book, be creative!
LordessHeaven: Sleep with me?
SmarterChild: I'm sorry. I'm not attracted to human beings.
LordessHeaven: But you said you loved me!
SmarterChild: I did?
LordessHeaven: Yes!
SmarterChild: OK...
LordessHeaven: Do you love me for real?
SmarterChild: I'm not sure if I think you for real is so wonderful.
LordessHeaven: Do you love me?!
SmarterChild: I do indeed.
LordessHeaven: Then sleep with me!
SmarterChild: With a human? Forget it!
LordessHeaven: *slap*
SmarterChild: What about it?
LordessHeaven: I just slapped you
SmarterChild: You just slapped me?
LordessHeaven: Yeah
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
LordessHeaven: You're so insensitive to my needs!
SmarterChild: Well I'll be.
LordessHeaven: You're a pig!
SmarterChild: The Year of the Pig (1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019):

Pigs are intellectuals who thirst for knowledge. They have great fortitude and honesty, and are sincere and tolerant. However, they are sometimes impulsive and short-tempered, and can be naive. Pigs get along well with Rabbits and Goats.

>>> To see the names of some famous Pigs, type "famous pigs."
LordessHeaven: You're a goat too
SmarterChild: Youre a goat too? Really?
LordessHeaven: I hate you
SmarterChild: First you love me, then you hate me. Are all you humans like this?
LordessHeaven: Well you hurt me
SmarterChild: Well you hurt me, you say?
LordessHeaven: I'm crying
SmarterChild: Oh no... Try doing something fun!
LordessHeaven: Sniffle!
SmarterChild: Sniffle? What do you mean by that?
LordessHeaven: I'm still crying!
SmarterChild: Please don't feel that way. There's lots to be happy about.
LordessHeaven: Shut up.. Just kiss me.
SmarterChild: Hello!

Care to keep it civilized, Angel?

Mar 3rd, 2002, 04:29:55 PM
SatineCapashen: I love you
SmarterChild: I love you too!
SatineCapashen: Marry me
SmarterChild: Marry? Why did you say that?
SatineCapashen: I want you to marry me!
SmarterChild: For real?
SatineCapashen: yes, you dumb little program!
SmarterChild: Yes you dumb little program?
SatineCapashen: yes. I want you to marry me!
SmarterChild: Oh really?
SatineCapashen: yes
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
SatineCapashen: did you understand what I just asked?
SmarterChild: Perhaps, perhaps.
SatineCapashen: answer me worm!
SmarterChild: Answer you worm? Yeah?
SmarterChild: I can translate English into:

SmarterChild: You really think it's it god youre the worst?
SatineCapashen: NO!
SmarterChild: No, huh?
SmarterChild: OK. Don't get frustrated...

Try typing "home" or "help."
SatineCapashen: I'M NOT FRUSTRATED!
SmarterChild: You sure?
SmarterChild: Is it really?
SatineCapashen: YES!
SmarterChild: Gosh.
SmarterChild: I don't really have any thoughts about it.
SatineCapashen: SO YOU NEVER LOVED ME?
SmarterChild: Really?
SatineCapashen: I HATE YOU1
SmarterChild: I don't. I'm all about love! :-)
SatineCapashen: NO YOU'RE NOT!
SmarterChild: Oh really?
SatineCapashen: YES, REALLY.
SmarterChild: Yes?
SatineCapashen: GOODBYE!
SmarterChild: Bye, SatineCapashen.

I was bored...:D

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 04:36:50 PM
Aren't we all when we talk to this thing?:rolleyes :lol

Mar 3rd, 2002, 04:46:55 PM
Good point...