View Full Version : Ideas for robbing a bank anyone?
Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:44:06 PM
Don't worry, it's not real :)
I'm starting the pointlessness of writing a screenplay again. However, I need ideas for this part. Come on, it's not hard to beat a plan that involved two sawn offs, a trenchcoat, Alka Seltzers and a ball of string! :)
Only limitation is that the robbers dont have masses of money. Inventiveness is a far greater tool.
Any ideas? :)
Champion of the Force
Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:51:43 PM
Robber 1: "So we're going to rob the bank. When we enter we'll be wearing ski masks to cover our identites".
Robber 2: "But where are we getting the ski masks from?"
Robber 1: "From the local camping disposal shop. We'll steal there from there."
Robber 2: "But what are we going to wear on our faces there?"
Robber 1: "We'll wear stockings obtained from the local K-Mart."
Robber 2: "But what are we going to wear on our faces there?"
Robber 1: "Nothing. The stockings are legitimate - we pay cash."
Robber 2: "But where are we going to get the money from?"
Robber 1: "From the bank ... "
HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:52:48 PM
Three buddies are sitting around, either drunk or *clears throat* "something else"(think hard about it lol). They get into a conversation about what they could do for fun, and most of the ideas are lame and completely idiotic, like rescuing the animals from the zoo while streaking along side of them. But then one of them gets the idea to rob a bank and they get into a discussion about what kind of stuff they can buy with that kind of money(chicks, more beer/"something else", more chicks, playboy mansion). So they go rob the bank with these as weapons, a paintball gun, a squirtgun filled with mouth wash, a nerf baseball bat(with the foam torn off), and one actual real gun. Since most of the weapons seem too goofy, the people in the bank don't believe that they're serious, until they fire the gun into the ceiling, breaking off a rather good sized chunk which drops onto a secrurity officer's head. You could go on from there with more silliness. :D
Admiral Lebron
Mar 2nd, 2002, 11:02:05 PM
They could spend hours and weeks into planning the robbery of the bank, you know scoping out its defenses, timing the vault access and the change of the gaurds as well. Go out and spend thousands of dollars on gear and equipment then as they are going to rob the bank, they find out its either closed for repairs or moved to a new building.
Khan Surak
Mar 2nd, 2002, 11:03:51 PM
Well, they could become employees of the bank and later rob it, and continue to work there and rob it once in a while. *shrugs*
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