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View Full Version : Light, the way..........(open spar)

Xazor Elessar
Mar 2nd, 2002, 03:36:04 PM
It was a crisp morning on Yavin IV as Xazor walked through the jungle. The smell of fresh rain hinted itself in the air and dew glistened on the hundreds of wild flowers and trees. She breathed it all in as she came to what appeared to be a dead end. Moving a group of branches and brush away, she stepped into the clearing on the other side. The beauty it beheld, especially this morning, was enough to take your breath away. There was a waterfall that dumped into a river that ran through the jungle and flora everywhere. The water was crystal clear and everything that grew around it was a vibrant green. She slowly took off her cloak and gently laid it on a nearby boulder. Unclipping her lightsaber from her weapons belt, she then removed the belt from around her waist and laid it on top of the cloak. Igniting her saber, she sent a Force message to anyone who was Force sensitive within a few miles radius.

Find a challenge in the jungle......

Was all she spoke and then began to pace, waiting for her challenger.

Phantom Magus
Mar 2nd, 2002, 08:48:43 PM
Sitting in the tree, he gazed off into the distance, watching the gas giant planet, Yavin. The snap of a twig caused his head to jerk around towards the source of the sound. He dropped silently from the tree, landing behind the person who was walking, the hilt of Aeacus in his right hand. His raspy voice quietly whispered towards her.

"Walking alone can be dagnerous.."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 2nd, 2002, 08:57:37 PM
Xazor quickly turned around and jumped into a defensive stance with her saber when she heard someone speak behind her. She now stood in a horse stance with her saber parallel to the ground at her waist. She eased up a bit when she saw that he too had a saber. She felt out his aura gathering that he was a Sith Warrior. That was more comforting to her than having a bounty hunter or galaxy pirate following her. She smiled slightly and spoke.

You caught me off guard, I shall be more careful.

She said as she stood up right from her stance, but keeping her blue bladed, single phased saber activated. "Greater Fear" was its name, and she was proud to have such a wonderful weapon. It would have done serious damage if she had not have been so careful turning around.

Do you wish to accept my challenge?

She questioned him softly.

ooc: I know this is not the place to be asking, but how can I get my signature up here? :)

Phantom Magus
Mar 2nd, 2002, 09:08:00 PM
He smiled slowly, his thumb flicking over the button on his saber hilt, the dark red blade shooting up with a snap-hiss. A small flash ran through his eyes as he looked at her, the tip of his blade pointed towards her throat. His lips twisted into an evil sneer.

"Yes, I do."

OoC: At the bottom of the page where you see all the threads, click on Control Panel, then Edit Profile. It'll be in there where you can input the code and such. :)

Xazor Elessar
Mar 2nd, 2002, 09:41:57 PM
Xazor quickly raised her blade in a rising motion and pushed his saber away from her neck. She reached out her left hand and sent a powerful Force blast his way, sending him back a few feet.


She said as she took defense again.

ooc: Thanks, I'll try it! :)

Phantom Magus
Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:02:29 PM
He stumbled back a bit, caught a tad off guard. Shifting his weight to his left foot, his body ducked under in a half-crouch, his saber coming up in a blur to her midsection.

"I expect a good challenge."

OoC: Not a problem. :)

Xazor Elessar
Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:22:07 PM
Xazor blocked the blow and their sabers locked. She smiled as she pushed his away and he fell back. She dropped to the ground and swept his feet out from under him, followed by a kick to his face.

And that you shall receive.....

She said in a low voice.

Phantom Magus
Mar 3rd, 2002, 12:17:31 PM

He ducked low under her kick, bringing his right fist up into her gut. He stepped back a bit, bringing his saber around up from the ground towards her chest.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 3rd, 2002, 01:47:33 PM
She quickly spun around and blocked his saber. Again they locked and the two stood there for a moment. Xazor reached out her left hand and sent another Force blast his way. He fell back several yards and she charged at him again. She jumped over his head and slammed the hilt of her saber into the base of his neck, intensifying the pain through the Force.

Phantom Magus
Mar 3rd, 2002, 01:53:03 PM
A small smile came across his lips as he stumbled forward, pain shooting through his nerves. He swivled around, planting his left foot firmly into the ground, he sprang off of it, sprinting towards her. They exchanged several parries of their sabers, before he finally made a small slash on her upper left arm, the smell of burnt flesh filling the forest around them.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:00:49 PM
Xazor looked down at the cut on her arm. He had slashed his saber right above the tattoo she had recieved in honor of her achievements as a Sith Warrior Knight. She growled slightly as painful memories came rushing in. She looked up at the Sith and did something she shouldn't have. She harnessed her anger and charged him. Jumping up, she used her aggression to power a flying side thrust kick into his face, knocking him back a ways. She landed and then her eyes dropped to the forest floor. She sighed heavily. My child, do not anger but use the light to do things. A voice repeated over in her head. It was that of her Master. How shameful of her he would be at this moment. Her thoughts were disrupted when she noticed blood running down her arm. She did not bother to heal it, for she would wear the scar as punishment. She looked over at the scar on her right arm, given to her by her Sith Master. This fueled the anger again and her eyes burned into the Sith's soul........

Phantom Magus
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:15:49 PM
Another smile came across his face as he saw what she was doing as he stumbled back a bit. Regaining his balance, he stood upright and looked at her.

"Well well...a Jedi using anger...this is a first, I must say."

His dark red eyes burned back into her's as he gazed at her. He darted forward suddenly, bringing his knee up into the Jedi's chin, knocking her backwards onto her back against the forest floor.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:25:00 PM
She sat up a bit and glared at him.

Maybe I am not as light as you thought I was.

She sprung to her feet and charged him. She was going against all of her teachings as she unleashed her powerful anger on him. She slashed him across the torso with her saber and then ran at him as he fell, kicking him in the chest.

Phantom Magus
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:35:40 PM
He hissed under his breath, pain shooting along his torso and up his chest. But he didn't mind. Pain was one thing he was used to. And he got his strength from that pain.

"Not bad.."

He dropped back a bit, shifting his weight onto the balls of his feet, ready for a strike. He tilted his head at an inquiring angle at her.

"And what will your Master think of this, hmm?"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:40:01 PM
My Master shall not find out about this...

She growled at the Sith. She knew that he would, in time.....but she couldn't think of that now. Her thoughts dwelled on...........more productive things. She felt terribly guilty, though, going against her Master's teaching. She had shamed herself......him......and the Jedi. She sighed and calmed herself, drawing the power of the Force into her soul. Her aura illuminated as she did so, and she was again in homiostasis with the Force.

Phantom Magus
Mar 3rd, 2002, 08:34:35 PM
"Oh, I'm sure he will..."

Shuffling his feet quickly, he ended up beside her. A dark gleam shown in his eyes as his right foot came around in a kick to her face, sending her back against the ground. He turned and pointed the blade of his saber at her neck.

"Come on, Jedi. I know you can do better."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 3rd, 2002, 08:44:15 PM
Xazor stood up. She looked right into his dark eyes and tears began to fall from hers.

I must leave here at once. I am sorry.....I shall spar again when I can control my anger.

She said and then ran off through the jungle with a deep gash on her left arm. She retracted the blade of her saber and clipped it to her belt before she dissapeared out of sight.

ooc: sorry about this, but right now I have a crisis on my hands.....literally.

Phantom Magus
Mar 3rd, 2002, 08:47:55 PM
A frown came across his brow as his eyes followed her off into the forest. His thumb flicked over the ignition to his saber, killing the blade. Attaching it back to his belt, he leans back against a tree, folding his arms over his chest.

"That was ... different."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 3rd, 2002, 08:52:21 PM
She ran through the jungle, not stopping until she reached the Jedi academy. Once inside.....she met her fate.

ooc: I am really sorry that this got cut short, but honestly right now, I am being severely repremanded by my Master for acting out of anger and agression to well, everything...... :( I deserve it, though.....

Aura Allei
Mar 4th, 2002, 12:07:53 PM
Aura asked Xazor what was wrong, as she saw her running, but in her haste could not reply. She decided to investigate the matter. She sensed a chilling signature, as she sighed, feeling the presence of a Sith. Taking a deep breath, she ventured on further into the dense foliage of the forest.

Phantom Magus
Mar 4th, 2002, 08:24:08 PM
A twinge through the Force suddenly brought his head up in an alert. Another Jedi was near. 'Course, he kind of figured that, seeing how he was on Yavin IV. He stood up right, turning towards the direction the Jedi was coming from, slowly unclipping Aeacus from his belt, holding it in his right hand.

Aura Allei
Mar 4th, 2002, 09:26:38 PM
Halting in her tracks, she eyed the Darksider with a saber.

"What did you do to Xazor? Did you harm her? No need for that. I am not here to do battle dark one."

Phantom Magus
Mar 4th, 2002, 10:03:56 PM
His eyes flickered a moment before he rested a cold gaze on her.

"So is that how the Jedi ways are? 'Blame the Sith for every bad thing that happens' ? I will admit to giving her that slash on her upper left arm. But the rest was of her own doing. To put it bluntly, she did something she wasn't supposed to."

Aura Allei
Mar 4th, 2002, 10:22:28 PM
"The reputation of the Sith speaks for itself. As for Xazor, what did she do that wronged her?"

Phantom Magus
Mar 5th, 2002, 08:18:13 PM
Small whisps of energy flared up from his eyes.

"Our reputation may speak for itself, but that doesn't mean that you can blame us for everything. As for Xazor, she went against the 'Jedi ways' and used her anger like a Sith. I don't really see anything wrong with that, but I suppose that's your all's problem."

Aura Allei
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:21:52 AM
"I only assumed from her wound, but I stand corrected. I had no right to say that. My apologies. My past experiences with Sith rendered an un-called for biased opinion. No its not my problem, but I would gather you may be for me, now."

She sensed aggression emanating from the Sith, as a hand casually rested on her hilt.

Phantom Magus
Mar 6th, 2002, 01:19:39 PM
A corner of his lip curled up into a. evil sneer slowly, his right thumb trailing slowly along the ignition button on Aeacus.

"And just what do you plan to do about me, Lightsider?"

Aura Allei
Mar 7th, 2002, 12:53:45 PM
"If you would permit me to reprhase that. What do you plan to do with me, Dark sider?"

Aura wanted to head back to the Academy to check on Xazor, but she had a fleeting suspicion her attempts would be thwarted by this one.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 7th, 2002, 04:49:30 PM
Suddenly Xazor fell from the tree directly above them. She landed softly next to Aura and smiled slightly.

He will do nothing. I started this fight, and I plan on finishing it.

She said in a serious tone. She saw the confused expression on Aura's face.

I dealt with my issues.......quickly.....

She said, her voice low and threatening.

Aura Allei
Mar 7th, 2002, 04:54:42 PM
Aura bowed to Xazor..

"May the Force guide your blade, my friend."

Phantom Magus
Mar 7th, 2002, 09:08:03 PM
"Well well! Two Jedi! This just gets better and better!"

His thumb ignited his saber, the dark red blade shooting out from the hilt with a snap-hiss. He held it steady in the air, the tip casually wavering back and forth between the two Jedi in front of him.

Aura Allei
Mar 8th, 2002, 07:48:33 AM
"I have my qualms Xazor wishes to face you alone, unless she will accept my assistance in this conflict. What say you, Xazor?"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 8th, 2002, 10:58:39 PM
If it honors you, friend Aura......I wish to do this myself........

Xazor growled slightly, no anger in her soul, as she kept her eyes on the Sith. Her blade holding steady toward his neck.

Aura Allei
Mar 9th, 2002, 08:14:52 AM
"As you wish."

Aura navigated to a far off tree, and leaned against it observing the altercation about to ensue.

Phantom Magus
Mar 9th, 2002, 09:59:38 AM
He smiled slowly, his dark red blade moving silently through the air towards the Jedi in front of him. Small swirls of energy flared up off his eyes as he gazed at her.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 9th, 2002, 04:43:38 PM
Xazor saw the energy from his anger flare in his eyes and emit from his soul. A smile played on her lips as she looked into his dark eyes.

Bring it on.....

She said in a low voice as her saber inched closer to his neck. She would do it right this time and not fight with anger. In her mind, she recalled the promise she had made to her brother and Master. I won't break it this time...or ever. She thought to herself as she stared into the Sith's dark eyes and soul....

Phantom Magus
Mar 10th, 2002, 07:29:29 PM
His smile remained.


Then, it vanished. He dashed towards the Jedi, bringing his blade up from the ground in an arc towards Xazor's leg. Seeing her about to parry the blow, he swung his saber around, bringing the blade down towards her head.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 10th, 2002, 10:15:59 PM
Using the Force to sense his movements, she brought her saber into a rising block before he even brought his blade down. Pushing him back away from her, she spun around on her heel and did a powerful spinning crescent kick to his head, knocking him sideways. She then slashed her saber across his right shoulder as he fell.

Phantom Magus
Mar 11th, 2002, 06:58:35 PM
A snarl came from him as he gritted his teeth, swirving a bit to lessen the severity of the blow. He tilted his head and looked at the wound in his shoulder. It wasn't too deep. But it did hurt.

"You'll pay for that."

He turned abruptly on his left foot, lashing out at the Jedi with fierce strikes from his saber. He ducked to the side to avoid a slash from Xazor, bringing his right knee up swiftly into her gut.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 11th, 2002, 10:02:02 PM
She fell to the right and caught herself with the Force. With lightening speed, she spun around and came down with a powerful slash from her saber. She sliced over the wound on his shoulder, creating an "X". She grinned slightly and spoke as she moved back into defense.

Pay for that I will? Doesn't look like you're doing much about it!

She laughed as she watched his eyes grow darker at her words.

Phantom Magus
Mar 11th, 2002, 10:53:56 PM
Grow darker they did. His eyes grew pitch black, small streak of red running through them. While he was not in much pain, he was greatly angered that he was being beaten. His voice was low and raspy as he spoke to her.

"You're lucky. You're gonna be the second person I try my new trick on. The first left with a hole almost completely through his chest."

He shut off his saber, attaching the hilt to his belt. He held out both hands in front of his body, palms facing towards Xazor. Energy swirled around his body, forming two small energy balls in his palms.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2002, 06:01:44 PM
Unbeknownst to Phantom, Xazor created a strong Force shield around her body. It was not visible to him, but she felt it. No matter what he tried to send her way, it was impossible to penetrate the shield. She knew that she could only hold it there for a few minutes, but she would try. She knew that he could not kill her.....and she took comfort in knowing that by using the darkside, he was just weakening himself.....

Bring it....

She grinned slightly as she watched him carefully.

Phantom Magus
Mar 12th, 2002, 08:41:08 PM
The energy balls slowly grew larger and larger in size in front of his palms, a sneer growing on his face.

"Ohh...how wrong you are, Lightsider. This attack is not Force-based. So I'm still as strong as before."

The red streaks in his eyes flashed a bit, small dark clouds swirling around his head. Tiny bolts of lightning shot around his body, the magentism of the air gradually growing.

"Bring it? As you wish..."

His voice grew lower and raspier. He spoke softly.


His palms shot forward a bit, the two energy balls suddenly blazing through the air towards Xazor. Before she could blink, the two energy balls were centimeters from her chest.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2002, 09:08:56 PM
The Force shield she had surrounded her body a centimeter from her body. The blazing balls of energy appeared as though they were going to go right through her, but hit the shield instead. She remained calm as they did and then they bounced off back in his direction. She grinned as he looked shocked.

The darkside only reveals one's weakness.

She said with confidence. The Force shield removed itself from her, but she was in a ready stance for whatever he was to bring next.

Phantom Magus
Mar 13th, 2002, 04:35:30 PM
He stood up to his full height after he leaned to his right side, avoiding his own blast. His eyes returned from black to dark red as he looked across the forest at her.

"The Dark Side gives one power that the Light could never hope to have."

In one fluent motion, he unclipped Aeacus and ignited it, running towards Xazor, gritting his teeth a bit as he swung his saber towards her torso. She parried the strike, he then brought his blade up parallel with the ground, then stabbed it forward, causing a slice at the top of her left shoulder.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:31:22 PM
ooc: why does everyone hit my left shoulder? Never mind.....just wondering outloud :) hehehe....


Xazor winces and then blocks the pain from her mind. She spins around and slashes the Sith across his right shoulder. Then with her left hand outstretched, she sends a heavy Force blast his way. Knocking him out of her way with it, she scoops up a handful of sand and blows it into the air. Creating the illusion of a thousand knives going toward him. She then retrieves three of her own throwing knives from her belt and sends them along with the illusion. The graze his skin slightly and she then calls them back to her hand with the Force as she illusion disappears.

Phantom Magus
Mar 15th, 2002, 09:02:58 PM
OoC: Sorry about getting to this late, been watching too much basketball. ^_^;

IC: He layed back in the air, falling back on his heels, ducking underneath the three knives. His face twisted in anger as one of the knife blades ran across the cut on his right shoulder. Pain shot through his entire arm, around through his spine. And yet, a smile came across his face. Pain. He loved it.

He swung his body around on the ground, popping up right in front of her.


His right fist came up in a flash to her stomach, doubling her over. His right knee then came up into her face, small drops of blood falling from her lip and nose. He snarled in a low voice, bringing the dark red blade of Aeacus around in a blur towards her head.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 15th, 2002, 10:41:38 PM
With lightning reflexes, she brought "Greater Fear" up against his saber and pushed him back, much to his surprise. She could see the hatred through his eyes and grinned when he attacked, but she moved right out of his way. Spinning around, she slashed her saber toward his stomach. Grazing it slightly and ripping his shirt, she spins around again and steps back a few yards in a defensive stance. Quickly, she wipes the blood from her nose and mouth. Placing her hand over both, she heals them with the Force in seconds and regains hold of her saber in both hands, ready for whatever he had....

ooc: It's okay, I totally understand about the b-ball thing. :)

Phantom Magus
Mar 24th, 2002, 11:28:24 AM
OoC: Really really really sorry about this, Xazor. I forgot to make a post saying I was gonna be on Spring Break. >_< Really sowwy.

IC: He fell back a bit, a hand faintly touching the line across his stomach. He raised his head a bit, looking across the forest at her. A low growl came from him as he dashed towards her. Shifting Aeacus into his left hand, he swings it towards her right arm. She moved to dodge it, but a line appears right above her right elbow. He twirls on his left heel, bringing the dark red saber blade up from the ground towards her torso, trying to slice her in half.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 24th, 2002, 10:35:05 PM
Xazor purposly falls back to avoid the strike to her stomach. She regains her footing and runs at the Sith. Jumping into the air, she flies over his head. She smiles as he turns around. The pain in her right arm is tremendous, so she avoids a direct attack. Instead, she uses her elementalist training and connects with nature. She focuses above her and drops three large tree branches on him, crushing him and breaking a few ribs. The cut on her arm was getting to her and breaking her concentration. She covered it with her left hand to heal it, but it was too deep. She backed away from the bundle of limbs covering the Sith and took a position of defense as she waited for him.

Phantom Magus
Mar 25th, 2002, 08:22:28 PM
He backflipped once, avoiding the first branch, but the other two caught him. He fell to the ground in a heap, hearing a sickening crack as two of his ribs broke. His face twisted in a mix of anger and pain. Using a tad of the Force, he launches the branches off his body and somewhere back into the forest. Slowly he stands up, his left hand coming up to lightly touch his ribs, getting himself a tolerance for the pain. He gazes across the forest floor at her, lightly twirling the hilt of Aeacus in his right hand.

"Not bad."

A small sneer spreads over his lips.

"But not good enough."

He runs towards her, stopping on his left heel in front of her. His right foot comes over in a roundhouse kick to her side. Planting it back on the ground, he swings his saber around towards her in a blur, gritting his teeth as the pain slowly rises in his ribs.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 25th, 2002, 08:59:26 PM
Xazor moves quickly out of the roundhouse kick, but not quick enough. She attempted to block the slash from his saber and was almost succesful when she fell forward and he slashed her across the stomach. It wasn't too deep, but it stung pretty badly. She placed her left hand over it and healed the wound, leaving only a minor scar. The pain was still there, though, and she could do nothing about it right now. She launched forward and landed a heavy side thrust kick into his broken ribs. A horrible cracking noise was heard, and all she could figure that it was another one or two. She grinned as she saw pain wash over his face, but her stomach was giving her problems of her own. She stepped away from the injured Sith and placed her hand on her stomach, rubbing it a bit as the pain intensified. She could only figure that he had a stun mechanism budded with the actual saber, for a duel-purpose. It sure had a nasty result. She blocked the pain from her mind in an attempt to concentrate as he regained some footing.

Phantom Magus
Mar 26th, 2002, 09:10:38 PM
He stumbled back a few steps, feeling the impact hard on his already broken ribs. His left arm flew up to wrap around them, as if his arm were a piece of armor. But, it wasn't. For once, he wish he did have a piece of armor with him. But, he didn't.

He stumbled slowly to his feet, looking over at her. He knew for a fact that he hadn't cut her stomach that deep, and she had healed the wound...but she was still in considerable pain. Puzzling. He didn't have time to consider the matter, however. He took a few steps towards her. Moving his left hand a bit, he creates a rather powerful Force push to occur from behind her, knocking her forward. He posied his blade parallel to the ground and jabbed it forward towards her.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 26th, 2002, 09:32:01 PM
Falling to the right, she moves out of the way with only a scrape from his saber across the upper left thigh. She hits the ground and rolls to her feet. Dashing at him quickly, she jumps up and lands a flying side thrust kick right in his face. She lands softly and follows it with a heavy Force blast, which sends him back a few feet. Just as she steps forward and does this, she tears more muscle in her leg, sending a bolt of pain through her body. She placed her left hand on it, and closed the wound, creating internal bleeding. She then sent healing internal waves and took care of the bleeding.....but the pain persisted. She shook her head as she regained her footing and took a defensive stance once again.

Phantom Magus
Mar 28th, 2002, 08:44:35 PM
He could see it in her eyes and by her facial expressions. She was going through a lot of pain. But that's what he was here to cause her. And he was going to bring her more ... if his ribs held out. But he didn't care.

He slid towards her, his right foot leading. Shifting Aeacus into his left hand, he brought it up in a rising slash towards her other leg. Seeing she was about to parry that strike, he shifted Aeacus back into his right hand, twirled a bit to shift his weight, and brought the saber back towards her injured leg.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 28th, 2002, 08:48:16 PM
Xazor blocked it quickly, aware of what he was trying to do. Spinning around quickly, she landed a back kick to his ribs....cracking a few more. She smiled, but he was right there with an unexpected slash from his saber. It nailed her injured leg, just below the knee. It was not too deep, but it hurt terribly. She tried to ignore the pain, though it was most difficult. Drowning herself in the Force, she ran at him once again and jammed the hilt of her saber into his forehead, knocking him down.

Phantom Magus
Mar 28th, 2002, 09:41:19 PM
His head snapped back suddenly from the force of the blow, knocking him on his back. He layed there a few moments, blood slowly dripping down from a corner of his mouth and around the large circle now on his forehead. And what was left of his ribs hurt like hell, too.

Slowly he raised up to his feet, staggering a bit from the heavy pain in his chest. Through blurred eyes he looked over at her, anger running through him. He slowly ran towards her, slashing at her with a fury of saber strikes.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 29th, 2002, 05:29:14 PM
Xazor could see the anger in his eyes and knew that she had better keep her head clear if she wanted to keep all of her limbs. She smiled, blocking each of his hard blows with ease. His anger seemed to be making him falter with each strike. She called on the Force and concentrated deeply, drowning herself within it. He struck at her knees but she jumped and landed gently. He came around again, but Xazor ducked under the attack and slammed the right side of her body into his ribs once again. As he fell back, his uncontrolled saber slashed into Xazor's arm and stunned her. The wound was deep and blood rushed forth. As he laid on the ground for a moment, she had enough time to run her saber over the wound......close enough to the skin to cauterize it. It stung extremely bad, and the pain was intense. Holding her saber in her left hand, she took a defensive stance, ready for whatever he had left....if anything. She knew that her injuries were hurting pretty badly, she could just imagine his pain....

Phantom Magus
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:44:03 PM
His pain was intense, yes. But, that was something he fed off of. His eyes closed slowly as the Force flowed through his veins and around him. It washed over his wounds, drawing the pain from them to feed his strength.

He touched a hand lightly to his ribs. Eight of his twelve were broken, and the other four were very close. But he didn't worry. He had a fight to finish. Even if it left him in a Bacta tank for a while.

He leapt up from the ground and ran towards her with a renewed vigor. His broken ribs throbbed in protest, but he shunted it away. He lifted Aeacus up in a slash meant to slice her from left hip to right shoulder. He was met by the Jedi's lightsaber in a guard. Ducking under a slash from Xazor, he brought his saber around to the right side of her body. A light flick of his wrists sent his dark red blade up into her right hip.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:49:17 PM
The impact from the blade hurt tremendously. Xazor backed away and placed her right hand on the wound. She closed her eyes for a moment and focused the Force into the injury. She imagined the flesh binding together and the blood stopping. Just as she saw this, it was healed. It still hurt a great deal, though. She jumped over his head as high as she could and landed behind him softly. Her hip was throbbing, but she pressed on. Before he could turn around, she drilled the hilt of her saber into the base of his neck. He fell back and as he did, she kneed him in the kidneys, causing internal bleeding. She let him fall the rest of the way and took a defensive stance again, wondering if he had anything left to give....

Phantom Magus
Apr 7th, 2002, 02:51:31 PM
He landed on the ground with a thud. Blood ran slowly from the corners of his lips and his right nostril. His eyes stared blankly and blurrily off into the distance. What did he have left to give? He had tried almost everything. What was left inside him...?

He slowly rose from the ground, standing on his feet. He held Aeacus loosely in his right hand, his left lightly wrapping around his chest. He turned his head a bit and spat out a mixture of saliva and blood. He brought Aeacus up a bit, clutching the hilt with both hands.

He ran towards the Jedi, assaulting her with various strikes from his saber. His ribs throbbed in protest, but he shunted it away, putting his focus into his saber assault. The Force flowed through him, the speed of each strike slowly increasing, giving her less and less time to react.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 9th, 2002, 06:48:18 PM
Xazor blocked the strikes, one after another. She spun around to block another, but it came from the opposite direction and sliced her left arm open. She winced in pain and placed her hand over the wound, trying to heal it with the Force. She did not have time so she let it go and jumped up, kicking Phamtom in the face. He fell backwards and as he did, Xazor lept at him and slammed her elbow into the left side of his body....smashing the remaining ribs. She fell along with him, but quickly rose to her feet and placed one foot on his chest, slightly pushing down and holding the pressure there as she lookes into his dark eyes. He did not appear as though he could go on much more.

I do not wish to injure you further and I suggest you go seek medical aid. I need some myself, but you need more. When you are better, we shall battle again...

She offered him with a soft expression. She truly did not wish to hurt him more...he would be worth nothing when he was done, so she thought it better if both of them went and healed for a while...