View Full Version : We Were Soldiers: Staring into the valley of the shadow of death

Mar 2nd, 2002, 12:42:17 PM
I hadn't read the book, sufficely to say, and I went into the theater blind...and I did not know it was about LZ X-Ray. If I'd know....

...I probably couldn't have gone to see it. Its a hard thing to watch. A story that really must be told, especially in light of the stigma of shame over Vietnam, it shows the honor, bravery, and utter sacrifice of not just the men who bled on the battlefield, but the families they left behind. Yes, they didn't know what they were fighting for, and yes, the war was a bad war, and had no objective, and was a tragic loss. But even if our country turned our back on them, they fought for each other. I've known some really good friends who were in Vietnam, and this is the closest I've ever seen...to their story.

Just a warning. This is no Saving Private Ryan, or Thin Red Line. While those movies capture certain aspects of war very well, this is something far more intense. Its far less of the visceral horror of war...and far more the emotional horror. The horror of knowing the people whom you serve with. The horror of losing family, both in the literal sense and military. Equally hard to watch as the gripping battles ont he LZ, were the taxicabs that came to deliver Western Union telegrams to the wives of the fallen. And when you realize that its not only the grunt who loses an arm in a grenade explosion...its also the mother who hears from Western Union that she no longer has a son. It makes war a thing of realism, and I don't think that many people are ready to see it.

But they need to. To not tell the story of the men of the 1st Air Cav batallion, 7th regiment is to shroud their heroism, their sacrifice, in the ignorance that this country has bred on the vietnam war. Its a hard thing, to see what these men have seen. But for the American people, its high time we did, and support our veterans, the way we should have long ago.

Mar 4th, 2002, 06:49:35 PM
I wont be seeing it, not after the hammering it's been getting over here review wise.

Mar 5th, 2002, 01:44:00 PM
Then those reviewing it are idiots, because its the best war story on film that I've seen, sans Band of Brothers. It slaps Black Hawk Down in the face, to be honest.

Mar 5th, 2002, 01:59:09 PM
Well, there were many criticisms, one being it followed the common theme that occurs these days in making history look different.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 5th, 2002, 09:44:32 PM
Well, there were many criticisms, one being it followed the common theme that occurs these days in making history look different.

That is also a critique that could be pointed at Black Hawk Down with equal validity.

Mar 6th, 2002, 07:33:03 AM
I disagree. The mission was a screwup, and it showed. The only major change was Ewan McGregor's Grimes character didn't exist. The actual person in that position was charged with child offenses I believe. They didnt want to show the man as anything near a hero, so made a new person.

Darth Viscera
Mar 6th, 2002, 01:51:23 PM
Was this movie made by Randall Wallace also?

Sanis Prent
Mar 6th, 2002, 07:48:59 PM
Yes, the movie was made by Randall Wallace.

I read the book, and its almost verbatim in detail. The book was written about the then Lt. Col. Harold Moore, now a retired general. The author was an actual combat journalist that was at the LZ.

What are they trying to be revisionist about again?

Wytchy Woman
May 7th, 2002, 09:09:27 PM
I have it on very good authority that 'We Were Soldiers' is the most realistic of any of the films that has ever been made about our military's involvement in the Vietnam war. As for myself, I found the first half hour boring and spent the rest of the movie crying my eyes out! I can't wait to for it to come out on DVD. If you are asking just who is my "good authority", it's my husband. He is a Vietnam veteran that is also a triple amputee (both legs and an arm) after stepping on a booby trap planted not far from where the events of the movie took place. He has an extensive collection of Vietnam-related movies; most I have watched with him and though a few have made me sad, none has ever touched me as this one did.
Just my humble opinion.