View Full Version : LoTR Name Generator ..

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 2nd, 2002, 05:54:06 AM
... at http://www.barrowdowns.com/

My real name:
Orc name: Skranakh the Thug
Hobbit name: Rosa Banks from Michel Delving
Elvish name: Táranedloriel, Táranedlorien or Táranedlorwen
Dwarvish name: Gundin Clawanvil

Vega Van-Derveld:
Orc name: Azbad the Looter
Hobbit name: Aldagrim Hedgeworth from LongCleeve
Elvish name: Saurmenelion
Dwarvish name: Durin Sandfoot

And also what I apparently 'was':
[my real name] was a Groveling Uruk-hai.
Vega Van-Derveld was a Wicked Oathbreaker.
Dasquian Belargic was a Frightened Ringwraith.
Arriana Rezner was a Furry-footed Troll.
Salem Ave was a Groveling Bird-tamer.

:crack :x

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 2nd, 2002, 06:29:16 AM
Real Name:

Ork: Sharshásh the Blood-Axe
Hobbit: Fosco Mugworts from Rushy
Elf: Losttarma, or Losttarmaion
Dwarf: Grór Graveskin

Apparantly, I was a Handsome Druadan

Miryan no Trunks:

Ork: Shagrót the Slaughterer
Hobbit: Everard Maggot from Frogmorton
Elf: Thalionnólë, or Thalionnólëion
Dwarf: Róin Oakenvisor

And he was a Friendly Huorn

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 2nd, 2002, 07:17:33 AM
IC Name :

Orc : Grotlok the Grim
Halfling : Posco Headstrong from Hardbottle.
Elvish : Maegdol (or Maegdolion), which traslated to the Common Tongue means "Sharp Mind" - no I'm serious! That's the actual meaning!
Dwarf : Gimli Tombears

I was a Sad Variag, which is a race of Men from Khanad

Miryan's real name in Elvish means Snow High - Maybe "White Hair". A Druadan is an ancient branch of the race of Men, active in the wars against Morgoth in the First Age, and granted a home with the Edain in Númenor during the Second Age. By the end of the Third Age, the Drúedain had become a secretive and dwindling people: the 'woses' of the Drúadan Forest were among the last of their kind in Middle-earth.

His RP Elvish name means Strong and Wise - Or that is the closest I can get. The race is a tree that has become alive and lived in Fangorn Forest

Vega - RL name in Elvish is Queen Flame-Elf Maiden. Uruk-Hai should be known :)
Vega RP name - Elvish is Man of Heaven? Race is Undead who were fated to be ghosts until the King returned and called on them to fulfil their oath.

(Sources - Lord of the Rings Index, The Silmarillion guide to Quedya and the Encyclopedia to Arda)

Darth Viscera
Mar 2nd, 2002, 08:39:29 AM
IC Name: Darth Viscera
Orc Name: Krumurk the Basher
Halfling Name: Marroc Muddyfoot from Scary.
Elf Name: Angadúlin
Dwarven Name: Perin Mithrilmouth

IRL Name:
Orc: Wurrdúsh the Nasty
Halfling: Nob Baker from Tookbank.
Elf: Nuquernacoire
Dwarven: Dwalin Brasshammer

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 2nd, 2002, 09:01:36 AM
Elvish name for Viscera means Iron Night Song. Other meanings could be "Singer of Strength in Darkness". That would rank you as an Elf Prince, or even one of the Noldor

Your IRL Elvish name means - I dont know, there are too many bits that just dont fit into the language. . Nu- is the root, wich neams "below, Underneath", que could be Speak as this is the normal root terming a speech or language.... My guess is "Speaks far underneath Earth".

Oh, and your Viscera Dwarf name literlly is "Silver mouth". Mithril, or trueSliver is the most precious of Middle Earth metals, so that means you are incredibly good speaker. Interesting that all your names seem to allude to speech or singing.

Admiral Lebron
Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:58:47 AM
Real name

Orc Name:Luguk the Slaughterer
Hobbit Name: Anson Chubb from Tighfield
Elf Name:Erkemen
Dwarf Name: Káin Oakenbow

I was a Hideous Barrow-wight

Admiral Lei Lebron

Orc Name:Grimbad the Depraved
Hobbit Name: Orgulas Headstrong from Girdley Island
Elf Name:Carurion
Dwarf Name:Balin Clayfoot

He was a Forgotten Variag

Darth Lynch
Mar 2nd, 2002, 11:45:32 AM
Orc Name - Morukh the Cleaver :)
Hobbit Name: Tom Tussle from Nobottle ~_^
Elf Name: Nuinulmaion (Nuniulmaion digaball to......)
Dwarf Name:Glîm Lightningfury Justice.....like lightning!
What were you?: Illiterate Shirriff. Great. A redneck.

Orc Name - Groturk the Crippler >:)
Hobbit Name: Ponto Muddyfoot from Whitwell ~_~
Elf Name: Maikaglamion (.................Maikaglamion!!!!)
Dwarf Name:Ori Saphiremouth Are they trying to say I got a big mouth? Nah.....

Alec Lafeyette
Mar 2nd, 2002, 11:54:37 AM
What I was...

Real Name: Virtuous Vanyar

Alec Lafeyette: Popular Ghost

Garrett Blade
Mar 2nd, 2002, 12:41:31 PM
My real name (Peter Leslie McCoy) got these:

Peter Leslie McCoy was a Regretful Spirit.

Orcish name: Búbwakh the Mean
Hobbit name: Isengar Tussock from Whitfurrows
Elvish name: Donath, Donathion
Dwarven name: Rundin Redwrath

Garrett Blade got these ones:

Garrett Blade was a Friendly Steward (ROTFLMAO!!!)

Orcish name: Shagbrúg the Tough
Hobbit name: Everard Sackville from Nobottle
Elvish name: Thalionsulë, Thalionsulëion
Dwarven name: Róin Crashingrage

Mar 2nd, 2002, 12:51:57 PM
Orcish name for Cirrsseeto: Dûrbrukh the Pillager
Hobbit name for Sanis: Haltred Willow from Whitwell
Elvish name for Jubei: Vanwalammenion
Dwarvish name for Anbira: Glîm Gravebrow

And apparently in Middle Earth scrolls, Charley Hicks was a Wicked Istari (whatever that is).

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Mar 2nd, 2002, 01:21:05 PM
Real Name:

Orc: Zagshásh the Sneaky
Hobbit: Bell Mugworts from The Far Downs
Elf: Bragolethiriel
Dwarf: Lîm Rubymouth

I was a Muddy-booted Peredhil

Dara Shadowtide:

Orc: Bâzalûk the Blacktooth
Hobbit: Angelica Millbanks from Longbottom
Elf: Vinyahisiel
Dwarf: Malin Silverboot

And Dara was a Creepy Hill-troll :lol

Mr. President
Mar 2nd, 2002, 01:42:13 PM
Eleven Name: Melgolloion

Dwarven Name: Trán Musicarmour

Hobbit Name: Hamson Brandybuck from Oatbarton (cool I'm a Brandybuck!)

Orc: Dûrbluk the Despoiler

And I was really a...Pointy-eared Dwarf- and maybe I still am...my right ear is pointy (something about my mom having turkey before I was born :huh). But I'm 6 foot 3 inches, so I know I'm not a dwarf. Heh

Taylor Warren Millard

Vinny Red
Mar 2nd, 2002, 02:33:49 PM
RL name - Vincent James Santucci

Orc - Skaizag the Abominable
Elf - Minyalachion
Hobbit - Gorbulas Gamwich from Girdley Island
Dwarf - Lár Stormarm

what I as - Horrible Ranger

Not going to bother with IC names because I've too many and i'm lazy

Darth Viscera
Mar 2nd, 2002, 02:59:12 PM
Holy crap, that is wicked freaky. It's like the name generator stared right through my soul, and picked out something accordingly. *shuts the lense cover on his logitech quickcam web*

Honestly, that thing matches me up quite well. I am seriously freaked out now O_o

Figrin D'an
Mar 2nd, 2002, 04:50:13 PM
Originally posted by Lounge Lizard
And apparently in Middle Earth scrolls, Charley Hicks was a Wicked Istari (whatever that is).

That's actually good... being an Istari would put you in the same rough ability level as Gandalf or Saruman. That would be pretty sweet... :)

Okay, here we go....

Real Name:
Orc name - Burzzag the Sly
Hobbit name - Fortinbras Gamwich from Girdley Island
Elf name - Gorothnaur (Gorothnaurion) (means "Dreaded Flame")
Dwarven name - Grór Loreteeth
What am I - a Popular Eorling

Wasn't Fortinbras the character from "Hamlet" that ends up fighting Prince Hamlet at the end... the scene in which they kill each other? (The whole 'poison-tipped foil' ruse..)
Kind of an interesting choice name choice...

Screen Name (Figrin D'an):
Orc name - Sharrot the Depraved
Hobbit name - Freddy Maggot from Gamwich
Elf name - Vardamel (Vardamelion) (means "Exhalted Friend")
Dwarven name - Vrór Clayboot
What am I - an annoying Stone-troll :lol (Yup, that's me...)

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 2nd, 2002, 05:11:11 PM
Pushbag the crippler

Daisy Boffin from Needlehole


Marin Coalshield

I was a Tragic Rohirrim? What -is- that? LOL

Khan Surak
Mar 2nd, 2002, 05:18:31 PM
Real Name:
Orc name - Gordúsh the Devastator
Hobbit name - Bob Baker from Pincup.
Elf name - Mordagnir or Mordagnirion
Dwarven name - Rorin Snowhammer
What am I - A Powerful Orc (great.)

Screen Name: Khan Surak
Orc name - Kurgork the Cleaver (say that 5 times fast)
Hobbit name - Milo Greenhand from Binbale Wood.
Elf name - Enfuin or Enfuinion
Dwarven name - Nerin Lightningeye
What am I - Respected Stoor(what is a stoor?)

Screen name - Josher Nidan
Orc name - Muzkrut the Sneaky
Hobbit name - Erling Proudfoot from Standelf
Elf name - Mordil or Mordilion
Dwarven name - Bóin Rubyskin
What am I - Treacherous Wood-Elf. (yesh!)

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 2nd, 2002, 06:22:04 PM
Stoor = Halfling

Rohirrim = The Riders of Rohan, allies to Gondor

Now I'll sit down and do some translations :)

Mar 2nd, 2002, 06:47:25 PM
Real Name:

Orc: Zaglakh the Grim
Hobbit: Ferdinand Grenthumb from Gamwich
Elf: Lintelossion
Dwarven: Lîm Tombrage
Evil Bounder


Orc: Thrakbog the Blood-Axe
Hobbit: Harding Sandyman from Greenfields
Elf: Baranhirion
Dwarven: Farin Marblelaughter
Cowardly Took

Eldrak Gruuhl (Ogre's real name/Clone's name):

Orc: Púshbog the Depraved
Hobbit: Hugo Sandyman from Nobottle
Elf: Phersirion
Dwarven: Narin Claylaughter
Feared Took


Orc: Golthak the Dirty
Hobbit: Drogo Brownlock from Tuckborough
Elf: Burzraukoion
Dwarven: Glóin Elfmail
Daring Orcling

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Mar 2nd, 2002, 07:23:21 PM
RL Name:
Orcish:Bagzag the Squasher
Hobbit:Holman Gamwich from Brandy Hall
Elvish:Perquárë, Perquárëion
Dwarven:Varin Skyarm
I was:Loathsome Ranger

Ron Thrawn:
Orcish:Lugkrish the Raider
Hobbit:Balbo Hornblower from Hobbiton
Elvish:Erkal, Erkalion
Dwarvish:Káin Craftyvisor
I was:Hideous Mûmak.

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco:
Orcish:Ugsnack the Cleaver
Hobbit:Bodo Ploughman from Overhill
Elvish:Vorweth, Vorwethion
Dwarven:Porin Diamondanger
I was:Nassssty Cave-Troll

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 2nd, 2002, 07:38:08 PM
Okay.... I'll just edit this post as I get the translations done

Ogre RL Elvish : Singer of the Stars, One whom sings to the Stars
Ogre Elvish : Brown Haven - I have no idea what that would allude to
Eldrak : Beaten me. Pher- I cant find a translation to
SWFans : Burzraukoion doesnt work either. I dub thee Kal-bar, The Shining Dwelling, one where one has refuge from evil of Ezboard.

Khan Surak RL : Mordagnir, Black Battle "Black Fighter"
Khan Surak : Land of Gloom
Josher Nidan : Mordil, Black One

Mr President : Melgolloion, Precious Gift of the Elves

Lady Vader Elvish : Red-Horn Maiden

Garrett Blade
Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:30:33 PM
Figrin D'an:

Just thought I'd let you know. In the final scene of Hamlet, it is Polonius' son, Laertes, who fights the Hamlet. I love that story! Hamlet is my favourite Shakespeare character along with Iago from Othello.

Lady Vader
Mar 3rd, 2002, 01:39:22 AM
<center>.....Real name.....

Orcish Name:
Globbad the Grim

Hobbit Name:
Estella Hedgeworth from Brandy Hall

Elven Name:
Feminine versions are:
(Translation: none as of yet)

Dwarven Name:
Rundin Tombfoot

What was I?:
Mischievious Dark-Elf

.....Character name.....

Orcish Name:
Wurrkrut the Looter

Hobbit Name:
Dora Proudfoot from Overhill

Elven Name:
Feminine versions are:
(Translation: Red-horn Maiden)

Dwarven Name:
Dwalin Sandbrow

What was she?:
Friendless Wood-Elf</center>

Interesting facts...

When I put in my real name without my middle name, my Orcish name was Ghazhósh the Blacktooth. And when I put in Lady Vader instead of her first and last name, her Orcish name was Shagwakh the Blacktooth. Maybe I'm more like her than I thought. :lol As it is, that whole being an elf thing between the two of us is creepy. :lol

Oh, and when I put Lady Vader as the name to see what she was, it said Beautiful Spirit. Definitely in some other parallel universe. :lol

Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:17:46 AM
RL name

Orcish: Bôrkû the Squasher

Hobbit: Togo from Grindwall.

Elven Name: Ainathoronion

Dwarven:Pîm Rockholder

What were you?: Confused Olog-hai

Figrin D'an
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:33:32 AM
Originally posted by Garrett Blade
Figrin D'an:

Just thought I'd let you know. In the final scene of Hamlet, it is Polonius' son, Laertes, who fights the Hamlet. I love that story! Hamlet is my favourite Shakespeare character along with Iago from Othello.

That's right... now I remember.
I last read that play about 6 years ago... some of the details got mixed up. That makes sense, because it's Hamlet that killed Laertes, and Polonius wanted revenge...
Fortinbras was the Prince of Norway then... the one who arrived after the fight, cleaned up the mess and bascially claimed Denmark as his own since Hamlet, his mother and his uncle were all dead...

'k... it's all clear now. :)

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:39:41 AM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
That makes sense, because it's Hamlet that killed Laertes, and Polonius wanted revenge...

O_o I don't think thats right. I may be a blonde at heart, but I DO know that Polonius died before Laertes and then Ophelia commited suicide because of that(and some argue that she was also preggerz and Hamlet dumped her, so that was another factor). Laertes wanted revenge for both deaths, and decided to go with Hamlet's Uncle's plan to poison the tip of his sword, without the blunt bead thingie on it. That way it would pierce his skin and poison him and he'd die. Unfortunately, Hamlet countered with Laertes' own sword and both died by the same poisoned tip.

Figrin D'an
Mar 4th, 2002, 02:03:43 AM
Yeah... I switched the names... Hamlet kills Polonius, and Laertes wanted revenge... not the other way around...

That's what I get for trying to type when I'm half-comatose... :)

I do know that Fortinbras was the Norwegian prince that shows up at the end... I know I'm right about that, and that's the only information I really needed.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 4th, 2002, 11:10:48 PM
RP Name: Sia-lan Darkheart
Orc: Gutzag the Choker
Hobbit/halfling: Marigold Sackville from Tighfield.
Elven: Alaksulëien
Dwarf: Fili Elfrage
I am a: A Repectfull Elf. :)

RL Name: ....... .......
Orc: Búrzkû the Crippler
Hobbit/halfling: Diamond Bushey from Scary.
Elven: Vehirien
Dwarf: Frór Saphirearrow
I am a: Lonely Wood-Elf.

Hm intresting...o_O

Mar 4th, 2002, 11:46:15 PM
Let us haste to hear it,
And call the noblest to the audience.
For me, with sorrow I embrace my fortune:
I have some rights of memory in this kingdom,
Which now to claim my vantage doth invite me.


For Figrin :)

Hamlet is may favorite, second only to Richard III

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 5th, 2002, 12:25:39 AM
I absolutely loved A Midsummer Night's Dream. I have to read it again sometime. :)

Mar 5th, 2002, 01:11:15 AM
*Real Name:

Orcish: Golhâk the Mean

Hobbit: Lobelia Willow from Overhill.

Elf: Ringramwen

Dwarven: Thorin Redslinger

What were you: Ring-wearing Ranger of Ithilien

*Hera DrenKast:

Orcish: Gâbbad the Despot

Hobbit: Ruby Hedgeworth from Haysend.

Elf: Alakréd

Dwarven: Fili Brickfeet

What were you: Stuttering Oathbreaker.

*Estelle Russard:

What were you: Incognito Elf.

*Kajeela Tarruurri:

What were you: Unwanted Hill-troll. (*cries)

Morag Prime (Altina Davel Tostramo)

What were you: Dancing Haradrim.

*Ilyarna (Ilyarna d'al' Tuan)

what were you: Annoying Haradrim.

*Arlon Nomura (male)

what were you: Feared Bird-tamer.

how odd O_o :)

Figrin D'an
Mar 5th, 2002, 01:52:20 AM
Originally posted by DarthHERA
Let us haste to hear it,
And call the noblest to the audience.
For me, with sorrow I embrace my fortune:
I have some rights of memory in this kingdom,
Which now to claim my vantage doth invite me.


For Figrin :)

Hamlet is may favorite, second only to Richard III

Thank you. :)

I remember briefly discussing the how Fortinbras and Hamlet sought revenge by completely different means... both want to avenge the deaths of their fathers... and how Fortinbras determination to fight for honor helped to influence Hamlet to seize an opportunity for revenge against his Uncle if one presented itself. Then, the final irony that, in the end, Hamlet and Fortinbras proved to be more alike than different in that the both were willing to die to preserve the honor of their fathers. And Fortinbras, upon learning of Hamlet's tragic end, acknowledges Hamlet's need to defend his father's name and choses to honor his sacrifice... honoring the son of the man that killed his own father.

Anyway... I guess the name generator needed to pull some names from some other literary sources besides Tolkien's work. :)

Morgan Evanar
Mar 5th, 2002, 02:05:28 AM
Orcish: Grimghash the Basher
Elvish: Carananoonion
Hobbit: Orgulas Burrows from Grindwall
Dwarven: Balin Mithrilspear
I was a: Forgotten Noldor

Complete IRL name...
Orcish: Wazgob the Pug-nose
Elvish: Firmellonion
Hobbit: Mosco Gold from Pincup
Dwarven: Palin Silentnose
I was a: Ale-drinking Nazgûl

For Morgan:
Orc: Ruzkûl the Bad-Moon
Elf: Engwaeregion
Hobbit:Reginard Hill from Dwaling
Dwarf: Nori Gravefeet