View Full Version : Cures for depression

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 1st, 2002, 09:40:59 PM
Anyone got any - cures that is, not depression, of which I have an abundance and would gladly give it away for a smile.

This is really just for general discussion - have you ever been seriously depressed before? What depresses you? How often do you get depressed? What makes you happy?

Just some questions to ponder on. I'm not being nosey, just trying to establish a foundation for discussion which would seriously help me out right now.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 1st, 2002, 09:49:17 PM
Oh little things bother me! And when there's too many little things, I get very weepy. I think too much is what I'm told, and I think myself into a depression. Like this for example.

Someone says "Nice shirt" and and they are normally a person I don't talk to. I think they're teasing me, and I begin to think and think and think of why the hell I wore that shirt, and I think I look like crap. That leads into my thinking I'm ugly, and then that leads into me thinking I'll never get a boyfriend, and then into my thinking that I'll be an old maid! It's a chain effect! With each new thought, I get more and more depressed. Cure? A really good friend that can make you laugh for a prolonged period of time. :D

But there are differences between being "depressed" and seriously depressed. There are some people that are diagnosed with actual medical depression problems. So, the only cure for that sort of thing would be medicine, because Bipolar people don't cheer up easily, and are mostly violent and can be cheerful one moment then ripping your head off the next.

If you're just sad, and not medically depressed, talk to a friend. But if it's the other way, then talk to a shrink and they'll diagnose something that will suit you. Not that I encourage taking meds. I'm one of those people that would rather not get drugged up and end up looking glazed over and drooling onto a bib around my neck. lol

Mar 1st, 2002, 09:50:11 PM
I drink alot and listen to country music and blues.

It doesn't sound very therapeutic, but you'd be suprised. You realize that no matter how down in the dumps you are, that you're pretty fortunate nonetheless, and things really aren't that bad.

When I finish drinking, I put on something carefree, like Jimmy Buffett

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 1st, 2002, 09:52:20 PM
I would probably drink, but I'm underaged and can only get a hold of it once in a while when my friends have some huge party. ;) But then I end up regretting things and start thinking too much again! lol It would turn into a never ending cycle. O_o

Mar 1st, 2002, 09:53:35 PM
I generally don't get too depressed. This summer was baad for me though (Grandmother dying, working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, and enduring long distance relationship blues.) But aside from that, I keep a pretty high spirit. I'm not the best looking guy out there, and yeah I need to lose some weight. Yet, I find I'm still imbued with enough ego and healthy narcissism to not let anything get me down.

(shrug) its as close to an optimist that I'll ever get.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 1st, 2002, 09:58:28 PM
I wish I was an optimist. lol I can be cheerful and goofy, but I sure as heck don't think that way unless its for other's. I'll tell someone they'll get through something and believe it, but when I tell myself that I will get through something, my head voice is like "*snicker* Keep dreaming!".

Darth Lynch
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:04:04 PM
Hmmm random things get me depressed at random times, nothing much to it, a bad day and something happens can bring it down.

Often play music myself, just about anything and everything ranging from rock to celtic to opera to anything that interest me and is on my comp of course. Lately been playing the soundtrack of LOTR and it always does a good job to keep up my spirits. Why who can say.

Is there anyone who hasnt been seriously depressed at some time in their life? If so I either envy them for having such a life or pity them for one day they might experience such a tragedy that may bring them crashing down.

Even if got seriously depressed at any times myself usually got important things to do so do not let it bother me much. Got my family, got my health and got some good friends. What does one more need. Even if do get depressed sometimes talking about it can help, if not hear about another persons problems which can put things in pespective and make things not seem so bad. If can help them even better.

One thing about depression. It goes away, it does not last forever, much like winter it fades into spring. From cold does come the warm and all things are made once more. Time is all that is required and from that all things are made possible and hope may shine anew.

Alec Lafeyette
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:18:53 PM
All I can say is depression sucks, especially when you have no real friend that can cheer you up and cure it. It's so depressing to think that I'm turning into my dad.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:21:32 PM
*shudders at the thought of turning into her mother* Oh God, I'd rather skin myself with a tooth pick than turn into her.

But anyways, if anyone ever needs to talk to someone, or even yell at someone, you can do so with me on my AIM. It's LordessHeaven for those who are too lazy to check the profile. :D I'm a good listener, and some say I have good advice, although I wish I could follow my own sometimes lol.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:22:28 PM
I've been getting depressed a lot recently. I think too much. I'm an optimist, a pessimist and a realist in one, I fluctuate like British weather. The way it usually works for me is if I am unhappy with something about myself, that starts it all off, in this case it's probably performance in school. I was like, the best, at most academics in my year, without exagerrating - that was a couple of years ago. Then I just discovered a pattern to my days, each day would be the same, uneventful and mundane. My mind was literally numb from boredom and dissatisfaction.

This lead to me just not going to school when parents thought I was and teachers thought I was off ill - just for the rush - then naturally, I'd have to start doing it occassionally in order to catch up on all the work I'd missed. The snowball effect was well underway. But on top of that, you have all other crap like friends and relatives arguing over truely petty and unimportant issues. That is what is most frustrating for me, when people get upset about things that aren't important because I believe the most important thing in life is to be happy. So you can imagine how I feel about being depressed.

I also hate whining about it - but when you get stuck in these ruts you kinda try to claw at the sides but you seem to get yourself deeper as opposed to getting out of it. After all this, my mind begins to wander and I think about all the negative things about my life and all else seems distant, especially the positive things.

The things that make me truely happy are being with my 6 year old sister and listening to music:- typically feel-good stuff like "That's the Way it is" by Celine Dion and "Hand in my Pocket" by Alanis Morrisette. That's when I begin to think to myself, what is the point in feeling bad about anything? Isn't it completely unproductive and unneccessary? I think not. I think to get depressed and sad every now and then is very important in defining a person and making them strong. I get stronger day by day. Then I read this poem:

<CENTER>From tomorrow on I shall be sad;
From tomorrow on, not today.
Today I will be glad and everyday,
No matter how bitter it may be,
I shall say:
"From tomorrow on I shall be sad
Not today."

Written by an unknown child at a Nazi death camp</CENTER>

That is when I remember how damn fortunate I am and realise I am blessed and loved. Because we should never forget there's always tomorrow - so I think to myself: "Tomorrow I will go out with a smile on my face, head held up high and I'll make everyone around me happy and feel good about themselves. Because for standing by me all this time, they deserve it."

Having a good friend keeps me sane. And I try to make them as happy as possible and that makes me feel good about myself. And I remember that everyone has someone watching over them, and someone who loves them, someone who'll cheer them up and someone who'll listen. It's so easy to forget how fortunate we all are but then if we take a moment to look around and see what's really there all reason for sadness and tears die away and what's left is this warm feeling inside with which one can go to bed with a smile and dream until the next day.

Goodnight peeps. :)

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:32:05 PM
That's a very good poem. I'll have to start reading it when I'm down. I don't know how well it will work though. *shrugs* Might work, since it's very deep. Worth a shot! :) But goodnight Loki.

And about the school thing, I know how that is. But don't let it turn into a habit, because it'll bring down your grades drastically. It has with mine, and I am struggling to bring it back up so that I can graduate this year as planned. I used to get mostly A's in all of my classes, but it's turned into a range from C-'s to A's depending on how well I like the class and the teacher. Don't do a HaeLari and do that though! Get your butt to school and just think that there's always the light at the end of the tunnel. Force yourself to get up and go, even if you really don't want to. In the long run, it will help you greatly.

Mar 1st, 2002, 10:49:59 PM
I trip to Hottopic makes me happy.....but since there isn't one of those close.......I usually take joys in pissing other people off. That's a whole lot of fun. Ya!

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:54:08 PM
Hugs from someone you love or are friends with are good.

Live Wire
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:58:42 PM
I can totaly relate to the whole school thing. Ive always been a good student but I found myself getting into this routine and I felt like a robot just going to school, doing hw, going to bed and doing it all over again the next day and I didnt find satisfaction in it and so I ended up just not doing homework and ditching school. Stuff like that. I guess I had to find something that I could do for myself and no one else. Thats when I really started dancing and writing. I needed to do something to relieve the stress and give me something I found satisfying.

But what helps me when Im depressed is well one knowing that I have friends that love me and care about me and knowing that no matter what life has thrown at me to this point Ive made it through. I went through some dark times in my life and Ive found that if you have friends and if you believe in yourself then you can do anything. Sometimes music can cheer me up or a funny email. It depends on whats getting me down. But the best thing in the world is having friends. And I feel happy when I know that I have friends both IRL and online. Its a good feeling to know that people far away wonder how you are doing and if you're okay. The boards really are a special thing.

I also like making other people smile. It makes me happy to know that my friends are happy. Sometimes all of us need to take a moment to just think about the good things in our lives and smile. The other day I was exhausted when I left school, I had a late rehersal and I walked to my car and I just looked up at the pretty blue night sky and thought about the great things I had in my life and after that I felt calm and peaceful and not as tired. Sometimes its an effort to focus on the good and not the bad but it feels so good when you do.

Khan Surak
Mar 1st, 2002, 11:43:59 PM
I am rarely depressed. I usually show my discomfort at something through rage, and because of that I have a very short temper. For some reason being by myself and listening to music, most often in a car, I become depressed and angry at everything. I suppose it is because I am able to clear my mind of all the fluff and think about all the bad things in my life.

Sometimes I just snap and go slightly mad, roaming my house looking for things to hit and break. I have had to pay for repairs on several pieces of furniture and a new rake and shovel because of this. Yelling usually preceeds the violence, and I'm not sure why it all happens.

On occasion I am what you might call 'depressed' and usually I go to sleep or read a book. Books, I have found, can remove all of one's problems and all cares in the world. Though the problems return, one is more focused and sees the problem more clearly than before. It works very well.

Whichever the reason, I am well aware that all humans are essentially weak when it comes to emotions, and I am aiming to improve my control over mine.

Mar 2nd, 2002, 01:32:29 AM
The only cure for depression that I've found is simply going to sleep. Since dreams are supposed to be the dumping ground for your psyche, I figure it all gets worked out while I'm unconscious. :)

Mar 2nd, 2002, 01:59:29 AM
Speaking of Dreams can anyone tell what this means.

I had a dream and there where 3 spiders........I killed two of them with bug spray, but the third one jumped up and bit me on the neck......then I killed it. Then I wake up. I figure there is some deeper meaning to that, but im hard pressed to think of it.

Darth Viscera
Mar 2nd, 2002, 04:46:54 AM
have you ever been seriously depressed before?
Every day of my life for the last 3 years.

What depresses you?
Contemplating my own ineptitude, the knowledge that my life is only getting worse, wondering what I'll do if this trend keeps up my entire life. Knowing that your sleep patterns are completely out of wack with that of the rest of the time zone. The realization that the world is wholely chaotic, and you just can't do anything to fix everything, no matter how hard you try. The thoughts are random, and then it's as if you're trapped in a labyrinth of despair, and you just begin screaming, or yelling your own name-and you can't understand why, nor can you stop it.

What makes you happy?
Not really happy per se, things just take your mind off your depression for a time. Talking with friends, thinking about hobbies, going outside and taking in a breath of fresh air, the knowledge that you've just done something right. Knowing that you've made someone else happy. 100mg Fluovoxamine makes my range of moods less dynamic.

Aura Munroe
Mar 2nd, 2002, 04:56:13 AM

Sith Ahnk
Mar 2nd, 2002, 08:53:53 AM
I drink alot

Ah, the wonder cure! :lol

Mar 2nd, 2002, 09:30:26 AM
What depresses you?
Don't start me off :)

Vinny Red
Mar 2nd, 2002, 03:12:42 PM
Rama : You're gonna be Spiderman!!!

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:46:46 PM
Something that causes depression- My brother finding out something about me that he can use as blackmail. He blackmails me but goes back on his word of keeping it a secret.

Cure? I have no clue.........

Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:30:45 AM
Originally posted by Vinny Red
Rama : You're gonna be Spiderman!!!


Spider man......Spider man......does whatever a spider can, spins a web any size, catches theives any size!!!!

Back on subject......I also have a weird case of depression........well if you could really call it that, im sure some quack somewhere would. But it's more of the sme thing that makes me happy, also makes me sad. It's werid. In fact I have one image, that makes me grin so big that I can't hardly stand it, and at the same time it makes me have a really bad feeling in my stomach that kinda leads to me being sad. It's a double edged sword really.