View Full Version : Master Scorpion? (NR)

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 1st, 2002, 07:37:58 PM
What variations are there to the NRSF Rail Gun now?

Jyanis Scorpion
Mar 7th, 2002, 01:09:49 PM
I am not sure I am the right person to be asking, but I'll give it a go. Sorry I took so long to reply. You'd probably have better luck with Morgan. And I'm pretty sure I've skipped a couple.

Railgun Model A - older version

Railgun Model B - increased ammo capability (I think it's something like 20 or 30 rounds, I'm not sure.) **Special ConH2O Ammo Available**

Minigun - most destructive so far, 1000 rounds per box (?).

NK-90 SAW - resembles the Minigun but is more suited for personal use.

Assault Shotgun - very simple, it's a shotgun with about 12 rounds of highly destructive ammo. Advanced targeting slightly compensates for lack of accuracy.