View Full Version : Knocking at Destiny's door.......

Shade Magus
Mar 1st, 2002, 02:09:54 PM
Shade ran through the streets of a town on one of the planets in the Hapan system. It would be fitting for this turn of events to take place in a warrior system. He skidded to a stop as he saw a familiar figure in front of him. They walked towards each other and before either knew it they were standing in front of each other. Shade looked at his brother and Yurza did likewise. They measured each other and then nodded.

"We will fight away from here.....follow me."

Shade turned and began to walked north towards a small secluded area that he had chosen himself for this fight. The two brothers walked in silence as they left the city. It was a two mile hike and every once and awhile, Shade looked over his shoulder to find his brother watching him closely. He could see the impatience in Yurza's face, but the warrior said nothing. As they neared the site, Shade's heart began to beat faster and faster. He feared the on coming scenes, but they had to pass. He walked forward and they turned to face his brother. They were surrounded by huge trees and large boulders. It would give them enough room to fight and enough fuel for projectiles.

"Yurza.....you know we don't have to do this...we could leave this here and now. What reason is there for us to fight? We both know the destruction and pain that it will cause. Isn't there some other way? If we fight here and now we will be the cause for the destruction of so many planets and so many lives will be lost. Why do we have to fight? Give me a reason."

Shade watched his brother as he spoke. He could see Yurza's mind as he flew across the answers and struggled with them. This was a good sign, maybe nothing would come to pass after all. Then it happened, he saw the anger flash across his brother's face and he knew what would happen. He closed his eyes and searched the Force for the signatures of his freind, but most of all for Xazor's. He sent out a message as he reached up and touched the necklace of his beloved.

I love you Xazor, and I am sorry it had to turn out this way

OOC: i don't care if anyone joins this, but i already have the outcome of it planned, so don't do anythign to tryand change it. thanks.

Master Yurza
Mar 1st, 2002, 08:26:14 PM
::Yurza looked at his brother and closed his eyes. A smirk cam across jhis face and he stood motionless as he spoke::

"There is no other way. This is the only way it can be done, now let's get it over with before I change my mind."

::With no hint of him attacking, the smirk quickly dissapeared and his head flew forward. He caught his brother in the chin with his forehead. He then brought up his left fist and slammed it into Shade's stomach. If he was going to die in this fight atleast he would go out with a bang, and mybe take a little of Shade with him::

"Come on weakling! Let's get it over with!"

::Yurza pivoted on his heel and brought his foot up to Shade's mid-section and caught him there. He looked at his brother and smiled::

"I know those attacks were not enough to harm you. Why are you just standing there? I can feel the darkness inside of you begging to be released. Why do you fight it? Why not let it go and feel the POWER!"

::Yurza leapt into the air and reached behind his back. He grabbed a hold of his lightsaber and brought it around to his front, activating it. Yurza then slashed towards Shade's head::

Xazor Elessar
Mar 1st, 2002, 09:11:02 PM
Xazor was sitting in her favorite place near a beautiful waterfall when a peaceful feeling overcame her. She then heard words from the one she held so dear in her heart......Shade.

I love you Xazor, and I'm sorry it had to turn out this way

She looked down at the blue water and a tear fell from her eye into it. She studied her reflection in it and could see something that no one else could. Always when she looked, she swore she could see Shade holding her in his arms......so strong, yet gentle. She forced a smile and more tears fell.

I love you too Shade......I wish you were here with me now.........

She said back. She was not sure if the words had really belonged to his voice.......or if she was just making up things in her head. Nonetheless, she spoke back to his heart.......hoping with all the hope she could gather, that he heard her....that he felt her..........

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her head and reached her hands up to it. Someone she was close to was in great distress......it was one she had a Force bond with. Alpha, Verse......or Shade. As she thought, another pain shot through her head, and now into her face. She cringed and then suddenly got a mental image. It was a horrible sight........of Shade. He was fighting......


She cried out and rose to her feet, running from her place. She could feel the exact location of them. She knew where she was going.

A little while later she was standing in a great warrior land.......and she suddenly saw him. She saw the one for which her soul longed.....the love of her life.........her beloved.


She spoke through the Force and reached her hand out to him as she stood back and saw Yurza strike at him with his saber. She placed a hand on hers and then thoughts came into her mind.

This is his battle........let him fight it.

The voice was that of her Master.......she took her hand from her saber and walked closer to the fight. She knew that Verse was right....and would not interfere with it. Whatever the outcome was, was controlled by Shade........and the Force....

Shade Magus
Mar 1st, 2002, 09:19:08 PM
Shade closed his eyes and reached for his saber. He lifted it over his head and blocked the attack. It was easy. It was though as he was not there, but it was all a dream. He was watching the fight from the darkest corner of his mind. He pivoted and swung his saber, arcing it to slice at Yurza's feet. He stopped suddenly when he felt another's presence. It was Xazor's. He opened his eyes and looked around. He couldn't see her through his blinding rage, but he knew she was there.


He breathed the name as though it was holy. He stepped back into the Force and began to attack on his won ground, and not defend. As he didn so he not only began to gain ground in the fight, but he began to feel a tug. A tug of darkness, and it was tempting to reach in and draw off the power, if only to save himself and the ones he loved.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 1st, 2002, 09:28:01 PM
Xazor reached out with her soul to open his eyes.

I want you to see me.......

She said through the Force. She could feel a darkness slowly beginning to consume his aura.....and she knew she could not do anything about it. Standing there, watching them, she suddenly let her aura show. It physically glowed around her. She looked like an angle. Clad in her beautiful blue robes......her long blonde hair fell around her shoulders. Pieces gently laced her face. She appeared almost as a porcelain figurine, standing there as he breathed her name.

Did you ever know, you're my hero?

She closed her eyes and spoke calmly to him through the Force, illuminating her aura even more. She let the goodness flow right out of her body and into his mind.

Destiny is knocking, Shade.......do not give into the darkness........but do not hold back for my sake......

She opened her eyes and gently looked on Shade. How badly she wanted to look into his eyes one last time.........before he would be someone else.

Master Yurza
Mar 1st, 2002, 09:42:50 PM
::Yurza smiled as he brought his sabewr down to meet his brothers. He could feel the darkness slowly consuming him, but he could also feel something else. Something he had not felt in a long time, but where was it coming from? He dismissed the thoughts as he blocked another slash from his brother. HE jerked forward and they stood face to face with their sabers locked::

"Come on Shade...what are you holding back for? You knwo what is inside of you. The same blood that runs through my veins also flow through yours. You are just resisting the ineviteable."

::Yurza pushed his brother back and then used the Force to throw him up against a tree. He banged him several times until he saw blood beginning to trickle out of his mouth. He reached out and he could feel Shade as he began to fall back into the darkness even more. He smiled. Yes he would be gone, but atleast the Sith would have another that could replace him::

"Come on brother! Attack me! Strike me down!"

::Yurza ran at his brother with his saber held high. He jumped into the air and slashed at the tree and slid down, his blue blade slicing the tree. If Shade did not move then this would be the end and they both knew what would happen::

Xazor Elessar
Mar 1st, 2002, 09:50:53 PM
Xazor's aura began to slowly fade as her anger began to rise. She gritted her teeth and growled lowly to herself.


She cried out to him, though she knew she could not interfere.

Shade Magus
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:00:17 PM
Shade felt Xazor's words and could see her in his mind's eye. He felt the blood trickle down his neck, but he cared for none of this. He only cared for Xazor. He released his hold on everything. Light and darkness filled him. He shouted at the top of his lungs. He felt the dark over come him and he brought his saber up to meet his brother's. He pushed back with the Force and threw him away.

"Back off! I will not take orders anymore! I will do this my way!"

Shade jumped to his feet and flung his hand out and Yurz flew into it. He grabbed his brother and threw him over his head and onto the ground.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:05:45 PM
Xazor could feel the darkness overtaking him even more as he spoke. She knew his good intentions for her.........but she knew that he could not do this without the darkside.

Use the Force Shade.......I am here for you not matter what happens......

She reassured him through the Force. She wanted him to know most of all that even if he turned to the darkside, she would still love him.


She whispered from her soul to his.....

Master Yurza
Mar 4th, 2002, 08:11:50 PM
::Yurza landed with a thud and opened his eyes. He reached up and grabbed his brother's wrist. He then twisted and lifted his foot up and put it is Shade's gut and shoved. He felt the momentum as it carried them both rolling and Shade ended on his back, with Yurza standing on his stomach. Without missing a beat, Yurza dropped his knew into Shade's face and was satisfied with a crunch of bones::

Shade Magus
Mar 4th, 2002, 09:09:18 PM
Shade spit out his breatyh as Yurza landed on him, but wasted little time in throwing him off with a Force push and rolling backwards into a standing position. He reached up to his face and quickly withdrew his hand. His nose was sensitive from where it had been broke, but Yurz would pay the pice for it. He called his lightsaber and rush his brother as it flew toward him and ignited. He then slashed horizontally across reaching for his brother's chest.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 4th, 2002, 09:30:37 PM
Xazor winced as she saw the hatred that was exchanged between the two. She shook her head, wishing she could change everything that was going on. I am here for you...... She relayed quietly to Shade through the Force.......

Chaos Alexander
Mar 4th, 2002, 10:08:58 PM
::A image appeared behind Xazor. One that always seemed to be near teh area Yurza was. One of Yurza's many friends. The most deadly. The most ruthless. Even Yurza had turned his head when Chaos started his killing spree. A madness lurked behind the grey eyes of this young warrior. What made it even more sick was this madness was controlled. It seemed to even be welcomed.::

"My, My, we are a long way from home little one."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 4th, 2002, 10:23:19 PM
Xazor looked into the dark eyes that were before her. He spoke words of madness to her which pierced her soul.

As long as the Force is in my heart, I am home. So, I am home everywhere......

She said, her voice calm with a hint of love. A new, strange thing that she possessed after being lost for a while....

Chaos Alexander
Mar 5th, 2002, 04:13:25 PM
"I see. Have you came to watch your boyfriend die? I have. Unles she turns to the Dark he will not beat Yurza."

Master Yurza
Mar 5th, 2002, 08:54:08 PM
::Yurza jumped back, moving just out of the way to avoid a deadly blow, but not far enough to avoid getting cut. He looked down as a small red line appeared above his abdominal muscles. He then looked at his brother and smiled::

"Yes......I can feel the anger. Release it. Strike me down NOW!"

::To emphasize his point he thrusted his saber's blazing end at Shade::

Xazor Elessar
Mar 6th, 2002, 07:58:31 PM
Xazor steepled her fingers and took on a peaceful expression as she looked into the eyes of Chaos.

Shade shall do fine. I have full confidence in him......the will of the Force is not for us to determine. Whatever happens was meant to be...so do not even waste your time by trying to bring me to anger.......for your attempts shall only be futile.

She turned her gaze away from the Sith as she watched the battle of light and darkness....she could feel the light slowly diminishing from Shade's aura. She knew that by becoming angry with Chaos, she would have broken her promise.....so she refrained and felt no anger or agression in her soul.......she felt at peace knowing that Shade's choice was his own and only destiny was controlled by the Force.....not the words of another.

Master Yurza
Mar 6th, 2002, 08:56:18 PM
::Yurza smiled as he broke through Shade's defense's, but before either knew it they were face to face. They looked into each other's eyes and could see the hatred there going::

"Come on brother.....what are you waiting for?"

::Yurza pushed forward, but could not gain ground. He was revlieved when he realized Shade could not gain either. It was a stand off for now::

Shade Magus
Mar 10th, 2002, 09:23:41 PM
Shade let his strength down for a moment so that Yurza would come towards him. As his brother did He brought up his left knee into Yurza's gut. He then ead-butted him as he doubled over.

"I wait for no one! Not anymore!"

Shade then grabbed his brother by the collar of the shirt and pulled him forward.

"The question is what are you waiting forward? You know there is no way you can win so why not just go ahead and DIE!"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 11th, 2002, 10:13:00 PM
Standing beside Chaos, she winced as she watched the fight. She could feel Shade falling deeper and deeper into the darkness. She used the Force to send a wave of love to him through the necklace he was wearing......the one she had given to him. She smiled gently in his mind as he battled on.

Do not forget me.......please.......

She said in his mind. Closing her eyes for a moment, she recalled all of the times they had spent together. She smiled to herself as she opened her eyes again and watched on......

Shade Magus
Mar 12th, 2002, 08:07:38 PM
Shade threw Yurza back and could see the anger in his poor rother as it welled up. He then reached forward with his lightsaber and slashed at him. Yurza blocked and countered, but it to was blocked. It when on like this for a few moments before Shade lost all his nerve and just lost his control.

"This is ridiculous. Begone now!"

Shade attacked by pivoting on his left heel and slashing wide, but was blocked. Unfortunately Yurza didn't see his brother's next attack and it peirced his body. He watched as his brother stumbled back and grabbed his chest. He let out a smile. He had succeed. He was victorious. He raised his head and let out a vitorious scream.

"I have done it! I have become the strongest! Now the universe will kneel before me!"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2002, 08:13:16 PM
Xazor looked down and shook her head. She let out a soft sigh and folded her hands.

I suppose, in a way, you were right.....

She said to Chaos through the Force. She looked up at Shade and saw the darkness totally engulf his soul.

Today, my beloved did die.....he let the darkness fill his soul and it killed him...

She said quietly to him again. Silently she stood there as she looked on. Yurza was now defeated, and Shade had what he wanted. Ran began to fall lightly on them and it washed the blood on the ground together and it appeared there was more there than could have come from one body. There was a pit in Xazor's stomach and a tear fell from her eye. She knew that she could not have interferred with Destiny, though.......

Master Yurza
Mar 12th, 2002, 08:22:35 PM
::Yurza fell to the ground. He could not believe that the fight was over that quick. He could also not believe the power that he felt coming from Shade. Whatr had he done? What had he created? Shade would be more ruthless than anyone else this galaxy had ever seen. How could he have done this?::

"Don't....don't...count your chickens before they hatch.....my...dear brother.........I still havbe one more tri....trick....up my sleeve......."

::Saying this he lifted his hands and let himself fall completely to the darkside. He had been reading on some fine techniques and it was time he used one. It was a technique trhat his master was adept at and that he had researched. Walking into different dimensions was a tricky business so he had to do it right. He began to use the last of his energy to begin to open a portal. He knew that if one person went through another would come out. He just hoped it would be someone that could defeat his brother::

Shade Magus
Mar 12th, 2002, 08:35:38 PM
Shade watched his brother for a moment before he realized what was going on. He was opening a portal and was planning on ging there or sending Shade there. He started towards Yurza, but could not get there. He watched as the hole in time and space opened up. He felt it pull at him. He slide towards it. About half of his body wnet in and at that moment he was changed. He sw the horrors that lied past that rift. He reached into the Force and used all his strength to walk out.


He then watched as his brother slide into the portal. He tried to reach out, but could not. Then there was a blinding light. He looked up\, but his vision was blurred for a moment. The when he could see, he stood up and stumbled backwards. There in front of him, wa a person that looked exactly like him, but he did not feel right. What was going on?

Xazor Elessar
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:46:53 PM
Xazor felt a strange disturbance in the Force. She looked up from the ground and almost fell backwards in shock. She saw two of the one she loved. She didn't know what to think.....she had not seen what had caused it....but guessed it was a portal thing. She had seen things like this before.....but never thought it would happen here, not now......

Chaos Alexander
Mar 16th, 2002, 04:01:25 PM
::Chaos smiled a wicked smile. He laughed insanly at what he saw. He shouted for all to hear.::

"Behold! The Fallen Jedi is scarred! Shade the Fallen! Shade the Ruthless! Shade the Killer.."

::Chaos smiled as he felt the darkness washing over.::

"Most of all....Shade the Dark."

Shade Magus
Mar 17th, 2002, 04:42:48 PM
Shade looked on in confusion. What was he seeing? What was going on? How could there be two of him?

"What the hell?"

Shade then walked over and grabbed the other by his throat and lifted him off the ground. His rage was overboiling now.

"Who are you?! How dare you try to inpersonate me!"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:03:04 PM
Xazor looked over at Chaos. She couldn't believe what he was saying.

How could you be so full of darkness?

She questioned and then turned her glance back at Shade.

I don't understand......there is two of him but one seems completely filled with darkness where the other......

She shook the thoughts from her head and turned back to Chaos.

Why must you try to make things worse?

She said, folding her hands at her belt. She felt the hatred from him growing for her. It made her feel uncomfortable and she her right hand across her body to rest on the hilt of her saber....just in case.....

Magus the Dark
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:54:04 PM
Magus looked around for a moment of confusion. One moment he had been fighting some stupid Jedi Knight and then he wa he staning in front of, well, in front of himself. How could this be possible? He was ready to taste victory. What kinda trick is this? Before he could say a word though, the other lashed out and grabbed him by the throat. Before thinking, Magus shoved his hand forward and Force pushed the other away.

"How darw you! Don't you knwo who I am?! I am Shade Magus......the deadliest Sith in the galaxy, and you another Dark one would dare attack me?! Are you insane or just plain stupid?"

Shade Magus
Mar 18th, 2002, 09:23:13 PM
Shade felt his face twist in rage.

"Dark one?! Who the hell are you calling a dark one?!"

Shade jumped to his feet and ignited his lightsaber once more. he stood with his feet shoulder length apart.

"Come on! We'll see who the strongest is!"

Shade ran at the other and slashed downwards only to have his attack blocked by the stranger's now drawn lightsaber.

Magus the Dark
Mar 20th, 2002, 02:48:47 PM
Magus held his own against his attacker. There was no way that he would allow an imposter to defeat him. When he got back to the council he would report this preson to the Sith Lords. He pushed back with his saber and lunged forward. His attack was blocked at the last oment and then the clone thing attacked him, which he blocked.

What is going on here? How is it possible for this to be happenning?

These thoughts and more kept running through his head. Magus then brought his saber back around for a midsection slash, only to be blocked again. Before the other could try another attack, Magus used the Force and threw a rock at him. It knocked him in the head and caused him to falter. Then Magus threw him back against a tree and used vines to tie him there.

"Now stand down and answer my questions! Who are you, and where are you from?!"

Chaos Alexander
Mar 21st, 2002, 08:09:18 PM
::Chaos had to keep from falling over with laughter.::

"The Strongest Sith? It seems to me that we have a Sith as weak as Shade!"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 21st, 2002, 08:37:53 PM
Silence to you!

Xazor turned quickly to Chaos and spoke. She shook her head and shifted her eyes back to the fight. She was not angry, just upset. His taunting words had to stop.....it was making everything worse. She looked down at the ground and a tear fell from her eye and ran down her cheek. It was true, now Shade was different.....forever. She sighed as she thought of all their happy times together...then suddenly her thoughts were interrupted and she snapped back to reality. She looked up at Shade...........both of them. How she wished to leave....but she knew she had to stay.

Shade Magus
Mar 21st, 2002, 09:06:54 PM
Shade sat against the tree and sputtered and spit blood out. His vision blurred, only to come back as soon as it left. He blinked a few moments and after struggling a few moments, decided to comply to the other until he found a way out.

"I am Shade Magus....Jedi Knight, though I doubt they will have me back now.....now answer me this...who are you? The last thing I saw was my brother opening a portal and then you were here...how?"