View Full Version : Changes within (Closed, Christian Lightheart)

Kat Kariena
Feb 28th, 2002, 11:51:58 PM
Kat stood at the edge of a firmillar field, yet the firmillar seemed diffrent now. She was no longer a Jedi. No longer held under the ideals and burdens of them. Oddly enough she felt free, even if this was just her trial to prove she was true to the Empire.

She inhaled deeply and waited for the Jedi. There was no turning back any more. She had made her choice, and now she followed through gladly. Christian Lightheart, my challenge, this shall be an interesting encounter.

Christian Lightheart
Mar 3rd, 2002, 12:56:43 PM
It was calling him; beckoning for him to show up. It had been quietly whispering to him for a while now, but only now did it seem persistent and louder. The call grew stronger with each passing day, but it had never been as strong as this before. Something was calling and he had to answer it.

His Master told him not to and to be patient. "You have a lot to learn yet, Christian. You're not ready," Warren had warned. "But I must go..." Lightheart's master had no choice but to let the young boy go and to let him learn on his own. There was much for Christian to learn about the Force and the ways of the Galaxy. But he had a timid confidence with him, that told him to push on no matter how blind he is to the knowledge everyone else knew.

The call grew stronger and stronger with each turned stone. Lightheart searched and searched, following his instincts and the Force. Finally, it led him into a forest on a foreign planet. Dodging his way through shrubs and trees, he could feel the call grow every nearer. His white hair already beginning to mat down against his forehead with sweat; he walked out into an opening in the forest. Across the filed he could see a shadowed figure, one which gave off a familiar Force presence. Yet it seemed very twisted and vacant.

"Kat..?" he called out, his voice loud enough for her to hear, yet shook.

Kat Kariena
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:37:41 PM
"Surprised, Christian?" she asked, a a hint of laughter in her voice. She had told none of the Jedi she was gone, that would be Christians job when they were through. Her usual expression of calmness went to a dark expression of anger and frustration, "I've called you here for a reason, Jedi. You have a message to take back when I'm done."

Her face went back to a mask of calmness, even though she still felt her anger and frustration towards the Jedi. She send a minor blast of energy in Christians direction. This would be interesting indeed if Warren was his Master.

Christian Lightheart
Mar 3rd, 2002, 02:56:33 PM
The Force blast knocked the white-haired boy back and caused him to stumble to the ground. He skidded back a few feet before stopping himself, the palms of his hands scratching up as they passed over the brushy ground. He stopped and looked across the field at Kat with a look of shock. What is she doing and why?

He could feel a chilling cold come from her. A cold that seemed to have replaced the warmth and protection he had felt from her the first time they met at GJO. She had been a Jedi Knight for longer than Lightheart had been there, and had been on the Jedi Council numerous times. How could someone such as that turn so cold?

Standing up slowly, Lightheart brushed his light blue shirt and white pants off, and began to take a few more steps towards her.

"What are you doing?" he asked in a concerned tone.

Kat Kariena
Mar 3rd, 2002, 03:14:15 PM
Kat's eyes narrowed. "What I was sent to do," she replied i n a chilling tone. "Defend yourself young Christian, or go back to the Jedi in pieces."

She sent another small blast at him. Some small part of her in the back of her mind screamed at her to stop, but she ignored it. Now was not the time to argue with herself. She had left the Jedi behind and her mind, her whole spirit was going to have to accept that, even the smallest part that protested her actions now. She drowned it out with her concentration on the task at hand.

Even if she was no longer a Jedi, she would give the young boy a fair fight.

Christian Lightheart
Mar 10th, 2002, 03:24:19 PM
The Force push hit the young Jedi again, but did not knock him down. He stumbled a few steps back before catching himself. He was ready that time.

Looking up and over at Kat, he spoke out once more. Fighting her was not the first thing he wanted to do.

"Why are you doing this? You had it all... and now you are willing to throw it away?"

It was a sad day indeed. Kat was not playing, either. Slowly, Christian reached behind him and grabbed ahold of his saber hilt. Unclipping it from his belt, he brought it up in front of his chest, but failed to ignite the power. The unavoidable was headed near, and Lightheart was ready.

Kat Kariena
Mar 10th, 2002, 07:28:57 PM
"I had nothing," Kat snapped, her eyes flashing with the fires of anger and hatred, "If I had anything to throw away it was already gone."

Kat pulled out her saber and ignited it. It was ironic in a way. The saber she was using was made by a Sith to replace one she lost long ago as a Jedi. Now, after so long, she was using it like the one who made it.

She made a move slashing at Christian's shoulder, the threatening fire still in her eyes.

Christian Lightheart
Mar 16th, 2002, 11:00:49 PM
With a snap~hiss the sky blue blade shot out, blocking Kat's own attack. He held his weapon there for a second or two, then pushed out in order to creat esome distance between them.

"You threw away your life..."

He spoke, taking a few steps back.

Kat Kariena
Mar 16th, 2002, 11:25:42 PM
"My life was already gone," Kat replied stepping foreward cutting again at his midsection. Her eyes glittered with all the anger and hate she had burried inside for years.

She watched him carefully, trying to keep eye contact with him. There was always something in the eyes that gave them away. If she found it this would be over quickly.

Christian Lightheart
Mar 16th, 2002, 11:37:31 PM
Once again he blocked, but this time instead of pushing out, he pushed forward. Lightheart could see clearly that there was no use in talking to her, and that she made up her mind already. The Dark Side had consumed her, but the young boy would now stop her at any costs from inflicting pain to the galaxy.

Pressing forward, he remembered his life back on Coruscant. It was not too long ago when he had to fight in the back alley ways to save himself from bulley's and the like who use to rob his money. When he learned from the Force and how to handle a saber with tyro abilities, he was able to fend off a pack of those bulleys.

Though Kat had been doing this for many years, and she was very skilled. Gulping his fear down, the young white haird boy breathed in, and attacked Kat. With a quick strike, he slashed out for her neck.

Kat Kariena
Mar 16th, 2002, 11:41:37 PM
Kat's eyes flashed as she steped back and blocked. She then pivoted on her foot and for a split second looked like she was just attacking air before she activated the other end of her saber, angled for a cut to his upper leg. It's not going to be that easy, young Christian, she thought, her eyes never leaving his face.

Christian Lightheart
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:13:15 PM
The Force alerted young Christian, but it came too late. Kat's second blade had already extended and grazed against Lightheart's upper thigh. The burning pain coursed through his leg first, then traveled through the rest of his body.

He jerked back, the pain visible in his face. Allowing the calming aspects of the Force to flow through him, subsiding the pain, Christian readied himself once more. No, this would not be an easy fight, but Lightheart would not go down as easily, either.

Spinning his blade with a flick of his wrist to gain a better grip on his hilt, Lightheart advanced, opening himself up into the Force. His senses had to be keen for this fight, or else he would find himself dead. He slashed upwards, only to be blocked by Kat's upper blade. He then had to quickly defend to his side as the block brought the second of her blades dangerously close to Lightheart's side. Pushing off, he quickly ducked under the first blade, and using this to his advantage, sliced out at her knees with his own saber.

Kat jumped but was met with a high toed boot to her side, knocking her horizontal in mid air. Dodging Kat's stray blades, Christian threw an elbow in her midsection to help her land on the ground quicker.

Kat Kariena
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:30:58 PM
OOC: As much as I hate people doing that, nicely done Christian. ^_^

IC: Kat fell to the ground and deactivating her saber she grabed Christian's elbow and pulled him down, half throwing him beyond her. She pushed herself into an almost backwards summersault and stood again, lightsaber in hand.

She activated her saber again and watched Christian from there.

Christian Lightheart
Mar 24th, 2002, 12:01:58 AM
ooc: Err.. thanks, I guess. :)


The young boy fell hard to the ground, flipping himself so that the brunt of the fall would occur on his back. That worked perfectly, save for one minute detail: the back of his skull landed awkwardly on a sharp and solid rock. For a moment, his eyes went wide then closed with a black coat as his sense of hearing took over. Rolling over once then again to put him back on his back, he heard Kat's saber ignite, waving in the air.

Lightheart moved a shakey hand to the back of his head where he hit, and tentively felt the area. It stung like no other injury has before. Noticable in his wincing, Lightheart brought the bloodied hand in front of his face and brought it to his nose, sniff it and then tasting his own blood. Putrid as it was, he had to make sure it was his blood, for his sight escaped him.

He searched with blind hands for his saber anywhere near by but felt nothing. Slowly he stood, blinking his eyes a few times as a blurry light became clearer.

Kat Kariena
Mar 24th, 2002, 12:09:50 AM
OOC: Welcome. ^_^;;;;;

Kat waited a few seconds before she attacked him again, this time, she didn't use her saber. She gave him a swift sidekick to the abdomen, and, in one fluid motion, jumped into a round kick to his ribs. She didn't want to kill him, not yet, he still had a message to deliever.

Christian Lightheart
Mar 24th, 2002, 12:19:34 AM
He was sent back to the ground from the swiftness of the two kicks. He could feel a throbbing pain from his midsection because of them, but his headache out-numbed it. Shaking his head and blinking a few more times, his vision flickered on and off, before changing to a dull blurriness. He could barely make out the form of the woman, let alone make any sense of his surroundings.

His hand stumbled across a cold metallic item as he fumbled around to steady himself. Grabbing ahold of it, he searched it with his thumb, and glided over a switch of some sort. The familiar snap~hiss of a lightsaber rang in his ears, and now a blueish light added to the slur of colors he could see. Quickly, with a head rush, he stood, and brought his saber in front of his body. Out of pure defense, he began to swing blindly, taking a few steps here and there, picking up small Force signatures coming from Kat.

Kat Kariena
Mar 24th, 2002, 12:25:44 AM
Kat jumped back away from him and blocked a few of his blind cuts. She quickly moved behind him, the blade edge of her hand comming down hard at the base of his neck. She jumped out of the way again incase another blind cut came at her.

Christian Lightheart
Mar 24th, 2002, 12:34:48 AM
The burning sensation from his neck ran through the basse of his skull and back down his spine, branching out into his arms and feet. To make maters worse, the blood still wet from his collision with the rock ate at the fresh flesh fringment. Creaming out in pain, Lightheart, turned around and widely spun his saber trying to slash at anything near by.

He stopped, before falling to one knee out of pain and fear. He was dead without his eyesight, and with the possible concussion from the rock, it made matters a whole lot worse.

"Kat," He began to say, his voice shaken and quiet. "...."

Kat Kariena
Mar 24th, 2002, 12:43:52 AM
Kat looked at Christian ahd her eyes narrowed at him, "I'm not the Kat you once knew. She's dead and gone. Don't bother trying to find her again."

The voice screaming in the back of her head had faded slightly, Kat continued to ignore it. That voice would never have power over her life again.

"I leave you now, young Christian, to give that message to the Jedi."

With that Kat turned on her heel and walked away. Leaving Christian, and the Jedi, behind her.

Christian Lightheart
Mar 24th, 2002, 03:02:04 PM
She spared his life, for reasons unknown save for him to tell the rest of the Jedi. Breathing heavily, he could still feel the blood trickling down his neck and over the fresh burn. His eyesight was slowly returning as he knelt there. Kat walked away, and soon disappeared from sense or anything.

Taking one last breath, the Jedi Padawan slowly stood and made his way back to his craft. He would give the message to the Jedi, and then rest up his wounds.