View Full Version : Darth 23 FINALLY responds ...

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 06:18:35 PM
Here's his response to my e-mail:

Well I'm still pissed about my thread being taken out of the forum where I posted it. I posted it because I thought the people in the BO forum might be interested in it. For me to go to the time and trouble of posting it, then to have it arbitrarily moved to a place where I don't go regularly makes me wonder why I sould bother posting anything at all - since I don't know what's going to happend to a new thread if I start one.

The sig thing is just the final straw. I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to use the same pic I've been using for almost 3 years. - Especially since I have ALWAYS kept my pics and sigs small, and because I remember a time when the board was mostly chaos, and I would suggest to other board members that their pics were too big (we're talkign 100, 150k). Anyway, the power structure didn't seem to give a damn then, now it seem like the 'rules' come out of no where and there's no way to discuss to negotiate possible alternatives once the new Pronouncements are made.

I dont' appreciate feeling a 'subject' who's beign ruled by the lawmakers.

Because I'm not. I'm a CUSTOMER who adds value to the board and helps (I hope) to make it a cool place to check out.

Anyway. since I'm mostly on other boards anyway it's easier for me to just cruise than to try to fight about it.

See ya.

I haven't responded to him yet since I'd like to find out the opinions of the staff first.

PS. For those that don't know, the thread movement he commented on was when Carr tried to move an Ep. 2 thread of his from the BO forum into SW Films and merged it with Qui's. This was way back last year.

Feb 28th, 2002, 06:20:29 PM
Does it matter? Doesn't matter how weak his complaints are, he will dig his heels in

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 06:23:20 PM
I'd still like to respond to him and sort some of it out. He's been a member of the board since before TPM was released and has contributed a LOT to the board - it sucks when you lose an old member over some trivial stuff (IMHO) like this.

Feb 28th, 2002, 06:25:35 PM
BTW, does e know Yog redid his Avatar?

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 06:28:10 PM
I don't know. He's certainly been visiting the board but maybe he missed it. I intend to mention it in my response.

Feb 28th, 2002, 06:51:41 PM
Isn’t it true that at some boards, TFN comes to mind, that you have to select avatars from a list and cannot even use custom ones?

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 06:59:08 PM
Ok. After carefully readin his response I will post my own thoughts here and see what the rest of the staff thinks.

Here we go:

Well I'm still pissed about my thread being taken out of the forum where I posted it. I posted it because I thought the people in the BO forum might be interested in it. For me to go to the time and trouble of posting it, then to have it arbitrarily moved to a place where I don't go regularly makes me wonder why I sould bother posting anything at all - since I don't know what's going to happend to a new thread if I start one.
Firstly, I do admit in hindsight that the episode of the thread being moved and then merged with another poster's thread was slightly bungled. I was away at the time and Carr was on his own to handle it as best he could, so I'm not blaming anyone for it. I think Carr tried to hard to please everybody and ended up satisfying nobody.

Despite that his comments in regards to where he posts things does annoy me:

For me to go to the time and trouble of posting it, then to have it arbitrarily moved to a place where I don't go regularly makes me wonder why I sould bother posting anything at all

To me this reads as though he's saying that because he visits one particular forum over another he's got automatic rights to post it there even if it belongs in another place. In other words another case of 'I can post wherever I like' syndrome.

The sig thing is just the final straw. I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to use the same pic I've been using for almost 3 years. - Especially since I have ALWAYS kept my pics and sigs small, and because I remember a time when the board was mostly chaos, and I would suggest to other board members that their pics were too big (we're talkign 100, 150k).
Now this one makes no sense. We've had our sig and avatar policy in place since December 2000 - that's over a year ago. And now he's rejecting it?

Now of course back then we didn't have the 15kb limit on the avatar, so he may have a case. BUT we've had that limitation in place since late September 2001 - 5 MONTHS AGO. Why oh why is he dissing us for policies which have been around for a fair length of time and never disputed back when they were implemented?

Anyway, the power structure didn't seem to give a damn then, now it seem like the 'rules' come out of no where and there's no way to discuss to negotiate possible alternatives once the new Pronouncements are made.
Well boviously back once upon a time it was Jason who ran the show, and since he hardly had any time for the forums they were pretty much left to the posters' fancy. However now the board is under new ownership who actually do give a damn and has implemented rules to keep things in shape, and now he moans because it's cramping down on his avatar and attempting the keep the place from descending into anarchy???

And as for this statement:

now it seem like the 'rules' come out of no where and there's no way to discuss to negotiate possible alternatives once the new Pronouncements are made.

What's up with that? EVERY rule that has been implemented over the past year or so has been announced and feedback encouraged. If he hates the rules so much why did he never voice his concerns?

I dont' appreciate feeling a 'subject' who's beign ruled by the lawmakers.

Because I'm not. I'm a CUSTOMER who adds value to the board and helps (I hope) to make it a cool place to check out.

Now I'm getting annoyed. The way I'm reading it is that he's basically saying 'I'm a poster who posts regularly. You should respect me and let me do what I want'. Obviosuly the posters contribute to the board and we as the staff respect that, but that doesn't mean that the board becomes their own playground where they're free to do whatever they want, whenever they want.

Anyway. since I'm mostly on other boards anyway it's easier for me to just cruise than to try to fight about it.
Sounds like patting swipe at SWfans before leaving - 'I visit other boards now so take that'.


Obviously in my response I'm going to be a lot more diplomatic, but I wanted to at least voice my own concerns over his response and ask the staff as to whether I'm on the level or not?

Give me feedback please.

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 07:03:11 PM
Isn’t it true that at some boards, TFN comes to mind, that you have to select avatars from a list and cannot even use custom ones?
But here's the thing - TFN never used to allow avatars (or sigs) but now they do with obvious limitations. In other words, they had a strict policy but have loosened it up a bit.

On the other hand, we used to have everything open for all but have since began to crack down on certain elements. In other words, we're getting 'stricter'.

Feb 28th, 2002, 07:14:26 PM
I tend to agree that he sounds as if he is just being somewhat bitter over the fact that because of his longevity he should have the right to do whatever he pleases. And IMO that is not the attitude to take with a board that is moderated. This board is moderated for many reasons, including but not limited to the fact that its being moderated help keep us out of legal problems, and is organized so that people visiting for the first time are able to locate subjects that interest them with relative ease.

I know that I sure hate going to a new board that isn’t well managed when I am searching for something in particular and I am unable to locate it through the particular board’s search features it is doubly aggravating to have to look through each and every forum because topics are not arranged in a logical content structure.

I too find it strange that he picks a time, 5 months later, such as this to start ranting about not being able to use an Avatar he has used for three years, but couldn’t when this board was created. If it was such a big issue, why not raise it when the board first opened?

And I find it highly offensive that he chose to use the word “CUSTOMER” in all uppercase. That word implies to me, in such context, that he paid for a product and is dissatisfied with it. Ummm, hello McFly you didn’t pay for squat and cannot claim to be a customer in my interpretation of the word.

I too don’t like the idea of losing a veteran poster for such a trivial thing, but the logic of his arguments just isn’t really being seen by me hardly at all. I get the impression that he believes he should be able to make his own rules just because he has been coming here this long, yet there are others who have been here just as long who aren’t up in arms about our policies. Seems he is trying to get some attention to me, and its working, as evidenced by the two threads in here dedicated to him and his issues.

I think pointing out that his avatar has been modified to be used on these forums is generally about the only response that I myself would give him, because I have a short temper and would have a difficult time not blasting him for his crybaby attitude. And of course this is all just my opinion.

Feb 28th, 2002, 07:17:00 PM
Originally posted by Champion of the Force

But here's the thing - TFN never used to allow avatars (or sigs) but now they do with obvious limitations. In other words, they had a strict policy but have loosened it up a bit.

On the other hand, we used to have everything open for all but have since began to crack down on certain elements. In other words, we're getting 'stricter'. But our rules are becoming stricter so that all users will have a more enjoyable experiance, or at least that is our intent, much like it is for TFN.

Some poor sorry sap on a 28.8 or even 56 Kb modem would definatley find it much more worth his or her time to open a topic and have it load in under a minute or so, then to have it load in over that amount of time I'm sure.

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 07:25:26 PM
I know Ogre, I know. However in the eyes of certain posters who have found their comfort zone, any change - no matter for what reason - that threatens their zone is automatically bad.

Such is the present case - Darth has had his avatar and sig since forever and he was happy, so he thinks any alteration of it is bad. :rolleyes

Feb 28th, 2002, 07:30:05 PM
It makes me think, since he didn't raise his concern earlier, that the posting of the topic announcing the policy change just brought the idea of his displeasure to it back to the forefront, when in fact he had accepted it previously. Thus giving him a proper place to whine and complain about something he should have mentioned before, in what may have been only an effort to make us (SWFans staff in general) look bad. But who knows. Oh well, there's my input/feedback. :)

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 07:36:03 PM
Guess what!

I managed to locate a thread where he posted his grievance over the Avatar limit ...

... on CoruscantCity.Net. :rolleyes

I haven't found any similar postings on SWFans at all after a check through SW Films, BO, Misc and the Comm forum. I might try and so a search on his username to triple check.

Feb 28th, 2002, 07:45:56 PM
Originally posted by Champion of the Force
Guess what!

I managed to locate a thread where he posted his grievance over the Avatar limit ...

... on CoruscantCity.Net. :rolleyes. Am I understanding this right? He posted a complaint about SWFans policies on another board?

Feb 28th, 2002, 07:47:54 PM
Mu asked why he wasnt replying, he said he thinks hes quit. He didnt start it, but he made sure he said it.

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 07:50:50 PM
He posted a complaint about SWFans policies on another board?
It wasn't an official complaint or anything. Here's the exact message:

In response to a suggestion to move CC.Net to vBulletin.

Surely we could come up with 170 bucks if we needed to.
My change canister had about 40 bucks in it, unfortunately it was stolen a few weeks ago.

I think the new SWfans board stores pics locally on the server. (I'm not really wild about the 15k limit, though).

Here's the link to the thread (it was posted on Sept 26th):


Mu asked why he wasnt replying, he said he thinks hes quit. He didnt start it, but he made sure he said it.
Where was this Reaper?

Feb 28th, 2002, 07:52:56 PM
lol, two then :)

Main area, Mu's thread to him

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 07:53:49 PM
Forget it - I found it just now.

I won't be responding, but do me a favour Reaper - DO NOT get into an argument with him or anything. I hope to resolve this with him peacefully. Please. :)

EDIT: Actually if you want to tell him anything, let him know this (but don't tell him I told you :)):

* Sig and avatar policy been in place since Dec 2000.

* Present avatar limit was implemented in Sept 2001. It was originally set at 10kb, but following a few complaints was upped to 15kb.

* Both of those policies were up for discussion.

You could also direct him to our thread in BO discussing the 'matter'.

But don't let it get out of hand. Despite what some claim I still think there is a bit of anti-SWFans bias there and some may want to take the opportunity to give us a kick. If it does just default and let him know that I have received his e-mail and will be responding to him

Feb 28th, 2002, 08:00:08 PM
Well, I made a very short and non offensive post to the thread you linked stating that the 15 KB avatar limit is something that can be modified in the vBulletin board software/admin control panel.

Feb 28th, 2002, 08:00:18 PM
Dont worry, I have no plans to argue :)

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 08:02:40 PM
Well, I made a very short and non offensive post to the thread you linked stating that the 15 KB avatar limit is something that can be modified in the vBulletin board software/admin control panel.

Arrggh - now Ogre has posted as well. :x

I think that comment Ogre is going to come back and bite us - I'll bet 10 bucks some posters are going to come to the aid of Darth and ask why we didn't alter the policy especially for him. :x

:: sigh ::

Do what you will. I won't be posting there myself.

Feb 28th, 2002, 08:05:31 PM
I have no intention of posting any other replies. I was just standing up for vBulletin software in general, since it looked as though he was bashing vBulletin on the basis of that avatar limitation.

Feb 28th, 2002, 08:05:43 PM
No argument will happen though. We point out Yog made his icon again, still as good but with a smaller size. No leg to stand on then.

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 08:10:43 PM
I have no intention of posting any other replies. I was just standing up for vBulletin software in general, since it looked as though he was bashing vBulletin on the basis of that avatar limitation.
Ok, but I think it kind of undermines our position. To anybody not in the know it suggests that Darth had a problem and we couldn't be bothered to help him (this is despite Yog's edited avatr for him).

I can see it now - Darth will respond like he did in the e-mail he sent me and then others will come in and all agree that SWFans is stillt he corrupt old place they abandoned and that they should continue to villify it, or something. :\

Sorry, got a headache now. I'll keep quiet. :x

Feb 28th, 2002, 08:13:37 PM
I'm not even sure that Darth23 knows that Darth Ogre is in fact an Administrator here, but I could be wrong. Even if they vilify it as you say, its still advertising for us in a sense of the word. Even negative advertising can yield positive results. :)

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 08:21:13 PM
I don't think it matters who posted it - it's been revealed we have the ability to change it (not that it was a secret or anything, but posters over there don't know that), and from what Darth has posted it makes it sound as though we couldn't give a damn about him.

Still, Mu's thread has avoided any SWFans bashing thus far, so hopefully my worst-case scenario will never eventuate. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 28th, 2002, 10:00:38 PM
I tried to post and then the board went down so now I will have to try to redo my post :(
Oh well but I was busy as this discussion was going on so I am a little late to it all, first I can't believe Darth is so mad at what I did by moving that thread. Sure I admit I messed up by mishandling it but it could have PM me like Qui-Gon did and we could have went over his problems with me doing it, but instead he just whines and says he is leaving and then he continues to post, well months go buy and now he is saying he is leaving this time over the whole sig thing, but he still is visiting here??? I have no idea what his problem is and I wish you luck in your email Champion, be as diplomatic as you can be. Also I am not getting into that discussion over on Mu's thread let Reaper talk to him since he played no part in the moving of that one thread. By the way is just me or does it seem like his avatar is down over there at CC? Do you think its just the board or is his end?

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 10:06:31 PM
Arrghh - lost the post there. I'll have to start again. :x

Ok. I've done a check up on ALL Darth's post on this board (all 19 pages worth). In total, I have managed to locate 4 instances (count them) of where he objected to staff policy.

First one was where I moved a thread of his dealing with Ep. 2 to SW Films. He didn't seem particularly worried though:

Second time was when Carr merged his thread with another one in SW Films. He was a bit more peeved off this time:

Third time was when we proposed to merge BO with Misc. He objected quite loudly (remember that he originally stood against the merging of BO and Entertainment) but he was outspoken by other posters who supported the proposal:

Then lastly there was the recent debate over our avatar/sig policy:

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 28th, 2002, 10:46:49 PM
Thats what doesn't make any sense to me you moved one of his threads and never really said a word but when I did it he whined, was it me being the new guy? Or was he in a bad mood or what? I could never figure it out.

Sanis Prent
Feb 28th, 2002, 10:49:56 PM
Well, I say aside from telling him when/why things were implemented and letting him know that his sig was courteously resized for him, we shouldn't give him the honor of our response. He's quite a drama queen, it seems.

Feb 28th, 2002, 11:38:17 PM
Jeeze... this has become rather volatile. I don't want to make him feel like we're all trying to pressure him into anything, so I don't think I'm going to e-mail him or otherwise pester him. But I would appreciate someone passing along the word that I'd like to talk to him. I can usually calm people down and get them to be reasonable.

Champion of the Force
Feb 28th, 2002, 11:40:46 PM
I've now just responded to him.

Unfortunately I forgot to save what I wrote, but pretty much I stated what I said above in a much more diplomatic manner. In particular I pointed out that a lot of his points in regards to 'rules being dropped out of nowhere' as well as his complaints over our avatar/sig policy just don't seem to mesh with what we've been doing in recent times.

In the end I encouraged him to get back to me with his thoughts. However I wouldn'd be surprised if he just pulled his usual 'ack, I'm sick of the thing already - I don't care anymore' like he's done so often (especially when he's been proven wrong). Time will tell.

EDIT: Sorry Shawn I missed your post. If he responds again I might make a mention of your offer however I'd like to keep this discussion between myself and him since we both are familiar with each other (having posted on the same board(s) for close to 3 years now :)) and I think I can be fairly diplomatic. :)

Feb 28th, 2002, 11:50:17 PM
Yeah, it's cool. I just want him to know that we're all trying to work together with him here. :)

Mar 1st, 2002, 12:03:44 AM
Damn! I always tune in late to these things.

Well, since I 've missed so much already, here's my opinion if it still means anything:

If he thinks that because he's been here for almost 3 years (as I have) and that gives him carte blanche to post everywhere and anywhere with whatever sig and avatar he wants, let him walk. Forget it, he's not the only "senior" member here, but he sure is acting like it. I think it's good to try and figure out where he's displeased, but I don't think it's worth giving yourself a headache over. Let it blow over. Either he'll go awy quietly, or come back with Yog's sig.

Champion of the Force
Mar 1st, 2002, 01:03:50 AM
Sorry Carr - I missed your posts.

Thats what doesn't make any sense to me you moved one of his threads and never really said a word but when I did it he whined, was it me being the new guy? Or was he in a bad mood or what? I could never figure it out.
I think what twigged him there wasn't so much that it was moved as opposed to the fact it was merged (and thus 'buried') with another thread in another forum. He's complained once before about moving his threads from BO to SW FIlms (he doesn't visit that forum and thus doesn't post anything there) however I think the merging just went too far in his book.

After going back through some of his last posts here I have a sneaking suspicion that his leaving wasn't just over our policies but also due to the community. I've just been looking over Marcus' LOTR thread:


It got a little bit heated between Marcus and Darth and when some of the other posters started declaring Marcus 'the victor' I think Darth got a bit peeved off there as well.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 1st, 2002, 01:12:12 AM
Yeah I remember that he did to seem to get mad at Marcus and possibly Jedieb because he started saying Marcus was right after that incident he hasn't posted very much, makes me wonder if it was more that, who knows only time will tell. As far as what I said, I guess I understand now but that still doesn't give him the right to complain, he should have PM me like Qui-Gon did and asked me why I did it, I would have been more appropriate.

Champion of the Force
Mar 1st, 2002, 01:23:03 AM
He responds!

:: cheer ::

Let's see what he had to say (the italics part is him quoting my e-mail:

What confuses me is that you've left it 4 1/2 - 5 months before raising any issue about it. Why the length in time before responding? It's not as though we kept it a secret - all of it is clearly spelled out in the FAQ which was relinked up the top of the board when we moved for people to read and be aware of some of the changes from ezboard to vBulletin."

See that's the thing, I really don't care enough abiut Swfans,net to read all the updates on policies and things that happen. I saw an announcement in the BO forum about the sig limit - realized that it was lower than the pic I have used most often since I've been there, and made some comments.

I have another board where i actually have to pay attention to all the little rules and regs. At Swfans I visit, read and post. I don't have the time, energy or interest to try and keep up with all the little policy changes.

Anyway, it seems like everytime I read of a new policy change (becuase it's listed as an Announcement in the BO forum - it's something that I don't really like - so I have no reason to think that that's going to change for the better in the future.)

What can I say, I liked the lax, laid back aptmosphere that the board USED TO have. The way I see it, things are just going to get more rule oriented as time goes on, especially if traffic increases with the release of Ep. 2.

As far as my thread goes, I don't visit the SW fims forum very often - mainly becuse I've seen spoilers posted in the thread titles - or sometimes just info that's borderline spoiler stuff that I didn't know about or want to know about. So I stopped checking the place out - except for the occasional visit.

Well it's been policy since back whenever that you post things in the correct forum.

This is exactly my point. Instead of a bunch of people hanging out talking about stuff, we have people deciding if this or that topic is APPROPRIATE for the forum it's posted in. We talk about a lot of stuff in the BO forum, including the media reaction to TPM so that thread was ENTIRELY appropriate for the forum, But the more important point, for me, is I don't want to have to think about
whether or not a topic I start will be judged by someone as being 'appropriate for that forum' or not.

My thread was about the media reaction to TPM, I believe not about a Star Wars movie itself.

What confuses me is that you've left it 4 1/2 - 5 months before raising any issue about it."

Becuase I was kind of letting things go, since there were just these little things that happened infrequently. But It seems to me that there will probably be more and more changes made, most of which I probably won't like, so I can either yell and scream about them as they come up, or go somewhere else.

And to be honest, the main reason I've been posting at Sw fans is becuase I didn't HAVE TO pay attention to that stuff.
I've got to log off now. I'll leave you all to muse over it in the meantime. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 1st, 2002, 01:37:34 AM
This is exactly my point. Instead of a bunch of people hanging out talking about stuff, we have people deciding if this or that topic is APPROPRIATE for the forum it's posted in. We talk about a lot of stuff in the BO forum, including the media reaction to TPM so that thread was ENTIRELY appropriate for the forum, But the more important point, for me, is I don't want to have to think about

Okay first off I think he should have PM me then and said why did I do that, second I have to admit now that I think he was right that the thread was about ratings and it probably belonged more there then in films the only reason that I moved it was Qui-Gon had made one but it was under the thread about the TPM's television debut, I had found out later that I could have had split that one reply out and merged with the other thread but I did not know that then (I sure wish I did), now if he had PM me about we could have worked it out and it would been over. I do feel a little guilty over it and I wonder what should I do you think I should email at all or would that give the impression that we have been discussing it all open, or should I let you handle it Champion, its up to you maybe you can say that I am sorry and tell him if you had PM me it would have been straightened out.

Champion of the Force
Mar 1st, 2002, 05:25:12 PM
I do feel a little guilty over it and I wonder what should I do you think I should email at all or would that give the impression that we have been discussing it all open, or should I let you handle it Champion, its up to you maybe you can say that I am sorry and tell him if you had PM me it would have been straightened out.
I don't think there's any real point. The fact that he's still holding a grudge after nearly 4 months leads me to believe he's made up his mind on all matters and any further discussion is just going to be a waste.

In my response I think I'll just sign off and not bother trying to counter his comments (of which serveral are STILL off base) since he admits he can't be bothered anymore.

I think that's the whole crux of his argument - he never had to bother before, but now realises if he doesn't he'll get left behind and so therefore he's bailing out. I suggest we just let him.

Mar 1st, 2002, 05:45:39 PM
No arguments here. This isn't HIS forum and if he can't live by a few simple "rules" then let him go. I mean, we all love it here, but it is just a forum ;) If he puts that much stock into what HE can and can't do, then he's got alot more in his life to worry about besides this! :x

Champion of the Force
Mar 1st, 2002, 06:36:36 PM
Ok, here's a copy of what I'm planning to send him. Please let me know as to whether you think it's satisfactory, needs adjusting or whatever.

Again I stress that this intended to be a kind of 'farewell' type e-mail, since I can't see the discussion progressing any further without descedning into a 'you should have done this then, I should have done that then' etc etc etc which neither of us are interested in.

Hey Darth,

>> I don't have the time, energy or interest to try and keep up with all the little policy changes. <<

Aside from the fact that the number of 'policy changes' we've had over the past year can probably be counted on one hand, I can't really say anything more. If you have no interest at all at how the board operates and functions, then I think inevitably you're going to get burned somehwere down the track. With Ep. 2 coming and the amount of posting (and posters) already on the increase, more than likely the staff will have to make more of a prescence to keep things organised as we've always done. What more can I say?

>> But It seems to me that there will probably be more and more changes made, most of which I probably won't like, so I can either yell and scream about them as they come up, or go somewhere else. <<

I can't really see there being any changes made in the future - at least until Ep. 2 comes out since that will test out what we already have.

Besides which, the 1 or 2 changes we have made have been well supported from the bits and pieces of feedback we have been receiving, so in the end the staff thinks that on the whole it is doing a good job and will try to maintain that satisfaction.

I guess that's it - I can't really say anymore. I'm having a good time on the board as are a lot of people, and in the end that's the important thing. I'm sorry that you no longer are, but after reading over what information you've given me I can't really see anything we can do to make it fun for you again.

Sorry - I really am.

See you around the SW circuit. :)

- David

EDIT: Changed paragraph about changes since it sounded like I was pumping myself up over the staff.

Mar 1st, 2002, 06:42:17 PM
Works for me.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 1st, 2002, 11:06:52 PM
Ok maybe reading that will settle it or not who knows with him, as I said it may have nothing to do with the board and have do with him, he seemed to been acting weird on CC when I visited that thread because Mu hadn't talked to him in a while maybe there is something go on with him or he likes to act like this who knows, I guess there is no point worring about it.

Mar 2nd, 2002, 12:17:20 AM
I like it. It states that you have a job to do on the board and won't cater to one poster's every whim. It's a shame to lose him, but at least you'll lose the headaches.

Champion of the Force
Mar 2nd, 2002, 01:07:55 AM
It's been sent off. I daresay this is the end of the matter unless he wants to nitpick over a detail or something.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 2nd, 2002, 01:23:19 AM
Unless he decides to come back and nipick oversomething else o_O I guess we will have to see, I would not be shocked if he showed up here in a week or two acting like nothing happened.
Did you see that that thread that was replied to got some interest:rolleyes Darth replied to wondering how it came up again and Qui Gon finally locked it on the thread Darth, he had told Reaper he didn't want to get into a discussion about another board on CC, just figure I let you know if you haven't heard about yet.

Champion of the Force
Mar 2nd, 2002, 01:46:16 AM
I just saw that. Like I said above, I think it was a mistake of Ogre to bump up a 5 month old thread concerning the avatars right at the same time that Darth was complaining about avatars in another thread there. Darth now thinks we're giving him special attention or something judging by his reply. I'm now wondering if he is going to reply back to me and mention it. |I

Oh well - he's admitted that he doesn't want to talk about it in public which was my main concern. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 2nd, 2002, 01:58:21 AM
I know thank god of that he didn't seem to want to get into either because the thread was up or what, it could have been worse it could have turned into a SWfans.net vs vs CC.net thread and we don't want one of those.

Mar 2nd, 2002, 02:01:12 AM
DOH! I didn't realize the thread was that old. :x

Champion of the Force
Mar 2nd, 2002, 02:03:24 AM
I told you Sept 26th above Ogre. :p

Out of interest, sirdizzy has posted in Misc. asking about older members and how many are left:


Probably nothing, but I was just curious considering sirdizzy hasn't been around in AGES but he's suddenly back and posting this thread just at the same time Darth posts on CC.Net (where sirdizzy frequents) about his problems with SWFans. Curious because moost of CC.Net see Darth as one of the few CC.Netters still posting here. Hmmmm. ;)

Mar 2nd, 2002, 02:05:55 AM
Didn't I say that even negative advertising can sometimes yield positive results? :D

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 2nd, 2002, 02:09:07 AM
LOL maybe others will come back who knows.
But I think he just interested in seeing the old place nothing else.

Mar 2nd, 2002, 09:15:38 AM
What's the saying(s)?
"There's no promotion like self-promotion" and "Any press is good press"?

Mar 2nd, 2002, 12:58:04 PM
Since I am apparently the Karl Marx of the CC.Net revolution...I find it funny that I'm able to come about and realize a good thing, and some people are still stuck on that. To be completely frank, CC.net ceased to be of relevance by the time the year 2000 rolled around. And now, they're more of a tight-fisted community than some that I've seen. Don't let D23 say that you're tyrannical or whatnot. I've seen the CC.net admin and mod staff run absolutely ruckshod over some people before...and they do it with much more gestapo appeal.

At least this place doesn't have a "Cheese and Whine" secret forum, or another secret forum designed solely to insult people behind closed doors. Think about that for a few seconds. And no, I'm not going to do any banner-waving on this. I'm simply a guy who's a mod at both places, and I'm calling em exactly like I see em.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 2nd, 2002, 11:45:50 PM
Then it might give some crediance to the theory that Darth is leaving for other reasons like Champion said the whole Marcus thing that is really the last thing he posted on before the avatar thread maybe he feels threatened by him or is just mad at the forum for other reasons as well. I guess we will never really know.

Mar 3rd, 2002, 12:38:34 AM
I think it's pretty simple. D23 is angry that he has a few rules to follow and he's going to pout over it. Truth be told, I'm glad he's gone. Now, theoretically, everyone is happy.

Champion of the Force
Mar 3rd, 2002, 07:19:20 PM
Well it's been 2 days now and he hasn't replied back again. I think we can safely say the matter is closed. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 3rd, 2002, 11:34:05 PM
I have to say it is, if he comes back so be it, if not thats fine too.