View Full Version : Blood battle (open challenge to a jedi)

imported_Blade Ice
Feb 27th, 2002, 11:06:20 PM
( the rain poored down as blade began to walk to a transport ship to take him home when the warrior sensed a jedi nearby. Blade turned around put his on his sabers ready to strike at first site.)

I smell ya Jedi.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 28th, 2002, 12:06:39 AM
Sia-lan stands out in a field. The rain pouring down on her head. She doesn't care. She just stands there, motionless. The young knight watches a transport ship. A man stands beside it, dark energy eminating from him. This is the one she sensed. She watches him, her sword attached to her back and her saber hanging at her side. Watching and waiting.

imported_Blade Ice
Feb 28th, 2002, 11:52:58 PM
(grin grows wide on blades face and cruel thoughts form in his mind as he thinks of the many ways he could tortur this jedi.)

hmmm. I have never fought a women jedi before I really don't want to destroy your pretty face but you are jedi so you must die!

(blade leaps in the air high using the force to project him and begins to come down over top the female with his twin black saber ignited in a cross cut pattern.)

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:34:55 AM
Sia waits for him. She stands completely still and when he does jump, she does not watch him with her eyes. Just as he is coming down on her with his sabers, she grabs her saber, ignighting it as soon as she touches it, and brings it above her head to block his attack. While the sabers are locked, she kicks out at his left side with her right foot. She does this all silently with out saying a word or making a sound.

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 1st, 2002, 11:25:28 PM
(blade attempts to dodge the kick by twisting his hips back but the kick just clips his side knocking his balance off a bit. blade does a little spin to the right, out of the way to counter balance himself and comes in high with his left saber and does a downward swipe towards her left side then with his right saber he comes in low towards her lower back.)

urg. lucky kick jedi

(ooc: If i get my direction messed up right and left i'm sorry I was doing this while tired. lol)

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 4th, 2002, 12:08:06 AM
Sia uses the force to pull her sword into her left hand. She brings her saber around to block the slash made at her back and the sword blocks the attack made at the front. She then uses the force to throw Blade away from her a few feet. She then drops down to defencive position.

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 4th, 2002, 05:27:19 PM
(blade regains his balance after getting knocked back a few feet by the force blast.)

Is that all you got jedi.

(blade comes at her full force with his left saber coming in at her right shoulder. while the other saber stays in a defensive postion just in case the jedi got any bright ideas.)

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 4th, 2002, 10:55:02 PM
Sia brings her saber around to knock his blade away from her sholder and steps away from it to make sure it doesn't hit her. She brings her sword down to make a slash at his right leg. She has remained silent so far and her face is calm and emotionless.

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 4th, 2002, 11:02:36 PM
(blades right saber came down and blocked the sword slash at his right leg. blade noticed her arms spread wider then ussual and he came in with a head butt to her face knocking her back a few steps. he then came in quickly with a cross cut at her chest area.)

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 4th, 2002, 11:48:55 PM
Sia-lan stumbled back a bit from the head butt. She manages to keep her footing and brings her saber and sword around in an X infront of her. It blocks his attack but makes her unable to attack herself at the moment.

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 5th, 2002, 09:54:45 PM
(blade sabers being locked with the jedis begins to pressure on her blades with his pushing Hard then used the force to knock her away. then he came in quick again blades right saber coming in at her abdomen and his left coming at her right arm hoping to catch as she tries to block the other saber or get her arms criss crossed.)

Feel your anger rise in you jedi!

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 6th, 2002, 11:04:59 AM
Sia brings her sword aroud to block the saber attack on her right arm and her saber blocks the attack to her stomach. She remembers back to her training and the things she learned as a padawan. She uses the force to speed her legs up and runs backwards seeming like a blur. She stops about ten feet away from Blade.

"Fear and anger no longer has a hold on me." The first thing she has said to the sith through out the entire battle.

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 6th, 2002, 10:28:08 PM
(blade smirked)

So you can speak.

(blade comes charging at her fast using the force to speed his movements. the right saber coming at her head the the left at her right leg.)

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 7th, 2002, 11:26:06 PM
Sia-lan uses the force to propel her into the air befor eather touch her. She lands behind Blade and slashes at his back with her saber and sword.

"I talk when I must. Other than that there is no need for it."

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 8th, 2002, 11:19:09 PM
(blade attempt to spin himself around to face his opponent in his attempt the edge of the jedis blade slashed his side. Blade jumped back a few feet and quickly glanced at his wound.)

NOW! The games are over!

(blade comes in a fury of blows both his sabers come in quick and hard. blade expect the jedi to block and as she did he came in quick with a kick to the gut knocking her to the ground. blade slowly began to walk over top the jedi.)

NOW! you feel pain!

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 9th, 2002, 01:08:29 AM
Sia-lan lurches forward as the kick connects with her stomach. She drops to her knees and rolls onto her back. Blade steps onto her stomach and she curls. She uses the force to throw him off of her and into a tree. She gets up to her hands and knees and splits out blood. Sia raises her head and looks at Blade.

Aura Allei
Mar 9th, 2002, 11:24:21 AM
Aura motioned from a clearing as she abruptly halted her trek. She sensed a fellow Jedi and the Dark signature of a Sith, and expected they were engaged in a battle. She paused as her eyes shifted to where Blade made contact with a tree. Unleashing a sigh, her hand indolently descended to one of her hilts.

"Is there a problem here?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 9th, 2002, 01:05:11 PM
An accentuated voice spoke from behind Aura as a feeling of darkness swept over her body.

"Yes, and that problem is you."

The Jedi turns around to look upwards into the the face of the Sith Lord Van-Derveld, who's lips curl up into a fanged smile.

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 9th, 2002, 01:40:28 PM
(blade slammed into the tree. after hitting the tree with his back he feel forward on his hands and knees. You could tell he was in a little pain. His back felt like had shattered into pieces but blade had no time for pain. Blade slowly rose to his feet. then stretched his arms and arched his back out wide and as he did that everyone could his back popping back into place. blade stared at the jedi and could there was yet another one but he also sensed his master.)

Ha Ha Haaaaaa!

(blade went charging at Darkheart while she was momentarily facing vega and as she turned around to she what was happening with the blade situation, blades right fist slammed into her face.)

Aura Allei
Mar 10th, 2002, 12:42:16 PM
Memories of the past flooded her conscious, as the Sith Lord's proverbial Dark signature purged her senses. His fangs were an alarming sight, one she could never get used to.

"Vega, we meet again. Have you come to finish where Sith Master Jedah Lynch, had left off?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 10th, 2002, 12:47:00 PM
He smiled a serpentine smile down at the girl, his elongated canines fading from view.

"Thankfully for you, no. However if you should attempt to make a move upon my apprentice, then yes - I shall finish what Lynch did not."

Vega canted his head slightly as he thought about the Vampyre Sith Master, and stiffled a slight laugh.

"So, if you wish to keep your limbs all intact, then you are going the right way about it by stay out of this fight," he said, "But, if you want your body stripped of it's flesh pore by pore, then go ahead, enter the fight."

Aura Allei
Mar 10th, 2002, 01:08:33 PM
Aura retained the control on her emotions from his ominous discourse, offering a reply.

"A Jedi serves in the protection of the innocent and oppressed. We only take up arms in self defense, and to assist a fellow Jedi, or anyone of a justified nature in peril. Should the Jedi need my aid, I cannot allow you to foil my efforts."

Aura stood her ground, as she displayed no signs of trepidation before the Sith Lord.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 10th, 2002, 04:19:53 PM
Sia-lan was thrown back to the ground by the force of the blow. Blood starts coming out of a cut on her cheek as well as from her mouth still. She slowly slips out a dagger from her boot and stabs it into Blades stomach. She lets go of it and weekly moves backwards away from Blade. She glances at the other jedi and sith.

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 10th, 2002, 10:43:22 PM
(blade hunched over with the dagger sticking in him. he coughed up a little blood. the pain was excruciating but pain could easily be twisted into anger. blade reach down at his right boot and produced a dagger of his own and as Sia-lan glanced over at the others the dagger went flying using the force to propel it. It dug deep into Sia-lan's right thy. then blade began to remove the dagger in his stomach.)

Jedi must die!

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 10th, 2002, 11:40:01 PM
Sia-lan gasps as the dagger slices deep into her leg. She slowly reaches down and pulls the dagger out but cuts away more skin as she does this and opening the gap. She then proceded to stab the dagger into the earth around her. She focuses on the force and picks up a rock the size of blades head from behind him and has it slam into the back of his head. Her energy is growing weaker but she keeps up the battle.

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 11th, 2002, 12:10:22 AM
(blade thuds to the ground the rock landing beside his head. blood flows threw his split skull. blade put his hand on the ground in front of him and tried to lift himself up. with every try he got himself higher off the ground tell he got the point where he sit up. blade dirty and bloody was pushing his body to the limits he pushed himself to his feet in a staggered stance. He used the force to bring his sabers to his hands then attached them to his belt. blade then began to stagger towards the jedi as she began to be more defensive. he picked up his dagger and slid it into his boot. he sat there staring at her for a moment. then using the limits of his strength grabbed on of his sabers from his belt and with both hands came at her with one over the head motion attempt to finish her off. half way threw the swing he stopped and hit her over the head with the hilt of the saber.)

leave know jedi or suffer the consequence that come next and trust in this today i will be lenient and let you go but the next time we meet you will die. The scar that will be left in your leg will be a reminder of what i can do.

(blade throws the jedis dagger at her feet.)

Now leave

(blade turns and begins to walk towards his master.)

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 11th, 2002, 12:27:08 AM
Cadet picked up her dagger and slid it back into her boot. She uses the force to pull her sword and saber to her and returned them to where they belong. She slowly got to her feet, using a nearby tree to help her balance beings her right leg was more or less useless. She turns to face the other jedi and the two sith. She reaches out with the force and speaks to Blade. 'One for one. My leg, your stomach.' she says. She awaits the other jedi befor leaving, never leaving a comrad amongst the enemy.

Aura Allei
Mar 11th, 2002, 07:58:43 AM
Aura nodded to Darkheart, as her attention traversed to the Sith Lord and his Apprentice Warrior.

"So do we have a truce?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 11th, 2002, 01:14:19 PM
"We are letting you leave."

Vega spoke with the utmost regal overconfidence,

"Go away. I'm giving you both 10 minutes to get out of my sight before I follow you and show you what true pain is."

He glanced down to Blade and grinned slightly.

Aura Allei
Mar 11th, 2002, 02:49:59 PM
"Unlike a Darksider, we Jedi see the avoidance of a battle as being true with the Lightside, not an act of cowardice. We do not live to conquer our enemies, nor do we seek the incapacitation of them."

Aura nodded as she exited their abominable facades, walking by Darkheart, she spoke with her.

"The Sith..they always say running from a battle is the act of a coward. As they let us leave and taunt us, they unknowingly do us a favor, as we retain our permeation with the Lightside, void of a violent conflict. Yet when we are faced with it, we must fight calm and free of emotion. This I recall as a Knight with the NWOL, and from my new Master at the GJO."

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 12th, 2002, 10:59:16 AM
Sia glances back at the sith then limps away after the other jedi. Once out of ear reach of the sith, she talks to Aura. "It is a pitty the way a siths mind works. All they think about is the pain of others. That is their joy in life." Sia says quietly. She slowly starts to heal herself with the force and is soon walking normaly.

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 12th, 2002, 12:25:38 PM
(blade looked at his wound in the stomach and then at his master)

should I have killed that one master vega instead of letting her live? I have a feeling i'll see her more then once agian and next time she will be more prepared for what I can dish out.

Aura Allei
Mar 12th, 2002, 12:38:07 PM
Aura nodded in agreement.

"Yes, its a tragedy how the Darkside corrupts their minds..Do you need help, Sia?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 13th, 2002, 11:53:34 AM
"Do not worry, Blade. You will meet her again ..."

Vega turned and began walking away from the battle scene.

"... and when you do, you will kill her."

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 15th, 2002, 02:07:59 PM
(blade turned and walked towards the transport ship still in pain but he seemed to like feeling of pain and anger mixed together it was like an extreme High.)

Yes vega i understand when we get back will help me to become stronger?

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 15th, 2002, 02:51:26 PM
:: As Vega and his combat-weary student approached the transport, a figure in black stood before it, his hair shock-grey and his eyes piercing ::

Van Derveld, your apprentice is quite weak, indeed. Have you told him that he's a pawn, or did you expect him to find this bitter truth for himself?

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:56:09 AM
Vega nodded down to Blade.

"Once we have reached the Empire we will resume your training, my apprentice. You still have much to learn."

The Sith looked back towards his transport and immeadiately was filled with a seering rage at the figure that stood before him.

"Hicchoru ... he is no pawn. If anyone is here is the impressionable fool, it is you - you with your peace and justice,"

Vega sneered a laugh and gestured towards Anbira, "My apprentice... here is a prime example of what the so called light side and peace do to a man."

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:00:08 PM
:: The Jedi arched an eyebrow ::

Indeed his training is lacking, if you haven't even given him the ability to speak for himself.

:: Before the Sith could arm himself, Anbira's hand rose, fingers outstretched. Concentrating fully, Anbira manipulated Vega's body with the Force, splaying his limbs wide, and pressing the lupine Sith against the hull of his vessel. For the moment, he left him trapped there. ::

I'd like a moment alone with this one, if you will.

:: He watched Vega struggle against the pressure pinning him flush, nodding in a gentlemanly fashion as he turned his attention to Blade ::

You...do not look well, young warrior. It seems battle has taken a toll on your constitution.

imported_Gerbo Lang
Mar 17th, 2002, 12:47:26 AM
(gerbo the Vampire hunter watched from a distance with an interest in the goings on. He new only one person in the battle that being his former friend and allie blade who had left over a year ago to join the TSE.)

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 17th, 2002, 01:03:39 AM
(blade watched as his master was force against the ship then blade looked at the jedi with a angered yet in pain look.)

I am fine Jedi a little pain never hurts.

(blade was contemplating away to help vega but he new this jedi was a powerful one and blade was not in the best of shape.)

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:14:40 AM
Vega grimaced as he felt the weight of the Force hold on his body. It held him firmly against the side of the transport, draining him of his strength and ability to move. He knew, from experience, that it would be virtually useless to try and escape, so instead allowed Anbira a moment with his apprentice - grudgingly.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 17th, 2002, 02:47:59 PM
You are far from fine, young warrior.

:: Anbira's voice was deep and powerful. Using minor techniques of presence, its effect was amplified, as well as the perception of his physical likeness. It was no illusion, per se, but more a suggestion of heightened attention drawn to him. Perhaps he "seemed" a little taller, or perhaps he "seemed" more commanding, or intimidating. ::

You are drained. Exhausted from battle. A fruitless toil that has only weakened you. If your enemies were to strike you now, you would surely die. Your master knows this, as it was he who led you to this fate. You serve his bidding, as a sword serves a hand. If the blade buckles, he simply draws another.

:: Anbira's eyes bear down on Blade with chilling intensity ::

Now...gaze upon your master now. Discover his true nature!

:: Anbira moved out of the way, allowing Blade to glimpse Vega as he struggled in vain against the forces at work ::

His weakness is apparent, this one who would have you fight in his stead. Why else does he command you so? He sees your strength, and wishes it to be his.

:: A slight hand gesture, and Vega is manipulated, away from the craft, his body forced into a kneeling position, head bowed. Anbira spoke close to Blade, his deep timbre ringing in his left ear ::

The weak aspire to be strong. It is the nature of things. He cannot do it alone, and must use you. There is no need to be a tool.

Free yourself from the hand, Blade! It is within your power! Take your weapon and strike him down. The destruction of unrepentant evil is not wicked. It is your destiny.

:: Anbira gazed at Blade again, his grey eyes set upon him once more ::

You must join me, Blade Ice....and together, we will destroy the Sith!

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:16:48 PM
(blade looked at Anbira with a smile on his face.)

Hmmm it seems the opposite is true you wish to use me as your weapon and cut down my master who had no command over me coming here to fit trash like yourself. I choose my own path I joined vega by my own free will yet you are the one who is controlling and talks about free will.

(blades dagger appears in his hand and it goes forth jabbing itself into Anbira right leg. then blade twists it in a quick turn cutting a deep hole in Anbira leg. then releases his dagger from the leg.)

now jedi listen to me you may be powerful in the force and think you can change peoples ideals but in mind and body you are weak and controlling like you say my master is.

(blade forms an evil grin on his face knowing he is to weak to fight at the moment stretches out his arms and straightens up his body as best he can.)

Now cut me down Jedi and prove your anger towards me then go over there and cut down my master and your path to the darkside will be complete.

(blade then spits at Anbira feet)

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:37:48 PM
:: Anbira winces painfully from the wound inflicted upon him. Such treachery, indeed. ::

I see you have made your decision, then. Your refusal to repent will be your undoing.

:: A blast of chill air drew inwards from all around, as the Jedi crafted his blade, green from the trapped plasma at his command. He held the blade up, in a regal duelist's form. ::

So be it, young Sith.

:: As Anbira crafted his saber by the Force, his control over Vega's imprisoned body was slowly lifted. Both advanced techniques could not be continued at once. Anbira drew back, running Blade through fully, till his fist pressed flush against his bleeding abdomen. Dark blood trickled out of the corner of Blade's mouth, as Anbira held him steady ::

Your chance at redemption came and passed, young fool.

:: He reached to one of Blade's shaking hands, using it to smear away the blood on his lips. He then held the hand out front, so the Sith could see. ::

This blood, on your hands alone lies.

:: With that, Anbira pressed a bootheel against Blade's abdomen, pushing the impaled Sith off his weapon, and onto the ground ::

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:54:15 PM
(blade laid on the ground unmoving as vision of a past unknown came fluid back to him at that instant blade realized who he was and who he was to become but now it seemed it would end abruptly here and now. Blade was hoping for a quick death but it was coming slowly upon him. he looked at the jedi then at his master. he words came out slow garbled by the blood in his mouth.)

Hha Jjedi I have wwwon I may die here but knowing you broke your cccode is wwwworth it. I have never killed a jedi in fact i showed mmercy by letting that ffemale jjjedi live and you say mmme and vega are evil ha. I have...........

(blade feel unconcuse at that moment)

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:57:51 PM
You know nothing of my code, impudent wretch.

:: Anbira stood over him, lowering his blade ::

The Jedi are not obligated to pardon evil forever. A chance was given. A chance was refused. You are your own executioner, Blade Ice.

:: Anbira limped away on his good leg ::

Die well.

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 17th, 2002, 04:13:53 PM
Vega stood still for a moment, watching as Anbira walked away. What had just transpired was not something that had amused him at all. He walked to his apprentice, picked up his limp body, and hefted it up into the transport. Vega dropped the Warrior's body with a loud thud before walking into the cockpit.

He'd have to have a long, long talk with Blade when they got back to TSE.