View Full Version : Maintenance of Merchandise (New Republic)

Daren Trevelan
Feb 26th, 2002, 10:16:10 PM
With a yawning cry of its existence, the Guild-Class Star Destroyer Odysseus pryed out of hyperspace toward the small, yet luxorious planet of Chandrila. It had such a reptuation to boast its beautiful self, such as being the home of the former Alliance leader Mon Mothma, and claiming the passage of the Battle of Chandrila, when Moff Seedon had tried to blockade and liberate the planet from Rebel forces.

However this time, the Empire was not here on a petty blockading mission, instead the Odysseus wanted something of the Empire's back, and they intended on taking it...no matter what the cost.

Though the planet boasted all the typical luxuaries one could desire...there was something else the newly promoted Captain Trevelan wanted, and it was not planetary spoils.

His hands enveloped each other at the small of his back as the transparisteel viewport ahead of him displayed Chandrila as his Star Destroyer pivoted toward it. A smile yearned his lips into an exasperated smile. Recently the captain had been removed from his duties for plundering around and neglecting duties with the fine ship...it was believed Captain Trevelan would do far better with command of the vessel.

His eyes veered around the large bridge, where there were hundreds of personnel in the service of the Empire working dilligently to make sure the ship was running at full scale. With the report from his comms officer, whom was huddled in a console ridden corner to Daren's right, he smiled and requested a comms uplink.

"Sir, we have sent the diplomatic signal to New Republic forces, we shall receive a response soon," the comms officer, Lt. Peldek, responded gleefully. Captain Trevelan nodded and let his hands loose at his sides.

He ran one more check of the ship via datapad and found that all weapons had been de-activated, as per his previous orders. Despite normal etiqutte, he refused to lower shields...the Republic was not to be trusted.

Milom Sargast
Feb 26th, 2002, 11:17:45 PM
"Yellow Alert, Captain Jayce."

Sargast recieved a tactical readout pad from a lieutenant as the Super Star Destroyer Liberator arrived on-scene at Chandrila from Second Fleet's headquarters at Kuat. Escorted by a squadron of four Nebulon B2 Frigates, the large ship plied the ether towards the incurring Imperial vessel. Maneuvering into a vanguard formation, the B2's cruised into ventrally-oriented flanking positions, enabling maximum firepower to be delivered onto the Imperial warship with limited exposure...if such measures were to be taken. However, the New Republic warships kept their weapons powered down in a tense agreement with their existing pact. However the Admiral ordered the task force to keep shields raised, and fighters on full preparation. He took a moment to analyze the combat data he was given, and turned to a communication's officer.

"Ensign, contact the Admiralty. Have Ackbar and Bel Iblis alerted to the situation. The situation is currently non-hostile...repeat, non-hostile. Diplomatic support is requested."

The ensign complied with the order, as Sargast stared forward at the viewscreen. Pragmatic nearly to the point of ruthlessness, Sargast was a representative of the cream of the crop from the Empire's golden age of naval tacticians. However, he grew alienated from their political schemes, and decided to peddle his skills for the Rebellion, soon becoming an influential officer in the New Republic navy. He knew that if the Empire wished a military confrontation, it would not be in this form. They were either sincere in their request, or were using it to lure a sizeable portion of New Republic assets into a position. Sargast wasn't gullible, and the squadron he sent to investigate was appropriately sized, with battle fleets on heightened alert and ready for deployment at the Admiralty's discretion. Pacing, Sargast took up a small communications device, turning back to the comm officer.

"Patch me through to the star destroyer."

After a moment, the ensign gave a curt nod to acknowledge the connection's successful link. Sargast stopped pacing, leaning against a bulkhead as he stared forward. His voice was a practiced calm, almost monotone and rehearsed.

"Imperial vessel, you have entered New Republic territory. We have your retreat vectors cut off. State the terms of this encounter."

Daren Trevelan
Feb 27th, 2002, 06:08:45 PM
Captain Trevelan narrowed his eyes as the Republic ships moved in all positions around his small Guild-Class Star Destroyer. He had always creditted the officers there with stupidity and lack of trust...especially around the Empire.

Always so suspcious that we plan to harm them he thought to himself as he turned to his new executive officer, or XO. Lt. Commander Meldayr nodded his head as the captain turned himself in proper military fashion in front of him. A salute was presented, and returned.

"At ease Commander," Daren mused as his eyes flickered toward the transparisteel viewport, watching as the frigates encircled his beautiful Odysseus. As the XO politely, yet quickly, moved himself into a resting stance, there was a slight uneasiness about the bridge...perhaps it had something to do with the fact that they were on the wrong side of enemy turbo laser cannons. "What is your report on the situation? Think they'll take our offer?"

The commander thought for a moment, scratching his wistful brown mustache. "I suppose they may be interested...they have a lot at stake here," he said at a slowed pace. Captain Trevelan nodded his response and spun a lazy about face.

"My problem is they're being quite aggressive...I doubt the diktat would do anything so imprudent."

"They are rebels sir...of course they're going to be imprudent." The two shared a laugh at the XO's statement, but then the commander of the ship turned to the comms officer, huddled in his corner across the bridge's primary catawalk.

"Reopen that link, I'll talk personally with them."

Daren walked to the comms station, and watched as the view of the Republic officer came into view in a full sized holographic image. The enticing Imperial captain, in perfectly well suited uniform, stroked a piece of lint from his cloth before letting a grin form on his lips.

"Greetings Republican commander, my name is Captain Daren Trevelan of the Imperial Guild-Class Star Destroyer Odysseus. I am here to negotiate a deal with you, if you would allow my shuttle to meet you? I shall only have a small guard mind you," he informed the nearly hostile officer.

TGE Naval Officer
Feb 28th, 2002, 05:06:01 AM
Sub-Commander Daenon G’Ran looked over the shoulder of a senior tactical officer, gazing at his computer console. Sure enough, the Republic ships had them outflanked and outnumbered, to say the least. In every direction, the Odysseus stared down the barrels of the Republic war machine. He made a note of that, inserting his PADD into a slot input on the console to download a copy of the situation map as a visual aid.

Recommend we condemn Republic manipulation of a proposed truce for the immediate tactical benefit of their forces.

Sub-Commander G’Ran,
Senior COMPNOR officer, GSD-0016-A Odysseus

He queued that into the star destroyer’s computer, flagging it high priority on the political channel. It would go out with the next communications stream to Imperial Center, where the High Command could best make use of the information.

A human, Sub-Commander G’Ran had been raised on the Hoth Colony, and was one of thousands from his homeworld recruited to the Youth Academy on Carida at the age of ten. There, he had been drilled constantly for nine years. Advanced political and strategic analytical thought, purity of mind, physical fitness, loyalty, many other things which the Empire considered vital to the development of a proper youth, the men who would one day head the New Order as Moffs and Grand Moffs. Three years ago he had graduated from Carida, and for three years he had maintained various COMPNOR posts onboard the Odysseus, culminating in his current rank.

He overheard Captain Trevelan as he spoke with the Republic officer, adjusted his bifocals and smoothed out his black uniform, marching towards the Captain as the comm. Link paused. His arm outstretched in a salute, and he greeted Daren Trevelan with the customary “Glory to the Empire.”

“Captain,” he began. “The Diktat would not approve of us being accompanied by a guard detail on this mission. Our orders are to veil our threats more thinly than that.” He tapped the papers he had been issued by the High Command back on Imperial Center, which stated Imperial demands and condemnations, and sported the Diktat’s seal.

Some regular navy officers, he had discovered, lacked a certain machiavellian touch, preferring instead a straightforward approach.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Mar 5th, 2002, 09:17:22 PM
Home One

The door comlink chirped, causing a pause in the conversation between Adm Garm Bel Iblis and the female on the other side of the desk, Envoy Nissorinnah, Luminara Unduli.

"Enter," Garm said with a concerned look. The door slid open and a black protocol droid with a distinctive clamshell head of an Imperial service droid stepped through.

"We have received a priority 1 transmission from Chandrilla, sir." Emtrey stopped, looking from the ambassador and her retinue back to the Admiral.

Garm rose. "If you'll excuse me." Once outside with security protocols met, M-3P0 briefed Bel Iblis on the situation in the New Republic member system. The Liberator is on yellow alert upon the unannounced arrival of a Guild Class Star Destroyer. Milom Sargast was stalling, but Garm added his own assessment mentally, doubtless itching to show off the 2nd Fleet's capabilities.

"Advise Liberator that the Oghma is en route. We are bringing an ambassador of the New Republic to facilitate negotiations with the Empire."

"Encoding subspace package now, sir."

"Deploy Cormyr and Anourach groups. Then get Captain Tannik on my personal channel, Level 4 encrypt."

Garm returned to his office. "Envoy Nissorinnah, it appears the New Republic is in need of your services sooner than anticipated. The Empire has requested a meeting at Chandrilla in their ... unique manner of diplomacy. I sincerely hope you can help us in this. But we must leave immediately."

Envoy Nissorinnah
Mar 6th, 2002, 01:59:01 AM
Luminara nodded her understanding.

"Of course, Ahdmirahl" her accent suited her calm soft voice.

"I ahm aht thee New Republic's service."

She glanced to her attache', Barris Offee, and he too echoed their readiness with a single definite nod.

Turning again her serene eyes to Bel Iblis, she asked,

"Will you be expecting hostilities Ahdmirahl? Is thee populace of Chahndrillah in danger?"

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Mar 6th, 2002, 07:54:24 PM
"I don't believe so. Despite the way they approach diplomatic matters ... they did say that they just wanted to talk.

"However they have been pushing the spirit of our non-agression pact to its limit for months now. We are maintaining yellow alert until we can better assess their intentions. If they want a fight, we are ready for one."

Garm led the envoy and her entourage to the shuttle bay, briefing her on what little he knew about Daren Trevelan on the short space hop to the New Republic Star Destroyer. He did not even try to speculate on what they wanted, and admitted as much when they touched down in the hangar.

They parted ways on the Oghma, Emtrey leading them to the guest quarters. Once in the secondary command center, Admiral Bel Iblis activated the desk comlink, causing a hologram of his flagship captain to appear.

"Jon, I hope this all for nothing, but we both know that we're not about to just take the Empire at their word. Deploy Anourach Group to sweep the surrounding systems for Imperial forces that don't belong. Don't cross any Imperial borders and if you find anything, do not engage.

"If possible, don't even be seen. Dispatch them as standard patrol lines and make this the first field run of those new W's we just sent you to cover as much vacuum as possible."

Bel Iblis punched up a datapad. "And split Cormyr Group between these coordinates. If the Force is with us, they'll just stay there and enjoy the scenery."

The half meter tall image of Captain Tannik nodded and cut the transmission. With a quick change of frequencies, Garm gave the order to jump to lightspeed. The old Corellian leaned back in his chair, sighing as he watched the starlines stretch and form a solid cascade of white outside the viewport.

Daren Trevelan
Mar 6th, 2002, 11:52:24 PM
Leathery, black hands, gripped around a shotglass, his other hand gripping durasheet documents reading out the Republic's activities with the Empire's allies, and it seemed his face would scrunch at some parts, and his lips would form open to bellow a deep bellied laugh.

"Captain?" a voice came from the other side of his desk, and Daren lifted his eyes from the printed documents with an inquisitive eyebrow being lifted.

"What is it Lieutenant?" he demanded for the intrusion, and the lower ranking officer saluted briskly.

"You see sir, we have received no response for our demands, and it appears the Republic is continuing their war formation."

The newly promoted captain stroked his jawline in thought. "They're trying to scare us."


"They want to get us out of the system, they want us to know who's boss before we go though."

"Why would the Republic threaten us in war mannerisms sir?" the lieutenant asked. Removing a cigarra from his desk, the captain peered at him for a moment before placing it in his mouth.

"Lieutenant please, sit," he said, and the officer was quick to comply. "You see, they feel the Empire is a great threat, even with one Star Destroyer, albeit a very powerful Star Destroyer, but they don't recognize proper military customs. You see, it is courteous that we bless them this way by bringing a great warship in to do the negotiations, saying we have respect enough to bring my Odysseus in to speak to them personally.

"However, they also see this as a chance to knock out a very powerful weapon and craft in the process, as well as spilling the blood of a few officers for the Imperial Navy. Which is in and of itself wrong of course, but there is nothing that can be done about that. And you also see that they are so suspicious, due to infractions in their own government structure, which stems from political corruption and dwindling of funds for personal gains, that they assume all governments are like this.

"Obviously the Empire is not like this as we came with a banner of truce, wanting only to negotiate. They defiled the persons aboard this Guild-Class Star Destroyer, but we, being the more moral and more civilized persons, shall not be taunted or tained by their inproper ways."

The lieutenant sat gazed at the captain's sudden lecture as well as explanation explained entirely off the top of his head. It brought a smile from his lips and he went back to reading. "Tell the TIEs to launch on a routine scouting mission, do not fire, hell," he took a whiff of his cigarra then a slug of his drink. "don't even return fire. If they inquire, inform them we are scouting for potential missile launches is all."

"Aye sir," the lieutenant said, rising from his seat, saluting briskly, and then turning on his heels to relay the orders.

Milom Sargast
Mar 11th, 2002, 11:37:14 AM
"Sir", a lieutenant called, from a sensor station. Sargast turned to him.

"What is it, Lieutenant?"

"Several fighters have been deployed from the Imperial vessel."

Sargast raised an eyebrow, glancing at his personal viewscreen. He scrutinized the data, eyes narrowing.

"They're only reconaissance craft, it seems. Dispatch E-wings to shadow them. Give them breathing room, and keep weapons inactive, but if you detect invasive scans, jam them." Sargast glanced back to the star destroyer. "Let them look, but not stare. Open communications once more."

An ensign signaled that the line was live.

"Imperial vessel, you are cleared to dispatch escort to your diplomatic shuttle. We will provide a negotiating venue aboard my flag. Liberator out."

Sargast gave the signal to cut transmission, nodding to Captain Jayce as he watched the E-wings depart, trailing far behind the Imperial TIEs.

Daren Trevelan
Mar 11th, 2002, 01:43:49 PM
Seeing as the TIEs had been out on proper recon, and how his time of wait was nearing an end, the captain rose from his seat in his private quarters and reached for his small sporting pistol, tucking it gently in his belt and leaving his office behind. His foots made a TAP TAP TAP noise as he passed down the grated flooring of his battle ship, the Odysseus, and toward the hangar bay.

En route he had run into several enlisted rates who had saluted, smiled, and greeted the commander, and each time he had simply nodded and greeted back with his Imperialistic courtesy.

Granting himself a few moments to suit up for the potentially furious negotiations, Daren had made sure to collect his most treasured valuables, such as a holograph of his nephew, cousin, and himself, as well as suit up in his finest dress unfiorm.

It took a good five minutes, but he'd finally made it to his shuttle...which briskly dispatched and was off to meet the Republic officials.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Mar 11th, 2002, 11:34:19 PM
The bridge turbolift opened as the veil of stars reappeared beyond the viewport of the MC-90 Oghma. Admiral Garm Bel Iblis marched across the raised catwalk to a better vantage point amid the bustle of activity.

The Mon Cal Captain, Kai Rinta, looked over from the command chair, conveying the latest updates. It seems the Imperials were playing a curious game with a TIE scout wing.

"We could make such great progress if they would think of us as equals," the old man said more to himself than to anyone, but Rinta still voiced his agreement.

"Captain Rinta, you have the bridge. I will escort Envoy Nissorinnah to shuttle bay 3. Tell Admiral Sargast to expect us. Let's find out what all this is about."

Envoy Nissorinnah
Mar 12th, 2002, 10:54:34 PM
The Envoy walked along side the Admiral toward the suttle bay, her hands- folded one in the other infront of her - were just visible extending from the thick weave of her robe's cuffs.
She exuded a calm aura which was one of her trademarks.

"Not long now Ahdmirahl, ahnd our curiositee will be sahtisfied. If I know thee Imperiahls, they will be short and to thee point."

The huge docking bay opened up before them and the small entourage walked out onto the gleeming floor of the hangar.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Mar 12th, 2002, 11:23:53 PM
Envoy Nissorinnah, hold please.

(A hooded figure in a brown robe stepped forward, removing the cloth from his head.)

I have come from Yavin with my Padawan Learner, Envoy. With your permission, we wish to observe this meeting.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Mar 12th, 2002, 11:40:39 PM
The Envoy smiled, the warmth in her eyes spoke of her happiness to once again make the acquaintance of Jubei SaDherat Vader.

"It is good too see you Jubei."

She held her arm outward to both the Master and his padawan and bending her body at the waist in a bow gave the traditionial greeting of her people "Peace"

She then turned again to Admiral Bel Iblis, returning to her composed stand of hands folded in front of her.

"I ahm hahppy for Jubei ahnd his padawahn to ahcompahny us, Ahdmirahl, but of course, it is ohnly if you ahre ahgreeahble."

In truth, Luminara thought the added presence of the Jedi would be very beneficial to the negotiations. And where two heads were better than one, even more in this situation was better still.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:38:31 AM
OOC: Actually I am going to have to say that Jubei and his Padawan were with us since leaving Home One or this scene makes no sense. How else could they have gotten on board or known about this impromptu meeting? Pretend the last 2 posts were flashback scenes and I gave clearance before we left. Play on. :)


Even with 3 Jedi, Garm felt vulnerable as he watched the Star Destroyer float nearby outside the shuttle's viewport. In short order, docking tractor beams pulled them into the Liberator.

TGE Naval Officer
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:33:09 PM
His facial features formed into a frown as he read through the last communique by the Republic ship. Perhaps it had slipped the Captain's notice; they were demanding that the negotiations take place aboard their warship.
Why, so they can assassinate an agent of peace and have yet another warship to steal? he pondered.
He contacted the High Command with this new information, but was certain of their answer anyhow.
Unacceptable, we cannot risk the Captain. The Republic has not veiled their hostilities towards the Empire.
Settled, then. Sub-Commander G'Ran opened an audio-only channel to the Republic warship Liberator, and spoke:

"This is senior COMPNOR officer of the Odysseus, Sub-Commander Daenon G'Ran speaking on behalf of the Imperial High Command. I commend you for the attempt, but the diplomatic negotiations shall take place aboard two docked shuttles, as protocol and precedent have thoroughly established, with neither side bringing aboard weapons of any sort, nor anything else to jeopardize the health of said commissioners of peace. We shall speak as equals, not as pawns of the Republic. Perhaps you can find some other unwitting starship to ensnare in that fashion. Odysseus, out."

He motioned to the communications officer to cut the channel, then took a seat in the Captain's chair, which had been vacant with Captain Trevelan's departure to the lower shuttle. He motioned to the communications officer again, and spoke aloud:

"Signal Captain Trevelan to change course design on his shuttle to rendevous with the Republic diplomatic shuttle. Reiterate that he is to have no weapons aboard when he is ready to join the Republic officials, and to signal me when the shuttles have docked, and I shall join him. Remind him that Imperial doctrine demands that a COMPNOR official negotiate in diplomatic situations."

The communications lieutenant nodded, and Daenon G'Ran waited.

Daren Trevelan
Mar 14th, 2002, 12:41:25 AM
The message had come even in the shuttle, and so he offered a faint smile at the Empire's concern for his safety. Flicking back on the comm link, he recognized the voice of G'ran and nodded at the COMPNOR request.

"Yes, I would indeed like to have a COMPNOR agent aboard with me, I abandoned my personal blaster at customs and am now awaiting Republic boarding. I will however previal in this mission, for the greater glory of the Empire," he nodded and switched off the commlink.

Gazing out of the transparisteel viewport, he smiled at the warships around him.

Something is amiss here.

Aura Allei
Mar 14th, 2002, 09:56:26 AM
Aura stood quiet by her Master's right side, her azure eyes taking in the atmosphere. She then noticed Envoy, and mirrored her bow and gesture.


Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Mar 14th, 2002, 02:33:54 PM
Bel Iblis knew something was amiss as they docked in the shuttle bay. The Imperial Lamda shuttle had reduced to 0 thrust and was holding position.

Once on the deck, he bade the Jedi and Luminara's retinue to follow and headed for the hangar's control room.

"Admiral," a nervous comm chief began. "They have refused to meet aboard the Liberator. They... Let me just play the message."

Garm and the others listened to the last communique with mixed reactions. The Admiral chuckled out loud at one point. "Yes if anything just screams fair and impartial it's the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order."

That drew a wave of soft, uneasy laughter from most of the room, but it did not change the gravity of the situation.

"Envoy Nissorinnah... You see why I asked for your assistance. It's as if we're speaking different languagaes entirely. This new Empire regime considers bringing a warship as a sign of respect. They want to talk and claim a flag of truce, yet their approach couldn't be more antagonistic."

Garm sighed and shook his head. He tried to remind himself that this wasn't Palpatine's Order. No, it's Diktat Viscera's. Is there even a lesser of two evils in this scenerio?

The Corellian took a deep breath. "Let me try one more thing while this is still in my realm of control. Then I turn this over to you." He turned to the comm chief and stepped onto the holoprojector, straightening his uniform. "Open a channel."

"Sub-Commander G'Ran, Captain Trevelan ... this is Admiral Garm Bel Iblis of the New Republic. I apologize if our choice of venue suggested anything other than our attempt to be as accomodating as possible. We have every cause to be suspicious of each other, but I assure you, we came here to listen. I understand if you don't want to meet aboard the Liberator, but the cramped space of a shuttle is hardly conducive to open communication.

"May I suggest we meet on the surface. No weapons, no soldiers. Just us. We have already cleared this with Chandrila's government. I have no objection to COMPNOR representation if you allow us to bring our own council."

He motioned to Envoy Nissorinnah.

Daren Trevelan
Mar 14th, 2002, 09:54:29 PM
A scoff found its way over the brow of Captain Trevelan. He had already made quite a feat coming aboard a Lambda Shuttle in proper Imperial procedure to meet with the Republic mid-space, and the flunxuating comm-relay indicated that this "Garm Bel iblis" had no intention of acting upon standard Imperial procedure. Reaching his hands across the panel view of his quite comfortably set Lambda Shuttle, he reiterated a comms uplink with Bel Iblis.

"Attention Republic Admiral. This is Captain Trevelan of the Imperial Navy and Guild-Class Star Destroyer Odysseus. As per standard Imperial procedure our diplomatic envoy shall take place via mid-space dock procedures, I'm sure you've seen it happen before. Lambda-Class Shuttles are quite spacious and you will find much in the likes of luxuries. Now," Daren took a moment to breath and looked about at all the men around him. "if you would please, I believe we have delayed this long enough, if we could carry on with the negotiations at your discretion?"

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Mar 14th, 2002, 10:41:53 PM
Garm remained in the holoprojector grid, keeping his composure with every ounce of patience he had learned from years on the Senate floor.

Despite the precautions he set up, he came to Chandrila with the sincere hope of renewing communication and at worst maintaining the uneasy peace that existed. By all appearances, however, the Imperials wished to erode what little of that peace was left.

He turned to face the screen fully.

"Captain ... with all due respect. You came to us. You entered the space of a New Republic member world ... uninvited, unannounced, making demands.

"Quite frankly, I don't care what Imperial protocol demands. They do not apply here. We can discuss whatever it is that's so pressing by holonet for all I care ... but I will not compromise anyone under my charge any more than you would.

"If you insist on continuing this posturing before you've even told us why you are here... have a safe trip home."

TGE Naval Officer
Mar 14th, 2002, 11:44:44 PM
Daenon G'Ran again contacted the High Command, seeking help in composing a reply. After a few minutes, he was done, and opened a channel again to the lead Republic ship, this time in full holo.

"This is Sub-Commander Daenon G'Ran speaking on behalf of the Galactic Empire, contacting the ranking Republic officer. Taking into account the recent unfounded and highly illegal and hostile acts of aggression by the New Republic against the Galactic Empire's colleagues and allies in the pursuit of peace and order, we cannot in good conscience allow a parley on the unpacified planet of Chandrila, for fear that radical Republic aggressors would assassinate or otherwise seek to harm our peace commissioners."

He left the channel open, awaiting a reply.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Mar 15th, 2002, 01:55:12 AM
It was starting out very much as most negotiations did. Almost stopping before it even started.

Both parties highly suspicious of each other - past injuries to one another on small or large scales the foremost in their minds and at the forefront of their perspective, hindering advancement of treaty or understanding to any degree.
This was natural, and Nissorinnah had seen it repeated over and over in any combination of settings with any combination of political parties.

The biggest hurdle was to even begin.
To put asided the animosity, distrust, and greivances for even just a moment so that talks could atleast begin.

Admiral Bel Iblis had put forward a reasonable request, but the Imperials would have none of it.

The Envoy spoke quietly to Bel Iblis.

"Perhahps if we concede the first 'point' to the Imperials ahnd conduct the negotiations on thee shuttle, Capt. Trevelahn ahnd Commahnder G'Rahn may relent in their Imperiahl Procedure long enough for us to find out whaht it is they wahnt."

Nissorinnah had been involved with talks in far less hospitable surroundings than an Imperial shuttle, and the NR show of power already would give pause to any deviousness the Imperials my have planned. Also, beside fire power, one could not discount lightly the power of the force that resided in herself, Jubei and the yourng female padawan with them.

Giving an encouraging nod, the Viceroy smiled. "We can talk here or there, Admirahl - the point of importahnce is thaht we do in fact "talk".

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Mar 15th, 2002, 03:08:57 AM
Garm just stood there for several seconds with a raised eyebrow after G'Ran's blunt statement. The words definitely gave him pause and changed the tone of the meeting.

"...the recent unfounded and highly illegal and hostile acts of aggression by the New Republic against the Galactic Empire's colleagues and allies in the pursuit of peace and order..."

His mind spun, searching for any idea what could have prompted such bold accusations. Finally he was drawn back to the present when the Envoy got his attention and gave her sage advice.

"...against the Galactic Empire's colleagues and allies"

What happened? Any operation that severe signed by Ackbar or Scorpion would have needed his approval, or at least his knowledge. The gyros were still turning over those words as Nissorinnah nodded and gave her parting thoughts.

"...colleagues and allies in the pursuit ..." Then it clicked. Arcan IV.

He's delusional. This isn't a set up for peace talks. He's looking for an excuse for war. Suddenly he had a very bad feeling about this. He also felt even more justified in bringing the Jedi with. If anyone could help avert this...

Garm nodded back to Envoy Nissorinnah, never missing a beat as he maintained the very model of control and calm. He faced the hologram once more.

"Very well Sub-Commander G'Ran. We will rendezvous with your shuttle immediately. Bel Iblis out."

The comm chief cut the transmission just in time for Garm to release a long, forced breath. He looked at the Envoy. Cracken is going to have kittens over this. But if he couldn't trust Jedi, who could he trust?

"Luminara, Jubei ... There's a few things I need to tell you..."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Mar 15th, 2002, 01:22:43 PM
(Jubei stood silent for a moment, his hands clasped together in front of him)

Admiral, I sense a great...pensiveness, from many aboard the Imperial starship. They may only be paying lip service to these negotiations. In order to deprive them of any flimsy excuse, I would suggest to grant them parley aboard the shuttlecraft. There are many things yet left unseen at work here.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Mar 19th, 2002, 06:09:25 PM
Aura stood in an empty hallway, waiting with the area's only other occupants, Luminara's retinue and M-3P0. Immediately after the tense opening talks by comlink with the Imperials, the Admiral had pulled the ranking Jedi aside for a private, apparantly high security meeting. Finally the release of compressed air broke the uncomfortable silence as the door of the briefing room slid open.

Garm stepped out with her master, Jubei, and Envoy Nissorinnah. He gestured for the group to head toward the hangar, but motioned for the black protocol droid to stay behind.

Bel Iblis entered the fighter pilot ready room several minutes later. "Colonel," he said quickly as everyone turned in various degrees of surprise. "Which is your best squadron available."

The division commander looked and indicated a cluster of 12 X-Wing pilots with little hesitation. Garm pointed to one at random. "You ... come with me."

Soon they arrived at the shuttle. Lt. Kim Mackie, as he proudly identified himself, took the pilot's seat as the rest of the passengers filed into the small ship.

As they cleared the hangar bay, the Admiral eyed the Imperial shuttle curiously. He remembered the days of clandestine meetings performed in such a manner during the Rebellion. But whatever nerf herder made this an official part of Imperial protocol should have been shot. Instead he was doubtless promoted.

The shuttles drew within meters of each other soon enough, at which point the pilot opened a channel to begin coordinating the docking sequence.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Mar 20th, 2002, 12:09:46 AM
The Envoy and her attache' Barris Offee conversed lowly in the back of the shuttle for a short time, but remained for most of the short trip silent and focused.

Nissorinnah wondered a little about Jubei's new padawan, her past, her story. These things were always of interest to her - how one found their path to the Jedi. But now was not the time for such conversings. Perhaps when this negotiation was over.

Looming up ahead was the Imperial Shuttle they were to rendevous with. The Envoy lent forward to speak softly to the Admiral.

"The force is with us Ahdmirahl. We must remember this."

Aura Allei
Mar 20th, 2002, 10:03:24 AM
Aura sensed the Envoy was curious with her, as she glanced at her briefly. She then turned towards her Master.

"Master, what can we do here? I wish to be of assistance."