View Full Version : Super Troopers is terrible

Feb 22nd, 2002, 04:34:03 AM
Man, what a stinker. It may sometimes seem that I give a ton of good reviews, but that's because in general I try to see only good films. With the launch of my new review site upcoming, I'm seeing as many new releases as I can.

Well... uhhh... it looked stupid in the previews, but maybe "stupid funny" like Dude, Where's My Car? which I gave 2.5 stars (and it's a high 2.5). Super Troopers is just uttery idiotic. Sure, I chuckled a few times, but man, for a comedy I've never seen such a silent audience (of only about 8 people, I admit). It was just really stupid, extremely bad acted, poor dialogue beyond belief, please avoid this film.

I started out hoping it was going to be a 2.5 star film like Dude, Where's My Car? and then it was immediately stupid, but I held out hope it would be 2 stars. Then it dropped to 1.5. It kept going, and I had to admit it was one of the worst films of the last year. So I gave it 1 star. I have no doubt if it kept on going for another 20 minutes, it'd have fallen to 1/2 star. It was just terrible.

Tomorrow, I see Queen of the Damned and Hart's War I think. I saw John Q. I was not a big fan, so in this case, I agree with the critics. I gave it 2.5 stars. Just not that well done at all, but Denzel is the man. He's always good, it's just the other acting wasn't impressive to me, nor was the execution of the plot (although the concept was fine).

I'll probably have to see Dragon Fly just to make sure I have all of the new reviews up, so I'll see that and Crossroads on Saturday, and I fully expect to give two more lousy reviews. Both films look awful. I like Britney, actually, but that film is probably trash. Dragon Fly looks like, at best, 2 stars, at worst, no stars. Another Kevin Costner bomb.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 22nd, 2002, 10:42:37 AM
Yeah I figured Super Troopers to be a bad movie, the previews looked awful and I doubt I will ever see it.

Feb 23rd, 2002, 03:24:45 PM
Well the previews were a lot better than the movie itself, let me tell you!! haha

Feb 23rd, 2002, 03:35:45 PM
Haven't even seen a preview for it. And I doubt I'm really missing out.

Has anyone else seen the preview for this movie about giant spiders? I only caught part of it, and was wondering what the name was.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 23rd, 2002, 11:01:33 PM
Isn't Earth vs the Giant Spiders? I could be confusing the title with another movie with Giant Spiders, it is probably going to be dumb probably like Mars Attacks.

Feb 23rd, 2002, 11:21:55 PM
I thought the commercials for ST showed potential, but I knew that the movie was going to be a disaster.

Feb 24th, 2002, 04:15:07 AM
Hehe, it's called "Eight Legged ..." something? Monsters?

I saw it too, hehe, everyone was laughing so hard. Personally, I cannot wait, it looks cool :) I mean, funny, corny, campy, but maybe cool. lol.

Super Troopers did have potential, but jesus was it a bad film. I thought I had seen it all, but I guess not. This movie is awful, but it looks like a MASTERPIECE compared to that stupid POS Crossroads.

I hate January and February. These months just suck. January wasn't that bad really, but man February sucks.