View Full Version : 100 Million Dollar Movies 2002

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 22nd, 2002, 12:57:07 AM
I figured I get it started before something hits 100 million, I am still going to keep up with the 2001 movies as at least one more film (maybe two) could still make it plus FOTR and ABM could go up (though FOTR will have a tough time unseating HP).
Okay for this year what will be the first film to make it? Snow Dogs has made the most money so far at around 70 but it is not even in the top 10 and falling, so I doubt it will make another 30 to make it. John Q got off to a good start making, 23 million, it has a chance, though maybe not either. If not then it will come from March, there is the new Mel Gibson film We were Soliders has a small chance but it seems war film are out now with the way Hart's war performed. Then there is The Time Machine, which is my bet it should have the largest opening of 2002 maybe 30-40 million (it could get a boost from the next SW trailer read the thread The Final Trailer on SW films for further details). After that Ice Age and Blade 2 possibilities then the Scorpion King since its a Mummy related film. Then there are the obvious two of May Spiderman and AOTC will both make it, after that I won't go any farther.

Master Yoghurt
Feb 22nd, 2002, 06:46:53 AM
I pretty much agree with your analysis.

* AOTC and Spider man will definitely make it.
* Snow dogs wont make it
* John Q got a good start, but will probably not make it
* Time Machine should make it
* Ice Age should make it
* We were shoulders could make it 50/50 chance
* Blade 2 should make it
* Scorpion King. Not sure, I give it a 50/50

Feb 22nd, 2002, 09:27:27 AM
Originally posted by Master Yoghurt

* We were shoulders could make it 50/50 chance

Hmmm, haven't heard of We were shoulders... :)

What about The Two Towers? I'd say that's got a pretty much straight shot at 100 mil

Master Yoghurt
Feb 22nd, 2002, 09:48:15 AM
lol, I cant believe I wrote that. I meant "We were soldiers" :)

And yes, TTT should make it, concidering FOTR made 155M by new year. I think the 2002 total also includes gross into 2003 as long as it is released before new year? Then it certainly has a straight shot.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 22nd, 2002, 10:37:59 AM
TTT will defintely make, probably so won't MIB2 and probably Harry Potter 2 but probably won't make as much as the first. Some other possibilities are Minority Report, The Santa Clause 2, Signs, and Spy Kids 2. Beyond that I am not really sure what is coming out.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 4th, 2002, 11:50:34 PM
Just trying to keep this to the top otherwise it could fall to the bottom and be gone forever. Hmm still nothing to add I remember last year Hannible had already made it, its taking longer to get one, actually there has been a lot of films over 50 milion but nothing dominating then there are the hold overs from last year that are still making money.

Mar 5th, 2002, 09:15:10 AM
don't forget the second harry potter thats a guarneteed 100 mil probably a guranteed 200 mil

Mar 5th, 2002, 09:45:58 AM
Nothing like a useless post to keep an eventually needed thread near the top.

I think despite the slow start, we're in for one of, if not the biggest years for movies ever. There won't be any shortage of 100M movies.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 5th, 2002, 12:39:37 PM
I agree I think we will have two from March The Time Machine and Ice Age probably will both make a 100, after that we will have to wait and see there are a lot of movies that have chances from Panic Room, Scorpion King, to the next James Bond movie (comes out in December I think) this year will at least rival last year or maybe surpass, especially considering that the top 5 of 2001 was dominated by 3 films that came out in November and December. And 2 of the films (HP and LOTR) both have sequels coming out around the same time frame and both should be top 10 films (I think TTT will do better than HP2) neither will probably be #1 IMO, that will be AOTC the battle then will be for #2 between TTT, HP2, MIB2, and Spiderman. Also don't discount Signs into this, I have a feeling it could be like Sixth Sense (it has the same director and looks like the movie of August). Signs is actuallly the movie I am looking foward to the most after AOTC and TTT.

Mar 5th, 2002, 05:03:26 PM
I think we can expect TTT to be bigger than HP2. At least that's my hope. :)

Mar 6th, 2002, 12:27:29 PM
i doubt it hp2 draws more fans across the board the tolkien although i think ttt will get increased numbers because of all the awards its getting

Mar 6th, 2002, 12:35:18 PM
Originally posted by JMK
I think we can expect TTT to be bigger than HP2. At least that's my hope. :)

Yeah - its my hope too, although I don't know if it will happen. HP has the kid fan base behind it, which is a B.O. power to be reckoned with. TTT will do well - no doubts there - but I don't know if it will come in over HP2.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:37:03 PM
I don't think HP 2 will open nearly as high maybe 75 million this time, maybe a little less. To me that was the difference between FOTR and HP was the opening (if HP ends up winning) there will probably only be a 15 million dollar difference. If HP makes 15 million less next time around that will defintely hurt it, plus there is another kids' movie opening up after HP2 on Thanksgiving Weekend, The Santa Clause 2, the first one made 160+ and I think the second would open well mostly because its a Christmas film and that will hurt HP 2, I bet HP 2 will make 275-290, TTT willl make 290-315, that is just my guess at the moment.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 2nd, 2002, 12:25:59 AM
We got one, finally

Ice Age 116,862,514

Blade 2 and Panic both could follow but Blade 2 can't drop 50%next weekend or it has no chance.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 8th, 2002, 11:18:25 PM
1 Ice Age 140.7
still only one though Panic Room should make it, Blade 2 has a chance but it looks slim to me. And we probably won't get another one until Spiderman, unless Scorpion King surprises me.

May 23rd, 2002, 12:36:02 PM
1. Spiderman - 285.6M
2. Ice Age - 172.4M
3. Attack of the Clones - 110.2M

Jedi Master Carr
May 23rd, 2002, 12:40:40 PM
Cool you found it, well probably AOTC will be #2 after this weekend (its at almost 130 now I can't see it not making 50 million to pass Ice Age, in the next 6 days) and I guess SM will be over 300.

May 23rd, 2002, 12:41:43 PM
Never doubt me man. ;)

Jedi Master Carr
May 23rd, 2002, 12:49:05 PM
Doubt you never, well at least not any more :)

Jun 25th, 2002, 08:56:26 AM
1. Spider-Man - 390.4M
2. Attack of the Clones - 279.8M
3. Ice Age - 174.6
4. Scooby-Doo - 100.3M

Jun 25th, 2002, 09:04:24 AM
Looks like 300M for AotC is pretty much out of the question huh? :(

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 25th, 2002, 12:33:36 PM
No I think it will it only needs 20 million to do which I think it can do, Box Office Mojo agrees with me apparently they say it will finish above 300. I am hoping it passes both ID4 and ROTJ. I think it can pass ID4 which made 304, ROTJ will be close.

Jun 25th, 2002, 12:59:17 PM
The weekends are going to be pretty dismal now, and they're going to get worse soon with MIB2 and AP3 coming out. Hopefully I'm wrong, but it's definetly going to limp and crawl its way to 300M.

Jun 25th, 2002, 03:30:43 PM
AOTC will pass 300 million. I have forseen it . . .

Jul 1st, 2002, 05:57:36 PM
1. Spider-Man - 395.9
2. Attack of the Clones - 286.3M
3. Ice Age - 175.0M
4. Scooby-Doo - 123.9M
5. The Sum of All Fears - 105.4

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2002, 07:16:12 PM
My faith in humanity has been destoryed. WFT is Scoop of Poo doing in this list?????

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 1st, 2002, 08:49:04 PM
Well it had a big opening but I think it will be at the bottom by this time next year I see at least 7-10 films passing it, including TTT, HP 2, Signs, MIB2, Austin Powers 2, Lilo and Stitch (I still think it will make 150) there will be others though that are possible, Minority Report has a chance, There is K-19 which looks awesome, XXX (The Fast and the Furious was a big hit) that James Bond movie, it could, The Santa Clause 2 (the first one almost made 200 million), Treasure Planet, and The Red Dragon (Hannible made 170 so I would say its possible).

Jul 8th, 2002, 08:14:05 PM
1. Spider-Man 400.1M
2. Attack of the Clones - 291.3M
3. Ice Age 175.4M
4. Scooby-Doo 137.5M
5. The Sum of All Fears 111.7M
6. Lilo & Stitch 103.0M

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 24th, 2002, 10:46:37 PM
Saw this needed updating

1 Spiderman 402. 8
2 Attack of the Clones 295.9
3 Ice Age 175.4
4 Men in Black 2 161.8
5 Scooby Doo 148.9
6 Lilo and Stitch 130.0
7 Minority Report 119.3
8 The Sum of All Fears 116.9
9 Mr Deeds 110.0
10 The Bourne Identity 107.1

So we got 10 films now how many more do you think will make it?

We know HP2 and TTT both should make it, I say Signs, AP3, and XXX all will make it, but there are several other posbilities: Spy Kids 2, The Santa Clause 2, James Bond, and The Red Dragon. Could be others just don't know what else is coming out this fall yet.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 24th, 2002, 10:52:14 PM
Cant believe Minority report is that low

Jul 25th, 2002, 09:57:17 AM
Me neither Marcus. I'm also a little surprised that MIB2 shot up so fast. Although its unlikely it will climb much higher than Ice Age and only slip, it's still a pretty impressive total for a movie that seemingly no one liked.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 25th, 2002, 10:35:44 AM
Well it made most of that in its first weekend, about 90 million, so that is the reason I think, it will pass Ice Age and might make between 180-190 but it won't finish in the top 5 for the year I can guarentee that (I am certain both HP2 and TTT will pass it and maybe even Signs and Austin Powers 3) Minority Report, is surprising considering the reviews but I guess the general public just didn't like it or was interested in it, maybe because of the public's perception of AI I don't know.

Jul 25th, 2002, 11:37:10 AM
Maybe the movie going public is lazy in the summer time and they just want pop corn movies. Minority Report seems to actually want to say something useful, unlike most summer action flicks, like Rush Hour 2 for example. Still, you would figure Spielberg, Cruise together would be a can't miss hit.

Jul 29th, 2002, 07:00:44 PM
Eh, no additions this week, so I shouldn't have updated. Of course i didn't realize there were no new additions till I was halfway through, so I just finished anyways.

1. Spider-Man - 403.1M
2. Attack of the Clones - 297.0M
3. Ice Age - 176.1M
4. Men in Black 2 - 173.4M
5. Scooby Doo - 150.0M
6. Lilo and Stitch - 134.2M
7. Minority Report - 123.4M
8. The Sum of All Fears - 117.6M
9. Mr. Deeds - 116.2
10. The Bourne Identity 110.2M

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 29th, 2002, 07:47:59 PM
I think AP3 will make it by next weekend, not sure of anything else before Signs makes it.

Aug 6th, 2002, 07:59:27 AM
One addition this week.

1. Spider-Man - 403.5M
2. Attack of the Clones - 298.1M
3. Men in Black 2 - 182.1M
4. Ice Age - 176.2M
5. Scooby Doo - 150.7M
6. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 141.7M
7. Lilo and Stitch - 137.3M
8. Minority Report - 126.6M
9. Mr. Deeds - 120.9
10. The Sum of All Fears - 117.9M
11. The Bourne Identity 113.1M

Aug 27th, 2002, 03:23:15 PM
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 299.9M
3. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 193.9M
4. Men in Black 2 - 189.5M
5. Ice Age - 176.4M
6. Signs - 173.1M
7. Scooby Doo - 151.5M
8. Lilo and Stitch - 140.2M
9. Minority Report - 129.8M
10. Mr. Deeds - 124.0M
11. The Sum of All Fears - 118.2M
12. The Bourne Identity - 116.9M
13. XXX - 106.3M

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:26:26 PM
I figure I update it, AOTC passed 300 and one new movie to 100, Road to Predition, finally.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 301.1M
3. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 207.1M
4. Signs - 205.7M
5. Men in Black 2 - 190.3M
6. Ice Age - 176.4M
7. Scooby Doo - 152.3M
8. Lilo and Stitch - 142.7M
9. Minority Report - 130.9M
10. XXX - 130.7M
11. Mr. Deeds - 124.9M
12. The Bourne Identity - 118.9M
13. The Sum of All Fears - 118.2M
14. The Road to Predition 101.1

Well MY Big Fat Greek Wedding should be next probably will happen next weekend, after that there won't be another until October probably the Red Dragon.

Sep 9th, 2002, 06:31:41 PM
ooh, Damon overtook Affleck :)

Sep 10th, 2002, 08:09:28 AM
Ooooh catfight!

I still have a hard time with how little MR made.

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:30:35 AM
I know and it is going to be passed by Triple X in the next couple of days and probably by at least 3 more films (I am certain TTT, HP2 and Red Dragon will all make more) maybe more, it might not even finish in the top 15 films of the year.

Sep 10th, 2002, 11:31:52 AM
Well maybe instead of being a blockbuster smash of 2002, it will go down as a cult classic in the years to come...

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 16th, 2002, 10:10:30 PM
One more to add to the list MBFGW did it Friday, it should get pass Minority Report at least and make between 140-160 for the year. Also I don't think we will get another one to the list until October, probably the Red Dragon, still there could be some place changing between now and then.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 301.5M
3. Signs - 213.0M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 209.6M
5. Men in Black 2 - 190.3M
6. Ice Age - 176.4M
7. Scooby Doo - 152.5M
8. Lilo and Stitch - 143.0M
9. XXX - 135.6M
10. Minority Report - 131.3M
11. Mr. Deeds - 125.2M
12. The Bourne Identity - 119.5M
13. The Sum of All Fears - 118.2M
14. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 110.4M
15. The Road to Predition 102.5

Sene Unty
Sep 17th, 2002, 12:55:52 PM
Man there is like 4 movies that don't belong on that list.


Jedi Master Carr
Sep 17th, 2002, 11:04:56 PM
I know Scooby Poop doesn't belong there, I am hoping it falls out of the top 10, 4 films need to pass it, I figure TTT and HP 2 both should easily, The Red Dragon could, Hannible made 165, The Santa Clause 2 is another possibility, heck MBFGW could still do it.

Sene Unty
Sep 18th, 2002, 07:43:12 AM
It needs to go away for ever. I had to see the stupid movie twice. Once with my little brother (because no one in my family would take the poor kid.) and again with a summer camp I worked for. Believe me, seeing it twice did not make it any better!!!!

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 18th, 2002, 11:41:58 AM
Well the movie is coming out on DVD and Video next month and then there is the sequel, which I pray bombs.

Sene Unty
Sep 18th, 2002, 08:17:27 PM
I just thought of another 100 million dollar movie that's coming out.....8-MILE. It has major Oscar buzz, and also appeals to the younger crowds.

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:58:05 PM
I looked up all the Fall-Christmas releases here are all the films that I think could make 100

in chronological order
The Tuxedo -Sept 27
Sweet Home Alabama Sept 27
The Red Dragon-Oct 4
Punch Drunk Love (an Adam Sandler Film that is candidate for Oscar???) Oct 11
The Santa Clause 2- Nov 1
I Spy- Nov 1
8Mile (Enemin's movie debut) Nov 8
Harry Potter 2 - Nov 15
Die Another Day (James Bond movie)- Nov 22
Treasure Planet -Nov 27
Solaris (George Clooney and Stephen Sodeburg(sp) Sci-Fi film)-Nov 27
Analyze That -Dec 6
Star Trek: Nemesis- Dec 13
Lord of the Ring The Two Towers- Dec 18
Two Weeks (some Hugh Grant-Sandra Bullock comedy)-Dec 20
Gangs of New York (which could bomb as well)- Dec 25
Catch me if you can (another Leo film but with Tom Hanks in it too directed by Spielberg)- Dec 25

How many of these films make it I have no clue. I think LOTR, and Hp2 are given, I think Red Dragon will make 100 at least Die Another Day could do it after that the rest are maybes.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 19th, 2002, 01:42:10 AM
Yay for My Big Fat Greek Wedding!!! :crack

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:24:00 PM
Ok nothing new but a few changes in the order

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 301.8M
3. Signs - 217.9M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 211.0M
5. Men in Black 2 - 190.3M
6. Ice Age - 176.4M
7. Scooby Doo - 152.7M
8. Lilo and Stitch - 143.3M
9. XXX - 138.3M
10. Minority Report - 131.5M
11. Mr. Deeds - 125.3M
12. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 124.0M
13. The Bourne Identity - 120.1M
14. The Sum of All Fears - 118.2M
15. The Road to Predition 103.2

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 30th, 2002, 09:32:01 PM
Nothing new, just MBFGW moving up the chart, should easily pass XXX, Lilo and Stitch and maybe Scooby Poop.
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 301.9M
3. Signs - 221.2M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 211.8M
5. Men in Black 2 - 190.3M
6. Ice Age - 176.4M
7. Scooby Doo - 152.9M
8. Lilo and Stitch - 143.5M
9. XXX - 139.8M
10. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 136.6M
11. Minority Report - 131.7M
12. Mr. Deeds - 125.5M
13. The Bourne Identity - 120.5M
14. The Sum of All Fears - 118.2M
15. The Road to Predition 103.6M

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 7th, 2002, 11:04:25 PM
Not much change except for MBFGW, we should have two more to add in the next month, Sweet Home Alabama should make it and so should Red Dragon after the next most likely movie is The Santa Clause 2.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 302.0M
3. Signs - 223.4M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 212.2M
5. Men in Black 2 - 190.3M
6. Ice Age - 176.4M
7. Scooby Doo - 153.0M
8. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 147.7M
9. Lilo and Stitch - 143.6M
10. XXX - 140.6M
11. Minority Report - 131.8M
12. Mr. Deeds - 125.6M
13. The Bourne Identity - 120.7M
14. The Sum of All Fears - 118.2M
15. The Road to Predition 103.7M

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 14th, 2002, 09:49:50 PM
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 302.1M
3. Signs - 224.6M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 212.4M
5. Men in Black 2 - 190.3M
6. Ice Age - 176.4M
7. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 158.9M
8. Scooby Doo - 153.1M
9. Lilo and Stitch - 144.0M
10. XXX - 140.9M
11. Minority Report - 131.9M
12. Mr. Deeds - 125.8M
13. The Bourne Identity - 120.9M
14. The Sum of All Fears - 118.2M
15. The Road to Predition 103.8M

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 14th, 2002, 10:30:52 PM
Yay for MBFGW!!! :crack

Oct 15th, 2002, 07:30:04 AM
Talk about an astounding sleeper hit!

Sene Unty
Oct 15th, 2002, 08:05:59 AM
And it passed Scooby Doo! WooHoo. I just wanted it to do that. Now 3 movies have to surpass MBFGW and then Scooby doo will be out of the top ten! Red Dragon could. 8-Mile will hopefully, HP2 should and TTT is a given! Ahhhhhh. life is good and the world is back to normal. I hate it when bad movies do good...and Scooby Doo was a bad movie! :D

Oct 15th, 2002, 10:05:59 AM
I saw part of it at Wal Mart on Sunday and it was awful! I used to love the cartoon, but now this movie is scarring my memory of Scooby!

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 15th, 2002, 11:37:27 AM
Well we need one movie to do it (since its a given that HP 2 and TTT both will pass it). I don't think Red Dragon will, I think now the most it will do is 140 (which is good by the way for an R rated film) the next best chance is the Santa Clause 2 which I have the feeling could be bigger than some people think. The first one made 170+ and this one is opening in a perfect climate around the holidays and it is the only real holiday film between now and Christmas so it should stay in theaters until New Years. I think it will get past Scobby but that is more speculation on my part. Also there are other films.
Here is whats left in terms of major films between Nov 1 and New Years

The Santa Clause 2- Nov 1
I Spy- Nov 1
8Mile (Enemin's movie debut) Nov 8
Harry Potter 2 - Nov 15
Die Another Day (James Bond movie)- Nov 22
Treasure Planet -Nov 27
Solaris (George Clooney and Stephen Sodeburg(sp) Sci-Fi film)-Nov 27
Analyze That -Dec 6
Gangs of New York (which could bomb as well)- Dec ?
Star Trek: Nemesis- Dec 13
Lord of the Ring The Two Towers- Dec 18
Two Weeks (some Hugh Grant-Sandra Bullock comedy)-Dec 20
Catch me if you can (another Leo film but with Tom Hanks in it too directed by Spielberg)- Dec 25

So there are 12 films that could make a hundred ( I think at least half of them will, maybe more) so at least 3 of them should do it, I hope.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 21st, 2002, 06:19:17 PM
Nothing new to add and no new movement, Sweet Home Alabama should pass 100 this week, I think Red Dragon still will probably barely it only needs 22 million after that the next film could be The Santa Clause 2.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 302.2M
3. Signs - 225.3M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 212.7M
5. Men in Black 2 - 190.3M
6. Ice Age - 176.4M
7. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 169.3M
8. Scooby Doo - 153.2M
9. Lilo and Stitch - 144.6M
10. XXX - 141.1M
11. Minority Report - 131.9M
12. Mr. Deeds - 125.9M
13. The Bourne Identity - 121.1M
14. The Sum of All Fears - 118.2M
15. The Road to Predition 103.9M

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 28th, 2002, 09:11:18 PM
One more film to add and MBFGW gets closer to 200 I think it will pass MIB 2 for sure it could pass Austin Powers 3, it will finish between 200-220, IMO.
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 302.2M
3. Signs - 225.5M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 212.9M
5. Men in Black 2 - 190.3M
6. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 177.7M
7. Ice Age - 176.4M
8. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
9. Lilo and Stitch - 144.9M
10. XXX - 141.2M
11. Minority Report - 132.0M
12. Mr. Deeds - 125.9M
13. The Bourne Identity - 121.2M
14. The Sum of All Fears - 118.2M
15. Sweet Home Alabama 107.3
16. The Road to Predition 104.0M

Admiral Lebron
Oct 28th, 2002, 09:27:05 PM
That movie shocked the hell out of me. I will say that.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 4th, 2002, 11:04:03 PM
No movement and nothing new to add, I think MBFGW could pass MIB 2 next weekend. I thought Red Dragon was going to make it pass 100 but if it does it is going to limp there. If it doesn't I feel either the Santa Clause 2 or HP2 will be the next film to make it. SC2 should do it by the weekend after HP 2 comes out, I think so it will depend on how high HP 2 opens.
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 303.6
3. Signs - 225.8M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.0M
5. Men in Black 2 - 190.3M
6. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $185.2M
7. Ice Age - 176.4M
8. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
9. Lilo and Stitch - 145.2M
10. XXX - 141.2M
11. Minority Report - 132.0M
12. Mr. Deeds - 126.0M
13. The Bourne Identity - 121.4M
14. The Sum of All Fears - 118.2M
15. Sweet Home Alabama 113.5
16. The Road to Predition 104.0M

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 11th, 2002, 08:09:46 PM
Nothing new yet, the race is between The Ring, SC 2 and Hp 2 for the next to make (all of them will) it will depend on what HP 2 does this weekend, if it does less than the first one than the Ring will be the next to add, most likely.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 305.6
3. Signs - 225.9M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.1M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $192.8M
6. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
7. Ice Age - 176.4M
8. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
9. Lilo and Stitch - 145.4M
10. XXX - 141.2M
11. Minority Report - 132.0M
12. Mr. Deeds - 126.0M
13. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
14. The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
15. Sweet Home Alabama 118.5
16. The Road to Predition 104.1M

Nov 11th, 2002, 08:30:54 PM
Sorry you got stuck doing this Carr, it always used to be my baby.

Not that I'm complaining, it gets to be a pain after awhile. ;)

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 11th, 2002, 08:38:38 PM
I don't mind doing, don't have much else to do Monday Afternoons :) If you want to jump into do a weekend, I wouldn't mind though. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 19th, 2002, 12:36:00 PM
Forgot to do it yesterday here is the updated list. The Ring got added, I think we will have a lot of films to add in the coming days, Harry Potter 2, is a certainity, 8 Mile should make it along with Santa Clause 2, and then Die Another Day by the end of the month.
It also looks like AOTC finally passed ID4 that is good news.
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 307.0
3. Signs - 226.0M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.1M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $199.6M
6. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
7. Ice Age - 176.4M
8. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
9. Lilo and Stitch - 145.7M
10. XXX - 141.2M
11. Minority Report - 132.0M
12. Mr. Deeds - 126.1M
13. Sweet Home Alabama 121.9
14. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
15. The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
16. The Road to Predition 104.1M
17 The Ring 100.7

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:05:30 PM
Mister Potter got added this weekend and jumped up to #9 should pass Scooby crap, Ice Age and Maybe MIB 2 after Thanksgiving should be in top 5 by the end of the year either 3 or 4 depending on what TTT does
Santa Clause 2 should be next it only needs 5 million to make should do that by next weekend, it should beat 8 Mile to the punch consider how quickly that is falling. DAD should make the list as well, after that will have to see how the movies between now and TTT does because most of those to me are all questionable. That means we are guarenteed 22 films (have to think TTT is a guarentee here) does anybody remember how many we had last year.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 307.9
3. Signs - 226.3M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.1M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $204.5M
6. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
7. Ice Age - 176.4M
8. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
9. Harry Potter 2 148.4M
10. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
11. XXX - 141.2M
12. Minority Report - 132.0M
13. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
14. Sweet Home Alabama 123.4
15. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
16. The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
17. The Ring 110.8
18. The Road to Predition 104.1M

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:15:59 PM
Big changes here 3 movies added and Harry Potter 2 jumped up 4 spots should pass MBGW, AP 3 and Signs by next weekend, probably will still be #3 by the end of the year, though TTT may knock it off next year. It could still crawl pass 300 it will be close there.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 308.8
3. Signs - 226.9M
4. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.1M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $210.6M
6. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 200.2M
7. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
8. Ice Age - 176.4M
9. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
10. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
11. XXX - 141.2M
12. Minority Report - 132.0M
13. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
14. Sweet Home Alabama 124.1
15. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
16. The Ring 119.8
17. The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
18. The Santa Clause 2 113.6
19. 8Mile 107.3
20 The Road to Predition 104.1M
21 Die Another Day 101.4

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2002, 08:16:42 PM
Not too much new, just some shifting around of the list, Probably only one more film to add to before the end of the year, unless Star Trek Surprises me, and that is TTT, the rest of the list won't get updated till Next year.
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 309.2
3. Signs - 227.0M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 213.9M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $213.3M
6. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.1M
7. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
8. Ice Age - 176.4M
9. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
10. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
11. XXX - 141.2M
12. Minority Report - 132.0M
13. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
14. Sweet Home Alabama 124.4
15. The Ring 123.3
16. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
17. Die Another Day 120.2
18. The Santa Clause 2 120.1
19. The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
20 8Mile 111.2
21 The Road to Predition 104.1M

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 16th, 2002, 04:04:47 PM
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 309.5
3. Signs - 227.3M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 222.6M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $215.6M
6. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.1M
7. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
8. Ice Age - 176.4M
9. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
10. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
11. XXX - 141.2M
12. Minority Report - 132.0M
13. Die Another Day 131.9
14. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
15. The Santa Clause 2 125.4
16. The Ring 125.3
17. Sweet Home Alabama 124.5
18. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
19. The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
20 8Mile 113.4
21 The Road to Predition 104.1M

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 16th, 2002, 04:47:07 PM
Only thing left now is to see exactly where TTT ends up. No. 3 looks like a good call.

Dec 16th, 2002, 05:32:49 PM
well 4 300 million dollar movies in the last 2 years is incredible by itself

and theres a chance TTT could still make 300 million

Dec 16th, 2002, 06:27:06 PM
I think it will, and has an outside chance of cracking number 2.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 16th, 2002, 10:54:00 PM
I think it will be #3, my guess it will make 270-300, it could crawl over 300 maybe, but heck I thought HP 2 could do the same thing, so I have no clue, people don't seem to be going to the movies right December is way down from last year, so their could be some reason for this, I think its people are shopping which makes sense.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 23rd, 2002, 11:08:01 PM
One more film to list and that will that for a while, Gangs of New York and Chicago are both possible consider Oscar potetial, also Catch me if you can has a good chance after that I don't see anything else approaching 100.
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 309.8
3. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 228.8M
4. Signs - 227.4M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $217.7M
6. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.1M
7. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
8. Ice Age - 176.4M
9. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
10. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
11. XXX - 141.2M
12. Die Another Day 138.5
13. Minority Report - 132.0M
14. The Santa Clause 2 129.8
15. The Ring 126.2
16. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
17. Sweet Home Alabama 124.8
18. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
19. The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
20 8Mile 114.1
21 The Road to Predition 104.1M
22 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 102.0

Dec 24th, 2002, 04:42:55 AM
You guys don't think TTT will beat AOTC?

I'd say it has a 50-50 chance anyway. I mean, FOTR didn't have this good of an opening at all and it managed $313 million or whatever. It crawled the final $15 million, so it was around forever.

Harry Potter 2 did not do well whatsoever compared to the first. They have nothing to worry about with this film, but what if this same decline happens next time? That is something to worry about.

You have $317M then $250M (maybe, or less), despite slightly higher ticket prices, what is next, just $200M? Then what happens to parts 4-7? You never know how low it could drop, maybe like $140 to $150 million range, which is good, but dried up for a franchise like that.

No saga has found a way to do what Star Wars has managed, that is for sure. A few trilogies have remained mostly consistent, I guess. The first 3 Rocky films did very well, then the 4th was also fine, 5th bombed.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 24th, 2002, 05:23:17 PM
Well HP 2 was more front loaded, really it doesn't matter as long as it continues to do well overseas, it will probably make 550-600 overseas for around 750-850 WW which is very good, IMO. As far as the sequels well the third will probably do similar to the Second, there won't be no LOTR for that one. The problem is the fourth one, if they change actors there is a chance it could bomb, plus they will probably have to film 4 and 5 into two movies each (both are over 700 pages) this presents a problem, they would have to combine to make at least 700 million WW to make a profit.

As for TTT, it has a chance and I agree its 50-50, I personally think it will be more front loaded and if you compare it to the openings of Harry Potter 2 and AOTC then you see it would do less than AOTC and a little more than Harry Potter. The only thing that could change that is Oscars, I think it won't but who knows it could and that could help it, but that is the only way it will. If it gets no major nominations it will probably make between 270-290. Now as far as WW. It will pass AOTC there and probably even Spiderman right now I think TTT and HP 2 will battle it out for first WW, the difference could be 20-50 million.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 30th, 2002, 11:34:31 PM
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 310.1
3. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 240.3M
4. Signs - 227.5M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $222.5M
6. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.1M
7. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 200.0M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
11.Die Another Day 146.7
12. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
13. XXX - 141.2M
14. The Santa Clause 2 135.5
15. Minority Report - 132.0M
16. The Ring 126.8M
17. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
18. Sweet Home Alabama 125.4
19. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
20. The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
21 8Mile 114.7
22 The Road to Predition 104.1M

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 30th, 2002, 11:50:34 PM
I dotn think there is a chance TTT wont beat AOTC. TTT is startign to show it's not front loaded as heavily as we thought. TTT will most likey have over 270 million by the end of next week and still strong. I'll add FOTR did 100 million in January. That could mean TTT is with striking distance of 370 million by the end of Jan. Oscar noms could mean 400 million by the end of it's run. World wide, TTT wil definantly eat AOTC and Spiderman alive.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:07:05 AM
I think it will drop 50% next weekend January is a slow month, my prediction right now is 300-320, I don't see it getting Oscar nods either, it will probably make 840-870 WW.

Dec 31st, 2002, 08:56:05 AM
"I dotn think there is a chance TTT wont beat AOTC."

I must agree.

TTT is headed for $350 to $370 million, IMO.

It is an excellent film, so I applaud its success.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 6th, 2003, 10:38:35 PM
Nothing new just a lot of movement, TTT passed Harry Potter, MBFGW passed Signs and DAD passed Scooby Crap which means that Scooby Doo is out of the top ten :crack
Most of the top 10 I think is set Catch me if you can could enter it maybe. I don't see MBFGW passing HP I think it will finish around 230-235 at the most TTT should pass TTT probably finishing around 330-350 at the most, IMO. Harry Potter will probably finish between 260-265. Of course WW these numbers are different.
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 310.3
3. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 261.0M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 252.3M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $227.9M
6. Signs - 227.7M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.1M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Die Another Day 153.8
11. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
12. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
13. XXX - 142.0M
14. The Santa Clause 2 138.0
15. Minority Report - 132.0M
16. The Ring 127.2M
17. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
18. Sweet Home Alabama 126.1
19. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
20. The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
21 8Mile 115.2
22 The Road to Predition 104.1M

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 14th, 2003, 11:54:15 AM
One more film to add and it may or not be the last, the only two films I think that have a shot are Gangs of New York and Chicago, mostly because of the Oscars, either one could get a boost from it that will be hard to say at this point but both will range between 80-120 for the year, IMO.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 310.4M
3. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 283.4.0M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 255.5M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $230.8M
6. Signs - 227.8M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.1M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Die Another Day 156.2
11. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
12. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
13. XXX - 142.0M
14. The Santa Clause 2 138.7
15. Minority Report - 132.0M
16. The Ring 127.2M
17. Sweet Home Alabama 126.4
18. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
19. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
20. Catch me if you Can 119.4
21 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
22 8Mile 115.6
23 The Road to Predition 104.1M

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:31:29 PM
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 310.4M
3. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 300.1M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 257.9M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $234.3M
6. Signs - 227.9M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.3M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Die Another Day 157.7
11. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
12. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
13. XXX - 142.1M
14. The Santa Clause 2 139.0
15. Catch me if you Can 136.3
16. Minority Report - 132.0M
17. The Ring 127.9M
18. Sweet Home Alabama 126.7
19. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
20. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
21 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
22 8Mile 115.9
23 The Road to Predition 104.5M

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 28th, 2003, 11:56:07 PM
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Attack of the Clones - 310.4M
3. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 309.3M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 258.9M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $236.4M
6. Signs - 227.9M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.3M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Die Another Day 158.7
11. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
12. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
13. Catch me if you Can 145.4
14. XXX - 142.1M
15. The Santa Clause 2 139.1
16. Minority Report - 132.0M
17. The Ring 128.3M
18. Sweet Home Alabama 126.9
19. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
20. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
21 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
22 8Mile 116.1
23 The Road to Predition 104.5M

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 5th, 2003, 11:38:53 PM
This list is getting closer to the end, the top 5 is set, TTT will not pass Spiderman, there is no way Harry Potter will beat SW now nor with MBFGW pass Hp (it comes out on DVD/Video next week) so we can be very certain of that. Also there really to me only one more film to add maybe Chicago, it gets a wider release this weekend which will help it. Its at 50 million should be at around 60-65 by next weekend, and should make 100 at least because of the Oscars.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 316.7 M
3. Attack of the Clones - 310.5M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 259.7M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $238.7M
6. Signs - 227.9M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.3M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Die Another Day 159.6
11. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
12.Catch me if you Can 152.8 M
13. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
14. XXX - 142.1M
15. The Santa Clause 2 139.2
16. Minority Report - 132.0M
17. The Ring 128.6M
18. Sweet Home Alabama 127.0M
19. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
20. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
21 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
22 8Mile 116.3
23 The Road to Predition 104.5M

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 26th, 2003, 01:49:15 PM
I forgot to do this last week but there really hasn't been that much change except that CMIYC passed Scooby Doo and Die Another Day. Chicago should finally make it next weekend and that should be the last film to add to the list unless Gangs of New York has a huge oscar boost which right now I don't see happening.
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 328.3M
3. Attack of the Clones - 310.5M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 260.9M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241.0M
6. Signs - 227.9M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.3M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Catch me if you Can 161.2M
11. Die Another Day 160.6
12. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
13. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
14. XXX - 142.1M
15. The Santa Clause 2 139.2
16. Minority Report - 132.0M
17. The Ring 128.9M
18. Sweet Home Alabama 127.2M
19. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
20. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
21 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
22 8Mile 116.6
23 The Road to Predition 104.5M

Feb 26th, 2003, 02:47:49 PM
It didnt hit 100? Ouch :)

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 26th, 2003, 03:02:48 PM
No its at 73 right now, I don't see it making it to 100, probably 85-90 at the most.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 8th, 2003, 12:16:25 AM
Well I have added probably the last film that will get added to the list. I don't think Gangs will make it really it is 25 million short.
Also this list should be coming to an end soon, BFGW should be done, Harry Potter comes on DVD next month so it won't be out too much longer and CMIFC and DOD I think come out on video soon as well. Chicago will do the best especially if it does great at the Oscars it could make 150, I think at least maybe 160-170 at the most. LOTR will make somewhere between 335-340.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 330.8M
3. Attack of the Clones - 310.6M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 261.1M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241.3M
6. Signs - 227.9M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.3M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Catch me if you Can 162.1M
11. Die Another Day 160.7
12. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
13. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
14. XXX - 142.1M
15. The Santa Clause 2 139.2
16. Minority Report - 132.0M
17. The Ring 128.9M
18. Sweet Home Alabama 127.2M
19. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
20. The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
21 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
22 8Mile 116.6
23 Chicago 107.6M
24 The Road to Predition 104.5M

Mar 8th, 2003, 01:14:20 PM
Also TTT won't get the benefit of a re-release with a 4 minute trailer of RotK.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 8th, 2003, 09:32:47 PM
No it won't I also don't think the Oscars are going to help it much this time, still if it can make it to 340 that would still be something, still won't get pass Jurassic Park.

Mar 23rd, 2003, 04:31:07 PM
i was doing a table of 100 million dollar movies since 1982

the first time there was 10 100 million dollar movies was 1989, but there was only 1 200 million movie and that was batman at 251 (after that it went into hybernation for 2 years tell 1992 with 11 100 million movies and since then it has never dropped below 10 again)

no were doing 20-25 movies a year that gets there the plataue is no longer that great

hell in 1983 only 2 movies made 100 million dollars and even in 1985 there was only 3

then ya look a

Mar 23rd, 2003, 04:53:21 PM
there has been 270 100 million dollar movies, 46 200 million dollar movies (7 last year alone), 14 300 million movies (3 last year), 5 400 million movies and 1 600 million movie

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:03:31 AM
This list is about done Chicago is the only film playing wide, COS is in dollar theaters and will be on DVD next week. TTT is probably about done, It might make it to 340 maybe. The question is how much Chicago will make, I am guessing it will make between 155-170 so it could make the top 10.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 335.8M
3. Attack of the Clones - 310.7M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 261.8M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241.4M
6. Signs - 227.9M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.3M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Catch me if you Can 163.8M
11. Die Another Day 160.9M
12. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
13. Chicago 144.7M
14. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
15. XXX - 142.1M
16. The Santa Clause 2 139.2M
17. Minority Report - 132.0M
18. The Ring 128.9M
19. Sweet Home Alabama 127.2M
20. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
21 The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
22 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
23 8Mile 116.6
24 The Road to Predition 104.5

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 9th, 2003, 12:38:27 PM
This list is getting closer to finishing HP:COS is nearly done, I think it will make it to 262 (it needs like 50,000 to do it) LOTR is about done too, it could make it to 340 but it won't get past that. Catch me if you can will get to 165. Chicago will make it past 160 for certain should make into the top 10, I don't see it passing Ice Age though. Also one more thing I find it interesting that in WW gross that here is the numbers (these are estimates)
1 TTT 890
2 Hp:COS 865
3 Spiderman 810
4 AOTC 660

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 336.5M
3. Attack of the Clones - 310.7M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 261.9M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241.4M
6. Signs - 227.9M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.3M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Catch me if you Can 164.1M
11. Die Another Day 160.9M
12. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
13. Chicago 152.3M
14. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
15. XXX - 142.1M
16. The Santa Clause 2 139.2M
17. Minority Report - 132.0M
18. The Ring 128.9M
19. Sweet Home Alabama 127.2M
20. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
21 The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
22 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
23 8Mile 116.6
24 The Road to Predition 104.5

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 28th, 2003, 09:40:13 PM
Well this is nearly final I say by next month the numbers will be done. It appears only Chicago and TTT are still in theaters and TTT is about done and is mostly in dollar theaters.

. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 337.9M
3. Attack of the Clones - 310.7M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 262.0M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241.4M
6. Signs - 227.9M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.3M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Catch me if you Can 164.5M
11. Chicago 163.4M
12.Die Another Day 160.9M
13. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
14. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
15. XXX - 142.1M
16. The Santa Clause 2 139.2M
17. Minority Report - 132.0M
18. The Ring 128.9M
19. Sweet Home Alabama 127.2M
20. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
21 The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
22 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
23 8Mile 116.6
24 The Road to Predition 104.5

Jedi Master Carr
May 21st, 2003, 03:24:48 PM
This is about it only Chicago is making any money really, TTT is only playing in Dollar theaters I doubt it will make more than to 339. Chicago could make it to 170 but will not pass Ice Age.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 338.6M
3. Attack of the Clones - 310.7M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 262.0M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241.4M
6. Signs - 227.9M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.3M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Chicago 167.4M
11. Catch me if you Can 164.6M
12.Die Another Day 160.9M
13. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
14. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
15. XXX - 142.1M
16. The Santa Clause 2 139.2M
17. Minority Report - 132.0M
18. The Ring 128.9M
19. Sweet Home Alabama 127.2M
20. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
21 The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
22 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
23 8Mile 116.6
24 The Road to Predition 104.5

Jedi Master Carr
May 29th, 2003, 10:07:47 PM
Only two movies playing not sure how much longer they will though, I think this will be completely finished by the end of June.

1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 338.8M
3. Attack of the Clones - 310.7M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 262.0M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241.4M
6. Signs - 227.9M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.3M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Chicago 168.3M
11. Catch me if you Can 164.6M
12.Die Another Day 160.9M
13. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
14. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
15. XXX - 142.1M
16. The Santa Clause 2 139.2M
17. Minority Report - 132.0M
18. The Ring 128.9M
19. Sweet Home Alabama 127.2M
20. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
21 The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
22 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
23 8Mile 116.6
24 The Road to Predition 104.5

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 27th, 2003, 07:37:13 PM
Just wanted to do one final update to this. To me this is pretty much final with TTT getting releast to DVD. It might make some more money at that re-release in December. But that counts as 2003 IMO.
1. Spider-Man - 403.7M
2. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 339.7M
3. Attack of the Clones - 310.7M
4. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts 262.0M
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $241.4M
6. Signs - 227.9M
7. Austin Powers: Goldmember - 213.3M
8. Men in Black 2 - 190.4M
9. Ice Age - 176.4M
10. Chicago 170.6M
11. Catch me if you Can 164.6M
12.Die Another Day 160.9M
13. Scooby Doo - 153.3M
14. Lilo and Stitch - 145.8M
15. XXX - 142.1M
16. The Santa Clause 2 139.2M
17. Minority Report - 132.0M
18. The Ring 128.9M
19. Sweet Home Alabama 127.2M
20. Mr. Deeds - 126.2M
21 The Bourne Identity - 121.5M
22 The Sum of All Fears - 118.5M
23 8Mile 116.6
24 The Road to Predition 104.5

Aug 29th, 2003, 10:20:46 PM
Amazing to think AOTC, which we all thought would do better, ended 3rd movie of the year and was convincingly trounced WW. When you think what is suppsoed to be the most critic prooka nd loyal fanbase, scored 120m less in the USa and 300 (!) million less WW, Lucas should be asking why.

Aug 29th, 2003, 10:33:33 PM
Actually it was around 100M less..not 120M. I don't think any of us saw the "Spider-Man" phenomenon coming.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 30th, 2003, 01:11:35 AM
Yeah also SW isn't as popular overseas as LOTR and HP are right now there is nothing one can do about that. Also Spiderman didn't do much better overseas either. Just slightly more than AOTC. Still almost 700 million is nothing to sneez at.

Aug 30th, 2003, 07:47:04 AM
I think Spiderman was such a phenomenon, noone could expect that.