View Full Version : Fellows

Feb 21st, 2002, 10:32:30 PM
Hey all y'all.

Obviously I haven't been much use to the mod/admin family here. I have probably posted maybe two stories for the portal in a matter of months. Some of you know I just get super busy. Most of the time you do see me online, I'm doing paper work, etc. in another window. And when I can chat, I'm having to shut IMs down to take calls.

Basically, life just got even busier a week ago. I want to stay mod to help out and such, and post stories/whatever when I can, but I can't help thinking that my lack of work here should be noted, because if you didn't notice or care, the other posters will.

I know I've talked to Ogre about it before, and he assured me that he knew I was busy when he asked me to do the portal mod job. But now, it's even worse.

Anyway, like I said, I'd love to hang around as mod, I REALLY would. I just wonder if it's right carrying the title.

Something to think about.

Champion of the Force
Feb 23rd, 2002, 02:51:54 AM
Well I assumed the reason for your lack of presence in the portal was due to their being a lack of interesting stories to post, and that you were waiting until Ep. 2 drew nearer.

I say it's up to you. If you think you're letting the staff down then maybe you should quit so you don't put yourself under any unnecessary pressure to try and do what you can't, but if you think you can still do the job when things are sorted out then stay on. :)

Feb 23rd, 2002, 01:24:25 PM
Well, yeah, there is a lack of things to say, and when I do, someone tells me it's old news.

I said I wanted to still do it, and down the line, there will be more to say.

Anyway this weekend is busy. Maybe see some of you Sunday night... maybe.

Feb 24th, 2002, 10:18:49 PM
You know my line already and it really echoes CoF’s. No pressure whatsoever. If you have time to add to it great, if you don’t no sweat. This is nowhere near being a paying job, therefore there are really no expectations. I can think of no one else at the moment who could or would do any better at it, so whatever you decide is completely up to you. The position is yours as long as you want it.