View Full Version : To all those who have come from different messageboards.
Morgan Evanar
Feb 21st, 2002, 03:09:43 PM
Hey there. Before you post, please read the FAQ.
Second, before RPing, read a few threads. We don't do things exactly the same way, and while we may have a variety of styles, we do have tendencys. You can probably get away with ignoring some of it, but read a few threads and familiarize yourself with our universe so you can best carve your own little niche.
Fleets are a weird messy thing, and while I don't reccomend them, I'd get into a long winded talk with Viscera and Lounge Lizard before diving in. This will probably save you a lot of trouble in the long run.
Third, in regards to OOC, keep calm, eh?
Fourth: If you ask me nicely, I'd be more than happy to get your signature to our standards. But I can't host it.
So, welcome, but behave.
Sanis Prent
Feb 21st, 2002, 03:10:53 PM
Yeah...what he said.
I'm Sanis, one of many IC incarnations of the OOC entity that is "Lounge Lizard"
Welcome to SWfans, and nice to have ya.
Feb 21st, 2002, 04:39:33 PM
Prop up your feet, get a nice cool or hot (your preference) beverage and have a gander at the topics in this forum:
then head on over and peruse some of the many styles of Role Plays that we have available to read and or be a part of in these two forums:
(topics open to all who wish to be involved)
(topics where communicated arrangements should be made before joining in)
I hope you enjoy your stay and remember we are all here for fun.
Champion of the Force
Feb 21st, 2002, 06:51:28 PM
All other comments have been moved to this thread:
Please only post to this thread on the topic of interest. Keep non-related comments out.
Lord Gue
Feb 21st, 2002, 08:10:18 PM
As a member of the welcoming commitie I believe its my turn to hop on the bandwagon. The FAQ will help those of you new people out immensly, but dont count on it to answer everything, thats what us long timers are here for, dont be shy, ask us questions, thats what some of us are here for.
Feb 21st, 2002, 08:54:02 PM
Yes. If one doesn't know the asnwer another of us almost certainly will. Again, Lounge Lizard and Viscera are good ones to ask. :)
Garrett Blade
Feb 22nd, 2002, 12:10:24 PM
And what welcoming committee would be complete with out my almighty NOSH presence. I'm Garrett Blade - resident and psycho-extraodinaire. I put the DOT in SWFANS.NET !!!:D
Arya Ravenwing
Feb 23rd, 2002, 03:20:27 AM
*brings out the Net in to snag Garrett and take him away* ;)
Welcome all! If I can help ya, let me know. :)
Jane X
Feb 25th, 2002, 04:34:43 AM
CHARLEY! Where is the FAQ?????
Or um anybody else can answer too :angel
Sanis Prent
Feb 25th, 2002, 04:43:38 AM
I already TOLD you that :)
But there ya go.
Daemon Hyfe
Feb 25th, 2002, 01:01:21 PM
Charley! Have you seen my baseball?
Feb 25th, 2002, 01:06:20 PM
I heard my name...more than once? :huh
Oh and Sanis, that just one of the FAQs, there are three of them total, and all of them in some way, apply to these forums. They can all be found in a link I gave earlier in the thread to the FAQ forum. :p
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