View Full Version : To Every Captive Soul: Searching For Family

Nayala Palain
Feb 18th, 2002, 04:52:04 PM
Haveing sometime off from her normal duties at The Sith Empire, Athena thought she would finally go in search of her long lost family. She had been doing a lot of reading on what she could find of her family. The last thing Athena read about was the planet of Balmorra.

In her study of the planet Athena noticed that it was located on the Fringes of the Galactic Core. The planet was Dark, with only a single sun. Past the main city of Bin Prime you can see the grassy plains along with a few lake-like ocenas. The planet was well known for all its factories and its development of Wardriods.

Athena thought about the planet for a moment. It had been so long since she thought of finding her real past. Athena was 4 when she was removed from her real Mother and Father. Her second set of parents where darksiders who had told her that the Imperial Government had taken Athena from her Jedi parents when her (Athena's) home world was taken over.

Somewhere in all of Athena's things she found a small piece of paper that had the city Bin Prime on it. Before she (Athena) had killed her second Mother and Father in a fit of rage durring a training session, Her mother had said something about a man named Governor Tyrl Kiterix.

Returning to her book she saw that the last recorded Governor of Bin Prime was Governor Tyrl Kiterix.

Athena finally left notice with her Master that she would be leaving TSE's HQ and that she would return later to finish with her studies. Athena boarded a ship that belonged to TSE and set in her desired path.

Her journy took longer then even Athena thought it would. Thankfully the ship she took from TSE had auto Pilot on it. Athena hated to fly or even travel. She sent in all the needed codes to land on the small planet. She dressed in normal clothes but took her saber with her in case of anything.

She landed the ship and waited for all the shut down procedures and final checks to finish. Finally the landing ramp lowered and Athena departed the ship.

The sight of the city was amazing to say the least, she started to walk towards the Millard Castle. She noticed it from her readings of the planet. Apparently the family at one point was very wealthy.

Athena looked around for anything that might make her remember anything from her childhood. Although she was only four when she was taken away, and that this might not even be her home world. She walked along the streets for a while just looking at the factories and other buildings.

Taylor Millard
Feb 18th, 2002, 09:04:29 PM
Grand Admiral Taylor Millard stood in one of several bookstores on Bim Prime, staring at various texts. If he'd wanted to, Millard could have sent one of his officers to get the books, but the blue-eyed human preferred shopping for himself.

Thomas stood next to him, clad in his usual Imperial Guard robes, eyeing a text on weaponry in the Old Republic. A squadron of stormtroopers stood outside the shop, guarding it as the Commander of Guild Sector book shopped.

Serena would like this store, Millard thought as he gazed over texts, She has taken to the library quite well.

But his vice commander, Vice Admiral Serena Laran, was not present on Balmorra. Currently, the fiery-red head commanded a task force sent to bring Bakura under Imperial Reign.

Although he was off duty, Millard kept his Imperial Uniform on. It was an honor to wear it, as was the black lightsaber on his belt.

As his hand reached out for a particular book, Ancient Mysteries of the Outer Rim, he felt it. The presence of another Force User. One who had considerable power as well.

He motioned Thomas over.

"Yes, Taylor?" the Imperial Guardsman spoke.

"I felt something. A presence of another Force User. Outside the shop..."

"Could it be Lord Sha?" Thomas spoke of Millard's current Master, Trace Sha.

The Dark Jedi shook his head, his cold blue eyes flashing as he spoke, "No...it is another. And..." he paused as he sensed her out, "It is a woman.

"Come, we must meet this female."

Turning quickly, he exitted the shop, Thomas on his heels. The squadron of stormtroopers began following, but Millard waved them off.

"No, Thomas and I will handle this alone," he handed 40 creds to the lead trooper, "Go back and buy Jedi: The story of Ulic Quel-Droma, The History of Old Republic Weapons, and..." he paused for a second thinking, "Theater in Song: The story of the playwrite, Kal Kimorta."

Millard and Thomas walked down the streets of Bin Prime, feeling out the Force Presence the former had sensed.

The Sith Knight found her, looking at a bit of fruit as she stood infront of a cart laden with it.

Millard stood a ten feet away, then spoke telepathically,

"How can I help you, Force User."

Nayala Palain
Feb 23rd, 2002, 02:46:10 PM
As she walked down the street on the planet Balmorra. She had found herself in the main city of Bin Prime. As she walked down a small street she noticed a large group of Storm troopers. She thought of going down another street. But one had already spotted her and alerted the others. They watched her get near where they all where stationed.

As she walked past the small book store she allowed her force signature to over take the minds of the men. They didn't watch her as she pasted them. Although Athena did look within the small book shop and saw a man dressed in a uniform.

Sheesh the poor man cant even shop alone.

Athena chuckled at her thought. She then noticed a cart with fruit. She stopped and picked threw it and even paid the man when she found the ones she wanted.

She turned and was about to walk somemore when she heard a man's voice in her mind. "How can I help you, Force User."

She dropped a piece of the fruit she was holding. When she spun around to see who was there that knew she was a force user?

All she saw was the same uniformed man from the book store and a man clad in black.

And how did you know I would stop and Speak to you? And I never said I need any help... Sir.

Athena spoke within the other force users mind so no other would hear her. If anyone was watching all they saw was two men looking at a Lady. She allowed a slight smile to curl her lips. Then she took a bite of her other piece of fruit that was not splattered on the ground.

Taylor Millard
Feb 25th, 2002, 02:19:28 AM
Amusement came to Millard as he listened to her question. He indeed did not know if she needed help, however, there was something about her. Something he seemed to sense from her.

He walked up to the fruit cart, picking out a ripe peach, imported from Omar Prime. Inspecting it, he paid the cart owner, thanking him.

As he took a bite, he spoke in the Force again. Indeed I did not know if you were to speak to me. But, I sense, you seek something...You're not sure what you're looking. I assumed you could use my help.

Millard turned to the fruit cart owner, "The peach is good. My complements to the farmer."

I do have access to records most people do not.

Nayala Palain
Feb 25th, 2002, 01:46:24 PM
Athena looked at the man in uniform. He had said something of records. That would be something she would need soon.

" Tell me Sir. Why is it you have such access to things others do not? I gather you must be important. "

Athena just waited for her answer as she took another bite of the fruit. Her eyes shifted over towards the man standing in black.

" Who is he? And why is he just looking at me? "

Taylor Millard
Feb 25th, 2002, 08:50:22 PM
"Thomas is my bodyguard. He is doing his job.

A stormtrooper walked up to Millard, a parcel in his white armored hand.

"The books you asked for, Admiral," the trooper spoke.

"Very well, take them back to headquarters. Give them to Commander Stark. He will know what to do."

"Yes sir."

Millard turned back towards Athena, I believe I have given myself away. I have access to records for the simple reason I command this Imperial Sector. Grand Admiral Taylor Millard at your service.

And you are?

Nayala Palain
Feb 26th, 2002, 02:05:59 PM
Athena looked at the one named Thomas and just watched him. Well she did until she heard the foot steps of the Armor clad trooper leaving the shop. Her eyes darted towards the man and the other troopers.

The man in armor walked over to the force user.

"The books you asked for, Admiral,"

To her shock it spoke. There was a odd tone in the man's voice. Athena figured it was from the bulky helmet he had on. Then another thought had crossed her mind. That poor man has to be cooking under all that armor. Either way its not me.

Then the man in uniform looked at her and spoke within her mind once more... " I believe I have given myself away. I have access to records for the simple reason I command this Imperial Sector. Grand Admiral Taylor Millard at your service.

And you are? "

Athena thought for a moment... Great an Admiral stops me on some planet I dont know.

Then it hit her... Millard thats the same name as the family whom had great wealth on this planet.

Speaking out loud with her own voice.

" I am simply known as Athena. I am a Sith Knight of The Sith Empire. "

Taylor Millard
Feb 26th, 2002, 02:18:08 PM
Athena... that was a name Millard hadn't heard when it came to The Sith Empire. Their recently decision to lose all planets was one which still irked him to a degree. But he wasnt' in charge and thus it was none of his business.

"A pleasure to meet you, Athena," he spoke as he took her hand and kissed it, out of respect.

"What sort of documents are you looking for?"

Nayala Palain
Feb 26th, 2002, 02:29:24 PM
The Admiral took her hand and kissed it. Athena smiles slightly more because of how she was still out numbered if she made any sudden move.

" Its nice to meet you as well Admiral Millard. I honestly don't know... If you hadn't noticed I don't have a last name. That is because I don't know who my parents are or where. The only thing I do know is... "

Athena paused for a moment...

" I was four when removed from my home world. I was taken and given to a family who cared for me. I was told that the Imperials had taken over my home word. I was removed from a Jedi family and given to a darkside family on the planet, Coruscant. "

Athena waited before going on as to not lose the Admiral.

" Although I killed both the mother and father who took me in. I remember my step-mother saying this name...Tyrl Kiterix. I was 16 when I heard that name. I have always had a piece of paper with this city's name on it. "

Athena removed the old scrap of paper and showed it to the Admiral.

" Other then that I really have no reason to be here. "

Athena thought to herself... How un- sith like of me to be doing this.

Taylor Millard
Feb 27th, 2002, 11:48:59 AM
Hmm interesting, Millard thought as he listened to Athena, No last name, where does Kiterix fall into this?

"Madame Athena, I can arrange a meeting with Governor Kiterix if you prefer," he began walking towards the capitol building of Bin Prime. The large structure was a mass of metal, twisted together to form a building. Large wardroids guarded the place, as Imperial Stormtroopers guarded the facility.

"I'm certain Kiterix could answer a few of your questions, if not all. Do you have any idea who your parents were? Or your step-parents? Were my uncle still alive I am certain I could...hmm..."

Millard bit down on his lip, his cold blue eyes narrowing as he remembered his father. He felt his anger rise as he remembered Kieron Millard, traitor to the Empire.

A pensive look on his face, Millard began walking towards the capitol.

"We will ask Governor Kiterix. I am certain he has records of those who were killed during the Civil War."

Nayala Palain
Feb 28th, 2002, 11:37:32 PM
Athena watched as the Admiral Millard started to walk away from her. He had said he would arrange a meeting of the Governor Kiterix and herself.

" Would you be there? "

It was not something Athena would normally ask but this man had power on this planet and she could only make herself powerful. Simpler to use the ones with power.

She watched as the Admiral got a few good feet away. Turning to look at Thomas who was still standing where he had been all along. He never moved not even after Admiral Millard.

Athena took one step after the admiral and heard the shift in the man behind her. She looked over her shoulder and looked at the man who all of a sudden stopped walking.

" Admiral Millard where is Governor Kiterix?? And I don't know what I would ask him... "

Taylor Millard
Mar 5th, 2002, 01:03:50 PM
Millard seemed to be lost in thought. While he certainly had a few of the records at his family's chateau, the rest were probably in Kiterix's vault. And while Kiterix was a loyal servant of the Empire, Millard wasn't certain if kidnapping was something Kiterix would like to remember.

"I think it would be wise, if you were to go in there with me, and explain your situation. Back when you were 16, Governor Kiterix was a Council Member then.

"Yes..." the Sith Knight said, as he thought some more, "Yes it would be best if we did go to Kiterix."

He began walking towards the immense structure. Thomas and Athena began following as well.

As for what you ask him, Madame Athena. That is up to you. But, may I remind you Kiterix is a politician. Do not get angry with him from the outset. I will be there to observe, and that is all. If I have to make a point, I will.

Nayala Palain
Mar 5th, 2002, 03:19:50 PM
Athena followed behind the Admiral... She had replyed that she would go and meet with this man. As the three walked nothing was said aloud and little was even said Via the force.

The Admiral seemed to slow his rather fast pace as they all reached a building. The group was not far from the castel of Millard. Her guard shot right up as she looked around. She conceled her force signature and watched. Four troopers came to the gate the three had been standing at.

Finally the silence was broken as the Admiral spoke...

" We are here to speak with Governor Kiterix. "

That was all the Admiral had said and the guards paused for a moment then moved.

Taylor Millard
Mar 6th, 2002, 12:47:50 PM
Millard and his companions walked into the large entrance hall to the palace. They were escorted into a large throne room area, coated with the red and black of the Balmorra Planet.

They waited a few minutes, then Governor Tyrl Kiterix walked in. Garbed in robes of red and black, Kiterix appeared as a reigning king than a governor.

"Ah Grand Admiral Millard, pleasure to see you, yes," he spoke quickly as he took a seat in the the high-backed throne, "What can I do for you?

"And who is..." his green eyes went to Athena, "Is this lovely woman?"

"The lady has something she wishes to discuss with you Governor," Millard said, crossing his arms, "Something which happened years ago. I will let her explain."

Nayala Palain
Mar 6th, 2002, 05:12:53 PM
The Sith knight stood there next to the Admiral who had brought her here. She heard the voice of the Governor Tyrl Kiterix speak to Admiral Millard. She watched as the Governor's eyes turned towards her as he commented..

"And who is...this lovely woman?"

Her ice cold violet eyes looked back at the man with distrust.

Athena took a step forward and nodded once to the man. She would not kneel she only kneeled to her Master.

My name is Athena, I dont wish to take up all of your time today . But I was wondering if you could help me find out something of my past... I was four when removed from my home world. I was taken and given to a family who cared for me. I was told that the Imperials had taken over my home word. I was removed from a Jedi family and given to a darkside family on the planet, Coruscant."

Athena paused for a moment so that the Govenor could listen to her story better. She took another breath and finished...

" Although I killed both the mother and father who took me in. I remember my step-mother saying your name...Tyrl Kiterix. I was 16 when I heard that name. Another thing is that I have always had a piece of paper with this city's name on it. Bin Prime. "

She was done and took the same step backwards as she did forwards.

Taylor Millard
Mar 10th, 2002, 01:57:12 AM
"Hmm," Kiterix seemed a bit bemused and perhaps a bit confused from the statement, "Balmorra has been a planet which likes to rebell every twenty years or so.

"I believe that was during a stage where the Rebellion attempted to regain control of this system. I was just a young council member at the time. The governor was a man...distracted by those who called it...right to be free from the Empire and a part of the New Republic.

"I, of course, opposed it. Plus, Balmorra did not have a strong military leader like Grand Admiral Millard here to help us quell the problem."

Millard nodded, but his thoughts weren't too keen to the 'buttering up' Kiterix was doing.

Man's a true politician. I hate those type of men. But the people like him, and I remain out of politics. I wonder how long it will take him to get to what Lady Athena wants to know.

Kiterix continued, "I am afraid my memory is a bit...fuzzy...on the subject. I am certain a look into our..umm..computer system will provide the information you are looking for."

He's lying Millard thought, as he watched Kiterix like a hawk. Wonder what Madame Athena will do.

Nayala Palain
Mar 10th, 2002, 02:24:47 AM
Athena watched the man and thought to herself...

Get to the point man....

She stood there with a smile on her face until he got to where his memory was fuzzy. The Sith knight gripped her lightsaber and glared at the man.

" Personally Sir I would think a Man of your postion would know of such things. And If not dont try to lie out of it! "

Her ice cold Violet eyes pierced threw his politician's armor.

" I am not some low-life fool who you should try and sweet talk. I happen to be, a rather busy Lady. With a SHORT temper!"

Taylor Millard
Mar 10th, 2002, 07:00:21 PM
Kiterix seemed to deflate a bit, "But my lady Athena I would never attempt such a fallacy as attempting to sweet talk you. As a Sith, I am very certain you have better things to do than listen to an older man attempt to remember memories from 23 years ago."

He walked down from his throne, then towards a stairwell off to the left of the grand chair.

"This way...your answer will undoubtably be somewhere in the record rooms.

He paused, thinking, "I would start in the names with C and work until G. I think that's where I would start."

The Balmorran Governor gave a sly smile as he made his last statement.

Nayala Palain
Mar 11th, 2002, 02:17:38 PM
Athena realized she was not going to get far with this man , unless she held her blaster to the mans head. She followed behind the man.

" And why with C and only until G? "

Her anger was evident but there was really little she could do at the moment. She would have to deal with the fact of it for now.

She looked at the Admiral who had brought her here.

" Is he always so fun?"

Athena wondered if the man even realized she didnt know what to be looking for. She had grown up with a different family altogether. She sighed as she followed the man down the hall way and into the records room.

Taylor Millard
Mar 12th, 2002, 12:28:05 AM
"He's smarter than you think," Millard said in the Force to the redhead as they made the journey to the records room.

"Governor Kiterix is being careful. He knows who your parents are, or has an idea at who they might be. But I think he wants to make sure you are who you say you are."

Kiterix led the duo into a large room with books filed in bookcases, slmost like a library.

"You'll find what you're looking for here. If you need my assistance, I will be in my chambers."

He turned, beginning to leave.

Nayala Palain
Mar 12th, 2002, 03:53:19 PM
Athena was walking along side Admiral Millard as he spoke to her via the force. In reply she stated..

" true but still .. how would I not be who I am? The main factor is the last name. "

She looked at the Govenor..

" How am I going to know when I find something. I don't and didn't know my families last name."

Then Athena heard a man say he would be in his chamber.

" Your just going to leave me with this man? What if I kill him?"

Taylor Millard
Mar 12th, 2002, 05:13:30 PM
Kiterix smiled, "Because Grand Admiral Millard is a Force User I think he should be able to handle himself rather well.

"And as for the last name, I believe your parents were named...Gaerious and Miriam. That might help...narrow it down."

Turning, the governor left the two Sith Knights alone.

Millard glanced over the records room, his mind going over the information, or lack of it, Kiterix had given them. He walked to the records marked Do-G. Taking one book out, he set it down on the dimly lit desk in the corner.

"I'll search Eo-G, you do C-Ei. Remember we're looking for people named Gearrious and Miriam. Once we narrow that down, we'll go from there."

He opened the book, and started reading.

Nayala Palain
Mar 12th, 2002, 05:23:30 PM
Athena just looked at the man and waited for him to leave, off to his chambers.

She almost smiled as the Admiral started in on her search for her past.

" Alright...C-Ei it is... You know with parents named Gearrious and Miriam its no shock to be named Athena. Now how odd is the lastname that he been hidding from me??"

Athena reached up and took out the first volume of names starting with C's. She took a seat and started to read the book. Everything was here. When people got married when they died what kids they had. It was amazing.

She wondered just how much information some planet had of her.

Taylor Millard
Mar 14th, 2002, 02:43:09 AM
Millard let a half-snort, half-laugh escape his lips, "True...but I think you'll know when you've found the right people. And you might have relatives still alive, which would be fortunate, in my mind."

The Balmorran records were quite extensive, charting families back until the time the Old Republic was just beginning to flourish in the galaxy. As Millard went over the information, he was amazed by the completeness of it. Balmorrans were known for their record up until the Emperor was killed on Endor. In the civil was that followed, most of the record-keeping was forgotten, as Balmorrans struggled to decide which government they preferred.

The Sith Knight spoke, as he read about a particular family named, 'Erasmus', "So tell me about your training Lady Athena. What has your master taught you in your studies?"

Nayala Palain
Mar 14th, 2002, 01:09:06 PM
Athena sat and thought of what to exactly tell the Admiral, who has so far been rather nice to her.

" I study under Sith Master Dara Shadowtide, she is also my blood sister. So far I have been touching up on my saber skills, force control, and anger. I have learned on my own the art of Sith Illusions. "

She thought to herself... anything else he should know??? Nah

" So tell me Force user, and what all do you know? "

Taylor Millard
Mar 14th, 2002, 01:49:40 PM
Taylor spoke slowly, "I have been taught a variety of techniques in the Dark Side. Choke, saber skills, shadows, and a few illusions. I have studied under Seth Darkserpent and am currently the apprentice to Trace Sha of Ord Mandell."

He stopped, collecting his thoughts, "Blood sister, interesting concept. Is it a custom in The Sith Empire?"

Nayala Palain
Mar 14th, 2002, 02:30:39 PM
She smiled

" No its not a custom at the Empire to have a blood sister or brother. Dara and I are very close friends, more like family then anything else really. And wow Trace Sha... I have not seen nor heard ofhim since he left the Empire.

Taylor Millard
Mar 14th, 2002, 03:10:42 PM
"Mm," was all Millard replied. He knew Trace had left The Sith Empire, but no completely all the circumstances it was under.

Suddenly, as if he'd just remembered it, Taylor raised his head, "I had a cousin, named Miriam once. I never spoke with her too much, but if I recall correctly...she married a trader with a 'C' in his name. Might be worth checking out. I haven't seen her name in the records I've been through. Might be near where you are."

Nayala Palain
Mar 15th, 2002, 11:08:30 AM
Athena was reading in one of the books that she had in her hands. Cissero...Cruios.... She was reading different things about each family almost like skimming over each page. Nothing caught her attention. Being a force user she had always thought the right thing would pop out at her. As she read the Admiral spoke...

"I had a cousin, named Miriam once. I never spoke with her too much, but if I recall correctly...she married a trader with a 'C' in his name. "

She slowly turnned her head to look at him.

" C in his first name or his last name? "

Her fingers flipped pages as they spoke and she stopped on the last page of C's.

" Here is a Miriam Cyran. It says she was married and had a daughter. But her family was taken from her. Her daughter was born... odd it doesnt say. "

Athena turned the page to see if there was more information on the family. But nothing showed prof of anything concerning Athena.

" She didn't work, her husband (Gearrious) a trader brought the money into the home. Although more of the families money came from when Miriam sold her collection of lightsabers, that had been a family herlum for years, to the local musume."

To her shock there was nothing else listed on the family.

" Thats it...Thats all they have of these people? "

Taylor Millard
Mar 17th, 2002, 04:46:08 PM
Millard was silent as he listened to the story of the selling of the heirlume in the Cyran family.

"Those lightsabers were some of my father's. He gave them to her so she could have some money," he paused, his blue eyes narrowing to slits.

"What happened afterwards I wouldn't know. I was gone by then."

Taylor looked at the stacks of books, his eyes resting on one particular one...it read, The History of the Family Millard. Taking it down, he placed it under his arm.

"This shouldn't be here. It should be in my library."

Nayala Palain
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:41:17 PM
" Admiral, do you know where I can get more information on this family? "

She looked at the book that he removed from the wall.

" Ummm can you just remove that at your will? "

Taylor Millard
Mar 18th, 2002, 01:31:36 AM
"I would check the main databank of all Balmorrans in the library. But yes, here....this is all you can find."

He began walking towards the exit, "And yes...I can take the book. They can be 'checked out' from the records room for a small fee. However, because I am the Military Protector...I can take it.

"Plus," Millard added, "There is nothing important to read in this book."

Nayala Palain
Mar 20th, 2002, 10:03:46 PM
" ooh like I am going to belive that one. Nothing interesting. And I shall check out the other place you mentioned. After I eat something. "

Athena stood and followed the Admrial out the building.

Taylor Millard
Mar 26th, 2002, 01:27:15 PM
"I know an excellent place about 10 minutes from here," Taylor spoke, upon hearing Athena's request for food, "Good food, I attempt to eat there atleast twice a month."

The duo, followed by Thomas, walked the streets of Bin Prime. As they made their way down the paved road, a sign reading 'Food Expedition: Dishes from Omar Prime' became previlent. The red bricked building was two stories, the second story serving as a 'Private' Dining place.

Taylor walked up the dark brown, with tan swirled around in it, carpet. The Imperial Grand Admiral smiled as a man wearing a tuxedo instantly came up to them.

"Ah, Mister Meellard, a pleasure to see you again!" He spoke, offering and taking Millard's hand then shaking it, "Another woman? My you are just swimming through them," he laughed as he spoke.

Millard managed a grin, "No...no. This is my cousin Athena. She's visiting from Munto Codru. And for the record, it's been only one other woman," he let a mock glower come to his face.

The man smiled, then ushered them into a private room on the top floor. He set a menu down in front of Athena, then asked,

"What can I get you to drink?"

Nayala Palain
Mar 27th, 2002, 01:17:05 PM
Athena followed the Admiral off to this dinning area he loved so much. Once a the doors a Man in a tux started shooting of his mouth. Athena thought it best to let the Admiral take care of this situation. Seeing how Athena only knows to kill annoying things.

She smiled, and was then taken to her seat. Upon taking the offered seat that was pulled out for her. The man took her cloak. She crosed her arms and looked around. Way to up for her style.

Athena looked over at the menu that was placed before her, with out looking up she ordered a glass of Red Wine. Her normal drink anywhere she goes.

Millard had asked for a moment to look upon the menu after ordering his own drink.

" Admiral, do you really think I am your cousin? "

Taylor Millard
Apr 3rd, 2002, 12:45:31 PM
"The possiblities are there," Millard spoke as his water was placed on the table in front of him, "The age difference makes it a bit harder to confirm, but my cousin was still alive when I left for the Imperial Academy."

Taylor leaned back, stroking his chin as he thought..."I never heard from my cousin after I left. Plus I never got correspondence from Balmorra, did not seem important at the time."

By now the waiter had returned requesting if the two wanted food. Millard ordered a bantha steak for the both of them, including a Ryloth Salad and a baked potato. The waiter thanked them and left.

Taylor took another drink of his water, then removed a datapad from his pocket, pressed a few buttons, and handed it to Athena.

"Search your memories, I find it best when I use the Force to assist me. Tell me if the woman looks familiar to you."