View Full Version : A few, brief movie reviews

Feb 17th, 2002, 01:44:08 PM
Given that I work at Blockbuster, you'd think I'd be seeing practically every film that comes out on video. Sadly, you'd be mistaken. However, I have seen a few gems lately and I thought I'd share my opinions.

Quills - I was honestly surprised by this movie. The cover for it gave me the impression that it was some sort of romance movie, which I just wasn't in the mood for. But after a glowing reccomendation from a good friend, I decided to give it a rent. In short, I loved the movie. The first 10 minutes of a film are the most important and Quills had one of the best openings I've seen in a while. It leads you on by the nose, then tosses you a curve ball (which promptly whacks you upside the head). Definitely one I'm going to buy.

Memento - It looked like a rather interesting film, and the cover sure piqued my interest (can you tell that I actualy do judge movies by their cover? It really works!), so I gave it a shot. What a great, great movie. I can see how it can compete with FotR for movie of the year. I was a bit distracted my first time watching it, so I still had a few questions. But a second viewing mostly cleared things up (or, at least, let me draw a satisfactory conclusion).

Princess Mononoke - Being an fan of anime, I had been really meaning to see this one since it came out in theaters. I knew I was going to like it, and I wasn't let down. A bit unusual, even for an anime, but the entire thing screamed "big budget movie". I wonder how well it went over with the general public.

Mothman Prophecies - Yeah, this one I actually went to the theater to see. It was a very interesting film, and very well done. I feel my $5 were well spent, although I don't think I'll buy it when it comes out on DVD. It just felt too, I dunno, X-Files-ish in the way it was done. It kind of struck me as unoriginal, too. But, like I said, it was well done and that definitely deserves some credit.

I'm kind of stumped as to what else to watch. Maybe someone could give me some reccomendations? I'd prefer if it was something I could rent, but I'm not adverse to going to the theater.

Feb 18th, 2002, 10:03:16 AM
I really think you should see The Count of Monte Cristo! Everyone I have talked to has loved it, I saw it twice and loved it, and I think anyone who misses out is really missing one of the best films of 2002 (and I am saying that as if the year were over, because I do expect it to make my top 5 list).

As for rentals, well I can't wait for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back on DVD Tuesday the 26th I guess, hehe, plus The Musketeer but everyone hated that except me I guess. ;)

Feb 21st, 2002, 04:07:39 AM
I downloaded J&SBSB, and I'm rather glad I did. I thought it was a travesty when compared to Smith's earlier films. But I'm pretty sure that I'm in the minority there.

The Count of Monte Cristo sounds promising. I'll definitely put it on my "To See" list, along with Brotherhood of the Wold and Queen of the Damned (which I don't expect to be very good, but alas).

Also, I rented Jeepers Creepers the other night. I have mixed feelings on it: It was significantly better than I thought it would be, and would have even qualified as a really good flick if it wasn't for that ending. After they spent all that time, building up to the finale with the foreshadowing and the Giselle's prophecies, I was under the impression that Darry and Trish would eventually escape and/or kill it. But to have Darry ultimately die, after all the trouble he went through... well, it felt rather anti-climatic.

However, I stopped to reflect on the ending a bit: It was drastically different than most horror movies for this simple reason: the bad guy won. None of that "Well, we won, but he'll probably come back in the sequel" nonsense. It was just a straight-up case of the antagonist winning.

Perhaps if it just didn't feel so darned anti-climatic, I would have liked it much better. The Creeper flies off with the kid, his sister has to just admit defeat and go home, and that was pretty much it. I think it would have settled better with me if they had extended the film some. Like, have Trish follow the Creeper into its lair for some sort of 'final battle' (as cheesy as that sounds). It felt like the film was lacking a real climax.

Overall, my impression of the film can be compared to receiving oral pleasure, only to have the person stop early. Yeah, it felt good... but you were expecting a little something more from it.

Sith Ahnk
Feb 21st, 2002, 05:13:39 AM
At least you get ____ ___

Feb 21st, 2002, 06:42:36 AM
Ahh, I didn't see your initial choice of words since it was covered up by spoiler shadow Q, else I would have edited you as well. :p

Carry on

Feb 21st, 2002, 06:46:16 AM
I was trying to phrase it in the most polite way possible and still get my point across. :)

Feb 21st, 2002, 06:48:35 AM
I understand and appreciate it, as for Ahnk here, his actions are beginning to become little more than trolling with such pointless one liners that have nothing to do with the subject matter of the topic at hand. I am growing weary of it.

EDIT: And besides, the context in which you used the same terms was not really offensive or vulgar, it had a purpose and a good one to convey your thoughts on the actual subject, while in the follow up post by him, it was nothing but vulgar and childish.