View Full Version : Dragon Legend

Tiberious Kinslayer
Feb 17th, 2002, 02:42:18 AM
As told by Tiberious to the dragon council at the Eye of the Dragon...
Members of the circle sit, the time has come for me to tell you of a great danger and one of the reasons why I helped create the Dragon."

"It all began 954 yrs ago when I was young, Rex Tiberious my father had given me Yutarro Del Miacho ,"The Fist of Heaven" a great battle ax given to him by the Emperor himself.

"As was the custom of my people I had to show that I was worthy of such a weapon. "I would not let my father down he was a general in the clan of the Red Dragon's and stood next to the Emperor himself." I would prove myself a man and honor my Father also." Tiberious began his tale...

Tiberious Kinslayer
Feb 17th, 2002, 02:45:09 AM
I was in my personal warbird the Falon 2 searching the planets for some great deed to do to impress the emperor and my father. I was in sector 9 far away from my home planet. I knew if I was to do something great it would not be in my system of planets. As a race of warriors It would take much to impress my father and the Emperor. The Emperor himself had been at my coronation as an honor to my father Rex Tiberious Kinslayer. So that's why I found myself in an unchartered region of space.
I went to a certain part of sector nine that was forbidden it was called the cluster. Drawing near the cluster a large bright light flared across my view blinding me and driving the instruments crazy I was blinded and saw lights for a few seconds in my vision, my ship pitched and heaved as it was tossed in the wake of that powerful beam. It took the onboard computer a few minutes to right the ship. Sitting up I was glad the autopilot had engaged, rubbing my head I went to the instruments to see what could have caused a beam of power of that magnitude. I looked in shock the beam had punched a hole in one of the orbiting moons. What power could do this, I used my on board computer trajectory to locate the source of the beam.
It picked one of the planets in the cluster so I moved my ship in to investigate. My Engines thundered as my landing gear disengaged, I was near the disturbance that had rocked my ship. Pulling out my ax I opened the hatch. According to my instruments in Falon 2 the disturbance was at the top of that mountain. When I got close to the top I started to feel rumbling and great surges of power accompanied by a loud hum. What I saw froze my blood there was an entrance to a castle and inside the doors of the castle was a being that was covered in blue and silver except for a tattoo of what looked like a dragon green and scaly that moved and thrived. He had his arm thrust out and some kind of quicksilver force in the shape of a silver dragon moved with him. Worst of all he was holding Arthur Talos from my home planet a knight that did patrols for my father, and a friend of the family. The alien was speaking and his voice reverberated off the castle walls, Arthur was thrown to the hall and blood sputtered out of his mouth as he hit. He was hurt but Arthur jumped up light saber blazing he attacked. The creature gestured, Arthur leaped over the silver filaments flying toward him using the force he tossed small rocks at the creature to distract him. While he came with a downward stroke toward Its head the blow struck home but it only served to make the silver alien mad. It seemed to flex knocking Arthur back a second time throwing him onto the castle floor. As I saw Arthur lying there barely breathing I remembered a man who use to bounce me on his knee now he looked lifeless. Anger swelled up in me. "Noooooo!!!! " I cried and rushed the blue figure he would not die if I could help it.

Tiberious Kinslayer
Feb 18th, 2002, 01:04:12 AM
The Dragon turned when he heard me yell, I then saw he wasn't alone but had two more aliens with him. They looked like Shaitan himself. They were tall and dressed in long black cloaks and moved like snakes, their hooded heads looked at me and their red eyes glowed hissing. They pulled back as If to strike, they slithered to the left and right of me flanking me. I stepped forward with my axe and took the fighting position my father taught me. The Slithe brandished their dark ebony blades. Circling me, the taller one attacked first. Scared as I was, I kept my calm and did as my father taught me moving through the battle with calm resolve. It was as if someone else was fighting for his life.

The Slithe blade and my axe banged against each other as the speed of the fight increased into a deadly ballet of parry and thrust, dodge and duck. The Slithe then brought his blade down under my axe thinking me open he tried to stab me. Doing the form as my father taught me I mimicked leaf in the wind and brought my foot down of the top of his blade. Having used both hands to thrust the blade into my side he went lower with his sword. He looked up in time to see me cut off his head. Black blood sprayed my boots as his body thrashed on the grown, its eyes and mouth still open in a silent scream. I turned around at the sound of a loud hiss. The shorter one was now charging me like a snake, he was smarter than the first dodging the bull attacks and the thorny rose stance. It had watched and learned from the first battle.

Slashing down he cut my arm. Stepping back and leaping in he cut my leg, I could feel the warmth spread down my thigh. Faster than lightning it was. It started to play with me, I could see the mirth...the blood red eyes...he was going to win and he knew it. Fate stepped in when the Slithe stepped back and slipped in the blood of the other one's head falling backward just for a second. Taking full advantage of his slip I brought Yutarro down on the Slithe splitting him from collar to groin. The Fist of Heaven struck home hurt and covered in blood I turned to face the Silver Dragon.

Tiberious Kinslayer
Feb 24th, 2002, 06:56:30 PM
Turning to face the Dragon Tiberious took a breath and stepped forward putting himself between the Dragon and Arthur. The Silver Dragon used his power and grabbed Tiberious "You shouldn't have gotten involved," he said. The Dragon Threw Kinslayer into a large ornate table and chairs knocking food across the castle floor. Picking him up again the Dragon lifted him high choking him with the silver filament's. While in the upper tower's he saw more guest's and Slithe in the balcony who had gone to the second floor when Arthur had arrived, the ladies seemed scared but some of the men gritted there teeth as if to cheer on his impending death. Other's seemed embarrassed to be there. Bringing the ax down Tiberious severed the filaments holding him he dropped to the floor with a loud crash cracking the tile floor.

Tiberious Kinslayer
Feb 28th, 2002, 05:24:50 PM
Getting up slowly Tiberious felt one of his ribs, it was cracked. Another Slithe moved toward Arthur's still form intent as if to devour him. He never even looked at Tiberious as if he was already done for. Tiberious slid out his small hand to hand Ax and threw it at the Slithe pinning him to the castle wall. It flailed wildly its shoulder stuck to the rock. Tiberious noticed that it looked like it would rather die that be pinned down like that. Tiberious ran toward the Slithe with his heavy handled ax he would oblige it. The steaming carcass hit the ground with a thud. Soon the bottom floor was filled with Slithe. Tiberious lost himself in concentration there was only the Dance now. With a quick prayer for luck "Father I love you, may this battle bring your name much honor." Tiberious moved in.

Like some grim reaper holding an ax for a scythe Tiberious cut a path to the Dragon. The Slithe cut him, some deep some shallow. But still Tiberious staggered on like a maniac. With only one goal, one reason to keep on living he pressed toward the Dragon. The Slithe pushed harder the closer that he got.
Clawing and scratching him trying to pull him down they covered him like a swarm of locusts. Using the force he pushed them back momentarily. For every one he cut down 3 more would take its place. Tiberious's footing was becoming unsure he knew if he fell now they would overcome him.

Kinslayer renewed his intensity he knew it was all or nothing.

Tiberious Kinslayer
Mar 10th, 2002, 04:57:51 PM
The last Slithe fell wordlessly to the ground. Tiberious was never so tired in his life, his lungs burned. Wearily he leaned on the handle of his ax. The handle was slippery coated in the black blood of Slithe. Straining to Stand up he heard the deep voice of the ancient resounding off the walls "Are you quite finished."he said in a mocking tone. The warrior watched in horror as the Ancient started forming a spear out of pure energy it floated above his hand. Making a quick throwing gesture he threw the spear at Arthur. No! Tiberious yelled and leaped in the air to stop it. The energy from the spear burned him and threw him to the floor.
Arthur at this time was staggering to stand up grabbing his lightsaber from the ground. "Arthur look out" Kinslayer yelled thats all there was time for. Arthur raised his lightsaber to deflect the spear but it was of no use it glanced off the lightsaber and struck him. He screamed in pain as the power pierced his midsection. Noooooo!!!! Tiberious yelled as he ran over to his friend, cradling him in his arms and rocking him Tiberious tried to soothe him "Hold on it will be okay Arthur it will be okay" tears formed in Kinslayers eyes "Ill get you out of her I promise." Arthur looked up and said, "I know I'm dying Tiberious don't blame yourself son he's just to powerful, run away if you can" "No your going to make it don't talk that way I will get you out of here." Arthur looked up at Tiberious "I thought I would at least die with the sun on my face," with that he spoke no more. Tiberious looked down and closed his still open eyes, Kinslayer tears falling on the now still form "You will! I promise you, I PROMISE YOU!!! Standing up the cold hand of death shrouded on his face he pulled out his two small handheld axes and turned to face the Ancient. Tiberious had two choices run and attack the Ancient or jump through the window,escape and bring back reinforcements. Really there was no choice at all Tiberious ran, Raising his weapons, to kill.>D >D