View Full Version : From Whence We Came.... (closed)

Empress Ashiva
Feb 16th, 2002, 03:39:15 PM
Death and Darkness emanated deep within the place of evil on "Roon," and it was about to awaken to the despair of thousands. This retched curse to mortal's was about to stretch her lovely hand upon the mass's abroad. And there was no stopping Ashiva in her conquest for the blood that was sure to flow! It had been some time since the Mother had opened her eyes to the world. She had been motionless for so long that ages had come and passed. Great historical events about her had faded into time, forgotten, but she was well aware of all that had taken place, nothing had escaped her eternal eye's! In her catatonic state of rest, Ashiva appearance was much like that of a finely sculptured statue. A creamy colored marble, like the high backed throne chair she resided in, unmoving, seemingly dead to the world about her, ... Until now. Her beauty was breath taking, awesome and terrifying, almost painful to look upon to the mortal eye, even of that of Vanpyre eye's. She was irresistible to both. If you ran your hands across her cold smooth cheek, she would feel like unfeeling marble under your searching fingers. You would find no life there. For she was the embodiment of mystery and the Dark-Side it's self. She was the beginning of all Vampyres as they were know and spoke of in folk lore, in child's bed time stories. Mother to all that fed from blood and partook from it's linage. Even the inquiry of such a thought, whether or not she existed, the searching minds throughout the ages, the fascination and curiosity of her children, the "Children of the Damned," even they knew not of her. Was there a beginning?... Did she walk amongst them? Did she really exist at all? were the question's down through time. However, this vain search for answer's to the many question's in their eternal quest to find her, lead them to no where. Only a select few had she revealed herself to. And only the privileged chosen few knew of her evil omnipotence existed at all. The mother Ashiva, was to her children the true fountain of their purpose, and a well from the Dark-Side set apart, even if it was unbeknownst to them, ... Even if they were in denial of it. It was simply the evil cutting truth!

She had not been turned as others creature's of the night were. Nor was she even what they thought her to be. It was a deep and dark secret that only one knew of. But Pandora the ancient knew. Even her eternal mind and age by Ashiva side, revealed only little of the Mother's past. But the Mother was about to reveal to her faithful handmaiden the secret's that none had ever knew of.

As the Queen Mother slept and dreamt in her lavish chamber deep within the Shrine, hidden to all but the Ancient, Pandora. Pandora's eternal eye's wondered to a place of ancient time's. A time that was strangely different then what she had ever seen before. A time when even technology was new and hope and peace prospered hand in hand. The Mother was leading Pandora there for a purpose that would soon be opened to her own questioning mind.

As Pandora slipped further and further into the recesses of the past, she felt as though she had become part of that time the Queen Mother was projecting to her. Pandora saw things as they were and what they would become. Her ancient mind remembering all that was born to the Mother's blood line and all that would come. Even the four lost children that would eventually come to them!

Pandora's mind and Vampyre body was then whisked away to a time when the Mother herself had an old lover, a husband, one as she was. The Father of all Vampyre's! He was extraordinarily beautiful, perfect in form and grace, but there was an understanding that flooded Pandora's mind in that very moment. An underlining dark and sinister evil that Pandora perceived as soon as her eye's laid upon his wondrous form. He was unlike the Mother, opposite in nature from that of Ashiva caring arm's that embraced all her children as one. His deep seated evil and discontent for all fledgling children under their blood line was then fully opened to Pandora as she looked on in horror at it's painful revelation! It was the Father's dark purpose to rid all that he had disdain for, as weak and incompetent to even exist at all! He would eradicate all Vampyre's and fledgling's regardless of what the Mother thought!

Then Pandora was shown a time when the Father of all Vampyre was beside the Mother, ruling with her in their great authority and power. A time when they were looked upon as Emperor's of all the known lands that they inhabited. A time when there evil rain was at it's full zenith. When the
Shrine of the Damned it's self was young and magnificent in all it's splendor and glory!

Then as time passed, eon's it seemed, Pandora could see the Mother's husband in
the same state as Akaska now. He to had went into this slumber gratefully, for he had come to hate and despise what they were, this was his way of eternal escape. And there arose a great distention between the two lover's. The Father's plan had almost succeeded, his goal then had destroyed countless Vampyre children by his own wicked hand. But not all of them. A precious few still remained, hidden by the Mother herself, protecting them from the Father's cruel agenda that knew no bounds! This would prove to be the Father's ultimate demise, for the anger of the Mother had reached it's limit. The Queen Mother could feel his thoughts, his anger at each new child born to the darkness. She felt his thoughts turning into the endless destruction of her children, and even to there own.

Pandora, who knew nothing of the Father plans before this was shown to her
through the Mother, then she realized in her dream state, had it not been for the Queen Mother Ashiva, the Vanpyre Father in his rampage would have succeeded in destroying all that was ever know of the Children of the Damned, and would ever be in their dark linage, ... for all time! Ashiva foreseen she must soon do what she needed to help her children survive. Then Pandora was shown a sight that ended the Father of the Damned for all time ... He would never exist again! In a fit of rage, the Queen of all Vampyre's, attacked the Vanpyre Father. Tearing open his sepulcher and dismembering him as he slept in his eternal sleep by his very own sword he had killed her children with. She personally over seen the burning of his body. His ashes were then scattered to the four winds...Now Pandora understood why the Mother showed her theses thing's, why she had to know, so it would never be forgotten. Intrusted to her to pass to who ever the Mother deemed worthy to know such sacred knowledge.

Pandora eye's snapped open as she awoke from her deep slumber. She was now enlightened. She wasted no time as she gathered herself. She moved with blinding speed towards the hidden sepulcher that she had frequented so many countless time's before...She felt the urgency that called out to her, and Pandora knew this was to be monumental moment. For even in Pandora's long existence, only on a few precious occasions, had she ever witnessed the awakening of, "The Queen of the Damned." http://pub49.ezboard.com/bshrineofthedamned