View Full Version : Lost and Found: Return to Mythos

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 16th, 2002, 01:34:48 PM
Vega wanted it. He wanted her, wanted her back now, and he wasn't willing to wait. He had both bodies - Kerri, the unfortune soul who traded bodies with Gitane leaving her in a state of constant chase; thanks to her Sith shell. Gitane, the other half of the trade, vicerated by the saber gashes of her own sons saber blade. The spirit of each had switched places some months ago after an unfortune encounter with some Massassi priests, leading to a transfer of the minds of the two women, leaving them in each others bodies. Kerri had ended up in the falleen body, and Gitane in the human one.

They were in holding in the HQ, under the highest level of security, their presence known only to Vega and one other - Xanatos Etanial, Sith Warrior. Vega had only recently taken the man on as his apprentice, though he knew that Xanatos had been a Sith for a much longer time than Vega himself had. He'd been through a lot - and this 'lot' had left him with abilities and with knowledge.

Unfortunately, some knowledge was not locked away in his mind, but in books. Tomes of spells and the like. These particular volumes were not in the possession of Etanial; or rather they were - but not Xanatos, his father. His father, the bounty hunter come sorcerer who held the books locked away in his own home on Mythos. Mythos, from which Xanatos happened to be banished.

Fate really wasn't dealing Vega an impressive hand as of current. These problems that plagued his cause only further his anger and want to give her life once more, though. He wouldn't let such petty troubles stand in his way.

"Xanatos, I have our transport prepped for takeoff waiting in the hangar bay. When you have all that you need for the trip, meet me there."

Vega stood at the entry way to the dock, arms folded over his chest, waiting.