View Full Version : LOTR needs cricket!
Feb 13th, 2002, 07:57:52 AM
This cracked me up when I read it :) (
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 13th, 2002, 02:10:47 PM
Good idea actually.
Feb 13th, 2002, 03:45:47 PM
Why don't they just go to any mall/shopping center the day after Thanksgiving? They'd get more realistic battle effects :D
Feb 13th, 2002, 03:47:25 PM
just film it there :)
Feb 14th, 2002, 01:21:20 PM
Couldn't do that, cause then you'd get the feminists pissed not only would LOTR be racist and somewhat sexist, it would be EXTREMELY sexist, and stereotypical, and degrading to women, and women don't really shop that much, and women aren't really that vicious, it must have been faked, blah, blah, blah......and of course, women would take it personal when they were portrayed as orcs :D
Feb 14th, 2002, 05:30:01 PM
Just so long as they do better on the special effects next time... they SUCKED in the first one! >D :x
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 14th, 2002, 05:55:05 PM
:mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad
Feb 15th, 2002, 12:25:47 AM
I don't think the special effects get much better in a mall :D
But yeah, you're right, they could at least cast supermodels in bikinis mud wrestling to play all the female rolls in the mall scene :D
I know what you're trying to do QGJ, and I'd like to point out that it's all in the smileys...whereas I used smileys to convey my sarcasm, you are clearly just being rude :D
Hahaha....I hope nobody out there actually takes me seriously...we've had way too much of that the past few days :)
Feb 15th, 2002, 11:02:24 AM
Oh, everything's cool, CB. :)
I liked LOTR overall, but I thought one or two effects were pretty bad IMO... like where a clearly cgi Gandalf was sprinting down that cave way more fluidly than a 20-year-old would have, much less like someone Gandalf's age.
Feb 15th, 2002, 01:17:17 PM mean we weren't talking about the mall? :D
Feb 15th, 2002, 08:51:33 PM
The supermodels in a mud wrestling match sounds interesting, but I don't recall that scene from the books. :D
Feb 16th, 2002, 01:10:43 AM
Well, it was implied :D
And I thought they were kidding when they said I had an "overactive imagination"....maybe I need to quit adding my own scenes to everything I watch/read...
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