View Full Version : tof-003 Shipyard 2(Order of the Fist)

Nicoli Zand
Feb 12th, 2002, 05:25:35 PM
15-Reaper-Class Battlecruisers
250/400= 1.6
1.6x15- 22.5 days

finish- 4/03/02

Darth Viscera
Feb 12th, 2002, 06:14:45 PM
Order of the Fist
One 40 KM shipyard for group purposes and one for customer purposes.
If you have only 1 military shipyard, how are you able to build 2 orders simultaneously?

Nicoli Zand
Feb 13th, 2002, 06:11:53 AM
We have 2, however discussing it with Charley when i brought back the BWE a few months ago, he said it would be better to have only one to start it back up, so the 2nd one was shut down, however when again briging back the BWE (now the: Order Of The Fist) i have decided to bring online the 2nd one that was there 4 months after starting the BWE nearly 8 months ago. i just have not asked anyone to change the description of the forume...trust me dood, i dont cheat -_-

Feb 13th, 2002, 06:30:20 AM
The BWE/OTF had 2 shipyards, but took one offline when they went dormant. They have simply brought the shipyard back online from what I see.