View Full Version : The Circle of the Lith
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 12th, 2002, 01:54:15 AM
The galaxy has seen many things. She is older than time...moreover Time is one of her many children. Her eyes pierce the dark, bright and shining among thousands of brothers. And those eyes do not blink. Much has been seen. Much triumph basked in, and much pain endured. But the great mother feels none of the toils of her labor. Only her nameless as the many eyes piercing the night. I am one of her children. Blessed, or perhaps cursed. I am the last of the line...of those to be touched by her true prodigy, and our natural fate.
I am old now. Much of the old ways are forgotten, and nearly lost within my own mind. When my time comes, and my life passes into sunset, the Laenos Lith shall pass from the lips of the doomsayer, and the ambitions of the covetous...forever. But forever is but a word to the fleeting lives of flesh. And only our Great Mother can court Eternity.
<center>* * * </center>
It began five hundred thousand years ago, at the center of the galaxy. Born from the hearth of life, the force permeated the children of the galaxy, imbuing the children of the universe with the capacity to exist beyond the trappings of their physical existence. Beyond even the fruits of sentient existence, the Force transcended time and space, conciousness and spirituality. It was everything the galaxy could bestow upon its progeny that could not be given. Yet even the companionship of Man could not assuage the Galaxy's loneliness. In its infinite knowledge, coupled with infinite desparation, it waited...for a time when the existance of Man would merge with the existence of herself. It was in hope of such an eventual companionship that on the planet Byss, a jewel of natural beauty and allure was forged deep in the planet's womb. It was a lanthorn, a gateway, and a pedestal, built high enough for Man to climb to see the face of Gods. In time, when the Force granted enough wisdom to her children, the galaxy would bestow her gift to her companions.
But Man is a creation of a perfect entity, and therefore an emulation of perfection. The same whispers in the hearts of Men that bade them to improve themselves also drove them to quench their thirst for power. The galaxy sees all, and in the early days of Men, she saw that her gift could be used for both great faculties of good, and horrible macchinations of evil. In her grief, she hid her jewel...her lovely thing...deep in the bowels of the rocky depths.
Yet there is no limit a driven heart pays heed to, for good and evil alike. Ten thousand years ago, a Man named Dryaax scoured the lightless abyss of the Under Realm, far below the sunlit plains. Driven by mad dreams and a dark heart, Dryaax was the darkest of the children of whom the galaxy refused to speak the names of. He hated his mother greatly, for she had denied him his birthright, and he was among the few who knew such to be true. For years he toiled, refusing the kiss of daylight as he reveled in darkness. As his hair grew white and his heart grew black, the Dark Lord Dryaax at last pried his stolen birthright from the depths. He proclaimed the jewel to be the Laenos; or God-Stone. His hands touched its glowing green edges with avarice, and his sight peered beyond the edges of the galaxy and beyond.
Dryaax became the Dark Lord of the Galaxy, and his power rivaled the Galaxy itself in absolute scope. His lust over the rocky bosom from which his prize came caused Dryaax to cast Byss forever under his dark thrall. All that was henceforth born of its realm was kissed with the ire of true evil. From his dark dominion, Dryaax spread his tyranny to every corner of his mother's reach. Coruscant, Corellia, and every cradle of the many species of Man fell to the seductive song of evil.
Yet the galaxy sees all, and her power is all that her children see. In the far corners, from a planet whose name has fallen victim to Time, a hero with no name emerged, to stave the numberless tides of the wicked, who were easily turned by Dryaax's corruption. Wielding a sword of fire, this Man stemmed the tide of evil, and sent forth a righteous call to all who would resist the Dark Lord's damnation. The Man with no name marched onward, and under his banner, fielded a brotherhood against the evil horde. It seemed the whole galaxy boiled over upon itself in the fires of war, all species of Man turned against the other. For a time, the white-hot flame of hope burned as bright as the stars. But as the galaxy knew with a saddened pang, the hearts of Men were evil, and the allure of darkness was seductive.
The heroic brotherhood began to falter, and their ranks thinned. In their desparation, their belleaguered armies threw themselves upon the dark stronghold of Dryaax...Byss itself. The skies boiled over, dark and bloody red, as the sprawling lands of the Dark Planet were racked with the chaos of war. The last bastions of Light mounted the final assault against the endless onslaught of Evil. The Righteous warriors slew the wicked ones, outnumbered as they were nonetheless. Just as they mounted their final approach to Dryaax's lair...the Dark One rose from his throne. With the power to rival the great mother, the outcome could be only one path.
The ground rended itself open on Dryaax's whim, and hellish lava devoured his enemies. At the merest gesture, the breath was pulled from the lips of his foes. In fell strokes, the Dark Lord decimated scores upon scores of the galaxy's saviors. What had once seemed a possible victory, was now snatched away from the righteous warriors. Yet in the blackest of times, hope always remains. The Lith, while now a tool of evil, was berthed from the craft of the great mother, and not even Dryaax knew of its full power. In her great sadness, she turned Man's gift against her estranged child. In a searing blaze of white, the Lith wrenched itself from Dryaax's twisted hands, and consumed his evil soul, drawing it forever into the inescapable void of its jade prison. His anguished scream can still be heard in the wind, as it was long ago, when the sounds of war grew silent. As the Nameless Hero and his brotherhood became the victors, the tattered remnants of the dark scattered from their evil cradle, thrown to the far corners of the great galaxy. One of which, whose name was also swallowed by insatiable Time, took a liking to a glittering green trinket, whose lustre touched his wicked heart. The Lith granted him increased clairvoyance, and warded over him, though it refused to relinquish its full power. It was said that Dryaax's undying soul held fast to that secret, greedy and unrelenting...and eager to make the power of others his own.
For thousands of years, the Lith passed from hand to hand, and vanishing inexplicably inbetween. Its possession can often be seen through history. Freedon Nadd, Exar Kun, and Naga Sadow all listened when it whispered. The Emperor Palpatine also clutched the glowing orb fiercely with his age-wrinkled claws. All drew from the jade orb great and immense powers, but the price was high. Deep in its depths, the undying spirit of Dryaax plotted...and imprisoned the corruptable to one day rise again as his minions.
Five years ago, in the dark times of my own story...the Lith returned to Byss. Enthralled by Evil, my greedy hands embraced it. And then...a most wonderful thing happened.
I was given a second chance.
And now, the final tale of the Lith must be told...
Sanis Prent
Feb 12th, 2002, 02:33:17 AM
(The morning air on Arcan IV was the kind that you either loved or you hated, depending on the type of person you were, what mood you were in, and what your blood alcohol level was. Crisp and cool, with a breeze coming in at the northeast. Today it was more of a gust, although I can sometimes exaggerate. At the very least, it was jacket weather. The cup of coffee in my hands radiated warmth, steam drifting off its black surface and into the cool wind like exorcised spirits. For a moment, I just sat behind the port wing pylon, using it to block the wind as I watched the steam drift upwards, eyeing it all the way up until I couldn't see it anymore. I'd made sure to get Layla fueled up late last night, after I'd had my run-in with Navaria. Myrkyr wasn't a field trip from Arcan, and I wanted to be in top shape. But not only that. It was something on the tip of my tongue, unsaid and silent. I didn't like to think I had anything to prove, and I hated doing jobs for free even more. But there probably wasn't a thing out there I wouldn't do for Navaria. The damnable part was...I didn't know why.
Somewhere beyond the amazing physical likeness, Navaria carried with her some of Daleethria. To be honest, I had no idea about any of it, but I couldn't deny it. I'd gone from disbelieving in the force to begrudgingly giving it credit in places. Now, I found myself actually wondering about it. Although the closest I'd probably get to the force would be playing craps with a set of loaded die, and lying about it. But what I wouldn't give to be able to look inside her head for five minutes, or whatever they did. I wasn't making any excuses for the situation. I wasn't in denial. Dalee was dead. I'd seen it happen, and as much as I'd kill to change the fact, I couldn't. But she'd visited me enough since then for me to suspend my usual disbelief. Now, it seemed that seeing ghosts was a good thing for me. Or maybe it was a sign that I'd finally let one past my defenses, and they'd hooked me in the soft underbelly. I wasn't making excuses or regrets for me and Dalee. It was the odd couple matchup of the galaxy, and there were prettier girls out there. I can't explain why it fit.
It all came full circle to Navaria. Dalee was somewhere in her head. If Navaria needed something, then Dalee needed something. After letting her get killed a year ago, it was the least I could do. Maybe it was my customary tithe into the melancholy offering plate. I never had to do this when I didn't have a concience. Seemed there was a thorn for every rose out there.
As I waited for her and her friends, my mind mulled over more mundane things in my head. Myrkyr wasn't exactly a popular Jedi hangout, from my experiences. I knew the effects of a ysalimir. I'd used them plenty of times. Left force users high and dry like gungans out of water. And her and her Jedi friends wanted to go to a planet full of them? There were things in my mind when I thought of Jedi. Peace, meditation, and discipline were some. Masochism wasn't one. I had no idea why they wanted to go to Myrkyr, but as long as Navaria wanted it, I wasn't about to pry.
Well...not too much.)
Feb 12th, 2002, 02:48:23 AM
:: Having known that she would need to be here on Arcan IV by this day, she had left the Jedi homeworld last night in her X-Wing, having berthed it at the docking bays near the Bar & Grill, instructing her astromech droid to stay with the ship, and had taken up residency for the night in the bar's rooms. ::
:: It hadn't taken a long time to pack the few things she would need, so when AB woke up early that morning, it didn't take her long at all to dress, snatch up her small pack, pay for the room's usage at the Bar & Grill, grab a cup of coffee on the run, and wave down a hover taxi. By the time they reached the appointed hangar bay, she had finished her coffee. Paying the cab driver, she exited the vehicle and headed towards the hangar, tossing the used cup into a near by dispenser. Slowly, she opened the hangar's door and stepped in quietly. ::
:: Inside she got the view of a vast bay with a tattered looking ship, though she knew better than to think it was anything but tattered where it counted. Walking quietly, she came around the ship, angling in on the presence she felt leaning against the ships hull. The man was busy drinking his coffee and watching something... the steam from the coffee? Shrugging, she cleared her throat. She hadn't expected the man to jump and drop the cup. She stretched out a hand and caught the cup in mid-drop, coffee and all. Slowly, what coffee spilled into the air, returned to the cup as in a play back sequence, and the cup returned to float before the man. ::
:: Her mouth twisted into a sheepish grin. ::
Sorry... didn't mean to startle you.
Sanis Prent
Feb 13th, 2002, 10:32:03 AM
(I imagine I looked pretty slack-jawed during the whole scene, but watching the laws of physics get bent in half does that to people, I guess.
I glanced up to the red-headed tall drink of water.)
I take it you're here for the three hour tour, huh?
(I glanced to either side of her, looking for other tagalongs)
Where's everybody else?
Feb 14th, 2002, 05:18:55 AM
:: AB smiled. ::
Yes, I am here for the, uh, "three hour tour" as you put it. And as to everyone else...
:: She shurgged, a curl of bright red hair bouncing on her shoulder. ::
I assume they're either preparing themselves, sleeping in, or throwing their alarm clocks out the window.
:: She continued smiling, setting her pack down beside her and pushing her hunter green cloak's folds over her shoulders, revealing her tight green plant-like attire. ::
You'll have to forgive me. I am most likely a bit early, as I tend to be an early riser. I wake when the sun rises.
:: She bent down to sift through her things in her pack, being sure she had left nothing out, and then stood again, looking at the man. She stretched out her hand to shake his. ::
Rie Mystt, Jedi Master. Though I am more well known as AmazonBabe.
:: She chuckled. ::
My mother gave me the nickname Amazon and my father always called me Babe. At some point in my youth, the two names were combined, and it stuck.
Sanis Prent
Feb 14th, 2002, 10:40:48 PM
(I kept seated, raising a hand up for her to shake)
Sanis Prent. No story behind the name, other than its the only thing I ever got from my dad, I guess.
(Leaning back against the pylon, I drank a little more coffee, trying to gauge something from the visitor's expressions)
Sit down. Standing makes me nervous.
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 15th, 2002, 12:29:44 PM
"Does that mean I"ll have to sit too?"
Sanis was too preoccupied with AmazonBabe to notice that Navaria had joined them not too long ago. The young Knight was enjoying the banter between the two that she decided to just take in the moment.
As she bowed out of respect to Amazonbabe, Navaria was still uncertain how this trip would turn out. Not for what their mission was... Navaria had no doubt that the Jedi, along with Sanis' help, would complete their objective. It was more of a personal mission for the Knight so sort out conflicting feelings inside her heart.
Navaria had returned to the Jedi, changed, from her sabbatical from the jungles of Yavin. She told no one of what really happened but the Jedi around here could feel it. Something had happened to the young Padawan at the time for her to finally be over how shy and scared she was.
Sanis could tell it was more then just meditation and reflection. He didn't have all the answers but he knew it had to deal with Daleethria... the enigmatic clone that had died by Sorsha's hand. The clone in which gave Navaria a gift ... a gift that not only helped the Tarkin through her self-discovery, but also the memories and feelings that Daleethria had felt her entire life span. They weren't there at first, but as time went by... they rose up in her quietly and gently that they felt like they were there all the time.
Navaria loved Luke. Daleethria loved Sanis. Now... she could feel herself torn between them. It also didn't help feeling that the rogue still loved Daleethria... You didn't have to see it on his face to know that... for Navaria, she could feel it... That was a secret she'd been keeping from Sanis but that link he and Daleethria shared ...
... even that was part of the gift.
Loki Ahmrah
Feb 15th, 2002, 01:35:08 PM
This was his second mission with the Jedi Order, the first to Aurash proved to be more than eventful but it had awoken in him not a thirst for adventure but moreso the confidence to face the unknown. This was fortunate for Loki as it seems that the unknown is an ever present factor in Jedi missions. Once again, he didn't know what dangers or wonders this excursion would unveil but at least he was prepared this time, to an extent.
He had breakfast at a small bistro which smelled of freshly baked bread and tobacco; adults are peculiar, they frequent a lovely little cafe which serves a wonderful breakfast but feel the need to contaminate the air with pipe smoke. Luckily there were some tables outside where he could sit and watch the people go about their early morning business.
Watching people was something Loki had always enjoyed doing, there was so many things taking place amongst the hustle and bustle of Arcan IV. The attire he wore which was strictly traditional Jedi robing had become comfortable, it was not too tight but not too lose. He always found sitting down a bit of a problem though, the long, brown flowing robes were awkward as far as that was concerned. Loki also hated having to go the toilet when he was wearing these things; the fuss involved was rather frustrating.
Having finished a filling breakfast, he sat for another five minutes with his tumbler of freshly-squeezed orange juice. He'd now turned his attention away from all the passers-by and was staring at the small, flower-filled vase in the centre of the table. The particular species was abundant on Arcan yet very peculiar, rather than smelling fresh it had a sharp yet fruity aroma and it's watery yellow and lime green made it look ripe all year round. However this one seemed faded, most of it had wilted and was drooping over the rim of the vase, it looked like it had been neglected because they are so available here.
Still staring intently at the flower, he put his glass down and cupping his hand brought it gently beneath the wrinkled petals. With a soft stroke of his finger tips the flower began to straighten, quickly at first, becoming richer and fuller, it's petals became brighter and began to look young and heathly until it slowly came to a stop, now standing at full height in the vase, looking much better. The little padawan smiled, then saw Navaria pass, making her way down the street; so he left a tip and quickly made his way after her.
Unforunately, being surrounded by so many big people, no matter how Loki navigated around them he lost sight of the yound lady and thought for a moment he'd got lost until turning he saw her again. Although now she stood by a man and woman who had just taken their seats, Loki didn't recognise either of them. He really felt awkward meeting people for the first time.
Making his way over he smiled to Navaria cheerfully and announced a hearty "Good morning!" to all in attendance. He smiled at the young man and woman who were seated (best to start off on the right foot!) then cleared his throat.
"Hi there, are you two here for the mission?"
"I'm Loki Ahmrah, Padawan Learner to Anbira Hicchoru. I don't think I've met either of you before. Are you Jedi?"
Sanis Prent
Feb 15th, 2002, 08:20:16 PM
(I stood up, almost before I'd even realized that I'd done it. Navaria had come at last, and as usual, seemed to get the jump on me. I opened my mouth to speak, then stopped, changing my words in mid-breath. She was screwing up my universe, and I wondered if she even knew it. My well-oiled train of thought got derailed at the sight of her. It was just like back with Dalee...but it wasn't.
I didn't know where I stood. I didn't know where I wanted to stand. She wasn't Daleethria...was she? It was beautiful and bittersweet, and seeing her mended holes in my heart, as they were torn open again at the same time.
I didn't think that I'd gone into any kind of pining after she died. Maybe there was a reason. Maybe it wasn't a goodbye at all...just a "see you later". If this was later...I needed a sign. Every breath I seemed to take nowadays rewrote the word "complicated" in the dictionary.)
(I reached over, hitting the gangplank control on the ship.)
I guess we can go on in.
(Reluctantly, I took my eyes off Navaria, panning back to Amazonbabe)
Any idea how many others we're expecting?
(About that time, a little kid came up to the ship. Bright-eyed and obviously excited, he made his presence known, and his intent to get on my ship. I looked at him for a moment, my brow knitting. I looked back up to Navaria and AB)
I'm carrying kids now?
Feb 16th, 2002, 02:24:53 AM
:: AB smiled, not bothering to sit down, knowing that Sanis' next move would be to stand up after Navaria spoke. She bowed to Navaria in response to her bow and remained silent while the two looked on at each other. She looked at both, her smile turning into a small knowing grin. There may not be anything between them, persay, but there was certainly something there. Out of respect for both of them, she kept her thoughts to herself. She could always ask Navaria about it later, if the time was right. The Force would let her know. ::
:: Then Sanis was motioning them to board his ship. She answered his question after only a heartbeat. ::
There will be a few more. I don't expect any more than 10, if that.
:: She turned her head in time to see a young Jedi making his way towards the ship and stopping to politely introduce himself. She smiled at him, nodding her head at his question. ::
Yes, I am indeed a Jedi. Master Rie Mystt, though you may know me more popularly as AmazonBabe.
:: She suppressed a chuckle, turning to Sanis. ::
He is a Padawan and a part of this group. You won't have to worry about him.
:: She turned towards the Padawan. ::
Come, Loki. We shall wait for Anbira inside.
:: With that, she turned, looking at Navaria before heading up the ramp. ::
Feb 16th, 2002, 07:32:45 PM
Akrabbim boards the ship of Sanis Prent with trepidation. He has never trusted this man. He has never had reason to. But at the moment, this man happens to be the one who can find a ysalimir. So they must be allies. For now. Akrabbim turns and addresses the Jedi already present.
Greetings, fellow Jedi. I would like to help in this mission. I have seen the Lith in a dream, and I saw Anbira acquire the dread stone. I must see it destroyed. I will do whatever I need to help.
Introductions made, he now turns to regard the pilot of this vessel. He walks to the pilot's seat, eyes glowing in Force Illusion. He moves in close. Very close.
Hello Sanis. Remember me?
Akrabbim grabs the man's coat, pulling him closer. They are almost nose to nose.
You had better be on the straight and narrow. This mission is far too important to be jeopardized by a criminal such as you. Know this... you will not double cross us. You will not let us down. You will do everything in your power to ensure that this mission succeeds. This is no threat... it is simply a statement. Don't forget it.
Releasing his jacket, Akrabbim stands up and moves toward the back of the ship, seeking a seat.
Feb 17th, 2002, 11:51:03 PM
:: After having seen Loki to his seat, AB had no trouble in choosing a seat near the front, where she could get a first view of whatever was held outside of the landing ramp. ::
:: She watched the whole proceedings with Akrabbim and Sanis, remaining silent. Once her former Padawan had let the man go, he stepped inside, heading for a seat towards the back. As he past her, AB chuckled softly, keeping her voice low enough for only his ears to pick up. ::
You certainly have a way with people.
:: She caught the glimmer of a smirk on his lips before his face was past her line of sight and caught back up in it's usual look. ::
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 18th, 2002, 12:08:38 AM
Navaria caught the tail end of the conversation as she entered The Layla. She had no idea why her fellow Jedi was displeased with Sanis but it had to be for a good reason. Sanis wasn't a rogue because it sounded cool. He loved the danger and excitement that came with each job. And the money ...
As she looked away from the cockpit, her eyes became distant as familiarity took hold against the Knight's will. Somewhere inside Navaria, she felt a sense of homecoming of sorts. The palm of her hand slide across the metal of the hull as she walked further inside the ship. Her mind was not here. Anyone could see that.
What she really was doing was not remembering things long gone but relearning what the feel of The Layla was once again. Navaria knew instinctively what it felt like but now she wanted to know for herself. This ship was once an intrigral part of Daleethria's life and it was something that Navaria wanted to know for herself.
She hadn't realized that her feet had stopped right in front of the cockpit. Her eyes narrowed as she focused on the memories that were locked within these walls. Navaria pressed her hand firmly against the cold metal and let herself be one with the distant echoes that haunted her ...
Loki Ahmrah
Feb 19th, 2002, 11:19:31 AM
After having been surrounded by such kindly and accepting Jedi for the last couple of months, Loki was suprised by Sanis's remark about "carrying kids," clearly he was no Jedi, at least not a polite one. The little boy's nose wrinkled, and his eyes narrowed in annoyance at the way the rather scruffy-looking man had ignored him. But he soon shrugged it off thinking about what his father always tells him, "If people have the inability to be polite, don't let it get you down, son, because they're obviously not worth worrying over. But don't ever let that be an excuse for you to drop your standards in manners."
Loki wasn't prepared to allow his manners to fail him, he would remain polite and then became a little frustrated at himself for allowing himself to get annoyed at the man. That is not how a Jedi should react but it would be a very long time before he'd ever have such mastery over his negative feelings. He sighed, looked up at the woman who had turned to address him. She was kind and warm, that was what Loki needed right now, he did miss his mother and father dearly, they had allowed him to stay with the Jedi until they had to return to Chandrila.
"Rie Mysst," he repeated, "That's a lovely name you have, miss."
At the mention of Anbira Loki's face became more cheerful, he hadn't known Anbira would be joining them on this mission and the little Padawan Learner had become quite attatched to his master since the mission to Aurash. Following Rie into the ship and taking a seat, he noticed Navaria slowly entering. He remembered the first time he'd seen her at the Bar & Grill, with that injured Jedi - "Verse was his name!" Loki reminded himself - and she helped him; Loki remembered how he thought she was some sort of angel, she still looks like that now. Usually though, she comes across as being at absolute peace and control and her presence relaxed the boy as he sat back in his chair. But now she looked different; she seemed to be entranced in some sort of distant haze as she felt the ship's cold interior. Loki frowned.
"Excuse me Navaria," came a quite voice next to her, "Is everything alright?" She didn't seem herself and Loki was concerned, what could be troubling her? There was an uneasy atmosphere onboard, Loki was barely attuned to the Force but it wasn't any penetrating power that had made him aware of the tense silence amongst the people here.
Ken Jiang
Feb 19th, 2002, 12:12:47 PM
"Do you treat all your pilot's like that?" The question was blunt and patronising, aimed at Akrabbim as he left the cockpit. Leaning against the cold interior of The Layla there was a young man of about ninteen years old, he'd not bothered shaving this morning as he'd slept in and had no intention of arriving late from the man who had more or less saved him from that droid back on Coruscant. He didn't look particularly pleased with the man, unlike the red-haired Jedi lady to whom he shot a sharp glance before averting his stare back to Akrabbim and standing upright.
"I heard Sanis was carrying Jedi passengers; that's not the impression I just got from you back there. Whatever it is you Jedi folk are after, he can get it, but a little respect wouldn't go amiss whilst on his ship-" He turned and began walking into the cockpit, finishing, "-unless you'd appreciate floating back down here later on."
Upon entering the cockpit, he Sanis in his seat, straightening his jacket. He grinned and sat down in the co-pilot's chair.
"I was in the area and figured you could do with a backup on your travels, with all these Jedi howevering around and all."<?I> He smiled and added, [I]"Besides who better to have around if this little bitch starts playin' up on ya?"
Feb 19th, 2002, 06:29:49 PM
Sanis' co-pilot was loyal... but woefully uninformed.
Just so you know, your illustrious leader has been known to sell out anyone for the right price. I'm just making quite sure that no one's bought his affections.
Neither of you have any idea what you're dealing with. I have no qualms about ruffling his jacket to make my point.
Feb 20th, 2002, 02:28:34 AM
:: AB nodded at Loki, a smile spreading across her face at his compliment. ::
You're too kind, Loki. Thank you.
:: She looked at the Padawan a bit longer before resuming her watch of the landing ramp. She sensed Loki would grow wise in the Force. But for now, he was still a learner. At least he was a polite Padawan if nothing else. ::
Sanis Prent
Feb 20th, 2002, 06:54:08 PM
(My eyes locked onto the dark-skinned Jedi's glowing gaze. Yeah, I remembered him. It wasn't a reunion I looked forward to. His name was Akrabbim, and he was the kind of Jedi with a righteous streak that chafed at him, like sandpaper underwear, gnawing at him enough to make the Jedi want to get nice and uncomfortably close in everybody's little world. Like a zealous cop, or just somebody with an overvalued self-worth. For all his big talk and fancy tricks, he was still a boy scout to me. The sooner our paths split up, the better. It always seemed there was something else, another score left to settle.
After a few seconds of tense stare-down, My eyes glanced aft, and I laughed insincerely)
Relax, Ken...just a friend from way-back. You know.
(The smile widened a bit)
He just seems to be a little misinformed, that's all. He's got the mistaken impression that I am some kind of "criminal".
(I made an incredulous face, to seem as if the news was hard to believe. Akrabbim was a dog with a bone. Trick is, he thought he was gnawing the prime cut, when he simply had the gristle. It was one thing to call Sanis Prent a criminal. I'd been called worse things in the past day, 20 times over. It was another thing prove it. Till then, he could call me the next big Sith Lord for all I cared. Just hot air.)
But thats understandable. I'd expect a Jedi to know as much about honest businessmen as for me to...well, understand a Jedi.
(I swiveled in my seat, gesturing to Ken.)
Meet Ken Jiang. He's my personal mechanic, and a damn good one to boot. He'll be coming along to keep things in top order. He's a bit of a greaser...but then, so am I. So if you see him ducking around in a service conduit...give him a little space.
(I looked to Ken)
We got a few more passengers still coming, from what I know. Navaria said there's some old guy that still has to show, so I guess get below deck and start seeing how many cargo pallets we can lose to free up some space.
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 22nd, 2002, 12:11:43 AM
Haunted memories that caused deep lines in her face to appear vanished for a familiar voice was heard that brought her back to the present.
Navaria looked down at Loki and smiled reassuringly.
"I'm alright. I didn't mean to worry you."
Almost with regret, she pulled her hand away from the hull and lightly brushed away some strands of hair that were endangering the young Padawan's vision.
"Thank you for your concern though."
Sanis' incredible knack of being blunt was already causing a bit of tension, well alot, of tension on board. Navaria believed in him even if some of the others didn't. He would see the mission to its end no matter what.
At the mention of the old man, the Knight had to chuckle and decided to poke her head into the cockpit.
"Sanis. The old man's name is Anbira. Probably calling him that is a bit more wise dont' you think?"
Ken Jiang
Feb 22nd, 2002, 11:52:28 AM
"Aye aye, Cap'n!" replied Ken, standing up he added, "I better get out of sight then, I wouldn't want to be associated with a criminal now, would I?" he smiled and turned to leave when he caught sight of Navaria in the doorway. He openly looked her up and down then whistled, turning back to Sanis exclaimed "They don't settle for second best, those Jedi, do they?" As he left he wore a sly grin and winked to Navaria knowing she wouldn't be the least bit impressed.
On his way to the cargo hold, he passed a young boy who'd just climed into his chair, and without hesitation Ken siezed the opportunity to reach out, grab the seat, then with a strong shove sent it spinning uncontrollably, throwing the little guy off his seat and onto the floor. Ken was heard laughing heartily as he dissapeared into a service duct.
Down in the cargo hold, Ken sighed as he looked around; there were crates, boxes, cargo pallets and all kinds of junk which had compiled over an unthinkable amount of time. He folded his arms and thought to himself, "Just like brushing dust under a carpet!" He frowned then set out to work.
First of all he unloaded the contents of half-filled pallets and crates and put them in others; fifteen minutes later, half the containers were emptied and unneccessary. Now it was just a question of moving them. Blocking the cargo hold gangway were innumerable boxes and small crates and scattered here and there was old or damaged equiptment. Ken moved them by hand, carrying them over into an unused corner where they soon piled up.
Unfortunately there wasn't enough room to properly use a repulsorlift of any kind to help him so he ran out, then a moment later came back in dragging a hefty fork-lift into The Layla. He paused and wiped the sweat from his brow, then manouvered the large piece of machinery under one of the empty pallets, jacked it up then pulled it out. Ten minutes later all the large empty pallets and crates had been moved outside where they were to be taken care of by the Arcan IV workers.
All that was left were the remaining pallets and crates containing all the essentials for this trip and other items that were better left unseen by the more law-abiding members of society. With a bit more work with the fork-lift all had been moved into one corner of the cargo-hold, the other corner contained all the junk and scrap that had been scattered about - that would give Ken something to do later - he wondered what exactly Sanis had in mind for the cargo-hold. Accomodation more than likely.
"You wouldn't recognise your own cargo-hold if you were to go back there now!" came Ken's voice, stepping into the doorway of the cockpit, he was rubbing his hands with a towel which was now filthy black with oil and dirt.
"I'm just gonna have a look round the rest of her just before take off, but she's all ready when you are, everyone aboard?" he asked wiping away the beads of sweat on his face with the towel. He paused suddenly, then pulled the towel away to reveal a face which was now half black, half white; he realised what he'd done now and turned away, his words became muffled as he walked away.
"Oh fu..."
Morgan Evanar
Feb 22nd, 2002, 01:36:24 PM
Morgan abrubtly apeared before the man, holding out a clean washcloth.
" 'er you go." Ken stood speechless for a moment, his jaw welded in place by surprise, so the Jedi Master simply put the cloth on his shoulder and walked up into the cockpit area.
Feb 23rd, 2002, 12:05:36 AM
:: AB held back a snicker and greeted the newly arrived Jedi. ::
Hello, Morgan. It has been a long time since I saw you last.
:: She smiled. ::
Morgan Evanar
Feb 23rd, 2002, 11:27:00 PM
Morgan neatly bowed his two meter body in the style of a court jester, with a great exageration of motion.
"Hello Rie. It has, it has." With an extra nod, he moved on up further.
He nodded and smiled as he passed the kid who seemed poking about.
And there was Sanis, looking his part. Some people have a certain unique aura: Prent was one of those who couldn't really be mistaken for anyone else once you knew him.
"Ahhh, Sanis Prent, properly improper scoundrel of all trades." The Jedi was in one of his more sarcastic moods, but the humor was evident. Morgan hoped everyone was in a decent enough mood to take it as that.
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 25th, 2002, 10:48:30 PM
Indeed the flirtatious comment by Ken fell on deaf ears and Navaria decided to enter the cockpit fully.
"Charming friend you have there, Sanis."
Now that the co-pilot's seat was vacant, Navaria decided to take a seat as Morgan's comment filtered through. The humor was there but the tension was still thick.
"Are you sure you still want to do this with all that back there?"
She said, pointing at her fellow Jedi with a thumb.
Sanis Prent
Feb 26th, 2002, 02:58:08 AM
(I looked up from a console at Morgan, smirking. He was a bit of an oddity. He had one foot in all of that Jedi spiritualism, and another foot in the real world. I guess if there was ever one of those people I could give an ounce of heartfelt respect, it was him. Then again, he was a switch hitter, and I never knew who's side he was actually on...
...that made him one of us, sure enough. I smiled)
Mister've once again got me all wrong. My scoundrel days are long-since past.
(My eyes softened upon seeing Navaria. I took my time gazing at her)
I'm still not an altruist like you Jedi, but I don't mind doing a little honest work for you, either. I don't mind at all.
Morgan Evanar
Feb 26th, 2002, 10:10:48 PM
"Thats good. Sometimes you need honest work to keep you grounded." That last statement was a large thing for Morgan to mentally chew on for a while. It sort of also meant, that if it were thoroughly true (though the Jedi suspected it wasn't) he would loose one of his better ears to the ground. Unfortunate in some ways, but better in others. Sanis and his razor-edge games with BlackSun could very well leave him sleeping with the mynocks. That would be far more unfortunate.
This whole thing was something to think about, along with his reaction to Navaria. Something to do with one of the other clones, for sure.
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 26th, 2002, 10:32:39 PM
:: Anbira slept very little that night. It had been less than a day since his great revelation in the Council room...since he had discovered himself, and the dreadstone, Laenos. Its allure was at last made clear to him, in ways that horrified him. A side of him wanted to challenge the evil within it, and turn the Lith into a tool of great good. Yet, he knew that such undying evil would never surrender its power. The temptation was great indeed. It seemed that in Anbira's most resolute stubbornness, the Lith whispered to his heart, pleading with him to change his ways, and interjecting enough doubt and whimsy to cloud his mind. It was a poison! Yet to fulfill the Lith's destruction, he would have to carry the burden. There were few others who held as much insight into the dreadstone as Anbira. Equally few were those whose souls were prepared to be tried by such power. The old Jedi himself doubted whether he held such resolve. In a time of peril, would he use the stone, and throw himself under the yoke of its dark sway? It was that hazy, unseen future that plagued the Jedi's sleepless night. He awoke early, rocking back and forth in a chair in his quarters, eyeing the stone from across the room. ::
You will not make a servant of me, Laenos. I swear it.
:: Anbira's brow grew heavy with weary thought. Reluctantly, he scooped up the jade amulet, wrapping it in a thick cloth, to where he didn't have to look upon it. Preparing his gear with steady determination, the Jedi lifted his decidedly-grave temperament, and departed for the docking bay.
He arrived less than an hour later, staring at a ship that seemed as outwardly decrepit as he was. It roused a chuckle from the old man, and he made his way up the gangplank, zansanar sprig pressed into the corner of his mouth ::
Well, I suppose that since all tardy old men are stowed aboard our shining steed, we should be off?
:: Anbira smiled, taking a look around at everybody aboard the ship. Some faces he knew. Navaria, Akrabbim, Morgan, Amazonbabe, Loki. Others were not known to him. A shifty-eyed man glanced at him from the cockpit. He could only surmise that it was Navaria's pilot friend. Each face, he committed to his mind. This mission would indeed be a fateful one. ::
Feb 26th, 2002, 11:19:04 PM
The old man enters the ship, weariness obvious in his eyes. It seems as if a great burden is on him, weighing him down. As the man takes his seat, Akrabbim leans toward him, whispering.
How are you doing, Anbira? Are you holding up under the strain?
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 26th, 2002, 11:47:15 PM
:: Anbira smiled wanly, his eyes staring off into the distance ::
I...suppose...that my being here is indicative of that. To give the burden proper explanation, I would have you carry it.
:: Anbira looked at Akrabbim, his grey eyes shadowed by his heavy brow ::
But that is something I cannot do. I would wish to attribute it all to honor and nobility. Yet I fear there grows a demon of avarice within.
:: He shook his head ::
It is not easy to carry this burden. I fear it will be impossible to relinquish it, if we do not move with haste.
Feb 27th, 2002, 12:52:11 AM
Akrabbim nodded gravely at the man's words. They would have to hurry. After a moment to gather his thoughts, Akrabbim whispers to him again.
Anibra, I hope that you will remain strong and allow the stone to be destroyed. I will do everything I can to help you resist. If you fail to resist... I will do everything in my power to strike you down.
Akrabbim softens a bit as he turns back to the old man.
I am sorry... but we both know the danger of the Lith. It cannot be allowed to succeed.
Mar 3rd, 2002, 04:01:36 AM
:: AB looked up to see Anbira enter the ship and speak briefly with Akrabbim. Once he had finished, she took the time to stand and walk to him. ::
Hello, Anbira. You seem to be fairing well this morning.
I do feel it is time we should depart. The importance of this mission should not be delayed. The implications of such an act would be too great.
:: She smiled, yet it was a sad smile. In her heart she knew the man was struggling with the burden of the evil he carried. All she could do at this point was offer her strength silently and hope that he remained true to the light. But in the end, she knew this evil had to be destroyed, and she would be willing to give up her life to ensure the Lith would come to destruction. ::
Sanis Prent
Mar 4th, 2002, 02:43:42 PM
(I occasionally glanced back, overhearing some of the Jedi's crazy mumbo-jumbo talk. It didn't matter to me, just couldn't be helped to hear, I guess. I glanced at Navaria, who also watched the proceedings)
Is everybody aboard? I'm activating main power and warming up the sublights.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 5th, 2002, 12:57:54 PM
Navaria couldn't help but feel Sanis' confusion and curiosity to what her fellow Jedi were talking about. Being an outsider to the real purpose of this mission, it would be looked upon as "mumbo jumbo talk" as Sanis thought.
"As far as I know, everyone is now here, Sanis."
She stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it.
"Considering that your friend will want his seat back, I'd better go towards the back."
It felt right for her to stay up here, considering she knew The Layla intimately but it wasn't her place... not anymore.
Loki Ahmrah
Mar 5th, 2002, 01:58:48 PM
Loki had barely sat down when his chair suddenly went out of control and with a great spin threw him from the seat and tumbling to the ground. Rubbing his elbow where he'd broken his fall, he looked across to see a young man retreat into a service duct, laughing. Loki's face contorted as he snarled in annoyance at what the man had done, making a fool of him, the boy thought of the mission ahead and how he'd have to tolerate that person.
"Calm down Loki," he thought, "It's not worth getting upset over. Anger is after all, of the Dark Side." The Dark Side was something he'd read about and been warned of countless times on his mission to Aurash, he was still unsure of what the Dark Side was but with time and learning he was sure he'd understand.
Taking a deep breath he sat down and let out a heavy sigh, his muscles relaxed and he closed his eyes, listening to everything around - taking it all in and gradually he began to feel like he was about to fall asleep when suddenly something remarkable happened. All the sounds he could here became distant and nothing more than a quiet ambience, he looked about the inside of the ship in wonder, everything was bathed in an immaculate brilliance, streams of light shone from even the darkest corners of the ship. His heart began to hammer with excitement, his pulse was racing and he feared the moment would not last. He relaxed more, the calmer he became the less he could feel the cold steel of the chair upon which he sat. But even now it seemed like he was no longer sitting, it was more like he was just suspended in the thick of something much more saturating and complex than a freighter. The little Padawan felt very light and gentle, almost weightless, he looked over to two men talking, one was Anbira.
"Anbira!" thought Loki, the moment ended and he opened his eyes, everything returning to normal. Opened his eyes? "What in the world!?" he thought in shock.
He jumped up and ran over to the old man who had just been speaking with Rie.
"Master Hicchoru!" he called out excitedly sparing no more than half a second to bow, he looked up, his wide, gleaming eyes meeting those of his wisened, old teacher.
"Something wonderful has just happened. I was sitting down in that chair over there when suddenly I felt all light and happy, I could see kinda see things around me without looking, it was so cool! What was it? I thought I was going to float into the air and fly around the room, it was so peaceful and wonderful at the same time!" The little boy couldn't contain his delight, a fault perhaps, but he couldn't help it, grinning from ear to ear.
Mar 5th, 2002, 06:10:37 PM
:: Just as she'd finished speaking with Anbira, Loki came running to his Master, very excited. Smiling, she nodded towards Anbira, and stepped back to give the Master and Padawan some room. Silently, she went back to her seat. ::
(OOC: I know this may be a little late to ask, but I was wondering if I could include my new Padawan in this mission. Would there be a problem with this?)
Ken Jiang
Mar 6th, 2002, 10:52:00 AM
"That guy was probably a Jedi, having appeared from out of nowhere like that, no doubt he'll be really pleased with himself after that display. I'll keep an eye on him, and the rest of those wierdos." Ken was annoyed at himself, cleaning himself up properly this time, he thought to himself about The Layla's passengers and what their mission would be.
He hadn't anything planned for a long while so to prevent boredom he thought he'd come along for the ride - he was spontaneous like that and he liked it that way. He rarely knew what the next day would bring and each day was an adventure in itself; there were times when he'd have difficulty to find a place to sleep and food to eat, then there were the times when he would dine on the finest quisine with society's finest. Either way Ken made sure he enjoyed himself in whatever he did.
Returning to the cockpit he overheard Sanis's attractive Jedi friend as she was leaving and he appeared in the doorway smiling.
"Oh don't mind me, I'm just a mechanic; why would he need me for a co-pilot - have you seen him in this thing? He don't need me-" he paused as though he were thinking, but Ken wasn't blind let alone stupid, "Hey, I'm sure you have experience of at least co-piloting, this cockpit seems to suit you, you'd make a great co-pilot."
He looked briefly over to Sanis, smiling, and added, "Now if you'll excuse me; a cockpit is no place for me really, I belong with the grease and oil-" he turned to leave then remembering, turned back and addressed the Jedi lady and asked, "Sorry, I didn't catch your name, you are?"
Sanis Prent
Mar 6th, 2002, 08:19:03 PM
OOC: Sounds good AB
(Ken's words made me smile. I don't know if he actually wanted to be away from the co-pilot seat, or if he could see that I wanted Navaria to take the chair. Either way, it was a welcome gesture.)
Nav, you wanna take the two-seat?
(I ran down several systems, making sure everything was in the green. I moved to withdraw the gangplank, but I stopped as I noticed somebody approaching)
Looks like we got another tagging along.
Maia Tharrinn
Mar 7th, 2002, 03:08:05 AM
Maia ran up the gangplank her bags banging against her legs. She was late on her first mission with her master. As she rushed through the door her cheeks heated with a blush as all eyes turned to her. Ari fluttered his wings in irritation at her for jouncing him with her running.
"Master Rie I'm sorry I'm late, it wont happen again." She said breathlessly and with a bow. Turning her eyes to the others she bowed to each in turn. Maia still blushing took a seat near her master. Dropping her eyes, utterly mortified that she had not been on time. Brushing her cheek against Ari's feathers she sighed. "Good move Maia, prove yourself worthy by being late." She growled under her breath.
Mar 7th, 2002, 02:47:59 PM
:: AB smiled and regarded Maia's downcast look. She addresed her softly, speaking for her ears only. ::
I ask for your best, Maia, not perfection. For if I asked for perfection, you would become frusterated, and such frusteration could lead to a severe end.
:: She placed a hand on her Padawan's shoulder. ::
You can learn from your experience of being tardy. But, the important thing is that you're here, and you're here to learn.
:: She smiled at Maia, letting reassurance flow to her that all was alright. ::
:: Having finished her soft reprimand and council, she looked up towards where the cockpit was, raising her voice for those there to hear. ::
The last passenger is aboard. You may commence with takeoff.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 7th, 2002, 11:22:11 PM
She could actually feel her cheeks burning when Ken appeared behind her. Navaria didn't sense him at all being that she was too preoccupied with other things on her mind ...
They turned even more crimson, much to her dismay, as she heard what Ken said. Was it that obvious there was more to Sanis and Navaria then what was said?
It had to be since a simple grease monkey Ken could plainly see it.
"Thank you ...."
Was all she could get out before sitting down in the co-pilot's chair. With a small technique to clear her mind, Navaria double checked Sanis' pre-flight and overheard Rie and one of the new Padawans, Maia, talking.
She turned around to nod at the Jedi Master and looked at Sanis. Inside Navaria could feel emotions conflicting with each other but on another level, just looking at him ... this scoundrel that most in the Order was wise to be wary of ... she couldn't help but feeling at peace.
How odd of a statement was that?
"Looks like we're ready."
A quick flip of a switch and the door to "The Layla" was closed as the ramp was being pulled up.
Ken Jiang
Mar 8th, 2002, 07:55:37 AM
"Thank you?" he repeated, knowing that it wasn't her answer to his question but decided to have a little fun with it regardless, "Why that's a beautiful name for a Jedi!"
He smiled mischeviously and left the cockpit, dissapearing into the back before take-off.
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 11th, 2002, 09:59:45 AM
:: Anbira nodded as the last of the passengers stepped aboard. Despite his Jedi teachings, a seed of restlessness grew within. Perhaps the future he sensed was of dire urgency, but he knew that they must soon depart. He walked forward, placing a hand on the pilot's shoulder ::
Pilot, I suggest we make haste, and depart for the shrouded planet of Myrkyr now.
Mar 11th, 2002, 05:29:59 PM
:: AB sat silently, waiting for the ship to depart, when she felt something minute stir in the Force. Had she not been quiet and stilled her mind, she may have missed it. But the fact she had been in tune with the Force, had shown her this slight disturbance; if one could call it that. ::
:: She casually looked around, trying to pinpoint where the stir had occured, finally resting her seraching eyes on Anbira. She immediately sense a restlessness and urgency she could not understand. But as quickly as she had seen it, it had been hidden once again. She could tell the man was trying to control his urgency to be rid of this evil object, but there was also something else. Something she could not understand. Not at the moment, anyways. ::
:: Continueing to keep silent, she returned her gaze forward. She would not say anything until she had more to go on. But, nevere the less, something inside her began to grow: Worry. ::
Maia Tharrinn
Mar 13th, 2002, 01:36:42 AM
Maia spotted the young child in his seat and smiled softly. She had a deep fondness for children. Though she had grown up fast in her house hold with little time given to her to be a child, she was still only 16 years old. She took Ari from her shoulder and sat by him, giving him a tentative smile. "Hello, I'm Maia and this is Ari. May I ask your name young one?" She asked in a soft voice. Ari chirruped a greeting of his own cocking his head to the side and looking at the young boy as if awaiting an answer too...
Sanis Prent
Mar 15th, 2002, 03:05:49 PM
Alright guys, hang onto your butts.
(I smirked, activating the comm)
Arcan control, this is the Layla, requesting permission for orbital clearance.
(Several minutes later, the response came.)
Layla, this is Arcan Control. You have been cleared for space lane beta four. On behalf of the Jedi Council, may the Force be with you. Arcan Control out.
(I glanced at Navaria, wondering what the hell that was for, then shrugged.)
I don't suppose you remember how to enter coordinates into the Navicomputer?
(I grinned, easing the yoke back as Layla lifted off, heading out into space)
Alright, everybody prepare for the jump to hyperspace.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:38:58 PM
They were still on the approach to space...
"I might be rusty, Sanis..."
Navaria said, inputting the coordinates into the nav computer with simple ease that it was almost child's play to her. Then, almost like an afterthought, she fooled around with the coordinates a little which caused a small warning light to blink on Sanis' side of the console.
When he checked it out, the rogue noticed that Navaria had calculated a jump that would have landed them into an asteroid field.
Leaning back in her chair, she half smiled at Sanis and pointed to the controls.
"... but I can be incompetent too..."
Before he could say anything, Navaria fiddled with the controls again and replaced that terrible path with a perfectly secured route to their destination.
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:39:12 PM
:: Anbira's thoughts were interrupted by the cheerful sounds of Loki. It gave the feeling of a weight being lifted from his shoulders, as Anbira put away the Dread Stone. He smiled jovially, lifting Loki up. :: you did, you say? Well, this is a momentous thing, my young pupil.
(He sat down with the excited youngster, and placed a hand on his shoulder.)
You are beginning to listen to the Force. That wonderful peaceful feeling is the result of being balanced and in tune to its will. When you empty your mind, things will suddenly appear. Things you might never have thought about, or imagined. They may make sense, or they may be quite silly. But you should always listen to them.
(He smiled, closing his eyes)
Come now. Clear your mind...and tell me what I have behind my back.
(He removed both hands from his pockets, holding them behind. In one was a suprise.)
Loki Ahmrah
Mar 17th, 2002, 08:17:20 PM
When he was lifted up, looking at Master Hicchoru's smiling face he felt so proud; like he had really achieved something. But in retrospect - it wasn't entirely the strange experience he had with the Force that made him feel so proud - it was Anbira's smile. He had noticed from afar that his master seemed somewhat troubled and had this facial expression which looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Loki was proud to have made him smile.
Momentous! Loki couldn't hold back his smile, it must be important. He listened carefully to what his master had to say; apparently, when he was at balance with this, Force, then when calm and at that level of peace he should be able to hear what the Force is saying. See things like he had done before.
"Come now. Clear your mind...and tell me what I have behind my back."
A challenge? Loki knew this would be difficult, before he wasn't excited like this, nor was he on-the-spot as he is now. He was still excited and nervous that he might let his master down. Closing his eyes, he tried to shut out all ambient sound, but the ships engines had started and he felt like people were staring at him. He began to control his breathing, and focus and be at peace, then with a heavy sigh he released. He had failed.
But when he looked over at Anbira, he saw that he had not opened his eyes yet and had this unshakeable aura of calm about him, he sat waiting patiently and this brought about a new sense of determination in the little Padawan.
With a sigh, Loki closed his eyes and clasped his hands behind his back as he had seen Master Hicchoru do many times before. He thought about his master's patience and tranquility and soon enough all else was shut out to his senses. His breathing was steadily slowing, his mind was cleared of previous doubts. Shortly Loki could here a low hum and against that there was a deep, echoing, "thud....thud....thud." That was his pulse he could hear.
From there on he had no perception of time, he could've been like this all day for all he knew; once again, that feeling of almost weightlessness sank in fist at his toes and moved up through his body, he tingled all over. He could almost feel something going through him, like he was a piece of tissue paper through which was filtered a gentle, soothing breeze. It was a remarkable sensation.
Amidst the darkness, far off, there was a small glinting light, it neared slowly at first when soon enough he could envisage somewhere between consciousness reality and unconscious thought, the interior of the ship, again bathed in light. And before him sat what he assumed was Anbira, this was unclear but who else could it be?
The little Padawan focused with all his ability on what was before him, with the utmost concentration he shifted his perspective so that he could now see behind his master's back. He searched for where his hands might be, then he noticed something in one of his hands, it was his left hand. It was difficult to make out, he tried focusing more, and his perception of the contents of his master's left hand cleared somewhat. He felt a surge of excitement and anticipation once more. And his concentration broke.
Everything returned to normal once more. And the little boy kicked the wall in annoyance.
"I nearly had it, master, I was so close!" He exclaimed with great disappointment.
Anbira opened his eyes once more then Loki remembered his manners and his sudden loss of temper, he looked down, frustrated with himself.
"Sorry master, I couldn't make out what it was, but was it in your left hand?"
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 20th, 2002, 02:58:29 PM
:: Anbira smiled ::
Loki, do not be discouraged by the task at hand. With the Force, neither the size of the task nor the size of the man matters.
:: From his left hand, he gave the boy a Namana candy ::
You are indeed correct. I sense your feelings, and they aim true.
Next time we try, you will not think about the difficulty.
:: He put a hand on his shoulder ::
You are doing well, young Padawan. You'll make a fine Jedi, indeed.
Sanis Prent
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:34:25 PM
(The streaking starlines gave way a few minutes later, as the green orb that was Myrkyr hung in front of us. I immediately switched to full sensor sweep, trying to see if anything was out there. So far, so good. This place was controlled by the Vagrant Order, and in return, was a front for the Empire. With their interest fully on Myrkyr, it made the situation tense, especially for me and my precious cargo.)
Alright, everybody...welcome to Myrkyr. No hostile warships or fighter garrisons within system, so I'm gonna pull in for orbital descent and landing.
(The maneuvering thrusters kicked in, turning Layla down onto the planet as she sailed through the atmosphere)
Morgan Evanar
Mar 23rd, 2002, 07:54:37 PM
Abruptly, Morgan went from walking normally toward the cockpit, to sideways.
"Ow! FRELL!" Not only had he slipped on something, but his left ear was acting up again. The sympathetic reaction to De'Ville's force scream long ago at TSO had resulted in damage. While it had healed, he inadverntly relied on the Force to correct it.
That, and he was essentially half blind.
"Frell." He rubbed his head and wobbling onward.
"I forgot how little I liked this feeling." The large Jedi said as he managed to slip through the door.
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 24th, 2002, 08:51:23 AM
It begins.
:: Anbira sat back in his seat, his eyes closing as he lost his connection to the Force. Now, he was as useless as any old man. The fate of this quest lay on the shoulders of the pilot. ::
Mar 25th, 2002, 02:35:56 AM
:: AB sighed as she felt the Force leave her once they landed. She saw momentary distress on her Padawan's face and placed a hand on her forearm. ::
It's alright. It won't be for too long.
:: I hope. She didn't like being without the Force any more than the other Jedi present. But there was an advantage she had on a planet teaming with plant life. Even without the Force, she and plants had an understanding. It was a hereditary trait from where she was born, a planet called The Rogue Planet that revered life, using all it's natural resources and understanding it. The planet she had lived on had even spoken to her. It had been alive. It had been sentient. ::
:: Now on this planet, though the planet itself did not speak to her in a conventional way, she understood the plant life. She new the dangers and the healers on this planet. It would come in use during their treck to gather ysalimiri. ::
:: Standing she went to the hatch, her hand over the release button. She turned towards the cockpit where Sanis was now emerging. ::
Time to go exploring?
Mar 26th, 2002, 07:40:01 PM
Akrabbim slowly draws his katana and positions himself behind Sanis.
All of you, go ahead and explore. I'll guard our escape.
Akrabbim raises his sword, resting it very near Sanis' neck.
I want to make sure we are not double-crossed. I will wait for you to return.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 27th, 2002, 11:53:23 PM
Morgan looked at Akrabbim for a moment, and then at Sanis. Sanis was about as happy as a spice smuggler who was boarded by Imperials.
"Akrabbim, put the sword down. We're all going. Right Sanis?" Not waiting for an answer from either , he made his way down the exit ramp. Once on more or less flat ground, Morgan experimentally jumped several times. The first two tries, he wobbled uneasily on his feet, but soon his ears were doing what they should. To top it off, he did a cartwheel.
Finished with his self check, he looked about at the other Jedi: all seemed far more disoriented than him. Then again, for him, aside from the ear trouble, being without the Force could be considered a minor bother. Three of his five senses were far beyond what most humans possed, especially smell. But he did find that he was missing details about the surroundings. Not knowing exactly where everyone around him was, and their general mood was foreign.
I'm more of a Jedi than I thought.
Sanis Prent
Mar 28th, 2002, 12:43:51 PM
(I edged away from the sword's blade, smiling nervously)
Hey...relax there buddy.
(The glowy-eyed boyscout had it in for me for a long time. If I was more discriminating, I would have left him behind. It was no secret he wanted to take me down, and that whole mindset was just weighting me down. I hated sidetracks)
Well, unless any of you guys have been to Myrkyr and done this, you're gonna have trouble. Aside from the Vornskyrs, there could be a small imperial force here, or maybe some gangsters, since the Vagrant Order controls this place. And even if you do find a ysalimir, you can't just pull the suckers off the branches. They'll die if left exposed for long periods of time. So I figure its only natural that I play your tour guide. But if you wanna go solo and let Deputy Fife keep an eye on me, thats fine too. But all being the same, live Jedi pay better than dead ones. And since your crazy hocus pocus won't work here, I figure my more mundane approach might be a good idea.
(I shrugged, slipping on my shades. It was noon out, and the sun would be beating in through the forest canopy. I turned in my seat slightly, careful to avoid the katana blade)
Ken, job opportunity! Get down to the holds and break open the red crate.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 28th, 2002, 01:55:46 PM
She felt naked without her Force abilities. Searching through her memories, Navaria remembered a time when Luke and Leia had used these creatures on Dalethria... trying to turn her to the light. Perhaps that confrontation would have gone differently if they only knew what Navaria and Dalethria were really about.
As Sanis made his speech, Navaria mentally made a note to ask Akrabbim what it was specifically that Sanis did to cause him being so rough with the rogue. She could imagine many a scenario but she rather hear it from her fellow Jedi then just assume.
Navaria stood up and gently pushed away the blade from Sanis' neck.
"He is going to have to move from his seat eventually because he is right. We need him as a guide and Sanis has experience with ysalamiri since he had one."
Out of the corner of her eye, she glance at the smuggler.
"And it wouldn't surprise me if he is going to retrieve a pet today."
She returned to Akrabbim.
"But believe me when I say that his motives towards us are pure. I know it is hard to believe but ... it's true."
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:57:05 PM
:: They had landed not moments before, and already threats were being tossed back and forth. Sighing, she departed the ship and stepped down onto the mossy ground, surveying the lush area. It certainly did feel strange being without the Force. Almost like being blind. but she still had her natural senses, and took joy in the wind rustling the leaves and the sun peaking through cracks in the canopy. ::
:: but they had a task at hand, and she could not be caught in a daydream. Turning upward to look at Sanis who had now appeared at the hatch, she addressed him. ::
So, where do we start? This planet is vast, and it shouldn't be terribly difficult to find a ysalimiri. Just follow the sounds of faint cooings, perhaps?
Mar 28th, 2002, 06:19:18 PM
Akrabbim slowly resheathes his blade.
Very well. If we must follow you, let's get going. Apart from being weakened on this planet, we have very little time to spare. Let's get a ysalamir and leave, as soon as possible.
Loki Ahmrah
Mar 28th, 2002, 09:58:42 PM
Many dissapointments and Namana candies later, the little Padawan began to make sense of his master's wise words; "The Force has no physical properties, and therefore does not exist in the realm of the physical, maybe not even in the realm of matter. Yet it's influence effects all these things regardless of their size or weight; therefore these values are irrelevant when it concerns the Force, so: 'With the Force, neither the size of the task nor the size of the man matters.' I get it now." He smiled quietly to himself, gently spinning in his chair.
Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by the pilot, Sanis; Loki hadn't been able to make any acquaintance with the man, perhaps he had been to self-involved, but with good reason, he was stepping into a much larger world. No, manners first. "I'll have to make an effort..." He thought to himself.
For a while, the others seemed a little disorientated. He'd done some reading and from what he knew of these Ysalimiri, they naturally generate Force-nullifying bubbles. They looked cool though, if not a tad dozy. The absence of the Force was barely noticeable for someone so undeveloped like himself; he knew it wasn't there but he didn't rely on it like the others as he wasn't able to do so. "I guess I'm not going to be able to practise while I'm here," He sighed to himself, sliding off his seat.
Already outside was Rie, Morgan and Sanis, who was just making his way down the ramp while Morgan performed a flawless cartwheel. Loki chuckled at the sight from the hatch, to see someone that tall do something he associated with child's-play was amusing. Making his way down the ramp, under his boot was a slippery grease patch and he lost his balance on the way down and flug his arms outwards to compensate with a "Woah!"
Progressively, he slid down towards Sanis and upon reaching the bottom he cleared his throat, then tapped his arm gently.
"Excuse me, mister," He began, "I heard you say something about, ummm...Vorn-" He tried to remember the word, and narrowing his eyes, finished, "-skyrs? Well umm...what are they?"
Ysalimiri he understood. Gangsters weren't foreign to him. Imperials were a worry. But Vornskyrs? That's something new to him.
Sanis Prent
Mar 29th, 2002, 12:44:04 AM
(My eyes panned through the trees and undergrowth, watching for danger. My right hand never strayed far from my shell gun. Eventually, I decided it was safe to move around, and I led the group forward a few dozen meters, panning the trees for signs of a ysalimir. The boy asked a question, and I glanced down to him.)
Think of a cross between a wolf and a cobra, kid. They got stingers in their tails.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 29th, 2002, 03:17:25 PM
"Aye, an' about as friendly as those two creatures in a foul mood combined." Morgan said with a thick Tanaabian accent. He checked the Desert Eagle, removing a clip of rail slugs, examining the number of rounds in the magazine and then reloading and replacing it.
"People and machines aren't going to be much of threat where we are." he continued as he checked over his equipment. "But theres more than a goodly number of different Vonskrs. I think we're at a junction between about four different territories. I suggest Sanis lead us: I've only been on planet once before."
The Jedi Master glanced back at Loki. The kid was completely unarmed. Pulling the vibroblade and its sheath off his belt, he offered it to the youth.
"Don't use a lightsaber unless you absolutely have to. The hum probably will carry. Keep an eye out, an' if you 'ave to use a weapon, be extra mindful of those around ya."
The group sort of looked at him funny. He blinked, introspectively.
"Ahh... the accent is going full swing. Anyway, is there anyone without proper means to defend themselves?"
Mar 29th, 2002, 03:26:20 PM
:: AB looked at Morgan with a funny look on her face, and then just smiled. ::
I anticipated the effects Myrkr might have on us, so I certainly came prepared.
:: She reached into the bag, slung diagonally across her body, and retrieved from it a light weight blaster belt. Attached were two holsters, each carrying a blaster. She placed the belt around her waist, and clipped it into place, buckling the straps at the bottom of the low-slung holsters to her thighs. ::
:: Reaching back into the back, she pulled out a similar device for Maia. She had a good idea the Padawan had not thought of bringing her own, though it was quite possible she had a vibroblade with her. ::
Here you go, Maia. Never the less, I want you to stay close to me.
:: She looked at Morgan, patting the blasters strapped to her sides. ::
They're not exactly my first choice. But in a place were we're virtually blind, I figure it's better than nothing. And swinging a lightsaber without the Force to aid you on where it lands, can be dangerous.
Blasters, you just aim and shoot. No finese. But definitely effective.
:: She began walking, taking up step behind Sanis ad he began tracking for ysalimiri. ::
Ken Jiang
Mar 30th, 2002, 07:03:45 PM
Not wishing to be intrusive in any way to the Jedi onboard nor Sanis and Navaria, Ken decided to make his way down to the cargo hold and find a comfortable matress where he could stay out of the way until needed. All the matresses where the same depth and weren't actually comfortable with the cold, hard floor beneath them. Nevertheless, he'd just lie down and find something to read until he'd fall asleep. Occasionally he'd resurface to perform routine system checks throughout the ship.
Once the ship had begun the landing sequence he rejoined the group above with whom he had little desire to socialise in fear of having his mind read or having some other equally condescending trick played upon him by the Jedi folk. He laughed to himself to see some of them floudering around like fish out of water once their connection to the Force was severed, "Now we're on equal grounds!" He thought to himself with relief.
Finally the engines died down and not long after that curious Jedi, Akrabbim (Ken had at least learned of their names from over-hearing conversations), had entered the cockpit he heard Sanis call out, "Get down to the holds and break open the red crate."
Immediatly Ken left his seat and made his way past Morgan and Rie who were already making their way outside, down to the cargo-hold and scanned the room for a red crate, it stood out like a sore thumb.
Soon after, Ken emerged at the top of the gangway and shouted out to the departing group, "I think we'll be needing these!"
He held up two nutrient frames suitable for bearing Ysalamiri for a while until they could return to the ship. At his feet were two more frames. "I'll take one of them, there's three more, who wants to carry one?"
Maia Tharrinn
Mar 31st, 2002, 06:03:30 PM
Maia accepted the guns gratefully from her master. She had left the sword her brother had given her in her room. She had not wanted anything to happen to it. He had explained that even a lightsaber could not break it when he had been teaching her to wield it. She instead had stuffed a Vibro-blade into her pouch as a substitute. Ari perched on her shoulder his talons gripping tight. His eyes searching the canopy. This place was a lot like where he was from.
"Master what is this place. Why do I feel so empty here?" Maia's eyes scanned the foliage nervously. She had learned a lot about the force and how t use it from Sith masters but she had always refused to wield it in the way they wanted. She had not learned to use it in action. She did not like the feeling of not being able to call on it. It was more a part of her than she realized...
Apr 1st, 2002, 06:18:36 PM
:: AB stepped lightly near a bush and bent down to examine it. Finishing, she stood and continued looking at the small area they had landed in, while the man named Ken passed out the nutrient frames to carry the ysalimiri on. ::
This planet has a creature named a ysalimiri that lives within it's trees. They extrude a natural ability to block out the Force. One ysalimiri creates a Force-inhibiting bubble of about 10 meters. When several are together, the bubble grows. Hence why we cannot feel the Force here.
We must utilize our senses instead.
:: She looked into the shadows of the thick forest. ::
But ysamiliri are harmless. What we must worry about are vornskyrs, the natural predator of ysalimiri. They tend to have a taste for Force users.
Also, there are dangerous plants on this planet. Some cause burning, iching rashes, while other eat you whole and digest you with their acids.
:: She gently patted the pouch she had slung diagonly across her shoulders. ::
That's why I came prepared for such cases. Amazing what some herbs and tree saps will do.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 1st, 2002, 09:44:55 PM
"I got it Ken."
Navaria might be small and not as strong as she could be without the Force, but she was still in excellent shape. A Jedi was not only achieved spiritual perfection but also wanted to equal that physically.
She lifted the frame and looked at it curiously, trying to figure out how to put the contraption on.
While in the middle of her investigations, the Knight looked up at Ken.
"By the way, it's Navaria. Forgive my rudeness before."
And embarrassment. Navaria was still trying to figure out how she managed to miss the part where he specifically asked her her name. It was only after he left, when she thought about it, did Navaria realize how aloof she was acting around Sanis.
Loki Ahmrah
Apr 2nd, 2002, 09:15:39 AM
So Vornskrs were nothing to look forward to then. The little boy frowned at the thought of ever coming face-to-face with one, the likelyhood is that he will at least see one on this planet which is otherwise very attractive.
Loki stepped back a little holding up his hands when Morgan towered over him and with that strong accent of his offered the Padawan a vibroblade and belt. Loki hesitated, looking up at the Jedi a little worried.
"Sir," He began shakily, "I don't mean any offence but I...I don't think a vibroblade is for me. I don't even have a lightsaber yet and I wouldn't want to have to deal with combat until I'm older and bigger-" He swallowed hard, looking at the sharp blade, "'-Y'see, the thing is, I don't want to...hurt anyone!"
Ken Jiang
Apr 2nd, 2002, 01:52:50 PM
"Don't worry 'bout it. If I weren't such an ass sometimes, it would help!" Ken said with a comforting smile, Navaria was a kind person with a lot of weight on her shoulders. He began making his way down the ramp, then paused halfway down.
"Besides," He said, turning around to face her again, "I seem to have that effect on women anyways; they seem to say my name when they should be saying 'Thank you!' " He winked cheekily then turned carrying on down the ramp wondering if she had got the joke.
Sanis Prent
Apr 2nd, 2002, 05:36:44 PM
I got number three
(The nutrient cage broke down like a backpack, slinging over my shoulder. I glanced to Navaria, smiling as she did the same. Diverting my attention, I noticed a small clearing to the north)
Karrde's old depot should be about ten clicks from here. I'd be willing to bet that if there's anybody on the surface, they're there. Lets do this and get out of here.
(I led the group on, closing on a mass of trees. High in the branches of one, a small, clawed creature sat motionless)
Not bad, one right off the bat.
Morgan Evanar
Apr 3rd, 2002, 12:10:52 PM
Morgan scrambled up the tree with practiced motion and suprising speed. The claws did help quite a bit, though.
He looked down at the creature: it was pretty much grown into the branch.
"Sanis, how do you get these things off the branch without killing it?"
Apr 3rd, 2002, 12:46:55 PM
:: AB stopped her treck as Sanis pointed out one of the odd slug-like creatures clinging to the branch of a large tree. Amazing how such a little creature could deprive her of the Force. She walked around the tree, looking around, as Morgan climbed up the tree to retrieve the ysalimiri. ::
:: As she came to the other side of the large trunk, she saw something fluttering against one of the bushes. Something greyish in color. Stooping down, she examined the bush, and found there were some course grey hairs attached to a still "bleeding" branch. She touched the sap and rubbed it between her fingers. It was cool, but still wet. She plucked the hair, and looked up. There was a definite path traveled by this grey thing, it leaving several bruised leaves and broken twigs in it's wake with tiny wisps of hairs caught onto the branches of shrubs and bushes. On the ground, there were foot prints, the prints indicating it was a four legged animal with large paws. She counted maybe three, though there could be four of them. But what alarmed her the most was the fact the branches were still fresh from breaking, which meant whatever had been here was not far. ::
:: Standing, she walked the rest of the way around the trunk, and came to stand next to Sanis, who was giving Morgan instructions on how to retrieve the ysalimiri. She waited until he had finished. As he looked down at her, she held up the grey hairs calmly. ::
If this is what I think it is, then we should be on alert. I counted maybe three or four sets of prints just beyond the this tree.
I also feel they were here only moments ago. Some of the branches from the shrubs they had passed were freshly broken and still oozing with sap
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 5th, 2002, 02:28:52 PM
:: A sound caught Anbira's wary attention, his eyes snapping to the left. ::
Loki Ahmrah
Apr 7th, 2002, 06:28:34 PM
The sound came from just behind the bush with which Loki was experimenting with the vibro-blade Morgan had given him. With careful consideration, he decided to take it, not as a weapon but as a tool; "It's all to do with how you perceive things!" He thought to himself as he swung a couple of times t he thick, green bush, hacking of small trimmings.
Whatever it was, it didn't sound appealing and immediatly the little Padawan stepped back in fright. He held the vibro-blade firmly in his right hand, his hand was shaking even though the blade was turned off. He wanted to just turn and rn, but fear almost paralized him, that was when he remembered one of the primary principles of the Jedi Code: Fear is of the Darkside.
For a brief instant he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, whilst attempting to clear his mind off all thought and doubt he stepped forward, right in front of the bush. Worry almost got the better of him, but what was once an intimidating sound had become a lesser noise, far less worrying, it grew quiet, almost inaudible. That was when Loki began to part a few branches in the bush and peared through.
Probe Droid
Apr 7th, 2002, 06:54:26 PM
A single photoreceptor stared back at the boy, and a throbbing hum could be heard, until he cut away the bush the probe droid hid behind. Some garbled noise could be heard, like broken words or a code of some kind, until discovered. An ear-piercing alarm sounded upon the droid's cover being blown.
Loki Ahmrah
Apr 7th, 2002, 07:02:37 PM
The little boy jerked back a little when he saw the big, dark lens staring right at him, then leaning forward, eyes narrowed with curiosity, Loki listened intently to the sound it produced.
"What is-" He began when suddenly there was the most awful, sharp screachin sound.
Loki leapt back with fright, covering his ringing ears.
"What is that?" He cried out with alarm, as it emerged through the bush before him.
Sanis Prent
Apr 7th, 2002, 07:02:57 PM
(I went to work, answering Morgan's question)
Well, there are different ways I've heard from different people.
(I reached in my jacket, pulling out a flask.)
But the best way I've found is a little splash of cheap bourbon on the nose.
(Just before I applied the good stuff, a shrieking alarm caused me to jump. I dropped the flask, spinning around to see the Arakyd Probe Droid, nose-to-nose with the Jedi boy.)
Kid, get down!
(I shoulder-charged him out of the way, taking a blaster shot in the thigh as I fired off my shell gun. The hypershell blew the insides of the probot out, rendering it into a tin can. I dropped to the ground, cursing repeatedly as the cauterized wound smoked)
Frell Frell Frell Frell Frell!!
Apr 8th, 2002, 12:04:56 AM
:: Sanis didn't even have time to acknowledge what she'd said. The droid had come out of no where and Loki had come into danger. She had to hand it to the man. He moved almost as fast a a Jedi would have. Everyone in the clearing ducked out of reflex as the droid made it's move with sirens and a blaster shot, aimed for Loki. Lucky for the boy, Sanis had been able to save him from the attacking droid. The droid, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. It fell to the ground, smoking and sparking from Sanis' dead aim. Unfortunately, Sanis wasn't so lucky either. ::
:: AB stood from her crouch and hurried to Sanis' side, inspecting the leg. It was difficult to see the wound, as Sanis kept rocking back and forth from the pain. She reached out and took a hold of his should to steady him. ::
Hold still!
:: It came out as more of a command than she meant it to, but she needed to look at the wound before it started to become infected. She reached into her bag and produced a few green leaves, rough to the touch and filled with a numbing sap. She handed it to Sanis. ::
Here, chew on these. It's bitter, but it'll numb the pain.
:: While Sanis busied himself making faces at the taste, she tore his pants where the blaster had hit to get a better look at the wound. It was black and oozing around the edges of the wound, while the inside was cauterized and still a bit tender. It wasn't a large wound, but it was big enough where it would need tending right away. ::
:: Reaching back into her back, she produced more of the same leaves she had given Sanis, and broke them, applying the sap onto the wound. Then she took out a stanard medical kit, retrieving anti-bacterial cremes, a patch of bacta, and some clean warp-dressings. She set to work, applying the creme, then the bacta, then wrapping it all up to keep dirt out of the wound. Later, once the wound had healed a bit, it would require a synth-flesh patch to fill up the small hole in which the blaster had left. But for now, it needed healing, and that meant Sanis had to stay off the leg. ::
You'll have to stay off that leg for awhile. At least a few hours. And keeping it elevated wouldn't hurt either.
:: He didn't look happy at all, but he was alive, and still cursing and muttering. She graced him with a lopsided grin. ::
Well, it really can't get any worse.
Apr 8th, 2002, 10:50:55 PM
Akrabbim walks toward Sanis, helping him back to his feet. The suprise is evident in his eyes.
That was quite... brave. I am impressed. I did not expect you to put yourself in harm's way to protect one of us. I... am sorry... for my previous actions.
Akrabbim turns abruptly, moving away.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 9th, 2002, 08:06:25 PM
Needless to say, Akrabbim's words surprised her but Navaria knew enough to leave him be. It was good that he admitted that he was wrong but it was best to leave it like that.
Navaria felt useless as she looked at Sanis with a frown. Normally she would be able to help ease the pain of wounds, as well heal them, because of the Force. Now, that wasn't the case. It was most fortunate that Rie was along. Her knowledge of herbs was invaluable.
Relieved that Sanis would be alright, she helped Loki to his feet and gave him the once over.
"Are you all right?"
She asked with a small smile.
Looking past the young Padawan, the Probe Droid was a complete mess. As she scanned the area a terrible thought crossed her mind.
"Since it was destroyed... won't someone know we are here? We better get what we came for and leave quickly ... but ..."
Her eyes filled with concern.
"Sanis is injured."
Sanis Prent
Apr 9th, 2002, 08:23:36 PM
(I gritted my teeth, wincing. The heat was subsiding, but it still burned like hell. Glowey-Eye's little heroism spiel would've been appreciated, if I deserved it.)
Well..I didn't think I'd get SHOT! Frell, those things always miss!
(Another string of curses. It had been a good year since I'd last been shot. I almost forgot what it felt like. Damn, right in the meat, too. I silenced my ill temper with a pull of bourbon from my flask, taking a moment to cool down.)
Yeah, thats generally the idea. This place is gonna get a good bit unfriendlier, and quick. We need to get our head straight, get the goods, and get the hell outta here.
(I clasped up my flask)
Just a dab of this stuff on their noses, and they'll climb right off. Sounds crazy, but I've heard of worse. But we gotta do this fast. Vornskyrs are the least of our troubles now.
Apr 11th, 2002, 06:24:21 PM
Akrabbim seems to ponder something in his head for a few moments before reaching under his cloak. He tosses a small package which lands on Sanis' chest.
Use that. It's a bacta-soaked bandage. Not as good as a bacta tank, but it's the best I've got. I was hoping to save one for a rainey day, so to speak, but... well... just take it.
Sanis Prent
Apr 11th, 2002, 08:15:03 PM
(I traded up with the Jedi, tossing my flask for his bandages)
Just a few drops on the nose will do it. Anything else is just a waste of good whiskey. They should be docile enough to move them to the nutrient cage. Piece of cake, really.
Loki Ahmrah
Apr 12th, 2002, 08:45:50 AM
For a moment, the little boy just sat on the ground, aftter being knocked aside, staring in disbelief at the smouldering, crackling pile of metal that had just attacked him. He'd never seen anything like it before. Quietly he looked over to where he could hear Sanis regurgitating any and every curse he'd ever learned, most of which were alien to Loki. From where he sat he could just make out a smoking, black wound from where the bolt had hit his thigh.
"I'm..." He began, about to tell Navaria he was fine as she aided him to his feet, he rubbed his shoulder where he had been knocked out of harm's way, that was a little sore but it didn't matter.
"...what was that?" He asked with utter bewilderment.
After Sanis had thrown Akrabbim his flask of bourbon and begun applying with the assistance of Rie, the bandage doused in bacta fluid, the little boy came over and sat down by him. He was silent for a moment, he couldn't help feeling guilty for what had happened.
"I'm really sorry, Sanis," He hesitated a little then continued, "I didn't mean for this to happen. Y'see Jedi aren't meant to be afraid, and when I heard that noise I challenged my fear and went to check it out, I was an idiot."
He was quiet for a moment whilst Sanis finished applying the bandage to his thigh, then said, "But I am very grateful for what you did, thank you. It was very brave."
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 12th, 2002, 08:02:16 PM
Loki, perhaps you should help Akrabbim and Rie with the Ysalamiri.
:: Anbira's eyes were contantly on the move. He felt utterly naked without his senses, and the suprise at the probe droid ambush had caught even the old Master unawares. His grave voice spoke quietly ::
Whatever time we have, it is running out quickly.
Morgan Evanar
Apr 14th, 2002, 07:09:22 PM
"I've got it." he said as he dabbed the critter's nose with some of the liquor. The ysalimiri moved it's head back slowly, making a slight hissing sound, and pulled it's claws free of the branch. With deliberate, sloth-speed motion, it made for a new spot on the branch.
Gently, Morgan placed it onto his forearm, and began to climb down the tree.
Apr 15th, 2002, 02:50:01 PM
: AB was bagging up the rest of the medkit, and made her way to where Morgan was climbing down from the tree, the ysalimiri in hand. She was going to offer her help, but saw the man had it under control. ::
Good work, Morgan.
:: As she said that, he was already placing the creature onto it's nutrient frame. She looked over to where Anbira and Sanis stood, nodding her head. ::
One down. Two more to go.
Loki Ahmrah
Apr 15th, 2002, 04:02:56 PM
Loki's attention was drawn to his master's voice, whereupon he looked back at Sanis's wound with regret and then stodd quietly and trudged off to where the trio of Morgan, Rie and Akrabbim could be seen co-operating to catch the Ysalamiri. He squinted a little, staring at the little creature, it looked peaceful and cute for something that can cause Jedi so much distress. Although Loki barely noticed the absense of the Force due to him being in the early stages of his development.
"Mind if I go on a little further?" He called out so that Morgan could also hear him up in the tree, "No point in the three of us haging around here, I should go looking for a second creature."
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2002, 09:11:38 PM
"Not on your own, Loki. There are other things in the forest."
Navaria chimed in and unclipped her sabre.
"Don't need a vornskr sneaking up on you and besides, I have an empty nutrient tank anyway... I'll go with you."
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 15th, 2002, 10:35:39 PM
Come, let me get you to your feet, my mercenary friend.
:: Anbira extended a hand to Sanis, pulling him to his feet, where he could gingerly favor his uninjured left leg. ::
Perhaps you should return to your vessel. I doubt the smell of blood will aid our cause here.
:: A menacing growl sounded out from a nearby set of bushes, and despite his lack of force powers, Anbira spund quickly, activating his lightsaber in response to the percieved threat ::
A vornskyr, I presume?
:: A growling animal with grey fur and a wicked tail burst from the brush, sprinting toward the group of Jedi ::
Apr 16th, 2002, 01:11:13 AM
:: It was as she feared. The tracks she had seen earlier had indeed been fresh, and the noise from the earlier incident had no doubt brought the animals back. ::
:: She despised taking life, but aimed her blaster at the creature bounding towards Anbira, who was supporting Sanis. With a practiced aim, she fired the weapon, a green wave shooting forth from the blaster, hitting the creature as it leapt, and stunning it. It dropped to the ground with a thud and lay there, but still breathing. ::
:: But it had come with company. Three more of the vicious canine-like creatures came forth from the brush, headed each for whichever Jedi proved to be the easier target. ::
Maia Tharrinn
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:04:55 PM
Maia was at a lose on what to do. She had battled her brother in mock fights but had never raised her blade to anyone else and never with the intention of killing. Pulling her Vibro blade out she extended it in a defensive stance and readied herself. Her hands shook as she watched the creatures make there way closer.
"I wish you were here Mikal." She muttered under her breath.. Fear twisted through her stomach for herself and for those around her. Maia just hoped she was up to the task and hand and failed no one that needed her...
Morgan Evanar
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:30:35 PM
With a growl and a leap of his own, Morgan interjected himself between Loki and the angry beast. Gun drawn, he hit the ground in a crouch, and put two .50 caliber rounds into the beast. It's limbs suddenly ceased to function, and it slid to a halt about a meter away.
"Where are th..." Another vornskyr barrelled through the bushes on Morgan left. With a vicious paw swipe, it knocked the two meter Jedi from his crouch to the ground and advanced. The large rail pistol went sailing from his hands and to the forest floor.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:39:20 PM
Maia felt a hand covering her shaking forearm.
"Calm yourself..."
She heard the angry growls of the vornskrs. One was still thinking over who it was to attack but Morgan was already in a bind.
Navaria reached inside her robes to pull free her heavy blaster that she brought along for this journey. It was an item that she had a lot of experience with once upon a time...
Considering her reflexes were a bit dull, she wasn't able to stop the creature from pouncing on the Jedi Master but ... a red blaster bolt took care of the creature before anymore damage could occur.
Maia Tharrinn
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:40:08 PM
Maia nodded her head at Navaria. She tried to get control of her fear and it was a hard battle won. Clearing her mind, she looked to the others to see if she could be of help.
A beast burst threw the bush next to her, slashing at her leg and ripped several gashes in it before she could turn. Maia brought her blade up and swung down, cleaving through the bests neck with sickening ease. Maia stepped back from the mess a look of utter distaste on her face. Her eyes saddened at the sight of the dead animal. She had never taken a life before and it hurt her more than she thought it would...
Apr 16th, 2002, 08:04:49 PM
Akrabbim draws his katana and moves to the dying vornskyr. He slices its neck off cleanly, and then begins to dismember the rest of the beast. As some of the Jedi look on, Akrabbim gathers several pieces of meat and begins hurling them toward the advancing beasts, away from the rest of the Jedi. Hopefully, either the scent given off by the dying animal will scare the others away, or they may simply feast on meat. Anything as vicious as a vornskyr should have few qualms about eating its own.
Apr 17th, 2002, 12:33:46 PM
:: AB looked at Akrabbim as he threw the chunks of sliced meat towards the other three that were still lurking in the bush. She shook her head, giving him a lopsided smile. ::
That was smart, albiet a bit disturbing.
:: She looked to the others. ::
We should finish collecting what we came for... and quickly. I have a bad feeling that the vornskrs are to be the least of our problems.
:: She said this last sentence, indicating the pieces of the probe droid that littered one side of the small clearing. ::
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 17th, 2002, 01:54:33 PM
:: Anbira held a vornskyr at bay with his lightsaber as he carried the limping Sanis up the gangplank, into the ship ::
Back...get back!
:: Seating Sanis in the pilot's seat, Anbira returned to the gangplank, opening the door, and promptly slicing the leaping Vornskyr down the middle....being rid of the last. ::
Is everyone alright? We must hurry!
Loki Ahmrah
Apr 17th, 2002, 02:59:15 PM
Things just kept getting worse and if one of those creatures had leapt at Loki he would've had no chance, he was simply to small to try to confront something like that, especially with a vibroblade with which he'd had less than a minutes experience. Morgan had stopped a Vornskr dead in it's tracks with some sort of gun. Behind him, the small boy heard the sound of something approaching fast and snarling ravenously. He didn't have time to turn around and began running, he placed a foot down on a tree stump and leapt up into the air. He grabbed onto a low branch and almost instinctively used his forward momentum to turn upwards and around so that he was sitting on the branch as the Vornskr darted past below. That was the one that had leapt on Morgan, although Navaria took it out with a blaster shot, the little Padawan still felt a little guilty.
There was another Vornskr below the tree now, it had seen what he had done and was rather intelligently, using the tree stump to jump up and snap at his dangling legs. After it's first, very close attempt, Loki quickly shuffled backwards, with his back against the tree he stood cautiously. His feet were placed carefully alongside each other but even at that height he was still in danger, the creature had leapt up and bit at the branch, it wasn't evry strong and may fall. Turning to face the tree, he took a deep breath, looked up and began climbing.
The adrenaline pumping through his veins motivated his little arms and legs to keep moving until he was a fair distance up, completely out of danger of the Vronskrs. He sat on a branch and leaned against the tree gently with a sigh. After a moment, his eyes snapped open to realise the tree was moving, his head was puhed away gently then moved back inwards; almost as if the tree itself were expanding and contracting. He sat back and gasped in fright as he realised what it was he'd been leaning against. There on the tree was another cute, little creature, quietly sleeping dozily.
"Hey!" He shouted down to Navaria and Morgan below, "I found an Ysalamiri up here! Does anyone have that liquor bottle?"
Ken Jiang
Apr 17th, 2002, 03:10:03 PM
Amidst the flurry of growling, shouting, blasting and lightsaber humming, Ken could decipher the voice of the little kid, Loki, he ran further ahead, for some reason, several Vornskrs had made their way back to the ship. Sanis and the old guy should be able to take care of them. He soon came to a decline and at the bottom of which he saw Navaria and Morgan heading in Loki's direction.
Ken made his way in said direction himself, yet he noticed before the other two, a Vornskr occupied with the boy's presence at the top of the tree; either they take it by suprise or it takes them by suprise, Ken had to make sure that latter never happened. Fluidly slipping his blaster pistol from it's holster, he ran further down the decline and stopped a few yards behind the creature. He took to shots at it, both hit and the snarling beats whimpered and fell down dead.
"I have a free nutrient cage here, do either of you guys have that flask of whiskey?" He asked Navaria dn Morgan.
Apr 19th, 2002, 12:04:19 PM
:: AB looked around as Ken asked his question. She didn't hear anymore movement in the bushes near them. She noticed both Navaria and Morgan shake their heads. One of them had been holding the flask, but had dropped it the moment the vornskrs had arrived. ::
:: Looking down at the ground near the foot of the tree, she spotted the metal bottle, and bent to pick it up. She stepped next to Ken, underneath where Loki had clampered, and tossed the flask upward towards the boy. He caught it expertly, his practice at playing ball having come in handy. ::
There you go, Loki. Now lets get that creature down here.
Sanis Prent
Apr 25th, 2002, 10:33:07 PM
(The old guy deposited me rather unceremoniously in the pilot's seat, and I prepped the ship for takeoff as quickly as I could)
I've almost forgotten how much I hate this damn place.
(As the engines warmed up, I noticed a flashing light on the sensor suite. I leaned forward, reading the message on the screen)
Ah Hell...a subspace echo. Looks like the little guy was able to get a shout out after all.
(Spinning around, I punched a button, and a pink cyllinder popped out.)
Marcus...we've got an echo...can you pull the static out of this transmission and reassemble it?
Marcus v4
Apr 25th, 2002, 11:30:27 PM
The little droid inserted a data reader into a terminal jack, pausing for a moment.
Sanis, there is a high decay rate, and in addition, the signal seems to be encrypted. It will take some time, stand by.
Apr 26th, 2002, 12:16:49 AM
Akrabbim rushes toward the cockpit.
Don't worry about the signal, just get us out of this ysalimir field as soon as possible. If I can get to the Force, I assure you that they will have no idea where we are going. I can make sure they see 20 of us fleeing in every direction except the right one. Trust me.
Apr 26th, 2002, 02:10:32 PM
:: Loki had successfully brought down the worm-like animal from it's perch, and it now rested on one of the nutrient pipes. But they only had two ysalimiri. She spoke to no one in particular. ::
We're short one ysalimiri!
:: She looked around the area, up at the trees, hoping to spot another. ::
Sanis Prent
Apr 27th, 2002, 12:32:52 AM
(The trick sounded completely crazy. Crazy as a Jedi. Hell, it had to work. I glanced back at the glowy-eyed fanatic and smirked)
Alright. You do that.
(Spinning around, I hit a few switches)
In the meantime, can't hurt to pull what we can from that transmission. Might be a good idea to see who we're gonna be running from.
Loki Ahmrah
May 2nd, 2002, 08:48:14 AM
Loki was suprised to find just how effective Sanis's unorthadox method of obtaining Ysalamiri worked, the stuff had a foul smell to it and it stung the inside of the little boy's nose a little, making his eyes water for a moment. With a gentle dab on the nose, the quiet little creature suddenly came to life and detatched itself, and began moving for safer ground.
Taking the creature gently in his arms, Loki cautiously shimmied down a section of the tree, then sat on a branch and slipped down onto another, then was able to step from one to the next until he was only a couple of feet from the ground and jumped. The little creature was peaceful, not putting up any sort of a fight but seemed relieved when Rie had put it on a nutrient cage.
"We've had a great deal of problems as it is!" Loki said in protest, he went quiet for a moment in fear of hearing more snarling Vornskrs, "Wont two be enough?"
Before the Jedi Master answered, Loki started scanning the tree cannopies all around, hoping to spot a third salamander-like creature.
Morgan Evanar
May 2nd, 2002, 12:35:54 PM
Morgan had returned to the trees, searching for another one of the Force repelling creatures. He listened carefully to his surroundings, for rustling. Instead he heard a very distant repulsor whine... sounded rather like a speeder, but not military.
"I think we've run out of vonskrs. But we've got much bigger problems. Someone is getting curious here on the ground. Rie, where's that last nutrient frame?"
May 2nd, 2002, 05:19:43 PM
Emitting a small growl, Akrabbim mutters to himself...
We don't have time for this. Tree climbing is taking too long.
Akrabbim rushes back outside the ship, running to the nearest tree that has a ysalamir. He draws his sword as he searches for a laden branch. Finding one low enough to the ground, he yells over his shoulder.
Everyone! Back in the ship! Sorry to do this, Master Rie, but it's necessary.
With a quick slice, Akrabbim removes a ysalamir from a tree, along with the entire branch it was sitting on. He drags the limb itself back toward the ship.
Just get in! You can take it off the branch once we're airborne! No more time!
May 3rd, 2002, 06:18:17 PM
:: She winced almost innoticably. The Force was nullified, so she did not feel the branch die. But the tree as a whole would live. ::
Hey, when you're in a hurry, you're in a hurry.
:: She made her way over to Akrabbim and helped him to move the third and final ysalimiri onto the last nutrien cage. ::
Alright, people, that's it. Let's get back into the ship and secure these creatures and ourselves.
:: As she spoke, she hefted one of the cages, and made her way towards the ship. ::
Ken Jiang
May 3rd, 2002, 06:45:59 PM
Now that the third and final Ysalamiri had been obtained, the group had now begun making their way back to the freighter. As Ken approached he noticed Akrabbim dissapear up the ramp with the third creature; why three Ysalamiri were needed was beyond Ken and he wondered what they were needed for.
Finally back inside The Layla, he made his way into the cockpit where he would find Sanis recovering and asked, "Anything I can do?"
Loki Ahmrah
May 3rd, 2002, 06:51:46 PM
Finally back inside the safety of Sanis's freighter, Loki found a place to sit and collapsed onto it rather exhausted. His little legs had found it rather difficult keeping up with the others but the thought of what could be behind him was enough motivation he needed to arrive at the ship at the same time.
Then after a moments rest he went off to see if everyone was alright, carrying a small medkit.
May 4th, 2002, 10:23:30 AM
Akrabbim returns to the cockpit.
Ok, everyone's accounted for, ysalamiri intact. So let's get outta here.
Anbira Hicchoru
May 5th, 2002, 11:07:43 AM
:: Anbira made his way up the gangplank, ensuring all others returned. Hearing Akrabbim's statements, he nodded wearily ::
No good can come of a delay here. We must leave, and quickly.
Sanis Prent
May 5th, 2002, 11:20:29 AM
Yeah, stow that gear! I got popped in the leg for this little blue milk run, and I'm damn sure not gonna jostle the cargo!
(I winced, shifting in my seat, as Navaria settled into the co-pilot seat.)
Everybody strapped in? We're hot-jumping outta here. Hang on to your butts!
(I maxed the repulsordrive, lurching the ship up, with barely enough time to angle an ascent trajectory and draw up the landing struts before firing the main engines. The ship lurched into quick acceleration, screaming up toward the blue sky, and leaving the forest canopy far behind. The blue gradually faded to matte black, decorated by twinkling white stars...
...and a massive, ominous grey wedge.)
Frell! We've got company! Where'd they come from? My scopes were negative a second ago.
(I banked Layla away from the Star Destroyer's massive prow, as a screaming wave of TIE's raced for the ship. Without turning to look, I barked to Navaria)
Nav, calculate the quickest jump the hell away from here. Hang tight, I'm angling the deflector.
(Layla screamed away in a 180, TIE's in hot pursuit, with laser cannons blatting red death at the freighter)
May 5th, 2002, 01:37:57 PM
Buffeted by the ship, Akrabbim moves once to the cockpit.
Don't worry... this is my part of the deal. Just warn me when you're about to jump.
Sitting down cross-legged on the deck, Akrabbim closes his eyes and prepares his illusion. With the ysalamiri toward the back of the ship, the Force flows into him once more. Reaching out with his mind, he creates a large illusion. The actual Layla is invisible. Two other illusionary Laylas break off in opposite directions, heading to their supposed destinations.
Through clenched teeth, Akrabbim speaks...
Hurry... Sanis... can't hold this... long...
Navaria Tarkin
May 5th, 2002, 02:47:44 PM
"I'm on it."
Quickly Navaria's fingers danced around the controls, calculating the best route to put distance between them and that Star Destroyer.
"I got it!"
Finally the green light went on and Navaria dumped the coordinates into Sanis nav computer. It was good timing since the deflector shields were starting to receive a pounding from the turbo laser fire that Sanis could not dodge.
"Sanis. Make the jump now!"
She turned around and looked down at Akrabbim. He wasn't doing good at all concentrating on those two illusions. Her fellow Jedi was going to pass out...
May 5th, 2002, 05:43:22 PM
With the words, "I got it", Akrabbim finishes the illusion. Both pseudo-ships appear to enter hyperspace, just as the real Layla enters its destination.
Akrabbim lets out a heavy breath and collapses onto his back, breathing heavily. After several minutes, he slowly rises and heads back to his seat. After that illusion, he'll need some rest.
May 6th, 2002, 05:45:01 PM
:: Already strapped in, AB watched as Akrabbim made his way back to his seat slowly. He looked dazed and ever so exhausted. ::
:: She reached a hand over to her former pupil and placed a hand on his cloaked shoulder, squeezing lightly. ::
You did a fine job, Akrabbim. That distraction definitely bought us enough time to get out of the system.
Ken Jiang
May 22nd, 2002, 04:31:14 AM
One by one, Ken took the nutrient frames complete with ysalamiri down to a small cornered off section of the cargo bay, used for fragile, delicate cargo. Needless to say, ysalamiri were always fragile and delicate. It took him five minutes to get them all down there, he daren't risk damaging any of them, and had a bit of difficulty removing the one still attatched to a branch in order to put it on it's own nutrient frame.
"'Ere ya go, buddy!" He said, hooking the last nutrient frame against a heater. This way they can hold onto the nutrient frames the same way they would a tree and the heater can be altered to help aclimatise them.
Altering the settings for the heater, Ken turned the light off and hoped they would fall asleep before all the fun begins. Or were they already clear of danger?
Maia Tharrinn
May 22nd, 2002, 09:47:06 AM
Maia slumped into her seat. Her leg aching from the slash she had received. She could do nothing about it though not being able to feel the force. Sighing softly she leaned her head back against the seat.
"You need to train more. "She thought to herself.
Opening her eye's she glanced around. Everyone appeared to be ok. She leaned her head back again trying to take her mind off the pain...
Sanis Prent
May 23rd, 2002, 06:09:21 PM
(I sat back in my seat, finally exhaling as the tunnel of hyperspace greeted my eyes.)
Well, I got us out of that gundark nest. If your crazy mind games worked on those bucket-heads, it should buy us some time.
(I glanced over to Akrabbim, Navaria, and Maia)
Where are we headed anyway?
May 23rd, 2002, 06:58:53 PM
:: As Maia closed her eyes fora short rest, AB applied a soothing salve made from the milk-sap of a fern from Ithor. It would help to bring down the swelling and pain. After applying the salve, she placed a cool bacta patch over it. By now, Maia was sleeping soundly. ::
:: Once finished, AB replaced her things into her pouch, and looked up towards the cockpit where she could here where they were going next. ::
May 25th, 2002, 01:41:52 AM
Before we go anywhere else, we need to see if those ysalamiri can mute the Lith. I'd feel a lot better knowing the Lith was being... contained. Anbira, shall we?
Anbira Hicchoru
May 25th, 2002, 06:58:28 PM
:: Anbira nodded, removing the green stone from his robe ::
Indeed. Bring forth two of the creatures. We must silence the artifact now.
Navaria Tarkin
May 26th, 2002, 06:33:56 PM
"Ken has just gotten them settled ..."
Navaria chimed in.
"Perhaps it would be better for the stone to be brought to them so no harm befalls the ysalamiri."
Anbira Hicchoru
May 26th, 2002, 11:10:14 PM
:: Anbira glanced to Akrabbim ::
It is time to end this.
:: Opening an access hatch into the lower hold, Anbira lowered himself inside, feeling the force flee from his presence as he did so. While holding the Lith, Anbira approached the three cages, until he could no longer sense the lith. With a sigh, he placed the stone inside one of the cages. ::
Now, it can trouble no one.
May 26th, 2002, 11:34:10 PM
A sigh of relief is heard throughout the cabin as the Lith is in a safer location. As everyone turns to leave, Akrabbim catches something out of the corner of his eye, and turns to look. His eyes widen in horror as he sees the cause of the disturbance...
No... no, it can't be... that's... not even possible...
The cage with the Lith is smoking as Akrabbim turns around. Within moments, the ysalimir inside bursts into flame, exploding the cage around it. The stone is left sitting in the remains, glowing with an evil light. While everyone stands in a state of shock, the next ysalimir abruptly catches flame. With one less ysalimir, the Lith seems to be having less trouble overcoming the creatures.
We have to get that thing outta here!
Akrabbim rushes toward the stone and draws his katana. Unwilling to touch the stone with his hands, he bats the stone out of the cargo bay with the flat of his sword.
Anbira... it appears that you must bear the burden a little longer. If I can help you, I will.
Anbira Hicchoru
May 28th, 2002, 06:52:59 PM
:: In the aftermath and acrid stench of burned flesh, Anbira could only hang his head. It seemed like an eternity, but he nodded at last. His voice was weak and even more grave than normal ::
So it appears.
:: Anbira resisted a strong unconcious urge to retrieve the stone, his hand wavering like a dry leaf in the breeze. Eventually, he steeled himself, climbing the ladder out of the hold along with Akrabbim. It was some time before he spoke again ::
Navaria, it appears we will require the services of your pilot for a longer period of time than I thought.
May 29th, 2002, 01:54:54 PM
:: AB was sitting quietly as Akrabbim and Anbira headed into the cargo hold to place the Lith among the ysalimiri. It was only a few moments, when suddenly the Force came flowing back to her like a torentual river. She gasped and blinked several times, not having been expect to have the Force back so soon. This could only mean one thing: that the ysalimiri had perished. ::
:: She quenched the questions filling her head, as both men re-entered the upper hold. She could tell by the looks on there faces that their intended plan had failed. This caused her to bite her lip in confusion before inquiring. ::
What happened down there?
Navaria Tarkin
May 29th, 2002, 01:56:52 PM
Navaria stole a quick look at Sanis and Amazonbabe voiced her question before she herself spoke it.
"You sound ... tired Anbira."
Anbira Hicchoru
May 31st, 2002, 05:32:55 PM
:: Anbira nodded wearily in response to Navaria ::
It appears that I have gravely underestimated the Lith's power. There will be no easy victory here. Only one path carry the abomination personally to Byss, in the center of the galaxy.
:: Anbira looks to Sanis expectantly ::
Sanis Prent
May 31st, 2002, 05:45:09 PM
(The news was a bit incredulous)
You mean that all that mess we just went through was for nothing?? I don't got any qualms about risky jobs, and Myrkyr was a hairy one...but slipping a crate-load of Jedi onto Byss is gonna make this little calamity look like a blue milk run. Not to mention...we now have a few Sith Order cronies on our tail.
(I looked back to Navaria, and the serious look in her face nearly derailed my resolve. I bit on my lip, looking between her and Anbira)
I picked one hell of a day to work for free...but if thats what you want...its your funeral, old man.
Navaria Tarkin
May 31st, 2002, 08:24:45 PM
The corners of her mouth curved upwards slightly upon hearing Sanis' words. She hadn't expected him to continue on this mission any longer. At least he could get a ysalamiri out of going to Myrkr ... but to Biss? He didn't need to risk his life...
"You know you don't need to this because of me."
Navaria said softly.
Loki Ahmrah
Jun 6th, 2002, 09:03:06 AM
The sight of Anbira's face was more than disheartening to Loki; his master was the strongest man he knew and to see him like this made him worry. He had gathered by now that this Lith that they keep referring to was the stone he saw his master show Navaria at a table in Yoghurt's Bar and Grill; they were secretive about uit back then and all he could remember was it's eerie green colouring.
"Was this the source of all this trouble?" The young padawan asked himsel, he couldn't begin to fathom what had happened down below. The Force was a reletively new concept to him and the journey during which he would understand it, had only just begun.
Although it mightn't have been his place to say such a thing to his master, Loki wanted to try and comfort him, his senses were still weak yet it didn't take a Jedi Master to tell that Anbira needed support right now. Quietly Loki walked up to Anbira and standing at his side, he looked up and said quietly, "I will always be here for you, master. You can count on me."
Morgan Evanar
Jun 16th, 2002, 10:03:03 PM
"Stop the room, I'd like to get off now."
Morgan tripped over and fell with a rather noisy thud about a meter and a half away from Loki. He rolled himself over, and closed his completely dialated eyes.
"Vonskr tail venom seems to make a rather remarkable hallucinagen when introduced with my biochemistry. It is slowing down my metabolism a bit, and I'd like someone to try and do something about this before I end up drooling."
The large Jedi lifted his head up for a moment, and looked right at Loki, which smeared to Anbira.
"Loki... umn. Anbira. Whichever. Could you get Rie and Navaria please?"
Jun 16th, 2002, 10:32:01 PM
:: AB was nearby and heard the thump which was Morgan's body hitting the bulk head. Stepping over, she heard her name, and knelt beside Morgan, who was looking almost as if drunk. ::
Did we get stung by a vornskyr tail, Morgan?
Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 17th, 2002, 09:49:24 PM
:: Anbira's attention turned immediately to his afflicted comrade ::
Morgan, keep your mind at ease. A vornskyr attack is not to be underestimated.
:: He looked to Rie ::
What is your recommendation? This is your area of expertise.
Jun 19th, 2002, 05:13:03 PM
:: AB glanced up at Anbira briefly before looking back at the wound. It was red and swollen, common among venemous stings. Though a vornskyr sting was anything but common. ::
:: She began to look through the bag laying by her on the floor. ::
...he's going to need rest. That much is obvious.
:: After a bit of rumaging, she pulled out a small vial. ::
As for the venom...
:: She produced a needle from inside the bag, sticking it in the vial and transfering the liquid from bottle to siringe. ::
...this antidote will stop the flow. He'll still be hallucinating a bit, but it won't get any worse than it is now. In a few hours, the antidote will have taken care of the residuals of the venom and the hallucination will have stopped.
:: She stuck Morgan with the needle, being sure to give him the entire dosage of the antidote. She looked at Morgan, placing a hand gently on his forhead. ::
Morgan, the prognosis is that you'll live.
:: She began to use the Force to induce a heavy sleep on him. ::
You're going to get very sleepy, as the antidote works better when your body is inactive. The venom slows and the antidote speeds up.
:: Morgan's eyelids began to flutter. ::
Just relax. You'll be feeling like your ol self in a couple of hours.
:: She removed her hand and began applying a small bacta patch to the swollen wound. By the time she was finished, Morgan was sleeping soundly. With the Force, she lifted him and slid him onto one of the acceleration couches. ::
:: Standing, she turned to Anbira. ::
By the time we reach our next destination, my approximation places it about 2 or 3 hours away, he should be awake and ready for whatever awaits us.
Loki Ahmrah
Jun 24th, 2002, 11:57:02 AM
Morgan's sudden fall startled the young padawan, he knew he was ill by the way he was talking and knealt down to give his head some support and make sure he had not suffered any further damaged from the fall.
Rie seemed to know what she was doing and once he had been treated by the Jedi Master, Loki stood and made his way to a chair. After seeing Morgan asleep, a bit of rest wouldn't go amiss right now. After a deep yawn, he leaned back and closing his eyes, had soon drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
Jun 24th, 2002, 09:10:12 PM
Akrabbim walks up to speak with the Jedi Masters.
Very good... he will be alright with time. But the Lith will only get stronger and more terrible with time. We must hurry.
He walks back toward the cockpit.
Sanis, we must hurry. You must take us to Byss, as soon as possible. Time is fleeting.
Sanis Prent
Jun 26th, 2002, 02:23:22 PM
(I gave him a look as if to say he was crazy)
Alright then. You got seatbelts. Hope you know how to use em, cause its gonna be a rough and tumble ride in.
(I changed course, angling for the Darkside world)
Nav...go ahead on the calculations. If we're on a handwagon to Hell, might as well get to pushing.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 30th, 2002, 07:49:36 PM
"You got it."
It took only a matter of seconds to do the calculations to hyperspeed.
"We're all set for Byss."
She looked over at Sanis with a crooked grin on her face.
"If you have any doubts about this, I suggest telling me now."
Sanis Prent
Jul 19th, 2002, 09:28:30 PM
(I smiled)
Since when did I not have my doubts? This is your thing. I'm just kinda along for the ride. Here we go.
(Layla accelerated into hyperspeed. It would be a short trip to one of the most dangerous places in the galaxy)
Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 19th, 2002, 10:08:41 PM
:: Anbira closed his eyes ::
We must hurry.
:: The whispering began again...whisperings of a distant fear, rapidly approaching ::
Jul 19th, 2002, 10:56:23 PM
Akrabbim puts his hand on Anbira's shoulder.
Don't worry, Anbira... we'll make it. Just hold out a little longer. Resist!
Loki Ahmrah
Jul 30th, 2002, 07:12:05 AM
All was quiet when Loki began to stir in his seat, with a stretch and a big yawn the boy sat up straight and took a look around. Most of the Jedi were asleep now and those who weren't were keeping themselves quiet, possibly considering what lie ahead and reflecting on that which has transpired.
Loki didn't try to ponder on the incident with the Ysalimiri as he was pretty much in the dark on the whole mission, he had just heard the green gemstone his master possessed being called a "Lith" whatever that may be. Nevertheless it didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that this mission was very important and was having a terrible effect on Anbira who was looking weary and drained.
Amidst the silence the young padawan's stomach rumbled rather audibly so he took one of the food capsules from his utility belt and made a vain attempt to satisfy his hunger. He hated living like this but he was fully aware of the limit supplies a Jedi may carry on field missions. After a few minutes he stood and rubbing his eyes occassionally, made his way into the cockpit.
"Excuse me, how much longer will it be until we reach Byss?" He asked, the first time he had spoke of the planet and it didn't feel good. There was something about this planet that made him feel uncomfortable and all the while he kept getting colder and colder. The Dark Side has that planet.
Aug 23rd, 2002, 07:40:56 PM
Akrabbim looks down at the young Jedi.
We are near. In fact, I believe we will be landing shortly.
The planet Byss grows in the front viewport as the ship nears the planet. In less than an hour, the ship enters orbit. Once a suitable landing zone is found, the ship decends. Everyone in the ship feels the evil emminating from the planet. Even the non-Force sensitive pilots begin to look uneasy. Akrabbim moves to support Anbira.
Come along, Anbira. Your burden will be lifted shortly. Hold on.
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:07:44 PM
:: The Layla touched down on a dusty plateau, overlooking an expansive plain. Anbira was the first to step down the gangplank, staring off into the distance. Far away, a lean, dark silhouette dominated the horizon...its blackness a stark, chilling contrast to the sky around it. ::
By the Force...
:: Anbira whispered, his hand tightening around the Lith. Closing his eyes, he reached out with his feelings ::
It would appear that we are not alone here, Akrabbim Melchizan. I was a fool to think the Dark Side of the Force would ignore our encroachment so deeply.
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:41:57 PM
The reaction on Anbira's face is not good. Akrabbim follows the man's gaze and notices the dark form on the horizon.
Anbira, what is that thing?
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:56:55 PM
Loki followed Akrabbim and Anbira onto the gangplank, they were at it's base quietly staring off into the distance and the boy was curious as to what was troubling them.
"Is something the matter?" He asked once he had set foot on the ground.
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 28th, 2002, 02:32:28 PM
It was once the location of my sanctuary, many years ago. Now, it is clear to me that another dark presence has taken refuge within, and corrupted it even beyond its scope when I was a Dark Lord.
:: Anbira began to set off across the distance, heading away from the dark tower. ::
We must move quickly. They know we are here!
Aug 28th, 2002, 03:37:59 PM
Akrabbim nods at the assessment.
Indeed, they must have noticed us by now. If we hurry, we may be able to arrive before they can mount a proper defense.
With that, Akrabbim begins striding quickly toward the tower. He opens his senses, wary of anything this planet may have to offer.
Aug 28th, 2002, 04:22:37 PM
:: AB stepped down after Akrabbim had decended the gang plank, followed by Maia. She took a quick look around, wrinkling her nose slightly. There was some vegitation, but it was sparse as most of the planet was made up of plateaus and lakes. Though she could feel the lakes were teaming with all sorts of life, including vegitations. ::
:: She stepped up next to Akrabbim, studying Anbira's face, before looking at the massive tower. ::
Well, at least they didn't send out a welcoming commity... yet.
:: She stood there a mere moment longer before following Akrabbim, being cautious of any movement from other beings that would mean them harm. ::
Navaria Tarkin
Aug 28th, 2002, 08:06:05 PM
Navaria said nothing as she followed the others. Her hand was ready to reach for her sabre at the first signs of trouble. Her mind was completely on alert for anything that held malicious intent towards the group.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:50:30 AM
Cringing, the young padawan followed behind his master; he hated it when he spoke of his past as a Dark Lord. It didn't suit him at all. It was always difficult for the boy to fathom Anbira as ever being an evil character but nothing is impossible.
"This place is eerie. What's with the sunlight?" The tranquil lakes in the valleys below reflected the strange blue-green light in which the entire planet was bathed. Every pore on the boys skin felt saturated, the air was thin and humid and occasionally he would feal slightly overwhelmed by it.
"I don't like thi splace at all. The stillness is unsettling." He commented about the eerie silence that dominated the planet. Something about this place felt distantly familar to the boy, something haunting but he shook it off, not wanting it to distract him as they trudged forth.
Sanis Prent
Sep 8th, 2002, 08:22:35 PM
Its the center of the galaxy. Everything's lit up like a chandelier this close to the center.
(I climbed out, eyes fixed uncomfortably on the dark tower in the distance)
I'm keeping the engines on idle, in case we've gotta burn outta here on a touch & go. I hate to jump to conclusions, but I don't know too many peaceful farmers who build things like that. Not to mention this planet has a reputation to it that I'd rather not become a statistic in.
(I glanced to the old man, who was taking a path away from the tower.)
So, what exactly are you going to do? If destroying that rock of yours involves tongues and the blood of a virgin, you've hired the wrong guy.
Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 9th, 2002, 11:25:56 AM
:: He didn't look back to the mercenary ::
There is a deep chasm torn into the earth, several kilometers from here. We will go there, and from that point, the Lith can be destroyed, its broken shards cast into the depths of this planet, where it once rested at the beginning of time.
Sep 20th, 2002, 09:25:28 PM
Good. Let's go. We can't waste a second. I think we will proceed best if we place you in the center of us. Everyone fan out, 20 yards apart. Keep an eye on your area, trust the other Jedi to guard theirs. Sanis, you and Ken stay in the center with Anbira, and try to spot what you can. Loki, take front and center with me, but stay behind me for now. If that's ok with everyone, let's be off.
Before truly waiting for a response, Akrabbim starts getting ready to move out, getting in position. He begins moving forward.
Sanis Prent
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:56:22 AM
(It occurred to me that there were some things best left unasked. And to think, I dated a Jedi. Sometimes you just had to sit back and let it all happen. If I asked about all this, I'd only get a headache for an answer.)
Alright, fine. Just don't stop for snapshots. This place gives me the willies.
(I turned back to Ken, shrugging a bit)
Keep the ship on idle. We're gonna take a little stroll. Stick close to the comm, and lemme know if things get hairy here.
(I scratched my head, and pulled out some macrobinoculars, pointing them at the dark tower in the distance)
Looks about as friendly as a Kessel mine. I dunno...I got a bad feeling about all this.
(I was starting to lag behind, so I caught up with Anbira, AB, Nav, and Loki.)
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