View Full Version : Aid of Force

Khan Surak
Feb 11th, 2002, 06:03:52 PM

"Yes. It would be unwise of me to think they have done anything else. They are lost to me, and I regret to ask you for assistance, Lord Viscera."

"It is of no concern, Admiral. The Empire holds true to their allies. We will send a force immediately."

"Death Fleet is in your debt, Lord. We will only require your forces for the duration of our rebuilding. I have decided to let my remaining forces continue their assault of Sluis Van. Again, I thank you."


The holoprojection faded slowly and the area above the projector was clear. Khan deactivated the transciever and turned about, entering his main chambers. He had taken the news in stride, his face void of any emotion when he was briefed. It was like any other problem. And now he had turned it to his advantage, just like everything else.

Alright.. now, the Domitian should be able to....

Darth Viscera
Feb 14th, 2002, 04:02:27 PM
The Diktat clenched his fists-the defectors and those who stood to gain from their exodus would not live long enough to gloat of their victory over the Empire.

The New Republic is more treacherous than I had imagined them to be.

They would not, however, succeed in sabotaging his efforts in this arena.

Star Destroyer Groups Nine & Ten & Abolisher Cruiser AC2-Detach from Division II, TSF and proceed with all haste to Dayark.

He submitted the note to the General Staff Office, where it would be verified and the ships deployed. Still angered, he wrote another note:

Partially mobilize 10% of starships within practicable sphere of location to Republic/Imperial border.