View Full Version : FAQ altered slightly

Champion of the Force
Feb 9th, 2002, 10:40:25 PM
Nothing serious. Mostly just spelling corrections and some updated links. A few minor changes however:

* Renamed General FAQ to SWFans.Net Forum FAQ.

I don't know how common it is in Roleplaying, but I do remember many RPF members in the past bypassing this FAQ for the RPF one because they weren't aware it applied to the RPF as well. I figured a rename to state that it's a board wide FAQ might be helpful.

* Simplified the acronymns list to SW terms only.

Pretty straightforward. There are tons of terms in use and it seemed a bit silly to try and summarise all of them. Since this is a SW board I thought it would be better if we just listed the common SW ones.

* Included a link to the smilies page.

* Removed some overlong descriptions/explantions/examples of some points (like the signatures example).

Just shortening some - a few were too long for their own good and a bit convoluted.

I did a few similar edits to the Roleplaying FAQ as well - mainly just shortening the odd description and fixing a link/spelling mistake.

If I've inadvertently removed/deleted anything important or have missed a mistake somewhere fell free to change as needed. :)

Feb 9th, 2002, 10:54:07 PM
did you add anything that actually mentions swearing?

Champion of the Force
Feb 9th, 2002, 11:04:16 PM
No I didn't. I was planning to, but then I read this part of the FAQ and I figured it covered that area:

Q: What is the general code of behaviour?
A: Basically be polite and try to keep your posts in good taste. Keep in mind that we do have board members who are still minors and may even be younger than you think. Also it is good form to keep your topic titles descriptive and relative to your actual post and your post on topic for the relevant forum.

Avoid posting offensive remarks involving things like another poster's age, race, gender, or sexual preferance, as well as lewd remarks. These kind of remarks are not appreciated.

Failure to treat your fellow posters in a decent manner could result in you being banned from the forums. Just use some common sense.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Feb 9th, 2002, 11:17:55 PM
well, might not hurt to blatantly say, no swearing. Just a thought =P

Champion of the Force
Feb 9th, 2002, 11:26:14 PM
Ok ok. I've edited in this comment then:

Q: What is the general code of behaviour?
A: Basically be polite and try to keep your posts in good taste. Keep in mind that we do have board members who are still minors and may even be younger than you think. Also it is good form to keep your topic titles descriptive and relative to your actual post and your post on topic for the relevant forum.

Avoid posting offensive remarks involving things like another poster's age, race, gender, or sexual preferance, as well as lewd remarks. These kind of remarks are not appreciated. Swearing is also not tolerated - the most commons words are replaced with **** characters, and attempts to bypass these may result in warnings or even a banning for the poster.

Failure to post and act in a decent manner could result in you being banned from the forums. Please use some common sense.

Feb 10th, 2002, 01:21:28 AM
Cool by me. :)

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Feb 10th, 2002, 03:45:31 PM
Good thing it was amended since the, what a surprise, the fleet discussion turned into a creative swearing fest for some.

Feb 10th, 2002, 06:23:12 PM
A warning has been given in the fleet discussion thread, all that swearing is totally pointless and really is beginning to aggravate me.