View Full Version : The Outlands (Ciz)
Nicoli Zand
Feb 8th, 2002, 04:57:58 PM
It was the first time the Order had posted there scout sections out of the old Border World territory to now proclaim it "Fist" space, Reysa Sashara was murdered and his lands taken by more.... Worthy? Leaders. HA! He was a fool to trust such bloodthirsty people such as us pathetic.
All we needed is some poor person to pick on first so that we can make our first notch in the wood of victory.soon TGE would be burnt to rubble, soon we would be the masters of fleets and soon we would have the most dominant army in the galaxy...very soon.
Suddenly a load voice struck my ears and shook me from my daydream.
'Sir...we have a Convoy of ships entering our sensors...seems much like a cargo convoy escorts’ said the leading helmsmen
' Show me' i said simply waving my hand
The viewer flicked on and there surely enough was a convoy travelling slowly into OLD BWE was ours now it seems we need to defend it.
' Cizerack! All crew the battle stations get me General Harrigan on the double conscript.I want Black Guard on this bridge now.’
The conscript left the bridge in search of the general as Nicoli sat quietly watching the convoy pass a large distance from the small scout fleet.
Frank Harrigan
Feb 8th, 2002, 05:26:32 PM
"Get up."
(The young man rose. He did so slowly... blood streaming from his mouth, and pooling on the metal deck, he coughed as he straightened, putting himself into his best stiff millitary stance in front of the gathered ones. He pushed his back flat and rose his head to the taller man.)
"I cleanse my soul of cowardly thoughts andpurify my mind through violence..."
(The General pulled his rifle back and slammed it forward. The contact with the skull of the initiate was audible throughout the room, and the splash of blood that followed shocked no one.)
(Because anyone who moved, anyone who turned, those who blinked their eyes were gone, never to return to this room, shamed for life...)
"...because violence is a constant of life. I make it background noise..."
(Harrigan's left hand came forward into the man's abdomen and he lurched forward, a splash of blood spat onto the deck. Teeth followed, lost before, and Harrigan smelt bile.)
(They were all here for one reason... Frank Harrigan. They all wished they were Frank Harrigan.)
" I may hear clearly my orders and duties..."
(The butt of the rifle reversed, making a wet slapping noise against the broken jaw and blood filled void of the initiate. He spun, reeling and dying of pain, but immediatly turned back and stood rigid, he wanted more, he would die before he surrendered of his own will.)
(Very good...)
(But then he slipped.)
"Orders... from god and the... clarity above..."
(He stammered! Gods damn him!)
(Harrigan's unguantletted hand flipped and the barrell of his rifle touched the soft flesh on the young mans forehead. His finger groped for the trigger...)
"General Harrigan, please report to the Bridge with Black Guard! General Harrigan and Guard to the bridge!"
(Lucky kid...)
(Harrigan threw his rifle to one of his twelve. He grabbed his guantlet and his S-24 and turned to the open door, but turned back.)
(Was what he said, and the door sealed behind him.)
Kyle Deshere
Feb 9th, 2002, 10:28:42 AM
To hell with this the man growled mentally as he stroked his black leather glove across his delicate jaw line. He was a handsome man, standing around five foot ten to five foot eleven, with slicked back hair and his tight military uniform. Ribbons and medals adorned his chest. He was prime eye for most females around him most of the time...but usually his duties, or his lack of interest, gave him little time to care.
"Sithspawn!" he screamed at his men, who were not too keen on getting on his bad side. "We don't have one single Imperial-Class Star Destroyer in this whole Sith forsaken fleet." Indeed it was true, the mainstay of Imperial Fist navy were Victory Star Destroyers, mainly Mark II's.
He was shunned on by some to call the Order of the Fist the Imperial Fist, but to each his own...who were they to discriminate the Supreme Military Commander of the Order of the Fist? If he chose to call them the Imperial Fist, then they would have to accept it. was his military.
He was aboard the Victory-Class Mark II Star Destroyer Might of Deshere, recently renamed for the war commander's pleasure. He narrowed his eyes against the gleaming yellow light of the Ambrian sun. They were just hovering barely outside the former Border World Imperial space, thus closing in toward Ambria.
The convoy he was designated to hit slowly curved out of hyperspace directly into his trap. He had forced a detour route for the smal convoy group to force them out of their normal trade route, saying that a battle had erupted up ahead. In hindsight it was an obvious lie, but at the time it seemed like a good idea. Now the commanders would be forced to pay.
He had set up three Victory=Class Star Destroyers to cut them off from any fleeing attempt, the Might of Deshere being the fore leader, with the Columbus to the right and out, and the Bizmak to the left and out, boxing in the tiny convoy. There were, as well, two Nebulan-Class B Frigates, the Reading and the Bryant, pulling on top and bottom of the convoy, with finally the [i]Panzer moving behind the box, making a perfect square of Star Destroyers, cutting them off in all directions.
Again General Deshere stroked his jawline with his leather glove...they were quite an assortment. Two cargo ferries, two bulk freighters, three container transports, and five YT-2200 freighters were trapped in the formation of military craft. The one abolisher cruiser he had there as well boosted its engines and coursed toward the center of the fray...the other abolisher cruiser pulling out toward the nav buoy, both turning on their anti-hyperspace bubbles.
Deshere ignored the ships moving into position, and rose from his seat on the bridge of the Might of Deshere, making his way toward the comms unit. Already the well dressed, well trained enlisted crewman had the uplink set up and was giving him the comm device. He gripped it in his hand excitedly, and clearing his throat.
"Attention convoy, you are now under Imperial Fist control, you will cease all hostilities at once and prepare for boarding," he declared triumphantly, narrowing his eyes dangerously as the convoy moved forth.
Manifest of Naval Forces in the System:
4 VSD Mk IIs
2 Nebulan-B Frigates
2 Abolisher Cruisers
*Full Compliment of Fighters
Nicoli Zand
Feb 9th, 2002, 11:26:47 AM
Under Zands Command:
Mark II Victory Class Destroyer: BWD Shadow Hunter
MC40a Star Cruiser: knife-edge
MC40a Star Cruiser: Picard
Abolisher Class Cruiser: BWSV Goliath
Abolisher Class Cruiser: BWSV Reaper
Enforcer Class Cruiser: BWSV Death Watch
Enforcer Class Cruiser: BWSV Renee
Imperial Scout Ship: Dark Skies
IC: Zand was in his black clad uniform the insignia of the Fist high on his right arm ment he was of the high cast in the confederation, the small narrow glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, thin lips, sunk in cheeks and shaved head made him more or less look like an old man, however his age was only 47.
His age made him sound an amateur to the battlefields however, he was one of Reysas finest tacticians in the field of fighting, behind the drawing boards of most of the planet take-overs and missions was Nicoli Zand, Reysa was mealy a spokesmen, Nicoli was the creator of the vast armies and designs that the BWE used, no more he was now the commander of the former BWE, finally his efforts and hard work would pay off and now he would control his minions that he created.
Zand looked to the viewer his eyes moving back and forth apon the yellow glow of the sun ahead as Kyle boxed in the Cizerack Convoy, his order that they should surrender and prepare to be boarded was a standard in the Fist text book, however there co-operation was less likely to be showed without force.
' Full impulse towards the confrontation i want all hands ready to deploy on my order just incase it gets messy out there’
A hail of yes sirs sounded throughout the section ships and the section of ships moved confidently towards the commotion.
Zand beaing the kindest of the 4 commanders at the Fist made a small smile as the ships etched forwards.
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Feb 9th, 2002, 12:22:57 PM
Huntress Commander Taajaarree stood on the bridge of the bulk freighter Zuurrrou, perplexed and speechless. She ordered the other five bulk freighters in the convoy to come to a halt at once. The warships that had arrived in their approach vectors were obviously more than a match to take on a lightly-armed convoy. She was trapped and she knew it. But what her sensor officer told her caused her ears to fold back in confusion and rage.
"Commanderrr, the ssshjipsss arrre thossse of the Borrrderrr Worrrld Confederrratjion...ourrr trrrade parrrtnerrrsss."
Taajaarree instinctively unsheathed her claws, remaining silent. After what seemed an eternity, she spoke.
"jIt would ssseem that thejy wjisssh to change the naturrre of ourrr assssssocjiatjion, Ljieutenant."
Taajaarree unbuttoned the top collar button on her officer's coat, continuing to stare at the viewscreen.
"Trrransssmjit ourrr sssjitjuatjion and coorrrdjinatesss to Carrrssshouljisss Hjigh Command."
Dutifully, the comm officer relayed the information back home. Taajaarree slowly sat down in her command chair, brushing a strand of hair away.
"jInforrrm the prrreparrre to be boarrrded."
Kyle Deshere
Feb 9th, 2002, 02:38:02 PM
The Star Destroyer Might of Deshere intercepted the message from the bulk freighter, and he let a grin cress onto his lips. Let the reinforcements what will happen. His eyes edged over to the abolisher cruiser dead in the middle of everything, and the other radiating off its anti-hyperspace bubbles away from the fleet, just incase someone did try to come and cut them off.
The bridge was calm and quiet as the first of the landing craft dispatched toward the Cizerack convoy craft. They would deal with the freighters first, as they tended to hold the most cargo, then the ferries, then the YTs. His eyes twitched slightly as he watched the black guard assault transports emit from the Victory Star Destroyer's hangar.
According to preliminary star fighter patrols, the freighters all held food, the cargo ferries holding munitions, and the YTs holding Tibanna Gas...exactly what he needed.
The thought did cross his mind however, that maybe they were not acting as a government...they were instead acting as pirates, raiders and privateers in it entirely for the money and not the glory of the battle. It bothered the supreme commander...
But he pushed these blasphemic thoughts from his mind, knowing those to be bordering treason and mutiny. Orders not to question why, just to serve them out and die. He loved that saying, it held so true to all military mannerisms, or at least....proper military mannerisms.
Imperial Fist forces were going to be well known for swiftness, punctuality, and acuteness. Perfection was key, especially to Supreme Commander Deshere.
And thus the punctuality was on tune as the Assault Transports docked onto the first freighter, preparing to unleash the black guard at a moment's notice.
His leather glove stroked the comm unit again, and he lifted them to his paling lips. "Stand down immediately, any more transmissions beyond this point will result in the destruction of your first craft, you have been warned in the name of the Imperial Fist Order."
Now... he thought to himself.We wait.
Frank Harrigan
Feb 10th, 2002, 05:44:32 AM
"All right, form up. Fan... you know the routine."
(Harrigan checked the charge on his weapon. It was, as it had been in the shuttle, fully charged. He checked the power on the powered armor he and only he wore, and saw it as well was fully powered. He heard a metallic echo as his encased foot met the hull, and heard faint marks as the less armored dozen men behind him took up a half-circle and readied weapons.)
(Step... ready up...)
(And the hammer fell.)
(The two Cizerack had taken positions to blast the door open, but Harrigan himself did it with an accelerated fist. The door flew back, clearing an assembelage in front of it and leaving the two at it's sides clutching arms in pain. In his opposite hand, he brought up his EM-11, and the whirring sound indicated the barrel cycling.)
(Two seconds to get out of my sight...)
(None of the Cizerack were fast enough and even if they were, he doubted they had the will. So the first click came as a hammer fell, and the following 80 that perticular second were drowned out by the roar of the explosions from each of the chambers. The projectiles flew through the air and met organic resistance, but it was weak resistance, and bodies surrendered to allow the metal to pass and meet another. Some fell, some riddled, some spasmed and spewed a stream of fluid into the cramped corridor, but all died, save two against the wall. Eventually, the bodies pooled on the floor, surrounded by blood and the bullets that stopped in the crowd. He lowered his weapon and looked to the two beside him. He smiled, but they only saw the steel glare. He stepped forward.)
"Next deck!"
(He called, and as he walked down the hall he heard two laser discharges behind him.)
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Feb 11th, 2002, 07:08:11 PM
The firefight on the deck one entrypoint had gotten the attention of the Cizerack. However, the intruders were now in unfamiliar territory.
The major thoroughfares had been shut down due to the boarding. Turboshafts and automatic bulkhead doors were locked down. That left jeffries tubes, and manual, lever-action serviceways. As Horrigan's assault squadron formed up, half made their way to the port/ventral access hatch, ready to ascend to the upper level. The hissing interlocks on the doors were the last things that the point-man heard.
The point-man tumbled down the ladder rungs, his head contorted on his shoulders at an angle that told all that his neck had been broken. And if that hadn't killed him, then the claw marks dug into his head had done the trick. The 2-man instinctively glanced down as the man fell, and in that split second, never saw the durasteel battle prongs ram into his chest.
The skewered man was pulled upwards like a shrimp on a fork. The 3-man's faceplate was spattered with an arterial blood spray, as his comrades severed head dropped from above, hitting him as he ascended. The others behind were looking for a place to bring their weapons to bear, but their line of sight was blocked by the 3 man, who was attempting to make his way up. He reached for his weapon, only to find himself staring down the business end of a special-modification E-11 autoblaster, designed to be slung like an assault rifle by the physically-powerful aliens. Pressurized blaster plasma rained down at 800 shots per minute. The 3-man was perforated nearly into mince, falling away only to expose the men behind him to the Cizerack's weapon. The assault force took a beating, nine killed before the tenth man even could bring his weapon to bear through the maintenance hatch. He fired rapidly, hitting his aggressor, and causing him to stumble down the hatch. Wounded but not dead, the Cizerack soldier reached out, tearing the man's jugular from his neck with a powerful snatch of his clawed hand. The remaining two assault troops poured everything they had into the red-clad beast, finally killing it. They stumbled away from the enemy line of fire, the interlocks hissing shut once more behind them.
Black Gaurd Forces
Feb 11th, 2002, 07:34:34 PM
'1,3,5,7,9,10,11 back off into the blast corridor and take point positions, see any of those cat bastards blow the ears of off them!, if i catch any of you panzys let these feline dummies take you into there kitty litter kill them, dont just stand there! said number 4, the flank captain for the mission.
He made a thumbs up sign and with it pointed back behind him, and they coverd themselfs back into the blast corridor.
' General Harrigan, if you read me...respond....again respond general!'
A little crackle voiced through the radio and his voice came through Positions!
this is man 4, 9 men down sir, they ripped them from the cieling and hoisted them up, they have closed us of in deck 2 and we have taken a defencive position outside our entrace...we need orders sir!'
Frank Harrigan
Feb 11th, 2002, 08:16:20 PM
"Nine men down!"
(God damn it!)
"We have taken a defencive position outside our entrace... We need orders sir!"
(I'll give you orders...)
"Fall back. Fall back to this deck. I'll take care of them."
(Do I have to do everything?)
(Harrigan put his EM-11 behind his back, in it's modified shoulder holster. He saw his men hit the deck, kneeling. One was badly hurt, the other two were visibly shaken.)
(No fear damnit! Didn't I teach you anything?)
"All right, you, take these..."
(Harrigan handed him two explosive charges, each set with a timer.)
"..and throw them onto the door. Let go of the ladder and fall immediatly, and you, you two, get back as soon as he hits the deck."
(He waited for a few minutes until it was done. The Cizerack waited, silently planning the advance of the assault team, waited just outside the baslt radius of the door.)
(He counted off the seconds.)
"Fire in the hole!"
(He yelled to his men, stepping up.)
(The door blew, and explosive flames shot mainly downward, as small pieces of shrapnel shot towards the Cizerack warriors. Advanced scouts came forward and two sneered at him from the roof, prepared to drop down on his head and eat his brains.)
"Say hello to my little friend."
(And Harrigan clenched his fist, and the nozzle attached to his arm spewed a flame that first licked, then gourged at the bodies of the Cizerack. They melted like cheap action figures, and a tighter squeeze sent the flame barrelling up to the tip of the higher deck, where the door had been blown. It went up in a hurry, the forward deck scorching at 400 degrees. The Cizerack fell and died instantly from both the searing flames and agonizing heat, until the fire supression system gave them reprieve from the vicious assault.)
(Harrigan wanted a ciggarette, but only for a second.)
"All right men... cover my flank. On to three deck."
(Most of the warriors were saved from the flames kiss, but with Harrigan climbing the ladder, they had best plan fast wether to trod an escape, or stand toe to toe with the General.)
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Feb 14th, 2002, 08:49:06 AM
The entire port compartment of deck two was choked out by the superheated flamethrower. The seven Cizerack soldiers forming the perimeter died from thermal asphyxiation before the flames even hit them. The five remaining in the starboard compartment twitched their ears, almost in uinison, to the sounds that greeted them. A muffled whoosh, then the roaring of their dying comrades, and the hissing of the fire suppression systems gave way to the distant and tinny sound of combat boots on the deck plating. Even through nearly 20 centimeters of blast shielding, Cizerack hearing could divine such details. With stealthy movement, two of the Cizerack set up a rudimentary shape-charge on an interlock door adjoining the deck compartments roughly at the freighter's midline. The footfalls became a faint crescendo, and just as the lead passed the midline door compartment, the charge detonated, spewing molten durasteel in a subsonic burst at the three soldiers within its lethal proximity. In the shower of smoke and sparks, those three were immediately killed, as the Cizerack poured through behind the cover of the smoke, each barreling toward a different target in a lightning-fast melee rush.
Frank Harrigan
Feb 16th, 2002, 07:57:55 PM
(The Cizerack were extremely fast... but stupid.)
(Faster still were 180 rounds of ammunition from Harrigans minigun.)
(With his soldiers all dead, and the back-up having been called off, he was alone. But he had done some of his best work alone. He switched on his night vision, which cut through the thick fog of the explosions. Nothing ahead, and he switched to IR on the seven penetration view. The crew of the next deck clung to roofs, ceiling, floor... but they all focused on the front door. Which gave Harrigan an advantage.)
(Climbing the shafts, he saw a Cizerack fall from the cieling. With his guns all secured behind his back, he had little defence but to put his hand up and try and stop the barrelling warrior. His hand hit rib and didn't stop. Impaling the warrior on his arm, he felt his suit awash in blood. He shook his arm and the warrior rejoined the missing section of his torso in a pile on the floor.)
(He knew from briefs that the Cizerack had excellent hearing... so it was likely that even as he saw them through the walls, they would be able to triangulate his exact position by the steel on steel footfals on the deck. So he stopped dead and watched them all. They tensed... they knew he had a plan.)
"Good kitty... nice and predictable..."
(The power distribution diolauge popped up on his display and flicked fingers inside his guantlet. Ready up. Power distributed to magnetic pump on left arm.)
(He clutched the indinceniary in his right hand and smiled.)
(Throwing his arm against the wall, he heard the loud snap of bolts and solid edges breaking. The section of wall shot forward at high speed, knocking down various items piled on the floor and several Cizerack were smacked by the metal panel and were crushed beneath it, alive but trapped momentarily. The grenade followed the panel in, and even as the Cizerack moved to throw themselves at him or on the grenade, it exploded. Harrigan was thrown back against the wall, the shards of shrapnel bounced harmelessly off his thick armor, some sticking to the blood coating his chest and shoulders. The majority of the Cizerack were not so lucky... if not the explosive charge itself, the shrapnel tore through armor and skin alike. Harrigan saw one slame against a wall, in much the same position he was in, his armor absorbing the light amount of shrapnel that made it past the two warriors in front of him. Of course, the three Cizerack stuck under the metal panel were spared as well, a hail of metal shards bouncing harmlessly off the thick steel. They began to rise, pushing off the metal and ready to strike back.)
(Inside his massive armor, Harrigan flexed and got ready to kick some ass.)
OOC: Respectful bump. I think... *hopes it jumps to the top like on EZBoard*
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Feb 24th, 2002, 07:58:25 PM
The first of the three Cizerack hefted the large steel wall plating off his frame, hurling it with inhuman strength at Harrigan. As he unsheathed his claws, the other two flanked the Hyuu-mann, each armed with a Cizerack autoblaster - a heavy repeating blaster identical in power to an Imperial E-web, yet configured to be fired as an assault rifle for the Cizerack, whose vast strength could a weapon that large in such a style. In unison, the two flanking soldiers opened up with a full volley, halting momentarily as the center soldier pounced, smashing Harrigan to the floor with a berserker-style tackle.
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