View Full Version : Unexpected greetings from the past
Darth Turbogeek
Feb 5th, 2002, 12:49:01 AM
A man, dressed in simple clothes, stands on the top of a cold mountain plateau. He had heard some news not long ago and there was one bit of that news that interested him.
Today, he would ask questions of himself and he would hopefully get answers. There was much to learn, much to do.
Now, he was waiting. He had used his assasin skills to break into an apartment on this planet, while the occupant was away. He left a note that the occupant would hopefully see and respnd to.
To the Dark Sider Hera DrenKast,
My name is Turbogeek and I seek to test my skills that I have learned against a Sith Master. Be at the location indicated in five days, where I shall be waiting
This is not a fool making a joke. I am Turbogeek and I live
He would wait until the Sith Master he had heard about came.
Feb 5th, 2002, 01:21:19 AM
With a resounding CRASH the ancient porcelain vase disintegrated into thousands of minute peices that showered to the carpeted floor of the temporary rooms the Sith Master had been occupying during her stay planetside.
The Gall! The Cheek of the man to break into my apartment!
She screeched in angry frustration that he wasnt there right now for her to unleash her fury upon. But in truth, the worst of the tantrum was over and Hera was actually calming down.
She looked around the room - it was a disaster. The damage would only endear herself more to the service staff than her sunny disposition already had, she mused sarcastically. Nothing some extra credits wouldnt cover.
Throwing herself to sit on the floral patterned sofa - the one peice of furniture in the room that had escaped her fitful violence, she glowered and seethed. With a swipe of her hand she snatched again the note left by this renegade, Turbogeek:
My name is Turbogeek and I seek to test my skills that I have learned against a Sith Master. Be at the location indicated in five days, where I shall be waiting. This is not a fool making a joke. I am Turbogeek and I live
Turbogeek - it was a name Hera had always held synonomous with Jedi. She was unsure of that mans fate, but to all accounts he was dead - the galaxy better off for it, too.
And is yet another taking that name. Some wannabe? Some sicko? Probly a bit of both.
She would check the security cameras with the apartment manager before leaving to meet this "visitor" and see for herself who he was. He certainly had similar audacity as the famed Jedi Master had.
"I am Turbogeek and I live"
"Well we shall see about that Turbogeek.....we shall see"
The next five days would not pass quickly enough.
This one would pay dearly for coming places he was not welcome.
Her ship touched down lightly and she excited the craft. The place of the meeting was a plateau a short distance north and Hera preferred to walk the rest of the way.
A lone figure stood waiting as she approached.
"I believe you are waiting for me?"
Darth Turbogeek
Feb 8th, 2002, 06:19:12 PM
"I believe you are waiting for me?"
The clone continued to look out over the snow covered mountains, ignoring the approach of the person fo a moment. Turbogeek then turned his head, dark eyes gazing at the woman he could now see. She was Dark coloured, and it was intense. Tall and what would be called extremely beautiful, if that was something he cared about, which it was not.
He turned fully to face her, hands at his sides, the cold wind making his cloak flutter.
"Yes, I was. I am Darth Turbogeek and I seek to become what another of that name should have beem"
The memories he had from the accured Jedi Master that bore his name showed this was indeed whom he wanted. Even without reading her mind, which he could not, he could see her anger. She probably wanted an explaination.
"I asked you come here, because I seek a test of strength and skill"
Feb 9th, 2002, 02:46:05 AM
Where had she heard that voice before......?
Hera approached the individual who introduced himself as "Darth Turbogeek" - her advance to all appearances casual and relaxed, but in truth she was extremely wary and though she knew she had never met this man, the sound of his voice was familiar for some reason..
Hera looked him over. He had an unkempt look about him, a certain carelessness in his dress which was not untidy, but that indicated outward and superficial appearances meant little to nothing to him. Hera imagined he wore clothes because it was practical to do so, he spoke when it was necessary to do so. Somehow she felt that this Turbogeek was one that had stripped things down to what was or was not required for the task at hand, and everything else could go to hell.
She was dressed in an insulated body suit that was streamlined to fit her body tightly. Her recent time spent during her Master trials in the mountains of Meras with Ogre had left her with an undying abhorrence to the cold and she had taken care to wear clothing that both protected and warmed her. She had donned a thick wool cloak over top and she pulled it close to her to stop it tugging open in the wind.
"You asked me here?" she snarled deridingly. "You broke into my apartment and demanded. It is only that the rendeavous was five days away that you have lived this week at all."
She should just crush him now, it would feel so good...But, he had declared himself "Darth". She wondered what the Jedi namesake was for..or where it even fit into things.
There must be some connection. One didnt just name themselves after such a notorious Jedi as the late DT. And she definitely did not get the sense of light from this man. He was a force weilder, she could sense it without probing at all. It was like his voice.....familiar for some reason.
"I will be happy to accommodate your request for strength and skill testing - more than happy in fact-but first you must tell me.......exactly, WHAT is a Turbogeek?"
Darth Turbogeek
Feb 20th, 2002, 04:02:16 AM
"A Turbogeek is apparently a name of honour on a planet named Harravii. it is given to those who have served above and beyond the call of duty. I have no idea why..." here he sneered "... a self titled DARTH would be honourable like that. It disgusts me I have that name at times, it is like a filth, a stain, an aberation. And yet, I will wear that name until I have proven worthy of the new one I would like to have."
Direct, blunt, to the point. Yep, that was him alright
"Now, before you ask "why me".... I believe in the end I will need to destroy a man. He to me is the sum of all fears, a man whom, uniquiely I can not see what his colour is. If I am to face him and the challenges in y future, I need to be strong in the Dark Side. I hear that is what you are"
Feb 23rd, 2002, 01:12:21 AM
As Turbogeek spoke, she was now certain she had heard his voice before, but she could not recall ever having met him or how she could know it.
In her line of work, she came into a myriad of different individuals, some consequential, some not. But she knew she hadnt had any dealings with this man yet.
He spoke well. And honest. And from for the way he arranged their meeting, he was bold and even a bit arrogant- a trait Hera actually quite appreciated.
He knew to defeat an enemy, one must sometimes recognise the need to prepare and not go blindly forward. Was that something he just knew, or had that already been taught him by another? Who, if he had one, was his Master? Hera decided she did not know nearly enough about this man. But she would change that by the time they were through.
"There are some Actarnan Ruins further down the gulley. I reveiwed this location carefully before my arrival here, as no doubt you expected me to do. We will make our way down and I will test your mettle there, Darth Turbogeek. And on the way, you will tell me a little of yourself."
The pair moved off and though the man was not very forthcoming with information, Hera did find his master is the reknowned Dark Jedi and leader of The Black Hand, Jeseth Cloak. Impressive in itself.
The ruins loomed up high from the ground. It had one time been a mecca for those who worshipped the Forrest Diety, Rahna - a 6 armed creature who's lower body was that of a deer, the torso of a woman and her face was that of a fox.
They passed on either side of a large green marbled pillar one of three that marked the entrance into the main edifice. As DT stepped beyond it into the gloomy interior, he was struck shockingly hard in the face with the steel cap of a heavy boot. Hera had stopped just short of entry and leaning her body into the pillar to hide it partially from DT, did a high kick to her challenger's head - a satisfying "schamack" breaking the solitude of the ruins.
Darth Turbogeek
Mar 6th, 2002, 11:59:27 PM
Even talking as he was, there was always a piece of his mind listening to what The Force was telling him, searching for any warning in the Force and just being alert to any danger. A useful skill that had been honed by the Jedi Master who was in his memories and now put to use by the clone.
Something tingled in his mind that the Sith Master was planning something. His own senses tingled and his limbs were relaxed, but ready to react. As they entered a ruin (of what he had no idea - he had never seen or remembered anything like this place), his feet paused as he felt soemthign in the Force change....
The foot was a bare inch from his face, the sound being his own hand interecpting the sudden kick. He wasn't as lightning fast as she seemed to be, but he did have an impressive danger sense. His other arm also lept up, grabbing lower down the leg and then pushing hard, throwing Hera away towards a broken wall. Not with the Force, for he could not use telekinesis, but with raw strength.
No words he spoke. All he did next was to settle into a fighting stance, eyes narrow andmouth thin in concentration.
Mar 8th, 2002, 01:21:21 AM
She recovered from being thrown to the wall with relative ease, landing with catlike grace on her feet. She cast her eyes on her opponent as he readied himself in a stance that seemed ready for anything.
She smiled at him, a look he could just make out from the interior gloom of the temple. Walking carefully in an arc close to the far wall, broken bits of wall and granite were strewn haphazardly around, which seemed typical of such places as this.
She had initiated the spar with a simple strike, and he had responded in like simplicity. He seemed tempered and a fighter who moved on instinct and in a degree of corresponding retaliation to a given threat.
She eyed him, wondering how she might stir the passion of hate within him, and just what she would see when she did so. This was going to be interesting...
Turbogeek never took his eyes from her. They moved when she moved and she could see well enough he was expecting a further attack.
Calling out to him, "Come this way, Darth Turbogeek," she moved forward, ahead of him, deeper into the Temple and the gloom beyond.
As they both moved on, their eyes adjusted to the dark and they both noted a increase in temperature.
Darth Turbogeek
Mar 11th, 2002, 10:05:50 PM
He was highly cautious now. She had attacked once and he was expecting another. As she spoke, inviting him to follow her, his hands came down from the defensive ready position - but still his body was ready to react if she tried anything more. His eyes kept his attention visualy on her, while he stretched out with the Force, waiting, expectant.
Without comment, he did follow the Hera. Not close enough so she could lash out successfully, but not so far as she could get out of his sight. It was getting hooter and darker, neither which really was a problem - heat he had found was something he liked and the Force could be his eyes. His second "vision" - the one that showed beings as colours only showed what was true, allowing him to place his footsteps with confidence and know he wasn't going to fall in a hole..... or maybe walk into a hidden trap.
"Where does this lead?" he asked.
Mar 12th, 2002, 12:41:40 AM
"Where does this lead?" he asked.
"We shall see" she called back after him.
They both moved forward, some of the debris that lay strewn
about the temple floor was inconvenient, but not treacherous.
Turbogeek kept Hera clearly in his sight - and she felt his gaze upon her even without the use of force sense.
As they stepped into an even larger chamber than before, Turbogeek noticed a slight movement to the far left side. He was attentive and so took in immediately the slow swirling of a red mist that covered a large portion of the temple wall.
Hera moved to his right remaining in his peripheral vision, she keeping her eyes on her opponent.
The red mist swirled and seemed to grow thicker and DT remained completely alert to this new potential threat. A tumbling of loose rock caused Darth Turbogeek to glance at Hera, but it was only some rubble that she had displaced as she continued to move to his far side and as DT looked at her, it seemed she was..moving farther back..?
With a mischieveous grin, that reached him even through the gloom,
Hera lifted her hand and made a pointing gesture for DT to look back behind him..
Hephaestus of Faene
Mar 12th, 2002, 12:45:53 AM
Turbogeek turned and the red swirl of vapour had taken form and now facing him was a huge creature, its feirce amber eyes alive with agression.
Hephaetus lifted his great head and stretched his thick neck forward -
his scaley hide glowing in even in the dull light.
With a shreik that was like to peel flesh from bone in its awfulness, the dragon erupted a burst of flame from its yawing mouth and shot it directly at the man standing before him.
Darth Turbogeek
Mar 20th, 2002, 06:02:33 AM
"Holy -Frell-.... is that thing for real??!"
OOC : Quick question... is it for real or an illusion?
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:05:26 AM
ooc: He is real. Here is when I got him: DT will mostly be fighting Hera, but I brought Hep in for a twist. Hope is ok :p
Darth Turbogeek
Mar 28th, 2002, 04:51:35 AM
Ahhhh s**t. It WAS for real.
How was he supposed to fight this thing with his bare hands? As it swooped at him and he ducked rolled, you didn't. You found some sort of weakness and you use it. Flames licked the area where he had been, heat washed at him like a wave.
A wave of flame roared at The Man with No Name, who stood there. The furious Turbogeek watched as the Man had drawn a sword, to thump it into the gorund.... where a wave of ice had met the attacking flames and neutralised them...
He ran as the dragon flew at him again, the ponderous beast too slow and too large to touch a Turbogeek with wings on his feet. his thinking ran fairly true, a beast that thrived on heat would hate sudden and intense cold. Except he had no idea how to do it.
But the Jedi in his mind might. Right, he needed to stay alive long enough to find out.
He picked up a small rock as the dragon turned at the noise. Which a practised cast, he threw the rock right into the eye of the dragon, who bellowed and flamed, Turgogeek rushing swiftly away out of the blast. Okay memories, dont let me down now!
Hephaestus of Faene
Mar 29th, 2002, 01:00:16 AM
Hephaestus roared in fury as the rock found its mark. His smaller fore-hands instinctively shot up to protect his eyes, but were much too late. The dragon hissed again its flaming torrent, but DT had forseen it and thrown himself out of the way.
Skatching around on his hind legs, the great beast stretched his neck and snapped his huge jaws after the man, swining his scaley tail around from the other direction in order to slap him flying across the temple.
Mar 29th, 2002, 01:12:56 AM
As Hephaestus had engaged Darth Turbogeek, Hera had used the force and leapt directly upward, to land nimbly on a stone ledge that jutted out around the length of the upper perimiter of the Temple.
She crouched lowly, watching the display below - a sardonic grin curling her lips. She examined DT carefully, noting that he moved with great speed and anticipated welll his fiery opponents moves.
With the faintest touch, Hera stretched forward her force senses, reaching into his thoughts to see how guarded he was keeping them.
Her voice came to Turbogeek as a faint whisper, just as he saw the scale hide carreening to ward him - the impact of Hephaestus's tail about to catapult him and imbed him into the granite wall....."Who is this..."Man with No Name?"...."
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 12th, 2002, 08:02:56 PM
He leaped over the scything tail, diving behind a rock pile. It was juvenile, but he had scored one over the firey beast. One of his hands found antoher rock.... just as his hiding place was shrouded by flame. He put his head dow as flames blasted around his cover. As the wave of heat finished, he didn't hesitate. He ran out, thankful he had taken cover. His hand caressed the stone, using the power of the Force to do what he wanted. In his hand the stone took a sheen of frost as his mind told the Force to remove the energy from the rock. It wasn't big, so the effort wasn't too extreme and it didn't take long. This was more like a test firing, to see if he was right.
Even as the beast chased him, Turbogeek abrupty stopped, turned, and with perfect aim, thrrew the stone straight down the gullet of the beast. The stone had been super-cooled, to a point of nearly Absolute zero. If he was right and this beast was unbeatable by flame like he could do... what would happen to extreme cold? He waited to see what the small stone would do in effect....
Hephaestus of Faene
Apr 19th, 2002, 12:24:24 AM
Another huge roar, but it was cut short. A hint of confusion passed over the dragon's amber eyes and then the beast lurched its head upward into the air.
A peircing cry of pain was expelled and Hephaestus twisted his great body in an effort to dislodge the cause of it.
The dragon slammed his tail down in fury causing a cascade of rock and earth to explode upwardly into the air beside the human offender.
DT, made a run for it to the cover of a narrow pathway between pillars, Hephaetus right behind him.
Before DT could close the distance, again the dragon slammed his tail - this time even harder than before and though DT with, exceptional speed, dodged being actually hit, the violent shaking of the ground and consequent upheavel of debris sent him sprawling.
Hephaestus jumped forward and slapped one forehand down onto him, pinning him underneath - the 3 claws of his taloned hand spread so as to trap him between them.
The beast snarled, his belly now twisting in a knot from the iced stone within him, leered his jaw forward in anticipation of biting his quary in half.
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