View Full Version : Official Notice

Evil Hobgoblin
Feb 1st, 2002, 02:34:08 AM
I have learned that my little brother's laptop is to go back to the school tomorrow for an upgrade and reformatting. The entire school is supposed to be doing this, and they have notified the district that the process will take about two weeks.

This unfortunately means that I will have no further access from home unless the family computer is repaired. Although plans are in the works to take the computer to the repair shop tomorrow, my personal outlook on the situation is grim.

I will attempt to be online Wednesdays, as those nights I have class at the college and will thus be in proximity to the computer lab. Those, unfortunately, are the only certain times I will be able to get online. The projected outcome is about a two week-long disappearance from the Net, after which I may not have any further access to AIM.

Then again, our comp might be fixed by Saturday, in which case this notice I've just typed up was mostly worthless.

Anyway... to those people I am RPing with... I tried to get as caught up as I could tonight, but I'm just too tired to keep going. I'll post as I can.

Keep the home fires burning while I'm away, and I'll see you in the spacelanes later on.

Feb 1st, 2002, 02:38:29 AM
Best o luck to you. :)

Gia Van Derveld
Feb 1st, 2002, 02:42:38 AM
:) Take care you evil midget you!

*the homefires burn up the home* Augh!