View Full Version : Dark Journey Review (Spoilers)

Seth Darkserpent
Jan 31st, 2002, 11:02:49 AM
To tell the truth, I wasn't looking forward to this book that much. It just didn't seem exciting compared to "Star by Star" and "Rebirth" which had major events in them. This book seemed like nothing more than a filler for the NJO series. So I picked it up at the store and brought it home. About a day later, I finished the whole book. I was very surprised at how wrong I'd been. Although Dark Journey doesn't have major events like Ben Skywalker being born, or Coruscant falling to the Yuuzhan Vong, it was an essential part of the series.

<u>The Good</u>

I was very glad to see that the book was not extremely centered on Kyp, Jaina and Jag. There were other characters that got a good amount of lines and actions. The dialogue between Han and Leia suggests all that they've been through and stays true. I was very happy to see Lowbacca got a very big part in this book. He was helping Jaina fix the Yuuzhan Vong shuttle that they stole in Star by Star. Another two characters who got a good amount of dialogue in there were Tenal Ka and Ta'a Chume.

The book focused on Jaina torn between the light side and the dark side of the Force. It was great to see how angrily she reacted to some things. Near the end of the novel, she sent a volley of force lightning at Kyp Durron. I liked how she realized all that she'd done by the end of the book, and began to work her way toward the light side of the Force. This seemed quite real to me, as far as conversions go.

To top it off, there were some great lines in this book:

"There's a thin crack in the skull." [Medical droid]
"Han's skull. How is that possible?" ~Leia

"Is every third human in this galaxy named Solo?" - Khalee Lah

"I take it Vong don't get promoted for their conversational skills." ~ Jaina

<u>The Bad</u>

What I didn't like in this book was not very much, but there were a few things. Luke and Mara Skywalker had maybe one or two lines this whole novel. I know they weren't very important to the storyline, but they did have to get Ben back from Lando. That was never explained in the book, they just appear with Ben a few chapters ahead. Another duo we never got to see was the infamous R2-D2 and C-3PO. I think they are with Lando/Luke/etc at this point, but I don't really remember.

Now, throughout the course of the novel Elaine Cunningham was quite persistent to have the readers believe that Jacen Solo is dead. Now we know this can't be true, since he is the main character of "Traitor", or so I'm told. Everyone can feel Jacen's death through the Force, except Leia. This makes it even more confusing, since she could feel Anakin's death through the Force. I believe that Jacen could have possibly turned to the Dark Side, which would be a good reason why he blinked out all of a sudden. This is just a speculation of course, but it seems practical IMO.

<u>The Ugly</u>

The thought of Lowbacca having to wash out the Vong goo that Jaina smeared his fur with :p

All in all, I give it a 4 out of 5

Jan 31st, 2002, 11:30:01 AM
Seth, Jacen can be dead. Being as they take place at the same time, and there were a few Hyperspace jumps, there was time for a novel in there. Maybe he is blocking the force, but Leia still feels him?

Seth Darkserpent
Jan 31st, 2002, 01:02:36 PM
If he is dead, they've got a lot of guts killing two Solo kids and Uncle Chewie. I just find it highly unlikely that they'll kill Jacen. Jaina kept on having that recurring vision of her fighting Jacen at the Shadow Academy. I think it'll probably happen again, possibly in Traitor. There was a significance behind that vision, I'm sure of it.

Jan 31st, 2002, 01:38:24 PM
Hey, I just read Spectre of the Past, and he killed off all three kids AND Chewie, just gave the excuse of visiting relatives :)

Feb 3rd, 2002, 05:05:56 PM
I just finished DJ today and I'd have to say I was a bit dissapointed. Kyp simply was not Kyp. In an effort to emphasize Jaina's fall to the darkside Kyp became the voice of reason. The dialogue between Kyp and Jaina often acknowledged the absurdity of this. "Do as I say, not as I do." It just didn't feel right. And how convienient for Kyp to lose his dozen right at the beginning of the novel so he was free to drop everything and join Fel and Jaina on a rotating basis.

Why Jaina's fall to the dark side would shield her from Jacen is beyond me. It thought that was pretty weak. Jaina's shielding and her Dark side fall is no excuse for her having to pick up Jacen's suffering from her friends and not him directly. I don't think for a moment that Jacen is dead. If anything, something has been done to him by the Vong. Leia is right about this one. Jacen was tortured horribly and then simply shut off from the Force. A simple ysalmirr(sp?) could have accomplished that.

I really think this novel ignored Luke more than any other NJO novel to date. It's one thing for an NJO novel to focus other characters besides Luke, but to blatantly ignore him over and over again is ridiculous. He's on the Falcon, but we never get anywhere near him. At Anakin's funeral we get squat from Luke. He and Mara go off to get Ben, and we see NOTHING of the reunion. Only at the end do we get a few paragraphs with Luke worrying about the future of his son.

Having Kyp suggest the reforming of the Jedi Council at the end was a joke. Funny how this is the first EU mention of it and we're close to 30 years after ANH. This should have been addressed years before by Luke in the EU, but it's kind of hard for an EU author to do that when they don't even know a such thing exists. I'm really looking forward to starting TAS. This book has left a bad taste in my mouth. If I read a few more like this I may drop the series altogether. I'd give it a 2.5/5.

Feb 3rd, 2002, 05:12:17 PM
Eb, a Council has been suggested in the NJO before :)

Feb 3rd, 2002, 10:37:23 PM
Before TPM? I think not.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 4th, 2002, 12:56:49 AM
Vector Prime was the first place it was brought up, Luke mentioned it, I don't think he wanted to do one originally but the Republic was becoming wary of the power of the Jedi and Luke thought that would appease them. I haven't finished Dark Journeys, I think it is a decent book, it seems more of a filler story to me than anything else. I do like the Chiss being brought in it, I am wondering if they will come out of hiding and help what is left of the NR defeat the Vong.

Feb 4th, 2002, 10:09:01 AM
I'm not that crazy about the Chiss. They come across as arrogant and racist, not my favorite combo.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 4th, 2002, 12:55:40 PM
I don't know about that they do remind me of the Chinese and Japanese cultures before up till almost modern times, they both didn't care much for westerners and thought they were superior. I am hoping that the Chiss what is left of the NR and the Imperial Remment comes together and defeat the Vong and then afterwards form a better goverment than the POC that was the NR.

Feb 4th, 2002, 01:08:08 PM
Chiss are said to be Xenophobic

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 4th, 2002, 01:34:14 PM
So were the Japanese and Chinese that the hated the west because they feared them as do the Chiss hate outsiders, I don't think its evil or anything its more their culture and their ignorance they have been stuck in the unknown regions for centuries maybe even longer with no to little contact to the outside world much like the Chinese and Japanese cultures had with Europeans until recently.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 5th, 2002, 12:47:06 PM
Ok I finished reading it last night and I actually liked, its not the best NJO book but it a solid book, the problem is has the impossible task of coming after Star By Star which IMO was the best NJO book so far and that is a huge task for any writer. Ok on to the spoilers First I have to disagree with you a little about Kyp, Jedieb, I actually saw some of his old self, he still seemed arrogant IMO, he just changed a little bit but there are two possibilities why he changed (1) Anakin's death and the death of his entire squandron actually realized that he had been a complete jerk and he realized that he had to change his ways or else the Jedi and the galaxy would fall (it has happened before ala Scrooge where a character has a life altering event). There is a second possibilty, Kyp is pretending there was one line, he thought "What he had in mind for Jainia would be regarde as yet another betyayal, and there would be no fogiveness for him this time." What does this mean I was trying to figure out? And what betrayal, I mean if just taking her as apprentice wouldn't mean that, Leia didn't approve but she was not angry, so does that mean he is trying to fool Jainia and use her for some scheme of his, if thats true then he is even more dangerous and his whole purpose is yet to be revealed.
To Jainia and her fall to the Dark Side, it is not a guarentee that she has returned to the light for good, she even thought that she might hide the truth herself and was worried she might return back. So nothing is guarenteed there yet, IMO. As for Jacen, he is defintely not dead, but what was done to him I have no idea, maybe he is trying to make it appear that he is dead, because of the Vong warmaster Tsavong Lah was thinking he might be dead too at the end of the novel. Unfotuntely we will have to wait until Traitor which is three books away to find out. As far as Luke I didn't have a huge problem with it because the book was about Jainia mostly so I understood that Luke had little to know purpose in this novel.
I have a couple of other thoughts: The Chiss, I liked their apperance, and I know think they will be a key in defeating the Vong, either Baron Fel or Leia will convince to them to help what is left of the NR in defeating them and probably the Hapes Cluster (since Tenel Kel is now Queen) and the Imperial Remment will join with them and defeat them, afterwards a new govt will probably be formed consiting of all this groups. Next the issue of the Jedi council, now Kyp never said restablish the Jedi Council he said establish. I am guessing that since Luke restarted the Jedi order there has been no interest in a new council. For most of that time there really weren't enough Jedi to even bother and it has only been recently that there are now enough to do it, so it makes since to me that is being done. Now what is Kyp's purpose here remains to be seen has he changed or is he doing it for some reasons we don't know yet. That really is my biggest problem with this book, it leaves more with questions than answers, nothing is resolved we have to wait 3 months (though probably longer) to find out anything, I don't like that because there was no resolution after Star By Star and you would expect some after that, that is why I can't give it 4 stars 3.5/5

Feb 5th, 2002, 01:56:37 PM

This for me has been the one I've been waiting for. Star by Star sounded good, and I love Allston, but this was something else. A chance for a novel starring Jaina and Kyp, sweetened with the spin-off feel. Don't get me wrong, mainstream novels are still good, but when a story takes place aside from the major story, there is an added fun for me. No continuing of many plots, you can pick on a small area.

The first thing you see is the cover. I it. I generally haven't been a NJO cover fan, due to the roughness of the pics. The only exception was Balance Point, which was nice. This one though, I love. Jaina really does look like she's been through an ordeal, as she should. The X-Wing blueprint nicely fills up the majority of the remaining cover. I only really had two gripes. Firstly, the artist's name is on the cover. Why, when his name is in a little boxout on the back? My other gripe was the colour. As a whole I liked it, but the top is very pink. Not a colour I like to carry round :)

So, onto the story. I liked it very much. There was nothing bad that stood out for me. The backstabbing ways of the Hapians were clear and well written, as they were in Courtship and Jedi Eclipse. The logic of going there was sound to me also. There were some beautifully written pieces in this, such as Anakin's funeral. It was nice as well to not have Mara and Luke heavily shoehorned into the story. They played there (small) part well, and that was all that was needed.

I think a special note must go to what many are complaining about, the speed of her return from the dark. To me, there was no problem. To begin with, I do not believe she was actually fully dark. To me, she was on the tightrope. Luke was like this is ROTJ and DE. Obi-Wan was in TPM. Also, you must remember she isn't "back" yet. Her later dialogue with Kyp says to me she knows she isn't yet free, which is why she lets Kyp feel her emotions.

Nice to as well see the ammount of great quotes filling this book. It really felt that there was a major effort in this department.

As the name Star Wars indicates, fights play an important part. And this to me was no exception. The space battles were a lot more close and personal, in a way similar to the X-Wing novels. The non-ship fights were also very well written. Unlike some novels, I could picture this all vividly in my mind. I think my only problem was the dual between Jaina and Kyp. As Kyp used the force to bring his sabre to his hand, I was hoping for a great fight showing both combatants skills. Instead it was good, but quite brief.

On to characterisations, Jaina first. I thought that she was written very well. She was exactly how I would see a Teenager coming to terms with a lot of things in one go.

This novel also had a rarely used occurence. Characterising unimportant characters. Take Ganner, for example. He must have been in for all of two chapters, yet we learnt so much about his character. Same for the Dozen. We didn't just learn names, we heard some stories too. From Zero-One(Easily the best droid in any SW related thing ever) and his binary-related name to the near Fifty pilot who Kyp is as close as he is willing to be with. In four and a half Zahn novels, we haven't read much about his Wild Karrde crew. But in one chapter, Cunningham manages to make us feel for what previously have just been nameless drones.

On a personal note, Octa Ramis is a cowerdly traitorous scumbag, and I hope we see her end in the future :)

Another refreshing thing was saw was Han and Leia. Once again, you could feel the love between them and their family. Further more, we saw Han and how he cares for Kyp. I've always thought he'd see him as the son he never had, and it appears to be correct. But not only that, Han had his natural cockiness, and Leia(in a rare and momentus event for me) was written spot on. Normally she is either too wimpy or too b**chy. A refreshing thing this was, mmm.

Another thing I didn't expect was for me to like Tenel Ka. To be honest, she annoyed the bleep out of me in SbS. Fact, fact, fact, fact, this is so, fac....AAAARGH! Thankfully, she was vastly improved. The way she took responsibility at the end was a great evolution in her story.

Now, my favourite thing about DJ. Kyp. As many know, I have been dissapointed with Kyp's ride in the NJO. We saw him pre-Vong in VP, and mid-fight in JE. Never had we just had him thinking, contemplating, letting us into his mind. And for me, Kypmas came early. We saw his remorse at losing his Dozen, his feeling of failure. Later on, we saw how he is concerned for Jaina's slide. Yet he still seemed a lot more pro-action than most. This is how I always saw him, as did many others. Finally, we see some sort of truth.

And to all of those saying he is out of character: HOW DO YOU KNOW? Due to the lack of Kyp POVs, he could have been written in almost any way possible, and it still would have fit. Thankfully, Cunningham chose the best way, IMO.

It was also nice to see Kyp trying to pay back his debt to Han. Not just by bringing Jaina home, but his Suicide dive at the end to free Jaina's ship. He risked his life in order to save hers. A true Jedi.

Now, onto a problem point. Jagged Fel. However, I do not see this as EC's fault. Jag himself was written good enough. Unlike in Ruin, he didn't come across as too good, he just was a top pilot. I also found his opinions of Kyp refreshing, for once showing a (no doubt soon to be) major character who agrees with his views, aside from Bel Iblis and possibly Kre'Fey. No, my gripe is this. Afer Ruin, he wasn't even MENTIONED until SbS. One book later, and suddenly Jaina realises he likes him more than before. To me, the NJO needed to mention him in between. Doesn't need much. Jaina thinking she wished she could visit or something would have at least shown she cared. Instead, it was as if he had ran off for good.

So, overall, I liked, no, LOVED this novel. It fulfilled my expectations, and then some. I anticipate Destiny's Way like never before now. The Jacen subplot also made me intensley curious to the occurences in Traitor. I enjoyed this more than any NJO novel previous.

In Fact, THIS is how much I liked Dark Journey:


1. X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar
2. Han Solo Trilogy: The Hutt Gambit
3. Darksaber
4. Dark Journey
5. Han Solo Trilogy: The Paradise Snare
6. Han Solo Trilogy: Rebel Dawn
7. X-Wing: Solo Command
8. X-Wing: Wraith Squadron
9. X-Wing: Iron Fist
10. X-Wing: The Bacta War

Was this book a female celebrity, it would be Jessica Alba. Although not to everyones tastes, to me it is one of the finest creations I have ever seen. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

Feb 5th, 2002, 10:58:21 PM
I thought Kyp changed direction here far too quickly. I think his character HAS been well defined thoughout NJO. His philosophical diffrences with Luke have been a major storyline throughout the NJO. It was no accident that he was one of the first Jedi to encounter the Vong in battle. That's why this quick turn around put me a bit off. So what if he lost his whole squad. It happened before. I guess this time it was much more dramatic because his use of the Force unwittingly caused the deaths of many of his pilots. I just didn't feel his change of direction worked that well. His suggestion of starting a Jedi council I found a bit ludicrous. Why the hell would ANY of the Jedi respect a council Kyp started? If you have a long history of doing things your own way and ignoring the council and views of others, then why would anyone want to be on a council with you? So that whenever the majority goes against Kyp he still goes off and does whatever he wants? Yoda disagreed with the council's decision to let Obi-Wan train Anakin, but he still went along with it because he knows he's not bigger than the council. If Luke and a majority of the council come to a decision Kyp disagrees with, will the NJO Kyp we've seen before this novel follow their lead? Of course not! This "new" Kyp might, but certainly not the one who took off on his own private war against the Vong. Again, the change of direction for Kyp was just too fast for me.

From Zero-One(Easily the best droid in any SW related thing ever)
Huh? Artoo standing in a broom closest has more personality than that forgetable droid. Give me another adventure of Skippy the Jedi Droid anyday. :lol

Another refreshing thing was saw was Han and Leia. Once again, you could feel the love between them and their family. Further more, we saw Han and how he cares for Kyp. I've always thought he'd see him as the son he never had, and it appears to be correct.
I think you mean Kyp sees Han as the father he never had. Why would Han think of Kyp as the son he never had? What are Jacen and Anakin, confused daughters? I enjoyed the interaction between Han, Leia, and Jaina. The brawl in the tent and Leia's jokes about Han's skull were my favorite parts of the novel. I can easily picture Han going balistic when he hears the dowry was not for Leia, but his daughter.

Another thing I didn't expect was for me to like Tenel Ka. To be honest, she annoyed the bleep out of me in SbS. Fact, fact, fact, fact, this is so, fac....AAAARGH! Thankfully, she was vastly improved. The way she took responsibility at the end was a great evolution in her story.
I've always liked Tenal Ka. The "fact" quotes didn't bother me because they're used far LESS than they were in the Young Jedi Knights series. I think she and Raynar are probably the two characters that have stayed closest to their characterizations from that series. Jacen and Jaina are barely recognizable at times. That's not a bad thing, actually it was probably necessary for the NJO storyline.

And to all of those saying he is out of character: HOW DO YOU KNOW? Due to the lack of Kyp POVs, he could have been written in almost any way possible, and it still would have fit. Thankfully, Cunningham chose the best way, IMO.

I think we've had plenty of Kyp's POV. From all of his discussions about what he thinks the Jedi should be doing, to his lies and rationalizations to lying and using Jaina to help destroy the Vong worldship.

It was also nice to see Kyp trying to pay back his debt to Han.
That I enjoyed as well. I wish there was more of that. Han seems to be the only person who Kyp listens to. He's certainly the only non-Jedi he seems to have any regard for. He treats him with more respect than he does Luke.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 5th, 2002, 11:16:45 PM
I still wonder what Kyp is up to, it is still possible that he is lying to everyone, I don't know if this is the case but it is possible. Still Kyp's change is about as dramatic as Dickens Scrooge who went from an evil old man to the nicest man in London in just one night so I think it is possible that somebody can change quick but I still wonder if this is legit. Actually it is possible that they are craving into the fans. I remember reading on other boards how the fans were mad they changed Kyp, that Kyp went from a loyal a Jedi who had beaten back the dark side to someone who is again fighting back the demons. I don't know I wasn't familar with Kyp except for the JAT and I haven't read any other novels with him, so I have no clue if that is the case.

Feb 6th, 2002, 04:02:10 AM
Don't worry Carr, inbetween the JAT and VP he was only used properly in Darksabre, Simple Tricks and one of the YJK books.

He has always been rash and impulsive. Simple Tricks got a lot of his grief about what he had done out.

And I do mean Han sees Kyp as the son. The way how he turns to Leia and says "I tought him that"

Feb 6th, 2002, 08:19:57 PM
Well, I haven't read an EU novel in quite some time, but I was just browsing this thread, and I noticed alot of talk of [spoiler] Han's skulls(?) and Anakin's funeral(?) and all sorts of people getting effed up.[/quote] Could someone tell me what the hell is going on???????

Feb 6th, 2002, 08:34:50 PM
The Han part is sortof a joke. Han has his skull cracked, and Leia jokes that she doesn't believe it. Verry funny :)

Feb 6th, 2002, 08:48:38 PM
Oh. So basically not a whole lot is going on then...

Feb 6th, 2002, 08:59:38 PM
Yes and no. This isn't meant to be the mainstream follow-on IMO. Allston's dulogy takes place at the same time. This was in my mind so certain characters could get their own time and not unpace a novel. Ditto for Traitor, Jacen's one

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 6th, 2002, 10:25:45 PM
Well actually a lot is going on JMK, you mentioned Anakin's funeral well Anakin, Han and Leia's youngest son was killed in Star By Star, that is the biggest event of the NJO (I don't consider this a spoiler any more because the book came out 4 months go. And Reaper when does the first part of the duology come out March? I know Wedge plays a major role in it.

Feb 7th, 2002, 04:54:52 AM
April, and then August. Next two are both in October I believe

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 7th, 2002, 05:59:11 AM

This book has caught my interest. It seems to be different to the rest of the NJO, Yes?

I'll go check this one out

Feb 7th, 2002, 01:25:00 PM
"And I do mean Han sees Kyp as the son. The way how he turns to Leia and says "I tought him that"

That still doesn't make sense. I can understand why Han would feel protective and close to Kyp, but he didn't raise or father Kyp. There's no way he's going to feel as responsible or close to him as one of his OWN sons. There's no way he's going to look at him as "the son he never had" or "the son." He rescued Kyp from the spice mines, took him sking, and taught gave him a few flying lessons, but that's not the same as raising him. He can still feel very close to Kyp, but there's NO indication that he equates that relationship with that of his children, Leia, or even Chewie. I teach kids every day and I have students that stand out and are special to me, but those relationships pale in comparison to those with my OWN kids. It's just not the same. If Han and Leia had adopted and raised/trained Kyp then I'd see your point, but it's just not there.

Still Kyp's change is about as dramatic as Dickens Scrooge who went from an evil old man to the nicest man in London in just one night so I think it is possible that somebody can change quick but I still wonder if this is legit.

That's the way I feel about Kyp's actions here. It was a dramatic change from the direction he'd been taking since the beginning of the NJO. Earlier we talked about the offense that someone may take when they find out Kyp had taken Jaina on as an apprentice. I thought he was referring to how Mara might react to losing her student to Kyp. Hadn't Mara already taken Jaina on as an apprentice? Kind of convienient for Jaina to just jump from one teacher to another without discussing it with her first Master.

Feb 7th, 2002, 01:36:40 PM
I dont mean that he neglects Jacen and Anakin for him :)

I think that he really cares. I saw this for me in JAT, Darksabre, VP and JE, made more in SbS(I thought Han scolding him was OOC for a man who didnt wholly agree with Luke, but fits in more with this theory) and DJ

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 7th, 2002, 01:41:39 PM
I know I was looking for a reaction from Mara but there was none, maybe it will be a future novel. My biggest problem with the book is it raises more questions than answers anything. The only thing made offical was that Anakin was dead and they had his funeral after there was no resolution on anything else, like is Jaina back to the light for good, where is Jacen, did Kyp really change his ways etc, the problem is the next two books seem to deal more with the military side of the struggle while focusing on Wedge, Han, Luke, Leia and Mara, we don't see the other characters until Tyrant and then have to wait till Destiny's Way (HC4) which is November accoriding to Jedi.net for some real resolution.

Feb 7th, 2002, 01:55:19 PM
Tyrant? Mean Traitor?

I think the DJ peeps could appear in Allston's. Being as his is a duology, it could be that Kyp and Jaina(and Jag if he followed there and then) could appear at the start of book 2

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 7th, 2002, 02:30:36 PM
Whoops, just a typo, also you might be right about that at least that one only comes out in two months, isn't it called Behind Enemy Lines

Feb 7th, 2002, 02:46:53 PM
that's the Duology title I believe. The books are Rebel Dream and Rebel Stand(May be the other way round)

Although Rebel Dream was a SD, I dont think it involves that :)

Feb 7th, 2002, 07:34:34 PM
Whoa! How did Anakin Solo die? That is something!

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 7th, 2002, 11:29:03 PM
It happened in Star by Star and as I said I wouldn't classify as a spoiler any longer though I guess you didn't know it so for you it was:p Well its complicated the Young Jedi Knights went on this desperate mission to kiddnapp this queen creature (I forget what it was called) that was a threat to the Jedi. First Anakin get hurt pretty bad and substains some internal bleeding and then the other jedi (including his sister) are in danger and goes to them he exerts himself so much that he dies. That event was the saddest one of them so far in NJO but not the only death the Bothan Borsk got killed too in the capturing of Coruscant , he blew himself up along with thousands of Vong warriors.

Feb 8th, 2002, 12:51:30 PM
They went destroy the ship the Queen was on, but it went wrong and they decided to go in

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 11th, 2002, 06:42:21 AM

I went to get the book. I cant. Cause the local book stores are no longer carrying the NJO series. I'll have to borrow from a friend x_x

I'll give it a fair shot when i do read it.

Feb 11th, 2002, 12:41:49 PM
Macus, I know someone in NZ can't get it yet. Dont know if you have the same release

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 13th, 2002, 03:47:33 AM
My friend says - "Amazon is your best friend"

He gets all his books via them.

Champion of the Force
Feb 13th, 2002, 04:02:47 AM
I agree with Marcus about stores not stocking the NJO series. Most of the stores in my local area only stock 1 or 2 books and that's it (though most have plenty of the Bantam books).

Feb 13th, 2002, 07:29:02 AM
though most have plenty of the Bantam books
It's funny. Round here, Zahn is rare, Hambley is in an abundance :)

Seth Darkserpent
Feb 13th, 2002, 08:42:30 PM
Poor you. I dislike Hambley.

We have pretty much everything here. Except for Splinter of the Minds Eye and Glove of Darth Vader series. I haven't seen those anywhere.

Feb 13th, 2002, 08:45:52 PM
GoDV is ooooooooooold, and you're not meant to remember it. Government agents will appear with the "Forgetful drug" any moment now! :)

That or Will Smith :)

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 14th, 2002, 11:11:43 PM
eeewwwwww, I would rather get an enema that read Hambley again.

Feb 15th, 2002, 12:07:48 PM
She gave the EU Hutt Porn. No, no NO!

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 16th, 2002, 10:24:34 AM
She gave the EU Callista. That is screwed up enough and worthy of a damn good panning.

Seth Darkserpent
Feb 16th, 2002, 10:42:35 AM
Hear Hear!

Feb 16th, 2002, 11:12:19 AM
Oh, she wasn't THAT bad. Compared to Hutt Porn, anyway :)

Sith Ahnk
Feb 24th, 2002, 03:18:09 AM
Anyone seen the cover? Jaina is so hot!

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 24th, 2002, 06:19:28 AM
Jaina... is hot?? WTF?!?!

And to add on to my report about the NJO being hard to find - the local bookshop has stopped stocking them entirely. I now can not get a NJO book except when go into Sydney proper.

I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing.

I will however have Dark Journey in my hands next week.

Sith Ahnk
Feb 24th, 2002, 06:28:28 AM
Marcus, Jaina is on the cover of Dark Journey, and yes, she is hot. At least, in my opinion.
And don't say it's wrong to fantasize about a drawing. It's better than the millions of guys who stand at attention for Lara Croft.

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 24th, 2002, 06:48:58 AM
I have seen the cover. That's what the WTF was for. She looks more like a Barbie doll and far too pale.

As for the rest of your comment..... that would make an interesting discussion point in a different thread I think. While my comment in no way was about the rights and wrongs of that, it's only a comment I dont find the cover model attractive in any way.

Sith Ahnk
Feb 24th, 2002, 06:52:21 AM
http://unjoh.com/gallery/darkjour.jpg if you haven't seen it yet
Eh, I disagree...I think she looks somewhat anguished, which fits the current events. Yeah, she's pale, but it's probably just the light. I'm sure she's not really purple. :)
I'm not interested in that debate and yes damn it the cover model is hot.

Seth Darkserpent
Feb 24th, 2002, 10:34:36 AM
Who cares about the cover. I was drawn to the writing that is usually put inside a book.

Feb 24th, 2002, 02:42:09 PM
I don't think it's a drawing

Seth Darkserpent
Feb 24th, 2002, 07:20:37 PM
I think it was a photograph.

Sith Ahnk
Feb 24th, 2002, 08:30:51 PM
It was a drawing

Feb 25th, 2002, 12:41:55 PM
Can you prove this? :)

Sith Ahnk
Feb 26th, 2002, 12:41:38 AM
I don't have to
All the other covers are illustrated... why differ on this one?
The burden of proof is on you Mr. Fett

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 26th, 2002, 07:14:05 AM
Wrong, he asked you to prove your supposition. That should be simple enough however.

Sith Ahnk
Feb 27th, 2002, 12:30:28 AM
Well when you try and judge against standard you usually have to justify that

Feb 27th, 2002, 03:35:17 AM
but you're not the standard.

Sith Ahnk
Feb 27th, 2002, 07:50:34 PM
No, I meant that the standard NJO book is drawn covered... you have to prove that this one is an illustration since that would be against the standard

Feb 27th, 2002, 07:54:33 PM
It's also "against the standard" to write concurrent books, or to not have Luke/Mara in the Dramatis Personae. But they happened.

Sith Ahnk
Feb 27th, 2002, 09:24:52 PM
I'm not saying it's impossible it's a photograph... I'm just asking... why should I believe it is?
Sing to me, Mr. Fett.

Ton Garin
Feb 28th, 2002, 03:55:19 PM
Well, the official site says:

Dark Journey, cover by Steven Anderson

But that still doesn't mean that the picture of Jaina is an illustration.

Mar 10th, 2002, 11:54:40 PM
And please Fett...DON'T SING!