View Full Version : Journey to the Wilds of Aurash

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 31st, 2002, 12:23:27 AM
:: There were several landing pads on Arcan IV that were separated from the regular commercial access of the planet. Numbered 1 through 15, they were exclusively reserved for the Jedi's use. Landing pad four began bustling with activity at sunrise. A modified Corellian bulk freighter was being given a thorough shakedown from head to toe. Half of its cargo space was modified to carry other craft. Adjacent to the freighter, eight very strange dagger-shaped fighters were being prepped for storage aboard. While the fighter design may have seemed new, it was in fact a very old model. Old, but one that had been remarkably effective, nearly for a thousand years.

It was a Jedi starfighter. Amazingly fast, and amazingly maneuverable, the fighter was armed with two strong laser cannons, a proton torpedo launcher, and no shields. While this made it marginally on par with an A-wing, in the hands of a Jedi with the Force as his ally, the fighter was superior to nearly any threat put against it. It was proof that newer was not necessarily better. The design had been the steed of millions of Jedi Knights in years long past...before the dark times of the Empire.

In the distance, Anbira Hicchoru watched the freighter Alderaan as technicians tested out its systems with miniscule detail. Within the hour, his accomplices would arrive at the landing pad, and they would prepare to embark for Aurash, on the unknown fringes of Wild Space. It would take at least a month, and what they might encounter, was not known. But it was an adventure worthy of the Jedi, and the knowledge to be gained outweighed the unknowns they were about to ply through. ::

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 31st, 2002, 01:19:34 AM
The day’s light was just as it usually was here at the order as Eldrak rolled back the boulder that was the door to his most unusual room. It was a cave-like hole he had dug himself and fashioned a door and windows for in the woods a short distance from the Greater Jedi Order’s Academy. He had taken this place as his room while he awaited the time that Anbira took him as a Padawan as promised on the day of their first meeting. That time had come, he was now officially Anbira’s Padawan learner, yet he still had no real one on one training in the Force.

He had read a great deal of literature on the subject and attended a general class which many other Padawans also attended, but he was still very unfamiliar with the use of the power that flowed through Jedi and was within every thing around them. He would at some point learn to wield that tool, and perhaps the trip he was about to take would be the beginning of that learning experience.

The seven foot four inch tall green Kashirian exited his hole, rolled the boulder of a door back in front of the entrance and started walking to the place where they were supposed to gather to be off on a informatory mission that Anbira had proposed to the Padawans of the order. Eldrak had been among those that the proposal was pitched to and he was among the first to agree to accompany the respected man. His step was energetic and light even for a being that weighed in well over three hundred and fifty pounds.

With awe he watched the ships come and go and be worked on upon the many areas here in the vacinity of the landing pads, but he did not waste time, he kept moving and finally arrived at landing pad four where his Master was awaiting the meeting of all that had agreed to go on this mission. Eldrak greeted Anbira with a slight bow, but did not speak, just smiled.

Xazor Elessar
Jan 31st, 2002, 08:21:17 AM
Xazor walked into the hanger. She was dressed in red robes that hung to her feet. Her hood was over her head and shadows covered her face. Pieces of her blonde hair fell around her face. She spotted Anbira and walked towards him, carrying her bag with everthing she needed. She saw Eldrak standing there with him and once she arrived to the group, she stood next to him.

I am here and ready for this mission, sir.

She said to Anbira. She smiled brightly at him.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 31st, 2002, 11:52:50 AM
OOC: Not in a hangar :) Landing pad = outside.


:: Anbira turned at the newly-sensed presence, smiling as his new Padawan arrived. ::

Ah, Eldrak, you've arrived. There's much to be done before our quest begins, it seems. Technicians have been milling about since before the sun came up, and it will be some time yet before we embark.

:: As he talked, Xazor also arrived ::

Fine morning to you, young Padawan.

:: Anbira gazed to the freighter, and further beyond to the rising sun. He reached into his robe, removing a curling sprig of Zansanar, which he pressed between his teeth. ::

I trust the both of you slept well.

:: From under the crook of his arm, Anbira removed a medium-sized parcel, and tossed it to Eldrak ::

A little something I think that will be of some use to you in the future, Eldrak.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 31st, 2002, 03:20:15 PM
Eldrak responded to the statement regarding sleeping well with but a sheepish nod, after he had turned and acknowledged the arrival of the other Padawan with a warm smile and slight wave.

The next thing Anbira did surprised him and if it weren’t for his naturally quick reflexes, the package would have hit him dead center in the middle of the chest, but instead he caught it and looked it over briefly before looking back up at Anbira inquisitively.

The Kashirian had brought nothing with him except the robes on his back, the Katana he had found but never unsheathed and a small data-pad tucked into the folds of his robe. Eldrak owned nothing more than these few items, but now he had received a gift. He looked back down to the parcel and began to open it, curiosity taking firm hold and driving him to want to know what it was.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 31st, 2002, 05:31:43 PM
Not knowing his way around well enough after being here for only five days, Loki was shown the way by a helpful protocol droid; well as far as the droid deemed it neccessary to assist him. After walking with the little boy for about five minutes the droid stopped, pointed him in the right direction and left, it's clean, silver body shining in the sunlight. Now, however he had a good enough idea and continued on his way.

Struggling under a large rucksack filled with several changes of clothes and his hygene-bag; "It doesn't matter where you go or how olong for, always make sure you have got plenty of changes of clothes - you can never be too careful! Oh! And don't forget to be always smart and presentable, I didn't get you that new hygene bag for nothing now!" They were a couple of the many instructions his mother had given him before leaving with his father for duty in the new Republic. That was four days ago.

The last few days have been eventful to say the least; from becoming a Padawan Learner to seeing his first Sith he couldn't understand why all of a sudden his life hasn't always been this interesting. Nevertheless, for the time-being he was willing to stick to what he enjoyed; having a good read and naturally he has equipped himself with three books for this particular journey. In a second bag, a satchell of sorts he carried as well as a datapad a small book he picked up from the Jedi Resource Centre; The Padawan Handbook which is apparently approved by a certain Jedi called Yoghurt, Loki had not heard of him before. Also there was a rather weighty book, Jedi History and finally Exotic and Rare Horticulture.

In his other hand he carried a glass case containing an extremely rare species of plant from the wookiee homeworld, Kashyyyk, it was only a bud at the moment but the curious boy was interested in caring for it and watching it grow - it was his first plant - and he felt responsible for it and had affectionatly named it "Protius" after his father's first plant.

Soon enough, a tired out little Padawan had met up with the others, his cheeks were red from the struggle of carrying all the essentials and he threw his bags down with a heavy sigh, then crouching down placed Protius on the floor.

"Hi guys!" he huffed, wheezing for breath. Then coming to his senses, he paused in embarressment at remembering the required formality when greeting fellow Jedi Padawan's. Quickly turning on his heel to face Anbira, he bowed his head and said politely, "Good morning Master Anbira."

Estelle Russard
Jan 31st, 2002, 10:11:58 PM
"Thanks for the lift.."

Estelle exited the service-cart and the young mechanic in the grease stained coveralls gave her a cheerful wave and spun the vehicle around and accelerated off in the direction he had come.

She was very excited about the coming trip and it showed in every movement she made.

The new padawan had only just returned from her travels with Aurelias Kazaar- Bounty Hunter, and her unlikely Educator in surviving the seedier side of galactic life. The two had become close and Estelle, while very anxious to continue her training under the esteemed tuteledge of Master ReaperFett, had been sad at their parting. She knew somehow that their paths would be intertwined again, but for now each had their own journey to walk. She missed him already. Estelle was glad of the opportunity be quickly thrust in a new challenge - one that would demand all her attention and effort and do much to teach her in the Jedi ways and lore. Aurash.

She was so grateful to Master Hicchoru who had accepted her, along with a number of other Padawans, to accompany him.

A small group was forming infront of a small array of craft and Estelle wondered which they would be travelling in.
She walked towards them pulling her duffle bag back onto her shoulder as the straps had slipped down a little. She did a quick review in her mind that she had remembered to bring everything. Clothing, small med kit, a travelling datapack much like a laptop computer but a great deal smaller for her to record journal-style information or events that she would later like to investigate, and a long dark stong-smelling cigar. She grinned as she remembered Kazaar giving it to her for luck and told her to kill any hack that would try take it from her. He had given her his lighter too, just because he knew she didnt have one, and "Whats a cigar if it aint lit, kid?"

She joined those who had arrived already, and smiling, introduced herself to Xazor, Eldrak and the young boy, Loki who seemed even more excited than her.

With a slight bow, she greeted Master Anibra also.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 1st, 2002, 02:08:57 AM
:: Eldrak unwrapped the parcel with his large hands. Slowly, it became visible to all. Thick brown cloth spilled out of the package, as well as a lighter cloth of a strange texture, a belt, and boots to match the darker brown robe. Anbira watched the large alien as he recognized what he was given. Smiling, the old Jedi handed Loki a similar parcel ::

I figure your first quests as Padawan Learners would simply not be proper without befitting attire. Eldrak, somewhere on Arcan, there's a seamstress who is suffering from sleep deprivation, and would rather not see my face again anytime soon.

:: His face wrinkled upward into a grin as he laughed ::

It will be the first proper bit of Jedi pariphenalia you'll have.

:: His face became serious, in some lesser manner ::

But let your ideas of galavanting about with sabers slashing end here. You're my Padawan Learners, and learning is what you shall do.

:: He turned to Estelle, bowing to her ::

And a fine morning to you, Estelle.

:: He smiled ::

As eager as the others. It is a good day.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 1st, 2002, 11:35:46 AM
Xazor smiled at the other padawans who were there for the mission. She had only had the opportunity to meet Loki before this......she didn't know the others. None the less....she would get to know them through this experience. She looked at Anbira and spoke.

Where shall I put my bag, sir?

She asked quietly.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 1st, 2002, 12:06:32 PM
A lady named Estelle introduced herself to him, she seemed rather pleasant indeed and like Loki, she seemed to be looking forward to the journey a lot. It would be a learning experience for the boy, although a Padawan, he was only eight years old and just under four feet heigh. Oh how sore his neck would be after this excursion, perhaps he could persuade Eldrak to kneel down and trudge cross-country with him like that, that way he wouldn't have to look up too far.

He smiled looking up at the man mountain next to him; his shoulders were as wide as Loki was tall. "Once the summer is over," he thought, "Perhaps I could ask Eldrak to come to Chandrilla and take me into school on my first day back - those boys wouldn't come near me after that, knowing I had him for a friend!"

Anbira was in his usual light-hearted mood, and to Loki's suprise he handed him a parcel, the boy fumbled about with it in his hands for a moment - he was no good at receiving gifts - then began to open it.

"Thank you very much!" he exclaimed in glee as he marvelled at the traditional Jedi attire Anbira had bestowed him. They looked like they'd fit him fine too, however he didn't like the look of those big, weighty boots; practical as they were for walking, it would take some getting used to.

"If you don't mind, I would like to change into these right away. That way I don't stand out-" he looked around the group, then smiled, "-too much!"

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 1st, 2002, 01:14:29 PM
Aftering having seen one of the padawans - who he had been labelled as Estelle - hitch a lift on a small cart his gaze had been guided straight over to the amassed group of Jedi. Was he late? There seemed to be already at least 5 or 6 of them there. He cast a glance upwards - the sun was fairly high in the sky; and he therefore could not have been that late. Never the less, he picked up a brisk jog and then burst into a sprint.

The Knight of the Old Republic slowed as he neared the group, bowing with the utmost respect to Anbira.

"Pardon my lack in punctuality, sir."

He stood up sharply and folded his hands behind his back.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Feb 1st, 2002, 02:42:14 PM
Eldrak smiled as he opened the package and thanked his master profusely. With such robes it would hide how he appeared to some extent, though his would still appear as if a giant, his green skin would be far less noticeable covered in such clothing and he would also look just as a Padawan should.

Without hesitation or shame, he tugged at the belt holding on his current robe and let it fall to the ground, quickly putting the new garb on and securing it with the belt. He had no idea that others might think it rude or wrong for him to change right in front of them, social customs were not one of his strong points.

He had heard what Loki had said and replied to the small boy as he examined the boots.

“You could sit perched upon my shoulders and be the largest of your kind any has ever seen.”

He had never been one to cover his feet with shoes of any kind and wandered how practical they would be, or if they would stand up to his weight, much less the bones that occasionally extended from the tops of his feet in tense situations. With a kind of disappointed look he just set the boots aside, hoping no one would say anything about his not donning them.

He stood tall and proud in his new robe, its hood not drawn up over his head but sitting down on his back and shoulders. It fit him rather well and funnily would probably have been enough cloth to cover three or four of the other Padawans he had met, and more than likely been enough to make Loki fifteen robes if not more.

There was another new arrival, which he greeted with a warm smile and slight nod. He was more an observing type than a socializing one, so he remained quiet for the most part and just watched.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 1st, 2002, 03:00:58 PM
Xazor nodded to the new comer and decided to introduce herself.

Hello.........my name is Xazor. I have seen you around before, but never actually had the pleasure of meeting you.

She said kindly said to Dasquian as she extended her hand to him. Her blonde hair gently fell around her face and her warm blue eyes seemed to speak kindness.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 1st, 2002, 03:23:15 PM
For the first time since he had approached Anbira about joining in on the mission, Dasquian got a good look at his travelling comrades. The large green skinned Padawan who had just greeted him caught his attention first. He was not of any race Dasquian recognised, though the cheery attitude he employed - contradicting what one would attribute to such a large creature - made the Jedi smile.

Then, looking to the blonde girl, he held out his hand, bowing softly as he did so.

"Greeting, Xazor. My name is Dasquian... pleased to meet you," he said in his most formal of voices as he shook the girls hand.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 1st, 2002, 05:11:50 PM
For a Jedi who looked as strong as he did, his hand shake was ever so gentle. Xazor smiled at his gentlemen like attitude towards her.

It is a pleasure to meet you also, Dasquian.

She said in a soft voice.

Estelle Russard
Feb 2nd, 2002, 03:49:08 PM
Estelle looked on as Eldrak and Loki put on their padawan robes given them by Anibra, and smiled at their pleasure. Such a simple gesture of donning the robe that signified beginning such a profound destiny.

The responsibility of their calling seemed suddenly to sink into the young padawan, and again feelings of inadequacy assaulted her mind. Yet she knew enough that this was only the beginning of her training, and she could only grow and become more able from this point on. This made her anxious to be on their way.

Master Hicchoru noted her change of mood and frowned slightly. Perhaps he was dismayed at her lack of confidence, or maybe the fact she was getting impatient.. Estelle couldn't tell, but she stepped back and tried to disapear a little behind the rest of the group. Unconsciously, she straightened Loki's robe alittle at the shoulders for him. He reminded her of her younger brother, Rob. Loki was looking at her, and she realised she was patting his arm like she used to do to Rob.

Feeling awkward, she folded her arms and tried her best to keep still and out of the way. She nodded a "welcome" hello to the latest arrival, Dasquian, as he and Xazor talked.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 2nd, 2002, 06:39:35 PM
Before leaving to get changed Loki greeted the latest arrival within the group, a well-spoken, kindly Jedi called Dasquian who shortly, began conversing with a rather pleased Xazor.

Loki's eyes widened in shock as Eldrak decided to bare all and hastily averted his eyes until he'd finished changing into his new clothing and suprisingly, it was a very good fit and suited him. Loki thought to himself, "I'll have to bring to his attention certain customs, such as not changing clothes in public; it could cause some touble in intolerant places."

Then Loki's face lit up as he heard what Eldrak had to say, imagining how impressive he would look some eight feet up above the ground - "I'd be able to see for miles!" - he thought to himself.

"You'll regret saying that big guy! I'll hold you to it!" he laughed.

Then in response to Anbira's earlier statement about gallabanting with sabers he declared, "Oh certainly! I'd be more of a risk to myself let alone anybody else with one of those sabers. I'll be more than happy with learning. Mind you-" he paused whilst he thought, then added, "-I suppose I will have to learn to use a lightsaber one day, never can be too careful I guess!"

Loki then ran off to get changed and returned a couple of minutes later, he had taken as much care with it as possible but like every boy his age, no matter how hard he tried there'd always be a bit of shirt hanging out or an upturned collar or something. He was pleasantly suprised to find Estelle fixing his clothes were there were creases - it reminded him of his mother - and as she wasn't here to do that for now he was glad he'd found someone who might help him look presentable.

She seemed obviously uncomfortable when he noticed her patting his arm but he didn't care, it was like he was being cared for and it made him feel warm inside. He smiled thankfully at the young lady. Then crouching down he took a bottle of water from his bag and had a quick drink then began humming to himself the tune to a song he'd heard just before he'd left for the landing pad.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 5th, 2002, 12:49:39 AM
The shadows around then come together and seem to step away from the rest. They were in the shape of a human girl around 5'7". She walks up behind Xazor as the others look at her in an odd way. The shadows start to melt away and almost wash off Sia-lan and flows back to the rest of the shadows.

"Sorry for being a bit late." she says. Her sword was straped to her back and her saber was attached to her belt. She had a small back pack with a few belongings in it slung over her sholder.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 6th, 2002, 04:06:36 AM
:: Anbira's eyes panned around ::

Our quest numbers seven now. What of the others? Shade, Christian, and Salemn?

Eldrak Gruuhl
Feb 6th, 2002, 02:39:20 PM
Eldrak’s attention moved from himself and his new garb to the visage of Anbira. After his master had spoken Eldrak looked around as if searching the immediate area, but he saw nothing that could answer the question posed. His own habitat at the academy being as separated as it was also made it so that he knew less of the dealings of the other Padawans, and he had not seen any of the others before coming here. With large eyes he merely shrugged, suspecting that they would have to await their arrival before the departure could take place.

Shade Magus
Feb 6th, 2002, 09:10:57 PM
Shade ran to the landing pad. He had een in his bed and had just come out of a meditation trance. He ran to the landing pad and bowed before Anbira and the others. His clothes were a bit ruffled.

"Sorry for being late."

Estelle Russard
Feb 6th, 2002, 11:15:09 PM
Two more had joined the group, and it probably wouldnt be long now before the others arrived and they would be off.

She smiled as she heard Loki humming to himself. She always took that to be a sign of someone who was happy just"to be". Children were often just that, happy, and it made Estelle feel good to hear him, even if it made her a little homesick at the same time.

"Tell me, Loki, do you know much about where we are going? About Aurash?"

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 7th, 2002, 05:09:47 PM
"Well," he began, pausing for a moment to think, "To be honest nothing more than what Master Hicchoru has mentioned in the brief earlier: One of the few chartered worlds in the depths of wild space. The Jedi established a frontier colony there generations ago but unfortunately, for reasons unknown, all signals from Aurash have ended. It is said to be dangerous - how dangerous, I cannot say - if I was aware of the exact dangers there's a chance I mightn't have had the courage to volunteer. Mind you, what you don't know can't harm you-"

"-yet." He finished grimly.

The little Padawan had been unable to find any information of the planet in any of the accessable Jedi resources or any other for that matter; otherwise he would've read up on it before going.

He looked up at Estelle, frowning and shrugging his shoulders slightly in almost an apology for not answering her question properly.

"Sorry, my knowledge of the planet is somewhat limited as you can tell. What do you know of this place?"

He half dreaded what her answer would unveil to him, the horrors of Aurash!

Salemn Lysce
Feb 8th, 2002, 09:29:11 PM
Salemn could feel a slight breeze ruffle against her skin lightly as she ran, her light suitcase banging against her leg. She was late and she hoped that the group didn't leave without her. Biting her lower lip, her eyes scanned the area for the same people she saw at the B&G. Suddenly she spotted a group of people standing around. Figuring it was her group, she ran faster, energised with a new spurt of speed. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally reached the group and skidded to a stop, blushing at her entrance. She glanced at everyone, noting their differences and alikes, then looked down at the ground. She hoped nobody would notice her, being that she was just one who liked to blend in. She kicked at the ground while mentally she was making sure she had packed everything she needed - two pair of clothes, her lightsabre, a flask of water, and some food. Sure that she had everything, she finally looked up, waiting.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 8th, 2002, 10:52:31 PM
...And the tenth arrives.

:: Anbira turned to Salemn ::

You...are late, Padawan. Mind you to not be late in the future. We nearly departed without you.

:: In his seriousness, Anbira's gaze could be piercing and quite unsettling. Yet, the wrinkled corners of his face turned upwards in a smile ::

Now, let us set out. The transport is ready.

:: In the next few minutes, the 10 Jedi began to file their equipment onboard the Alderaan. Anbira helped when needed, and also toured the ship with the portmaster, making sure that it was operational and spaceworthy. After a while, everybody was settled in, and assembled on the bridge. Anbira stood next to a man with a crewcut and a blue uniform. ::

:: Yanex nodded ::

Padawans, this is Commander Yanex. He will be our pilot on this voyage.

:: He raised an eyebrow ::

I trust you to treat him with the same good graces you would give to me.

:: Anbira turned to Yanex ::


:: Yanex cleared his throat, and delivered his briefing ::

Due to the extreme location of Aurash...some 12 sectors beyond even the remote planet of Bakura, it will take nearly a month in hyperdrive to reach our destination. Including occasional planetary stops and possible maintenance, our total trip should be around two months. We have enough rationing to sustain us for four months here, but if needed, we can secure other supplies from planets along the way. We do not anticipate any hostiles, since the collapse of TSE, but my ship has some armaments, so we will be ready.

:: Yanex nodded ::

Now, if you'll excuse me...we'll be leaving port.

:: He exited, and within minutes, the Alderaan lifted off, leaving Arcan IV...and plunging into hyperspace...with Aurash a month away ::

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 9th, 2002, 01:21:28 AM
Sia walked into the living area and droped her things off at one of the bunks. She walks back to the others and takes a seat in a chair off to one side.

"Two months is a long time. Are you all going to just stand there the whole time?" She asks the ones that are still standing with their gear.

Estelle Russard
Feb 9th, 2002, 01:28:27 AM
She fell into step with Loki as they began to file toward the "Alderaan" - the arrival of Salemn prompting Master Anibra to direct them to board.

"You know more than I do about our destination, Loki. I think you are going to be a great asset on this trip."

Once they were all assembled on the bridge, they were introduced to Commander Yanex who gave a breif rundown of what their journey entailed. Estelle couldnt speak for the others, but she would hazard a guess they all were feeling varying degrees of excitement and apprehension for the mission they were embarking on. She looked at each member of their group in turn and wondered who and how their lives would effect one another in the very near future..

As Commander Yanex finished speaking and the group dispersed a little, an Ensign offered to show Estelle and a couple of the others of the group to their respective quarters, but she declined. She wanted to watch from the deck as they departed. The closed confines of a room was not where she wanted to be right now. They had a very long time to spend on ship, atleast a month according to Yanex, and she had plenty of time to be cooped up in quarters.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 9th, 2002, 06:10:03 AM
A pleasantly calm feeling came over him as the ship began to take off. He had not been around ships very much, and all those that he had were befell by a fate most cruel. This one he doubted would be the same - it felt safe, and very right for him to be here. With such a large group of force users, it was much like the mission he was sent on when he first attained the rank of Knight, only this time the excursion would be a success.

After having stood for a contemplative moment or two simply surveying the area he turned away and headed over to where one of the padawans had sat down. Dasquian placed down his satchel and made himself at home in one of the chairs. He sat very stiff and upright, his posture pratically perfect, obviously well praticed.

"The time will fly past."

The 'old' Jedi leant back and let out a quiet sigh.

"We have each other to keep us company, and the stars will never fail to be a source of much wonder..."

His eyes moved slowly around the room, lingering at the viewscreen as the tiny glowing studs passed. It was a settling scene to be in, one that put ones mind and soul at rest.

"Are you looking forward to getting to Aurash, Sia-Lan?"

The light haired man turned back to his comrade and smiled.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 9th, 2002, 06:37:02 PM
Sia-lan glanced up at him then looked to one side.

"It is more or less my first mission. I don't know how I will react. I'm not excited yet I am not bored." She shrugs and looks back up at him. "And what of you? Are you excited about our mission."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 12th, 2002, 06:01:50 PM
Xazor glanced at Shade, who was late as usual. She smiled at him and then looked around at the other padawans. Some were gathered in groups and talking to one another......yet she seemed to be the outsider again....sitting alone against a wall in the ship.

Two monthes......you're going to get sick of me by then, Shade...

She smiled as she said this to him through the Force. At least she knew she could rely on him for company.

Shade Magus
Feb 12th, 2002, 09:18:52 PM
Shade smiled at Xazor.

You wish! I will find out something new everyday and have fun with it!

Shade grinned as he thought about all the missheif he would get into.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 13th, 2002, 05:34:26 AM
"A new mission is always something to be excited about ... I have been on many, and yet still each never becomes boring."

Dasquian looked over to Xazor and Shade from one to another and smiled, nodding to them. He mentally spoke to both then, through the force.

"Come and sit if you want to talk."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 13th, 2002, 10:21:01 AM
Xazor looked at Shade and smiled. She heard Dasquian speak and didn't even think twice before finding a place next to him to sit down.

So, you have been on many missions? You sound much like myself. I have also been on quite a few and I do agree that each one has never been boring.

She smiled as she mentally recalled all of these things. She looked back up at Shade and motioned for him to sit next to her.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 13th, 2002, 02:13:25 PM
Sia nods slightly then gives the guy an odd look.

"One thing bothers me though. How did you know my name if we have never met befor?" She asks him.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 13th, 2002, 02:24:12 PM
"I've been on a fair amount of missions .. and it was one such mission that caused me to find the GJO."

Dasquian thought on revealing the details of his coming to be in modern times, but dismissed the idea - the tale would only bore them. Instead he looked to Sia-Lan.

"How did I know your name? For one, I can probe your mind via the Force to find it out,"

He paused and smiled cockily.

"Also, I heard one of the others mentioning it in reference to you."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 13th, 2002, 02:32:34 PM
Sounds exciting.........I too was on a sort of mission when I found the GJO.......

Xazor did not think it wise to tell of that "mission"......for it was more of an escape than anything else. She smiled at Sia-Lan's confused look as they disscussed how he knew her name.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 13th, 2002, 02:47:44 PM
Sia sticks her tongue out at Xazor in a playfull manor.:p She then reaches into her pocket and retreaves two silver orbs. She places them on the table and uses the force to make them start spining around each other. She was starting to get a bit bored. Space ships had never been any interest to her.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 13th, 2002, 02:56:04 PM
Xazor gave a little laugh. She saw Sia take out the silver orbs and place them on the table.

Bored already? Tis only been a few hours!

Xazor smiled at her for a moment as she realized she too was getting bored.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 13th, 2002, 02:59:29 PM
"It gives me something to do other than just sit. I dont have someone to flirt with unlike you Xazor." Sia looks up at Xazor with a grin and glances at Shade.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 13th, 2002, 03:39:54 PM
Xazor turned red and smiled brightly.

I'm really glad that he came on this trip.

She said with a sly grin. She quickly flashed Shade a smile and looked back at Sia and laughed.

I think he's glad too...

She said with a smile.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 13th, 2002, 03:48:49 PM
Sia starts laughing at Xazor.

"Yea you get all the guys. I'm just the hacker teen." She smirks again.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 13th, 2002, 03:54:09 PM
Dasquian cleared his throat and leant back uneasily in his chair. He rose one eyebrow then yawned quietly and dropped into silence, amusing himself by floating his saber hilt back and forth between hands. He really did try not to look embarassed, but failed quite admirably.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 13th, 2002, 03:55:56 PM
Xazor looked at Dasquian and smiled at his red face.

What's wrong?

She asked with a slight laugh.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 13th, 2002, 03:57:11 PM
Sia looks at Dasquian as he starts playing around with his saber. She losses concetration on the spheres and they clang together with a loud metal on metal sound.

"Oops" She says and picks them up.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 13th, 2002, 04:02:57 PM
A quick nervous glance up and a shake of the head.

"Oh no, nothing. It's none of my business really, personal lives and all."

He smiled coyly as he continued to watch his saber pass from palm to palm.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 13th, 2002, 09:01:10 PM
Xazor gave a slight laugh as she watched him play with his saber. She smiled slyly and yanked it from between his hands using the Force. She saw his surprised look and smiled gently.

My private life? Ask Sia and others in the bar about that.....what's private about it?

She laughed in a playful manner. She was mostly joking about it, though.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 13th, 2002, 09:57:15 PM
"hm. Now Xazor, if your taken, your taken. Now stop flirting." Sia says and yanks the saber away with the force and tosses it back to Dasquian. She then leans back in her chair and places her right elbow on the back of it.

Shade Magus
Feb 13th, 2002, 11:16:21 PM
Shade stood silently with his back against the wall. For those that knew him, they could tell he was troubled, but he did ot let on. He built sheilds up around him so that none could enter.

Estelle Russard
Feb 14th, 2002, 01:36:18 AM
She watched the others with curiosity. Some of her fellow padawans had varying degrees of skill in using the force and their demonstrations were, to Estelle, quite amazing.

She had only just come to a confidence in herself that she had force ability. Time spent with Kazaar had revealed many truths about herself to herself, but she had never moved her force capability to the physical realm as yet.

She hoped that was going to change on this journey.

The interaction between Shade and Xazor and the others made her smile. Too often serious thoughts cluttered the mind and it was nice to see that life was full of hopes and promise of things to come.

Moving around the deck, she looked on as the various crew worked at their stations. Mentioning she would like to learn some of the communications and general codes to one, a starched young woman with her hair pulled into a small neat bun, said she would find time, during the month-long trip, to give Estelle a general overview. "It will be good to pass the time"

The padawan was pleased about that and decided there perhaps might be much opportunity to learn here. She was sure they would have a training or holodeck of some sort. Perhaps she could find one of the others to help teach her some combat skills or something similar. Anything will help. She wanted to make use of the time with Master Anibra, and those further along in training than herself.

She had much hope of achievement in this mission, both personally and for the Jedi Order itself.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 14th, 2002, 01:37:37 AM
:: The Alderaan's accomodations were liveable, and even could be confortable. However, the crew quarters followed general military procedure. Open, flatbed bunks, stacked one on top of each other. The freighter could accomodate as many as twenty. Fortunately, only half that number were aboard.

While the others conversed, Anbira slowly settled down on a bunk, easing his frame into a prone position. Slowly and laboriously...he drifted off to sleep.

But dreams would soon come. And his sleep would likely come to an abrupt end. ::

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 14th, 2002, 04:46:14 AM
He pocketed the hilt in the depths of his robes and reclined comfortably in his chair, shaking his head lightly with a quiet laugh to himself. It was quite obvious that Shade was a bit miffed about Xazor's behaviour, so Dasquian decided not to add any more fuel to the fire.

He stood up, bounced from foot to foot then began to walk back and forth a little. He founded himself an open area just beside where the others were sitting and began punching at the air in short sharp jabs. He continued praticing fighting with kicks and punches, linking them all together into a repetitive routine.

Shade Magus
Feb 14th, 2002, 07:09:54 AM
Shade watched Dasquian as he practiced his kata. It looked unique to him, and Shade was always in the mood to learn something new. He walked over to the young elf and nodded.

"Your technique looks interesting. Since we have awhile mind if you try to teach me?"

Shade also sent a message to him privately.

Don't worry. I wasn't upset about you and Xazor.......it was about my brother.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 14th, 2002, 10:34:11 AM
Sia watched Shade and Dasquian as they practiced. She shook her head again and slouched back in the chair. Her mind drifts back to when she still lived on Naboo. Her eyes staired strait ahead twards the two but she wanst looking at them. more beyond them. She didnt move other than her breathing.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 15th, 2002, 04:56:04 PM
Xazor felt the change in Shade's aura immediatly. She watched him as he interacted with Dasquian. He was very distant.

Shade......what is wrong? And don't tell me nothing, because I know something's up. Are you upset with me or something......?

She spoke through the Force so only he could hear.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 15th, 2002, 08:07:13 PM
:: The aged Jedi slept very lightly. Dreams and visions did come, all swirled about and indecipherable. His breathing was shallow, as his eyes fluttered about behind closed lids. After a particuarly-intense moment, Anbira woke, rising quickly from his bunk. His quickened breathing began to slow, as he employed Jedi methods to calm himself. A few meters foredeck, he could see the others arranged in the ship's galley, carrying on as they had been when they first debarked. He slowly stood, walking towards them to join them. ::

Shade Magus
Feb 15th, 2002, 11:11:19 PM
Shade shook hi head at Xazor. She couldn't understand what he was thinking, but he woudl tell her when the time was right. He sent her a reply via the Force.

Ask me later.....I'll tell you then......

Xazor Elessar
Feb 15th, 2002, 11:20:41 PM
Alright..........you don't have to tell me at all if you don't want to.........I was just wondering...........maybe I do that too much....

Now she felt bad for even asking. No matter what she did, it always turned out wrong somehow. She shook her head and looked at the floor where she sat. Trying to forget about how she felt, she looked up at Sia.

So....did you think of something to do? Seems as though your flirting idea isn't a good one right now.....

She said the last part through the Force so that no one else would hear. She occasionally glanced up at Shade who gave her a confused look now and again.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 16th, 2002, 04:57:55 PM
Sia snaps out of the trance like state she had been in. She looks at Xazor a bit startled after coming around. She then smirks.

"Sorry I guess I dazed off for a moment." SHe says to her.

< No I doubt it would be a very good idea at the moment. I mean this because of who is walking up behind you. > Sia says to Xazor through the force as she stands up and bows to Anbira.

"Sorry if our racket disturbed you, sir." she says to him.

Salemn Lysce
Feb 16th, 2002, 05:55:56 PM
Salemn followed the others example as they walked in and sat down. Some went off to the living spaces to drop off their things, but she stayed where she was. She would rather keep everything she owned with her instead of risking it. Sitting down in a chair, she set her bag at her feet and made herself comfortable. Folding her hands neatly in her lap, she sighed quietly to herself.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 16th, 2002, 06:49:56 PM
You're right.......

She said through the Force and rose to greet Anbira. She bowed respectfully and smiled.

Yes, we apologize if our racket disturbed your rest.

She spoke in a quieter voice to him as to not appear up to anything.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 16th, 2002, 06:54:21 PM
Sia-lan pokes Xazor with the force and watches her squerm and try and figure out who did it. Sia keeps a strait face so she doesnt appear to be the one. After a moment of Anbira being in the room, she takes her seat again. She looks over at Salemn Lysce.

"Hello. How are you?"

Salemn Lysce
Feb 16th, 2002, 07:55:49 PM
Salemn watched as Anbira walked into the room and bowed her head respectfully to him. After raising her head she looked away, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. She heard a feminine voice greet somebody but paid no attention, figuring it was probably somebody else. When silence followed after it, though, she raised her head to see why nobody had answered. She saw a woman looking straight at her and her eyes widened. She was the one being spoken to. Her heartbeat sped faster and she was sure she probably went white. Licking her lips nervously, she looked back down at the ground, sending the woman a message via the Force.


Xazor Elessar
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:00:48 PM
Xazor squirmed and laughed all at the same time. She looked up at Dasquian and Shade......neither one of them could have done it......especially not Shade.....he was barely speaking to her. She then looked slowly over at Sia Lan. She smiled slyly at her and poked her back with the Force. She knew she had done it. She watched Sia squirm and giggle.

Got ya back.....

She said through the Force. She then looked in the direction Sia was looking. She saw a young woman sitting by herself. She smiled and spoke through the Force to her.

Hello, my name is Xazor! What is your name?

Her inquisitive voice showed through the Force.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:11:29 PM
Sia gives Xazor an odd look out of the corner of her eye. She then starts to tickle Xazor through the force. Xazor is laughing so hard she falls twards the two guys that are watching them. Sia smirks and walks over to Salemn.

"Hello. I'm Sia-lan. Who are you?" She asks her.

Salemn Lysce
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:36:23 PM
Salemn could feel her hands start to tremble when another woman spoke to her. People were beginning to notice her. She bit her lower lip hard enough that it drew blood. Tasting the copper in her mouth, she stopped and sighed, sending the same Force message to them both.

My name is Salemn...

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:39:35 PM
Sia glances at Xazor and shrugs. She then holds out her right hand to Salemn.

"Nice to meet you. I'm one of the other jedi padawans around here." She says.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 16th, 2002, 08:41:52 PM
Greetings, Salemn. I like your name, it's pretty.

Xazor said through the Force with a friendly smile. She noticed the two guys looking at her in funny after she had the tickle spell from Sia.

Don't worry.......payback is harsh.

She joked with her and then stood up and walked toward Salemn.

I might as well get to know someone else, seeing as though something is up with Shade.....

Xazor spoke to Sia through the Force, making sure no one else heard her.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 16th, 2002, 09:34:09 PM
Sia nods and lowers her hand. She then turns to Xazor.

"I guess so." She says outloud. She then walks back to her seat and sits down.

Shade Magus
Feb 17th, 2002, 12:28:23 AM
Shade walked over to an empty seat and pulled out a book and some papers from his robes and layed them on the floor. He then began to try and read the papers, but it was difficult since they were all in anceint languages, but from what he had learned so far he was afraid to continue. But he had to.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 17th, 2002, 11:49:42 AM
Dasquian stopped shadow boxing and offered a bow and smile to Anbira.


The other padawans antics came to his attention now and his smile widened slightly. A new face had emerged from somewhere also - Salemn. He nodded softly to the girl in greeting before returning to his seat in expectation of some sort of briefing from Anbira.

Salemn Lysce
Feb 18th, 2002, 08:23:33 PM
Salemn could feel herself blushing slightly at Xazor's compliment. She wasn't very used to receiving such compliments - or attention. Looking around, she saw a man nod in a greeting towards her and smiled back. She could feel herself relaxing every moment, and watched Anbira expectantly. Was something troubling him ...?

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 19th, 2002, 11:53:19 AM
Once the freighter had entered hyperspace Loki had quietly left the gallery in which most of the party were assembled taking his things with him. With the assistance of one of the crew members he found his personal quarters, with which the little boy was very impressed; his quarters were particularly small but what mattered was he had a place of his own. This bulk freighter was definately the biggest ship he'd ever been on, on top of that he wasn't used to a great deal of hyperspace travel so he shuddered to think what a month in hyperspace would do to him. Just as well it is a big ship.

Taking his changes of clothes form his rucksack and hung them up in a convenient, little wardrobe. He left his hygene bag by a small wash basin in one corner of the room, the showers were further down the corridoor apparently.

"There you go Protius!" He lifted his plant up onto a ledge as the crewman had advised and began fumbling about for a switch. Soon enough a light was turned on which projected an artficial substitute for natural light. The dark green flower bud glittered in the yellow light; the leaves and blood secreted a precious fluid which when left, crystalised giving the plant an admirable sparkle.

After giving the plant some water, he moved to small work desk where he'd left his books and picked up the largest, and heaviest; "Jedi History" would prove to be an interesting read but it would take him a good four weeks of dedicated reading. It was fortunate that he would have the time.

Leaving his quarters he made his way back to the gallery and joined the others. He found a big, comfortable seat under plenty of warm light and curling up, he opened the book and began to read. Occasionally he would look over the book to watch the other Jedi about their business; some had wonderful skills, and watching them was as entertaining as a day at the circus.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 20th, 2002, 10:49:24 AM
Sia had started geting a bit bored again. She pulled back out the metal spheres and had them levitate, using the force. Once they were about two feet off the table, she started having them start spining around extreamly quickly. They seemed like two silver rings in the air. Sia leaned back in her chair and the two orbs droped into her hands. She placed them both in one hand and started spining them around without the force and without droping them. She glanced over at the boy reading a rather large book. It seemed odd a boy so young would be reading a book so big. She mearly shruged it off.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 20th, 2002, 04:51:11 PM
Xazor looked over at Sia and got an idea. She told her of her "plans" through the Force and Sia smiled. A sly grin came over Xazor's face as she waited for Sia to act first.....

Go for it.....

She said under her breath.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 20th, 2002, 09:04:28 PM
Sia smirks, but keeps it hidden. She glances around and pulls together a bunch of shadows. She forms them into an odd sort of creature that seems to be flooting in mid air. She glances to Xazor so that she can do the last part. Sia has it flote around the room.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 20th, 2002, 09:41:18 PM
Xazor can hardly contain herself as she thinks of what to do. Once Sia had done her part, Xazor grinned slyly and spoke through the Force to all on the ship.

I am Darth......uh, Shadow.......I am a spirit that haunts this....uh....lousy ship.............ohhhh..

Xazor disquises her voice and makes it sound eerie and as though it is coming from the shadow figure. She knew that her words were not the most brilliant, but it was all she could do without exploading into laughter.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 20th, 2002, 11:16:40 PM
Sia keeps her smile under controle and makes her face out like she is increadibly suprised. She makes it hover over to where Shade and Dasquian are at. It kinda waves around there while Xazor says somethings throught it.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 21st, 2002, 12:37:51 AM
:: Anbira nods to those as he passes, finding a seat out of the way of the three girls having fun. He nods once to Dasquian ::


:: His face suddenly turns stern as he speaks to him ::

...be ready. I sense a disturb...

<font size=50>KUURRRSSHHHKK!!</font>

:: The ship lurched, throwing people from their seats, as the lights dimmed momentarily. A wall conduit burst into a shower of sparks. An alert klaxon drew everyone's attention, as Commander Yanex came over the main comm system ::

Yanex: Is everyone alright? We've struck a meteor. We're venting drive plasma. Stand by, I'm making course corrections.

:: For a few tense seconds, everyone stood still, looking at each other. After a few moments, Anbira walked to the command deck, to better assess the situation. Something else was amiss, and even this accident seemed somehow not right. ::

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 21st, 2002, 11:06:27 AM
Sia-lan droped from her seat as the ship was ramed by something. She lost her concentration and the shadows jumped back to their masters. She got up to one knee once the ship stoped shaking. Looking around, she made sure that everyone was alright. Xazor, Shade, The boy and girl, Dasquian. Everyone seemed alright but the hit didnt seem like a meteor. Something odd was going on.

"Everyone ok??"

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 21st, 2002, 11:20:18 AM
At times the atmosphere in the room was peculiar, there were odd periods of silence, but when Loki looked up from his book he'd notice them switching eye contact from person to person. It was like they really were speaking but he couldn't hear them or something. He frowned then went back to his reading until he was disturbed by a strange voice which echoed throughout the gallery.

He looked up to see howevering above him a horrid shadow of some hideous form coming towards him proclaiming to be some evil spirit. His eyes widened and mouth opened as he stepped up onto his seat to back away from whatever it was. To his suprise, Anbira, across the room from him seemed calm and unbothered by what was occuring. That was until he started talking to Dasquian in a grave tone. That was when there was a deafening sound, a crash which shook the ship and threw the little boy from his seat and into a wall behind. His head smacked the wall and falling to the floor he went still, dropping his book.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 21st, 2002, 02:43:37 PM
Xazor couldn't believe it. She was thrown against the wall behind them as the ship crashed into what was said to be a meteor. Her head hurt tremendously and she reached her hand up, coming back with blood. She didn't want to say anything to anyone about it, but shot a concerned look toward Sia. She tried to use the Force to heal it, but only stopped the bleeding a little bit. Trying to cover it with her hair, she looked around at the others. All of the talking had ceased and the games had ended. She then saw little Loki laying motionless on the floor. Without saying a word, she got up and ran to him, kneeling at his side.

Loki! Loki wake up! Someone help me, he's unconscious!

She yelled out, trying not to panic. She felt for a heart beat and listened for breathing. His heart beat faintly and his breathing was shallow. The impact must have tossed his poor little body a good distance. There was something odd about the impact. As she looked for more life signs from the little boy, she couldn't help a feeling of eerie darkness in the back of her mind. She knew something wasn't right. She was snapped back to reality quickly and yelled for help again.

Master Anbira, Shade, Dasquian, Sia, someone! Loki is hurt!

She called out again. He wasn't moving at all...it didn't look good........

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 21st, 2002, 10:46:37 PM
Sia jumped up and gained her footing on the slightly tilted ship. She then made her way to Loki and Xazor. She knelt down beside the boy and looked for where he had been hit. She found it on the back of his head near the neck. She then reached out with the force, placing her right hand on the wound and started healing the young boy. The wound closed and the boys eyes started opening.

"You ok Loki?" she asks him once he regains consciousness.

Salemn Lysce
Feb 22nd, 2002, 12:58:01 PM
Salemn was thinking about everything that had happened since she had joined the Jedis. Her life had changed so suddenly, being under tutilage of Nash. She was becoming a bit more confident in herself as she learned about the Lightside, and these thoughts brought a ghost of a smile to her face.


Her neck snapped back as her head slammed into the wall. Pain shot through her entire body as blood trickled down the side of her face. Instinctively, she reached up and held her head, her hands becoming sticky with the warm blood. Knowing she should stop the bleeding, Salemn slowly got of her seat and opened her bag, taking out a white cloth. Good thing I kept my bag with me... She pressed it against her head and glanced around to see if everyone else was okay.

She saw Xazor and Sia kneeling by a boy who was laying on the floor. Her eyes widened and she rummaged through her bag, looking for the pouch she carried healing herbs in. I would need Foxglove to help restore his energy and health... but it would need to have the treatment of wild carrots and dandelion powder... Wait, I think I've got it. Triumphantly, she held out the small bag which held what she was looking for and she took a pinch of it. She got up and bit her lower lip, trying to keep her balance as the ship seemed to sway beneath her feet. She carefully made her way over to the boy and bent down next to him. Opening the boy's mouth, she quickly put the foxglove under his tongue. Since he was young, the effects of the foxglove would work quickly and effectively, restoring his energy and health.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 22nd, 2002, 08:30:00 PM
Xazor smiled at Salemn. She was smart and quick to react with the helpful herbs.

Thank you.....I think that will do the trick.

She said approving the actions by both Sia and Salemn. Loki's color was beginning to come back and he sat up a bit.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 22nd, 2002, 10:35:45 PM
Sia stood up and gained her footing again.

"I'm going to go see if I can find out what happened."

She hurried off in the way that Anbira left. She finds him and glances around.

"What happened? Loki got hurt in the crash along with a few others. I think they are ok now."

Estelle Russard
Feb 23rd, 2002, 01:43:10 AM
Estelle, like the others had been tossed as the ship struck the meteor.

She had hit her hip hard as she crashed against a counter but managed to keep on her feet.

She was concerned for Loki who had taken a rough fall, and was impressed immediately as Xazor, Sia and Salemn sprang to help him - the latter's healing herbs bringing him around. She was glad Salemn had such knowledge.

A strange sensation was washing over her though. It was like the time when she knew Kazaar was walking into an ambush on Kuat. The feeling was similar, but less detailed. She tried to focus the force that she knew flowed within her, but was unable to. She needed instruction. It was like she could see things if she was personally involved or connected, but the feeling she was getting was too vague. She needed to learn how to bring that "sense"' to a more pointed place.

Feeling the need to help or take some kind of action, Estelle asked if everyone was ok and if they could sense anything more of what was going on than just a perchance collision with a metor.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 24th, 2002, 07:18:29 AM
Dasquian was thrown first out of his seat and crashed into the table that the Jedi had sat around. He did however quickly tumble off of it to his feet, suffering only a thudding pain in his back. A quick glance around showed that at least one casualty had been caused by the sudden tremor, and many minor injuries amongst the coterie.

Anbira had sensed what Dasquian also had felt. Something was not quite right. He felt a terrible niggling in the back of his mind that the mission would slope towards the outcome of the mission which had led him to the Jedi here in the first place.

He silently prayed it would not.

He jogged over to Loki and looked down at the boy, nodding as he saw that the others were taking care of the situation. He then turned towards Anbira and spoke through the force.

"What's going on? Is everything alright?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 24th, 2002, 10:38:09 PM
What do you mean, Commander?

:: Anbira's brow furrowed as he took the seat opposite of the Alderaan's commanding officer. Yanex spoke as his hands darted to and fro on the console, adjusting numerous systems on the vessel ::

Commander Yanex: Jedi, this entire asteroid field is rather static. That means that deviations in motion are practically nonexistant. Its different than some belts like the one in the Hoth system. Wild deviations just aren't to be seen here.

:: Yanex switched on a holoviewer, showing a cross-section diagram the freighter's last 10 minutes in flight, sped up for emphasis. The course remained steady and unerring, and all meteoroid matter around the ship was static. However, a few minutes into it, one of the asteroids actually deviated...directly for the freighter.

Anbira's jaw clenched once, his eyes growing sharp ::

Then it is as I have feared. Someone...or something is trying to stop us.

Commander, change course for the nearest habitable world. We'll put down for repairs.

:: Anbira rose, glancing back ::

I must attend to the injured.

:: Anbira returned to the main room, to see a rather shaken arrangement of Jedi. Although possessing no healing abilities, the elder Jedi knew of basic first aid, and began to help those who needed it, mainly Loki and Salemn. As he attended to them, his eyes looked around for his other padawan learner...whom he had seen little of since their departure ::

Where has Eldrak gone?

Eldrak Gruuhl
Feb 24th, 2002, 11:10:35 PM
For some strange reason Eldrak had found himself feeling very uncomfortable once he had stepped foot on the spacecraft. There were the visions in his mind as had occurred to him on several other occasions. He had visions of horror that haunted him from time to time when in certain situations. This was one of them.

He had strayed back from the rest of the group and had found his own place to keep quarters while on the craft. He would be rather embarrassed to have the other Padawans see this huge creature be so nervous about being inside a semi large spacecraft, but he could not help it. He kept seeing visions of a creature that looked much like it could have been him, Flying through a breech in a spacecraft and being sucked into the cold and unforgiving vacuum.

From the little he had learned in his short time among those of the Greater Jedi Order, he thought his vision was one of one of the clones that had been made of the Sith known as Darth Ogre, but he wasn’t entirely certain. His memory was still not complete and he only possessed the knowledge from the last year of his life. That had been a time of nothing but wandering and watching on the planet where the Jedi were based.

It was most assuredly true that the seven foot tall green creature was much more comfortable with earth under his bare toes instead of cold hard steel, but there had been no place on board this craft where he could find such comfort. The horticulture farm that was on the ship was much too small and was all feed via hydroponics. This being the case, Eldrak had just remained in the quarters he had. Not leaving them to converse with the others.

He had been awake when the mishap occurred and it was enough to send him into a cold sweat. He had learned little of the Force so far, but he did know that emotions such as dread and fear were not good to have. That basic knowledge was another factor in why he had no desire to be around the others. His body would tell them when the ship was no longer in the vastness of space and once that was the case, he would come out from his quarters.

At the current time, he hope that there would come a time when he could feel soil beneath his feet again.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 25th, 2002, 07:26:04 PM
It was the first time Loki had ever been knocked out cold. It was a frightful experience; he remembered that awful collsion, his brain was rattled about in his skull, his teeth grinded so much it hurt and although he remembered falling to the floor from quite a height, he couldn't recall it hurting. Rather quickly his eyesight faded, light dimming all around, innitially he thought there had been a power failure. That was the last thing he could remember.

When he woke up, he thought hours had passed and he'd be in a comfortable bed, recovering. But to his suprise, he found himself looking up at the awful bright lights in the gallery, his head ached. He was surrounded by three or four people and he began to panic but couldn't speak. His entire body was numb. He could see them all speaking, but their voices were distant, muffled. It was an unnerving experience.

He remembered lying there for a while longer, until he began to regain his senses. His hands and feet began to tingle irritatingly, gradually the feel of the sharp cold of the steel floor beneath him returned. His body was stiff and he was still unable to move. Soon enough, he could hear the voices all around, they all seemed startled and perhaps even shaken by what had happened. Loki began to feel nervous, he wanted to get up and have some space.

He sat up, he cringed, raising his hand to his forehead, he could hear the blood thumping in his ears and his head was ringing. He tried lifting himself up, but he just didn't have the strength, losing balance, he slumped against the wall behind and decided against trying to get up for the time being.

"What happened?"

Xazor Elessar
Feb 25th, 2002, 09:52:30 PM
Xazor looked into the little boy's eyes. He was such a precious thing, and to become a Jedi at such a young age was brave of him. She smiled gently as she put a hand on his shoulder.

Master Anbira is looking at what happened, but it seems to be that an asteroid hit our ship.

She said in a soft tone. She wished not to frighten him, but wanted to tell him the facts. She looked him over quickly to make sure that he had no more injuries.

Put your trust in the Force, Loki. We shall be safe. Maybe you should rest for now, you took a pretty hard spill.

She said, placing an arm under him and helped him to his feet.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Feb 27th, 2002, 10:31:01 PM
"No one is really sure what happened." Sia says to the boy. she turns her gaze back to Anbira expecting an answer. She glances around the rest of the room to make sure that everyone eles is ok.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 2nd, 2002, 04:36:47 PM
Under his weight Loki's legs trembled and he staggered but with Xazor's help he was able to make his way out of the gallery. She was strong enough to keep his small form steady until he'd reached his quarters. He remembered, hers was the first face he saw when he woke up before, she'd been at his side whilst he was unconcious and had no doubt helped bring him back to his senses. She had such a caring nature about her, but he could not help but feel embarressed at himself for what had happened back there and now he was all over the place.

"I'm already making a nuisance of myself - why did I put myself in for this mission? I'm only going to make an embarressment of myself." He thought this to himself as they made their way to his room.

"I'm sorry about this," he told Xazor, not able to look at her as he was focusing all of his attention on walking. She obviously had a great deal of patience. Soon enough they were at his quarters and they entered.

"WHat was I thinking? I don't know the first thing about Jedi missions. I'm way out of my league here, all these Jedi are skilled in the Force some way or another...what purpose can I serve? I'm just a child..."

He stopped depressing himself and laying down on his bed began speaking to Xazor once again.

"Xazor, you have abilities in the Force and have more than likely been on other Jedi missions before...what do I need to know?...I'm really worried...."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 2nd, 2002, 04:52:37 PM
Xazor smiled gently on the child. He would make a great Jedi someday.

You have to know nothing but how to be brave and trust the Force. Everything will be worked out in time. Worry not, little Loki, for that only leads to the darkside. Listen and watch those around you; be mindful of everything you see.

She said in a calm and caring voice. Loki had gotten all worked up about a little accident, and now he was worried about things he shouldn't have to be worried about. She reached to the end of the bed and carefully pulled the sheets over the boy. She smiled as she tucked them into the sides of the bunk.

Some rest will do you good, Loki. Remember what I have told you. If you ever need something, or if you're scared.......I'll be here for you. I promise....

She spoke to him softly once again as she brushed his hair back away from his face. She sat down next to his little bed and smiled. She would stay there for a while....until he was able to rest.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 5th, 2002, 02:52:57 PM
As she spoke to him his worries began to fade, her words were wise and learned, what she had told him was confusing yet in some elusive way, encouraging. The sound of Xazor's voice was soothing, it was reminiscent of the sound of a gentle breeze whistling through the willow trees in spring or the sound of the sea quietly lapping on the shore of a beach. He found it overwhelmingly difficult to speak, he grew very weary.

"Please tell Master Hicchoru where I am, and...thank...y..." Unable to finish his sentance, Loki drifted off to sleep.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 6th, 2002, 07:02:03 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently as the little boy fell asleep.

Fear not, little Loki.....everything will be alright.

She whispered and slowly rose from her seat. Approaching Anbira, she smiled.

Loki is resting in the sleeping quarters. He wished me to tell you where he was, so I am. Great Master, if I may ask, what exactly happened. There are rumors flying around here faster than speeders and confusion rings throughout the ship.

She said, a look of concern washing over her face.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 9th, 2002, 04:34:44 AM
Dasquian thought it best to retreat back to the gathering and not trouble Anbira, so he sat down in the chair he'd once been in and closed his eyes. The Force washed over him as he blocked out all noise around him and concentrated on simply being at peace with himself.

"By the force, I pray for the safety of this craft, this mission and all involved," he mouthed, silently wishing.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 9th, 2002, 11:01:12 AM
Sia sat back down in the seat she had been in once the main commotion had died down. She watched the room and kept her senses open incase another jolt of the ship happened.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 11th, 2002, 09:32:37 AM
:: Anbira returned from the bridge, to the galley and crew area. He had a serious look to him. ::

We have been struck by an asteroid, Padawans. Commander Yanex shall be landing at the nearest habitable world - Syquiene. It has not been explored, and what may or may not wait for us, is unknown, and in the Force, unseen.

:: He closed his eyes ::

I sense some trepidation. But there is no need to fear. It is our destiny to succeed, and in this I know we shall perform well.

:: Anbira glanced to Eldrak and Dasquian, and Xazor ::

When we land, we will need to scout the area, and find whatever we may to begin repairs. I will need your help.

Salemn and Estelle, I would ask of you to remain here and protect the Alderaan. Assist Commander Yanex whenever possible.

Sia Lan, and Shade...there is a small moon inhabited by Gran nearby. It is called Plysa. Take two Jedi starfighters there, and perhaps you can secure some aid. We will remain in contact with you.

:: Anbira noticed a seat empty ::

Loki is asleep, I gather. Let him rest. When we land, I will speak with him.

:: He smiled ::

He will have a most special mission...one only he can perform.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 11th, 2002, 10:07:56 PM
Xazor nodded at his instruction.

I have given myself fully to the Force and I offer my assistance to any challenge that you have to be done.

She said, bowing deeply to the Jedi Master. She smiled as she rose and looked into his gentle eyes.

Estelle Russard
Mar 13th, 2002, 01:31:05 AM
Estelle looked across to Salemn and nodded.

"Yes, Master Hicchoru."

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 13th, 2002, 12:01:08 PM
Dasquian nodded without opening his eyes to Anbira. He felt quite honoured to have been chosen for his team, and no doubt his team mates did too. He was happy to be working with Xazor and Eldrak - they both seemed to be overly capable and would be good to work with.

Opening his eyes, he rose and bowed as Xazor has done,

"Very well."

Eldrak Gruuhl
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:27:53 PM
Master Anbira had said the word land, in reference to this ship setting down planet-side. This alone was enough to raise Eldrak’s spirits a great deal. He nodded in recognition to the request to do his part and anxiously awaited the landing, wanting to feel soil under his toes again.

Salemn Lysce
Mar 13th, 2002, 10:12:49 PM
Salemn was sitting back down in her previous seat when Anbira spoke. When he mentioned that she was to stay here with Estelle, she glanced over at her, smiling shyly.

I do as you bid, Sir Anbira ...

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 14th, 2002, 10:27:04 AM
Sia noded to Anbira then to Shade. She sat back in her seat and awaited the time that she and Shade would need to take off in the fighters. She did not know what would await her and shade on Plysa and was curious about it. Sia glanced around the room at the others.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 14th, 2002, 07:35:25 PM
Xazor approached her friends Dasquian and Eldrak. She smiled and bowed to both of them.

We shall make a good team. I think that we will work well together.

She said with confidence.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 29th, 2002, 12:06:12 PM
"-sequence has begun, we will be on the planet surface in five minutes."

Rubbing his eyes, Loki sat up in bed, having been asleep for several hours now and wondered what that message was all about. There is no way they'd be at Aurash already, unless he'd been left in some sort of suspended-animiation for a few weeks; surely he wasn't that much of a nuisance. He guessed they were making some sort of pitstop as a result of the strange impact earlier on.

The small Padawan hopped down from his bed, his head still hurt a little but he was fine otherwise except for the strange taste in his mouth. Perhaps it was something they'd used to revive him with earlier. He checked on his plant then made his way into the general gallery where he found all of the team, most of them seated, ready for landing. He yawned with a great stretch and bringing his hands down felt a rather large bump on the back of his head from when he fell. He took a seat next to Anbira.

"Why are we landing, master? Some sort of pit-stop?" He asked with a drowsy smile.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 29th, 2002, 05:32:31 PM
Xazor looked at Dasquian and Eldrak for a moment and smiled brightly. She was ready for whatever challenges awaited her. Though she was a woman, she was a strong Jedi Warrior and would more than do her part.

Well team, what are we waiting for?

She asked as she looked around at the other groups her were assembling themselves and preparing to embark on whatever mission had been placed before them.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 29th, 2002, 10:24:41 PM
As the time to land drew nearer, Sia kept herself calm by using the force in the way she was taught. It was very nerving to her to wait for the time to take off again for the moon. It seemed a bit odd and fate seemed to have nothing to do with this. She glanced around at the others and they all seemed quite calm twards the future adventure.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 31st, 2002, 10:46:32 AM
"The signal that we are clear to leave, perhaps?"

Dasquian spoke with a slight laugh, then glanced around. He did not see any other teams departing yet, so would wait for the heads up from Master Anbira or one of the higher ranking Jedi before departing.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 31st, 2002, 06:05:40 PM
Xazor sighed slightly.

Yeah, I guess I forgot that......

She laughed a bit too.

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 5th, 2002, 02:38:52 PM
:: Anbira glanced down to little Loki ::

Yes, it is a pit stop of a sort. Our ship has some damage, and we are going to fix it. But to do so, we must find some parts, and some help.

This planet has not been explored, to my knowledge, young Loki. It might be interesting to learn about, as we perform repairs. You will be the first to study the life here...if you are up to the task, young Padawan.

:: The gangplank lowered, and the group exited into a mildly forested area, with rolling grassy hills. Anbira looked about ::

I can sense sentient beings to the north. Perhaps we should begin there. Eldrak, Xazor, Dasquian, and Loki...come with me. Sia Lan and Shade, get to your fighters, and head for Plysa.

Estelle and Salemn, remain here, and be wary. If you sense danger, contact me immediately. Lets go.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 5th, 2002, 07:10:51 PM
Xazor bowed to Anbira and smiled at the rest of her group.

May the Force be with us all.....

She said, taking lead and following after the Jedi Master.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:31:56 AM
Dasquian followed suit, heading after Anbira. They were going to investigate to see if there were many settlements or colonies, apparently. The planet, from the exit ramp, looked plain from what he could see - simply grass, foliage, the normal things.

"They might not be all too happy about being here," Dasquian murmured to himself.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:33:02 PM
Sia-lan nodded and headed back into the ship. She grabed the suplies that she and Shade would need and they headed into the fighters. She was quick to learn the controls and was soon taking off, followed by Shade. She opens a comm to him while they are in the air.

"Ok, lets see was on this rock. Ready to rock, Shade?"

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 12th, 2002, 08:55:57 AM
Loki's face lit up with excitement when he heard what Anbira had to say, he would be able to learn all about the life and plant-life here, he'd be the first to study the life here! A big, happy smile grew on his face.

"Oh really?" He asked, not awaiting an answer, "This is gonna be excellent! Thank you very much, master. I'll get my things right away!"

Running to his room, he fed Protius, grabbed a small rucksack, ran to another section of the ship and within five minutes he had filled his bag with all kinds of measuring devices, sensors, containers of different shapes and sizes and a datapad. The moment he was down the ramp, he scuttled off, courching around the bases of trees, taking samples of soil and tree sap whilst systematically switching between sensors and datapad to collect as many readings as possible. At times he would have to remind himself not to wander too far away from the group as they headed off north, he'd always be within calling distance.

Estelle Russard
Apr 12th, 2002, 03:59:44 PM
As the exploring party left, one of Commander Yanex's officers called Salemn and Estelle over.

The man, seated in a highback swivel chair pointed to a panel of screens displayed just above his eyelevel. Displayed on each monitor were readings - vital signs, heat signatures, coordinates of each memeber of the departing ground force - their names in the bottom left hand corner of each individual screen.

Explaining, the officer indicated each panel "Each member of the team has a locater attached to the front of their clothing. These readouts allow us to follow their movement and monitor their wellbeing. See? This is Loki's, that one Xazor, Eldorak and so on. We'll take shifts tracking their progress."

Dropping his eyes to indicate another screen that spanned lengthwise across the consol desktop, he continued "We'll also take turns to conduct visual and radar investigations of the terrain they will be approaching and or travelling....Any questions?"

Estelle and Salemn moved forward to get a closer look.

Anbira Hicchoru
May 5th, 2002, 11:00:52 AM
:: The party headed north, on a trip which took the better part of the day. The Jedi hiked over hilly terrain, and into forest thickets, giving ample scenery, and plenty of things for young Loki to study. After a while, however, the distance traversed became too much for even Jedi to handle without some degree of tiring. Anbira came to a stop, allowing the padawans to do the same. Off to the side, he spotted a low-hanging tree, laden with round pod-like fruit of some kind. He plucked one, tossing it to the expectant Loki ::

Loki, lets see if this might be suitable to eat. We can subsist off of ration pills, but I think the local cuisine might be more fun, if its fitting.

:: Anbira palmed another fruit, tossing it up and catching it as he leaned against a tree. The Jedi looked over a hill, across a valley, in which a small village could be seen. He sensed something amiss...which couldn't be readily explained in the force. ::

Eldrak Gruuhl
May 5th, 2002, 11:14:40 AM
He was pleased to feel soil under his feet once again, rather than the cold steel of the deck plates of the ship they had traveled here on. Even with its being unfamiliar and foreign, it was a comfort to be on solid ground.

Large green eyes surveyed the area around as they had made their trek to the north. The sights of the various forms of flora and fauna provided a plethora of new information in regards to the vegetation and forms of life on this world. His past experience with travel had been very limited, this was his first memory of traveling to another world besides his journey from the place he was created to Arcan IV, and all he smelt, saw, and heard piqued his watchful eyes.

Unbeknownst to the others of the party, he had already sampled the edibility of some of the standard leaves and branches of some of the plant life they had passed on their journey. He had grown quite accustomed to surviving on such things in his yearlong separation from civilization on Arcan IV. He was confident in the knowledge that his own metabolism could easily handle the fruit he saw his Master toss to the small one, but he refrained from speaking of it.

Salemn Lysce
Jun 1st, 2002, 04:55:45 PM
Salemn watched as the man began explaining some very complicated things. To the ten year old, none of this made sense, but she pretended she was following along with every word. As she and Estelle moved closer to get a better view of what the man was showing them, Salemn was beginning to wonder if they were left on the ship because they were "extra weight".

Kelt Simoson
Jun 2nd, 2002, 09:26:31 PM
The large town named Narne was mostly made of wooden structures all on thick stilts to provent the nearby river when overflowing to flood the many warehouses along the bank. The streets were paved in cobbels which Kelt triped over many times, once even gashing his knee quite badly of course the big green guy halled him back up again.

' Your not gooooing anywhere pretty boooooy' Kelt struggled but could not break free from the 10 feet of pure strength, the creature looked like a swamp beast, green in color but Kelt noticed its face showed the same resemblance as a Hutt.

Kelt was quickly pushed into a side ally and then into a small house that was hidden away from the main street, there we was pushed down next to a log fire where he was thankfull for the quick rest after the long walk.

Kelt was bound by the hands and legs, his mouth securely stopped tight to cease his over active mouth that the hunters found so irritating and on top of that a black velvet bag covered his head to stop him seeing there actions which was bound lose around his neck.

A human talked next as Kelt continued to listen. The Padawan had found out earlier the lead hunter's name was Iggur. As Iggur talked to the 'Swamp Beast' Kelt strained his ears, trying ot catch their words

' So Iggur..should we kill the over active boy...or torture him...it would be fun!' The Beast noticeably quite dumb

' No No ..stop your babel you brainless twit..he could be use full for his talents...telepathy can be use full in our game Gerand...now go and sort that useless babble of men over there...even they need to eat!' Said Iggur his voice as power full as a 1000 men.

Kelt shuffled a bit in the steel cage he sat in hoping someone would save him in this useless situation.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 23rd, 2002, 01:15:35 PM
Catching the bulky pod-shaped fruit, Loki examined it for himself before crouching and setting it down on the floor. From his belt he took the portable scanner - one modified and shipped in from the science labs of the CSA - it had gave biomolecular readouts which would tell the young padawan if this fruit had any toxins or harmful bacteria. It showed clean except in a second scan he discovered something about the fruit, when it was a pale yellow as it is now, it is not ripe.

"Well, the are edible!" He said finally, to the company's relief and as they approached the tree he cried out, "But! If they are of a pale yellow colour I'd advise against eating them, instead take those which are a deep shade of orange or red. otherwise there's the risk of citrumin poisoning."

With that they all began to tuck into the fruit provided by the rather healthy looking trees, the little boy examined it for a moment then quickly hopped over to the base of it and began a scan. He looked at the readouts carefully.

"Interesting!" He said, pressing the screen occasionally.

"Hey you guys, see that village over there? Well, judging by these readouts, the farmland around here has never been treated with any artificial chemicals or fertilizers so I think it is safe to assume that we are dealing with a pretty primitive culture. However, someone in the village might be able to help us - y'know - point us in the right direction."

He took a bite out of one of the darker pod fruits, cringing with dread at what it might taste like but with suprise his features settled as he began to enjoy what was a particularly sweet and delicious fruit.