View Full Version : Searching For a Stranger

Darven Calmoarn
Jan 30th, 2002, 03:06:48 AM
I yawn, holding the child to my chest as I try to get comfortable on the couch in the living area of the freighter. The Madeline is not built for speed, any more than it was built for pleasure. The infant squirms in his sleep, and then settles down again, a tiny fist clenched by his open mouth.

Feeding the child is a burden, yet I do it regularly, every three hours on the hour. I yawn again, and rest my head on the back of the couch, careful not to shift the baby in my arms. Incidentally, I am not his father. Arcan IV is coming up in the next two hours, and then the real work begins.

It isn't bad enough that Madeline came with a few articles of Lilaena's clothing in the main cabin. But I'm taking her firstborn to his father, who I have never seen, let alone met. I know his real name, but can't use it. "Alexander" is some sort of top secret Imperial commander. Not the type I ever figured Lilaena would hook up with.

But what do I know? The Imps took her from me in more ways than one now. I get to my feet and carefully walk to the bed I have set up for Jax, and lay him down on his back, and cover him with his blankets. The balled up fist makes its way into his mouth, and he absently sucks on his knuckles as he sleeps.

Arcan IV is the only lead I have on Alexander, or Pierce Tondry. I will gamble a million credits he isn't even there, and I'll be back at square one. Lilaena, or De'Ville as she likes to be called now... I shiver. I will not call her that abominable name. It represented what she stood for. Everything that I cannot tolerate. She is evil, and yet I can see in her eyes the fourteen year old girl I pulled from the sewers eleven years ago.

I will not give up hope in her. I look down at her innocent son, and shake my head. What sort of life will you have, little one?

Darven Calmoarn
Feb 2nd, 2002, 04:29:55 AM
I step out of the 'fresher to the sound of the infant crying. Again. Picking him up, I try to settle Jax down, but he appears unconsolable. I walk towards the cockpit, and the motion seems to quiet him a little. I mutter a silent prayer of thanks to the gods as the hyperspace ETA pings.

Sitting down, I watch hyperspace revert to real space, and turn Jax so he can see it as well. He coos, and I laugh. "Yeah, looks like a return to civilization kid." He is unable to sit on his own, yet his neck muscles are almost strong enough to support his head, and he looks around quite interestedly at the command console. The lights appear to fascinate him, and I contact Arcan IV ground control while he is happy and distracted.

"Control, this is the frieghter Madeline, requesting permission to land at Arcan proper." I toggle the comm back, awaiting their reply.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 6th, 2002, 08:47:52 PM
The Jedi Bar and Grill was yet again quite crowded and I had to push a few of the Cizerack aside. A male one tried to pinch my backside, to only find himself kicked across the floor with a roundhouse kick to it's jaw. Others backed away, some having learned I was not one who appreciated unwanted attention. In some ways, I was becoming much like the missing General Tohmahawk, the Enforcer who had the corner table that I now had reserved for myself. You just did not get on my bad side or make trouble. Especially as now I wore the Lightsabre clearly on my hip, a symbol of what I was becoming.

A Jedi. Who would have thought, especially if they knew my history?

I would have thought that weakness a year ago, but now, I understood better what it really meant and the strength you really needed. Even more, the Force abilities I had were being refined to an edge that even I was not aware I could have. I was also part of The Lone Wolves, General Nathan West's squad of commandos. It had been somewhat fun even settling in and finding my place. If it be told, I had a new life stretching in front of me, continuing on wtih what Marcus had been doing.

I wish he could see me now. I was sure he would be proud of me.

As I gained my table with no further interference, A cloaked being hissed something as I pulled out the chair and took a seat.

"No Lochabre, leave the furry things alone. That's just their idea of fun"

Another hiss and somethign that sounded like laughter, laced in a scream, I rolled my eyes. The Gargoyle, the incredible monster that had taken residence in the bar, was quite an interesting life form. It appeared to have a perfect memory, but was quite, well stupid. It was only the incredible memory recall that made it seem highly intelligent - it never forgot anything and a capability to learn. It apparently remebered it's own "creation", as far as I could work out 950 years ago. It seemed that it liekd to travel and also just sit, observing. It went insane at even hint of what it called a lifestealer, was huge and basically made of some sort of material that had the hardness and density of rockcrete. Not a bad thing to get to know, if the truth be told. And it had certainly befriended me.

I had to wonder why. It had shown nothing like the friendliness to anything else. Usually, it just ignored everyone.

Strange. But I had to be thankful, it was one hell of a bodyguard for young Jina, who was right now sitting quietly next to the Gargoyle. Her blazing red hair and green eyes really made her stand out.

"Are you okay?" I asked of the small girl, who was now reaching 4 years old

"Yes Elieen. Mr West gave me a drink not long ago"

I had to smile. She wasn't my daughter, but she was an delightful child. Quiet, observant and also showing signs of the same type of Force power that maked out her mother and her father, both of whom were now no more than ash. Thankfully. "Good"

I was smiling, not just from my face, but in my heart. My life had fallen through a black hole only 4 months ago, but now I had to wonder if it got any better.

Darven Calmoarn
Feb 9th, 2002, 03:18:27 AM
The Madeline is berthed in the spaceport, and I am sitting on a shuttlebus with Jax on my lap. Unfortunately for me, I had to change his pants before I disembarked. I can't wait to find this Tondry...but at the same time I feel strangely attatched to the child. He is part of Lilaena, and I can see it in his eyes. They are so innocent of her fall, it is hard to imagine that she truly is what she is. A Sith, a dark sider. I shudder, and the baby looks up at me with his wide dark eyes.

Sometimes it seems that he tries to take everything in at once. The bus stops, and I gather my bags, the large one and the small one, and put them over my shoulder. Jax is held comfortably in the crook of my arm, nearly covered with a blanket. His little hands keep pulling at the edges of the blanket, and I chuckle at his ineffective movements. "Keep working on the hand/eye coordination, kid."

I step off the bus, and into the busy streets of Arcan proper. It is nothing compared to Coruscant. I am actually standing on ground and the sun beams down through the tall buildings. I cannot really call them tall, not compared to the skyscrapers of my home. It is just as dirty here, above ground, as it is in my home, below Coruscant. I walk widely around a smelly lump of something on the sidewalk, and continue alongside the street traffic...again, not something I am used to.

On Coruscant all travel is by repulsors - there simply is no ground to travel on. Here, on Arcan IV, most of the traffic is on the ground, as the general populace is too poor in galactic standards to afford repulsor vehicles. There are quite a few in the air above my head, but nothing in comparison to what I am used to seeing.

I have a sinking feeling that I've wandered into the dark ages.

Shrugging it off, I set out to find a place to stay the night. Alexander can wait until morning to have his son. If he is even here.

Darven Calmoarn
Mar 10th, 2002, 02:07:33 AM
Pushing through a lighted doorway, I crack my neck and let my eyes adjust to the smoky darkness inside the bar and grill I have entered. A serving woman walks over to me, a stylus tucked behind her ear, and a datapad in her hand. "You want a table?" Her voice is rough from smoking cigarras, and her hair is escaping from the tail it is pulled back into.

"Yes, please. A booth, if you have one." I switch the kid to my right arm, and shake out the tingles in my left arm. The woman nods, "Right this way."

I walk two steps, and then a uniformed man steps in front of me. "You'll have to leave your weapons with me." He holds out his hand, and I look at him a little blankly. He frowns. "Your blaster. Give it to me."

Shrugging, but uncomfortable, I reach for my blaster, pulling it from the holster under my jacket and handing it to the trooper. NRSF his uniform states, and I stare at it a little as the woman escorts me to my booth.

What has Lilaena gotten me into? I've heard rumors about the NRSF setting up shop on a planet, but ... News reports come few and far between to my people in the bowels of TGE's central planet. And those that do appear are tools in the hands of Viscera's propaganda machine of war.

Sitting down, I lay Jax on the booth seat between me and the wall. "I'd like a starbuster, on the rocks." The woman nods, stares at the baby, and then walks off.

I put my feet up on the seat opposite me.

Jina Jade-Elessar
Mar 11th, 2002, 07:56:53 PM
In her short life, she had developed some habits. Mainly defensive ones. She had never really had a mother to look after her (Although she still clearly remembered her mother, remembered fondly when she would visit. But she hadnt seen her for a long time, except like a shimmering rainfall, or in a dream. She did think mummy was watching her tho, whereever she was), but Elieen was as close as she would get, now especially as she was under the tall and dark haired woman's watchful eye almost all the time.

Jina really liked Elieen. She was stern, but gave the little girl a lot of hugs. Jina liked hugs. She loved them a lot. Deprived of human contact for the first two years of her life, she didn't like being alone now. She had a nice kitty too. She liked Stikky (The closest she could get to pronoucing the cat's name right), a black cat that was actually Hunter's. Jina would have taken Stikky everywhere, but Elieen made her keep the kitty near her room. Stikky didn't like strangers.

Although this was not the first time she had been in the Bar and Grill, she still wondered at all the really strange walky thingies that were in there. There were a few grim men that seemed a lot like Hunter and a few of the really nice Jedi. Elieen wouldn't allow her to go near anyone else. She said they were all bad people. Jina trusted Elieen and stayed close to the grown up woman.

However, as any four year old was, she did get fidgety when Elieen was in here too long. Jina did get bored and sometimes would stand up on the seat and look over and about the Bar, wondering if there were any other children about. Not that she was interested in play time, children were a rare sight for her, as she lived in a world of grown-ups.

With Elieen talking to someone else, Jina stepped up onto the seat, then looked over the booth seperators. There was a man there. She could tell he seemed nice. He also had.....

A baby!

Jina stared in facination. She had only seen a baby once before, remembered it as a soft thing that slept a lot and was nice to hug gently. Her deep green eyes widened as she stared, the eyes contrasting almost startlingly with the brilliant red hair and pale skin.

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Mar 12th, 2002, 02:11:58 AM
The baby bunched up his face as if to cry, and then caught sight of something above him. With a slightly confused look of wonderment, his hazel eyes saw a bright thing floating above him.

A giggle reached his immature ears, and he opened his mouth a little as he looked up, eyebrows, which had still not grown in, wrinkling up his forehead as he tried to figure out what was up there.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 12th, 2002, 05:37:18 PM
I had been ab out to start with a meal that had been bought out to me, when I noticed Jina was standing on the seat and looking over the booth divider.

"Jina, sit down please"


"Yes, dear. Sit down please"

"Look at baby!"

She was a delight, was Jina, but sometimes she could be a bit wearing, like all children of her age. Not that I had a lot of experience, I read it in a datapad somewhere. Being a mother for a child that wasn't your own really was a learning experience. I knew that she would just stand up again until I did what she asked, so I stood up, and looked over the divider.

Much to my surprise, there really was a baby there. Only a few months old. There was also a man there, who was looking back at me with some suspicion - and concern maybe?

"Er, Hi. Sorry abut Jina, she rarely sees anyone near her age. "

Who would bring a baby into the Bar and Grill and why?

Darven Calmoarn
Mar 13th, 2002, 01:37:30 AM
I turn slightly at the sound of a high pitched giggle, and see a bright red headed girl peeking over the privacy divider at Jax. She smiles at me, and then leans down, one small hand still gripping the smoked glass divider. Her head bobs back into view, and I smile a little, then turn away, adjusting the baby's blankets. He seems fascinated with the girl, his bright eyes tracking her above him.

A movement catches my attention, and I look behind at the girl again. My breath catches in my throat for a moment at the sight that greets me. A stunning brunette beauty smiles apologetically before I can say anything. "Er, Hi. Sorry abut Jina, she rarely sees anyone near her age."

"Oh." I flash her a winning smile. "Its no bother, really." She nods once, and then the unusual pair duck back down to their side of the divider. I wink at Jax, who seems bemused by the whole experience. A soft beep catches my attention, and I turn from the infant to the serving droid who is waiting with my starbuster.

They have rooms here. I'll probably end up staying the night here, and do some proper looking in the morning.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 14th, 2002, 12:25:45 AM
Jina sat down again at my urging and seemed to take no further interest in the baby. Although I was rather puzzled why anyone would bring such a young child in here, It didn't concern me. I turned back to what I was doing before -

- and in a flash, Jina scuttled off the bench and around the divider. I sighed, raising my eyes skyward. I got up, then looked about for where she was. As I suspected, she hadn't gone far. In fact, she had wormed her way under the table and had popped up right next to the baby, who was looking at Jina with curiousity - or I presumed it was.

"Jina, leave the baby alone" i said in a fairly world weary voice and to the man I added "I'm really sorry about this. I dont know what's gotten into her"

Even though my face was resonably expressionless, I had this feeling something wasn't quite right.

"Anyway" I said reaching over for Jina, "My name is Helenias Q'Dunn, Jedi and this is my foster charge, Jina"

Darven Calmoarn
Mar 19th, 2002, 04:49:25 AM
Jedi? I nod to the woman, who appears to be tired. "I am Darven Calmoarn, recently from Coruscant." I smile, "Jina seems like an energetic little girl."

Jina is squirming in the firm grasp of the darkhaired woman, trying to get a look at the baby. Jax coos, waving his pudgy arms about, even though he cannot possibly see the girl anymore. I smile again at the woman. "It was nice meeting you. Perhaps I'll see you around..."

What am I thinking? I can't hit on this woman, she's a frelling Jedi. I frown a tiny bit. She is probably reading my mind right now, too. Jax hiccups, and then starts crying. Great. I pick him up, and try to quiet him. I can't wait to find this little guy's father. What a lucky man he is.

Of course, he is lucky. He has Lilaena. Or did. I look down at the tiny face in my arm, and make a face, trying to get him to stop crying. It works, and Jax looks up at me in wonderment before his toothless mouth opens up in a baby grin.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 21st, 2002, 06:48:08 AM
Jina was very much trying to get out of my grip. For some reason, she was very, very keen to get closer to the baby - why, I was struggling to understand. Jina wasn't normally this persistent. As the baby was settled and the man made a face to quieten it's crying, I allowed my mind to open up to the Force to see what in the Galaxy was interesting Jina so much.

"Where's Jax's Mommy?" Jina asked. Darven looked shocked and I had to admit, I was taken aback as well. In a flash of insight I realised she somehow knew whom the baby was. How was that possible? Surely Jina, who had been fostered and protected at Vjun before she had been reclaimed by Hunter, could not possibly know the mother - could she? I had no idea how powerful she was in the Force, but she had shown signs she had inherited most, if not all of the potential of at least one of her parents.

I hadn't read Darven's mind, but now I was ready to see what he was thinking. I know it's not polite to pry, but sometimes, even Jedi get curious.

Darven Calmoarn
Mar 29th, 2002, 03:13:26 AM
I started. Wait a minute, she said - I look closely at the little girl, trying not to be rude, but feeling a little strange. How did she know the kid's name? I barely knew the baby's name.

I see the look on the brunette's face, and laugh to diffuse the situation. "Let me guess, she's a Jedi too." I lean over the table a bit, looking for the serving droid and my drink. It is no where in sight. "As to the location of the mother, well, she left me a long time ago."

The secret to lying to Force users is to always tell the truth. Just a different part of the truth.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 30th, 2002, 02:21:37 AM
"I dont know if she's going to be a Jedi - but she is the daughter of Lady Mara Jade, a particularly powerful Sith. I have also reason to believe the father was a Jedi Master. So she's probably inherited enough so she is dancing through your thoughts right now without you realising it"

"Jax's Mommy is flower woman" Jina stated as I finished. Puzzled at the bizarre remark, I asked her what she meant. "His mommy is Lily" she explained. "She was nice to me!"

"And where was Lily?" I asked, keeping my voice low.

"Funny rainy place!"

My attention went straight to Darven, pinning him with my gaze. "Jina was on a planet named Vjun for a while. A planet that had a number of Dark Jedi. From this, I think you have the child of a Dark Jedi. While this sounds completely perposterous, am I correct? Who?"

Darven Calmoarn
Mar 30th, 2002, 02:52:34 AM
As soon as the little girl says "Lily," I start getting nervous. Whatever this magick is, the kid knows Lilaena, and she knows the baby, Jax.

The Jedi woman asks a very pointed question. "The child of a Dark Jedi?" I smooth my face into my sabacc expression. "You would think I would know if my own child was mothered by a Dark Jedi." As I speak, I scoop up Jax, and scoot out of the booth, brushing past the woman. "If you'll excuse me, I have pressing business." Yeah, like getting away from your questions.

The serving droid trundles up with my drink, finally, and I grab it, knock it back, and put the glass and a credit chit on the little tray with a clatter. Without a backward glance at the woman and the little redheaded girl, I collect my blaster from the NRSF trooper and push out through the door.

The light hits my eyes, and I squint, letting my pupils adjust to the higher level of brightness before I continue on my way. "We'll find lodging somewhere else, where the natives aren't so inquisitive." Jax coos and gurgles, and I smile at him, then set off down the street.

What the woman had said is bothering me. And, Emperor's black bones, how am I going to find Alexander!?

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 30th, 2002, 03:06:07 AM
Running was a bad idea. People jump to wrong conclusions. It seemed I had hit a rather sore point and it had made Darven jump when I had hit it. I ordered Jina to stay, then got up to chase the Darven. If I was right, that was a Dark Jedi's child, not his. How in hte Force he had got it, but from the fact he was now bolting there was only two conclusions.

One, he was a guardian

Two, he was not supposed to be in the possession of the child

Either way, the only reason he was here is that he needed help. It seemed Jina had spooked him badly, which lead to .... what? It was now clear to me i needed to find out. I walked out, deciding that running after him was just going to spook him worse. I would follow and try to settle his mind.

Apr 2nd, 2002, 03:12:11 AM
What a foul, foul planet. I could not imagine the Jedi getting lower than this -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- hole. It was a disgusting, dirty, smelly refuse of a planet, in some Galaxy back water. How low could the pathetic Jedi lower themselves? However, I had to admit what I had seen sneaking onto this dump had impressed me. Someone had created a formidable navy and I could see on the surface, a very powerful army. If my eyes and senses were correct, this whole planet was being deliberately converted into one huge military base. In some ways, it was a move that I would do, yet, it was clearly the New Republic doing this. Now as I had studied the Republic and it’s methods, this was so far outside of what they would do, it was amazing. Even more, I had put on a very, very effective disguise, a repulsor chair bound cripple, to hide my size. Prosthetics designed by a tech had served well to get me past the security, which again impressed me. Someone had really been planning this place out, someone clearly not a Jedi. Someone with a good military mind and good resources. I would not dare attack this planet, not if I could somehow find overwhelming force for what would rapidly be a foolhardy and worthless clash, especially head on. The weapons I could see were different, the patrols were alert and a little bit of disguised mind probing had revealed most of these troops were strong will ed and not easily mind tricked. There were the glimmers of personal shields, the clump of heavy armour, the rattle of weapons everywhere.

And also everywhere was the insignia of a large cat with the letters NRSF. Curiousity got the better of me and I asked a civilian (or so he appeared – I was beginning to wonder if there were any!) what it meant.

“New Republic Special Forces good Sir.”

“Do you know who leads this… Special Forces?”

“Not really. Used to be a General by the name of Tohmahawk until a few months ago”

Tohmahawk? I had heard that name before. He seemed to be associated with a man by the name of Hunter, whom was associated with my deadliest enemy – Lord Fire Blade, a renegade Imperial who was responsible for the fact I had bionic lungs and heart. And also the reason I was here, in a small hotel near where the Jedi had a tapcafe. The bitch had something of great value I wanted and I was here to take it. A child with great potential in the Force. For now, I was here and I had agents on the ground, waiting for that person to come out with m\y prize.

“Lord Venom, report states a human has exited the Bar with a small child” stated a trooper who was in contact with the capture team.

“Good. You may proceed”

Darven Calmoarn
Apr 3rd, 2002, 04:30:35 AM
I look over my shoulder, and see the woman, sans girl, exiting the bar onto the sidewalk. The woman (Helenias, she said her name was) seems to be very nonchalant, yet her eyes catch mine.

Why follow me now? I have nothing, just this baby. Surely its not a crime to be taking care of a baby. What worries me is the fact that the little girl could read my mind so easily. Or worse yet, that she actually has been wherever it is that De'Ville has been with Jax. She knows too much about this boy, the one I have pledged to keep safe and take to his father.

I smile down at the baby, who is oblivious the world, having fallen fast asleep to the rhythm of my steps. The woman is still behind be, but a ways back. I turn a corner, and step into a smaller sidestreet, heading towards the nest biggest intersection. I start looking for a taxi, or something els that can direct me to a place to stay the night. Sleeping babies become absolute dead weights, and in a few more minutes, my arm is going to go numb.

Apr 5th, 2002, 12:24:09 AM
There was about 6 mercenaries that I had ordered to achive what I wanted. Even the b*tch would have no chance.

The communications handset beeped.

"Sir... we have the quarry surrounded. We are now taking possession of the child"

Good. Just what I wanted to hear

Darven Calmoarn
Apr 5th, 2002, 01:11:02 AM
As I am walking down the sidestreet, I side step an especially disgusting pile of something, and then I see them. Three rough looking men heading my way. Jax is still sleeping, and I move aside a little more, to let them past me.

They follow my movements, and I realize that they don't want to walk by me. They want to walk into me. Holding Jax with one hand, tucked into my side firmly but gently, I reach into my jacket with another hand. I'm not a fighter, more of a gambler and a smooth talker. But I am not without my bite. "Is there something I can help you -"

I am unable to finish my sentance, as the three men back me into the wall. My hand is still under my jacket, and the taller man interrupts me. "You can give us the kid. And we'll let you go."

Fat chance. Who is after Lilaena's son now? She thought that giving him to me would lessen the danger surrounding him, it seems to have taken him right into danger, instead. "No, I don't think so."

"Thats your problem, you aren't thinking. See -!" He doesn't finish his threat before I plug him between the eyes with my blaster. This takes the other two thugs by surprise, and I push past the falling corpse into the open, and run for the main street.

Jax wakes up and starts squalling at the bumpy ride, but I don't have time to apologize to the little guy. Another ten steps and I'll be in the clear, hidden among the throngs of people lining the sidewalks up ahead. After two steps I notice the remaining thugs slowing down, as if they are giving up the chase. I look ahead again to see a blurry shape with a metal pole.

The pole is quite visible, as it smashes down into my face, knocking me to the ground. And then...I don't remember much after that. At least, not until the Jedi woman brings me around again, and I'm still in the alley. But Jax is gone.

Apr 16th, 2002, 12:17:04 AM
Minutes went by as I waited. Finally a report came through -

"Lord Venom, The woman killed 5 of the capture team, but the sixth got away! We have the child!"

"Excellent! Bring it to me!"

I sat down on an oversized chair, satified. Eventually the door opened with the bruised and bleeding survivor, grinning and bearing an bundle wrapped in cloth.

"You were bringing me the child?" I asked

"LOrd Venom, I have!" he said.

"I am not an idiot. That is not a 4 year old human"

"But.... our orders were to get the child the woman had... She fought hard for the child and it was only luck I escaped as I did!."

I could see in his mind that he was genuinely confused and honestly though he had done what he was asked. I stood upa nd in rude humour, took the ... baby out of the capture team survivor's arms.

Elieen Cross had a baby? In some ways this was much better, but I wanted Jina! "Tell the Commander to come in here" I said to the smaller man in a calm voice. He bowed and exited, a few minutes later a blading officer came in.

"Commander, what is this I hold?" I asked.

"A... child Lord Venom?"

"Did or did I not say the child was 4 years old?"

The officer suddenly went pale. "Well... I.... gaaaaarkkk...."

The cruching of neck bones almost echoes as I used The Force to kill the incompetent fool. As he slumped dead, I rised the baby up to eye height and stared at it. "You present an interesting problem now Young One and an interesting solution" I said out loud.

Helenias Evenstar
May 27th, 2002, 06:33:45 PM
I leaned over the fallen man, concern in my face as I bought Darven out of unconciousness. He hadn't been hurt too badly - not as badly as the men who had attacked him, 5 of whom were now dead.

"Your safe for the moment but the child was taken. Whose is it?"

Which to me was the appropriate question. Someone wanted that child. If it was the legitimate parents, then this Darven was in trouble from me. However, I guessed he was a proper guardian. So how much was he willing to tell me, to get me to care enough to help him get the infant back?

Darven Calmoarn
May 28th, 2002, 12:59:50 AM
I put my hand to my head, feeling the large goose egg forming at my hairline. Its pretty painful, but not nearly as bad as the ache in my heart. She trusted me, and to what end? My head pounds as I sit up, and I try not to gasp.

"The child... I only know the mother. Her name..." I pause, torn between keeping the secret and telling the truth. She is a Jedi. She'll know if I lie. "De'Ville. She goes by De'Ville now." I squeeze my eyes shut as I struggle to my feet. My legs feel like jelly, and I use the alley wall to support myself.

"I don't know who is after the child. She gave him to me, because she said she sensed danger around herself. She didn't say anything about danger around him. Apparently she thought that with me he'd be safe." I try not to sound dejected, but fail.

Elieen Cross
May 30th, 2002, 11:57:52 PM
Her eyes opened with surprise. The name was very familiar to her, De'ville was a Dark Jedi and a very good one. She had a child...? The kidnapping would make sense then. But to hher, there was something else about this that wasn't really gelling. For one, she felt the danger was not about Darven.

"Okay, I'll help you out. I can probably sense where the child could have gone. You however.... " Elieen pulled out a com link, triggering an emergency band transmission. "Are going to sit tight. Medics are now on their way for you."

She turned and looked down the street where the survivor had run down. To her, she felt that he was not far. Her Jedi senses reached out, trying to get a hint of where this kidnapper could have gone.

<l> Left [/i]

The Pike in her hands shifted. No, he hadnt gone far at all.