View Full Version : Kre'fey!

Darth Viscera
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:04:13 PM

Kre'fey! Didn't the Cizerack kill you or something? Don't try and weasel your way back into the NR after what you pulled!

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:16:25 PM
Don't jyou know anjythjing of ourrr people, Djiktat? We alwajysss plajy wjith ourrr food beforrre we kjill jit :evil :cat

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:20:08 PM
What I did? I just decided to leave. Then I found out I was wrong and ran. Then I ended up in the middle of a war or something... and yeah. Sure I'll take blame, but from what I've read of the some of the characters in high places i.e Ackbar and Iblis they are somewhat forgiving characters. And no, I don't want another argument over the subject.

Darth Viscera
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:21:18 PM
I know that the few times Ares has tried that, his food usually ended up escaping before he was able to break the mouse.

Darth Viscera
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:23:11 PM
Let's not forget your attempt to enthrall the whole of Bothawui in a state of rebellion.

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:43:10 PM
I just decided to leave. Then I found out I was wrong and ran.

I know. I just didn't refer to it in much detail.

Darth Viscera
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:58:04 PM
And taking all that into account, the NR still wants you back?

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:02:48 PM
Yog doesn't mind. I would be a subbordanite officer and most likely not even have my own ship. But I'm still an able tactition. Which the NR always needs.

Jedi Neo
Jan 29th, 2002, 02:03:33 AM
Why wouldn't he be back...

Anyways I'll see what Jedi Neo can do for you gents, after ofcourse tomarrow night...

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 29th, 2002, 02:26:56 AM
Viscera doesn't believe in second chances.. meh! But I did something sorta bad. Oh well.

Darth Viscera
Jan 29th, 2002, 02:30:24 AM
I believe quite firmly in second chances. I don't believe in third chances.

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 29th, 2002, 10:12:24 AM
I don't remember getting a second chance.