View Full Version : Mothman Prophecies Review.

Tissaauurree Savuurra
Jan 27th, 2002, 10:49:46 PM
In my own opinion, if you are not one to like movies that cause you to think, do not see. From this moment on though, be fore warned of possible spoilers to this movie.

The general plot of this story is left to interpretation as I feel it was put. There are several messages this movie sends to its audience. I personally think that the plot was Why Richard Gere was brought to Pleasent Point. But it has possibilites.

As for non-story related, the music was rather nice, not to great but not bad. And the special effects worked wellalthough the constant changes from light to dark and back again was a little much. The acting was well done. I would give you more but its late here, and I wanna tell you the story! So In total review, I give it a 6 of 10, 10 being highest.

Jan 28th, 2002, 10:24:04 AM
Yeah, but what was it about?

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 28th, 2002, 12:27:14 PM
<-- Tiss

It's about to save Pleasent Point from a great tradegy. It's good. See it!

Mu Satach
Jan 29th, 2002, 09:34:53 PM
In a nut shell think an X-files type of mystery with journalist Richard Gere, instead of an FBI Mulder.

Much like the New Jersey Devil, the Mothman or Mothmen are a part of Americana myth.

During the 60's there were a bunch of sightings of a large grey man creature with wings. People speculate that the Mothman is a harbanger of disaters or a warning of a coming disaster.

From what I can gather Richard Gere's character and his wife are caught up in the Mothman mystery and events as things lead up to some event.

I'd say what that is, but then what would be the fun? :)

Jan 29th, 2002, 11:53:59 PM
That's ok, I don't think the movie is playing anymore. ;)

Oh wait, it just opened. :D

Jan 30th, 2002, 02:14:23 AM
It did not do poorly for a weekend in January.

Mothman Prophecies was good, I thought. 6 out of 10 huh? Wow, well I guess not everyone liked it.

I'd give it an 8 out of 10, as in a B-. CinemaScore had it at a C+ from audiences, so I'm more or less in agreement though I liked it a bit better.

I thought it was the weakest film I saw last weekend of the four I went to see, but it was still very worthwhile.

The Mothman thing is not American myth, though, by the way. It is a worldwide myth and that is explained in the movie too.

I like the New Jersey Devil stuff. That X-Files episode rocked.

My favorite X-Files episode of all time is on DVD soon!!! Fifth Season's "DETOUR." Now that episode just rocked.

My other favorites are Darkness Falls, first season I think, Small Potatoes (fourth?), and just a bunch that I do not remember names of yet.

Mu Satach
Jan 30th, 2002, 03:52:37 PM
oh yeah... forgot about the Russian sitings... I just associate it with W. Virginia. :D

My favorite X-files are
The Ghosts who Stole Chirstmas
Bad Blood
Road Runners

and a few others... I don't know all the titles. :)

but the Mothmen ep of the X-files was awesome... Scully sings in it. :D :D :D

Jan 30th, 2002, 06:46:15 PM
Yeah I think I recognize the first title you mentioned.

Care to remind me what the other two X-Files episodes were about?

Mu Satach
Jan 31st, 2002, 02:14:37 PM
Bad Blood starts with a kid running through a forest screaming for help that someone's going to kill him... next thing you see Mulder chasing down the kid, Mulder knocks him to the ground, jumps on top of him and takes a wooden stake out, kid keeps screaming, Mulder then plundges the stake through the kids heart, Scully runs up and is dumbfounded by what Mulder's done, Mulder starts going, "See! See Scully! Look at his teeth!" Scully leans forward and pulls up the kids upperlip and sure enough... he's sporting a set of fangs, Mulder starts going on about vampires, then Scully kinda flicks the teeth and goes, "Ummm... Mulder, look." Mulder leans over and Scully finishes pulling at the teeth and a set of false fangs falls off, she turns and looks up at Mulder, Mulder just stands there for a second then goes, "Oh Shhhii" Cue the opening credits.

By far it's one of the funniest episodes I've ever seen. :D
The whole episode goes back and forth between Scully's point of view of what happened leading up to the staking, and Mulders point of view.

Road Runners is one from last season that this slug like thing get's inserted into Scully's back and is climbing up her spine to take over her brain... I like it cause it's set in southern rural Utah and the pod type people there who put the slug in Scully just crack me up.

Another one I really like is the one where Peter Boyle guest starred as an insurance agent who was psychic and Mulder and Scully get him to help them track down a serial killer. There's this other psychic called the Stuppendous Yappi that's just great.
Killer:"But why am I doing these things?"
Peter Boyle: "Don'tcha get it son? Your nuts."

Jan 31st, 2002, 05:34:31 PM
Both of those do sound familiar. I remember the first one, hehe, that is really funny.

I really, really want to know the name of this one episode that I'd say is in my top 5 but I just cannot remember the season or the name.

I am guessing it is season 5 or 6 because I saw it probably 3 to 4 years ago. This is the one where Mulder and Scully go to this neighborhood where people are disappearing ala Tremors from something underground taking them or whatever. The funniest scene is when Mulder is like, "Damnit Scully, you get in that kitchen and you make me a sandwich." He says it in this accent and is making fun of another guy in the neighborhood I think, but it's hilarious. That's about all I remember really but that episode rocks.

I have to be honest that this season I've only seen one episode of The X-Files. At college here, I just always forget what day and time it is and X-Files isn't the same anymore, so I have missed it every time basically. Before that, at least while Mulder was around, I hadn't missed an episode for years.

I have all four of the first seasons on DVD and I cannot wait for the fifth. :) $400+ in DVDs right there already, hehe.

Mu Satach
Jan 31st, 2002, 06:48:24 PM
That one's called "Arcadia", season 7 I think. :D

I love that one!
best is when Scully has got the video camera out and is documenting the house and Mulder comes up and "You wanna make that home sex video now?"

Oh man... and when she walks out of the bathroom wearing the green mud face and Mulder's reaction. :D :D :D

Another one I like from that year is "Triangle" Mulder goes back to 1939 on a British luxury liner that's being taken over by Nazi's.

I haven't really gotten into it this year. What I really liked about the series was the snappy humor amid the creep out factor, action and mystery. There just hasn't been that much of it this year. :\

Jan 31st, 2002, 06:52:48 PM
That liner one was classic :)

I struggle to see it because of the times. Not even got any of the Doggett series yet

Feb 1st, 2002, 03:35:08 AM
I am not into X-Files as much anymore because the new season and a half or so just hasn't been that great. I have watched parts and it hasn't interested me that much.

The series was ABOUT Mulder and Scully was an excellent co-star for him to play off, but face it, this was Mulder's show. The whole story was about his belief in aliens, his sister's disappearance, his quest, all of that. Scully was just there because it would be boring if it was just him. The two were great together, but when he left, the show was over in my opinion and the opinions of many die-hard fans. There have been some good, original ideas since then even without him, but it's not the same anymore.

It's not like where I would see X-Files Sunday night and just WISH MORE THAN ANYTHING that it was the next Sunday so I could see the next episode. Every day of the week I'd think about the next X-Files episode. Now, the thought never even enters my mind.

Still, I'm buying every episode on DVD (including the final season) when they are all out, so I consider myself a fairly loyal supporter.

I love The X-Files and I still think it is the best show ever on television, at least for me it is.

Mu Satach
Feb 16th, 2002, 02:41:09 PM
Alrighty... I finally saw this flick.

Overall I enjoyed it and would see it again. The director didn't rush through things nor did he spell everything out and much is left up to the view to decide. Mothman Prophecies is presented in a straight forward manner and it builds tension nicely.

What might annoy some is the camera work. The movie is very stylistic and the camera work is used to help convey the uneasyness of the subject matter. I personally enjoyed it, but I can see how some people may become irritated at it as goes in and out of focus, jumps back and forth and occationally the colors will become oversaturated or dulled to accentuate a point.

I do have to buy the soundtrack now. No doubt about that. I would describe it as "Enya with edge" and my buddy described it as "Alice in Chains does easy listening." The artists behind the opening and closing sound I must own are tomandandy.

As to Tissaauurree Savuurra's thought to what the plot was about I don't entirely disagree... but feel more that a line in the movie represents my view on the movie's meaning... "You're looking for meaning where there is none." My personal belief is that things like the Mothman only exist to torment and bring fear into people. Gear in the begining of the movie told his friend that it's like something in the Universe suddenly looks and notices your happy and then comes after you. I agree with that assesment and believe that he was pulled to Point Pleasant as a continuation of that torment. No real reason, no real point other than something tormented and frightened hundreds of people for a very long time. And hence since the original journalist was there to experience it and write about it the fear is thus carried on into the rest of the world. Neat trick eh? It worked on my friends, they couldn't sleep that night. So if I was a Mothman and my mission was to scare the snot out of people and make them doubt their own sanity I would say mission accomplished.

In a nutshell, The Mothman Prophecies is worth a look. Just remember while driving home afterwards that those glowing red things are car tail lights and not something tall, dark and creepy. :)