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Estelle Russard
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:50:21 PM
She signed for the package and closed the door.

Kazaar was changing in the bedroom down the other end of his apartment and so she had, naturally, answered the door.

Kazaar never just answered the door. He knew if someone wasnt expected, then there were good odds it was better left shut.

She gave the small package an investigative shake. "Hmpf" something solid she guessed. She heard Aurelius moving about and then his bedroom door opened with a swoosh

Still looking the box over, but losing interest, she called back to him "It was just a delivery boy. A package for you."

Kazaar pulled hard on his boot laces and lifted his head up "What?"

Placing the parcel on the middle of the glass coffee table, Estelle sat down and began to flick through a glossy magazine. All pictures of firearms with advertisements of "best buys" splashed all over them.

"A delivery boy came to the door, while you were changing. There's a package for you."

The pounding of Kazaars heavy footfalls as he ran the length of the hallway made the Jedi padawan jump slightly in her chair.

In four strides he'd made the length of the hallway and snatched up the box. Running back the way he came, he tossed it down the built in garbage shoot, to the buildings basement disposer, then back and yanked Estelle roughly by the arm up from the couch and pulled her behind him out the front door.

They fled down the long corridor and out into the paved front square of the building. A resounding BOOM was heard and the entire lower side building that housed the disposal dept exploded outward in frightening force, flame and smoke billowing causing all kinds of fire and distress alarms to be triggered off.

Estelle was shocked and stood blinking dumbly. Aurelius turned irritated eyes onto her.

"Dont ever- EVER- answer my door for me. Got it?!"

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:24:16 AM
Before the girl could protest, Kazaar grabbed her arm roughly pulling her away from the courtyard. The two fled down the streets of Kuat City, away from the fire, and what was left of the apartment complex.

Turning a corner, Kazaar ran towards a smaller building, nestled between two delapadated ones. Looking left and right, the cautious bounty hunter opened the door, then quickly closed it.

They were in another apartment complex, this one smaller and more rundown. Kazaar led her to the third floor, then opened and closed the door to Room 315.

After locking it, he turned to the Jedi Padawan his anger intense.

"Don't you think girl?" he yelled, pressing a button on wall.

The side of the wall suddenly fell back, as atleast two dozen weapons (all racked by size) slid to meet him. Kazaar began pulling a few weapons out, speaking as he did.

"Do it occur to you, I have enemies frellin' everywhere!" Aurelias grabbed a concussion rifle, slinging it over his back.

"This type of job is no pinic! It's dangerous. Much dangerous than that damn Jedi teachings of yours!"

His brown eyes shot blasters to the young Estelle, as she began cowering in the corner. The bounty hunter grabbed three blasters, throwing one towards Estelle.

"C'mon, you know how to shoot, let's go! There's more out there. C'mon!"

When she didn't move again, Aurelias cursed. Pulling her to her feet, enough to hear a small 'Yip' of pain from the 20- year old, Kazaar led her from the corner to the center of the room.

Someone was after him. But who? Kazaar couldn't rule out Gorgja, the main person he did bounties for.

He's still pissed at me for killing that Bith.

Even his recent partner, Sanis Prent, coulda organized it.

Son of a bitch never knew when to quit. Probably wants the rest of the creds.

It was then, he heard a knock on the door.

"Krill? Krill, you in there?"

It was Remak, the super of this building.

"Krill, there are some...gentlemen who wish to discuss something with you."

Aurelias cursed again. If he and Estelle went out the front, someone would probably be waiting for him. And the window was a bad alternative as well. It was a straight 50 foot drop to the ground below. Even with the river near the street, it was damn hard to accomplish such a feet. Kazaar knew, he'd broken a leg the last time someone gave him 'A package'.

Aurelias waited. The sound of Remak's voice faded as he walked away from the door. There was silence for two minutes.

Then he heard it. Very faintly.

"What's going on out there?" it was his neighbor, Tyril who was speaking.

There was the sound of a shot, and a thump. Aurelias' eyes narrowed again.

"Okay," he hissed the words to Estelle, who still cowered in fear of him, "Here's what we're gonna do. There ain't no way the both of us can make tha' jump to th' river below.

"You get behind me. I'm gonna open the door slowly. If no one throws a thermal detonator, then I'm gonna throw one of my own. Then...we run forward and shoot anyone in our paths. Got it."

It wasn't a question.

Tears coming from her eyes, Estelle nodded. The bounty hunter grinned a very nasty grin, then pulled two cigars from his jacket. He gave one to Estelle, helping her light it again, then puffed on his own. A swig of bourbon (from the flask in his jacket) and he was ready.

"Good. 'ere goes nuthin'."

He quietly slid the door open, rolling a small metal object away from the door. Aurelias covered his ears, then drew Estelle close to his body. She was sobbing, but somehow keeping the cigar in her mouth.

Impressive Kazaar thought as he waited for the detonator to go off.

The explosion ripped the door from its hinges, throwing it across the room. As the smoke cleared, Kazaar yelled, then ran forward firing his blasters at the men who waited for him.

I sure as frell don't need this!

Estelle Russard
Jan 26th, 2002, 08:02:09 PM
She could hear him yelling, even though her ears rang from the noise of the explosion, but she wasnt registering a whole lot of what Kazaar was saying.

She just kept thinking how close to being dead she had just been.
How she had been sitting on the couch in such close proximity- and in complete oblivion to-a literal ticking timebomb.

First he threw a gun at her, which she blankly looked at. Then yanking her to her feet he forced her to focus on what he was telling her.

Enemies? But I dont have any enemies.. She still wasn't really thinking straight from the shock it all. Kazaar was used to his world exploding up around his head it seemed and he was reacting efficiently and with a clear headedness that was the complete opposite of what Estelle was experiencing.

He lit the cigar as she clamped it between her teeth and was saying something about shooting anyone who was in their way.
He was so angry with her. Its not like I knew there was a bomb..

She tried to stiffle her tears, but his constant yelling at her made it nearly impossible.

She jumped half out of her wits again as the detonator went off and doors and debris was blasted about. Then in a flash Aurelias was out into the corridor again, guns blasting.

Estelle kept close up behind him, all but clinging to the back of his shirt and matching him step for step like an extra shadow. Three bodies fell, thud-thud-thud as Kazaar found his marks and the two of them didnt miss a stride as they negotiated the dead bodies now strewn before them.

They got out into the open street, Kazaar leading them close against the sides of the buildings, his eyes scanning every possible location for snipers who may be waiting to pick them off - his guns still in hand and very much like a natural extension of them. Estelle gawked around her, doing her part to look for signs of threat, but couldnt see much over the broadness of Kazaars shoulders. Instead she glanced backwards in time to see a body skip passed an alley between two buildings.

She let off a barray of fire, peeling shards of cement from the walled structure. Kazaar spun around and then pulled them backwards to a doorway recess, waiting for the trailer to show himself again.

"Any time now..." He said in a low sure voice. "One...two...and there he is" With a deadly volley, the fourth and final assassin fell forward and rolled about in an agonised screech before falling silent.

Reaching forward, he plucked the cigar that was still clamped between Estelle's gritted teeth. "You're supposed to smoke this, remember?" And he gave a small reassuring grin. "C'mon, if we move fast we can make it to the Flying Dutchman before it enters anyone's head to sabotage her on me. "

He brushed an unruly strand of hair that kept falling over her face behind her ear - it had suddenly dawned on him that she had alot to learn - and one of those things was to think with a suspicious mind on everything and everyone - it was how she would live to see her next birthday atleast. If he would teach her anything, he would teach her this if it killed him.

"Its not safe here in Kuat for us right now. I need to find out who's behind this, and I cant do it here."

He butted out the cigar and put it back in his pocket. "We'll save this for later." Another quick glance to ensure the area was clear, he took the lead again and the two set off for the obscure spaceport where his ship was docked.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 28th, 2002, 01:10:34 AM
Kuat City. As great of a city as it was, it still had its problems. One of which, Aurelias Kazaar was fleeing from right now. The criminal element of Kuat, while small, was quite dangerous. Even the New Republic had problems stopping the crime. The criminal element has rarely done anything as massive as destroying two buildings, but there was a time for everything.

The bounty hunter kept his eyes sharp as he and Estelle made their way to the hangar where The Dutchman was housed.

It was near the Gardens of Tralala, a place Kazaar had never visited. He didn't care much for gardens. They were a place to visit when one wanted to relax. And he figured he could relax with a bottle of bourbon and a great, strong cigar.

Why the girl's still with me, I'll never know. Kazaar thought as he slipped near an empty speeder. He looked around, seeing no one, then jumped in it.

"You're stealing a speeder?" Estelle's eyebrows raised as she looked in horror.

Kazaar glared at her, "Yes. Now c'mon! I don't have time for you to question my decisions. In. NOW!"

Literally jumping, the Jedi Padawan got in the speeder, almost falling out as Kazaar sent the speeder forward. He sped to its maximum legal speed, then headed towards the hanger.

No point attracking the New Republic's attention. Although, it might get the girl back to her master. Frelling Jedi... his curse died as he took a sharp turn.

It was odd, with the young Jedi, Estelle Russard, being with a rogue like Aurelias Kazaar. But it'd happened. She'd gotten drunk at Greater Jedi Order almost three weeks ago. After she'd passed out on Kazaar's ship he'd left with her back for Kuat. With no way to return to her master, Reaper Fett, Estelle figured it best to stay on Kuat until Kazaar returned from his bounty on Khollimar Ghent. Now, the plan was to return to Yavin, without any problems.

Obviously, 'problems' had arisen.

Kazaar took another turn hard, then headed straight out towards the hanger. Four minutes later, the speeder was pulling up.

"Wait," Estelle grabbed the bounty hunter before he could enter the hangar.

"What?" Kazaar hissed. He wanted off this planet, five hours ago.


"What do you mean wrong?" Aurelias kept his voice down none the less.

He couild visibly see Estelle concentrating, trying to use her Jedi Powers to discover what was 'wrong'.

As annoying as they are. Jedi do have some uses.

"Two mean men. Inside."

Kazaar's brown eyes narrowed. He pulled his Imperial Repeater Rifle from his back.

They've got my baby. he thought.

"Okay, same plan as before. We rush in, and take 'em out...Let's..."

Her gasp let him know something was wrong.

The *Click let him know indeed something was wrong.

"Hello, Kazzy," a sing-song voice said. It was Riz, his information broker.

"Looking to get off planet?" the female smiled a cool smile as the blaster was leveled at the duo.

"Not today. I've been paid a high price to ensure you not get off.

"Good bye Aurelias. Was nice knowing you."

Estelle Russard
Jan 28th, 2002, 06:42:53 PM
"Whoa-ho-hoa, there Riz. What's all this?"
Aurelias flashed her a disarming smile, and carefully nudged the blaster nozzel gently out of his face with the back of his hand.

"This isn't any way to treat your business partner is it?"

Riz was well aware the bounty hunter was just stalling for time to give himself a chance to turn the blaster back onto her. But she was confident that wasnt going to happen. She had her two goons with her and what did Kazaar have? - some timid snippet of a girl to help him? Though Kazaar was resourceful - three guns to one stacked the odds in her favor.

She decided to humor him, after all, he had been a good partner all this time. It was just that now she had found a better partner - well, not really a better one, she had just been offered alot of credits to dispose of her current one. Pity really. She would miss his layback manner. So many of the bounty hunters these days were all strung out and had no sense of humor - atleast Kazaar was fun.

She grinned right back at him as she corrected her line of aim to right between his eyes. "Its nothin personal Aurelias - "business is business" Isnt that what you always say?." She nodded in Estelles direction, deciding to add insult to injury.. "Little young for you Kazzy. Is that legal?"

Estelle had remained by the speeder, watching and not having a clue as to what she should do. She was excited that she had "known" or "sensed" the men in the hangar. She had all this time, been so unsure that she possessed any ability in the force and had gone to the GJO with the hopes of somehow discovering
it. She was determined to serve the Order with or without becoming a Jedi, but what she had just experienced was more than a natural sixth-sense to danger. She "knew" about the men and she felt that this was a real stepping stone for her. She looked forward to telling ReaperFett about it.

A hard shove into her shoulder by the butt of one of the killers' guns yanked Estelle's thoughts back to their current predicament.
Kazaar and herself were being herded by blaster point into a maitanence hangar, Aurelias casually strolling with his Information broker, Estelle following behind with the two goons on her heels.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 29th, 2002, 04:01:31 PM
"So it's a real sweet deal, ain't it?" Kazaar was short with Riz as she walked them from the hangar to the speeder the bounty hunter had stolen. Another speeder had pulled up next to it, with three men getting out and beginning to walk towards them.

"Yep, being paid twice as much as my normal cut from your earnings," Riz smiled keeping her blaster trained on Aurelias.

"I'm making more money to betray you than when I ripped you off."

Bitch, I knew you were ripping me off! 20% my ass! Kazaar thought as he began planning his escape. His hands slipped down to his wrist, as he adjusted the watch on it.


The punch caught him offguard as Riz smacked him with her blaster. He'd been too deep in thought to catch her movement.

Kazaar hit the pavement hard, his head colliding with the concrete. He slowly began rising to his feet, when a boot caught him from behind. The bounty hunter hit the pavement again, then go to his knees.

His brown eyes shot blasters at the man who kicked him.

"Do it again," he mummered, wiping blood from his mouth, "And I kill you."

Another boot met his face, sending him to the ground again. Groggy, Kazaar began getting to his knees again.

Suddenly, his fist shot up connecting with the man's nose. A cracking (much like a bone breaking) sounded. The man's eyes rolled back into his head and he went down....Dead.

"Told ya," Kazaar said, then took a swing at Riz. He connected, sending her down.

"Don't just stand there gawking kid!" he yelled as he grabbed her blaster, firing at the trio of men beginning to now run towards the two.

"Take 'em out!"

Estelle Russard
Jan 29th, 2002, 04:39:34 PM
At Kazzars vocal prodding, Estelle stamped her foot in the soft front part of one of the goons legs, right where the foot and leg connect. It doesnt do much harm, but is a distraction enough for the thug to take his eyes off her. Estelle made to rush out of arms reach, but her arm got caught through the blaster strap of the man who had been closest to her and who's leg she had stomped, and so he in turn was pulled forward with her.
Which was just as well, as he took three blaster shots in the back that were intended for the young padawan and fell down dead as a nail to the ground.

Estelle was in a panic. She had tumbled downwards also under the dead weight and had bare seconds to defend herself from the other men who were running towards her. Snatching the hitman's weapon she levelled it in the general direction of her assailants and let off a barrage of fire.

The blaster was powerful - much more than the smaller handheld ReaperFett had shown her how to use - and the power of it was a shock to her. Her aim was not just bad, it was very bad, and served only to delay the advance of the men by sending blaster bolts skittering and rebounding off the permacrete floor. Through all the commotion she could hear Kazaar yelling at her yet again. "Aim for their chests! Their Chests!! Its the biggest target, Estelle!"

She lifted the nozzel higher hoping to find a mark somewhere. Three men were crouched behind large crates fairly close together and were just waiting for her to stop firing a moment before they got their own shots off - shots that would be unfailingly accurate for sure.

Estelle closed her eyes and continued to pull hard on the trigger. The shots were wild and all over the place, richocheting in a deadly fashion all over the hanger bay roof. The last volley seered through a metal chain that held suspended in the air a massive iron girder that was being used for contruction of an outer hangar. In an instant the giant pylon sailed to the floor without a moments warning crushing the wooden crates - and the men with them - below it.

A scream of anger burst out of Riz as she saw her treatcherous credits and the best part of her motely crew slip away from her in one ear-splitting crash.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 29th, 2002, 04:54:49 PM
"Damn," Kazaar smirked as he saw what was left of the crates and the men.

"We'll have to work on that aim. But nice shot, kid."

The bounty hunter's eyes darkened as he turned towards Riz Leemur. She'd been good at providing information, but she'd always ripped him off.

"What was it you said t'me?" his voice turned harsh as he began a slow walk towards her cowering figure, "Just business?"

He smiled a very wicked smile, then kicked her blaster out of her hand. Kazaar pulled out vibroblade...a long one, with ribbed edge for more damage.

"Kid," he said to Estelle, "I want to you watch. You'll learn what happens if you ever, ever decide to betray me, like this...filth right here."

Leaning forward, he brought the vibroblade down just above the left breast of Riz. It punctured her heart, slowly beginning to kill her as blood filled her lungs. One last flick...and Riz Leemur was dead.

Kazaar stood up from his handiwork, then turned to Estelle. She was sobbing, having watched the whole ordeal (and the fact, she'd just killed three men).

"Let's go, kid. We gotta get ya back to Yavin. And 10 to 1...this isn't the last we've seen of who's trying to off me."

Turning, he walked back towards the hangar.

Estelle Russard
Jan 29th, 2002, 05:17:17 PM
Estelle just stood there, looking. So much blood..

This was a side she hadn't seen of Aurelias before. Oh sure, she knew he was ruthless - the fate of Caldor the Rodian back on Yavin IV had told her that. But he hadn't made her watch him kill Caldor as he extracted the information he needed. That, and the fact she drowned herself in bourbon to block that whole experience out..

But this. He showed no mercy. She knew his world operated completely different to hers, and there was much she didnt understand - and maybe never would.

But this was just cruel. It made her angry and hurt that he had done it.

"Move it will ya kid. We've wasted enough time already."
Kazaar called back to her over his shoulder as he strode toward the "Flying Dutchman".

She looked over at him and back at the draining corpse and then all around at the chaos their skirmish had left. Five dead. And she responsible for 3 of them. She felt a failure. Great start to her Jedi path.

Her eyes sullenly on his back she thought bitterly..He doesnt even care less.

She trapsed up behind him and as he boarded the ship, she pushed passed him, not meeting his eyes, to take her seat.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 29th, 2002, 05:29:18 PM
Kazaar watched as the young Jedi pushed passed him. He knew he'd made her angry, and while he cared it was something he had to show her.

When he'd reached the Dutchman Estelle was allready strapped in ready to go. Kazaar grabbed a bottle of bourbon- dropping it in her lap. Another, went with him to his seat.

He took off, headed up towards the growing dark skies of Kuat. Up next, Yavin IV.

"I take it," he spoke as he prepared the ship, "you wonder why I made you watch? I trusted Riz not to betray me. And she did. I would make anyone watch it, as a reminder.

"Also, becareful not to show too much anger. Doesn't that lead to the 'Dark Side'?"

He scoffed.

"Drink your bourbon. You'll be back with the Jedi soon enough."

Estelle Russard
Jan 29th, 2002, 11:08:36 PM
She held the bourbon bottle loosely in her lap. A bitter taste was in her mouth, but she didnt feel like getting lost in the oblivion that the liquor would be quick to take her to. Unlike Kazaar, Estelle had not much resistance to its alcohollic effects.

As he mentioned the Dark Side, she felt that he was mocking her, taking lightly her committment to do what she could to influence the balance for good in the galaxy. Why did what he think even bother her so much?

She tossed the bottle back over to him, and reached over snatching the data pad from his hand. She was no pilot, but she could enter navigation co-ordinates as well as the next person. And right now, she wanted to focus her energy on something constructive, else she feared she could, quite possibly, wring the bounty hunters neck for him.

Surprised a little at the padawans brusqueness, Kazaar began to chuckle lowly, building slowly to him laughing outright at her.

"Geez kid, careful. I'm more fragile than I look."

She shot him a pained look and felt her face blush from the base of her throat right up to her forehead as he grinned at her. The bounty hunter drank deep from his bourbon, and then double-checked the data Estelle had entered on the nav-set on his screen. Confirming her accuracy and shaking his head amusedly, he leaned on the throttle and prepared to jump to hyperdrive.

Something in the quietness of her voice gave him pause "Aurelias...I killed somebody today..." He looked over to see something he wasnt quite prepared for in her eyes. It was more than realisation that she had taken anothers life...but he couldnt quite put his finger on it. "I dont much like the feeling of it." She leant over towards him and swapped the data pad for the bourbon again, this time opening it and taking a small drink from it. Screwing up her face as the liquor burned its way down her throat, she raised her brown eyes and looked straight at him, for once without the tears welling up in them.
And then he had it - and it was a sober thing to see. She had lost an element of her innocence. And while that was the point of the whole excercise, he was aware that Estelle had well and truly begun on the road that had no turning back. The road of experience, knowledge and harsh realities.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 31st, 2002, 04:09:26 PM
"Look kid," Kazaar started, attempting to take the bottle away from her. Estelle pulled away quick, taking two more quick drinks from the bourbon.

The bounty hunter sighed, turning back to the controls of the ship. After a few minutes he spoke.

"You're lucky kid...being able to do what you did. My first kill, wasn't so pretty. I was protecting my family- yeah even I had a family. My dad'd gotten drunk one night, come home...hurt m' mom. Hurt her real bad, left her bleedin' fairly heavily."

His eyes started clouding a bit, as he drank from his bourbon glass.

"So I went out and got a pipe. Found m'dad passed out in the refresher. So I tattooed him, multiple times. Th'bastard didn't get up...When th' authorities found 'im...he'd been dead for a while. So you were lucky..."


Estelle dropped the bottle of bourbon, which thunked on the floor. She quickly picked it up, spilling a little on the floor.

"Hey!" Kazaar yelped, "I paid good cred for that bourbon. Don't spill any!"

He started a laugh, but was cut short as an alarm sounded.

"What in the frell...?" a visible slowing down said the Dutchman was coming out of hyperspace.

"We're too far away from Yavin for us to be there. Something's up."

Kazaar slid into the cockpit, then cursed again.

Sitting right before them, was an Imperial Star Destroyer. Just beyond that was an Imperial Interdictor cruiser, who's gravity wells had brought the ship out of hyperspace.

"Strap in Estelle, prepare for battle!" Kazaar shouted as he upped the drives, sending The Flying Dutchman towards the Star Destroyer at top speed.

Kazaar's brown eyes darkened as he flew forward. This wasn't what he'd hoped at all.

Estelle Russard
Jan 31st, 2002, 10:30:54 PM
Did the man have a sign engraved on the hull of his ship "KICK ME" or something???

It seems the two travellers weren't to get much peace.

Estelle was quite surprised to hear Kazaar's family story. In truth, though, it wasnt the story itself, but the fact that he had inched open the door of his past - and one that seemed painful to him - for her to see inside. She didnt have time to say anything before the mood was swung in the complete other direction and it was battle-stations yet again.

This was different though. The guns were a WHOLE LOT BIGGER.

The Jedi padawan screwed on the bourbon bottle's cap and set it in a round metal grip on the side of the console which Kazaar had for that specific purpose.

"Youre heading right into them.....? Isnt the idea to escape?"

No answer from the bounty hunter. Just a hard focused look out the viewscreen of the Dutchman.

The vessels that loomed ahead were massive. If the "Flying Dutchman" crashed into it, it would be like some unfortunate insect hitting the windsheild of a speeder. Messy but worse for the bug than the speeder..

Hurriedly, Estelle strapped herself into the chair and called frantically to Kazaar, "What should I do? How can I help?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 1st, 2002, 01:15:40 AM
"Keep your eye out for anything!" Kazaar yelled as he headed towards the Imeperial Star Destroyer.

"A Star Destroyer by itself isn't normal. Look for anything!"

It indeed was odd, for the Imperial Star Destroyer to be by itself. Save for the Interdictor Cruiser, there was nothing else around him.

Either whoever is after me has enough creds to buy a Star Destroyer. Or, I just ran 'nta a buncha poodoo

There was hardly anything around The Flying Dutchman, only stars and the two capital ships.

It was then..everything went to hell.

Something began firing upon the Dutchman from behind, spattering the shields with turbolaser fire.

"Damn, it's a Carrack Cruiser. Hang on kid!"

Kazaar sent the ship into a tight barrel roll, avoiding the rest of the fire. The Star Destroyer kept coming closer, as Kazaar started fighting the Carrack Cruiser.

The bounty hunter switched from lasers to proton torpedos, turning to head towards the Cruiser. It would be tough to fight the Cruiser, but with the small modifications he'd done to the ship...Kazaar figured he'd come out of it alive.

He got a lock, then fired watching the blue streaks head towards the cruiser. Right as they were about to hit...they exploded as turbolaser fire from the cruiser destroyed them.

Kazaar cursed.

I Promised Estelle I'd get 'er back t'Yavin. C'mon baby don't fail m'now!

"Son of a BITH!" He yelled as his target indicator warned him of an advanced concussion missile headed towards the Dutchman. It would be tough to avoid, but Kazaar thought he could....

The missile exploded behind the ship, sending it into a tailspin. Estelle screamed as the ship spun out of control. IT showed to a halt, then refused to start again.

"Sorry kid, I thought I could getcha back. Siiigh...they're not gonna get me without me going out inna blaze of glory though."

Kazaar prepared to send more torpedos at the Carrack Cruiser, when it happened again.

Yellow streaks of Heavy Rockets flew past the Flying Dutchman hitting the Carrack Cruiser. The ship began to explode, threatening to come apart. Blue rays of ion cannons from TIE Defenders shut the Cruiser down completely.

A red blinking light on the console alerted Kazaar he was being hailed.

"Unidentified ship, Unidentified ship. This is the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior. Looks like you owe us a favor. Prepare to be boarded. Out."

Aurelias cursed again. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.


Estelle Russard
Feb 2nd, 2002, 04:14:45 PM
"The Flying Dutchman" pitched and rolled and accellerated all at once it seemed.

Estelle had snapped her belt into place just in the nick of time.

The blast shocks from the explosions around them caused the ship to shake and rattle fearfully and the young jedi feared it may only be moments before the whole thing disintegrated around them and sent them hurling in a blaze of glory, nuts and bolts into the wilds of space. "Dont worry kid, she's been through worse-much worse- this is nothin"

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over

Kazaar was cursing and had unstrapped himself, leaped from his leather pilot chair and had hit a button that dropped a huge pannel loaded from top to bottom with weapons, grenades and blasters of all shapes and sizes. He grabbed one of the larger ones and pocketed a number of detonators, hitting the button again and the panel disappeared from sight - all by the time Estelle had managed to "click" herself undone and get unsteadily from her chair.

"Why is this happening Aurelias? Who exactly WAS this Khollimar Ghent?! Was he THIS important that these people would go to such lengths??" She was panicking she knew it - the yelling was just a natural outlet for the fear she could not control.

Kazaar checked the weapon and strapped it into place with expert surety.

"We dont got time for "50 Questions" kid. Cant you see its gonna get crowded in 'ere?"

As he finished his statement, the ship was locked on by a tractor beam and pulled within the first Imperial battleship's docking bay.

They had no choice but to come out of the craft. Either that or be blown up ship and all. As they stepped onto the exit ramp 5 Imperial Troopers materialised right before them, one grabbing Estelle the instant he arrived.

"Lower the weapon Mr. Kazaar. The girl's death will be a very very slow one if you do not oblige us. Either way, there is only one ending to this if you insist on resisting."

Estelle blinked her large brown eyes in apology to Aurelias. She was well aware the odds were all against them this time.

Taylor Millard
Feb 2nd, 2002, 06:04:43 PM
"Captain you will release the two right now," a harsh voice spoke as a man about Kazaar's age walked into the hangar bay.

"B-but General Tomar, sir," the man began protesting, "Our orders-"

"You misinterpretted your orders Captain!" General Tomar roared, his brown eyes boaring into the Captain.

"Take the girl to our guest quarters, and Mr. Kazaar to the Grand Admiral's study. He wants to speak with him."

"Girl stays wit' me," Kazaar snarled as he stared at the General, "All I know, ya kill 'er when this Grand Admiral and I meet. Then ya kill me.

"All ready did give up a grand welcomin'."

Tomar smiled, "Very well, the girl stays with you. Come, let us go meet the Grand Admiral."

The two were ushered (by a row of stormtroopers and General Tomar) through the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior. Tomar took them the shortest route, since they were expected promptly. As they came towards the bridge, Tomar took a right, leading them to a room adjoining the bridge.

He pressed a chime on the grey door, then waited.

"Enter," a voice said from inside.

The door swung open, and the trio (the stormtroopers waited outside) entered an art museum. At the end of the hall sat a man in a white uniform. His blue eyes shone as he stared at the entering guestss.

"Welcome to the Superior," he spoke, "I am Grand Admiral Taylor Millard. You are the bounty hunter Aurelias Kazaar." It wasn't a question.

"I have some information for you in regards to your pursuers. I believe you will find this interesting."

He set a datapad on his desk, then motioned the two forward.

"Sit down and rest. I have some bourbon from Balmorra I believe you will find quite tasteful, Mr. Kazaar. Bourbon is you choice of drink correct?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 3rd, 2002, 05:41:11 AM
The inside of the battleship was huge. The gleaming corridors and the precision discipline of the troopers were forbidding and intimidating.

Estelle was relieved that Kazaar insisted she stay with him. Being here was bad enough. Being here alone, with him off in some other part of the ship who knows when to return, would have been terrible.

They were ushered into the presence of a distinguished and imposing man. He seemed quite familiar with Kazaar and spoke as if they were aquainted.

Taking her seat demurely, the young padawan watched with interest as the Admiral tossed the datapad to the Bounty Hunter. Estelle shook her head "no" when offered the bourbon and remained quietly composed, waiting to see what information the Admiral had.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 3rd, 2002, 04:55:13 PM
Kazaar smirked, "I won't have your bourbon if I was forced to it."

He reached into his jacket, pulling out his metal flask, and taking a swig from it.

"I always bring m'own. Now, what's this 'bout info ya got for me 'bout those guys who're aftah me."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigar, "Mind if I smoke?"

Then without even waiting, Kazaar lit the cigar letting the flavor fill the room.

Ironically, Millard didn't flinch those his eyes did close slightly. Though Kazaar would never admit it, the eyes unnerved him. There was a certain coldness to it, even Kazaar didn't feel.

"Look pal, I don't know ya. And how did ya know I'd be here, huh?

The Grand Admiral took a sip from the glass next to him, "It was an accident actually. We were testing something and happened to catch you in the test.

"We didn't expect it but we found you. Now, in regards to who is after you. I had someone attempt to bribe me almost two weeks ago. His name remains anonymous. He informed me he wanted you for something you did to a friend of his.

"I can only assume it was the bounty on the head of Khollimar Ghent that caused this attack. Although, my information says, you've done more than anger a few indiscriminate crime lords."

Kazaar smirked, "Ain't that the truth."

Millard stood up behind his desk, walking forward towards the bounty hunter. He thing looked towards Estelle.

"And who are you little one? A bounty hunter like Kazaar?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 3rd, 2002, 07:37:28 PM
The Admiral moved around behind her chair, his cool calculating eyes drifting from the Padawan to the Bounty Hunter. He rested a hand on the top of the chair, close to the Jedi's shoulder and Estelle nervously touched her hair.

"Um, no. No, Im not a bounty hunter." Estelle wasn't sure if the Admiral was serious or not.

"I am a padawan of the Greater Jedi Order."

Kazaar groaned lowly and ran a hand roughly across his chin.

Estelle looked at him, suddenly feeling she had said too much.

The Admirals eyebrows raised in interest..."Oh, really. A Padawan.." He looked directly into Kazaar's eyes and Aurelias did not like the chill he saw in them. "Strange company you keep, young lady. I mean, for a Jedi..."

Millard moved around and took a seat beside her, sitting opposite Kazaar. He took her hand in his and smiled, though his eyes lost nothing of their coldness. "Got any blood on those hands yet have you?"

Kazaar had seen enough and got to his feet. "We done 'ere yet, Admiral? I appreciate all the help 'n all, but we need t' be on our way. Time is Money and all that." He reached over to lift Estelle to her feet, but the Admiral did not release her hand.

Millard's mood changed tangibly, his cordiality wearing thin.

"Please sit, Mr. Kazaar. You and I are far from 'done'.."

Taylor Millard
Feb 5th, 2002, 05:36:33 PM
Millard motioned Kazaar to take a seat. When the man hesitated, Millard sent a piercing blue-eyed glare at him. Slowly, still puffing on the cigar, Kazaar took a seat.

"Now," he spoke his tone keeping its edge, "I would think you would be appreciative of my offer of assistance."

The bounty hunter scoffed, "Yeh, but why should I accept this. All I know, ya're doin' it jist f'kicks."

Millard glowered at the bounty hunter again, "I do not just do things for kicks, Mr. Kazaar.

"And before you ask, I was contacted with a sizable fund to find you and keep you from leaving. But I am above that sort of action."

As Kazaar's eyes began widening Millard spoke, "Even Imperials have honor Mr. Kazaar. I do not accept anything for money no accept money for anything."

Millard was semi-intrigued why Estelle was with Kazaar. Here was someone- who was a known murderer and not completely stable watching over a girl as if it was his own daughter or loved one. There was a reason for everything and Millard supposed the universe just worked that way sometimes.

A light blinked on Millard's desk, forcing him to answer it.


"Lieutenant Hawkins here with the report on the ship."

When Millard didn't respond, Hawkins continued, "The hyperdrive has been knocked out sir. And the type of hyperdrive on this machine is something we don't have. We may have to send him somewhere other than one of our planets."

Millard sat thoughtfully, then spoke, "Very well Lieutenant, I appreciate the report. Repair what can be repaired to the ship, then pepare to hold onto it for a day or so.

"There are no planets in this sector with the ability to fix your hyperdrive. The closest place I can think of is Bespin. We will set course for Bespin within the hour.

"You are dismissed Mr. Kazaar. But do feel free to stay in our guest quarters. And that wasn't a request," Millard said it with a look in his eyes.

Also," he threw a datapad on the desk, "I was informed you were looking for a new Information officer. I know someone who might be able to help. The contact information is on there.

"And I trust her with my life. So consider that when you make your decision."

Troopers led both Kazaar and Estelle to their shared quarters on the Superior. As they deposited the two in, Kazaar turned to Estelle,

"So much for 'Imperial Hospitality'. Learn anything there kid?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 6th, 2002, 02:19:09 AM
The quarters were furnished comfortably, though mostly in dark hues which Estelle found a little depressing.

She walked the room and looked around as Kazaar went straight to the small cooler compartment in search of something decent to drink.

So much for 'Imperial Hospitality'. Learn anything there kid?"

He came up empty handed and shut the cooler door with an unimpressed sigh. "You'd think the Imperials would spring for some decent bourbon or vodka.....even some good beer would be a plus. Too busy spending the budget on white shiney trooper gear, most likely."

Estelle wasnt really listening to the bounty hunter's rant.

Something unusual had struck her about Admiral Taylor Millard, and she didn't know if she should mention it.
She wasn't even sure if she was right in what she'd felt.

She wandered down a small hallway to the sleeping quarters, looking around, but not really seeing.

Still Kazaar went on...talking out loud to himself, "They sure knew alot though. Knew about Riz, knew about her offer to whack me...knew I needed a new Information Broker..like I say...they knew alot.."

Estelle wandered again out from the other room and back to where Kazaar was.

"You listenin t'me Estelle?"

She sat down on one of the deep armchairs and watched as the stars outside the view port sparkled in an endless horizon.
"Theres something..something missing with the Admiral"

Kazaar laughed. "You ARE observant aren't ya kid. Ive always thought those military types were a few screws loose, myself."

Estelle didnt laugh with him. "No, I mean, he's hiding something or denying something...I felt it when he held my hand..."

Kazaar crouched down to a squat, rocking on the balls of his feet a little and bringing his face level with Estelle's. His furrowed eyes, questioning, trying to understand and waited for her to go on.

But she didnt go on. She couldnt put her finger on it. There just seemed to her to be this big emptiness emanating from Millard.

"Maybe I just need some sleep..."

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 6th, 2002, 03:33:31 AM
"ll right kid, get some rest," Kazaar sat down on the chair watching as Estelle sat her body down on the bed, then curled up asleep.

Normally, Kazaar didn't think too deeply. But now, after all that had happened, he thought. It was odd for he and Estelle to be together, Kazaar chuckled at the thought of Estelle getting drunk and passing out on his ship. But now, that they were in Imperial hands...he was actually worried. Not for himself, but for her.

Heh, I'm getting soft.

He took a look at the datapad, Millard had given him. He did indeed need a new information officer. Riz had been good, but she'd screwed him over plent of times.

Why would this Imperial be any different? What would he charge me for info? Millard trusts him...great, why should I trust him?

Well he hasn't killed us yet but still...

Kazaar had to admit, sleep was getting to him as well. He'd worry about things in the morning.

He took a look around the room, no where else to sleep but the bed- and since the bed looked more comfortable than anything he'd ever slept on (save for Prent's hotel on Coruscant) Aurelias slipped on the bed, then fell slowly asleep, his blaster out in case something were to happen.

Estelle Russard
Feb 7th, 2002, 01:54:40 AM
Estelle had been asleep exactly two hours, according to the chronometer built-in to one side of the bed's seamless headboard. The glowing blue numbers gradually adjusted from blurred outlines to clear digits as Estelle arrested back her focus from sleepy eyes.

She guessed Kazaar had had one of those dreams where one falls or hits into something and gives a sudden twitch in their sleep. It was this movement that had woken her.

The padawan was surprised to see Kazaar sleeping beside her. She wasn't accostomed to having a man in her bed ever, but seeing him in his sleep state with blaster in hand, brought a smile to her face. She rolled onto one elbow and rested her chin on her palm, studying him.

Many of the everyday lines were gone from his face as he lay oblivious to cares or concerns of his continuously eventful bounty hunter life. But some lines remained. The creases at the sides of his eyes that deepened when he scowled....or smiled, which he did on occassion despite himself. And the line just around the corners of his mouth that formed when he put a cigar between his teeth and lit it up. His hair was toussled slightly too...Aurelias was a restless sleeper it seemed as his thick black hair was going five ways to Saturday. She laughed lightly.

Well, cant lay here gawking, I guess. If Kazaar woke to find her perched beside him, peering at him like a barn owl, he would think her creepy probably.

Rolling over and swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Estelle carefully got up and tiptoed out of the room. Splashing water on her face, she carried a thick towel out with her from the adjoining bathroom and dabbed at her face as she walked to the main room of the quarters.

Feeling bored and having slept just enough to feel refreshed - and never having been on an Imperial ISD before, she thought she might take a look around...see what all the fuss was about.

She tossed the now damp towel carelessly onto the couch and as the door of their guest room slid silently open, she stepped quite literally into one of two troopers stationed outside..

"Where are you going?"

Estelle blinked, a little surprised that anyone was outside and that she and Kazaar were under guard.

"I-- I, thought I might take a look around, maybe see the main eating area or...... something. Is that ok?" (her reply trailed of lamely)

The trooper who had spoken looked past her to his counter-part. They had orders to not let either of the guests out of sight, but to not be excessively restrictive to them-within reason."You stay here with the other one. I'll take her to the common room, show her the panaramic viewscreen or something."

The second trooper nodded, taking his guard stance again with weapon held across his chest, and the door slid closed behind them. Estelle and her escort walked in slience down the corridor.

Taylor Millard
Feb 7th, 2002, 02:21:00 AM
Millard was walking the hallways of the Superior when he heard the exchange between Estelle and the two stormtroopers.

I wouldn't let one go with the girl and leave one to watch Kazaar. For all I know it's a diversion.

He silently slipped up behind the stormtrooper as he and the young Jedi Padawan walked down the grey hall.

"Trooper," he spoke sharply, his blue eyes staring into the black eyeplates of the Stormtrooper.

"G-Grand Admiral Millard," the trooper nervously said. If Millard could have seen his face it would have been one of shock and suprise.

"What are you doing awake at this time?"

Millard scowled, "I was planning on retiring to my quarters for the evening. What are you doing with her?" he indicated the staring Estelle.

"J-Just taking her to the Galley sir." the trooper regained his composure.

"Is that so?" Millard's cold blue eyes flashed as his glare refused to lesson, "Did you ever consider, trooper, her bounty hunter companion might be now breaking out of the guest quarters and doing who knows what to this ship and her crew?"

"No sir!" the trooper mechanically stated.

"Then I advice you go back to you position at the front door," Millard kept his voice stern, "I will take our inquisitive padawan to dinner. Dismissed."

"Yessir!" the trooper made a hasty retreat.

Millard watched the trooper as he hurried back to his post. Then he fixed his blue eyes on the young Estelle.

"So, Estelle isn't it?" he spoke not unkindly, "Shall we get dinner?"

He began to lead her towards the lift to the bridge.

"So tell me abit about yourself. And how you and, our dear friend, Mr. Kazaar ended up together."

It wasn't a question.

Estelle Russard
Feb 7th, 2002, 02:45:35 AM
Grand Admiral Millard had directed the jedi into the elevator, and, following behind her, effectively blocked any retreat or exit, should she have a mind to try such. With an easy grace, he stood beside her and looking down - he was quite a good deal taller than her - and waited on her reply.

I should have stayed in the room.. she thought, quite belatedly. But there was nothing for it, but to keep her composure and try not to say too much. Both were going to be difficult.

"I met Aurelias on Yavin IV." ... (Millard waited in silence, expecting her to continue) "...In a bar, actually...." (she smiled nervously) "....And we kind of got aquainted..." (or killed a guy-sorta the same thing) "...Since then, I have travelled with him a little bit... (almost gotten blown up, killed some more guys and he killed his information broker) "...and now we are heading back to Yavin IV, which is where I live."

The lift doors opened, but the Admiral made no move to leave. He just continued to look down at the padawan and it was impossible for Estelle to know what he was thinking. She too, stood, waiting for him to give the sign they were exiting and she didnt really know where to look. The doors began to close again, and just before they sealed together, Millard reached out his hand suddenly - making Estelle flinch instinctively - and caused the doors to bounce back open again.

"This is our stop" he smiled, and gestured for her to pass in front of him.

Taylor Millard
Feb 7th, 2002, 02:58:46 AM
Millard clasped his black gloved hands together as the two walked down the hallway towards the dining room. He turned his head away from Estelle, pondering the situation.

Interesting...for the two to be together like this. Very interesting.

"So your plan then is to be a Jedi? And fight the Dark Side?" the way he said 'Dark Side' made it sound like he'd experienced it before. Briefly, he thought of his brother, then covered up the feelings of sadness.

He was silent for a bit then spoke again, "You family do they approve of this?"

As he spoke, the two reached the dining room. It was a bit more furnished than most rooms on the Superior only used for special occasions. Millard figured, while it was not a formal function, it would be good to use for now. The oak table was set for three, with the plates black with a grey Imperial Insignia on there.

A pitcher of water sat in the middle of the table. Millard pulled Estelle's seat out, allowing her to sit, and then poured her water.

"I hope you like pasta for it's what we're having this evening."

He took a sip of his water, "Now...your family. They approve of your Jedi studies?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 9th, 2002, 01:09:53 AM
She watched his hands as he poured the water. They were strong, confident - much like the way Millard conducted himself, which she would have not expected different from an Admiral.

"Pasta will be fine, in fact it is one of my favorites."

As Millard took his seat, she continued, happy for an opportunity to speak of her family and home.

"Yes, my family approve, though my parents both worry for me being so far from home and everything. I have an elder brother who has a family of his own to care for and is involved in helping run the farm. He feels his call is to his own first, then to help others in the galaxy. I also have a younger brother, he is 12 - he is envious of me, joining the Greater Jedi Order, that is."

Estelle surprised herself at how freely she prattled on to this imposing man, but talking about those she loved just came so easy and felt nice to share them with someone.

"Family is important." Millard commented.

There seemed to be more behind the simple comment, but the Admiral did not elaborate. He was intruiging, to say the least. And Estelle was convinced there was something in the mans eyes that he was taking care to not be revealed.

Estelle smiled and nodded. She missed home very much.

Noticing the third place-setting for the first time, the young padawan changed topic a little.

"Were you expecting others for dinner tonight Admiral? I hope I am not imposing.."

Taylor Millard
Feb 9th, 2002, 01:40:56 AM
"No," Millard spoke, allowing a smile to come to his face, "This was actually set up for you and Mr. Kazaar. I was hoping you two would join me for dinner."

He took a bite of his pasta, savoring the flavor.

"Family is very important Ms. Russard," he turned a bit serious, "You are lucky to have a family. Keep it close to you. Honor it. Cherish it."

He paused, as if remembering something he preferred to keep to himself, "Family...is very important.

"You are just now beginning your training, yes? What do you personally hope to accomplish? Will you help the Greater Jedi Order by serving it? Or will you use it to accomplish your own personal gain?"

His blue eyes glinted as he looked deep into Estelle's as if searching for the answer himself.

Estelle Russard
Feb 9th, 2002, 01:58:19 AM
"Family is very important Ms. Russard," he turned a bit serious, "You are lucky to have a family. Keep it close to you. Honor it. Cherish it."

She watched him closely. He said it with such conviction and when he saw her looking so intently at him, he did not avert his eyes, but almost challeneged her to see if he didnt mean what he said.

The padawan kept these words to heart and began to eat her meal.

The Admiral continued and asked her of her training.

"Admiral, I hope to serve the order in any capacity I can. I can see you are a man of convictions yourself, and I believe you understand me when I say that I have faith in the Jedi and their teachings. I believe the galaxy would be lost to all corruption if it were not for their restraining influence..

I have lived a fairly sheltered life, but I am aware of the terrible things that go on and I hope in some way, I dont know how, to counteract these things."

She had gone off on one of her iealistic rants...she really should try not to do that...especially on an Imperial ISD and in the company of its Admiral. Belatedly, she realise she may have gone too far and so suddenly found her pasta incredibly interesting..

Taylor Millard
Feb 9th, 2002, 02:41:49 AM
"You are right, Miss Russard, I do understand you," Millard spoke with a slight edge on his voice, "But I couldn't disagree with you more."

He sent a small glare towards the young Jedi, his cold blue eyes flashing as his tone grew sharper,

"The Empire has done a wonderful job at keeping the Universe in order, without the Jedi's interference. And yes, Miss Russard, I call it interference. They have interupted various operations of peace the Empire has done. They and the Rebels, have kept the Empire from casting their influence of peace all over the galaxy. Even today, in this resurgence of the Empire, the Rebellion and the Jedi are a cause of disorder to the galaxy. They must be removed, for the Empire to succeed.

"If you want examples of the Empire's goal, look at the sector I command, specifically the homeplanet Balmorra. Balmorra broke away from the Empire because there were those who believed independence was the key. I was sent, to make them realize they were wrong. I succeeded.

"Now...not even a year later, Balmorra's economy has tripled under the Empire's control. You cannot say, the Empire has not helped them. Under the tone of independence, Balmorra sagged. And now...it is flourishing. You cannot say, the Empire did not help."

He paused, taking a sip of his water.

"That, my dear Miss Russard, is the reason I do not believe the Jedi can help the galaxy. For the Empire to flourish people need to be willing to serve in it and help it in their own way. That is what I have done, that is what both my 2nd-in-commands have done. And the Empire has succeded...yes...it has succeded. And also..."

It was at that point, the doors flew open.


In walked, a very angry, very pissed off...Aurelias Kazaar.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 9th, 2002, 03:28:54 AM
Kazaar stormed into the dining room mad as hell. His brown eyes flashed as he strode up to the Imperial Grand Admiral.

Millard spoke pleasently, "Mr. Kazaar, how delightful for you to join-"

He was interupted by a right cross to the jaw as the bounty hunter sent him to the floor.

"Shut up you son of a bitch! Estelle why the frell are you with this man!" Kazaar yelled, as he motioned Millard up, "C'mon you bastard! Get up!"

Aurelias had woken up about 10 minutes prior finding the empty. A check of the refresher showed Estelle was not in the room. Fuming, the bounty hunter had stormed out of the room- only to be stopped by the two stormtrooper guards.

"Where do you think you're going?" one of them spoke, his white armored hand grabbing Kazaar by the arm.

"If you're smart pal," Kazaar answered, "You'll let go of me."

"Sir, our orders are not to let you go unless you have a reason."

Kazaar's nostrils flared as he swung his fist. It caught the stormtrooper in the head, knocking him back. As the other tried to stop him, the enraged bounty hunter threw him over his shoulder knocking him out as well.

"How's that for a reason pal," Kazaar smirked as he began his search for Estelle.

It had taken him eight minutes to find where Estelle had wandered off to as well as who she went with. A scared technician had told the bounty hunter he saw Millard enter a lift with a girl, 'Young enough to be his daughter'. Two minutes later, Millard was on the floor and Kazaar was daring him just to get up.

"C'mon you bastard. Get up!" Kazaar yelled as he glowered at Millard.

A sudden movement behind him and Kazaar joined Millard on the floor, as a red-robed man sent the bounty hunter to the floor- a large, thin metallic object in his hands.

"Admiral are you all right?" the Imperial Guardsman asked, as he helped Taylor up.

"I'm fine, Thomas, I'm fine.

"Let's find Mr. Kazaar a seat. And get him a glass of bourbon too. We still have matters to discuss."

Millard smiled a thin, dangerous smile as Thomas 'helped' Aurelias to his feet and into a chair.

"You must learn," he stated, "Not to attack someone without checking your 'six' first. That was one of the first things they taught us at the Academy.

"Now...what do you want to eat?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 9th, 2002, 05:50:06 PM
Millards speech was just warming up, when the arrival of Kazaar caused the whole room to errupt in violence. No big surprise. But still, Estelle could not- and probly would not, understand how the man never seemed to "think" but just act upon his trigger temper time and again. We are on an Imperial ship for goodness sake! She and the bounty hunter could just conveniently "vanish" and no one could do a single thing about it. Didn't he realise this??

Kazaar realised it better than Estelle knew.

He was way more aware of the ramifications of his actions that she could even guess at, and the reason behind his angry assault. Kazaar recognised a threat when he saw one, despite the cordial words and pleasant conversation. Taylor Millard was an Admiral in the Imperial Fleet. One did not get to that position by being a nice guy who played by the rules. Millard would use him, Estelle, whoever he pleased for the Empire.

She gasped in shock as Aurelias hit Millard, and then leaped from her seat as the Red Guard in turn hit the bounty hunter. "Aurelias, oh!"
As he was roughly set in his chair, Estelle sat again, wanting to touch him, make sure he was alright, but knew that would be the definitely wrong thing to do. Kazaar was literally exuding violence and he scared her as much as worried her. It was awful to see him be hit.

The Jedi just wanted to go, all apetite disappeared, but the two had no choice but to sit and continue with dinner. Millard was very angry-it showed in his eyes and the tautness of his face, but he was controlled and Estelle was finding him more and more an enigma.

Leaning toward Kazaar she whispered softly, "are you ok? I'm sorry for leaving."

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 9th, 2002, 10:23:12 PM
"sallright kid ya didn't know," Kazaar muttered back as he sat in his chair. The Imperial Guardsman, Thomas, stood behind him; Force Pike ready if anything else happened.

"I take it you're not gonna let me leave here without eatin'?"

A nod from Millard answered his question.

Kazaar sighed, he'd officially been put in a corner. Glowering at Millard, he said, "Pasta the only thing ya got?"

Another nod.

Kazaar sighed again and let a curse come out from under his breath. Taking the bowl of pasta and just dumping it on his plate. Stabbing at it, he took a bite letting the buttery flavor melt in his mouth.

"Ya know, for an Imp...ya can cook."

Millard's cold eyes stared at Kazaar, "Well, I'm glad you approve, Mr. Kazaar. I'll be sure to thank the ship's cook. I haven't cooked myself in a few months.

"Now, what about my offer for the information officer? The name I gave you is someone who I've worked with for over 20 years, who I trust with my life."

Like that's gonna make me choose 'im Kazaar smirked inwardly.

"The other thing, is the information I have just received says the person you're after is, Kimikii Crei. You know of him?"

Kazaar's brown eyes closed to slits, "Yeah I know 'im. Criminal...runs an operation out of..." his voice trailed off.

"Bespin," Millard finished for him, "No, Mr. Crei does not know you're being taken to Bespin. As far as he's concerned, you're on your way to Yavin with Miss Russard. And Crei has the information you're looking for.

He turned to Estelle, "Are you enjoying your meal, my dear? Does it suit your pallate?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 10th, 2002, 11:47:01 PM
It was only when Millard spoke to her that she realised she hadn't touched her plate.

She had been following the conversation. Seemed Kazaar had none of his sarcastic witt blunted by the blow from the pike. Estelle had to hand it to him - the man never knew when to quit.

"Oh.....it's fine, thankyou Admiral. Very nice." She lifted her fork to her mouth.

Millard seemed 'very keen' to have Aurelias take into his employ the information broker he had suggested, and Estelle was certain that fact was not lost on Kazaar. He, like her, probably was trying to figure out what angle or advantage the Imperial would have by Kazaar doing so. It ws hard for either of them to fathom that maybe there was a chance the Admiral had no dark motives. Millard dangling the identity AND the whereabouts of the man behind the recent attempts on his life would be irresistable to the bounty hunter. Even she knew that.
Kazaar was not the type to let such an opportunity for payback pass lightly.

Millard waited for the padawan to put some pasta into her mouth, and then turned his attention again to the bounty hunter who, having finished eating was flicking the ash from his recently lit cigar onto the guards shoes.

Millard's eyes remained steady and without emotion.

"I suggest you enter Bespin under another name - perhaps as tourists, honeymooners even. Or father and daughter..[/i] (Millard allowed himself a smirk) It will cause less interest from the Authorities that way - we are not sure who in the legit goverment Kimikii Crei has on his payroll.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 11th, 2002, 12:19:04 AM
"For once," Kazaar took a puff from his cigar, "We agree. Going into Bespin as Aurelias Kazaar and Estelle Russard isn't the best thin' for us.

"I take it ya got someone in Bespin who'll fix m'ship too?"

Millard's blue eyes focussed in on Kazaar, "Yes, there is a mechanic there who can help you. I don't know him personally, but I know his reputation. Vik Mahtin can help you there. He won't be expecting you, so I think you should be vrey diplomatic when you see him. He also, has a way to get into Crei's penthouse and casino. I assume, you know how to play sabacc?"

"Don't insult my intelligence Millard, you know I know how to play Sabacc," Kazaar shot back at the grand admiral.

"Very well," Millard grinned, "In Five Hours we will come out of hyperspace near Bespin. You will embark to Cloud City where..."

Kazaar interupted, "Yeah yeah I get the point. All right...thanks for your help Millard."

He stood up walking away from the table, "Maybe you Imps aren't so bad. C'mon Estelle let's go," he was laughing as he exitted the dining area.

Five Hours Later

Kazaar and Estelle sat in The Dutchman as they left the hangar of the Imperial Star Destroyer. Kazaar turned to Estelle behind him.

"Well, looks like we'll be goin' to Cloud City. Hope ya like it there. By the way, hope ya don't mind being Mrs. Thomas Randly do ya?"

Turning he began piloting The Dutchman towards Cloud City.

"Keep a low profile, and don't do anything like ya did on Yavin. Got any questions kid?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 11th, 2002, 02:33:38 AM
"Dont do anything like <u>I</u> did on Yavin???"

She looked at him and shook her head disbelievingly. All the trouble she had gotten mixed up in so far was on Kazaar's account and the fact she agreed on Yavin to "do me a favor kid, see if you can get some info kid" or something of that nature which also ended in the famous line of ""And don't worry. Nothing'll happen."((kid))

"Kazaar, sometimes you are the most infuriating...!"

She didnt finish. His shoulders were shaking in laughter at her and she refused to be his entertainment for the trip to Bespin.

She grumbled in annoyance, "..shoulda stayed with Millard. Atleast he has manners."

Kazaar's mood changed and the grin vanished from his lips. "Believe me kid, Millard's kinda manners, you dont want to get familiar with....Get settled and get familiar with those ID cards. You and me are the Randly's and we dont need no screwups on this charade." He was harsher than he needed to be and Estelle wasnt sure why.

She took out the identity data discs Millard had furnished them with and reviewed them, being careful not to let Kazaar see the communication device the Admiral had also slipped into her hand and whispered to her before their departure. You get into something you two cant handle, just send word and I will send somebody.. Tucking it away in her clothing, thinking a better time might be had for telling Kazaar about it, she mulled over the fake ID's.

"Thomas and Rene Randly....What kinda name is 'Randly' anyhow??"

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 11th, 2002, 01:34:16 PM
"A name you don't need t'forget," Kazaar said as he piloted The Dutchman towards Cloud City. He'd taken the ID off of the ship, renaming it Night Train. It was in honor for another hyperball player, but as far as the bounty hunter was concerned, a new name was a new name.

"Unidentified ship. Unidentified ship" the comm lit up with the voice of the Control Tower, "Please identify or prepare to be fired upon."

Kazaar grinned, then spoke, his voice sounding a bit higher than normal, "Control Tower...this is th'personahl transpor' Naight Trainnn. Thomas Randly 'ere. Jist gonna tahke mah wiaife, Rene, to a lookat somma your casinos 'dere."

"Your ID checks out. Land on Pad 4A please."

"Ahl right there pardner, over and out," As Kazaar finished he noticed Estelle was trying to keep a straight face.

He shot a glare towards her, but his eyes were laughing with her, "That accent has saved my neck more than a few times. And believe me, you'd be suprised 'bout how many people actually like the accent."

He smirked, "Grab your gear, we'll be landing in a few minutes. When we get out, go get us a hotel. I'm gonna see about this Vik Mahtin character."

Five minutes later, The Dutchman was landed safely, and Kazaar was on his way to see Mahtin. Before he left, he warned the Jedi Padawan, "Go directly to the hotel, Starlight Heights. Do not go anywhere else, do not talk to anyone unless they are with the hotel. Even then, give little information, and whatever you do...don't say your real name! I don't 'pect any trouble, but ya know howta get ahold of me if ya do."

Sticking his cigar in his mouth, Kazaar walked away from the landing pad, to find Vik Mahtin.

Estelle Russard
Feb 13th, 2002, 01:38:30 AM
With a broad grin, and a shiney plastic card that gave her access to a hefty sum of credits, Estelle hired a hover cab and headed directly - as ordered - to the "Starlight Hotel."

"Randly. Renee Randly". she said deliberatley and the receptionist barely gave her a glance.
They were expected-reservations made last night, as informed by the desk clerk. Seems Grand Admiral Millard was efficient and fore-thinking, not to mention sure of himself, that Kazaar would come to Bespin.

The city was amazing. The young padawan had never seen its like! She didnt need to act.......Estelle was every bit the starry-eyed tourist.

She was ushered into a beautiful and exquisite room. She laughed at the "Honeymoon Suite" emblazoned on the door and thought that Millard also had a sense of humor.

Dumping her backpack, she went straight to the refresher and indulged herself in an invigorating "shower".

Donning a thick towelled robe, Complimentary...oohlahlah..
she unwrapped a small chocolate she found on one of the pillows on the bed and popped it into her mouth, grabbed a "View Bespin by HoverBus" brochure and settled down to enlighten herself about the city and wait for Kazaar's return.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 16th, 2002, 01:52:41 AM
Kazaar walked the length of the Cloud City, looking for Vikter Mahtin. The garage was located two levels beneath the main landing bay, within the long line of spare parts and junk from wrecked droids and damaged ships (mainly cloudcars and the occasionaly freighter lost in one of the many casinos on Cloud City.

The bounty hunter walked past several garages, most of them with nothing of interest near them. It was when he saw the name Mahtin's Machines he knew he found the right spot.

He strode up to a greasy looking man working on a rust-red cloud car. Kazaar smirked, sticking a dark cigar in his mouth.

"You Vik Mahtin?" he asked, lighting his cigar with his butane lighter.

The man looked up, a questioning look in his eyes, "Yeah? Who you?"

Kazaar smirked, "Man looking t'find the 'Chalk Man'."

Mahtin's face went white, "Ain't no chalk man 'ere. Try Rudy's down the street. No...wait...come with me."

Kazaar followed Mahtin to the back, keeping his eyes out for anything suspcious.

* * *

The men were running, trying to find the right room. Somehow, they were being followed, somehow they found out he was here. The three men stopped in front of the door, knocking twice.

It was the honeymoon suite. The honeymoon suite at the 'Starlight Hotel'.

Estelle Russard
Feb 16th, 2002, 03:08:57 AM
It felt like De ja Vu.

She was just re-reading in the brochure a paragraph about the "Highest Spear Lookout Tower" that was open round-the-clock for visitors to view the entire layout of the city from a vantage better than if from ones own starship. The whole platform revolved laconically as visitors stood in its completely reinforced glass walls and gave the impression of being actually free-floating in the clouds.

The knocks were short and the abrupt sounds made Estelle jump slightly as she lay relaxing on top of the bed. The image of what happened last time she opened the door to an unexpected visitor flashed into her mind and for a moment she froze, hoping who ever it was would just go away..


She strained her ears and tried to "reach out" with whatever force sense she had, but she heard nothing. Edging herself to the side of the bed, hoping it was nothing, but not really believing that it wasnt, she again froze as she heard a distinct "click" and the tell-tale "swoosh" as the suite door opened.


The 3 men sprang into the front room with the agility of cats. Silently, swiftly they cased the living area in a methodical sweep - they had done this before - and as the pointman waved his hand with 2 fingers in the air, one intruder remained at the suite door as the other two moved further down into the short hallway.

The pointman peeked his head into the doorway of the master bedroom for not more than 1 second, and took in at a glance that it also appeared empty. Then, moving forward slowly, primed and prepared for any surprises. But there were none.

The two men were both in the room now, opening the door to the refresher, which showed signs it had been recently utilised, looking under the bed...which was an obvious hiding place, but often overlooked simply for that reason...nothing. "Crei wont like it if we go back emptyhanded, Royd." A grunt came as reply.

The man, named Royd opened one of the floor to ceiling closets and poked his blaster nozzle in - only hangers for clothing. Moving to the second closet, one closest to the door, he did the same. Opening it carelessly just going through the usual drill when one checks out a "hit". He saw it coming but that was because it smashed right into his face. The heavy ceramic-based lamp hit with brutal force, smashing with a dull "thud" sound and breaking into thick chunky peices as the round base collided with nose cartilige and Royd staggered backwards with a stunned gasp.

His partner had been nosing through Estelles backpack that she had left on the floor, and so was bent over facing the wrong way - a perfect obstical for Royd to tumble over in haphazard flair. Estelle came out right behind the lamp and made her run for it, unaware of a third intruder in the front room, who hearing the fracus in the bedroom was running full pelt in their direction, smacking bodily into the padawan as the both crossed the hallway threshold at the same time.

Crashing back against the wall, and feeling like she had just been hit by a bantha, Estelle was literally seeing stars. It took all she could not to blackout completely.

Royd had recovered from his fall and was furious, his bloodied nose had sprayed and stained onto his shirt. Storming up to where Estelle had been stopped he swung at her.

"You little PISH!" He backhanded her hard across the face and the blow crumpled her to her knees. He grabbed her up by the hair and snarled..."sing for us little birdie....Where's that scumbag your'e travelling with."

Estelle felt the tears rolling down her cheeks. She couldnt help it. They just came. And all she could do was croak weakly, barely making an audible sound.

Again the brute hit her but this time he did not let her drop, but pinned her with one thick meaty hand by the throat to the hallway wall. "Tell me princess, before I cut that tongue of yours out and spoil all your honeymooning fun tonight." Royd leered at her and he smelt so bad. His breath was like a blanket of rank heat that closed over her and added to the overwhelming feeling of nausea that gripped her. Her stomach hurled and she couldnt think clearly. All she could think of was Kazaar. She closed her eyes tightly trying to shut out the horror of the face now so close to hers, and the tears brimmed over. Aurelias..She needed him, where was he? why didnt he come and help her?

"C'mon Royd - the dame's useless. We got a name from her backpack - Ol bounty boy's at Mahtins. Time to go."

One last thunderous hit from Royd and Estelle was 'lights out'.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 17th, 2002, 03:43:21 AM

He heard Estelle's cry, turning his body as it seemed like it came from over his shoulder.


This concerned the bounty hunter, because he knew he had no Force talents. The cigar dropped from his mouth as he listened again for the call.

Nothing happened. Kazaar's brown eyes shifted from one end of the room to the other.

Kid's gotten herself in trouble. Dammit I knew I shoulda brought 'er with me

"Mahtin hang on a sec," he spoke as the greasy man turned back towards him, "We gotta problem here."

"Whazzat?" the man gawked, "Sumthin' wrong?"

"You could say that," Kazaar turned from the shop, beginning to walk back towards the hotel. He'd gotten about five blocks when he heard shouted.

"Hey! There he is! Get him!"

Removing his blaster, the bounty hunter, searched for the men who were hunting him. A blaster bolt over his head gave him some direction. He turned, and barely even looking, fired.

A scream came from the vicinity of where Aurelias sent his blaster bolt, as two men leaped from the crowd gathering.

"The bastich got Royd!" one of the men yelled, "Get'im!"

Kazaar fired more blaster shots, hitting the men. As he smirked, beginning to turn from the duo and return to the hotel, he felt a sudden pain in his back as a blaster shot ripped through his body. He fell...looking at the sight of Vikter Mahtin, standing over him with a look of scorn on his face.

Aurelias blacked out, as he hit the tile floor of Cloud City, wishing he'd never come here.

Estelle Russard
Feb 17th, 2002, 04:47:48 AM
She lifted her head and her lip tore painfully away from the carpet, the congealed blood having stuck lip to rug as she laid there for so long.

The pain shot up and through her head and a wave of nausea so strong washed over her, she almost passed out again.

Pulling herself to a sitting position she brought her fingers up to tenderly touch her face. It was puffy and she could tell by the rough surface, covered with blood. The top of her head was throbbing, where Royd had yanked her to her feet and almost pulled a clump of hair out by the root. His ugly face swam again into view and Estelle started sobbing again and remained that way for the better part of an hour.


The reflection in the mirror was far from good, but it would have to do. She had cleaned her face and done her best to tend the huge split in her lip and the big blackening bruise on her cheek, but still she looked a fright. A call through the suite door told her that the cab she had called was waiting outside the main entrance, and with shaking hands and a stiff, painful gait, the Jedi Padawan gathered her small pack and left the room - her destination, Mahtins Repair Shop - it was her only lead to where Kazaar was. The Bounty Hunter had not returned as promised and it had been 7 hours since they had parted. Estelle could only surmise that if the assassins had found her, they most likely would find Aurelias.

Pulling the hood of her jacket low over her head, Estelle climbed into the vehicle and without letting the driver get a good look at her face, advised him of her destination.


"Who'd ya say it was, darlin?"

Mahtin was being very vague and intentionally stupid.

Estelle was puzzled. It made no sense. Kazaar had plenty of time to come by the shop...unless of course, he never made it this far.

"The name is Randly. Thomas Randly. Tall, dark, sarcastic kinda guy..?"

Vikter Mahtin shook his head convincingly..."Nah...I'd remember 'im. Business been slow all day. No one like that been by here at all."

Frowning and feeling completely at a loss, the padawan thanked the shop owner for his time and headed for the door.

Thats when it caught her eye. Sometimes such insignificant items can mean such monumental things. The cigar, half smoked was lying on the dirty floor. It was the type Kazaar always smoked and Estelle stared at it for what seemed like ages.

"Be sure to close the door after yerself darlin"

She looked blankly at Mahtin and nodded...her mind racing to put peices together as to why the man would lie to her about Kazaar being there. The answer was obvious, but too horrible to consider. What had he done with Aurelias??


It would cost her a small fortune.....or rather, Kazaar a small fortune..but the cabby had agreed to wait and follow the store owner for payment on an hourly rate. Fortunately, it was only a short time before Mahtin left, and in a hurry at that. He was on his way to join his buddies and get a peice of Kazaar for himself.

Whistling a ditty, Vikter Mahtin was oblivious to the hovercab that shadowed his own vehicle as it sped through the thoroghfares of the lovely Cloud City.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 17th, 2002, 05:58:08 PM

The fist connected with Kazaar's face, dislodging a tooth and bloodying both lips as his head flew to the side. His brown eyes were slits, as the bounty hunter struggled to keep himself concious.

"Get up!" a smooth voice ordered from somewhere in the room.

As the fist collided with Kazaar's face again, his eyes fluttered open as he tried to focus on the situation he was in. His right eye was purple from multiple strikes by a gloved fist. Aurelias attempted to move his hands to wipe the blood from his face. It was then, he realized he couldn't move his arms.

He tried to move them again, but still something was holding them fast.

"I assume," a sardonic voice spoke from somewhere, "That you are wondering why you cannot move your hands."

Kazaar gasped out, "Nah...twas wonderin' why mah head hurts. And why your voice is so annoying."

A deep-throated laugh came from somewhere, and then Kazaar felt the fist collide with his face again.

"If you keep insulting me, the pain will only get worse...Aurelias Kazaar," a sound of triumph came from the voice, "Now...why are you here on Cloud City."

Wincing, Kazaar shook his head, as he attempted to see, "Crei...Kimiiki Crei, didn't know ya cared enough t'find me. Ya shoulda given me a grand tour of your business-"


Another fist hit Kazaar's face. By now, he'd figured out what kind of fist it was. And why the dark room smelled so bad. It was a Gammorian who currently enjoyed sending his green fist into Kazaar's face. As the Gammorian prepared for another punch, the dazed bounty hunter spat a tooth into the alien's eye.

A squeal coming from its lips, the pig-faced guard hit Kazaar again. But this time, it was with the butt of his large axe. The bounty hunter passed out, his last thoughts being...

Looks like I gotta count on th'kid...C'mon where are ya?

With darkness taking him, Kazaar dreamed of sitting in a bar drinking bourbon, not being beaten by an ugly Gammorian.

* * *

"I said ENOUGH!" the gang lord spoke as he watched Kazaar collapse. He strode up to the Gammorian, backhanding him.

"He'd better be alive...or else you join him in death. Take him to the infirmiry and patch him up. Then bring him back here. Go!"

Kimiiki Crei brushed one of his white hairs from his face as he left the dark dungeon. Kazaar was here for some reason, he mused, but he wasn't sure why. Someone wanted him bad, that was known, Crei had heard about the attack and rescue of Kazaar from Kuat.

He walked in his glamorous office, taking a glass of wine as he did. He stared out over the glory of Cloud City, marvelling at it. Most of the casinos paid him a 'tribute' of some sort. Sometimes it was money...other times...he smiled thinking what the Twi'lek owner of The Flying Fighter, Kip Gortar, would send him. Hopefully, the Twi'lek dancer he'd had his eye on, last week or so. If not...Crei smiled as he thought of the consequences of annoying him.

The albino sipped his wine, then stared into a mirror next to his desk. He brushed another hair away, then let his white teeth smile. If vanity was a sin...it was his favorite.

Crei picked up a datapad from the desk, staring at the data on it. It was Aurelias Kazaar's file from when he was a member of the Rebellion. There was nothing of interest really present, only that it came from Kazaar's late (and former) information broker Riz Leemur. She'd been paid a pretty penny to betray Kazaar's trust, and she herself had paid dearly.

Crei smirked, taking another sip from his wine. He'd find out why Kazaar was being asked for, and then...exploit it.

The door behind him opened and a man slipped in.

"Mr. Crei, Kazaar is in the infirmary recovering as we speak. He will be returned to his cell in a few minutes. Mahtin is on his way as well. He says someone came by asking for a Thomas Randly, but then she left. No clue who she is or what she wanted."

Crei smiled, "Very well, have him come here immediately. I will speak to him, then we will both find out what Aurelias Kazaar wants. You can leave now."

He finished his wine, then spoke quietly to himself, "Maybe Mr. Gorta will give me his 'tribute' now."

Smiling, he began punching numbers on the communications device.

Estelle Russard
Feb 17th, 2002, 07:36:43 PM
She figured she'd allowed enough time and so re-exited from the cab.


She had seen earlier through a very dirty window from her vantage point behind a dumpster, two men dragging an uncoscious Kazaar down a hallway.

She could only really make out the outlines and not specific details, but it didnt take a genious to figure Kazaar was hurt badly-his buckled knees dragging along the ground as they transported him. The dumpster reeked of rotting food, and it took all she had to remain there and see them take the bounty hunter through large double-doors into a brightly lit room.

Estelle thought for a moment, holding her nose to block the stench, and she knew there was only one way she could do this..


Kazaar was yanked abrupty into reality again with the splashing of the cold bucket of water rudely in his face. Groggily he looked out of his puffy eyes as a small flashlight was shined into them, to check the status of his pupils. "Both equal and reactive" the man in a white lab coat observed smugly, and the gammorean chuckle/snorted at the doctors dry humor. The doctor then injected Kazaar with a stimulant to make his captive more alert and so appear to Crei they were repairing him better than they really were.

"I hate to interrupt - well actually I dont - but if you dont back off right now, you are going to have a pretty hole in your head"

The doctor and gamorrean both swung around, at first stunned and then they both started to laugh. Kazaar groaned in his chair as he saw Estelle standing behind them large as life. She walked right in here?? Well, isnt that priceless. Now we're both frelled.

The pig-like oaf lifted his axe, and continuing to laugh - none present took the fragile female seriously, not even Kazaar - and began a run at her. One quick movement, and Estelle lifted her blaster from behind the hem of her coat and with two rapid bursts, hit the ugly brute pointblank in the chest, dropping him like a bag of turnips. She didnt flinch, the padawan was functioning on pure adrenilin, mixed with a good portion of shock from her earlier beating and was almost in a auto-state. "Oh Im sorry...I mean a pretty hole in your chest."
Motioning with the blaster muzzled to the doctor, she commanded, "Untie his hands"

The doctor moved obediently, the whole time talking to her in a angry voice. "You think you're gonna get outta here do ya? You wont get 3 feet. Right now the rest of the crew are on their way. You and your bounty hunter will be dead with in 10 minutes."

Moving to Kazaar and forcing the doctor to back off at gun point, Estelle remained calm. She put an arm under Kazaars shoulder and hefted him upward, the look on his face telling her she was making a big mistake. They were gonna die right here, in this criminal slimepit, and there wasnt much they could do about it. They were way too outnumbered. Ignoring his gaze, she made him move, even though she could tell he was in incredible pain.
She addressed the doctor, "10 minutes? That wil be too late. The Police will be here in much less than that." As if to punctuate her statement, wild sirens were heard closing in on them fast and she would have laughed at the men's surprised expressions if she wasnt so desperate..Kazaar was incredulous, "You called the cops??"

They could hear shouting and frantic running outside the infirmary. There was complete chaos as the authorities made what they were tipped of as the biggest spice bust operation since they caught Jerrare Feldoza last year with his shipment from Kessel.

Kazaar took Estelles gun and without remorse shot the now panicked doctor right between the eyes, "I myself favor the pretty holes in the head more". Smiling at Estelle as they slid awkwardly and painfully to the outside alley to the awaiting hovercab, Kazaar was ever his sarcastic self, "So kid, what took you so long? And dont tell me you were out shopping."

The cab accelerated upward and within moments, they had left Crei's base far behind them, the sounds of siren and blasterfire fading as the distance increased.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 17th, 2002, 11:35:30 PM
After three days in a bacta tank, under Estelle's guard, Kazaar was out. For some reason, the girl refused to be treated until the bounty hunter was. It was odd for Kazaar to see this, but he just figured she wanted him healthy. After he was released, Kazaar stood watch as Estelle took her time in the bacta tank.

It was after her release, when the police came calling. The lead investigator was a man named 'Bonteleman', which Kazaar assumed was an alias.

Bonteleman smoked cigarres like they were air, filling the room with acrid, blue smoke. Kazaar sat with his own dark cigar in his mouth, Estelle smoking a lighter, thinner one.

"Nahw, tell meh," Bonteleman spoke, "I needtah know...whay yew gahs were in 'Da Chalk Man's' lair."

Kazaar scoffed, "Look, all I know is I was kidnapped from the streets. It was a crowded city street. I figure ya got a witness or two."

"Naw, weh don'tah," the cop spoke, "Ahll, weh knowah is..the kidah," he pointed at Estelle, "Callehed us onnah chahrge. Yew'd beehn kinahpped."

"Thanks kid," Kazaar gave a side-long comment to Estelle, "Ya save me only t'get me stuck 'ere with Mister 'We don't know nuttin'."

Bontelemen turned to Estelle, "Sowah. Whattah yew knowah abow-tah Kimiiki Crei? Ahndah, whay maht he be, aftah yew?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 19th, 2002, 12:39:20 AM
Estelle shrugged.

How would she know anything more than "Bonteleman" or Kazaar? All she knew, was that she'd had a massive headache for 3 days straight and, though her lip was healed, it still tingled oddly at times. How would she know why Crei- or "Chalk-man" was after them? All she knew, was that each morning since this latest debacle, she awoke in a sweat and with start as she could swear she hears the "clicking" of the door lock and that awful silence where she knows Royd and his men have come back, and Kazaar has gone.

Kazaar looked at her through the curling cigar smoke and could see she was still angry. He'd never seen a woman stay so mad for so long and still not attack him with a sharp-edged weapon of some sort. ..The kid just ain't natural.. Once the shock and the fear had worn off, once she had been put back together by the healing effects of the bacta tank, once things had settled down for a bit, he'd figured Estelle would shake this off, as she had everything else. But not so. And he couldnt figure why.

There he goes again....looking at me with that "I dont get it" look. I was sure he was smarter than he looked - was I ever wrong. Estelle couldnt fight the sour thoughts that constantly drenched her mind whenever she looked at the bounty hunter, and she expelled an annoyed breath. She was acting bady, she knew, but she had this anger that was brimming and threatening to burst, but she couldnt justify it. Sure, this last episode was rough - rough on them both - and if Aurelias could have averted it in any way, she knew he would have. But not understanding her anger, didnt make it go away and so she just steamed quietly and stifled the urge to go into a ranting fit and pummel him in the head with her fists.

"Mr. Bonteleman, as Ive told you already, all I know is that Aurelias did not return as we had earlier arranged. The first place I checked, was the last place I knew he was going to - which was Mahtin's Repair shop. Thats when I saw they had him against his will, and I got communiations to you for help...The rest, you know."

She puffed on the light cigar and Kazaar noted she was smokin like a pro now.

The Investigator blinked unhappily from one to the other...he was getting nowhere fast, and that was not acceptable.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 19th, 2002, 12:57:32 AM
"Look," Kazaar spoke as he took a puff from his own cigar, "If ya gonna keep us 'ere any longah, ya oughta jist get us a public defende', cause we ain't askin' any more questions without one."

The expression on his face confirmed his words.

Sighing, 'Bonteleman' let them go. The Police Officer knew he couldn't get any more information from them, not without a defender.

He threw a card on the table.

"Mayah, cahdad Mistaer Kazaarah. Callah meee, ifah yew eveh needeh annethang."

Aurelias smirked, "All right, Bonteleman...we'll call ya," With a wink, the two exitted the station.

"Frell, whatta wacko that cop was," the bounty hunter's gaze went over the entire street, just waiting to see if someone attempted to attack them.

When he saw the furious expression on the girl's face, he softened.

"Tell ya what...I know a good place t'eat out 'ere. Not too much of a dump, but with enough rough edges t'be a fine eatin' establishment.

"Whatta ya say kid? Wanna go out on 'a date'?"

He chuckled at the words 'a date', then began walking towards the escolator for the upper walkway, Estelle following after him.

Estelle Russard
Feb 19th, 2002, 01:13:29 AM
Well, dinner sounded good. She could do with a little pampering. She felt like the past few days were the longest in her life. Every person that spoke too loud, or jostled past them as they walked the busy street, Estelle anticipated a threat. She was never more than two feet from the Bounty Hunter, afraid if he was out of her sight something bad was sure to happen. She was wearing herself out thinking about it. Some time just with Kazaar, without blasters firing or bombs going off would be a nice change.

She followed him onto the escelator which took them up 3 levels and then as he touched her elbow lightly to direct her to the left, they came to a doorway with large oval doors emblazoned with two golden dragons on them.

"You like noodles, right kid?" Opening the door, he allowed her to pass ahead of him in to the softly light lobby.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 21st, 2002, 02:17:37 PM
Kazaar walked up to the maitre'd of the restaraunt. He was a furred Bothan, dressed in fine velvet and silk. His hat was purple, distinguishing he might be more than a maitre'd.

"Yeh," the bounty hunter said as he walked up, "Table f'two."

"I'm sorry sir we don't allow smoking," the Bothan's fur stood up on end as Kazaar blew smoke in his face.

"Non-smoking? Since when?" his brown eyes showed anger, "I was 'ere not a month ago and it was smokin'."

The Bothan let a half-growl out, "That was before I purchased the company. It is currently going through a name change.

"The clientel has changed a bit," he smirked as he pointed towards the interior of the restaraunt.

The eating place had kept it's dark colors, however, they'd gone from a maroon red to a dark tan and creme. The band had changed too, from a group of Bith Musicians playing jizz to a group of Bothans, playing a style of music Kazaar didn't even recognize.

The clientel had changed. Instead of smugglers and families who could afford to splurge occassionally, the restaraunt was a mixture of Bothans and humans dressed in their finest robes.

"'lright...here's how it's gonna go," Kazaar had a deadly gleam in his eyes, "You let the kid and I sit 'ere and eat, and I don't 'cause you to do massive renovations. Got it?"

The Bothan's eyes narrowed and his ears twitched, "What if I just call security."

"Then you'll hafta get new security guards," the bounty hunter slowly, almost flippantly removed his blaster, "Look, I don't want any trouble. I just want t'show the kid a good time. Now...are we going to have any problems, or do I take my business...and my creds," he threw four 100 chip creds on the table, "Elsewhere?"

Four minutes later, Kazaar and Estelle sat at a corner table, staring over a menu. The bounty hunter had allready had a bourbon and currently had another on the way. Estelle had ordered water, drinking it from a crystal glass.

Aurelias smiled at the Jedi Padawan, as he took a dark cigar out of his black cigar holder.

"So whatta ya think kid? This work for ya?

"And once we're finished with the repairs to The Dutchman, if it hasn't been impounded, I'll getcha back to Yavin. Now, enjoy ya meal. Hopefully, the furballs have a good steak 'ere."

Estelle Russard
Feb 23rd, 2002, 02:06:45 AM
Estelle felt every bit a bump on a log.

All the patrons around them were dripping in Upper Class snobbery and looking long down their noses at the pair at the corner table.

But it didnt matter one bit.

Kazaar was doing his best to make things up to her, and his brash style and overbearring manner with the stiff Matre'D
that had gotten them the table where they now sat, repeatedly made her laugh to think of it. The bothans' face at the bounty hunter's threat to re-decorate his newly redocorated restaurant was classic Kazaar.

They ordered from the reluctant server who left "tsk tsking" to place the requests for two steaks into the kitchen.

The Padawan smiled, and allowed alot of her earlier agitation to seep away. How could she have been so mad with him? He was grinning at her now, recounting some crazy escapade he had been on in his early days of his "career" (as he like to officially refer to it).

He had mentioned again returning to Yavin. She wondered suddenly if he was in a hurry to be rid of her. He did, after all, kind of get stuck with her.

She was looking forward to seeing ReaperFett again. She had missed his calm confidence and the goodness of his spirit. But still, she was sadder than she could express that Kazaar and her would not be together all that much longer.
He had taught her much more than he would realise, or even take credit for. And she was so grateful to him...even despite the hell the last few days had been.

She reached over and touched his hand, stopping his braggings just before the point where he was getting obnoxious, and smiled at him - the first heartfelt smile in days.

"Aurelias, thankyou for taking care of me"

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 25th, 2002, 12:56:46 AM
"'ey," Kazaar smirked, his brown eyes twinkling, "Just helpin' ya out. Ya fell asleep in my ship, and I ain't that cold-hearted. 'Sides, ya helped me out with that Rodian. Ya know ya didn't need t'help me out there."

Silently he thought, And you didn't charge me either, he half-smiled, then took another drink.

"Eat up kid. I'm sure your parent told ya t'always eat," he spoke, taking more bites of his steak.

Kazaar let out a slight spit, "Damned Bothans don't know how to cook steak. I shoulda gone and cooked it myself. Damn fools."

The bounty hunter picked up his dark cigar, puffing from it, then motioned for the waiter to come over.

A stuffy, purple-clad waiter slowly walked up to the duo. He was different from the one which had served he and Estelle earlier, but pretty much looked the same. The brown hair covering his entire face, was cut short and respectable to most Bothans. His purple uniform, which seemed to be the dress in the restaraunt, gleamed with cleanliness. It appeared to Kazaar, every thread on this snobbish Bothan had been plucked, steamed, and pressed at least twice. This Bothan looked down on humans, like most Imperials did vice versa. But Bothans did have their uses. Kazaar just wasn't sure how.

"Howw, may I help you?" the Bothan spoke Basic with a very minute accent.

"Yeh, I ordered a medium rare steak," the bounty hunter replied as he took a drink of bourbon, "This is well done."

The Bothan waiter shirvered at Kazaar's order, then sniffed, "Arrre you sure?"

An angry scowl came to the face of Aurelias as he listened to the Bothan waiter. Reaching into his pocked, the bounty hunter removed a vibroblade. Then with a look towards the waiter, he sliced the meat open. It was solid grey.

"That," Kazaar snarled, as he indicated the steak, "Is not medium rare. It's well done. Now why don'tcha hurry your furry ass back to the kitchen and slow grill me up another one, or else I'll use you as the steak."

This time, the Bothan looked down on the glaring Aurelias, then let out what appeared to be a, "Well, I neverrr," then huffed away.

Aurelias laughed, with Estelle joining him nervously. He turned to her, lighting his dark cigar, and taking several puffs from it.

"Bothan," Kazaar snorted, "All their good for is info, and even then it's unreliable.

"My gosh...so anyway kid. You have fun on our 'adventure'?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 28th, 2002, 09:59:09 PM

She thought about that for a moment. Was he referring to constantly being shot at or in danger or being blown to a kazillion peices - or the part where she got to kill people at random intervals..?

She grinned at him, knowing none of the above had been his fault..with the exception of the Rodian..but she had to admit, that this time spent with him had been the most exciting of her life and she reallly did like being with him.

She joked "Ive hated every minute." and popped a large peice of steak (hers was cooked to perfection) into her mouth and pushed it to one side, making her one cheek bulge as she chewed.

The Bothan waiter returned with Kazaar's meal and stood there waiting while the bounty hunter cut off a hefty slice. An arched eyebrow and a condescending look was all the reply the server gave as Kazaar observed that finally they'd got it right.

They passed the time eating and talking and for a short period of time where just two tourists taking a night out and enjoying Bespin. Afterwards, they walked the distance back to the hotel - quite a long trek, but neither seemed to notice, and the buildings many outside lights came as a surprise when they finally reached its entrance.

Just before entering the open door, held by a stiff and lean doorman, Kazaar flicked the stub of his cigar out into the street. It travelled an exceedingly long distance and they both laughed as Aurelias seemed to take any and every opportunity to show off.

They were still grinning when they walked inside, and so it took a moment for them to affect a respectable seriousness upon being greeted in the lobby by Police Investigator Bonteleman.

"You know Bonteleman, this place has a dress code" Kazaar joked as he made to walk right on by the stereotypically "Inspector" attired policeman.

"Yew makah the jokeah, Mr. Kazaarah" (Bonteleman grabbed Kazaars arm and his leutenant grabbed the other, a set of handcuffs in hand) "Or should we callah yew Thomas Randly. One of many aliases for yew, a bounty hunter and suspected mercenary?"

"Mr. Kazaarah, you are under arrestah for the murder of Vikter Mahtin"

Kazaar and Estelle were both stunned. Neither of them noticed the nondescript young man in a loose fitting jacket and longish brown hair glance at them casually and then exit the hotel.

"Itah seems the jokeah - it is on to yew."

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 6th, 2002, 02:55:36 AM
"Yeah...right..." Kazaar smirked, "How I could killa man while I'm out cold's news t'me."

"May-beah," Bontellemon snivelled, "Yew were notah asah unnncounseaus, astha yew thoughtah."

"Suuurrreee...and Gorgja has the chance to get a human woman- who loves him for his big, fat body," the bounty hunter sarcastically joked.

He turned to Estelle, who stood gaping, "Well kid, looks like we gotta problem. I'm off t'jail and you're all alone. We wanna split the difference?"

His brown eyes held a wicked glint in them. Slowly, a look of recognition came into Estelle big brown ones. She nodded, a small tear coming to her right eye.

As she reached up to brush it away, her left hand lowered to revealing Kazaar's black lighter. She threw it towards and beyond his grasp- as if by accident.

When the lighter exploded, things became clear to Bontelemon. Kazaar spun out of his grasp, his fist hitting the policeman's jaw. As the cop fell, Aurelias kneed the other. A quick blaster shot, and the other cop fell dead.

"C'mon kid let's go!" Kazaar grabbed the Jedi Padawan's arm and ran for the exit.

"I bet the Dutchman is under watch from th'cops. Dammit...this way!"

He turned down an alley, dragging Estelle with him. There sat a Cloud Car, two seater. Grinning, the bounty hunter opened one of the doors.

"In! Now! We don't have much time kid c'mon!"

As Estelle got in, Kazaar took off, heading away from their portion of the city.

"Crei's gotta have his ugly white fingers wit'he cops. We gotta get back t'the ship. But only way t'do that is with Crei...

"All right kid...it's up t'you. I'm goin' after Crei t'get his sorry carcass outta here and mah ship in th'process. If ya wanna help, go right ahead. If not, I'll put ya down somewhere.

"Up tah you kid."

Estelle Russard
Mar 8th, 2002, 12:24:22 AM
"All right kid...it's up t'you. I'm goin' after Crei t'get his sorry carcass outta here and mah ship in th'process. If ya wanna help, go right ahead. If not, I'll put ya down somewhere.

"Up tah you kid."

If she had to think about that question, it would have taken maybe 10 seconds.

But she didnt have to think at all. The answer was a given.

Estelle pointed up ahead, "You better go left if we wanna avoid any delays, I think thats an unmarked police cruiser"

She would stick by Kazaar no matter what. And not just because she was alone in this huge city, or that he was her ticket back to Yavin IV. But because right here with him was exactly where she wanted to be.

As he made the sharp turn, tossing her about so she had to grab hold of the front dash of the cloudcar, she asked as an afterthought,

[i]"You got any sorta plan in mind other than your usual 'Shoot first, ask questions at the funeral" approach?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 9th, 2002, 11:28:50 PM
Kazaar laughed,

"I knew I liked ya kid. Ya got spunk. All'right, 'ere's what we're gonna do."

Kimiiki Crei's fortress on Bespin

It felt good to be king. The annoyance of that bastard bounty hunter, Kazaar and that kid Jedi he had with him were gone. Crei wondered, as he took a sip from an ivory glass, what the relationship was between the bounty hunter and the female Jedi. Were they just stuck with each other, as his information said, or was there more to their...'relationship'?

If so, either he picks young or she picks foolishly. the albino crime lord smirked as he brushed a piece of lint off of his lavender robes. The piece of lint fell to the floor, making a small spot on the white floor. Although Crei was certain no one else could see it, he knew that he could. And it was that fact which almost made him want to pick the lint off of the floor and place it in the white trash chute next to his desk.

As he was beginning to pick the lint up, the door chime sounded. Crei's ice colored eyes glared as he quickly, threw the lint in the chute.


A pale-skinned human slipped in silently, "Kazaar has escaped capture my lord. Apparently, he assaulted Bontellemon and escaped. They are looking for him, but nothing has been found quite yet."

Crei's eyes narrowed in a scowl as he walked the length of the office to where his subordinate stood. With an almost hiss, the crime lord's long fingers grasped at the officer digging into the skin.

"Find...him...now!" he verbally hissed, "Double all patrols around the palace, I don't want anything to happen."

"Sir..." the man croaked.

"I don't want excuses, find him!"

"Sir!" the man croaked again.

"WHAT?" Crei yelled, as he pinched the man's neck.

"Sir....I...I-think you better run!"

Crei looked over his shoulder as he saw something flying towards the office window. As he watched, the shape took the form of a Cloud Car....A Cloud Car that did not appear to be stopping.

Then, as the Cloud Car slammed into the window and he felt himself getting pulled out of the way of the exploding office into his 'protective shelter', Crei let a single word escape his mouth.


Kazaar smiled as he watched the explosion a block away.

"Best piloting I ever did, c'mon kid. If I know Crei, e's got a bom' shelter or sumthin' that'll keep 'im alive. All we gotta do is find it."

He started running towards the fortress.

"Let's move it kid. Keep that cigar lit, I know I dinna waste 5 creds on it for nuthin'. You smoke that thing and keep ya aim steady. We'll smoke Crei's ass outta his hole, then roast 'im for dinner."

As the duo made it to the entrance doors, Kazaar shot the two guards there. He figured, and correctly, most of the security force had gone to check on their employer. Then, they would definitely return to make sure no one had entered when they'd 'neglected' their duty.

Kazaar waited as one of the lifts began counting down until it reached the first floor. He took a swig of bourbon from his flask, puffed on his cigar, and checked the number of blaster shots left in his blaster.

He turned to Estelle,

"Okay kid, ya ready?"

The lift door opened and the bounty hunter fired.

Estelle Russard
Mar 12th, 2002, 11:28:30 PM
The Jedi padawan bit hard on the cigar as she reefed hard on the trigger of the blaster. Her eyes insisted on squinting shut - a habit she found impossible to break - as the weapon erupted into Crei's room.

The hail of blaster fire descimated all that stood in the room, men and furniture both. Estelle could add one more bad guy, two table lamps, a stuffed leather chair and 14 bottles of burbon in a liquor cabinet to her list of "kills."

Kazaar took out the rest.

Without waiting for the "smoke to clear" the bounty hunter was out of the turbolift and striding over strewn bodies of Crei's guard personel in search of the albino. He wanted to see the cold still heart of the alien for himself, and finish this once and for all.

Estelle, less confidently and much more delicately, stepped over the corpses too, following him and doing her own search for Crei.

"He's not here." She stated.

Aurelias swung around to make a smart remark, but stopped as a latticed cabinet that had escaped the blaster fire caught his attention. Two gleaming red eyes were blinking at him from the darkness behind the elaborately carved lattice doors and a very unsettling grin spread across Kazaars face.

"oooooh yeah he is"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 14th, 2002, 03:42:11 AM
"Nice shootin' kid, by the way, "Kazaar smirked, "Aim's gettin' better. You saved the bottle of bourbon."

As he picked up the bottle and turned back to the doors, he stared at the blinking 'eyes' of red light.

He cursed, "Estelle down!"

Kazaar slammed into her, the bottle of bourbon smashing into the ground, somehow not breaking. As he pulled her behind the painted white wooden table, the doors exploded sending glass everywhere.

It was followed by blaster fire of every kind, as Crei's security forces opened fire on the invading duo. Kazaar returned fire, killing two men, then ducked back down behind the table. Blaster fire kicked up chunks of wood as it richoceted off the table.

"Gimme the gun. NOW!" Kazaar ripped the blaster from Estelle's hand, unleashing a hail of blaster fire in response.

A blaster bolt scraped his left arm, shooting pain to his shoulder. The bounty hunter ignored it though, focussing on picking off security agents as they tried to advance in the room.

"C'mon Crei you piece of overdone bantha poodo! Ya send your lackies out to face me, why not come after me personally. Why not bring your pasty ass down from your high horse and try and beat the crap outta me wit' your own hands. Or are you afraid of gettin'em dirty?

"Well here, lemme advance the case!" Kazaar ducked a hail of blaster fire, then removed a painting from the wall. It was a mass of blue water, with mist rising from the water as birds flew over it.

With a smirk at Estelle, Aurelias hurled the painting through the air, watching blaster fire from the guards destroy the it. A cry of anguish came from the outer wall followed by more blaster fire.

"How do ya like that kid. I think he's pissed at us," Kazaar smirked again.

Estelle Russard
Mar 16th, 2002, 03:33:05 AM
Kazaar was smirking at her and she smiled wanely in return, though she really couldn't figure why. Was something funny?

The bounty hunter did a double take and it seemed like he was talking in slow motion. His voice was distant and he wasnt making much sense. He wants me to sit down? Where is Crei? I should sit here? Estelle laughed a little, Aurelias looked so funny, and now there were more faces, standing round beside him, faces she didnt know, men she'd never seen before.....and an albino.

She felt Kazaar lower her into a chair, or what was left of a chair from the laser fire, and atlast she heard his words clearly and realisation dawned.

"Take it easy kid, your'e hit. Thats it, easy."

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:45:39 AM
To most people, it was simple, to go from cockiness to sadness over the injury to someone- even if they barely knew them. People show outrage over the death of children or injury to someone helpless. Normally they mourn, get frustrated but never act.

For Aurelias Kazaar though, it was different. Although Estelle was not hit bad- in all honesty the blaster shot only grazed her- Kazaar still felt anger over it. She was, after all, only a young woman- barely able to call her a woman at that. But she was under his care, and he had to admit, he did kinda like her.

"BASTARDS!" he shouted as he turned towards those who shot the Jedi Padawan. His blasters rang out as he shouted again, "YOU SONS OF BITCHES!!! WHY NOT FIGHT ME!! WHY NOT SHOOT ME!!"

Three guards, their grey security uniforms meshing together, fell from wounds. Another four scattered. Kazaar then began fighting them hand to hand, his bloodied hands connecting in upper cuts, jabs, and sometimes a good, stiff kick in the groin sending more guards down.

As he reached Crei, the albino only laughed.

He spoke, in almost perfect Basic, "You fool, bounty hunter. Thinking you could get here- and now...you die."

Crei's hand shot forwards connecting with Kazaar's chin. The bounty hunter staggered, then was met with another punch.

"What's the matter Kazzzaar...afraid of being beaten by someone...richer than you?" Another fist slammed into Kazaar's body.

Kazaar wiped his bloodied chin, smearing blood and wood chunks from his mouth, "Nah..I wonda though. Will ya look any uglier now or after I kick your ass..."

He pressed forwards his own attack, a fist hitting the crime lord in the chin. The two began hitting each other, a punch to the stomach here...an eye gouge there. It was a fairly even match, but the well-rested Crei began getting the upper hand. He sent an upper cut into Kazaar's chin, sending the latter flying. Kazaar smashed into the table he'd used minutes before as shelter.

Now...it was his undoing.

"Pitifual human," Crei smirked, "You can't defeat me. I control everything. The casinos, the bars, the hotels, the security force...everything. Lando Calrissian didn't control it all when he ran this place...I do."

He let a dangerous smile come to his face, "Now...Kazaar. You die. Don't worry, I'll clean this place up afterwards...after all...it will only be one splotch of blood. Your girlfriend goes with me.

"Good bye Aurelias...Vim'll be so glad that you're gone."

Crei sniffed as if he were smelling something for the first time. He shook his head, then smiled again, "Kill him."

Estelle Russard
Mar 24th, 2002, 01:18:36 AM
A rough hand grabbed hold of her collar and yanked her upward - the action sending a wave of nausea over her.

Her side hurt like hell now that the dazed shock of the initial laser hit was fading. Kazaar had been fighting the albino, and Crei looked much worse off than Aurelias - apart from the fact that the alien was now heading out the door and her partner had 3 gun muzzles two inches from his head,chest and back.

Estelle was pushed rudely along a hallway by Crei's henchman and muscled into a stairwell at the end of the corridor- seems they werent taking the turbolift.

After what seemed forever she was ushered into another room - a suite of some sort - and finally allowed to stop and rest. Estelle fought to stay lucid. She felt weak and wanted desperately to just close her eyes and let unconsciouness claim her. But all she could think of was Kazaar, and the mental image of him with 3 neat blaster shots into his body. She couldnt help him...but she knew someone who could..

She called out to the albino, "I think im gonna be sick.."

With an angry gesture, Crei indicated to his goon to toss the padawan into the bathroom so as not to soil his cream-shag carpet. "These humans are much more trouble than they are worth. I hope Vim appreciates what Ive done for him."

Alone in the bathroom, which to Estelle looked like some pompadours boudair its decoration was so garish, she made some retching sounds just for dramatic effect.

Seating herself on the edge of a powder-puff pink bathtub, Estelle reached deep into her pocket and took out the small communication device given to her by Admiral Millard before departing for Bespin.

Without hesitation, she sent off a signal, hoping with all her heart that somehow he could help....and that Kazaar could buy himself some time. (She smiled at this thought remembering how he had just fought and killed, lord knew how many, in his anger at her being hurt. If she knew Aurelias, she really was worrying for nothing)

Outside in the main suite, Crei commented to his goon, "For a small person, she makes the most disgusting noises.."

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 3rd, 2002, 08:48:04 PM
Vim? Who the devil is Vim? I don't know any Vim, Kazaar vaguely thought as he was pulled into the air. The stench of a Gamorreon's breath filled his nostrils, giving him nausea and general wooziness. Yet even through the stench, the hint of something came to his senses.

Spice...? What the hell?

It was then the world exploded. Or the head of the pig-faced Gamorreon did. The woozy bounty hunter saw the white floor rush forward and then he barely felt anything.

Strong hands grabbed him, pulling him up to his feet. A voice he'd heard before but couldn't recognize where he'd heard it.

"Come on Kazaar let's go. You led me to Crie, don't go dying on me now."

Kazaar mummered, "Estelle..."


"Estelle. The kid... She's 'ere some'ere."

"&#@^ man you're horrible," the voice said, "Let's go get 'er."

Four minutes later and four dead guards later and the door opened. Estelle sat there, blood on her clothes.

"Heya kid," Kazaar nodded, a weak smile on his face, "Ready to kick sum ass?"

Estelle Russard
Apr 12th, 2002, 01:52:33 AM
The shooting stopped and the bodies were still and there stood Kazaar with his trademark smirk in the doorway as the men who had come blasting into the room did a sweeping search for Crei.

Estelle stood up and hurried in an unsteady gait to Aurelias, throwing her arms around his neck, squeezing so hard that he almost crumpled beneath her in his battered and beaten state. "Easy kid, easy."

"Im so glad you're ok"

She meant it. She had been afraid that this was one jamb they were not going to shoot, blast or schmooze their way out of.

The commanding officer looked back over his shoulder at the pair, who were both bleeding and wounded, and shook his head. "You both are a sorry sight," and muttered under his breath, " What a mess."

Calling after his men, "He wants Crei alive. Well, atleast, mostly alive. Immobilise only. Aim to Maim, boys."

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2002, 10:11:01 PM
"We're both a sorry sight?" Kazaar somehow managed a smirk, "Hell, I don't even know who ya are."

The man let a smirk come to his face, "Perhaps not Mistah Kazaarrr, but yew will shewn.

Let's move out people," his voice went back to normal, "Crei's around here somewhere. Ya comin' Kazaar or are you and your woman gonna stay 'round here and get bettah?"

The bounty hunter's black eyes glared, "We're comin' with ya of course. Crei's beaten the hell outta me, 'n I'm sicka it.

"Ya up for it kid?"

Estelle Russard
May 4th, 2002, 08:55:08 PM
Estelle nodded and took the blaster offered her by one of her liberators.

She moved close beside Kazaar, stepping over the dead as they lay sprawled on the gawdy carpeting. Funny - she realised - she didnt even seem to see them. She was getting accoustomed not only to the voilence she was constantly exposed to, but also the dreadful price it took on those who weilded it.

She murmered under her breath..."this is quite the change from the family farm.."

"Hm?" Kazaar, for all his injuries had been watching her, making sure she was ok enough for another round and heard her say something.

"Nothing." she shook her head dismissively. "Lets get this done and go home."

Aurelias Kazaar
May 6th, 2002, 09:26:21 AM
Kazaar smirked, "That's my girl...All right, gimme a gun."

"What kind?" the head security man asked.

"Something heavy. I'm sicka bein' beaten t'death. I wanna make sure they're dead before I git to'em."

A guard, built like a brickhouse, threw a heavy Imperial Repeater Rifle Kazaar's way. Catching it, the bounty hunter checked the charge.

"Ya know for Security Forces, youse guys are well armed. Now give the kid a gun. Something heavy, that'll do the same."

A large cannon-like weapon was tossed towards Estelle. Kazaar caught it, then handed it to the young woman.

"Just point'n shoot. The gun'll take care of the rest."

The fact Estelle had just been tossed a concussion rifle, really began to send chills up Kazaar's spine. He could tell these weren't your ordinary security forces, but based on the way these men operated...they seemed...more military than civilian.

Kazaar shook his head in amusement, "All right we're ready. Let's go kick some ass!"

The group began making their way through the compound of Kimiiki Crei. Crei's own security forces began falling before the professionalism of the Bespin Forces. As they reached the door, masking the crime lord's chambers, the lead security man turned towards Kazaar and Estelle.

"You want to take him yourself?"

Kazaar smirked, "You had to ask? C'mon kid," he took a puff off his cigar, "Let's roll."

Estelle Russard
May 11th, 2002, 11:15:34 PM
She carried the gun awkwardly. It was much bigger than anything she had used before and she hoped that it really was as simple as "point and shoot" like Kazaar said.

She felt very sore. Her injuries were bad enough to slow her down considerably. She thought vaguely that having the jedi knowledge of healing would really help right about now.

They arrived at a heavy durasteel door - probably Crei's emergency bunker or something. She had no sooner had the thought than Kazaar echoed it.

"Probly, Crei's escape bunker. Geez the guy's a diva aint he?"

He had that familiar grin on his face, the trade-mark cigar clamped in his teeth to one side as the smoke wound up into the air making his eye wince a bit.

"Stand back kid, this is gonna be a beaut"

The "security forces" moved quickly and efficiently and set a detonation disk of some sort to the door and then gingerly took cover further down the hallway. Kazaar dragged Estelle to relative cover also.

The explosion was loud, but not messy, and the door drifted slowly open as the smoke cleared.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 09:37:18 PM
"Crei!" Kazaar yelled as the smoke began clearing, "You sonofa BITCH! Why don'cha come and face me now!"

His black eyes flashed as he felt his anger rise steadily. The crime lord had done plenty on Bespin to make the bounty hunter's life a living hell. But he'd also hurt Estelle. Someone who had nothing to do with this fight, but got herself into the situation 'cause she had no other choice.

Kazaar was pissed and he knew it. And now...he had backup.

"Why don't we have it out! One on one! Mano-a-mano! Last time we fought ya won on a bloody technicality! Now...I got back up. So whatta ya think Crei! Ya wanna go at it agin? Or does your bony white ass turning another color. Yellow!"

A hail of blaster fire caused Kazaar to dive to his left, firing his own weapon back at Crei's security forces. Kazaar's back up returned their own fire, causing the gun battle to begin again.

A silver object flew over Kazaar's head, towards where Crei's men were.



Debris scattered everywhere as the thermal detonator exploded. A body, propelled by the explosion sailed over Kazaar, most of its head missing.

Hope that ain't Crei. We still got things to discuss.

"Enough!" came from somewhere in the room, followed by a series of coughs and hacks, "If Mister Kazaar wants to fight me, then he can."

The albino began walking from the smoke and flame. He was a pretty sight to see, as far as, Kazaar was concerned. His once flowing silk robes were torn and rendered. The headband Crei wore was covering a nasty gash from one of the explosions. He limped as he walked, plus his right arm was badly burned.

"You want me Kazaarrr?" Crei semi-slurred, "Then come and get me."

Aurelias stepped out, "Well...don't you look like a nerf 'erder. C'mon Crei. Let's get this over with. Ya won onna count of ya cheatin'. Far as I'm concerned. You're frelled and ya know it."

Kimiiki Crei raised his white arms, now flowing with red blood.

"You want me. Then come and get me."

Aurelias charged, his fists striking out as they did. Crei dodged, then landed a right on the bounty hunter's face. Kazaar came back with a left, connecting with Crei's stomach. then elbowed him in the head. Another right and Crei fell down.

"That's one," Kazaar's eyes flashed as he got a sadistic look on his face. His black booted foot kicked Crei in the stomach. Then, as he prepared another kick, a purple slippered foot, sent him to the ground as well.

The two combatants got to their feet, then tangled again, throwing the other to the ground as they did..

"UGH!" Crei grunted as Kazaar sent his head into the marble floor.

"Ya know...without ya blaster...ya suck at fightin'" Kazaar chided Crei, sending his face into the floor again.

The crime lord counterattacked, knocking the bounty hunter back. One of his well-manicured hands hit Kazaar's scruffy and bruised chin sending him to the floor with a grunt.

With a murderous look in his white eyes, Crei pounced upon the fallen Kazaar. His fingers dug into the latter's face, cutting it, then they went for the eyes.

But Kazaar flipped Crei, sending him to the ground. As they both rose, Aurelias sent a haymaker into Crei's face. A knockout punch indeed. Crei obliged and hit the floor with a thud, blood pouring from his cracked lips. A tooth skittered across the floor as well.

"That's...fer ruinin' mah trip t'Bespin, ya jackass," Kazaar smirked, sending his foot into Crei's bloodied face again. He reached down, and plucked his cigar from the ground, puffing on it and smirking.

"Nice t'know I can still count on 'em."

As he began walking away, Crei moved one last time, pulling a blaster from his waist coat.

A blaster shot flew past Kazaar's right ear, singeing it.

Kazaar looked over his shoulder, seeing Crei slumping to the ground uncouncious- possibly dead.

As he turned back towards the group of security men he saw Estelle. Her body quaked as she clutched to the cigar in her mouth. But her shaking hands also held a smoking blaster.

"Kid...thanks." Kazaar nodded towards her.

He walked back towards Crei, who was still breathing.

"All right, why'm I so popular? Who attacked meh?"

"B...bounty...on...head..." Crei gasped, coming in and out of unconciousness, "50k..."

Kazaar's black eyebrows shot up, "Fifty thousnd? Heh,I oughta just take th'bounty on meself. Whatta ya think kid? Fifty thousand a damn good size of a bounty?"

Estelle Russard
Jun 29th, 2002, 06:41:59 PM
She registered mild surprise at the accuracy of her shot. Blaster fire was becoming second nature to her it seemed. She had Kazaar to thank, or curse, for that. Right now though, she was grateful for the skill and sighed in releif as Crei let his own gun slip from his grasp.

Estelle didnt smile at the bounty hunter's jest.

"Sounds to me, Aurelias, like you've been stepping on more of those toes your so apt to do. And at that price, this problem isnt going to just go away because we've got Crei."

She closed the distance between herself and Kazaar. Her eyes softened and mirrored a plea for the truth from him. "What is it you've done, Aurelias?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Jun 29th, 2002, 06:54:22 PM
"Tha's a good question kid. A good question," Kazaar's smile faded to a look of disgust, "I've pissed off allota people in m'lifetime. Lotta people want m'dead. Never a'bounty though."

He stared down at Crei, an evil smile on his face. His fist flew into the white faced man, sending him into a state of unconciousness.

Kazaar puffed on his cigar, then picked up Estelle's from the ground. He stuffed it back into her gaping mouth.

"Keep it lit, kid. And enjoy the flavor."

He turned back to his rescuer.

"So tell me? What are ya? And why th'ell are ya 'ere?"

A voice came from the entrance way.

"He is with me, Mr. Kazaar."

It was Grand Admiral Taylor Millard.

Estelle Russard
Jun 29th, 2002, 07:40:21 PM
Estelle turned at the recently familiar voice. She wasnt shocked to see him..though she was surprised he had come to the planet surface in person. She hid a guilty glance from Kazaar before he could see it.

Taylor Millard
Jun 29th, 2002, 08:07:42 PM
Millard stood there with a smile on his face. Walking over to Estelle, he plucked the communications device from her pocket.

"Please forgive the deception, Mister Kazaar. Estelle had no knowledge of what would happen. Thank you my dear, you participation is appreciated."

Kazaar growled, "Wha the hell do ya want, Millard? Ya gonna take over Crei's crime operations?"

"No, Mister Kazaar I'm afraid you are wrong there. Kiimiki Crei is a criminal. You have single handedly destroyed his operation. I congratulate you."

In truth, Millard had never left the sector. Were he to, Crei would not have been captured. Instead, he'd stayed just outside of Bespin's scans, with only The Superior. When the call by Estelle had gone out, he had contacted 'Bontellemon' alerting him to Estelle's call. Then he, Bontellemon, and several elite Imperial Troopers conducted their raid.

"Mister Kazaar, I would like you to meet a...retainer of mine, Stephen Drake. He played the part of Bontellemon fairly easily."

Drake hauled Crei up, placing binders on the bloodied man.

"So Admiral whut shall I do with him?" Drake spoke, the accent of Bontellemon completely gone.

"Take him to the brig. He'll be transported to Coruscant from there. I trust you can keep him at bay?"

Drake only nodded, then began ushering Crei out.

"Wait," Millard ordered, "Mister Kazaar has suffered enough from Crei's underlings."

He addressed Kazaar, "You have one free shot. I suggest you make it a good one."

Aurelias Kazaar
Jun 29th, 2002, 08:14:31 PM
"One punch eh?" Kazaar smirked, "I'll take it."


Kazaar's bloodied and cracked fist connected with Millard, sending him to the ground again.

"C'mon Estelle. Let's git the hell outta here. Too many Imps around for m'likin'."

He exitted, Estelle following.

Once they were out of the Imperials view, Kazaar sighed.

"Ya know how much I hate Cloud City? Why th'hell were we 'ere anyway?

"Ah well, don't mattah. C'mon kid let's head back to the Dutchman."

He noticed her silence, "What's wrong kid? Ya okay?"

Estelle Russard
Jul 1st, 2002, 03:32:06 PM
"You didnt have to hit him like that, you know."

Kazaar jerked a glance at Estelle over his shoulder, not slowing his pace, "Who? Crei? That white rat deserved it."

Estelle screwed her face in annoyance.

"No - Millard. He did save us you know, after all."

The bounty hunter scowled at her and yanked on her arm to make her move faster.

"Put yer Jedi softheaded notions away kid. Millard is bad news and only ever bad news. You'd be smart to remember that."

They moved through the wreckage of what was left of Crei's headquarters, Kazaar mumbling how he couldnt get to Arcan IV quick enough.


Estelle followed him meekly up the loading ramp of the "Dutchman". He took the captains chair and began immediately to enter the course for Arcan !V. He looked tired, sore. She knew how he felt. She knew too, as he did, that this was not the end of their trouble with those hunting him for the price on his head. This was not the end of Crei, or of Millards interferings in their lives. This was just a reprieve - a chance to regroup and re-generate.

Kazaar flicked switches and pressed buttons and strapped on his seatbelt. As the engines of the ship revved up ready for departure, Aurelias handed over his cigar to Estelle with a sidelong glance and his trademark crooked grin.

"Lite that for me will ya'kid."